Connexions Business Mag - #9 March 2013 Issue

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onnexions C Business Magazine

10 Tips to Start Up Business

- or revisiting your business structure


what does it mean to you 7 Principles to Achieving

Work-Life Balance (Part 1 of 7) What Marketing Channels Do You Use? The Great Leadership Challenge One Minute Per Week Go get the Business You Seek!

Brad Hauck and Jennie Gorman

From Jennie’s Desk Thank you for taking the time to look at our new issue for March of the Connexions Business Magazine. I know that you will get some good reading and that there are new concepts to broaden your mind as well. For me, as the weeks and months move us closer to the cooler weather, I can start to breathe again. I find the humidity hard to cope with and I am not as productive as I would like to be. What about you? This month has been a particularly busy one with two new MasterMind Groups commencing in both Brisbane and on the Gold Coast. Another Executive group will be commencing in a few weeks, so if you are in Brisbane and interested, contact me. http:// I was privileged to spend a day with Roger Hamilton, creator of Wealth Dynamics profiling system earlier this month when he ran his new program ‘Fast Forward Your Business’ in Brisbane. I believe for small business owners there is no other profiling

system that will help them understand themselves, their business and who they need to have around them so they can work in FLOW better than this system. See page 14 ….. for more details. We have another great read this month with both regular and new article authors. Please give them your feedback on their articles by reading the article and following up on their websites if you like what you read. I am pleased to have Brad Hauck on the cover with me this month. Brad is known as Mr Web Marketing (, the man who has attracted over 50 million visitors to websites in the last 5 years alone. So take a look at his site. I wish you all a very happy Easter. Stay safe and drive carefully if you are venturing away from home. Blessings

Who is Jennie Gorman by Janis Hanley As a people connector...

Jennie coined the term ‘the people connector’, and she has certainly made it her own. She is highly skilled in bringing people together and maintaining her connections within ever widening circles of people with both shared and diverse interests. Jennie was doing this long before social media was invented - it is almost as if Facebook and LinkedIn have been modelled on the way Jennie operates. Having these tools at Jennie’s disposal hasn’t changed what Jennie does, it has just made her accessible to so many more. ‘People are what matter’, I can hear Jennie’s words in my head. It’s her mantra. We may strive for the best business or product in the world, but none of that is important if we have not embraced the needs of others along the way. Jennie is very clear ‘it all comes down to people’. I think Jennie goes way beyond her people connector tag, I would describe her as the ‘People conscience’. Jennie reminds us about why. Why are we connecting if it isn’t about generosity and gratitude? Jennie models this in everything she does. Her integrity is evident in the alignment of what she teaches and how she operates. It’s never about what we do, it all comes from who we are, and who Jennie is, is a person who is kind, generous, gracious and brings great joy to those around her. She shows people how these are the best assets to have in business. Jennie has this uncanny ability to make every person in the room feel as if they are the most special, and has the greatest talent to offer the world. Working with Jennie is like having a fan club in your pocket - one that inspires confidence but also reminds you to stay grounded and ... connected.

Janis Hanley

As a Mastermind Facilitator...

I came to a Mastermind group knowing very little about what it was. I was very interested in giving my business a boost, particularly in these difficult times. And Masterminding brings a structure and accountability for moving forward with a business, but what Jennie brings is unique. Over the six month course of Mastermind, my biggest learning has been around having confidence in my intuitive abilities to give me direction about where to take my business. If perseverance is the vehicle that gets us there, then confidence is the fuel, and intuition our GPS. It is from these things that business plans, products and strategies can arise from and be actualised. The Internet makes the tools of developing a business readily available, but Jennie, through masterminding, guides each person in the group on a journey of self-trust. Joining one of Jennie Gorman’s Mastermind groups is like boarding a spaceship. You need to be willing to explore other worlds, and be close up to the others in the ship. Life support systems are critical, and Jennie puts masterminders in touch with other professionals who can provide the skills and learnings in what today’s business person needs to stay alive. With these support systems in place, you quickly learn that knowledge takes a back seat to knowing. Intuition is all you can really rely on in journeying though strange lands. Jennie wisely and calmly navigates the group through. It’s never plain sailing for any business - there will always be the asteroid belts, the worm holes and times when you must courageously step out of the ship. But it’s ok if there is an inner strength that knows that all will be ok. That’s what Jennie’s Mastermind groups build on - and it has been of such great value to my own business and life journey. I can’t really describe how Jennie does it, but, she has a winning formula. The best way to find out it is just to climb on board.

Contents Page Page 6

10 Tips to Start Up Businesses - or revisiting your business structure

Page 8

Fuel up & Fire up - the Ultimate Business Machine

Page 10

Motivation - what does it mean to you ... Part A

Page 11

Profit Myth

Page 12

Convert More Clients With These Three Simple Steps To A Powerfull “Call To Action”

Page 14

What is the ONE best action to accelerate YOUR wealth creation today?

Page 16

7 Principles to Achieving Work-Life Balance (Part 1 of 7)

Page 18

Diet Not Working? Most Don’t - Here’s Why

Page 20

Trip to Beijing, Tianjing and Dagang Chinese New Year

Page 22

Turnaround Tactics

Page 24

What Marketing Channels Do You Use?

Page 26

Why Trust is Important in Small Business

Page 28

The Great Leadership Challenge

Page 30

The 7 Most Common Mistakes Business Owners make online, and what you can do to avoid the like a plague! (Part 2)

Page 32

One Minute Per Week... Go get the Business You Seek!

Page 34

What’s happening to the Australian Property Market

Page 36

Event Highlights

Page 39

About Mastermind Groups

Networking Chats March 2013 Photo by Larry Lim

10 Tips for Start Up Businesses - or revisiting your business structure by Jennie Gorman

Starting a new business is an exciting time for anyone who has a wish to do something that is their passion or has been a hobby in the past. I find that many people who commence business for the first time have no actual structure and as a result make their start-up very difficult and with a propensity for failure. Here are my 10 Tips for someone wishing to start a new business. 1. Know why you want to create a business 2. Have a Vision for what you want that business to be in the future 3. Understand who your audience is and how you can reach them 4. Set up a solid platform / structure on how the business is to run 5. Systemise all aspects of the business 6. Create a basic Business Plan 7. Create a Financial Plan and have an accountant 8. Create a details Marketing Plan including Social Media / Advertising 9. Create a 90 Day Action Plan every 90 days 10. Find a mentor and mastermind group to support you.

Now to make these things happen by putting them into practice ‌ 1. Know WHY you want to create a business Knowing your WHY is one of the most important things you need to know before you start a business. If the passion is not there you will not be able to survive the tough times as business gets tough! 2. Have a Vision for what you want that business to be in the future It is important that you have a clear and concise vision of where you see your business in say 3 years and 5 years. If you do not have this, it is virtually impossible to be on track and focussed. 3. Understand who your audience is and how you can reach them Knowing where your niche/audience is will show you where you can promote / pitch your business. You need to know where to go to meet your future clients/prospective clients. 4. Set up a solid platform / structure on how the business is to run If you have no clear structure around your business it will be impossible for you to focus and prioritise what needs to be done to move forward. 5. Systemise all aspects of the business This is critical if you are to have a smooth running business. This is easier to do in the beginning that to try doing it after operating for years. If you are going to leverage in any way, it is imperative your systems are in place in all areas of your business.


Connexions Business Mag

6. Create a basic Business Plan A basic Business Plan will help guide you initially. Even though this is something that will probably more than likely go into the bottom draw, you need to have one to forward plan what you want your business to become in the future. 7. Create a Financial Plan and have an accountant A financial plan for where you are now and for forecasting where you want to go is necessary. Find a good accountant who can guide you to set this in place. They will be worth it in the long run. 8. Create a details Marketing Plan including Social Media / Advertising Once you know your marketplace you need to create a marketing plan for how you are going to get your message out to prospective clients. This covers your website, social media, advertising, business cards, flyers and the branding of your business.

9. Goal Set and create a 90 Day Action Plan every 90 days Setting goals for the future are important and having a 90 Day Action Plan will keep you on track. 10. Find a mentor and mastermind group to support you We all need to have someone to support us and keep us moving forward. A mentor/coach will help your but a business mastermind group will give you the on-going support 24/7 if necessary and give you your independent board of directors for future growth. Of course there are more things you need to do but these are the basics to get your business moving.

CLICK HERE for Audio Recording Jennie on MasterMinding.

For more information on how you can have a group of people support you to keep on track go to

2013 March


Fuel up & Fire up the Ultimate Business Machine by Scott Collins

STOP, don’t go any further, and don’t Click, Like, Tag, Pin, or Tweet another step. Don’t even Snap Crackle or Pop. Why? Because I want your full attention, to really grasp how important you are to your business.

Becoming the ultimate healthy business machine is more than green smoothies and salads. It means knowing what foods to eat, how to add in exercise, tracking water intake and allowing down time to de-stress.

Have you ever considered the real impact of your health and how it may directly relate to business performance? For many people health only becomes a consideration when it becomes a problem. Often this can have a dramatic effect on the business. No one runs your business like you do!

The science of performance is very clear:

• • • • • •

Do you find yourself forgetting key information? Are you exhausted at the end of each day? Is poor sleep affecting your performance? Is stress affecting your moods? Do you get regular colds or flus? Do you rely on coffee or energy drinks?

How many of you have actually considered implementing a health strategy into your busy life. For many business owners the reality of being absent from the business even for a short time could be extremely stressful. Being a business owner myself, I am more than aware of the personal sacrifices that are made to drive a successful business. I am also conscious of the consequences of not taking care of myself. There is no joy in running a business when your body isn’t keeping up with you. Don’t you think it’s time to fuel up and fire up the ultimate business machine, YOU!

• Sleep = improves performance, reaction times, accuracy and helps weight management • Exercise = toxin removal, improved metabolism, de-stresses the body and strengthens cardiovascular health • Water = alkalises the body, hydrates cells, removes waste, assists metabolism and helps prevent fatigue • Nutrition = increases performance, boosts the immune system, repairs and keeps the body working normally. Start drinking 2 litres of water per day and eliminate all packaged foods in favour of fresh foods. Small, simple changes could improve your health and keep you at your best. If you’re not sure how or where to begin, grab a copy of our health check-in form and see how you score or ask our professional team about a plan for you. So Fuel up, Fire up and deliver business at a level that will support you in 2013. 07 554 92 554 8

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Only six people will get the opportunity to be part of this group, so you need to act now if you are interested. Do you wish to move your business to the next level for 2013? Would you like help to generate a large number of ideas for solutions to any challenges you are experiencing? Are you wishing to have input from other business people into your business? How would you like to have your business dissected in a creative way? creati Are you looking for new contacts to support you? Do you have ideas you would like to share with others? Would you like to have your business brainstormed by other business people?

There will be only 6 businesses prooled over the 6 months so be quick to book in.

Apply NOW! Click on the application form or Visit our website 2013 March 9

Motivation – what does it mean to you? … Part A by Jeff Withers

For most, motivation reflects the drive to achieve. What most people are not aware of, however, is that motivation can be positive or negative. Positive motivation comes from within – the desire to achieve. Negative motivation comes from outside the person – the threat of the negative consequence of potentially not achieving something. Positive emotion is an underpinning element of success and is evident in all top performers. Negative motivation involves feelings of being pushed or cajoled by an outside entity, perhaps by friend or significant others – this may bring the desired result, but can leave a person feeling disempowered – not a good place to be. Negative motivation can also be easily recognised through your own internal language. Words like “should”, “must” “got to” and similar are all indicators of negativity. Changing those words to “want to”, “will” and so on can create a more positive slant on a situation. What is important is to appreciate that we are all in control of our own selves, and negative can easily be changed to positive through altering the way a situation is viewed and internalised.

Jeff Withers Change Architect Personal Growth & Performance Corporate & Small Business, Performing Arts, Private



Let me introduce two new terms to you – the in-dividual (your unconscious thoughts and behaviours) and the out-dividual (your conscious mind). You’ll easily recognise these in your own experience. The in-dividual is that part of you that knows what to do and simply wants to get on with it and enjoy the experience of doing it well. The out-dividual is that voice inside your head that has thoughts like “well, you did it again, when will you get it right”, or “why do I always get that part wrong”. You know where I’m coming from; we’ve all got our own examples to draw upon. You will easily identify which words will create negative or positive motivation. So, how can these two powerful forces – the instructing out-dividual and the doing in-individual - develop a solid “working relationship”, one that will lead to a high level of performance. As a first step, you need to appreciate this essential fact – the in-dividual mind learns best through visual imagery, while the out-dividual tends to not trust the in-dividual (and the body – your nerves, muscles etc) mind to utilise natural learning processes, and so takes on tasks it is not suited for, which of course creates conflict and impedes progress. Keep in mind that the unconscious mind referred to here (the in-dividual) has the ability to repeat an action after “seeing” it even only once – it knows what nerves are required, what muscles to engage and so on. So why let the out-dividual take control? Over instruction and negative criticism inhibits best performances from being achieved. be continued in April issue. Connexions Business Mag

The Profit Myth by Dave Shire

We are constantly advised from a large range of businesses how they can help us with improving profits. For many years in business banking, I have heard business owners talk about how good their profitability is, but they are still looking for more money to support their business. Generally speaking, profits are a great thing to be aiming for in a business and is definitely a key measure of performance. If your business is profitable, it means that you are selling your product /service higher than what it costs you to provide that product or service. If your business is making a loss, well that is a good indication that your business is selling for less than it costs and is unlikely to be sustainable. The good thing about profit is that most people understand what it means and it is relatively simple to understand when we are being offered a product or service which will increase our profits – most business owners like the sound of that. As a business owner we “get” what profit is and we usually know what we are talking about when talking about profitability with business service providers like accountants, bookkeepers and business coaches. The problem with only looking at profitability (especially when someone is trying to tell us about how to improve it), is that it is only one part of the business cash flow cycle. Yes it is probably one of the biggest drivers of cash flow, but there are also other key areas that can impact the cash flow of a business. This is often the reason why some business owners are sitting up at 11pm trying to work out how long they will be using an overdraft to pay their staff and bills until some of the clients start paying in. The best thing you can do for your business is to know what your cash flow position is and even better know what it will look like for the next 6-12 months. Talk to your accountant, bookkeeper or business coach and if they are unsure, please ask them to contact me to offer some simple solutions. “Find the keys to your business cash flow today” 2013 March


Convert More Clients With These Three Simple Steps

To A Powerful “Call To Action” by Samantha Lyttle

Having a clear call to action at every stage of your marketing is essential to guiding your prospects into the action you want them to take next. Learn the three keys to a good “Call To Action” that used consistently will bring you a higher conversion rate. A “Call To Action” is when you when you ask your customers to take action on something you want them to do. It might be as simple as “Enter your details for your free…” or “Click on the link to receive XYZ…”. Here’s a super simple three step copy formula that will elegantly guide your reader into taking action. Step 1: Tell them WHAT you have for them once they take action. This should be focused on providing them with a much needed solution or something of great value to them. It could be a special offer, a free downloadable product, a service etc. Step 2: Tell them WHY they need it. This is where you discuss the benefits they’ll receive by taking action. Be specific with your benefits and list them in bullet points. Step 3: Tell them HOW they can get it. This last step gives them an action to take that specifically tells them how to get what you’re offering. For example, it may be to “Click here…” or “Sign up for…” or “Enter your details”. So there you have it! This simple WHAT, WHY, HOW formula is perfect to use as a call to action at the end of a video, in an email, on your website and more. Try it out for yourself and see!

Samantha Lyttle is the founder of Women’s Business Bootycamp™ - a marketing program with a difference for women entrepreneurs. For more free juicy tips for your biz, come join her at 12

Connexions Business Mag

2013 March


What is the ONE best action to accelerate YOUR wealth creation today? Article taken from the Wealth Dynamics website.

“We all have different strengths and ambitions. We are all at different levels of growth and expertise. With all the conflicting advice we receive every day, how do you know what is the right next step for you today?” The problem we all have today is too much information and not enough direction. Do you get confused and frustrated by not knowing who to listen to or which path to follow? The solution is not in more choices, but in smarter direction. Do you know how to direct yourself to the most useful, powerful resources relevant to your circumstances today? We do.

Discover your path of least resistance There are eight paths to wealth, and we each have one natural path. When you take the Wealth Dynamic Profile Test, you find out who you are and which of the eight is your natural path. Are you a Creator like Bill Gates, a Deal Maker like Donald Trump or an Accumulator like Warren Buffett?

Once you know who you are and the path to take, the next steps become far more obvious. The team you need, the focus you have, and the advice we give will become directed and easy to apply. The Wealth Dynamics profiling system has been taken by over 20,000 entrepreneurs around the world, and has established itself as the leading profiling tool for wealth creation. You will discover within the Wealth Dynamics system keys to how you naturally create value and leverage, what to focus on and what to say no to, and how to stay in your flow.

Take the test!

A good sports team can always create effective plays suitable for the team. They do this by stopping the game at critical moments and assessing their strategy. They need to know who everyone is and where they are on the pitch. Investing and Entrepreneurship are exactly the same – When you know who you are and where you are, the next steps are simple.

It only takes 20 minutes,

Remember there are no right or wrong answers ... only what is true for you! Each follows different paths and each has different winning (and losing) formulas.

Article taken from the Wealth Dynamics website. 14

Connexions Business Mag

Here Roger explains Wealth Dynamics in 10 min .

Here are the eight profiles, of which yours is one: 1. The Creator Builds innovative products (Examples: Steve Jobs, Walt Disney)

5. The Trader Buying and selling commodities (Examples: George Soros)

2. The Star Builds an influential brand (Examples: Oprah, Paul Newman, Bill Clinton)

6. The Accumulator Buying and holding assets (Examples: Warren Buffet, Paul Allen)

3. The Supporter Builds high performance teams (Examples: Steve Ballmer, Jack Welch)

7. The Lord Controlling cashflow producing assets (Examples: Lakshmi Mital, Ingavar Kampra)

4. The Deal Maker Brings deals together (Examples: Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch)

8. The Mechanic Creating a duplicatable system (Examples: Michael Dell, Ray Krock)

2013 March


7 Principles to Achieving

Work-Life Balance (Part 1 of 7) by Caroline Miall

We’ve been focussing on how to achieve business success through simple principles to embed in the daily/monthly operation of your company. But seriously what is the point of being successful at your work, and financially sound, if your home life sucks because of it!? There really isn’t any. As it has been pointed out many times, those nearing the end of their life usually ruminate on their families and their passions, and often wish that they’d spent less of their time working so hard and more of it doing what they love with the people closest to them. So, our next Series of Seven will attempt to break down the work-life balance juggle into an achievable ‘to do’ list. Much has been written about this, especially as we plunge head first from an industrial age to a technical one. Even for those providing a trade, we carry devices that mean multiple people can contact us where ever we are, by multiple means. We can only take so many phone calls, but unlimited voicemails can pile up. What used to take us days now takes seconds, and whilst we can’t control the influx of emails to our desk, many of us are still expected to address all of them in a timely manner. But whilst the online presence and technological access to us all could be increasing our work tenfold, opting out is not an option for most successful businesses. The key must be to use the tools to your advantage, prioritise the important stuff, and work smarter. Whether you’re a one man business, or are directing a number of staff, your overarching challenge is to balance your personal time, although the approaches to the problems may differ. Keep reading to find out some practical principles that we’ll be breaking down over the coming months.


Connexions Business Mag

It’s a work in progress, and one that we’re fine tuning so watch this space for a refreshing take on an evolving problem!

Work Life Balance Principle #1 - Prioritise! You’ve probably heard the key ‘parable’ in time management techniques; Put the big rocks in first…? You know, the one where if you fill up the vessel with all the little grains of sand that pile up, then you won’t get the big boulders in at all. Well, prosaic as it might sound, it does illustrate well the first instalment in our series on Work-Life Balance Priorities. It’s easy to lose sight of them, and we’re all capable of it, especially during times of stress. But being successful in your business can be as much about achieving that balance with your personal life, by placing at least as much emphasis on the things that are really important to you. This will include your business; but health, personal development and goals, family and friends, should surpass it. Of course it would be wonderful if we were all lucky enough that our work was our personal passion, but for most of us this isn’t really the case.

Remember when you are assessing your priorities with regard to how you spend your time, that you work to live, and not the other way around. Having said that, obviously your business or job is fairly crucial to the quality of that living, but this is where balance can truly be the key to happiness. With many of us nowadays working from home for at least part of our jobs, it can be challenging to keep this time limited like you would if you were going to an office for the paperwork side of things. With PC’s in all of our homes, it can be like a self-imposed ball and chain. And with social media sites like Facebook and Twitter on the same machine it can also be like a moth to flame tempting us to waste vast quantities of otherwise free time. Add to that equation our smart phones and the likes of Angry Birds, and you could be dwindling away a lot more time than was perhaps once wasted on TV alone! So if you’re working at home, remember your family needs you as much as your job does; it’s appropriate to be a ‘clock watcher’ and be wary of the online time wasters!

Most of us will have small children, a partner, or family and friends who miss you when you overwork. It doesn’t take much effort to spend quality time, but if you’re busy at work, you do have to factor it into your week. If you simply plan to spend time at home, mark it in your diary. Buy tickets to shows, or be on the look out for free events that you can attend with your family. Find a weekly class of interest to your child to do together or visit the brilliant galleries and museums our country has to offer for free (children’s activities all year round too). Whatever it is, put it in your calendar, be it paper or electronic, and keep your commitments to your family and friends like you would your work appointments. Your life will be richer for it, and you may just appreciate your work more for affording you the opportunity of an abundant life.

07 3040 1234 2013 March


Diet Not Working? Most Don’t – Here is Why by Greg Menz

You have been working on your diet now for 4 weeks and it is just not working. You feel tired, irritable, and your weight loss has stopped. Worse, you are now craving for all the foods you just know are not good for you and every day that passes is now putting your original commitment of “diet or die” under lots of pressure. It shouldn’t be this hard, should it? Why do you hit the same old impasse again and again? Well, I am here to tell you that it is not necessarily your fault. Diets are notorious for not working, otherwise why would there be so many different types available, mostly promising you the end of all your food related problems, and all vying for your attention?!

So let us apply some common sense. The western world is addicted to the idea of one size fits all health issues, that all you have to do is hit the right formula and bingo, success ensues. Well, it appears to me to be quite obvious that one size does not fit all, and even if we share the same physiology, then we are still all different in so many ways, emotionally, physically and mentally. It stands to reason then, that our dietary requirements are all different as well. I know this from personal experience as my partner‘s food requirements are so much different from mine. Her sugar intake alone would kill me, but she handles it incredibly well, and is model slim.


Connexions Business Mag

How does she do it? She eats when she is hungry and only eats what her body tells her is Ok for her type, as I do. However, we have some major differences in eating requirements because we are totally different people. So the place you can begin to find some answers for your personal dietary requirements is in METABOLIC TYPING, where one size does not fit all. and where personal differences matter.

For a FREE assessment go to: www.mercola .com and type in “Metabolic Typing.” This will open to a lot of information on this subject and Nutritional Typing in general, and where you will find the link to take the Free Nutritional Test. I strongly recommend that you take this test. It could save your health. Greg Menz Technique

Limited Numbers

EXECUTIVE BMMG: Thur: 4 & 18 Apr; 2, 16 & 30 May; 13 & 27 Jun; 11 & 25 Jul; 8 & 22 Aug; 5 Sept. SME BMMG: Commencing on Mon. 22 April fortnightly for 12 sessions ________________________________________

Call Jennie on 0414 278 344 2013 March


Trip to Beijing, Tianjing and Dagang Chinese New Year by Tove Vine

Jenny, a Canadian teacher and her Chinese husband Larry invited me to go to Tianjin, the harbor city to Beijing, for Chinese New Year. Larry’s parents and grandmother lived there. Larry told me his and his family’s story which was very sad and remarkable. The Cultural Revolution in China from 1966 to 1976 affected Larry’s family greatly. His grandparents had been wealthy silk merchants before 1949 when the PRC (People’s Republic of China) was born on 1 October. All their wealth was confiscated by the Government. Their huge mansion in Tianjin was taken away from them and divided up into small apartments. Larry’s grandparents only kept a small room serving as living, dining and bedroom and a very a small kitchen with only a coal stove. Larry’s parents were both University professors and between 1966 and 1976 they were removed from their University positions and sent to Mongolia to a tiny village to work as teachers as well as doing hard labour in the fields. As Larry was only a little baby his parents left him behind in Tianjin with his grandparents and Larry didn’t get to know his parents until he was 15 years old. He was brought up by his grandparents in their tiny apartment. Eventually after the death of Chairman Mao in 1976 his parents returned from Mongolia and took up their positions at the University again. We would be travelling by train from Guangzhou to Tianjin; it would be a train trip of approximately 36 to 40 hours. We settled comfortably in the 4 bunk cabin (called soft sleeper) and I mostly spent the time in the compartment looking out the window, making notes of things I wanted to remember and especially noticing the landscape and the tiny villages we passed through. China is a huge country with magnificent scenery but I found I was missing the cute picturesque villages as you see in Europe and Scandinavia. Here in China all the villages are brown and grey with the only bright colour being the red Chinese New Year’s banners people display around the doors wishing for health and wealth in the coming year. And of course the red Chinese flag was flown from flag pole and buildings everywhere adding colour to the otherwise grey landscape.


Connexions Business Mag

As we were travelling further north away from Guangzhou province we could see how the climate changed from being a mild winter in the south of China, with trees still clad in their leaves, to a colder winter with trees so naked we could see the birds nests on the bare branches. A magnificent sight indeed. On arriving at Tianjin train station we stepped off the train and a freezing wind hit my face. It was like being pricked with a thousand needles at the same time. I couldn’t believe how cold it was. I had to cover my face completely with scarves except for small slit to look through. Larry’s brother picked us up in a car and we drove to a little village

called Dagang 1 hour by car outside Tianjin. Dagang was a university city of some 30,000 people. It was a very pretty little “village” by Chinese standards even though it was dressed in its winter gray. On arriving we were welcomed with open arms by Larry’s parents. They had booked a private room in a large restaurant for the family and me to have a Chinese New Year celebration. Over the next 2 weeks I was so fortunately to experience again and again the wonderful hospitality of those kind people. Larry’s father taught me to make homemade noodles and ‘jiao zi’ the old fashion. To be continued……..

Visit Miss Toves English School on Facebook 2013 March


Turnaround Tactics by John Milne

I was amazed when on the Brisbane River, a giant cruise ship turned across the river with its bow and stern almost touching the banks. Using its own engine and with the help of strong tugs and skilled pilots, it soon set sail for the Pacific. Likewise, as leaders you will inevitably face the task of turning around a tired or troubled organization, business, college or practice. Your reputation is on the line.

Here are some proven ideas to help. Choose the ones that match the challenge. • Have eyes wide open Struggling businesses or low performing schools require a fresh pair of eyes to see what the current leadership cannot. It requires a rapid, laser like cut into the reasons for the crisis or danger; a detailed assessment of what is! • Strong tough minded leadership New leadership usually from outside will be required to complete a turnaround. Strength of purpose to overcome resistance and inertia will be essential. An ability to see what matters most, to move beyond excuses, denial and transference to create a new tomorrow will over time win the day.


Connexions Business Mag

• Cut costs. Cost cutting is painful but critical. All areas need to be examined for savings. Communicate at every stage. • Trim the fat. Mature businesses, organisations and schools get fat; money spent in good times that cannot be sustained in tough times. Pet projects do have to go. Where possible try to be fair in spreading the pain and loss. Negotiate where you can. • Sharpen & simplify focus. Go back to first principles. Ask what is core business, mission or purpose? Cut product range, menu, services. • Replace non-core activities. Cut activities or expenses that are not front line services. Survival is not a luxury. • Invest in growth. Try to keep your top performers, real talent and growth elements. This is the new pathway to profit, service or achievement. Tap into the wisdom of the team.

Turnarounds work through pain and loss to rebirth and renewal! John Milne 6.12.12 Executive Coaching



2013 March


What Marketing Channels Do You Use? by Jesus Balderas

A number of clients have experienced the roller coaster ride of business coming in the door at one stage or another. A critical activity that we all need in our businesses is to establish quality marketing pillars. When I first start working with a business, most only have 2 or 3 established pillars to generate new business. And often, those are some kind of word-of-mouth type of marketing (referrals, networking, etc.). While these are great marketing pillars, we also need others to generate leads when these are not.

I recommend that you establish 4 - 6 marketing pillars in your business. This is the long term goal, and to achieve it I am asking you to establish 1 new marketing pillar each quarter in 2013. This will give you 4 new marketing channels to generate leads for your business. Do you think this simple activity would increase your revenues? It’s critical that you track your marketing efforts. This will tell us what’s working and what isn’t working. We’ll talk more about tracking next week.


Here are 19 different marketing channels for you to use: 1. Newspaper 2. Radio 3. Television 4. Yellow Pages 5. Classified Advertising 6. Magazines & Trade Journals 7. Direct Mail, Newsletters, Inserts, etc. 8. Billboards, Signs, Movie Screens, etc. 9. Fax Broadcasting 10. Trade Shows 11. Seminars & Workshops 12. Telemarketing 13. Internet - Social Media, Email Newsletter, Blogging 14. Audio & Video Brochures 15. Advertising Specialties 16. Public Relations 17. Postcard-Type Ads 18. Sales Force 19. Point of Sale Pick your 4 that you will add this year. Committed to increasing your profits, Jesus Balderas The Coach P.S. A powerful marketing tool are client testimonials.

Connexions Business Mag

2013 March


Why Trust is Important in Small Business by Jennie Gorman

Trust in business, especially small business, if a vital ingredient for survival. Usually our intuition makes us aware of the level of trust with others when we connect with them. For some it is obvious that there is a relationship that has potential as soon as we meet. With others, it may take time to develop a relationship that will be built on trust, as we learn about each other in time. I believe, the critical factor in business is trust. We instinctively know if we do or do not have trust with someone. In personal relationships it is easier to understand and connect but when it comes to business and the workplace, trust is defined in a different way.

Defining trust in the business world, especially if you employ staff, can be harder to build initially. You are usually thrust with people you do not know and have little in common with, yet you are expected to spend a large amount of time in their presence. Time will be needed to create a bond that will develop the trust necessary to work together. The basis in these circumstances will be the effective communication between everyone and the motivation for the work being done. The truthfulness and transparency of communication in a business is critical. The presence of a strong, unifying mission and vision of the business is imperative in promoting a trusting environment. There needs to be a ‘wanting’ of the outcomes so that the environment unifies. As the world is a rapidly changing place, especially as the internet is now such a large part of our world, with social media taking it to many different levels, we need to ask a few questions along the way. Where once we saw business and private lives as separate things, it is now more open than ever before, with people being able to find out as much as they need to know on anyone who is active on the net. To be in business, you need to be active, especially if you are a small business owner and want to grow and build your brand.


Connexions Business Mag

The integrity of the business is critical and must start from the leadership and filter down. It must also be seen as an integral part of the business by the world at large. The level of trust will be seen and received through the messages given not only by the people attached to it, but by the influence it gains via the internet and its customers. When trust exists in a business or in a relationship, almost everything else is easier and comfortable to achieve. Individually though we perceive trust differently dependent on our own experiences.

Trust is all about being honest and telling the truth, even if it is difficult at times. Being truthful, authentic and trustworthy in your dealings with customers, clients and staff will move your business further ahead than most, as many are not even aware that they need to embrace a trust factor in their business. So, be a step ahead, make sure your clients, customers and business acquaintances are all aware of your business mission and vision, and of the important values that you and your business are based on.

2013 March


The Great Leadership Challenge by Jim Rohn

If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself. Leadership is the ability to attract someone to the gifts, skills, and opportunities you offer as an owner, as a manager, as a parent. What’s important in leadership is refining your skills. All great leaders keep working on themselves until they become effective. Here are some specifics: Learn to be strong but not impolite. It is an extra step you must take to become a powerful, capable leader with a wide range of reach. Some people mistake rudeness for strength. It’s not even a good substitute. Next, learn to be kind but not weak. We must not mistake weakness for kindness. Kindness isn’t weak. Kindness is a certain type of strength. We must be kind enough to tell someone the truth. We must be kind enough and considerate enough to lay it on the line. We must be kind enough to tell it like it is and not deal in delusion. Next, learn to be bold but not a bully. It takes boldness to win the day. To build your influence, you’ve got to walk in front of your group. You’ve got to be willing to take the first arrow, tackle the first problem, discover the first sign of trouble. Like the farmer, if you want any rewards at harvest time, you have got to be bold and face the weeds and the rain and the bugs straight on. You’ve got to seize the moment. Here’s the next step. You’ve got to learn to be humble but not timid. You can’t get to the high life by being timid. Some people mistake timidity for humility. But humility is a virtue; timidity is a disease. It’s an affliction. It can be cured, but it is a problem. Humility is almost a God-like word. A sense of awe. A sense of wonder. An awareness of the human soul and spirit. An understanding that there is something unique about the human


Connexions Business Mag

drama versus the rest of life. Humility is a grasp of the distance between us and the stars, yet having the feeling that we’re part of the stars. Here’s a good tip: Learn to be proud but not arrogant. It takes pride to build your ambitions. It takes pride in your community. It takes pride in a cause, in accomplishment. But the key to becoming a good leader is to be proud without being arrogant. Do you know the worst kind of arrogance? Arrogance from ignorance. It’s intolerable. If someone is smart and arrogant, we can tolerate that. But if someone is ignorant and arrogant, that’s just too much to take. The next step is learning to develop humor without folly. In leadership, we learn that it’s okay to be witty but not silly; fun but not foolish. Next, deal in realities. Deal in truth. Save yourself the agony of delusion. Just accept life as it is. Life is unique. The whole drama of life is unique. It’s fascinating. Life is unique. Leadership is unique. The skills that work well for one leader may not work at all for another. However, the fundamental skills of leadership can be adopted to work for just about everyone: at work, in the community, and at home.

The 7 Most Common Mistakes

Business Owners make online, and what you can do to avoid them like the plague! (Part 2) by Sanjiv Gurram

Continuation from Issue #8 - February 2013 Mistake 5. Hiding Behind The Curtain I see business owners every day who want to get out there and get the word out there about their business online but just don’t know where to start. The only way not to do this is to hide behind the proverbial curtain. In your business, just like with any other there are common questions that potential customers are always asking you about. You might be surprised to know there are hundreds if not thousands of people looking for answers to the same question online. A great way to position your business as the market leaders in your industry and in your area is to answer these questions for your potential customers in a way that’s easy for them to find. And the best way to do this is with YouTube or to put the answers on your company blog if you’re a bit shy of the camera. YouTube will get you far superior results as you are able to build a relationship and credibility more easily with video. Mistake 6 - Not Using Video To Build Rapport And Credibility With Your Potential Customers Implementing a simple video on your online properties can have a huge impact on the amount of leads you generate.


Connexions Business Mag

Not only does it allow your potential customer to ‘meet’ you before meeting you, it allows them to create a sense of familiarity and trust with you. This means more motivated leads to those who are interested in doing business with you. It really is a win-win strategy. Make sure when you’re making a video like this to communicate the killer offer we talked about earlier in mistake 3 along with communicating your USP to compel your potential customers to hand over their details to you. Now that leaves us with mistake number 7. Mistake 7 - Violating The 3 Click Principle. When you’re working with a graphic designer or a techie for your online presence there are a few psychological secrets to design that they’ll never know about. To find out about these, you really do need to work with a marketing expert. One of these is the 3 click principle What’s the 3 click principle I hear you say…. I’ll explain. The 3 click principle is an advanced psychological tactic to help keep people engaged with your online presence.

Violating this rule leads to a high percentage of your potential customers being fed up with the online experience you are providing, and finding one of your competitors online.

Here’s a simple and easy way to find out.

There is nowhere where you will find this more prevalent than in the mobile space.

Our clients normally pay $495 for this service, but for the first 7 readers of (your publication) only –

40% of people who are looking for your business on their mobile phone will leave your website to go to your competitors unless you have a smartphone optimised website. That’s a big number! Especially considering that 88% of people that are looking for your business on their mobile phone take action to get in contact with you on the same day. There we go. You now know the 7 biggest mistakes business owners make online, and what you can do to ensure your business is avoiding them like the plague! Are you making any of these or the other online marketing sins?

Simply go to and put your details to get a Full Online Marketing Audit.

You get this for FREE! I hope you have found this useful and you’ve discovered some new strategies that you can implement in your own business. If you have any questions or queries about how we can help you ensure you aren’t making any of these mistakes for your business or how we can help you implement these, all you have to do is call us on +617 3040 0290 and one of our team will be more than happy to assist you. 2013 March


One Minute Per Week ... go get the Business You Seek!

How to Answer the Phone ... by Anthony Davis

The telephone is often the first opportunity you have to impress a new customer. As the saying goes “You only get one chance to make a good first impression”. How good and consistently is the phone answered in your business? Here are a few tips: 1. Answer the phone after the same number of rings each time; 2. Answer the phone the same way each time; 3. Develop a Phone Script and train your team to use it … every time; 4. Smile as you answer the phone – it costs nothing and transmits a message that you are pleased to talk to this person; 5. Look upwards as you answer the phone – it clears your airways and makes your speech sound more relaxed; 6. Listen well to the caller. If someone tries to distract you, ask the caller to wait so you can give them your undivided attention; 7. Repeat back to them important points of the conversation; 8. Wherever possible ask open-ended questions that can start with: what, who, where, when, how or why; 9. Always be positive even when delivering bad news.

Anthony Davis and the Brightwater Team Copyright © 2012 Brightwater Holdings Pty Ltd

All rights reserved. PO Box 1329, MILTON QLD 4064 Ph: +61 7 3367 0967 Free 1800 242 366 32

Connexions Business Mag

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What’s happening to the

Australian Property Market by Daimien Patterson

Trying to predict the next So ‘what’s that got to do with property hotspots is something property?’ Well we apply that very few do well, and frankly I often wonder why.

I find it relatively easy. Perhaps I have an advantage though. I have a very analytical mind and a former military life of being employed in targeting roles. Plus I have a full-timer researcher who works for me, so that helps too I guess. We have a fairly good idea of what’s going to happen to the Australian market, but before I share that with you, let me just explain how we work it out first. In the military I worked as a targeting officer. My job was to analyse the enemy, determine what their weak points were, then how we would find them. For example, if we were looking for the enemy headquarters we would look for the indicators we know a headquarters has. They are usually deployed just outside of our artillery range, in a central location to their forces, near major road junctions for easy access and they have a lot of radio antennas and radio traffic. So we would then look at a map and narrow down the places they are most likely to be, and send out assets to find them.


Connexions Business Mag

same process to hot spotting for next boom location. In fact our business depends on it. If we put people in a location where they won’t make any money, they won’t be coming back to us will they?

So this is what we know about property booms. People buy houses, nothing else; and it’s a simple “Economics 101” situation of supply and demand. So what creates a lack of supply, and what increases demand? On the supply side there are two indicators: Lack of land, and Lack of tradies. On the demand side there are also two indicators: Increase in population, and Increase in average wages. If there is a lack of land, the land that is available will be at a premium and process will go up.

A lack of land can be created by natural constraints such as a coast line or unusable land (a built-out island being the most simple example of that), or by man-made factors such as existing developments, mining leases or aboriginal land claims. If there is a lack of tradies, they will put their prices up. This in turn puts the cost of building up; and in turn the cost of new houses. New houses drive the market price. Builders run a business. It costs what it cost to pay for materials and labour and they need to make a profit on top of that. Builders simply won’t budge below that minimum price or they’ll go out of business. So just like new cars set the relative price of second-hand cars. New houses set the price of second-hand houses. Well the minimum price anyway. If there is a rapid increase in population in an area the prices will go up. Imagine you’re at an auction and there are only two bidders there, verses an auction where there are 20-30 bidders there. Which one will get the highest price? It’s because of competition and the social proof phenomenon. People act when they see everyone else doing it.

Here’s an example: You’re going out for dinner at a new restaurant strip. There are three restaurants to choose from: one is empty, one has 10 people in it, and the other is full but you can see a free table that could be yours. Most people will pick the full one because ‘the food must be good’ right. The same thing happen when people compete to buy houses. If you can identify a place where a lot of people are moving into the town, you’ll find yourself a boom. The last indicator is wage growth. Using the auction example again, there is actually a limit to how much that house can sell for that day. Each person has a figure in their head that was put there by their mortgage broker or bank manager, and that is their borrowing capacity. So it doesn’t matter how much competition there is the auction will halt when everyone runs out of money.

Now if you give everyone a $50,000 pay rise that changes things. The borrowing capacities go up, and the auction continues on. Often in towns where there is a major infrastructure project going in, they cannot recruit enough workers from the local population so they have to entice them to move there big pay packets. So not only do you have a lot of new people moving to town, but they are also all cashed-up. So that’s how we find the next hot spots, we go looking for those four indicators. And we’re pretty good at it too if I say so myself. So what will be of the Australian property market? I think most people are asleep to the fact that the Australian economy is dramatically changing. Our manufacturing sector is dying a rapid death. We simply cannot

compete with the cheap cost of Asian labour in a globalised free trading world. Those waiting for Sydney and Melbourne to boom again better not hold their breath. Their economies are based on the ever-dying manufacturing sector. The future is in Resources, and in particular Energy (coal and LNG). The resource rich states of Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland are where it’s at for property price growth. Things are not looking good for the Southern states and they know it too. Look at them scrambling to get into mining. South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria are trying to get their mining sectors going but it is really tough for them. If you want prosperity in your property portfolio “Head North”.

Daimien Patterson,

Australia’s Leading Property Investment Strategist 2013 March


Event Highlights Business Ideas Brisbane | Facilitated by Jennie Gorman 26 March 2013 @ 2:30pm - 4:30pm We are a group of SME’s getting together to network and exchange ideas, etc. This Business Ideas Brisbane group is for successful small business owners and entrepreneurs looking to connect with other business owners. So, come along and share your business ideas and/or get some new ones. Even seasoned pros can learn new things by masterminding with other successful entrepreneurs. Speaker: Chris Wildeboer. This presentation will answer the question

“How to systemise your networking” including the following: • • • •

How to choose a networking group How to make sure you get to the networking group How to make the most of attending a networking group How to maintain a presence through networking

This presentation is a how to guide with 7 practical steps you can apply immediately. The Pineapple Hotel 706 Main Street, Kangaroo Point

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Click here for bookings or further information...

Brisbane Executive MasterMind Group | Facilitated by Jennie Gorman Brisbane - 4 April 2013 @ 9:30 am - 12:00 pm Business Executive MasterMind Groups can be both personally and business rewarding and

challenging for business owners, if you wish to take your business to the next level very fast.

Would you like to have a group of business people who can act as your objective ‘board of directors’ who will support you, challenge you, be understanding and act as a catalyst for growth of your business? Benefits you can get from the Business Executive MasterMind Groups? • An opportunity to talk honestly and authentically about your business in a confidential space; • An independent ‘board of directors’/peers’ for accountability; • Real growth in your business and personal life; • An instant and valuable support network; • A sense of shared endeavour in understanding that you are not alone; • Work ‘on’ your business, not ‘in’ it more than before; • Designing and creating your business to be the way you want it to be. • Let this process support you, keep you accountable and give you the opportunity to have a business that shines.

Contact Jennie on 0414 278 344 or click here to email Jennie

Networking Chats | Facilitated by Jennie Gorman 9 April 2013 @ 10am – 12noon. The focus of the Networking Chats is to support SME’s develop better trust-based relationship building /networking skills so that they can build more lasting relationships. Guest Speaker: Chris Wildeboer on SYSTEMISING Your Networking’.

Did you know that networking needs to be systemised? Chris will take you through the process so that you can make your networking more refined, organised whist getting clarity of your niche and how to make your networking more successful by having the right processes in place.

Networking is like any business system…

you need to systemise it into your marketing to make it work for you. Una Vita - Inspirational Coffee 15/14 Ashtan Place, Banyo

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Plenty of FREE Parking

Click here for bookings or further information.. 2013 March


Call now to book your spot for April Issue 0414 278 344


Connexions Business Mag

About MasterMind Groups “When I started the MasterMind Group I was feeling very isolated and challenged. I hesitated joining at first because I couldn’t imagine what could be possible with the support and critical eye of a group of like-minded people. It has been truly the best business decision I have ever made. I now feel part of a business family that gives tremendous confidence and insight into moving forward towards my goals and dreams.” Angela De Palma

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Mastermind group (through Jennie Gorman). They are always there when you need them for advice and support in business and personal life. They always celebrate your wins. It’s like having six best friends and six business advisors rolled into one -yaaay! Natasha Howie

“Had an amazing one on one Mastermind session with Jennie Gorman today. If you are looking for a professional networking and business mentor, speak to Jennie. Her knowledge of small business is outstanding.” Madonna Robinson

The mastermind formula that Jennie Gorman has put together has given me the focus and guidance I have needed to bring my business dreams into reality. Because of the systems and people that Jennie combines, I have learnt so much about my strengths, and how to work with others to enhance the areas in my life and business that are not so strong. I’m not done with my business learning, but I honestly believe, that with the help of Jennie Gorman and Masterminding, I am on track faster than I could have been on my own. Thank You Jennie Stu Fisher (POPular ENTERTAINment)

2013 March


C onnexions Business Magazine

Editor : Jennie Gorman

Photography : Larry Lim (Cover and Networking Chats Photos)

Graphic Design : J. Anne Delgado

List of Contributors Anthony Davis

Caroline Miall

Daimien Patterson

Dave Shire

Greg Menz

Jennie Gorman

Jeff Withers

Jesus Balderas

Jim Rohn

John Milne

Samantha Lyttle

Sanjiv Gurram

Scott Collins

Tove Vine Miss Tove’s English School

Disclaimer: The opinions and viewpoints expressed in Connexions Business Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor, staff or publisher or any Connexions Unlimited staff or related parties. The publisher, Connexions Unlimited personnel are not liable for any mistake, misprint or omission. All information contained in Connexions Business Magazine is intended to inform and illustrate and should not be taken as financial, health, legal or accounting advice. You should seek professional advice before making any business related decisions. We are not liable for any losses you may incur directly or indirectly as a result of reading Connexions Business Magazine. Reproduction of any material or contents of the magazine without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited.

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