Gareth has been involved in Students’ Union Activity ever since he came to Edge Hill. He has served as Societies Officer, Sports Officer, NUS National Representative and as a part time executive officer. Gareth now believes that he is most passionate about representing the feelings, needs and opinions of those students studying in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Through his role as Course Representative this year, he has found there are a lot of students unhappy with certain aspects of the university that he feels with some campaigning and talking to the right people can be easily remedied. Gareth has worked well with the current Vice President for Academic and Welfare this year and believes that with Billy Jones as Vice President Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Gareth Dowling as Faculty Representative then the two can work together to make change in this university in a number of key areas: -Noise in classrooms
Course: Journalism Year: 2
Gareth aims to tackle the problem of noise in classrooms so those who want to learn can
Nominated by: Dean Currall Seconded by: Billy Jones
-Legible and prompt feedback Gareth wants to make sure that the current Assessment and Feedback campaign does not lose enthusiasm and that faster, readable and constructive feedback is given on all assignments -Text service As with the Performing Arts department, Gareth wants to see a roll out of the text message notification service for when lectures are cancelled at short notice and for late room or time changes -Suitable classroom allocation Gareth was disappointed this year to find that Hale Hall is being used for lectures and that in some cases students were forced to sit on the floor due to lack of seats. Gareth wants to ensure all lectures are allocated an appropriate lecture room or theatre for that course -Extended access to specialist facilities Gareth wants to see the continuation of the late night CMIST opening hours which he has campaigned for through the year and has benefited those students in the Media department. Gareth would also like other courses have the same access to specialist equipment and facilities, for example, sports labs, dance studios, etc. -Updated handbooks Gareth will campaign over the summer to ensure all lecturers update their module handbooks, and not just change the year on the front cover, but in fact look through the dates and alter them in accordance with new term times -Late night library Gareth would like to see the continuation of the late night library service, which has been of great value to many Arts and Sciences students.
But these elections are not just about electing several individuals to make a difference at Edge Hill through the Students’ Union. It’s about electing a team of people whose combined efforts will see this Union run strive even further to achieve all it can for its students, and leave lasting positive effects that will not just benefit students next year, but for years and years to come. Keep a look out on posters and manifesto’s of other candidates, who like me, believe in the bigger picture, that it takes more than one person to run a Students’ Union.
One team, One vision -
We are the pieces that fit together, that will continue to make this Students’ Union a great Students’ Union.
A better student experience