Connexions Business Magazine #18 Dec - Jan 2014 Issue

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Are You Making a Positive Difference With Your Networking? The Importance of Branding for SME How to Get Your First Property Who’s Telling Stories About Your Business? Business Management Skills

Jennie Gorman

“the People Connector “

From Jennie’s Desk As we wind down 2013 no doubt you as business owners and entrepreneurs have already got 2014 well underway with your planning. Another big year is coming I feel and I do look forward to being part of your business in some way. This year has been enormous … for me 2013 has been a year of much change, excitement and learnings. It has shown me who I am and what I can accomplish. I have valued all my friends and clients who have support me to create what has been created. When the year started I had no idea it would complete the way it has. As you are aware we are now in our own premises, known as ‘Our Business Hub’. This is not what I had imagined would have been my path for my future. My special thanks to my son Nigel who saw what I needed to move forward for the future. I wrote, published and launched my book ‘Awesome Authenticity’ which is now in its second print, due out at the beginning of 2014 with a new cover and new chapters. This book expresses my views on building relationships from a business perspective. There has been 8 MasterMind Groups, 11 Networking Chats, 7 Business Ideas Groups, 7 workshops, 20 talks and mentoring of clients and Grade 9 girls, 22 newsletters and 11 Connexions Business Magazines. Of course there have been other things happening but these have been the main things. A trip to Europe in the middle of the year was possible thanks to my two great mastermind co-facilitators, Dave Shire and Aina Notoa. I am now in my third year with Dale Beaumont and the Business Blueprint programme, having attended 4 conferences during the year. This is just some of what 2013 has been for me. Without the support I have had from so many, I would not have been able to sustain the tough times. I want to wish everyone a very happy Christmas, a wonderful festive season and may 2014 be all you want.

The Best of 2013

Previous Issue : Nov. 2013

Disclaimer: The opinions and viewpoints expressed in Connexions Business Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor, staff or publisher or any Connexions Unlimited staff or related parties. The publisher, Connexions Unlimited personnel are not liable for any mistake, misprint or omission. All information contained in Connexions Business Magazine is intended to inform and illustrate and should not be taken as financial, health, legal or accounting advice. You should seek professional advice before making any business related decisions. We are not liable for any losses you may incur directly or indirectly as a result of reading Connexions Business Magazine. Reproduction of any material or contents of the magazine without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited.


Are You Making a Positive Difference With Your Networking?


Is it time for a creative revolution?


The importance of branding for SME


Asthma and Breathing: Some Simple Ideas to Help


The Baby and Taj the Tiger


Mayonnaise, a Jar & Two Beers


How to Get Your First Property


Practicing mindfulness everyday


How to jumpstart your programs & projects


The Main Ingredients to Building Strong Relationships in Business


Good Feng Shui


Who’s Telling Stories About Your Business?


Another Christmas in China


Business Management Skills


Big Ideas 2014 : The Year of the Entrepreneur


NEIS – New Enterprise Incentive Scheme


Small Business Marketing Essentials


Upcoming Events


Rebecca Lawrence Testimonial

“Jennie is the ultimate mentor: nurturing and wise yet tough enough to demand the accountability that so many small business owners need to drive us on to the success we desire. Working with Jennie is a pleasure and has been the start of a relationship that I know will be invaluable to my business for the long term.” Service Category: Business Consultant

Li Wang Testimonial To say Jennie is amazing is an understatement. For the short one year I have had the privilege of knowing her, she has touched my heart and impacted my life on so many levels. I first meet Jennie at her Networking Chat Meetup – the first ever networking event I attended in Brisbane. She inspired and supported me to set up my own Meetup group. Through her events, I expanded my network and met so many amazing and supportive people. After 4 years of living in Brisbane I can now finally call it my home! Jennie took me under her wing and accepted me into one of her masterminding groups. The support receive from the group is remarkable and far exceeds my expectation. I gain a lot of clarity on the direction of my business and more importantly, I no longer feel alone. I know if I have questions or need

help, whether for business or even in my personal life, I have a team to support me, to back me up. If I could only name one thing that I’ve learnt from Jennie, it is to always think about how you can help the other person. Jennie doesn’t just talk about this, she is a living example. Everyone I know who comes in contact with her has been supported or helped by her in some way, big or small. Jennie – I am truly grateful to have you in my life!

Li Wang Brand Architect

Are You Making a Positive Difference With Your Networking? by Jennie Gorman

I am surprised when I find out how challenging others think it is to make a mark on somebody else’s life. Most of those who are networking feel that they’re creating connections solely for their own business, instead of thinking how they can support others to achieve their dreams. How do you make an impact in another’s life? Are you sensitive to what others are searching for? Would you pay attention to what they’re really asking once they consult with you? Regardless of whom we are or what we do, everyone has needs aside from business. So, do you hear out others when they voice their wants in life and make it easier for them? It might be a great trade’s person, an accountant or a bookkeeper, an excellent restaurant, or a place where you’ll get good quality stationery or something like that for his or her computer. As you can tell, people discuss all kinds of things that won’t be anything related to their business.


Connexions Business Mag

This doesn’t mean that their needs are any less important if they aren’t business related. This is where good networking starts by listening to other’s needs. By becoming aware you will be able to really make a difference to a lot of people’s lives just by listening to what they’re trying to locate or the contacts they wish to make to support their needs. At this time we’re fortunate to have Social Media. We’re getting an excellent opportunity for connecting with more people, dealing with and learning more about the ‘friends’ whom we personally know and therefore are within our network. This provides us the chance to support many more people than we were able to before the invention of the internet. To build up a great relationship for future success it’s vital that you are noticed as somebody who understands the requirements of your contacts, supports these to find what they’re searching to locate and be referred to as a

person with good contacts. It is important to make sure that anyone you refer on is a reflection of you and your business. If the referral is not valuable and treated as such, it may be a waste of time and energy for either or both parties, which may put your reputation on the line in regards to your ability to be a good referrer. It is important to always remember that building relationships cover every area of our lives, not only business. So, reconsider the best way to help others in your network to attain what they desire beyond their businesses by helping them to get in contact with the one they are trying to find. For this reason, by being familiar with your network, customers and contacts you can support them to achieve what you both are looking for!

Become the supporter that YOUR network needs.

2013 December-January


Is it time for a creative revolution? by Kerstin Rheinlander

It seems to be a new trend that a lot of emphasis is put on creativity. Everywhere I turn I hear and see the word creativity. Maybe it is just because I am focusing on it or maybe it is because there is a general shift to be more creative. Just walk into any bookstore, the choice of literature and how-to books on the subject of creativity is growing daily. You will find titles like “The Creative Seed” by Lilian Wissink or “Creating Time” by Marney K. Makridakis or “The Creativity Book” by Eric Maisel Ph.D. Facebook is another valuable source with pages life “Creativity in Motion”, “Creative Momentum”, “ World of Creativity” as well as the hundreds of blog on the subject of creativity. Guidance is given on how to bring more creativity into our life, to enrich it with experiences and fun. By why is that? What is wrong with the way we have been living so far? Is our creativity no longer good or sufficient enough? Looking at where we are at present our world is overloaded with convenience, gadgets and shortcuts so we no longer need to be creative as someone else has already done the hard work for us. We just need to sit back and let it happen. Chances are that somewhere someone has had an idea, and voila, a new app is available. Shopping, banking and communication is done online, so realistically we don’t even need to leave the comfort of our home. But where does that leave us?


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We have basically forgotten to be creative and with that we have lost a most important element to create fun and excitement in our lives. Kids in school are no longer taught to be hands-on creative as the creative arts has been reduced to a minimum or cut all together due to funding and to put more emphasis on academic achievement versus out-of the-box thinking. The majority of assignments are done using electronic technology, entire classrooms are run with the aid of laptops only, so even handwriting is becoming more and more redundant. Don’t get me wrong I am not against technology. I would have not written, edited and proof-read this article had I not been able to use my laptop. Tough personally I think it is time to get the creative juices flowing again and step away from all this technology stuff. After all, we as humans were all born as creative beings, so why not make more use of it? As entrepreneurs we are in the lucky position to be already more creative than other as we are constantly reinventing ourselves to improve and run a successful business. But with every successful business the day-to-day task of running the business takes over and the creative activity that got us started falls to the wayside. So what can we do to regain the creative momentum?

We need a Creative Revolution! We need to step back from our busyness and become more aware of the little things that make up life because exactly these little things and the time we take to admire them have a tendency to spark our creative thinking. Creativity like every other skill needs to be nourished and the creative muscle needs to be flexed, it is as simple as use-it or lose-it . I have heard people say: “I am stuck, I am out of ideas, I am blocked etc.” This tells us we have forgotten to take some time out to reconnect with our creativity. Our creative genius is always there, it is whether we let it wake up and shine through. “We can’t use up our creativity, it is who we are. The more we use it, the more we have.” (Maya Angleou) So start to get creative again! And by that I do not mean rush out and by paint and brushes. It is starting with a different mindset. Do simple things like: • instead of taking the bus or car, walk or cycle • take a different route to/from work • become less of a routine person and do some unpredictable things • create a new meal – I call it “whatever the pantry provides”-meals • bring kindness to others by volunteering • take time to smell the roses, literally

Just minor changes will shift your awareness and re-connect you with your creative sense which was there all along. With the beginning of a new year upon us, why not set the intention to incorporate more creativity into your life? As a Creativity Coach I will be starting my own Creative Revolution in 2014. It you are interested to join me on a year-long journey with individual monthly topics that can be completed in a day or a week or in a month (you choose the intensity), please email me at for more details. follow me on Facebook

Happy Creating! Kerstin Rheinlander

2013 December-January





• Do you wish to move your business to the next level for 2014? • Would you like help to generate a large number of ideas for solutions to any challenges you are experiencing? • Are you wishing to have input from other business people into your business? • How would you like to have your business dissected in a creative way? • Are you looking for new contacts to support you? • Do you have ideas you would like to share with others? • Would you like to have your business brainstormed by other business people? 10

Connexions Business Mag

The importance of branding for SME by Li Wang

At CreativLi we believe:

Branding is not just for large corporations. The truth is every business has a brand. Whether you like it or not, the real question to ask is, how effective is your brand? The amount of effort and consideration that goes into defining, designing and maintaining your brand has a direct impact on how effective your brand is in communicating your values and vision to your customers.

In the eyes of the customer, it is your BRAND that sets you apart from your competition. Brand recognition is vital in securing business. A buyer can’t purchase your product if he can’t remember who you are, or how to find you. The best companies are those whose brands are easy to remember and instantly recognisable.

Have you ever visited an Asian grocery store? Imagine yourself in one of those stores right this moment, standing in front of rows of over stocked shelves crammed with products carrying unfamiliar brand names and packaging. How would you choose which one to buy? Without a doubt you will automatically be drawn to products with packaging that stands out. You’d choose those with clear labelling, which makes the product appealing, and of seemingly higher quality.

A Google search will bring up pages of various definitions on branding. The term branding originated from burning the cattle skin with a hot iron stamp to mark ownership. Over the years, the commercial world has adopted the word ‘branding’ to identify ownership of a certain product and service. The design council of the UK defines a brand as a set of associations that a person (or group of people) makes with a company, product, service, individual or organisation.

In today’s global marketplace and especially on the World Wide Web where three seconds is all you get to make a great first Impression, your chance is as good as a foreign product in an Asian grocery store. What will make your product stand out from the rest is your BRAND.

So, what is branding?

Your brand is not simply rubber stamping your logo onto all your marketing communications. Your brand needs to be reinforced by using a variety of sensorial codes on consumer touch point, consistently and dynamically.

• A brand reflects the essence of your business vision, promise, values, your point of difference and the emotional benefits to your customers. • The makeup of your brand is a set of sensorial codes such as the logo, colour palette, typography, tone of voice, texture and form, sound, smell. These codes collectively stimulate and engage your target audience to give not only a memorable first impression but to continuously build a strong association with your business over time. • A brand is the experiences your customers have when interacting with your business and it is therefore very important to consider every consumer touch point and apply the brand sensorial codes consistently with on-going effort. • A brand is as much an internal expression as it is an external expression. A strong brand brings a sense of pride and belonging to your employees. A brand that is in alignment with your business vision will bring your employees together to work towards a common goal. It will motivate them to deliver the brand promise and brand value to your customers. Consider the branding of your business and what message it is sending to your customers. If you would like to find out more about how CreativLi can help you with the effectiveness of your brand, visit our website or call Li at 0420 329 714

2013 December-January


Asthma and Breathing: Some Simple Ideas to Help by Greg Menz

Asthma can be very difficult to manage and

control at times. To help with breathing challenges that you can face along the way, here are some simple ideas to help. They are based upon removing your point of focus from your habitual response to something very non habitual, thus creating a “pattern interrupt” which can allow your breathe to do a much better job of supporting you. These breathing ideas do not take the place of inhalers or medical help, but rather add to the ways you can adapt to the breathing challenges that asthma creates. 1. Place your focus on the outbreath instead of the in breath. No forcing required, just a gentle refocus on putting your attention on breathing easily out instead of trying to get breath in. Not so easy to do when you are struggling for breath, but it can really help and is much easier to do when your breath is not being challenged. As you breathe out, say “Ease,” and just let your breathe flow out with little or no resistance. Practice this when your breathing is not being challenged and notice the positive changes it can create for you. 2. Focus on breathing in through the soles of your feet and letting your breath rise up through your body, into your lungs and then out through your nose. We all know that this is not the real way our breathing works but the imagery does not care. The idea is to change your habitual response, which can have a lot of tension and anxiety attached to it, and replace it with something that creates more breathing ease. Simple and less stressful.


Connexions Business Mag

The idea is not to try and breathe like this forever but rather to use it as a useful tool when needed. Having alternative responses to a given situation can make for a better outcome. 3. Another simple variation is to focus on breathing into your back. What do I mean by that? I mean to really become aware of how your rear upper torso responds to your breath moving in and out. Notice how your back expands and how your ribs adapt to the in breath, and then to the out breath. So often when breathing we become aware of the tension in the front of the chest, as that is an area we can see rise and expand. It is a part of the body that moves forward into the world and hence we tend to be more aware of these areas than those parts that are in our “rear.” It can literally be like the old saying “out of sight, out of mind!” By challenging yourself with these ideas you can literally open yourself up to new ways of breathing and being. See how you go but do not turn it into “exercise and work.” It is far better to experiment gently and easily. You do not need more stress and tension. To your health The Simple Health Solutions Fiend

The Baby and Taj the Tiger by Tracey McLeod

Here is the story of Taj the tiger and the baby girl... This breathtaking photograph captures remarkable moments when a tiger bowed its head and placed a paw up to the hand of a small girl. Photographer Dyrk Daniels noticed the 370lb Golden Bengal Tigerhad taken an interest in the child, who was leaning against his glass enclosure. As the tiger, called Taj, headed over to her, Daniels got his camera ready, expecting him to snarl and bang against the glass. But amazingly the tiger hung his head, stretched a paw out to her hand and rubbed his cheek against where the girl’s face was.

‘ Whilst searching for a meaningful BINDING THEME that tied the house and family together for a recent interior design project, I stumbled upon the image of the baby and the tiger. I was looking for something for my client’s baby children, that tied together their cultural heritage: Indian and Chinese from Malaysia, with their home in Australia. It felt important to symbolise the strength of their cultural heritage as it underpins the family’s traditions and provides strength and security for their Australian children. I discovered that there are tigers in all three Asian regions: Malaysia, India, China, and indeed, in the local vicinity at Dreamworld, so tigers became the focus of my search... Then I found this photo which, for me, said it all! ‘


After receiving the request to purchase a copy of the photo symbolising the family’s heritage, Dyrk Daniels the photographer, sent a fullsize poster to the clients at a very nominal fee (US$50 as opposed to GBP450 charged by the news service.) ‘ The tiger put its face right down so the little girl could look it straight in the eye‘. ‘I could not believe my eyes when Taj approached the girl, bowed his head and then placed his huge right paw exactly in front of where the little girl’s left hand was. ‘It was incredible to watch as Taj let down his right paw, rubbed his cheek against the glass where the little girl’s face was and moved off.’ Far from being scared, the little girl was so excited that she started clapping as she walked back afterwards towards her mother. ‘I have never seen such tenderness from such a large predator,’ Mr Daniels said.

Dyrk waived the postage costs in honour of the recent birth of the clients’ second child. He is looking forward to receiving a photo of the family with the poster. Showhomes are working with local glass design artisans to create a glass wall feature using the image. Tell your Family’s story Call Showhomes today on 0401 312 323 2013 December-January


Mayonnaise, a Jar & Two Beers by Caroline Miall

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the Mayonnaise, a Jar and the 2 Beers. A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous ‘Yes.’ The professor then produced two Beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed. Now, said the professor as the laughter subsided, I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things---your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favourite passions---and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car. The sand is everything else---the small stuff.


Connexions Business Mag

If you put the sand into the jar first, there would be no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. * Spend time with your children. * Spend time with your parents. * Visit with grandparents. * Take time to get medical check-ups. * Take your spouse out to dinner. * Play another 18. Take care of the golf balls first---the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand. One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the Beer represented. The professor said, ‘I’m glad you asked. The Beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of Beers with a friend.’

2013 December-January


How to Get Your First Property by Daimien Patterson

If you already have your first property, then congratulations! You have got past the hardest part of being a property investor – getting the first property!

If you don’t have that much, there is another way. You can ask your parents or another friend or relative to lend you the money.

There is no point in trying to sugar coat it! Buying your first property really is the hardest part of property investing.

If they have the cash, you could offer to pay it back in 5 years times under the assumption that at that time you would refinance your home to extract the money you owe them. The risk here of course is that you must be confident you are buying in an area where prices are growing. Otherwise you could end up in a situation where you cannot pay them back. But if you know where to buy a property that will grow in value, you shouldn’t have to worry about that (watch out for future articles on this topic!).

But once you have one, you can just wait for its value to rise and then use the banks money to buy the next, and the next, and the next. But there is no avoiding it – you simply have to find the cash to get into that first property. Either borrow it from a family member, or save up. Fortunately, many banks will give you a loan for up to 95% to buy your first property, so all you need to raise is a 5% deposit and the money for stamp duty and other costs. So to buy a modest $300,000 property, you will need $15,000 deposit plus, depending on the stamp duty for the applicable state, about another $15,000 again. So a total of $30,000.


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If you are younger and just starting out, another option maybe to ask your parents to raise a small loan against their own property for the amount you require. You can then make the repayments on that loan for them in addition to the loan repayments on the loan for your new property.

In either case, most banks will still want to see some evidence of some of your own genuine savings being contributed to the purchase. Of course you can also make use of the First Home Owners Grant too if you are eligible. Just keep in mind that you must live in any property that you use the grant for, for a minimum of 6 or 12 months depending on the state or Territory you live in. Also don’t rule out the option of continuing to rent and buying an investment property as your first property. Many people wait years for the opportunity to use their $7000 First Home Owners Grant but miss out on far more than $7000 in the capital growth they could have made if they just purchased an investment property in a high growth area as soon as they could. It is critical that each property you purchase grows in value in the short term if you wish to leverage off the back of it into your next property.

If your first property is purchased for emotional reasons like ‘it’s close to family’, not investment reasons, you are putting yourself at a big disadvantage. Often it is better to rent where you want to live and invest only where it is booming! Whether you’re already well ahead on your property investing journey, or you’re only just getting started, knowing how to do it well is the key. If you’d like to chat more about what options you have, give my office a call on 1300 372 677. I offer personal 90min Property Investment Coaching Sessions and/or Portfolio Reviews. Aside from this, I host complimentary property investor training around the country, so please visit free-training or give the office a call if you’re interested in finding out more. Daimien Patterson is Australia’s leading property investment strategist and CEO of Integrity Investment Properties. Want to know more?

Cartoonist Ryan McDonald-Smith 2013 December-January


Practicing mindfulness everyday by Josie Thomson

If you can take between 4-16 minutes* each day to sit and meditate or be guided through a relaxing visualisation then I would absolutely recommend that you do that, but if you can’t, or simply don’t want to, then you can still experience the benefits of mindfulness while you go about your daily activities.

naturally dissipate as the frame of mind that was keeping them alive gives way to the peace of the NOW. It is also amazing how much more ‘task focus’ you are able to bring as you resume your work with a clear head and comfortable body.

All you need to do is draw your awareness to your senses and to become mindful of whatever it is you happen to be doing at the time; to just get really present. Try this… So let’s say that you are typing at your computer. The first step would be to pause and take some slow deep breaths in… and…out… clear your head and let your body release tension it may have been feeling. Then, you would start to become aware of what you are aware of with each of your senses, such as the weight of your body pressing down into the chair, the feel of your clothes on your skin, the temperature of the air, the gentle breeze on your face, your fingertips on the keyboard, everything you can see in your primary and peripheral vision, all of the sounds you can hear, both obvious and subtle… The more you simply notice and experience whatever happens to be in your sensory reality, in that moment, the more grounded in the present you will become. It is fascinating that any feelings of stress or anxiety are likely to


Connexions Business Mag

The only thing in the world right now… Once you are more centred and grounded in the present moment, the next simple strategy is one that I call ‘The only thing in the world right now’. The premise of this is that you set yourself the intention that whatever it is you are about to do, you are going to do it like it really, REALLY matters and that it is the only thing in the world right now that needs your attention. So for example, if you are typing, you would continue to be quietly mindful of sensory experience whilst allowing your creative mind to effortlessly focus on the best, most appropriate words to type in order to convey your message perfectly. In that very moment nobody wants anything,

nobody expects anything from you and there is nothing whatsoever for you to do except to type like it really matters. If the thought of focusing on just one task to the exclusion of every other task that has also made it to number one on your priority list freaks you out, then it is good to remind yourself that no matter what happens you can only physically do one thing at a time anyway. As soon as you’re done with whatever is front of you, the next thing you turn to will become the only thing in the world that needs your attention. The key is to just continue being mindful and fully focussed on the present moment. (You can’t physically be in two places at once anyway!). If you think you will need a bit more practice trying out these strategies, a fun time to do it is when you are washing up or cleaning your car. The next time you are about to do the dishes or wash your car, take a deep breath, relax your body and get present with all of your senses. Then meticulously clean each piece like it is the most important thing in the world right now. I also suspect that your unconscious will accept this as a beautiful metaphor for cleansing the mind.

Get clean. Get clear.

Enjoy the peace and calm, and most of all, have fun! * My highly popular ‘Simple Meditation for Busy People’ is available for download for free from my website: It will help you achieve a deep meditative state in just 4 minutes. The download also includes an audiobook and some instrumental-only tracks for extended meditation. If you’re interested in learning more about the 4-steps, Dr Jeffrey M Schwartz and I will be running special 6-week masterclass series, based on the content in his best-selling book, ‘You Are Not Your Brain’ in April 2014. Spaces are strictly limited. Register your interest by emailing josie@aexcel. or head to the course page to register:

About Josie Thomson Josie Thomson is an executive coach, international speaker, trainer and seminar leader. An expert in her field, Josie is one of the few internationally certified master coaches in Australia (MCC). She has been awarded Coach of the Year for three consecutive years and was a Telstra Business Woman of the Year State Finalist. Having survived cancer twice, most recently a brain tumour, Josie is devoted to sharing the learnings from her experiences for improvement in the lives of others. She supports people in overcoming their fears and stressors; encouraging them to connect with life and powerfully express their true and authentic selves.

2013 December-January


Limited numbers Filling fast!


Connexions Business Mag


How to jumpstart your programs & projects by John Milne

Remember when your car battery died on a winter morning? Your complexion became as frosty as the air. Happily a neighbour had lent you jumper leads that now proved their immediate worth. Using this process as a template started me thinking, about how you can jump start new programs and projects and boost existing ones, sparking them to life like borrowed leads. How can power be restored and momentum and progress be regained? • Identify the task. Identify the problem, failure, roadblock or missing element. Why is there a lack of power or drive in the program or project? Just as when you hear that dreaded click under the car bonnet, look widely for the causes. It may be one or many. Each may link or build to cut the power supply. By knowing the true nature of the problem, the solution will become clearer. • Make the connection. Link closely with the key drivers and providers of the program or project. Engage them in non threatening conversation in a “we together” approach to develop a common understanding of the problem and its likely causes. Respect the views of people on the front line, but also offer them a helicopter view, that because they are too close, they cannot give.

• Provide the spark! To jump start a car, we tap into an alternative power source. Programs and projects may need a coach or mentor to repower the lost energy. A renewed commitment may be necessary, addition of a new team member, seed funding, renegotiation of the aims or more time. • Power restored. Remember the feeling of relief and joy when the vehicle kicks into life. It’s the same when a tired program is revived. Sometimes a new battery is required. Programs do have a use by date. Being able to power on to achievement or growth is a cause for celebration and reflection. • What made the difference? How were superior results achieved? How can we sustain the improved performance? Leaders drive programs and projects to success. Strong, united teams make good things happen for students, clients or guests. Each person needs to bring to the table, a healthy dose of reality. Add value, greatest drawback to high achievement is low aim. Speaking to students at my first assembly in a new school, I challenged them to “Fly High Because You Can!” Amazingly they did. 2013 December-January


The Main Ingredients

to Building Strong Relationships in Business by Jennie Gorman

Business is changing faster than ever. Gone are the days when you wanted a service or product that you just went out and purchased the first available on offer. People are now more savvy shoppers and want more than the widget or service that is being offered. More often now I find that price has nothing to do with someone not purchasing what is for sale. A purchaser wants to know that the person they are buying from has other attributes too. Knowing who they are purchasing from, what sort of customer service they will get now and in the future, are they getting the best from the best and where is the social proof of that belief? These are all of great importance to the consumer. The internet has changed business totally and continues to do so daily. Social media gives people the opportunity to talk about others, to recommend services and products, or to tell others not to go there. This is very powerful, especially if you are getting negative comments being made and publicised on the internet. Why do you think large organisations have rooms of people scouring the net for any negative comments that are being made about them or their products? Airlines, car manufacturers and utility companies, along with many others, have this down to perfection and if you put something negative out there, you will be contacted in a very short period of time, in the hope that it can be rectified before it does any damage to the company. Do a Google search and you will find


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some remarkable stories and videos from people who have boycott big companies and been very vocal about it. As a small business person, this is just as important to you as it is to large companies. People network join business networking groups and talk about who is out there, what they are offering and who is the best person to engage for services and products. A negative comment can do untold damage to one’s business that can get out of control very fast if not rectified very fast. So, do you want to be one of those people that people rave about or someone who provides second rate services/products? Do you want to have people discussing you in a negative way in social media? It is important to be seen and perceived as providing the best service/product, be squeaky clean, to portray the image that people are seeking and to give the very best that is available to your clients. I believe that people buy from people firstly on authenticity and trustworthiness, social proof and integrity. Stand out by proving that you have these qualities and your raving fans will support you and your business.

Good Feng Shui by Deb Yuille

Would you be interested in finding out more about Feng Shui and how it can help you to enjoy greater balance, harmony and prosperity? Literally translating as Wind and Water it is the science of the law of attraction. Ideally we look to site ourselves between the extremes of these two elements. Locations that provide a good view to the front and are sheltered from behind with a protective embrace created to the sides by way of hills or trees are considered very auspicious.

not naturally occur, inhabitants apply the principles of Feng Shui to introduce enhancements that will go some way towards remedying the less fortunate aspects. This is known as the Classic Configuration of Feng Shui, and is often referred to by modern practitioners as the seat of the armchair. The three primary criteria are, a) fertile land (nutrients and near a water source), b) sheltered, giving protection and security, and c) clearly defining the boundaries.

Our first settlers looked for land that could sustain life, crops and stock. Next they positioned their homes where they had a view of all who approached and would not be attacked from behind. This allowed them to discern friend from foe and make the appropriate preparations for their arrival. Tea and damper or the pointy end of a shot gun.

In Feng Shui ideology water is said to represent opportunity and prosperity is referred to as persistent wind.

The best Feng Shui site is one that is elevated in relation the road and below the top of a hill or mountain. Where this does

Instinctively human beings feel most comfortable when they feel secure and protected. Ideally your property would

At the front create an open area or a body of water such as a pond or lake. This creates an area for energy (Chi) to gather. Avoid tall items which have the effect of creating a barrier and preventing opportunities.

slope up from front to back as it is important our back is protected. In Feng Shui we refer to this as the power position. When landscaping this secure private space can be created by way of fences, hedges, trees, shrubs and walls. When the back yard slopes down, maximise vertical lines by way of fence palings or plant trees with strong vertical trunks. It is very important that boundaries are defined where they actually are. Feng Shui suggests that when boundaries are not physically clearly defined then we have difficulty setting boundaries in our dealings with others. Have them encroaching onto public land and you’ll spend time worrying about everything and everyone else. Not extending them far enough, you’ll feel like you are in a pressure cooker where others are constantly pushing you around.

2013 December-January


Who’s Telling Stories About Your Business? by Charles Pollitt

Lawrie’s vision was to run golf clinics on the Gold Coast, and wanted my help to promote the new venture... “What makes you different from every other golf coach, Laurie?”

Same with Lawrie. Had to get inside his head. What made him tick. Discover his uniqueness, and why his students by-passed 100’s of other golf coaches to get to him.

Nah... doesn’t cut it.

We built a website for his new business venture. Shared stories in cyberspace. And generated over $100,000 of new business within twelve months. No online or offline advertising. No signage. No fancypants premises.

Lawrie’s golf academy was hidden away from view. No signage. No walk-in traffic. No paid advertising. His business was built on Word-Of-Mouth and people telling stories.

Golfers flew in from Melbourne and Sydney. They came from France, USA, Japan and Malaysia. All because of stories on the website about Lawrie and his golf clinics...

“I’m the best...!”

We’d seek feedback from students at the end of each clinic. They’d share stories about Lawrie and his uniqueness. Like it or not, people tell stories about your business. By crafting a compelling story and telling others about it, you’ll engage them, drawing them into your business. They’ll relate your story to their family, friends, colleagues. In my case, rather than be labelled as a copywriter, I explain my secret super-power. It’s my intense curiosity to discover more about people and their stories. I’ll dig deep to find out what makes you tick, working with you to develop ways to monetize your story. Friends would notice improved golf scores, and asked what they were doing...They’d say Lawrie was their secret weapon. Back in the day, sitting around camp fires, stories passed down through generations. Stories paint pictures, working the imagination, and create lasting impressions. Everybody’s got a story. Even you. It’s all about who you are. How you got there. Your journey.


Connexions Business Mag

Think about who’s telling stories about your business and what they are saying, because it’s YOUR STORY that separates YOU from your competitors. And remember... People buy from YOU because of YOUR unique story.

Cartoonist Ryan McDonald-Smith

2013 December-January


Another Christmas in China by Tove Vine

I had decided I would have a big Christmas party for all my students in my classroom. A few days before the party, I went to Yi De Lu, which is the wholesale shopping street and place to go to buy cheap toys, gifts, notebooks and other kinds of stationery for my school. I wanted to buy Santa hats for all the students, a gift and Christmas card for each student. I decorated the classroom with balloons and Christmas decorations.

I was again amazed how much evidence of Christmas there is around the city of Guangzhou and throughout the whole of China (as I saw on TV). Christmas trees adorn most shops, big or small. However, they are often decorated with cheap decorations, which seem to be just thrown on the trees. All the Christmas decorations stay up until after Chinese New Year in mid-February and some all year. I think some Chinese people thinks Christmas decorations are like the Chinese New Year’s decorations which are placed around doors and bring good luck throughout the year.


Connexions Business Mag

Christmas Day came, more than seventy students arrived with their mother, father grandmother or grandfather, who also joined in the festivities (which I had not expected). The Christmas party went well, with lots of singing of English Christmas carols. The most popular and easiest to teach the students were We Wish you a Merry Christmas and Jingle Bells, and for the older students Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Santa Claus is Coming to Town. All songs were sung with actions. I had learned if I put actions, body language and facial expressions to each word or sentence it was easier for the students to remember the words. I played a trick on the student. I told them we would be able to see Santa come flying through the air in his sleigh with his nine reindeer, and so I had them running to the window looking for Santa, but alas they were not quick enough! He escaped them but did leave a huge bag of gifts on the balcony. He was of course in a hurry to deliver gifts to all the other children around the world. Well, so I told them –and they believed me. They didn’t really care—they only cared about the big red bags full of gifts. The Christmas gifts were received with joy by the students. I was very happy with the first of many Christmas parties I would have in Miss Tove’s English School in China. Tove in China - Author of T.I.C This Is China and M.A.D Making A Difference in China.

Miss Tove’s English School

2013 December-January


Business Management Skills by Colin Thompson

It is nearly the start of a new year and maybe your business needs a shot in the arm so to speak. To run a successful business you need a diverse range of business management skills. When you operate your business it’s likely that your responsibilities will include: • Research for your Market • Defining your Business Goals • Creating a Business Plan • Reassess Your Costs • Checking your Overheads • Financial Records/accounts; • Tax, Legal and Insurance Requirements • Human resources; and information technology (IT). How confident do you feel in your ability to manage them? It’s a good idea to plan ahead of time how you’re going to manage each area which may include delegating various functions to a business partner, undertaking additional training or contracting a specialist advisor such as a bookkeeper, graphic designer/ merchandiser.

Market research for your business

Market research helps you to understand your customers, your competitors and your industry. It will tell you: • who your customers are, what their needs are, and how much they are willing to pay for your product or service • who your competitors are, what they sell and for what prices. Market research helps you to make decisions about many important areas of your business


Connexions Business Mag

(e.g. pricing and marketing of your goods and services, the location of your business, how you plan to compete with similar businesses).

Redefine your Business Goals

A common business goal is to run a profitable operation, which typically means increasing revenue while limiting expenses. Revenue objectives consist of increasing annual sales by 10 percent or landing three new clients each month. Expense objectives could involve finding a new operating facility that decreases your rent by $200 a month or cutting monthly utility bills by 15 percent.

Customer Service

Examples of customer service goals; to develop a perception that your company is easy to do business with or to improve your response time to customer enquires. Nothing annoys a prospective client more than YOU turning up late for an appointment or not turning up at all as we hear so often and that is bad for business.

Revisit Your Business Plan.

A business plan is a written description of your business’s future, a document that tells

what you plan to do and how you plan to do it. If you jot down a paragraph on the back of an envelope describing your business strategy, you’ve written a plan, or at least the germ of a plan. Business plans are inherently strategic. You start here, today, with certain resources and abilities. You want to get to a there, a point in the future (usually three to five years out) at which time your business will have a different set of resources and abilities as well as greater profitability and increased assets. Your plan shows how you will get from here to there.

Know Your Costs

You need to know what your immediate costs are. a) What is your hourly rate, (show breakdown and remember it needs to increase at least yearly) b) Cost of materials, scaffold. c) Other direct costs

Check Your Overheads

You need to know what your ongoing, monthly expenses are. Among the expenses you should expect to pay (and there will likely be more, depending on your business): • Rent • Cost of Materials • Utilities ( power, phone, vehicle, hire purchase, petrol etc) • Payroll and owner’s draw • Equipment replacement • Insurances • Advertising and marketing • Taxes • Debt repayment and Working capital

Financial Records/Accounts

Good financial records are maintained on a regular basis, so plan time in your work schedule to get it done. Although it may seem that this time would be better spent on running your business, by doing your own book-keeping: • you’ll minimise costs; • have more control; and • get a better understanding of your financial information and operations. • Many small business owners handle their day-to-day bookkeeping requirements but consult an accountant for help with formal reporting functions. Before deciding whether you will manage your own finances or outsource the process, it helps to understand the difference between book-keeping and accounting.

Tax Requirements

Compliance with the ATO requirements and calculation of the correct amount of tax payable will differ depending on your business structure.

Legal Requirements

You must consider your legal requirements when operating your business. If you do not follow legislative requirements and regulations, your business can face serious penalties. A range of legal requirements may affect your business. You will need to consult with the regulatory requirements relating to the state or territory where your company operates.

Insurance Requirements

Here is a range of insurances that need to be considered when operating a business • Public and Products Liability Protects against third-party

damage or loss caused by you or your product, covering property damage or loss and personal injury or loss. The need for liability cover applies to both the principal and subcontractors. • Professional Indemnity Covers against claims for your professional advice, design, contract administration and project management. Be very careful with this - not all policies are the same! Check the detail before accepting any proposal. • Personal Accident & Sickness Thought should always be given to the possibility of an illness or accident which would reduce your capacity to run the business and earn an income. Income protection is an essential part of protecting your interests, as business costs don’t stop. • Workers Compensation If your business employs others, you may be required to register them for workers compensation. Requirements vary between states, so it will be necessary to understand the relevant legislation to make sure you comply with your local requirements. • Plant Equipment and Tools What happens to the business if you lost all your tools and equipment at once? How much would the down time cost you? Professional tools earn professional income. What’s the real value of your tools - replacement or loss of earning capacity? • Motor Vehicle - Mobile businesses rely on effective mobility. The right vehicle and fitout can be quite expensive. The risk of being immobile and not being able to get to the job. If you have the vehicle under lease, you’ll be required to carry full insurance cover, but what about the older vehicle you use as a backup? Is it covered? Can you risk it damaging others?

• Home or Commercial Office Smaller home-based businesses are usually under-protected. Data is crucial to businesses so what happens if computers are stolen? Personal injury, home and contents, workers compensation, public liability and materials all need to be assessed. If you’re unsure about your risk, ask your broker to do an audit on the business. Remember, it is never a problem until there is a problem.

Human Resources and Communication

Business is all about people regardless of your industry or the product or service you’re offering. On a daily basis you will encounter a range of people including customers, suppliers, employees and business associates. Developing your communication and negotiation skills will be invaluable in a range of situations from negotiating a supplier contract to dealing with a difficult customer. Information Technology (how do people find you) • Do you have a website? • Is your website easy to find and what information does it carry. • Are you in different other Directories? • Are you on Facebook, etc? These are forms of advertising for your company and you need to revaluate from time to time to determine what works for your company. Don’t waste money on advertising that doesn’t work. Colin Thompson

0433 724 794 2013 December-January


Big Ideas 2014:

The Year of the Entrepreneur by Richard Branson

This post is part of a series in which LinkedIn Influencers pick one big idea that will shape 2014. See all the ideas here. 2014 will be a year of many big ideas, because it will be the year of the entrepreneur. This year has seen the growing trend of entrepreneurship being embraced as a positive way to create the jobs of the present and the future. From being a dirty word in the past, now entrepreneurship is increasingly being celebrated and encouraged - as it should be. There has been a surge in the excitement surrounding start-ups, from Silicon Valley to Silicon Roundabout and beyond. Many internet start-ups came to fruition, and big businesses went public, creating enormous wealth for their founders. That generation are now setting up new businesses, helping to create more jobs and stimulate more innovation. Jack Dorsey from Twitter didn’t rest on his laurels after launching Twitter, he is now taking Square from strength to strength and I expect to see more entrepreneurial ideas from Jack and his peers in the coming year.


Connexions Business Mag

I believe 2014 will be the year of the entrepreneur more than just in California. When visiting Africa, Australia, Europe, South America and the US this year, there was an appetite for entrepreneurship wherever we went. We launched Virgin StartUp in UK, and are receiving lots of applications from new businesses hungry to succeed. In South Africa and the Caribbean, Branson Centres of Entrepreneurship are overflowing with talented individuals eager to unleash their ideas onto the world. With the right support (financial and otherwise) they can and will. The entrepreneurs who will succeed in 2014 will need to focus upon having a purpose beyond profit for their business. A great example of this in the British Virgin Islands is an entrepreneur named Gumption, who we gave a loan to start a glass-bottom boat company. He has paid back his entrepreneurial loan in full, and is now focusing upon his company becoming a force for good, helping protect turtles as well as entertain tourists.

Technology is helping every business, large and small to move forwards, which will only increase in the coming year. Now, entrepreneurs can build companies at a fraction of the cost in the past. All of the little things that used to add up to big headaches for new businesses, from accounting to website development, are now available to small businesses, giving them the same capabilities as large enterprises at a cost they can afford. Because of this, new entrepreneurs have more time to think about the bigger picture and work out how to grow their business, rather than fretting about every detail. Don’t get me wrong, there are still a thousand and one things for every entrepreneur to focus upon, and you need a great team of people around you and good delegation skills to utilise them. But now new businesses have more of a fighting chance. So, what is your big idea for 2014? Why not decide to set up the business you have always wanted? Screw it, just do it! Reprinted from : post/article/20131211143548-204068115-big-ideas2014-the-year-of-the-entrepreneur?trk=eml-ced-bart-M-0&ut=24yHw7l1euKC01

2013 December-January


Call Jennie to discuss how this works for you 0414 278 344


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NEIS – New Enterprise Incentive Scheme by Jan Muir

NEIS is a government scheme which is a wonderful support for start-up businesses. I have been fortunate to be one of the speakers who presents to one of the groups, twice a month now on relationship building and goal setting. Here is Jan Muir’s experience with NEIS. - Editor Jan Muir says: The NEIS process was an interesting aspect of life that really challenged me about my stuff. Having said that, it was most exhilarating to reach the end of the time and realise what I had achieved. To be able to be on the NEIS scheme you have to meet a criteria and this is that your business idea is a niche and also a skilled shortage for the work force. The day came to attend the first class of the NEIS process, my business idea was accepted and now it was down to writing a business plan. With introductions out of the way the tutor proceeded to advise all aspects around the legality of running a business and what we needed to have in the way of insurance to cover us. There were many different types of businesses with very different niches. From the construction industry, a handy man through to an internet based business solely run from home. Some business had to be mindful of the public liability, business names had to be sought and registration for a trading name to be paid. Having a domain and web name was beneficial

and if not already organised hosting also had to be set up officially. The next was the discussion of GST and BAS and any requirements that may need to be approved by Council. It was a fairly easy process for all to follow and if you were already identified as a business and registered it was only a matter of completing the assessment form indicating that you understood what your legal requirements were as they applied to your business. The format was pre prompted with suggestive ideas of content to complete the business plan as you worked through it. What Tax implications affected you was indicated if you were under the threshold mark for GST compliance. As most of the businesses were start-ups were under the threshold it was a fairly straight forward assignment. Next step was the naming of all your products namely 12 items for sale that would create the income for your business success. Here we had to know the cost of materials if you were creating a product and inclusive of the freight components. We had to know what the suggested price was and on a calculated spreadsheet identify how many sales you estimated for the 12 month period and also for the 2nd year of business. We were advised to be under-estimating so that our goal was not too high to reach. From here it was this information that we then built our projection of sales and

this then flowed on to the profit and loss margins and the overall expenses could be calculated. A great awareness and understanding of your projection sales and this would impact on the strength of your business. This would result in knowing what your break even point was for your first 12 months. It made it all achievable. From there we moved on to marketing and all the aspects on building a marketing plan. What research you did that identified your competitors, your industry overview and the strength of the market? What areas of the market you could target at to reach full potential? What was your unique selling point? What would have you accepted by customers over other businesses? how were you going to market your business and examples of same? What was your plan of action for promotion and action? What was the intended cost of this and how to cover all cost? What was your marketing budget determined? and your pricing policy. What was your packaging and presentation?, and your distribution of product?. Dealing with customer service and what to do with the handling of complaints and the implications? After completion of the above, now is the time to put all the above learnings into ACTION! possum?fref=ts 2013 December-January


Small Business Marketing Essentials by James Yuille

If I asked you want you do, you would likely reply that you’re an accountant, a quantity surveyor, a painter, a dentist or use another common job description. While accurately describe the function you perform, they don’t help you to market yourself. Employees use their job description to explain what they do; business owners must rise above that and use marketing phraseology. After all, there are hundreds of other accountants; quantity surveyors etc. out there and you’re just one more trying to carve out a little slice of the action. Any potential client or referrer wants more. Consider the conversation they’re having with themselves at this time. This is what they’re thinking: • What makes YOU different? • What can YOU do for me that few or no others can? • Why should I use you instead of someone else? And you’ve given them nothing. Here’s how to develop an


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answer to these questions… Start by answering this question about your business: “What problem do I solve, and who do I solve it for?” Then answer this one: “Who has the money to pay me to solve this problem?” Now, instead of simply telling people your job function, you can respond with a benefit statement that illustrates the outcome of what you do. Here are four examples based on the jobs mentioned earlier: • “I keep the ATO out of your inbox” • “I make sure you get maximum permitted depreciation deductions on your investment properties” • “I make tired houses look and feel like they’re brand new” • “I give people million-dollar smiles” Now, instead of getting a blank stare, if the person you’re speaking with has a related problem, they will pick up your benefit statement and ask for

more information. How much better is it to have them ask for more than have them dismiss you as just another technician? If your service is pitched to a specific niche add a reference to that in your response. As an example… • “I assist farmers with cash flow analysis to make sure they have sufficient funds even when their crops are out of season” Why is this so important? It’s simple; without marketing, there aren’t enquiries or referrals. Without enquiries or referrals, there are no sales. No sales means no revenue. Without revenue, you can be the very best technician in your industry – but you will be unemployed… Ask James what he does and he will tell you he helps business increase their top lines. You can contact him at or 1300 884 757

Cartoonist Ryan McDonald-Smith

By working together

we can change the world! You can make a difference‌. It is as easy as a click on your computer.

2013 December-January


Upcoming Events Networking Chats – ‘MasterMinding for Networkers’ Tuesday 14th Jan 2014 | 9.30am – 12noon Networking Chats is now an Open MasterMinding for Networkers session. These groups will be limited to 20 people per month and will be on a first in, first serve basis. The aim of these groups will be to support participants to ACTION their networking by creating a programme that will help them to become not only better networkers but to become stream-lined in their networking. WHERE: Our Business Hub, 4/1311 Ipswich Road, Rocklea, Brisbane INVESTMENT: $35 prepaid / $40 at the door

EXECUTIVE MasterMind Group Thursday, 23rd January (for 6 months)


LIMITED! 20 people only

9.30am – 12noon

Executive MasterMind Group is created for :

Executives and successful business owners looking for a supportive group who will help them move toward the next level, people looking for an independent board of directors, a business advisory board, business accountability and business development.

WHO are Brisbane Executive MasterMinders :

Entrepreneurs who have come out of corporate and find that it is not as easy as it looked... business managers/owners/entrepreneurs who have been in business for some years and need an independent ‘Board of Directors’ … someone needing to be kept accountable with support to move to the next level. Dates: Thursday 23rd Jan; 6th & 20th Feb; 6th & 20th Mar; 3rd & 17th Apr; 1st, 15th & 29th May; 12th & 26th June, 2014. Venue: Connexions Unlimited, 1311 Ipswich Road, Rocklea.


Connexions Business Mag

Upcoming Events CREATE 2014 to be what YOU Want .... a ‘how to’ workshop Tuesday, January 28, 2014 | 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM Do you know what you WANT from 2014 and beyond?

JOIN US and create 2014 to be what you want at this ‘HOW TO’ workshop through GOAL SETTING and VISION BOARDING. Jennie will take you through a process so you can consciously create your future. She can show you the ‘HOW TO’ by DOING and CREATING your vision in three hours. The goal setting process will help you set your year and life. BUT, you do need to understand the process to get exactly what you want. We will do activities to help you achieve what you want from 2014 and put in strategies that

will support you to achieve your goals. Overcome the obstacles to achievement: Do you understand the skills you need to learn, find or develop?Who you need to help you get there?What are the benefits for reaching your goal?

Use Jennie’s formula to create YOUR goals for 2014 WHERE: Our Business Hub, Rocklea INVESTMENT: $57.00 per person

Brisbane SME Masterminding #2 commencing Tuesday, 4th Feb. 2014 | 9:30 AM – 12noon These Business MasterMinding Groups to be held in Brisbane are for the small business owner or solo entrepreneur who is looking for support to grow their business, to gain more expertise and skills in running their business, along with a group of like-minded people to share their journey.

Business masterminding is the fasted way to move your business forward. Dates: Tuesday, 4th & 18th Feb; 4 & 18 Mar; 1st,15th& 29th Apr;13th& 27th May;10th& 24th Jun;8th Jul. Venue: Connexions Unlimited, 1311 Ipswich Road, Rocklea. (entrance and car parking via Abercrombie Street, off Sherwood Road) Discuss with Jennie which group she feels may be best for you. Phone her on 0414 278 344 or Send a Message. 2013 December-January


contributors Caroline Miall

Editor : Jennie Gorman

Graphic Design : J. Anne Delgado

Charles Pollitt

Colin Thompson

Daimien Patterson

Deb Yuille

Greg Menz

“Be real, be accountable” - Jennie Gorman

James Yuille

Jan Muir

Jennie Gorman

John Milne

“Authenticity equals

truth, the truth that you feel in every fibre of your being. It comes from the heart, not your head.”

- Jennie Gorman

Josie Thomson

Kerstin Rheinlander

Li Wang

Richard Branson

Tove Vine


Tracey McLeod

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