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Hello! My name is Vicki Murphy, I live on the Wirral and I am in my second year of studying Secondary Science with QTS. I am running to be your Faculty of Education Representative because I understand how important it is to enjoy your time here at Edge Hill whilst studying for your future career. Having been at Edge Hill for almost two years I feel I now have the knowledge and understanding to represent the views of students. I also feel that there are several issues regarding the Education Department and the University that I believe need to be changed to make our lives easier as students. The issues I hope to resolve as Education Rep: •The quality and communication with the Education Department regarding placements. Many of my friends last year had unacceptable placement issues, with some not having a school till 8 weeks into placements and others placed in schools that were teaching below the curriculum level that our course is aimed at. This caused stress and upset to those people and is something I hope to improve. •Quality of teaching. I often find that in many of my lectures the lecturers are just reading PowerPoint slide making the lecture very dull. I would like to make lecturers aware if they make their lecture more exciting the attendance of students will increase and they will make their subject more enjoyable. •Material available in the library. Specialising in Physics as my chosen science I often find there the library is seriously lacking in physics books that I need for my course and know that many others suffer from similar situations. I hope to increase the amount of content in the library for all users. But these elections are not just about electing several individuals to make a difference at Edge Hill through the Students’ Union. It’s about electing a team of people whose combined efforts will see this Union strive even further to achieve all it can for its students, and leave lasting positive effects that will not just benefit students next year, but for years and years to come. Keep a look out on posters and manifesto’s of other candidates, who like me, believe in the bigger picture, that it takes more than one person to run a Students’ Union. We are the pieces that fit together, that will continue make this Students’ Union a great Students’ Union.

One team, one vision, a better student experience

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