Air Pollution
In Bangkok there has been a lot of air pollution around. The biggest cause of air pollutions in Thailand comes from bangkok. About 9,500,000 people is living in Bangkok and almost everyone owns a cars. To reduce the air pollution people should build less cars, buy less cars or build longer sky trains.
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Inside Morbi adipiscing lectus. Sed nisi. Sed leo ipsum, dignissim eget, lobortis vitae, faucibus nec, nisl. Phasellus eu nunc quis neque euismod tristique.
Etiam enim. Quisque interdum turpis accumsan sem. Donec odio mi, dapibus id, mattis rhoncus, semper non, tellus.
Pellentesque ut leo eu velit consectetuer imperdiet. Sed tincidunt nisi sit amet urna. Vestibulum faucibus felis congue libero. Aliquam varius, sem eget blandit dictum, diam justo viverra lorem, sit amet rhoncus nisi velit at libero. Etiam pulvinar placerat felis. Quisque tincidunt euismod ipsum. Donec fermentum luctus orci. Integer augue turpis, fringilla eu, tempor quis, tempus vel, dui. egestas justo eget quam. Nunc et dui a enim varius fringilla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nullam nonummy, nisi in hendrerit mollis, sapien est suscipit risus, ut aliquet mi ipsum eget arcu. leo dignissim hendrerit.
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Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Issue [#] :: [Date]
Stratificaton and Poverty Thai citizens are struggling to get out of poverty. 6.1 million or 10% of thai people are living below the national poverty line, and living unhealthy lifestyles. 854,000 or 1.4% of the thai population currently have HIV or AIDS. Although the salary for thailand have raised, there are still many people living in poverty. Thailand is at the top 50 of the fastest growing countries economically. Thailand has a life expectancy of below 80 years of age, which is lower than the one of Japan. Over the past few years, thailand has improved greatly. the amount of Underweight children have dropped, and most children are in school. Although Bangkok have made great improvements in poverty, there are still slums and poor people. Bangkok is one of the richest districts in Thailand. The second largest city in bangkok is nothing compared to Bangkok, which makes wealth, power, and money very concentrated. This is what encourages people on the outskirts who are living in poverty to move into bangkok. So the amount of people in bangkok increases by a lot each day, and the government has more responsibilities. One huge reason why bangkok is still in poverty is corruption. There are different types of corruption, all of which will cause damage. Sometimes corruption happens in small scales, and has probably happened to you. small scale corruption cause little damage if done only by one person, like bribery, cheating or taking advantage. But it is the most common, and causes a lot of damage when a lot of people do it in which, they do. To stop this, we must educate people so they learn not to cheat and the consequences that come if you cheat.
Lorem Ipsum Dolor
[Issue] :: [Date]
Continued from page 1
Grand corruption is not so common, but is done by many powerful people in politics. Some may use their power to abuse the rules made, sometimes by themselves, or modified to fit their own need so they can earn money. This is hard to be stopped because the person normally has a lot of power, so they have more privileges and influence. Currently, Thailand is taking a huge risk, borrowing the largest amount of money ever in Thai history; 73.3 Billion dollars. Although building a bullet train gives you many advantages, Thailand is still not at the position to be borrowing that amount of money yet, due to the economical problems it has. Also, Thailand risks being tricked into buying low grade materials used for building the bullet train, resulting in an abandonment of the project and wasting the money on nothing. This has happened to many projects the government plan to start. When you look out the window, you can see many pillars in rows. Those pillars are actually unfinished highways which were abandoned when people tricked the government into buying low quality materials and using them to build the high ways. My solution is to raise tax for richer people. In this way, the government earns more money to spend on infrastructure and education. Think of it like donating money without knowing it. If we have more funding in infrastructure, we can build higher quality roads, sewage systems, etc so people live healthier lifestyles and can improve bangkok.
But we also have to make sure our government is willing and want to spend that money to help Bangkok, not to use it for their own good. Thailand and many asian countries are making great progress in developing their society. It all depends on the government and the citizens to make thailand an even more successful country. 3
Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Issue [#] :: [Date]
Building a Better Bangkok Proud Taranat
Education A good society is a society with good, educated citizens. This is why education is the key to building a better Bangkok. Currently, Thailand goes by a standard education system provided by the government. Since the rise of technology in Thailand, students have been skipping school, spending most of their time in front of the computer screen. Violence between teenagers in Thailand has increased. This is because of the violent online games the teenagers have been playing. Many people, including teenagers have been killed or injured in gangland style clashes. And so many students drop out. Teenage fighting are so common that police are called almost 10 times a day, due to some type of fight from teenagers. Fighting, Alcohol, Crime and vandalisms are one of the many reasons students cut class. High school graduation rates are below 49%.
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Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Education is very important for Thailand’s future because jobs will high salary can only be given when one is educated. Currently, our prime minister is not educated enough and have made “solutions” that is making Thailand’s economy even worse. Although education in japan is stressful, a lot of people get good jobs and salaries so they live a healthy and standard lifestyle. Bangkok really depends on their people because the quality of the person’s work has to be good to make the government function better. Bribery, cheating and taking advantage only comes when people are uneducated and are desperate for money. Good, educated people are less likely to cheat.
[Issue] :: [Date]
In better high-class Thai schools, however, have strict high standards and are extremely competitive. In many schools, students’ not doing well in school are humiliated by their teachers. The education has become so stressful, that in 2010, a student burned down the library of Thailand’s most prestigious school, Mahidol Withanayarusorn School. "I don't want to study here anymore. The students here are all selfish. The lessons are difficult and I could not catch up with them. The teachers are piling up pressure on me. So I decided to copy off other people." quoted the boy , Nong Khai, who burned down the library. Nong khai was a straight a student, until his grades dropped due to a genetic mental problem. Many Thai students have these problems, and it is not helping that the teachers are putting pressure on them, and
Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Issue [#] :: [Date]
Over the past few years, the government has invested 3 times as more money than they used to into education. In campaigns, people offer to put tablet computers for students to use in school, which ended in a failure, because the tablets became ruined and damaged. But no matter how expensive the white boards, stationaries, and how fancy the school looks, it all comes down to the teachers. Finland, one of the most corrupt free and successful countries in the world, approaches education in a very innovative way. In Finland, students have stress-free learning. They have less standardized tests, which is only one when they are 16 years old. More free time, and they barely get any homework at all. The student to teacher ratio is about 1 to 14, so the students have a better relationship with teachers. Also, all teachers must at least be a college graduate and earned a masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree. This idea have been proved useful because Finnish studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s test scores are one of the best, and 2 in 3 students will go to college. We should learn from Finland. Over the past few years, the government has invested 3 times as more money than they used to into education. In campaigns, people offer to put tablet computers for students to use in school, which ended in a failure, because the tablets became ruined and damaged. But no matter how expensive the white boards, stationaries, and how fancy the school looks, it all comes down to the teachers.
Another solution is SCALE-UP learning. SCALE-UP learning is when instead of students has their own table; students are put in table groups of 4-5. In SCALE-UP classes, students are assigned a project and works together with their own tablemates. This encourages leadership and teamwork, and help students with their learning and grades because they can ask for help from their table mates
Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Teachers are the most important people in a students’ education. Their way of teach and how they deliver information is crucial to what the students learn, think, and behave. A good teacher must know the student’s ambitions, and change teaching according to it. Teachers should also adjust teaching strategies to cater the student’s needs, so classes are educational and enjoyable. Teachers are the most important people in a students’ education. Their way of teach and how they deliver information is crucial to what the students learn, think, and behave. A good teacher must know the student’s ambitions, and change teaching according to it. Teachers should also adjust teaching strategies to cater the student’s needs, so classes are educational and enjoyable. Just investing the government’s money is not enough. Make sure the money is proved useful. Bangkok should use their money to give teachers more salary, so people will want to become teachers. The salary of a teacher is 30,000 to 50,000 each month in a standard Thai school, which is the same as a military teacher. This should improve so people don’t just become a teacher when they have no other job opportunities. That amount of money may seem like a lot, but good education make good people, which can help Thailand’s economy grow larger, and lead Thailand out of debt and corruption.
[Issue] :: [Date]
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Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Issue [#] :: [Date]
Dolor sit amet. Fusce eget nibh. Maecenas commodo ipsum non urna. Vivamus bibendum fermentum pede. Vestibulum eu dolor. Vestibulum ligula magna, gravida vitae, malesuada et, tincidunt non, elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus pulvinar, nibh fringilla porta vulputate, nibh justo imperdiet mi, ut ultricies sem lectus ut leo. Phasellus nisl turpis, venenatis et, imperdiet eget, viverra id, lorem. Cras fermentum dolor id ante. Nullam elementum, orci vitae semper pellentesque, turpis lectus posuere lacus, in pharetra justo odio vel ipsum. Vivamus aliquam sagittis arcu. Cras nonummy tristique elit. Aliquam id augue vel nibh fringilla placerat. Fusce sed eros. Duis consectetuer est at mauris.
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The inspector has found a high level of benzene. Cigarettes contain about 4000 chemicals. Din Deang community has the highest level of benzene which is at 5.2 micrograms per cubic meters. If you breathe in too much benzene you might get cancer ,anemia, or heart diseases. The official believes that the benzene level will decrease after the new EURO 4 fuel formula.
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lorem ipsum :: [Date]
Aliquam dolor.
In New York city lots of people live in small houses and buildings are built close together. Building buildings close together encourage less people to buy cars and encourage more people
to bike, walk or use
Lorem Ipsum
public transportation to travel from place to place. Doing this in Thailand can help cause less pollution .
lorem ipsum :: [Date]
Traffic in Bangkok is getting worse and worse. Car sales have increase more every year. In 2007 Bangkok had 5.6 million cars and 5.6 residents. Last year the average of cars that were bought was 1,225 everyday. Having too many cars in Thailand can cause more accidents and it causes high levels of noise. Lots of people die from auto pollution and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s impossible to calculate the number of people that die from it. More people die from air pollution that from traffic accidents. Millions of old cars, motorcycles, and diesel truck still cause a dangerously high level of air pollution.
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I think that the solution for decreasing the amount of air pollution is to build more sky train. Building more sky train can help reduce air pollutions because lots of people can fit in one train and it can bring people from places to places faster. Another reasons why they should build more sky trains is because lots of people ride on it and there can sometimes have a really long line. Having more rails can reduce the time for people who waits for the train.
lorem ipsum :: [Date]
Building A Better Bangkok – Green Building & Architecture
Green Building
Thinking of a better future, a better world Green Building and Architecture is one of the many solutions to a variety of problems. Climate change, population density, etc. is some of the problems that green building can change.
Recycle lorem
To be “Green”, one of the Fusce tellus enim, things youvitae, might do is semper recycle. If you are an malesuada vitae, architect, you can use condimentum vel, ligula. recycled materials to build.
Reuse ipsum
Reusing areeta nisl Vivamusmaterials in ipsum good wayeleifend. to save money. fringilla Donec It also letsplacerat you savemassa. pulvinar money! Reused goods can Sed nec lorem. be incorporated with many projects, including buildings.
To Pellentesque save energy, you Energy dolor might ullamcorper use solar, ultricies wind, .
or turpis. aquatic Integer energy. est. Sed (Hydroponics) nec lacus. Nunc est.
+ Different Solutions Green Building could happen everywhere, but it probably would best benefit cites, in the fact that it: Saves Energy, Keeps homes cool or warm, Keeps air clean, etc.
Tech. lorem
Incorporating Aenean diam velit, all the above rutrumand vitae, nature tempor with tech, ut, sodales you would eget, have mauris. taken Sed nec a big lacus. step towards a better future.
Builds dolor
Buildings such factories, Maecenas et as lorem. Ut offices, take up et nisl companies id turpis varius lots of energy, as well as faucibus. Integer et felis. let out emission. Green Sed libero. builds could reduce that.
Battling Problems with Green Building In cities, especially Bangkok, one of the
There are different types to green building
environmental concerns is air pollution. It
inside the one topic. Many might look at green
makes people sick, it heats up the Earth, and it
building from the exterior; others might look at
boosts climate change. What could we have to
it from the interior; and some may look at the
help solve these problems today? One of the
actual core – The structure.
ideas that came up was Green Building.
Green Building doesn’t just mean putting a
Green Building with Architecture could just be
bunch of plants in your house, although it
one of the answers to many problems that we
could, it isn’t really. Green building means to
face today, globally, in cities, in neighborhoods,
incorporate and work with nature to make
in homes.
greener, healthier builds to improve the city, the country, and eventually, the world.
Building A Better Bangkok – Green Building & Architecture
Issue | Date
Water And Sanitation
The high school in India set up plants that only uses solar power to treat more than 1300 gallons of water each and everyday. About 750 families that are living in an area with poor conditions. The water will be used by all of those families. All of the plants cost about $45,000 to set up.
more on
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Issue | Date
. In CHERRAPUNJI, India they receive more rain than in any other country. It rains 12 times more than what it rains in Seattle. During the in India lots of people are having trouble finding water and they have to travel a long distance to get water. When the rain start coming the water are usually undrinkable. About 600,000 children in India die from diarrhea or pneumonia every year. This sickness usually comes from toxic water and others.
Dolor Sit Amet
Lorem Ipsum
Issue | Date
The government in Thailand is planning to switch all squat toilets to seated toilets. People say that seated toilets are better for people especially people who are old. The only problem is that about 90% of the household in Thailand use squat toilets.
The positive things about squat toilet is that it is cheap and you do not need to worry about the cleanliness of the toilet seat because none of your body parts will actually touch the toilet seat. The negative thing about squat toilet is long term use can lead you to degenerative joint.
The positive thing about seated toilets is that it reduces the risk of people getting osteoarthritis and it unsuitable for old people. Seated toilets are also good because it promotes the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s image on health and hygiene policy. The negative things about seated toilet are that it is always dirty easily breaks because some people like to use seated toilets as squat toilets. Also another reason why less people own seated toilets because the price is higher. The operators at gas station with seated toilets said that seated toilets are difficult to maintain because of the completion flushing system.
(continued) Dolor Sit Amet
Building A Better Bangkok – Green Building & Architecture
Green Building
Thinking of a better future, a better world Green Building and Architecture is one of the many solutions to a variety of problems. Climate change, population density, etc. is some of the problems that green building can change.
Recycle lorem
To be “Green”, one of the Fusce tellus enim, things youvitae, might do is semper recycle. If you are an malesuada vitae, architect, you can use condimentum vel, ligula. recycled materials to build.
Reuse ipsum
Reusing areeta nisl Vivamusmaterials in ipsum good wayeleifend. to save money. fringilla Donec It also letsplacerat you savemassa. pulvinar money! Reused goods can Sed nec lorem. be incorporated with many projects, including buildings.
To Pellentesque save energy, you Energy dolor might ullamcorper use solar, ultricies wind, .
or turpis. aquatic Integer energy. est. Sed (Hydroponics) nec lacus. Nunc est.
+ Different Solutions Green Building could happen everywhere, but it probably would best benefit cites, in the fact that it: Saves Energy, Keeps homes cool or warm, Keeps air clean, etc.
Tech. lorem
Incorporating Aenean diam velit, all the above rutrumand vitae, nature tempor with tech, ut, sodales you would eget, have mauris. taken Sed nec a big lacus. step towards a better future.
Builds dolor
Buildings such factories, Maecenas et as lorem. Ut offices, take up et nisl companies id turpis varius lots of energy, as well as faucibus. Integer et felis. let out emission. Green Sed libero. builds could reduce that.
Battling Problems with Green Building In cities, especially Bangkok, one of the
There are different types to green building
environmental concerns is air pollution. It
inside the one topic. Many might look at green
makes people sick, it heats up the Earth, and it
building from the exterior; others might look at
boosts climate change. What could we have to
it from the interior; and some may look at the
help solve these problems today? One of the
actual core – The structure.
ideas that came up was Green Building.
Green Building doesn’t just mean putting a
Green Building with Architecture could just be
bunch of plants in your house, although it
one of the answers to many problems that we
could, it isn’t really. Green building means to
face today, globally, in cities, in neighborhoods,
incorporate and work with nature to make
in homes.
greener, healthier builds to improve the city, the country, and eventually, the world.
Building A Better Bangkok – Green Building & Architecture
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Lorem Ipsum
Issue | Date
Green Building â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Battling Problems With Green Building, and ideas to help. Climate Change Climate Change is one of the main reasons besides air pollution that many cities are already converting into green cities. Climate change affects us all with the increasing heat, water levels, and extinction of species. Green Building can be a
very effective solution out of the
would use recycled materials to
many solutions we have in mind
create the build, and the interior as
today. Green building with
well. This has already happened in
vegetation and nature will help
many parts of the world.
greatly with the emissions we are releasing today. The plants would soak up the CO2 that are trapping the heat, and instead create oxygen. Also, Green Buildings First Big Step toward a Green
Walls, etc. This may seem obvious,
but it is surprising how much of us
One of the big steps to be taken is to convert. Converting, meaning that empty lots become green spaces, Apartment walls become Green
Dolor Sit Amet
ignore this. It does not cost much to place plants and plant trees, and it does not require hard labor to make walls into green walls.
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Lorem Ipsum
• Recycled Plastic Bottles (Can be used for building and insulation)
Issue | Date
Green Building Solutions Incorporating them into cities
• Paper Bags (Can be used n various projects such as wallpaper, etc.)
In cities, there is limited space to put and
just have to plant some grass on top of your
incorporate Green Building. So, the idea is to
house, then BOOM. There you have a green
Green Walls and vertical farming in apartment
days, and warm on cold days. It also provides
• Wine Corks (Can be used in furniture)
balconies are a great way to save space, and it
an area for people to just sit back and relax,
helps the environment realty. This has already
and to enjoy the feel of the grass and the
taken Place in a Luxury Apartment in Taipei,
nature around them.
• Shipping Pallets (Can be used as building material)
incorporate in something that fits. For instance, roof, which would keep you home cool on hot
which is shaped like a DNA structure, allowing sunlight to come to each and every balcony, allowing the plants to thrive. If all the cities had
• Plastic Sheet Piling Plants in their apartment balconies, the air (Can be used as exterior would be MUCH cleaner. wall and as building material) Another idea is to have green roofs, because those do not take up much space at all. You
Dolor Sit Amet
Examples in the cities ~ There are many examples to look to. As in HASSEL Coffee Shop, HASSEL used
(continued) 3
Lorem Ipsum recycled / reused shipping pallets to build it. This is a form of Green Building, and it is very good to the environment. Also, it gives the shop a nice, cozy feel, letting customers relax and enjoy their coffees. A designer in Chicago decided that kids there did not have an ecofriendly, green place to play. So, she decided to build a beautiful new sod room, all made of recycled materials, such as paper bags, Wine corks, Plastic bags, Plastic bottles, and more.
Issue | Date In city structures that are already made, the city could include some green building by: • Green Roofs • Gardens • Green Walls … as an easy option to incorporate them in normal, concrete builds. In other cases, you can:
+ Ideas could lead to the future. New ideas and designs could just lead to a better world…. A better future…. Lets take action, and raise awareness of the problems that we face, and contribute to the solution.
• Have Solar Panel Energy • Have wind power • Water energy
This is one of the random facts: A former pilot actually made a
worktable with a broken, recycled,
• Green Apartments
airplane wing. This is an extreme way
• Complete Streets (All forms of trans available)
For Green roofs: g/index.php/tags/greenbuilding/ m/2008/02/22/award-winningdesign-for-green-building/ m/green-building/ stainable-product-design/howgreen-buildings-should-lookken-yeang.html en-roof-design-10-stunningsustainable-works-ofarchitecture/
of green building, but it is green building nonetheless. These examples are some of the ways people can incorporate Green
Green roofs….
Building into ordinary builds. Here are
• Keep the building Cool
the ideas and the structures in which
• Is eco-Friendly
the city can have green building.
Dolor Sit Amet
• Provides a green space for families
3 1 2
Lorem Ipsum
Issue | Date
Green Building â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Battling Problems With Green Building, and ideas to help. Climate Change Climate Change is one of the main reasons besides air pollution that many cities are already converting into green cities. Climate change affects us all with the increasing heat, water levels, and extinction of species. Green Building can be a
very effective solution out of the
would use recycled materials to
many solutions we have in mind
create the build, and the interior as
today. Green building with
well. This has already happened in
vegetation and nature will help
many parts of the world.
greatly with the emissions we are releasing today. The plants would soak up the CO2 that are trapping the heat, and instead create oxygen. Also, Green Buildings First Big Step toward a Green
Walls, etc. This may seem obvious,
but it is surprising how much of us
One of the big steps to be taken is to convert. Converting, meaning that empty lots become green spaces, Apartment walls become Green
Dolor Sit Amet
ignore this. It does not cost much to place plants and plant trees, and it does not require hard labor to make walls into green walls.
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Lorem Ipsum
• Recycled Plastic Bottles (Can be used for building and insulation)
Issue | Date
Green Building Solutions Incorporating them into cities
• Paper Bags (Can be used n various projects such as wallpaper, etc.)
In cities, there is limited space to put and
just have to plant some grass on top of your
incorporate Green Building. So, the idea is to
house, then BOOM. There you have a green
Green Walls and vertical farming in apartment
days, and warm on cold days. It also provides
• Wine Corks (Can be used in furniture)
balconies are a great way to save space, and it
an area for people to just sit back and relax,
helps the environment realty. This has already
and to enjoy the feel of the grass and the
taken Place in a Luxury Apartment in Taipei,
nature around them.
• Shipping Pallets (Can be used as building material)
incorporate in something that fits. For instance, roof, which would keep you home cool on hot
which is shaped like a DNA structure, allowing sunlight to come to each and every balcony, allowing the plants to thrive. If all the cities had
• Plastic Sheet Piling Plants in their apartment balconies, the air (Can be used as exterior would be MUCH cleaner. wall and as building material) Another idea is to have green roofs, because those do not take up much space at all. You
Dolor Sit Amet
Examples in the cities ~ There are many examples to look to. As in HASSEL Coffee Shop, HASSEL used
(continued) 3
Lorem Ipsum recycled / reused shipping pallets to build it. This is a form of Green Building, and it is very good to the environment. Also, it gives the shop a nice, cozy feel, letting customers relax and enjoy their coffees. A designer in Chicago decided that kids there did not have an ecofriendly, green place to play. So, she decided to build a beautiful new sod room, all made of recycled materials, such as paper bags, Wine corks, Plastic bags, Plastic bottles, and more.
Issue | Date In city structures that are already made, the city could include some green building by: • Green Roofs • Gardens • Green Walls … as an easy option to incorporate them in normal, concrete builds. In other cases, you can:
+ Ideas could lead to the future. New ideas and designs could just lead to a better world…. A better future…. Lets take action, and raise awareness of the problems that we face, and contribute to the solution.
• Have Solar Panel Energy • Have wind power • Water energy
This is one of the random facts: A former pilot actually made a
worktable with a broken, recycled,
• Green Apartments
airplane wing. This is an extreme way
• Complete Streets (All forms of trans available)
For Green roofs: g/index.php/tags/greenbuilding/ m/2008/02/22/award-winningdesign-for-green-building/ m/green-building/ stainable-product-design/howgreen-buildings-should-lookken-yeang.html en-roof-design-10-stunningsustainable-works-ofarchitecture/
of green building, but it is green building nonetheless. These examples are some of the ways people can incorporate Green
Green roofs….
Building into ordinary builds. Here are
• Keep the building Cool
the ideas and the structures in which
• Is eco-Friendly
the city can have green building.
Dolor Sit Amet
• Provides a green space for families
Climate Change March 20, 13
Mao Matsuo
Climate Now
Continued on page 2
Issue #: [Date]
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(Continued) Effects of Climate Change: Climate Change is caused my Greenhouse gases eating away and at the ozone layer, letting in harmful and hot sun rays, and trapping heat inside the atmosphere, making the Earth hotter. The effects of this Climate change are devastating.
Climate change affects us ALL. As the climate changes further, the farther away we are from stopping it. We can slow down and stop climate change, just by taking small, simple steps.
Problems: Some problems that we face that effects climate change are emissions, pollution, gases, energy overuse, and deforestation. Emissions are released from vehicles, factories, machines, and eat away at the ozone layer, causing more sunrays to pass through the atmosphere, making it much hotter. Pollution and Greenhouse gases do the same to our climate, and they all trap in heat from the sun. Energy overuse also releases energy-related emissions, which also contributes to the total greenhouse gases that damage the atmosphere. Forests absorb carbondioxide and then convert them into oxygen, reducing the greenhouse gases. Not that most of our beautiful forests are gone, even more gases are released, playing a major factor in Climate Change.
As the sunrays enter the atmosphere and heat up the earth, the ice caps on the “Top” and “Bottom” of the earth start to melt. This causes not only the water levels to rise, but the species of animals, birds, etc. are becoming even more close to extinction, due to the shrinking ice. Another effect of climate change is the seas. As the sun warms up the water, which used to be cold, many species that have adapted and relied on the cold water start migrating, or dying off. This causes a break in the ecosystem, as the predators rely on the species would migrate, and then compete with other predators. Climate change effects are not only in the ocean, but also on land. As the climate everywhere gets warmer, species from very hot places start to migrate to different areas, and may start wiping out the native species. This has already happened with plants before, so why not with animals? If this continues, animals, marine life, and more will be destroyed. We will lose everything. How can we prevent this? Below are some things YOU can do to prevent further climate change.
Issue #: [Date]
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What people could have to help. - Have insulation inside of homes. • Conserves both air-con and heater energy by not letting the cold/warm air out of the house without opening the window. - Have small overhangs above windows.
At your Office and Home
• When sun is shining overhead, shield the window from letting in direct sunlight, which prevents the home from getting too hot. Also, try not to use lighting on sunny days. - Buy Energy-Star qualified lights and electronics.
At your home: When you are at you home, there are simple, easy steps to contribute to stopping Climate Change. Do not leave your computer AFK or idle! This wastes an enormous amount of energy, which is not good for the planet, as well as your energy bills. Have your home and office insulated and sealed! Then you do not have to have much air-con or heaters to keep the house or office cold or warm. See how much energy and/or emission you are using/causing! Set a goal to reduce the energy used and the emissions released! Get your home and office some ways to conserve or use green energy (Solar panels, wind power, eco cars, buses, green builds, etc.) Use Green Building! Green Building can mean many things! It can mean incorporating plants and greens around and/or inside your house or office! It can also mean using recycles or reused goods to improve/build something!
Green Building is one of the solutions that we could have. Green buildings make the city have much cleaner air, if everyone participates. Some cities have already begun this new architecture.
• Energy-Star qualified goods reduce the energy used up to 75%. This conserves energy, reducing emissions. - Use creative ideas for energy saving. • One ‘discovery’ of a light bulb without using electricity would help many people reduce emission: Bleach and water in a bottle. This refracts sunlight, making the bottle glow very brightly. This can be used if sun is not completely sufficient, but visible. Then can light tents, outdoor trips, etc. - Green Building • Green building is one of the things cities are doing to prevent climate change. These green buildings can have vertical farms, gardens on rooftops, etc. The plants make the air clean, and keep the inside of homes cool. They also help reduce emissions of CO2, as they take them in and convert them into oxygen.
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Dolor Sit Amet
What the Government could do: One of the things that Government could do to help reduce Greenhouse gas and air pollution in Bangkok is to charge companies that release too much emissions into the air. That way, companies and factories would be encouraged to use much less energy for lighting (LED), power (SOLAR and WIND), etc. Another is to add more public transportation, and to increase the tolls to go on the highway, and to increase the price of gasoline. This way, it would be much cheaper to go with public trans, reducing exhausts, traffic, and air pollution.
Attribution - Credits
Transportation By Lily T
Problems • •
Bangkok has one of the worst traffic in the world. Population is increasing and more cars are being added to the city. The traffic got worst recently because of the “First car” rebate scheme. Because of the “First car”, there’s an 81 percent increase in automobile purchases.
Solutions •
To reduce traffic in Bangkok, longer BTS routes should be added to Bangkok. More public transportation like buses, bike lanes, sky trains, BTS and MRT.
Facts and Opinions The money spent on the “First car” could have been spent on improving public transportation. Now there are so many cars that there is actually more cars in Bangkok than people in Singapore.
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Dolor Sit Amet
The Problem Bangkok has one of the world’s worst traffic. The population is still increasing rapidly, and people are getting wealthier to be able to afford more cars. More cars are adding to the city, which means traffic will get even worse. One of the reasons that the cars in Bangkok is recently increasing rapidly is because of the “First Car” rebate scheme. There is an 81 percent increase in automobile purchases because of the “First Car”. There are more cars in Bangkok than the people in Singapore. The money spent on the “First Car” could have improved public transportations and could have added more BTS routes. Bangkok’s cars have increased on the road by 50 percent because of the “First Car”.
The bad traffic has affected public transportations like, taxis, buses and tuk tuks. More cars purchased and used means that more fuel that is used for the car’s engine. The fuel is expensive, and because of the traffic, fuel would be easily wasted. Texas study reported traffic congestion cost the U.S. $87 billion a year in wasted time and fuel.
Another transportation in Thailand is the Tuk Tuk, the Tuk Tuk can go very fast, but because of the traffic, it takes the Tuk Tuk longer time to travel. More cars on the road also means more air pollution. Air pollution can cause people to have diseases like asthma and even cancer. In China, the air pollution is so bad that nothing can be seen.
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Solutions To reduce the traffic, Bangkok should have more public transportations. Bangkok should extend the BTS and MRT routes. The BTS can carry a lot of people, this is more efficient and also reduces a lot of traffic. The BTS is faster than other public transportations. Another way is to increase the price of the gasoline, but because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the law that it canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be sold more than an amount, the gasoline will eventually increase because there will less and less gasoline left, then, not many people will be able to afford gasoline and travel by public transportation more. There are new car concepts that cars use air instead of gasoline, this will not cause any air pollution. There are studies of which they are trying to figure out a way to replace gasoline with oil from plants. Bangkok should also have bike lanes, this is more eco friendly and would be safer for people to ride their bikes on the road.
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Housing/Population Distribution Problems Flooding- In 2011, Thailand was affected by massive flooding. More than 13.6 million people were affected, and a total of 815 people died. The flooding started in late July and lasted till January 2012. The causes of flooding are deforestation, heavy rain and steep slopes. Sixty-Five out of 77 provinces were flooded. The flooding in Thailand was caused by heavy rain, and because of the bad drainage of the water to the sea, it caused flooding. Green Buildings- The worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s population is increasing rapidly, facing water shortages, inefficiency of using energy, increasing waste and pollution. Trees and plants are destroyed to make cities, houses and used for urbanization. Deforestation is the cause of flooding. So because a lot of people have houses and to use the houses for a better purpose, planting plants and trees would reduce air pollution.
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Dolor Sit Amet
Solutions Flooding- To prevent flooding from happening again, Thailand should make the city and places greener. Plant trees and plants, these help to absorb the water and prevent flooding. Also, have a better drainage system.
Green Buildings- Using buildings for a better purpose, people can make green buildings to reduce air pollution. The green roof would even keep the building cool when itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hot, and warm when itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cold. Because the population is increasing rapidly, for better efficientcy, people should live in tall buildings like condominiums and flats. Also, living in tall buildings save space.
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Dolor Sit Amet
Credits Traffic- <a href="">27147</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a> Train- <a href="">[phil h]</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a> Traffic 2- Green roof- Green building- Tall condomniniums- Tree- Traffic- Bts-
Information,28804,2026474_2026675_2032830, ml,28804,2026474_2026675_2069055, ml
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