Building a Better Bangkok Every Little Helps
Cover Page Table of Contents Page 1-5 Grayson’s: Green energy, Air pollution. Page 5-7 Jack’s: Water, Housing/Distribution. Page 7-10 Cameron’s: Green Architecture, Social Stratification/Poverty. Page 10-18 Gabe’s: Education, Transportation Glossary
Issue 1
Building a Better Bangkok
What Is the Problem?
by Grayson Heath
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One of Bangkok’s worst energy problems is abandoned buildings.
Another problem is that the telephone lines and the main power lines are not energy efficient because the energy is traveling farther through the wires that were there temporarily.
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As well as Bangkok already not being very energy efficient most of the energy created by burning fossil fuels are damaging the environment.
The buildings have live outlets and these outlets are not energy efficient, this means that the building is still drawing electricity from the main power grid.
Bangkok is using too much energy and we need to help reduce the amount of fossil fuels being burnt to power this megalopolis Bangkok.
TONS Bangkok uses ≈ 1,000,000,000 Metric tons of coal.
© evwind
NOT ENOUGH Bangkok is currently producing 20 Kwh of electricity.
Solutions Bangkok has many innovative solutions but some of them may not be applicable and may need some other ideas to counter-‐act this. Bangkok does not have all the resources for these solutions and may need to design the solution in an applicable way. Here are some easy and applicable solutions for Bangkok to use:
Ü Pavegen Pavegen solutions have an idea that harnesses electricity from your footsteps the idea is currently being used in a couple countries like; in the west Ham tube line “During the Olympics we captured nearly 1 million footsteps, this is our online data center where we recorded wirelessly every step. Our new installation, which connects West Ham tube station to the Olympic Park, is going to receive an estimated 1.3 million visitors during the Games.” Pavegen solutions say.
HEADING 4 STYLE Fact about pavegen
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The problem about air pollution in Bangkok and other countries is arising to its maximum point of damage. There are a couple of ways we can stop this. We need to reduce our CO2 emissions a lot. Bangkok is one of the most polluted countries on earth. This is a problem because out earth has an ozone layer, and the more pollution we create, the heat gets trapped and starts to warm the ozone layer and creates a problem because all of the sunlight that enters earth needs to escape and it can’t.
Air pollution by Grayson
One of the solutions that Bangkok can use to reduce its air pollution is using water to create hydrogen fuel with waste energy. Zinc oxide and Barium titanate were put into water. When these crystal received ultra-‐ sonic vibrations, the crystals created a chemical reaction, which resulted in the water molecules splitting into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen is useful fuel that does not have high CO2 emissions and can be used in specific gas car engines.
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Co2 emissions from gasoline cars.
42% Co2 emissions from hydrogen cars.
Ü Gas stations do not pay for land if they have hydrogen refueling stations.
Ü People who have hydrogen
powered cars do not have to pay for car insurance.
Ü Gas stations that have only
hydrogen stations do not have to pay for the tax either.
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Better Bangkok Building A Better Bangkok By Cameron
The Problem
Green Building and Architecture
If we build a better Bangkok we need to add many things to the skyscrapers of downtown Bangkok. We need to build them like the Bank of America Tower. This means we need to include tons of new systems, like: Greywater, Transparent solar cells, full insolation, ice cooling system, and all new build building should be made of recycled/recyclable materials. This may seem like a lot of technology and very confusing so I will explain what each thing is.
We need to make the buildings in Bangkok more space and energy efficient, while still making the city look like a very exciting place to go so that many people will go there and experience the green technology and will want to either live there, or have it installed in their own community. There are many ways to do this from reconstructing the city, to adding small changes that in the end will have the same effect as total reconstruction. I am sure that almost everyone who is actually interested in a green city prefers the second option, because the first option would take way too much money and materials, plus it would not be good for the environment.
FALL 2016
What Are They? What are all of these weird advanced systems that should be installed in the building of Bangkok? Here is what each of the things mean.
Greywater System A Greywater system is a water system that takes the used water from your sink or thing and uses it somewhere else. For example the water that you use to wash your dishes may be the same water you use to water your plants later.
Transparent Solar Cells
Full Insolation Full insolation means that in the cold winters you will not need much of a heater because full insolation will keep all of the heat in and all the cold out. Then in the burning summers they will do the opposite by keeping all the cold air in and keep the hot air out. It is a very useful thing that is cheap and easy to do and will greatly reduce
The transparent solar cells are microcells that are transparent (see through) will provide solar power without blocking any sunlight or making the building look weird. They can be placed in the middle of a double pane window then installed in all the windows in the building to provide enough solar power they usually at least power the electricity for the day.
Ice Cooling System An ice cooling system is a system that makes the building freeze ice cubes in the coldest part of the day then during the hottest part of the day it lets them melt providing cheap and very efficient cooling. It will do this procedure everyday, making a good cool room, and saving a lot of money.
Recycled Materials
End Result If we include all of these things in our new and existing sky scrapers Bangkok will be much more energy efficient. This will help with the environment while adding the option of expansion because there is more space that could be used as long as the buildings are energy efficient, otherwise the area around it would be destroyed because of all the pollution. 2
Making the building out of recycled/recyclable materials sounds obvious, so why haven’t we already done it? It is because even though it is an obvious thing the materials you need to build it need to be strong and put together well so that the building doesn’t fall apart at the first storm that hits it.
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FALL 2016
Social Stratification and Poverty The problem with social stratification and poverty is that it makes the streets and all of Bangkok look horrible because there are people everywhere with no home. These people have to sit, sleep, eat, and beg on the streets of Bangkok making them look cluttered and making Bangkok very unhealthy. Then there are the people who live in giant 2, 3, or even 4 story houses that just completely enjoy their lives of not having to work very hard and having a huge house. What we need to do is make the rich people have smaller houses and make cheap housing and easy jobs for the people that live on the streets so that they have a chance to start an easy life in an area like a slum with a job that makes them enough money to survive. This may sound like a horrible thing but it is not, as long as we provide the poor areas Wikipedia centers for learning and lights in their houses that are free so they can see the world they live in. A Wikipedia center was first thought of as a thing for slums when people were looking for a way to connect these poorer people to the outside world and giving them a chance to learn so that they can get better jobs and either upgrade the slum or move out. This has happened many times, the slums start as the worst place to live. But then introduce a small bit of the outside world knowledge and life, then its like magic. Over the course of only a few years after installing a connection to the outside world slums will begin to change into regular cities. This has happened in many places and in most cases the government was
even in support of the slums, constantly adding new things and making them more like regular suburban areas with parks and things. The government also needs to provide low cost, and knowledge jobs around the slum area so that the people in the slums make enough money to begin to upgrade it on there own. A few cheap upgrades that have been seen in slums are lights that are made of recycled water bottles, Wikipedia centers, and public facilities built in the unused buildings. The water bottle lights are lights that get installed in the roofs of dark slum areas. The bottles work by taking the light from the sun and amplifying it in the water then spreading it across the whole room. It costs about 1 dollar to buy one and another dollar to have it installed. Wikipedia centers are old building in slums that weren’t being used. They take the buildings and turn them into small learning centers where there are a few computers set up with Wikipedia being the only open able page. There they can research whatever they want and Wikipedia will tell them about it. It is a great way for slum communities to learn. The other upgrades that have happened that I know of are the old buildings of slums being turned into different urban facilities, like: schools, bathrooms, and places to wash clothes. These upgrades are crucial because they provide learning and cleanliness a thing that slums don't usually have.
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This Is the city Bangkok one of the most populated city’s and one of the cities with the most traffic problems.
Bangkok has too much traffic because almost every family has a car or a motorcycle. There is not enough public transportation and the roads are too small and narrow for a lot of cars to pass through. Bangkok has tried to build more highways and roads but almost always abandon them because of lack of money. The busiest areas in Bangkok are also not spread out; all the buildings are so close together. This makes it hard to build roads inside the city. The lack of roads increases the amount of traffic and air pollution. Tourism is one of Bangkok’s main sources of income and because of the traffic congestion and the amount of pollution, less tourist will want to visit Bangkok. The
fewer tourists that visit Bangkok, the less money Bangkok will make. The government should create more public transportation, because if they do not, the roads will be packed with vehicles. Tourists will not come to Thailand because of it, and people who live in the suburbs and countryside will not be able to commute to downtown to their jobs and shopping malls, like Paragon.
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Being so populated, Bangkok should create and develop more public transportation, or it will become one of the most polluted cities In the world.
Bangkok Most populated parts of Bangkok are located around one of the only major public transportation units in the city. The sky train.
To solve the traffic problem, Bangkok can increase the tax of cars instead of lowering the price. Another way to decrease traffic is to encourage schools to use more school buses so that the kids do not need to come to school by car or motorcycle. The government can make this happen by providing extra money for schools to buy or rent buses. Another major reason for congested roads is the number of cars owned by people. Some families have 5 cars! We can allow “share cars” that people all around Bangkok can use, like in Canada and Brazil. We should also assign private lanes for buses, like Brazil has successfully introduced. This method is cheaper than building a new train line and it has been more effective too. Drivers might get mad with this at first, but later they will see the effectiveness of the bus lane and they will take the bus more often.
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Right now, the Thai government is encouraging people to buy cars by lowering the price. That is one of the reasons why Bangkok has so many cars on the street. The number of vehicles in this city has increased over the years, from just 600,000 in 1980 to 6.8 million now. Bangkok is not enforcing their rules very well. Police officers can be easily bribed to not give out traffic tickets to people who violate traffic laws. Old buses and Tuk Tuk’s can provide transportation for people but they are not being efficient. Tuk Tuk’s only hold up to 3 or 4 people and they also cause a lot of pollution. Old buses are useful because they can hold a lot of people at the same time but not every one will want to use them. They are rusty and old, and most of the time really crowded. People who can afford to drive will probably not take one of those buses. The bus companies should replace the old buses with brand new ones, with even more seats and air conditioning. For Tuk Tuk’s, they should be modified to run on battery and this will work because Tuk Tuk’s do not travel long distances; they will not run out of battery fast like the battery cars. Bangkok should also build more battery stations that charge up the Tuk Tuk’s faster.
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Bangkok needs to get better transportation if they want lots of tourists to visit Bangkok.
These ideas to improve the transportation in Bangkok
will help Bangkok get more income from tourists and also from their public transportation. People will want to ride the buses because they will be newer and faster than taking a car. The buses will have their own lane and will cost less to ride than owning a car. Thailand will be a much less polluted city, there will be nicer roads, less abandoned train stations, no abandoned highways and no more abandoned buildings.
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EDUCATION What is happening now gabe
Students in Bangkok are not getting good education because of under trained teachers and over crowded classrooms. Most
public schools in Bangkok are like this. Therefore, when students graduate, they will not be able to find a good job.
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Good schools There are a lack of good schools in Bangkok that do not have over crowded classrooms or undertrained teachers. The schools that have well trained teachers and small classes are mostly private or international schools. These schools are
good but very expensive. Most people can not afford to send their kids to these schools.
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Major problems! The Ministry of Education is getting enough funding from the government, but is not spending it on the right things for Bangkok’s education. Since the Ministry of Education is always changing their curriculum it is impossible for all the teachers to keep up with the curriculum. Places like Singapore have a long-term plan, the Ministry of Education is always changing their plan. Bangkok is also spending money on things for kids that the kids don’t need to learn. For example, Thailand is giving out 1.7 million tablet computers to 6-year old kids and middle school kids, from 12-13 years old. Another problem is that the classes are too big. In some schools there are more than 50 students in one class. The teachers that teach these classes are under trained and not qualified to teach a big number of students. It is harder to keep control of all the students and also harder to answer all questions raised by the students. This makes it harder for the teacher to effectively teach the class. A lot of teachers have outdated knowledge and are not qualified. These students that get these teachers are taught outdated information.
Result The students do not learn good basic skills like math, writing and reading. Students also score badly in international tests. Their knowledge is not as good as other country’s. Even after college, some graduates lack good skills like math, reading and writing. They also lack critical thinking and problem solving skills. The companies that these people end up working for are suffering because they cannot find good workers. Both the company’s and the society will suffer severely.
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How to Solve the Problems The Ministry of Education should set standards for teachers. For example, they have to have a teaching degree. They should also increase salaries for the good teachers. The teachers should also learn good teaching techniques and update their knowledge continuously. In schools, students should be encourage to read more. Also, The Ministry of Education should build more schools so the classes can be smaller. They should use the funding wisely, for example, build more libraries, buy more school supplies. In college they need to train the students with better working skills. The Ministry of Education can encourage companies to work with colleges to train the students with the right skills.