Connexions aug2013

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Business Magazine

Jennie Gorman and Gabby Button Awesome Authenticity Chapter 1 Being Totally Authentic 9 Questions to Ask Before Buying a Business Phone Healing Our Shadows Becoming a ‘Key Person’ in Your Industry in 4 Easy Steps

from Jennie’s Desk WOW … what a month it has been since I last wrote. It has been full on in so many ways. Two bits of exciting news …. Firstly, my new book “Awesome Authenticity – mastering business relationships” launches this month, bringing with it my thoughts and beliefs that have supported me and many of my clients in their endeavours to build successful relationships in and around their businesses. Wonderful to have sold prior to release, done an interstate radio interview and have a book company from the US want to market me! The next big news is that I am moving my office to the southside of Brisbane on the 1st September. Connexions Unlimited will have its own home for all their events, with a training room and board room available for me and any outsiders who are looking to run events. We have offices to rent (corporate style) if anyone is interested too. I am taking the offices with my son Nigel, whom you will hear more about in the future. Next issue will have all the details and photos available to you. This month we bring you lots of great articles, full of information for the small business entrepreneur. Enjoy and learn from what our experts on varying subject have to offer you, the reader. I thank them all for being generous enough to pass on their IP for our learning. I look forward to what the next few weeks has to bring to the table … it will be a busy month with me becoming far more disciplined in my business practices!! Looking forward to connecting again soon ….

AWESOME AUTHENTICITY Book Review: Natasha Howie, Jennie Gorman is nothing short of an exemplary human being, and has a fantastic reputation amongst business leaders in Australia. Whenever I mention Jennie to a business person I know (it seems like everyone knows her), they always rave about her. That’s because she’s an absolute master of creating and nurturing authentic relationships. Awesome Authenticity is an must have business book. It is an inspirational, thought provoking, step by step guide filled with nuggets of wisdom that every business owner must know in order to achieve joy and success simultaneously in business and in life. I have no doubt that if you read Awesome Authenticity, complete the simple yet eye opening self- assessments, and follow Jennie’s advice that you will catapult to greater success in more ways than you can imagine.

Josie Thomson. Jennie Gorman is one of those rare individuals that you meet once in a lifetime! I am honoured to know such a remarkable woman with the biggest heart and capacity to care and give unconditionally! Jennie has a unique gift which she generously shares in her new book, which I read from cover to cover in one sitting and absolutely loved it! If you are seeking to excel in business and build longstanding authentic connections, this book is for you! I highly recommend it.

Testimonial on MasterMind Group I have just completed the Executive Mastermind group with Jennie Gorman. I found Jennie to be very professional, personable, a supportive mentor and passionate about Masterminding. The Masterminding process has enabled my business to move to the next level. Throughout the entire process, I felt comfortable and supported by the Mastermind. I highly recommend this program to business owners who want their business to succeed.

Mandy Cann from Cann Consulting


Previous Issue : July 2013

Disclaimer: The opinions and viewpoints expressed in Connexions Business Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor, staff or publisher or any Connexions Unlimited staff or related parties. The publisher, Connexions Unlimited personnel are not liable for any mistake, misprint or omission. All information contained in Connexions Business Magazine is intended to inform and illustrate and should not be taken as financial, health, legal or accounting advice. You should seek professional advice before making any business related decisions. We are not liable for any losses you may incur directly or indirectly as a result of reading Connexions Business Magazine. Reproduction of any material or contents of the magazine without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited.




Who is Gabby Button?


A trademark - what do you get for your money!


Why Should I have an Enduring Power of Attorney?


9 Questions to Ask Before Buying a Business Phone


WorkLife Balance #6 Be Organized, Work Systematically


Finding your Holy Grail in Business and Life


Fulvic Minerals


Healing Our Shadows


One Minute Per Week ... go get the Business You Seek! Personal Development


Becoming a ‘Key Person’ in Your Industry in 4 Easy Steps


SOCIAL MEDIA and How to Make a Difference


Enjoying a Different Life in China


Get Rid of Time Killers


How to Predict a Property Value Increase


Upcoming Events


I hear you asking, what does she mean by being ‘totally authentic’ and having ‘awesome authenticity’? To be awesome is to be awe-inspiring and by being authentic in all you say and do, changes the way you are seen by others. It is important in today’s business world to be seen for who you really are, by being believable, trusted and sometimes vulnerable. I believe that there is no difference between who you are in business or in your personal life. The basics of ‘who you are’ needs to resonate in both. In business today we need to be awe-inspiringly real … it is about being yourself and knowing your own self-worth. No-one really ever wants you to be someone other than who you really are. Awesomeness comes from deep inside you, and for many people they are not even aware of their own awesomeness. We all have it and need to acknowledge it and allow the door to open to honesty by setting ourselves free so we can become truly authentic. To be authentic is to be really REAL and be who you WANT to be, not who you think you need to become. It is not about anyone else, it is about YOU! Your truth is what you project in every thought, word, feeling and action. Authenticity equals truth, the truth that you feel in every fibre of your being. It comes from your heart not your head. When you feel it, it resonates in you a good feeling. By understanding your own truth and authentic self, you will find who you really are. Allow others to see and know you … reveal yourself for you are unique and special. We all have within us hidden fears, doubts and worries. By allowing the wise and powerful part of ourselves, often called ‘the higher self’, the opportunity of showing our true unique passion, values, visions, talents, abilities and our sense of purpose, comes out. Until you really understand your real purpose of why you are here and what you are to do in this life, you will be short changing yourself of showing the world your true unique identity. When you understand what you are here in this life to do and be, then you will know the importance of leaving a legacy behind you, when your time on earth is over. I often say to my clients, what do you want people to say about you when you die and your name is mentioned? What was the dash (-) between your birth and death date? Did you make your mark? Were you memorable for the good work you did?


Connexions Business Mag

As we gain conscious awareness, we learn how to live a life of joy, peace, love, freedom, abundance, gratitude and all the other beautiful things life allows us to be, whilst being in tune with who we really are every moment of our day, every day. I am not saying that you will not have times of worry and stress in your life. This is necessary for you to develop and become who you are. We only learn through the experiences we have so it is necessary to be pushed at times, sometimes further than we would like. So, open the door and become who you really are by setting yourself free to be REAL! Become a master of your life and live on purpose and with passion.


2013 August


Who is Gabby Button? by Gabby Button Last year I met Jennie Gorman at a workshop. I was sitting next to her and instantly felt a connection. Afters some brief discussion and catching up with Jennie after the workshop I realised that we have a lot in common. We are both passionate about people, being authentic, building meaningful relationships and we both believe that through business, large and small, we have an amazing capacity to make positive changes in people’s lives and in our world. It’s not hard to see that today, more and more people are stepping out of the Corporate world because they no longer feel connected with life, or they are avoiding the Corporate world all together, because they don’t want to compromise their values and vision for their lives. I know first hand what it’s like lose sight of who you are, to get carried away with the illusion of the power, importance and politics of the Corporate world. I started out as an accountant and found myself on a whirl wind rise to the top! Travelling rapidly through roles including financial controller, corporate services manager, operations manager, consulting manager and commercial manager spanning a number of very large organisations. That was until 2000, when in the midst of an amazing Corporate career, I stepped out. In stepping out I made a commitment to do just one thing – do what I love and see where it would take me. I now live at the beach, on the beautiful Gold Coast. I am an award winning trainer and consultant, that has worked with in excess of one thousand managers and business people from large and small companies. Now, more than ever I am passionate about playing a key role in developing and delivering new models of business and education to create happier, healthier and more meaningful lives, businesses and environments – to maximise both human and business potential. All of this driven by the belief that through business we have an amazing capacity to make positive changes in people’s lives and in our world. So along with Jennie, I look forward to meeting and working with many of you, whilst I am on this wonderful journey.


Connexions Business Mag

Living my life, my way, on my time... my style. "My Life, My Style" proudly hosting Brisbane's Biggest Morning Tea, "Breast Friends Night In" a Girls Night In event and attempting to break the world record for the "World's Longest Bra Chain" raising much needed funding for The Cancer Council QLD.



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Connexions Business Mag

A trademark - what do you get for your money! by Geoff Moller

Recently helped a client apply for a new trademark and they stated that they wanted to stop any competitors doing the same activity in their particular industry. We had a little bit of a chat about it and it made me think about what people’s understanding and expectations are in owning a trademark and what it can deliver. Having a trademark protects your business name, brand, product or service where you have a registered trademark protecting those particular items. You can also trademark such things as images logos or a combination of those things plus it’s possible to trademark a colour or sound but I won’t go into that in this article. A trademark gives you the ownership of the intellectual property (IP) surrounding those items so that you can safely promote and grow your brand knowing that somebody won’t pass themselves off as you, your company or your brand. What a trademark does not give you is exclusivity for you to carry out your activities within any given industry, for example if you’re a real estate company having a trademark does not stop other

real estate companies selling real estate under their respective company name or brand, being a panel better does not stop other companies operating in that industry. It might sound obvious when I describe it but some people think that having a trademark gives you exclusivity to carry out your activities within an industry, but it does stop other people from using the name or brand to confuse a consumer and take money from your business which should be rightfully yours.

More information can be found by visiting

or by contacting Geoff Moller.

So, in summary, if you own a registered trademark you own the IP around that name, logo, image or combination of any of them.

Points to note: • If you have to defend or fight for your trademark IP Australia or the government does not fight on your behalf so there may be legal costs involved. • Trademarks do not cover copyright, that’s another story. • If someone contacts you and says that you’re infringing on their trademark act quickly. • If you discover that someone is infringing on your trademark don’t delay in taking action, that’s very important once you become aware of it.

Geoff Moller

is a management consultant working with IP and trademark strategies and lodgements and can be contacted at Visit : You can also phone Geoff directly on 0411 351 110.

2013 August


Why Should I have an Enduring Power of Attorney? by Kym-Marie Bush Despite our best efforts, sometimes we are unable to make decisions for ourselves so we need someone to step in and help. This can occur through the involvement of Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal, the Public Trustee and others who are unknown to you. Or, it can be at your direction through an Enduring Power of Attorney (“EPOA”).

so that if the first named person is unable to assist, the next person can make the decision.

EPOA’s are not just for the older members of our community. They are helpful if you travel and have business or land purchase deals going on and need someone to sign documents for you.

To complement the EPOA, you might also give consideration to an Advanced Health Directive. More on these next time.

They are also very helpful where you are hospitalised and cannot make decisions about medical treatment. Appoint someone you trust to give direction for medical treatment and this makes life a whole lot easier for everyone involved. The EPOA can commence immediately, at a specified date or specified event where it relates to financial matters. For medical, they come into effect only when you lose capacity. You can appoint up to 4 people to make decisions on your behalf and you can specify how those decisions are to be made, for example, by a majority, or in the order named


Connexions Business Mag

Each Attorney, that is the person who makes the decision in your place, is accountable for the decisions they make on your behalf. It is not an open chequebook to go spend on whatever takes their fancy.

The appointment of your attorney under the EPOA is effective immediately. You should appoint someone you trust implicitly. You should also talk with your attorney and family or those closest to you about life sustaining treatment, where financial information can be located and other important things that will assist them in making decisions for you. My family have had the discussion about when to turn off life support and organ donation. It’s too late when you have passed and we move from an attorney looking out for you to an executor finalizing your estate.

Kym-Marie Bush | Associate Quinn & Scattini Lawyers Tel. 07 3821 2766

Aussie App Store

Why go mobile? • Over 8.5 million smartphones are in use in Australia today • 98% of them are used at home, 85% on the go and 73% at work • 94% have been used to research products or services • 78% visit social networks • 74% never leave home without it. • 63% have performed a search on their mobile after seeing an offline ad • 59% make mobile purchases at least once a month • 58% access the Internet every day on their smartphone • 48% look for local info at least once a week, 18% look daily. 43% search Restaurants, Pubs, Bars

1300 494 188 • 2013 August


9 Questions to Ask Before Buying a Business Phone by Cathy Ewald

If you are in business, your phone is almost like an additional employee and should undergo a selection process appropriate to the role you have in mind for it. Clearly, a low cost, plain vanilla back up phone for use as a spare will require less rigour in selection than an $800+ smart phone. The “interview” questions aim to determine if the phone can work the way you want to use it. 1. How will you use data capability or “internet on your phone” ? Do you want to browse the internet and check email? Do you want to use Skype, Facebook or YouTube? Do you want to use the phone as a wireless hot spot to connect other devices when travelling? If you do these things, do you have an appropriate plan with your phone company? Data use mounts up faster than most of us expect and is expensive if you go over the allowance your company has given you.. If internet speed is important, you might want to consider selecting a phone and network that support 4G (also known as LTE) in your area. Currently, all major networks are rolling out 4G, but not all areas are covered. Only certain phones are compatible with this new technology in any case.

3. How do you want to interact with the phone? Do you want to use voice commands or a Bluetooth headset e.g. for in-car use? Do you use the phone out of doors in bright light? Some phone screens are better outdoors than others. Again, the best outdoor performers are often the “dumb” phones but most of these can do little more than make and receive calls and SMS messages. Will the phone be used by someone with a physical disability or issue such as arthritis or poor eyesight? Those with manual dexterity problems (or just fat fingers!) might find small keyboards hard to handle. Some screens may be easier to read with poor eyesight than others .A “phablet” (large phone or very small tablet) might help with its bigger screen. If the person either has hearing difficulties or (like me) tends to put the phone down when at home and not stay near it, a loud ring tone may be useful. Most phones allow you to download new ring tones, but some phones are quieter than others. Questions to ask – How does this perform outdoors?

Questions to ask – What is my data allowance on this plan? 2. Do you use the phone outside major population areas ? If you mainly live and work in a capital city or major tourist centre, this probably isn’t a concern. If you travel to remote mining areas or spend a lot of time in the country, there are a few extra things to consider. If you travel in remote areas a lot, you might need to consider which phones are best in areas with potentially poor coverage. Battery life may be an issue on long rural trips. Solutions include buying a backup battery or selecting a phone with above average battery life. If you drive long distances, you might need an in car charger. Also, be aware that some phones allow you to easily swap batteries but others have batteries that can only be changed by a qualified service person. The simpler the phone, the more likely it is to have good battery life. Questions to ask – What is the battery life? Has it been tested in remote areas?


Connexions Business Mag

4. If buying the phone for an employee or mainly for business use, how does the proposed purchase fit with the rest of your business? Will it connect to your corporate email and do you want it to? Do all your employees have the same type of phone? If so, do you and they rely on software that is only available on that type of phone? What would be the costs and benefits of replacing such software if it is too restrictive? Does the phone need connect to any other computer, tablet or device? 5. Do its features meet your needs? If you aren’t sure, write down the five most important things you want to do with the phone and ask any sales person showing you a phone to show you how it does each of them.

6. What accessories do you need to use the phone effectively? If you are on the road for your business, a car charger may be important. Consider a case or screen protector for easily scratched and dirtied touch screen phones. 7. Do you understand the SAR rating of the phone and are you concerned about it? I have encountered phone sales persons who do not know what SAR means. Basically, it is a measure of the user’s radio frequency exposure from using the phone. It appears the scientific jury is still out on the possibility of health effects from such exposure. All phones sold in Australia must conform to a standard similar to those in other developed countries. However, if you feel concerned about it, you can choose to use a hand-free or speakerphone feature to limit the time you have the phone close to your head and/or you can select the phone which has the lowest SAR rating of these which meet your other needs. The SAR rating of Australian phones must be published in the instruction manual and this information can usually be found online as well. Questions to ask – What is the SAR rating or where can I find it if you don’t know? 8. Do you live or work in an area prone to severe storms, floods, bushfires or cyclones? Natural disasters may cause interruption to telecommunications and power supplies for extended periods of time as Queenslanders experienced earlier this year. If you are purchasing a smart phone for a person or business in an area at risk, you may wish to consider some type of backup battery for the phone. Some phones are compatible with speaker docks and others use the common micro-usb charging lead. In either case, backup batteries or charging docks can run on batteries are available and are worth considering if you are concerned about power failure. For a business, it may be worth purchasing a cheap prepaid sim card with a phone company other than the one you normally use. If your normal service goes down for some reason, there is a chance the second company may keep operating. However, this will only work if your phone is not restricted to one phone company. 9. Will the phone work with your preferred phone company? You don’t have to worry about this so much if you are signing up for a contract with a phone company (unless planning to keep the phone and change companies at the end of the contract). However, if you are buying an outright or prepaid phone, there are two aspects to consider. The first is known

as network or SIM locking. Sometimes stores sell phones that are locked to a particular company and may come with a prepaid SIM card, ready to set up a new prepaid account with that company. If the phone is locked and you want to change companies, you will have to pay an unlocking fee before you can use these phones with any other company. This fee varies depending on the company and sometimes length of time you have owned the phone, so make sure you know what the cost to you would be. The second aspect involves the way the phone actually communicates with the network. This is not restricted to “prepaid” phones. Any phone you buy needs to be assessed for ability to work with your preferred network. The network bands your phone is capable of operating on need to match those of your preferred phone company. 2G (GSM) is slow for internet use, so it is important to ensure 3G compatibility if internet is required. 4G is now also available on some phones and some areas. If purchasing a phone sourced from overseas, be careful that compatibility information applies to Australian networks. Questions to ask – Will it work on all Australian networks? Will it work on Australian 3G/4G networks?


Electronic Lighthouse 2013

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Work-Life Balance #6

Be Organized, Work Systematically by Caroline Miall

When things are stressful, it can be even more near impossible to maintain and balance your time and energy. So, often there’s no time to figure out what could help to simplify things – but sometimes even the smallest changes can be effective. Many of us are feeling the pinch on our time as well as our wallets and when getting enough work is the greater worry than whether you’re getting enough ‘me’ time, it’s difficult to see that some simple approaches to what you do can make a large difference. You can create more time for yourself and your families. It’s again about revising your work practices, and ensuring that you’re using time effectively.

start to add up. If you want to know where the time goes, log it – you’ll find out if you fritter away your minutes like others do dollars. Are you spending it doing something worthwhile?

Be organized, and more effective. No one likes paperwork but even at this stage the paperless office isn’t a total reality for most of us. Have a system that means that you’re not spending more time on it than you need. Allow yourself the little time in the first place to put documents etc... where you’ll find them later. Think about the amount of time you save by not searching high and low for things.

Don’t recreate the wheel each time you do a task; adopt reusable templates, form letters, etc whereby you’re just filling in the blanks and getting the outcome or info you need. The beauty of doing the above things is that once they’re in place, maintaining them isn’t hard. So, get started, and do what you can with what you have now!

Try being present, and aware of the value of your time. Think about how lawyers, or plumbers even, itemise their time in blocks… (like SIX minute blocks). Imagine if you were charging yourself out by the quarter hour and see how your time would

How are you managing your electronic world? It’s important to recognise that our data, networks, websites, profiles, accounts, files all need to be managed in a way it doesn’t get totally unwieldy. Digital records are infinitely easier than anything before, but they still require a discipline or system as do paper ones. The online, digital sphere is becoming overwhelming for many, and it’s useful to recognise and retreat a little.

For more details : caroline@aussiepaintersnetwork 0430 399 800 16

Connexions Business Mag

2013 August



Connexions Business Mag

Finding your Holy Grail in Business and Life by Andy Monk

I’m going to say something that may be classed as a little controversial to the small business community. If you are trying to work out how to stop trading your time for money and that’s all you’re focused on, you are in the WRONG business. That right you may have lost your way. Now I’m not saying there is anything wrong with working out how to leverage your time and business that will dramatically increases your income and customers without costing you more time, that’s smart business BUT I am saying if that’s all you have your attention on, you have lost your way. In my business coaching I come across a lot of small business owners who struggles financially, suffering and annoyed with the customers they do have. And most of the time, when I talk to them I find out in some way they have stopped doing what they love, they’ve given up on it or maybe they never started in the first place. On this road to success we get caught up in things that we think

are the victory but often we find out we haven’t kept our eye on the true prize. We often think the prize is more money, status, comfort, security, admiration, fame or even a nice, shiny BMW. I’m not saying you can’t have some of this or all of it but if that is you are chasing you may be lost in the woods, chasing a phantom. I have known people who hit their financial targets or get the admiration they are chasing but they sacrificed what they love in the process, those people are the usually the most heart broken and disillusioned and it’s also usually cost them health or love along the way. To have a huge house but nothing that fulfils you is like having a giant shiny coffin. The Hero’s Adventure is about discovering your art, I mean the thing that lights you up. It could be a business idea, a cause you are passionate about, it’s not just about making music or painting. Art is a self expression. It’s about having the courage to express that to your tribe – the group of people who will love it – and risking criticism from those who don’t.

The true gift or victory of the Hero’s Adventure is discovering your true voice, your art and having the courage and tenacity to express it, and dealing with whatever comes at you during the process. In the new financial year its time to stay focused on what you truly love and find the other people who love it. If you’re doing something just for the goodies, it’s likely the journey will become a struggle and when you get the goodies it won’t be satisfying. Joseph Campbell said, “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” So what is your art? What’s your authentic voice that could be a gift to people? What are you truly passionate about?

Andy Monks Take Your Hero’s Adventure

2013 August


Fulvic Minerals by Wayne Bennett

We have been recommending Humic Fulvic Minerals as a component of a good wellness regimen and now as protection from radioactive contamination, so we asked our supplier about this aspect of Humic Fulvic and here is his response: Yes, Humic and Fulvic substances protect living organisms from the effects of radioactivity. Some products on the market are claiming Fulvic Acids do the job alone, but this is false. Specifically, it is the Humic portion that is the protector, followed by the Fulvic which detoxifies and helps in the regeneration process. Your product Green Aussie is a balanced blend of both.

Here is a short excerpt of a report by Dr. Boris Levinsky. How do Humates and Humic Acids work? Thus, humic preparations are reliable protection for plants and crops against harmful admixtures from our environment (soil, subsoil waters, rain water and the atmosphere) which is more polluted each day. They also protect crops from unfavorable environmental factors (drought, ionising radiation)

These organic complexes (humic/fulvic substances) are very unique and extremely complex. Physicists researching humic, organic substances explain that they are some of the most complex, intricate and chelated (99% absorbable) compounds on earth. Dr. Doug Leber, inventor of the Computronix Electro Dermal Screening Analysis Equipment and Dr. Murray and Linder, associates of the Physical Chemistry Department at University of Capetown, attempted to duplicate these complexes, but could not. The world renowned Dr. Boris Levinsky speaks of these microcomplexes as follows: “The property of these remarkable combinations are so unique that even if we joined the efforts of all chemists of the world, we could not manage to synthesize anything similar.� Dr. Boris Levinsky, PhD, Institute for Optical and Physical Measurements, 1992, cum laude, Moscow, Russia For more information on the above, speak with Wayne Bennett from Green Aussie at (07) 3420-6322 (leave a message).

The protective effect of humates on living organisms develop in the following directions: 1. Protection from radioactive irradiation and its consequences. 2. Protection from harmful admixtures in the atmosphere, soil, and subsoil waters in technogenic districts. 3. Protection from the consequences of the pesticides and other chemicals used in agriculture. 4. Protection from unfavorable environmental factors in zones of risky agriculture. 5. Decrease in content of the nitrates that form when nitrogen fertilizer is used.

Visitors Invitation Code : surfing 2013 August


Healing Our Shadows by Josie Thomson

It is with deep respect, gratitude and love that I welcome readers to this article. And a big ‘thank you’ to Jennie Gorman for inviting me to contribute to her fabulous work again this month. For those of you who are new to me, you may read more about me at My topic this month is about our ‘shadows’ or as some may refer to them as our ‘ego’ self. Our ego self is simply an unawakened or underdeveloped part of ourselves that seeks balance and understanding. The more we strenuously and righteously strive to avoid this seemingly ‘dark’ side of our personality, the more destructive our shadow self may become.

Let the light shine into the darker regions of your mind. Accept yourself as a blending of higher and lower consciousness – a unio of spiritual and material bodies. Call up your anger, jealousies and antipathies and transform them into joy, compassion and understanding. Where there is separation, sow harmony and togetherness. Where there is pain from mental anguish, offer heartfelt sensitivity and simple acts of kindness to friends and loved ones (including the not-so-loved ones ;).

my core I am a ‘good’ person who is learning about love, life and self and I have honourable intention to do good and positive work in the world for the highest good of all. The words compassion, joy and understanding are certainly key drivers in my life today and I seek to heal the ‘darkness’ within myself and of the world around me by shining my light and love as brightly and vibrantly as I can through all I think, say and do. Will you join me in lighting up your world, and as a result the world around us?

As we accept the presence of the shadows of our mind, the light within us begins to grow. In the dark or ugly side of human nature lies the seed of true spiritual integration. Healing comes when we can accept and merge darkness with light. When we honour our wholeness – including the haunting thoughts, imagined shame and seemingly unpardonable sins of our past – then we are no longer victims of our fears. We must embrace the fears, doubts and unintegrated aspects of ourselves with open arms, open minds and open hearts. How else can we grow? How else do we get to learn about ourselves and about life?

Reverse the pattern of lying to yourself and others. Learn to speak and live out the truth of your life to the best of your ability. I too am awakening to this truth and need for integration of my ‘whole’ self – the unconscious and awakened self. I know at 22

Connexions Business Mag

Claim the life you desire. Claim the life you deserve. Know you are worthy. Decide today that your life is your own. Anything is possible, if only you believe. With love, Josie Thompson Master Certified Coach

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Make $100,000+ per year Call Jennie to discuss how this works for you 0414 278 344


Connexions Business Mag

One Minute Per Week ... go get the Business You Seek!

Personal Development by Anthony Davis

Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “Life

not a destination.”

is a journey,

On that journey there is one constant … Change. As change is inevitable, what you do to prepare yourself for change is the basis of good leadership and great teams; good parenting and great families. Personal Development (PD) should be practiced continuously in Business and encouraged amongst team members. There are simple ways such as reading educational and biographical books and also Personal Development Seminars. It was a PD Seminar that impacted on what I have created over the past 20 years. Additionally, I met my wife and a number of life-long friends at that Seminar. For Brightwater Clients and Business Boost readers, there are only two recommended ... I have experienced both! One is called “Stress to Strength … Out of the Stress into the Calm” and the other “The Principles of Leadership … A Hero’s Journey” . (Check the links) Both are different and are days packed full of useful tools for you to apply to your life and your living. Stress to Strength is on in July and for one last time is free. The Principles of Leadership is on in August and is only $395.00 for Business Boost readers (normally $495.00). Start your personal development journey today … book yourself into one or both of them. I am happy to talk to you about either of these courses ... simply phone.

Anthony Davis and the Brightwater Team

Copyright © 2013 Brightwater Business Coaching Pty Ltd All rights reserved. PO Box 1329, MILTON QLD 4064 Ph: +61 7 3367 0967 Free 1800 242 366 This is a weekly email ‘minute’ with ideas for your business development. If you think it would be valuable to your customers or associates please forward it to them acknowledging Brightwater as the source. In accordance with the SPAM Act, we will continue to send this information to you unless we hear to the contrary. If you prefer not to receive this e-mailed information, designed to support you to have the business that you want, please respond REMOVE in the subject line. We will delete your record from our database without any further communication. Thank you.

2013 August


Becoming a ‘Key Person’ in Your Industry

in 4 Easy Steps by Daniel Priestley

In any industry there are “Key People”. - Their names come up in conversation … for all the right reasons - They attract a lot of opportunities … the right sort - They earn a lot more money than most people … and it isn’t a struggle - They can make something successful if they are involved… and people know it How do you become a “Key Person”… faster? It’s surprisingly easy to become recognised as a Key Person if you take the time to put these four things in place… 1. You need to know your niche and your micro-niche. It’s not enough to have a niche. You need a niche within a niche. When you have that, you tend to answer the question “what do you do?” with a lot of authority and power. 2. You need to publish your ideas. We live in an ideas economy where intellectual property (IP) can become a far more valuable asset than any physical property you may own. Packaging your ideas, philosophies and methodologies (your IP) into a blog, articles or even a book isn’t hard, especially if you focus on writing specialised content tailored to your micro niche. More than anything, publishing great content positions you as a thought leader and the ‘go-to’ authority in your niche. 3. You need a product. 
Burnout happens when service based business owners get stuck wearing too many hats. Hunting for new business, servicing clients, admin and operations. The list goes on! The first product you need to reverse this situation is one that helps to educate people as to why they would want to do business with you. The second type of product is one that helps deliver the result the client is after, thus reducing the owners need to swap time for money.


Connexions Business Mag

4. You need to ‘Google well’. Provided your name isn’t Brad Pitt, this isn’t as challenging as you may think. If you take 2 days of focused effort you can set up a great Facebook page, a Linkedin group, a twitter account and a great blog. With all that in place you are going to sky-rocket up the Google listings. Staying there will require you to be diligent but if you are organised, that can take less than 30 mins a day (and it could be done from your iPhone in the back of a cab). When you have these four things in place, sit back and watch what happens to your life. People will ask you to speak at events, you will be referred to as an ‘expert’ or ‘well connected’, you will get focused opportunities coming your way and be seen as the ‘purple cow’ in your industry. If you feel like you’re standing on a mountain of value and would love to learn more about how you can build your brand, commercialise your IP and become a “Key Person of Influence” in your industry, you should check out: The Entrepreneur Brand Accelerator Brisbane | 31st of August 2013 Entrepreneur Brand Accelerator Event >>>

2013 April 31 2013 June 2013 August


SOCIAL MEDIA and How to Make a Difference by Jennie Gorman

I was asked to give a talk on how and why social media has impacted on me and my business along with how I use it to bring in 96% of my business today. It is no different to face-to-face networking except it is all done online. To develop a relationship you have to allow time and energy. Being able to do this on-line for the start of a relationship has been the easiest way to market our businesses today. Are you aware that if people see you around enough on social media, they will assume that they know you? This gives you such as great start to developing a relationship so that you can then go face-to-face with a coffee, dinner, drink etc with all judgements having been removed before your first meeting. When you meet physically for the first time, they already know what you look like and have created in their mind a story about who you are. Using social media is the most cost and time effect way to create business success. You can do it at any time during your 24 hours as you are not restricted to business hours. We are given the opportunity to connect with people we would never have the chance to meet which gives us the ability to build our circle of influence. This is the greatest and best way to get social proof, which is one of the most important parts of developing a good strong relationship for the future. Getting written and video testimonials, reviews, and just the daily interaction from your ‘friends’ makes you stand out from the others.


Connexions Business Mag

The way your present yourself, your business, your hobbies and interests will show others who you are. Be friendly and chat in a way that is of interest to others. People do not really care what you had for breakfast etc. They want to know who you are connecting with, who you know, how you support others and who you promote. Bring able to have the opportunity to talk about other people in your network so freely and openly with appreciation of them and their business gives you, the writer, a more prominent position too. So find a way to create your on-line presence so that you become the sphere of influence in your business circle. For more information, contact Jennie 0414 278 344 or

The Importance of GOOD Business Cards cont. by Jennie Gorman

Over the last three issues I talked a little about the first three of my 7 Tips on Business Cards. Here now is my take on the fourth one. • • • • • • •

ALWAYS have your business cards easily accessible NEVER run out of cards Have your PHOTO on your card if you are a small business Make sure all your information is CORRECT Give RELEVANT information about your business Make sure the WRITING on the card is easy to read Understand other CULTURES in the handling of your cards.

Make sure all your information is CORRECT

As mentioned previously, your business card is your shop window. Having the correct and updated information on your card is REALLY IMPORTANT. I find that so many people do not get new cards done when there are information changes. You will be judged by your card and if you write on it with changes, that makes you look unprofessional. If the information changes, throw out all the old ones and get new ones done!! Do you want to be seen as unprofessional? For more information on getting your new cards one NOW … call Stu below on 0414 622 401. You won’t regret it!

2013 August


Enjoying a Different Life in China by Tove Vine My exciting life continued in Guangzhou this huge city I had adopted as my home. I could not wait to wake up in the mornings to begin a new day - every day was an adventure. I loved my slow morning start. I woke up when my eyes opened and not when the alarm clock went off. I showered and drank a beautiful brewed cup of coffee the coffee machine was a gift from a Canadian teacher, Lucy, who had left to go back home. I strolled leisurely to my school, Dong Feng Dong School, at 9.45 to 10.00 am. I gave myself plenty of time, as I loved to stop along the way and observe backstreet ‘Hutong’ (narrow alley) life. I would often take a shortcut to the school. It was a narrow alley where people still lived as I am sure they did 100 years ago, with small, very old apartments five to six levels high and small shops and cafes on the ground level. Some of the cafes were only the size of a cupboard or a tiny room where the owners (usually families) struggled daily to make a living. The cafes had a few tables and chairs inside but mostly customers would sit on small stools on the footpath outside. The kitchen was in the corner and food preparation was either in full view of the customers (which was good, as we could see how the food was prepared) or indeed right on the footpath on a large wooden board. The food scraps and wastewater were just thrown out into the gutter. As I walked past in the mornings, the café owners were busy preparing for the lunch trade and many times I had to jump to avoid having a basin of dirty water thrown on my feet! I guess it was convenient for them just to throw the water into the gutter and not in the drain. I have been told there was very little checking on the health standards of those little eating places, and new ones would appear almost every day. It is so easy to set up a little eating-place and they may only last a few weeks or sometimes months. But the ones that provide good food keep going of course. Other food places were just in a door opening. The owner had only set up a skillet and a gas ring and was making pancakes with some sort of filling, noodles, jiao zi (dumplings) or similar food which was easy to cook.


Connexions Business Mag

I would often stop at one of the little cafes to treat myself to a late breakfast of Jiao zi which I would pick up with chopsticks and dip in a delicious peanut sauce, or a bowl of freshly made noodles. I always liked supporting small business. I found myself respecting those poor people working so hard to make a living. Many of the tiny café’s were open 24 hours a day. Tove in China Making a difference

Get Rid of Time Killers by Jesus Balderas Time Killer #1: Most employees are in a re-active rather than a proactive mode. Studies show only 20% of time is spent on the important activities. 80% is spent on things that get very low or NO results. If we reverse these we can immediately get a 4 times increase in productivity. That’s right, a 400% increase!! Time Killer #2: Re-reading the same information again and again without taking action. Average business person spends 6 weeks a year rereading the same information without taking action. This adds up to three and a half years in your career spent on something that has little or NO effect on your results. Time Killer #3: The “Open Door” policy. This “Have you got a minute?” mode is the worst way to run a practice. If anyone can interrupt anyone else anytime they want to, then the entire practice runs in a re-active mode. Time Killer #4: Not prioritizing your “TO DO” list. Studies show that people who make “to do” lists will most often do the least important (or easiest) things first. The important things often get moved until they become urgent and then get done in a mad rush. Time Killer #5: No daily planning. Most people only schedule appointments - not tasks or projects. This makes it hard to focus on the important (but not yet urgent) things. Timer Killer #6: No system for dealing with documents and projects. This often leads to a messy desk and/or drawers and files. Timer Killer #7: No discipline for useless information. Most people keep and file away information only to toss it out 6 months later. Jesus Balderas

2013 August


How to Predict a Property Value Increase by Daimien Patterson Something in the property investment industry that bothers me more than anything else is the myths about property prices that people circulate. First there’s that omnipresent property clock that apparently dictates the prices of property from somewhere up in the sky. Want to know where your house is headed? Just consult the property clock! Hah! And of course, there are many doomsayers on property who are quick to say the sky is going to fall in. However, when I look at the facts and the history, I feel nothing but confidence for the future of Australian property. Sure, there are occasional ups and downs, and corrections along the way, depending on the individual market’s location and activities, but in general, property prices just keep on going up. Why? For the same reasons it always has and always will: more people, same land. Here’s an example from history. Imagine that it’s 1980 and your house just rose 400% from $8,500 to $34,500 in the last 10 years (because that is what really happened in the major capital cities in the 1970s), and I say to you “Whatever you do, don’t sell this house – because in 10 years from now it will be worth 300% more again”. You would have said I was mad! Well that actually happened, and they kept going


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in the 90s and 00’s, and they are still going! As long as population increases, property prices will go up.

So what are the facts? Above are the historical median house prices for the Brisbane for the last 40 years. In the last ten years alone every city, except Sydney and Hobart which only just miss out, have more than doubled in value. In the last decade Brisbane values increased by 254%! The average increase each decade for the last 40 years in Brisbane has been an astonishing 285% every ten years! That doesn’t take into consideration the fact that the return on investment (ROI) is much higher if you consider that the investor has only committed a deposit, some transaction costs and perhaps some holding costs, and used the banks money for the rest. The effect of borrowing money to leverage the result is amazing! For example; let’s say you purchased a house in Brisbane in 2000 for $185,000. If you used a 10% deposit of $18,500 plus a budget of $15,000 to cover stamp duty and other costs, your contribution would have been $33,500.

Now let’s say you got a loan from the bank of $166,500 to cover the remaining 90% of the purchase price. In 2010 your property would have been worth $470,000, and if worst-case you had only paid the interest on the loan and you still owed the full $166,500, you would have made $303,500 ($470,000 - $166,500). So you will have turned your initial investment of $33,500 into $303,500 in 10 years. That’s a 904% return over ten years! Or 24.6% per annum compounding. But will prices keep going up you say? Will history continue to repeat itself? Well if all things happen for a reason, or reasons, and those reasons (like population growth and limited supply of land) continue to persist, why wouldn’t prices continue to rise? For savvy investors, the real key here is uncovering which individual locations are about to experience a burst of growth and a shortage of supply, and to invest your money there before property values follow. I’ll talk more about this in future articles.

If you’d like to chat more about what options you have to invest, give my office a call on 1300 372 677. I offer personal 90 min Property Investment Coaching Sessions and/or Portfolio Reviews. Daimien Patterson is Australia’s leading property investment strategist and CEO of Integrity Investment Properties. Want to know more? Visit Get Daimien’s book for FREE at

2013 August



Networking Chats Video ( 09 July 2013 )

‘Some Past Participants of Business MasterMind Groups’ with Jennie Gorman 34

Connexions Business Mag

2013 August


Upcoming Events “How MasterMinding is 10 Times More Powerful than Networking” 20 August 2013 | 6:00pm for a 6:30 pm Start COMPLIMENTARY Introductory Evening Discover how to use our MasterMinding success formula to: • Gain new business referrals • Triple your business bottom line • Collaborate and create joint ventures • Be kept accountable • Removing road blocks that stop you from growing your business • Grow your business from where you want to be • Share resources • Business coaching/mentoring combined • Learn what to do next when you and your business grow • Maintain confidentiality in your group • Get only the business results that count • Meet past participants who can tell you their experiences.

Brisbane Workers Community Centre 2 LaTrobe Terrace Paddington

View Location NEW Executive MasterMind Group | Facilitated by Jennie Gorman Commencing 11 September 2013 @ 09:30 am - 12:00 pm WHO are Brisbane Executive MasterMinders?:

• Entrepreneurs who have come out of corporate and find that it is not as easy as it looked ... • Business managers/owners/entrepreneurs who have been in business for some years and need an independent ‘Board of Directors’ • Someone needing to be kept accountable with support to move to the next level. NEXT EXECUTIVE GROUP: Brisbane: commencing fortnightly on Wednesdays: 11th & 25th September; 9th &23rd October; 6th & 20th November; 4th & 18th December; 16th & 30th January; 12th & 26th February Contact Jennie on 0414 278 344


Connexions Business Mag


Connexions Unlimited, 1311 Ipswich Road, Rocklea Click here to email Jennie

Upcoming Events NEW SME MasterMind Group | Facilitated by Jennie Gorman Commencing 18 September 2013 @ 09:30 am - 12:.00 pm Helping you move YOUR business to the next level... Brisbane : micro / small business owners and solo entrepreneurs Small Business Mastermind Groups can be business changing and challenging, which in turn can take your business to the next level very fast. Are you a small business or sole trader? Would you like to have a group of business people who can act as your objective ‘board of directors’ who will support you, challenge you, be understanding and act as a catalyst for growth of your business?

Venue: Connexions Unlimited, 1311 Ipswich Road, Rocklea

Wednesdays. 18th September; 2nd, 16th & 30th October; 13th & 27th November; 11th December; 22nd January; 5th & 19th February; 5th & 19th March

MasterMinding for Networkers Tues 10th September, 2013 | 9:30 am - 12:00 pm As we now have a permanent home it is time to change the way Networking Chats has been running for the last 3 years. We are now going to become a MasterMinding for Networkers group that is OPEN (not closed like my other mastermind groups) and will be a different forum, which will give everyone the opportunity to use this space to develop their networking expertise and knowledge using some of the techniques my MasterMind Groups use. These groups will be limited to 20 people per month and will be on a first in, first serve basis. The aim of these groups will be to support participants to ACTION their networking by creating a programme that will help them to become not only better networkers but to become stream-lined in their networking.

Price: $35.00/per person $40 at the door

Venue: Connexions Unlimited, 1311 Ipswich Road, Rocklea

2013 August


contributors Editor : Jennie Gorman

Graphic Design : J. Anne Delgado

“Be real, be accountable” - Jennie Gorman

“Authenticity equals

truth, the truth that you feel in every fiber of your being. It comes from the heart, not your head.”

- Jennie Gorman

Andy Monk Anthony Davis Caroline Miall Cathy Ewald Daimien Patterson Daniel Priestley Gabby Button Geoff Moller Jennie Gorman Jesus Balderas Josie Thomson Kym-Marie Bush Tove Vine Bennett

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