Connexions Business Mag - #12 June 2013 Issue

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Business Magazine

Get YOUR Own Board of DIrectors

Goal Setting for Work-Life Balance Is Your Website Working for You?

Improving Profits is Only Half the Story Record Keeping

Paul Dunn and Jennie Gorman

From Jennie’s Desk I did some great business building with some of our 130 group, many Business Blueprint members travelling with family. We had evening sessions for networking and during the day caught up with different people to talk about and discuss our businesses in a more relaxed setting. Only one day was a ‘sea day’ which was spent in a day seminar.

I am in Rome, and as I sit in the People’s Piazza, I realise that so many of our sayings come from here, and this has got me pondering. ‘When in Rome, do as the Roman’s do’; ‘All roads lead to Rome’ and ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ As I gaze over the Piazza, with a glass of wine, some olives and chips, it starts to drizzle with rain. I watch the world around me moving with people all intent on going to where they are going. This is my first day back in Rome after some years, and for me, it is one of total relaxation and contemplation, after two weeks of cruising the Adriatic Ocean on the Celebrity Silhouette. We embarked in Venice and disembarked in Rome, after cruising, visiting and experiencing Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Dubrovnik, Bari, Malta, Sicily and Italy. Most of these countries do not experience the privileged lifestyle that we do here in Australia. We became aware of our extraordinary good life along with our extreme cost of living. There we saw poverty in many places we visited. We are fortunate in this country that people do not have to be on the streets, as a result of our social security. People can find a bed and food here, if only minimal for some. The ship was a 5 star extravaganza hotel, with 3000 guests from 44 countries and 1500 staff from 72 countries, all living in peace and harmony. We were brilliantly entertained every evening and waited on, with perfect manners and continuous smiles wherever we were. We could learn a lot about customer service from these people, especially for our businesses if we are reliant on how we serve others. Most of the staff only visit home every six months for a short break and if there is a complaint about them from a passenger, there is instant dismissal, no questions asked!

Lessons Learned …. 1. Own a set of scales so that you can weigh your luggage before leaving home. 2. Don’t purchase a new computer just before you travel and not know how it works. 3. Make sure you understand how your computer and the internet will work in another country AND 4. Always tell the Bank you are travelling overseas before you leave home. A hold was put on my credit card when I tried to purchase a coffee and something to eat in Dubai on the flight to Venice. Can you imagine the shock when you find that you can’t access your bank account? Thank goodness I had a second credit card and some friends I could borrow from to pay my cruise account!! LESSONS LEARNT! Special thanks to Dave Shire and Aina Notoa for taking care of the mastermind groups for me whilst I was taking time out, with no internet most of the time, which was quite stressful in its own way. This is the first time I have left my business to its own devices in many years. I hope you enjoy the read this month and I look forward to your feedback. Have a great final month for our financial year!!

Travelling companion Gaye O’Brien & Jennie

Networking Videos

Watch Jennie Gorman interviewed by Michelle Ovens Business Tools for Networking Social Proof in Networking

Contents Page Page 6

Get YOUR Own Board of Directors

Page 8

Cruising the Adriatic Sea at the beginning of Summer with Business Blueprint Members

Page 10

Do I need employment contracts in my business?

Page 12

Tribute to Paul Humphreys

Page 13

It’s not your fault if you’re not wealthy yet! You are just a product of your upbringing.

Page 14

Allowing your greatness to shine through

Page 15

The Natural Approach to Health!

Page 16

Achieving Work-Life Balance #4 Goal Setting for Work-Life Balance

Page 18

The Power of Vision

Page 20 How to Master Your Time - 10 Quick Tips for Increasing Your Productivity Page 22

Why should I have an Advance Health Directive?

Page 23

Taking the Shine Off Glossophobia: Why Everyone Should Try Stand Up Comedy

Page 24 The Story So Far Page 26

Is Your Website Working for You?

Page 28 Improving Profits is Only Half the Story Page 30

Record Keeping

Page 31

Trip to Baijing, Tianjin, Dagang, and the Great Wall Chinese New Year

Page 32

Expand Your Business Network with LinkedIn

Page 34

Event Highlights

Workshop Reviews Bev Oliver Well had a bit of resistance gong to Jennie’s Relationship Marketing being my own experience from 20 years in sales, having been to lots of Networking events and business cards put in my face and many people going to ‘get’ not genuinely to be of service. It was a breath of fresh air to learn how new ways of business are now being conducted and to gain a wealth of valuable information through Relationship Marketing. I would highly recommend this 1 day workshop, thank you Jennie.

Jan Muir Jennie’s workshop on The Power of Relationship Marketing was a very informative day. A wonderful array of information and sharing of this topic was very helpful; assisting those in attendance of the clarity in coping with the diversities of personalities understanding the different interpretations of Relationship Marketing. Jennie’s way is open and clear her wealth of experience also brings such clarity to any situation, there is so much information to assist anyone wanting to create a better marketing relationship in any facet of life. This course is applicable to everyone and everybody will gain a greater understanding from Jennies presentation in understanding the Power of Relationship Marketing. Hop to it now !!

Sarah Stein Jennie’s, as in everything she does, workshop on Relationship Marketing is great. I “networked” for a number of years when my business first commenced and then dropped out of it. Things have changed now, both in my own business and in the way “networking” is conducted, so this workshop was invaluable. Even if you’re a seasoned “networker” or “relationship marketer”, you don’t know what you don’t know so this would be a great resource and refresher to make sure you’re on track. Thanks, Jennie!

Get YOUR Own Board of Directors by Jennie Gorman

You may be asking yourself, what does getting my own ‘board of directors’ mean… and if you are not aware of the mastermind concept, it may not mean anything to you.

be able to share your business with you on an intimate level. They will keep you accountable and hold you to account so you can achieve where you want to go.

MasterMinding is the most cost effective and fast way to build your business fast!

Business MasterMinding is all about being with a group of like-minded people who want to move their businesses forward to a higher level than they are already at now. To do this we need to have a sounding board … and this can be made up of a group of people who have complementary skills and also experiences that can support growth. Being in a MasterMind Group that has good resources and contacts, accountability, confidentiality and a variety of skill sets will move a business very fast.

These trusted advisors will have a strong sense of what your business is all about, which can only develop though the integrity that will be created within the group synergy. The opportunity to connect with potential clients and have some strong referral partnerships are benefits that spin off this process.

Business MasterMind Groups has a proven formula that has been tried and tested over four years. It is available to people wishing to join a group or for coaches, trainers, educators, mentors and/or facilitators who may be interested in a Licensing Agreement.

Advantages of masterminding is the support you will receive in return for the support you and your business will gain. This group of people will become trusted advisors, who you will

Though mastermind groups are not coaching groups, they act in a similar way as you have this group of people around you that will keep you on track. So, instead of having one person, you have a group, which amplifies the success rate even higher, giving you a variety of perspectives to see what you want and where you are going.

So, how do you find one of these groups?

If you want to take advantage of a system already created, rather than reinventing the wheel, contact Jennie Gorman or on 0414 278 344. 6

Connexions Business Mag

2013 June


Cruising the Adriatic Sea at the beginning of


Connexions Business Mag

Summer with Business Blueprint Members

2013 June


Do I need employment contracts in my business? by Mandy Cann

Business owners are often confused about whether they should get a formal employment contract drawn up for their new recruit, Mandy Cann, Principal Consultant at Cann Consulting advises when one is required. Written employment contracts may be the central source of rights and obligations or a minor source with other instruments like awards and agreements playing a bigger part. There may be no specially prepared individual document between an employer and an employee which could be identified as ‘the’ contract of employment. However, there are always relevant sources which determine the terms of the contract and the other conditions impacting on the employment relationship, such as award provisions and legislation (eg relating to leave etc) apart from the contract. Some employers prefer to adopt the practice of having all employees on written contracts of employment including those covered by awards which allows the employer and employee flexibility as long as the employee is better off overall. Individual Flexibility Agreements can be agreed under Awards however they don’t incorporate all of the information below which essentially a contract of employment does.

The terms set out in written employment contracts typically cover:  the nature of employment  the duties of the position and reporting structure  hours of work  any reference to company policies and procedures  remuneration  confidentiality  termination of employment  post-employment protection regarding employer intellectual property and confidential information, & restrictions on employee conduct,  jurisdiction and governing law of the contract. The basic wage and entitlements for employees may be detailed in the relevant award and in this case the contract can be as simple as a letter of offer stipulating the employment offer including the award, hours of work and remuneration with a Job Description attached. If you are unsure of whether you need a detailed contract of employment, call Mandy for advice. PO Box 7576 EAST BRISBANE QLD 4169 Ph: 1300 664 240 Mob: 0401 665 981


Connexions Business Mag

Mandy Cann

Principal Consultant

2013 June


Tribute to Paul Humphreys Jennie Gorman says: What does one say when a friend of many years suddenly leaves us so unexpectedly? Paul was a generous and giving man, always the gentleman and wanting to make other’s lives easier. For me, he was my greatest advocate. He promoted me, created my videos, came to ALL my groups when he could, shared his life and stories, as well as his ups and his downs. He will be remembered as the go-to-man, when it came for people like me, who needed to understand how to do things technically. He was patient and keen to help and taught so that the lesson was learnt! He will be missed by many. R.I.P. Paul. Paul Dunn says: In this Age of Connection, Paul was a veritable Grand Master. In a range of ‘always on’ he was always there, many times even before we knew we needed him. Even though his wonderful legacy will live on, those of us that interacted with him, will sadly miss him.

Geoff Kirkwood says: “Paul Humphreys.... a passionate man who was always available to offer advice and assistance when asked. I had the pleasure of engaging his video services on several occasions and found him to be the ultimate professional with all my work. Paul knew his craft. Behind his engaging smile Paul was a sensitive soul who hurt easily and couldn’t understand the nastiness of a few who gave him a hard time. Paul, those who truly knew you will miss you and I trust you are now at peace.”

It’s not your fault if you’re not wealthy yet! You are just a product of your upbringing. by Daimien Patterson

Believe it or not, there are 25 year olds out there who have already made their first million dollars, and many of them through property investment. Doesn’t that frustrate you? Just a little bit? I know what you may be thinking – they must have just got lucky, or they must be way smarter than you will ever be. Rubbish! Being successful at property investment is easy if you know what you are doing and anyone can do it. Even if you have no money! As long as you know where to buy and learn the rules of the game. The problem is that they don’t teach you how to do it in school. Someone else has to teach you. If those 25 year olds with a million dollars are lucky, it’s only because someone took the time to teach them about property early in their life. Property investment knowledge is one of the greatest gifts you can give someone. It gives me a great thrill to know that I have helped thousands of people by passing on some of my knowledge. So it’s not actually your fault. It’s just that no one bothered to teach you about it. No point in hating the world for it! Now you know the problem, just get on with fixing it. The first step is to open your mind and commit yourself to learning again.

The fact that we get our financial education from our parents and close family, is one of the main reasons why the ‘rich get rich and the poor stay poor’. The rich parents teach their kids how to make money, and the poor parents teach their kids how not to. If you want to break free of that situation, you need to realise this, and start looking for your financial education elsewhere. In simple terms, if you want to end up like your parents financially, just do what they did! Chances are they would tell you to try and pay your house off the good old fashioned way, ‘25 years of hard slog and maybe a holiday after that’. Let me assure you there are plenty of smarter ways than that.

Daimien Patterson is Australia’s Leading Property Investment Strategist to read more from Daimien, visit his website 2013 June


Allowing your greatness to shine through by Josie Thomson

So what does allowing have to do with enjoying a full, successful, healthy and happy life? Well, EVERYTHING actually! It’s one thing to set goals or to set an intention for success in your life, but it’s an entirely other thing to ALLOW yourself to actually receive it. Think about it. Have you ever gotten so close to attaining something you’ve always wanted, only to back away right at the last minute? It may have been a job promotion, an ideal relationship, an award, ideal weight, acknowledgement or achievement etc.. Allowing is the gateway to living the life you really want – it’s the key to you ultimately living the life you choose, on your terms. Allowing is like permission to accept that which you most want in your life. So if it’s that simple, why do we back away when we are presented with the possibility of actually having what we’ve always wanted? Well, I’m glad you asked. Sometimes when we get really close to our treasured goals,


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negative or self-limiting thoughts inch into our awareness which have us question our worthiness & deservedness. These thoughts are simply doubts which serve to keep you in your place of comfort zone (even when this place is not comfortable at all). One way to deal with these thoughts is to recognize them as simply being thoughts, or urges or emotional sensations – they are not you, they are just thoughts. Thoughts come and they go. That’s just what your brain does. We have thousands of thoughts every single day; most of those thoughts are negative (as our brains are pre disposed to have a negativity bias to keep us ‘safe’ or to minimize threats), and most of those thoughts are the same as the ones we had the day before! How crazy is that. If we are not aware of who is driving your life i.e. you or your brain; you could end up living a most unconscious life where you keep repeating what you’ve always done and keep getting what you’ve always got.

Claim the life you desire. Claim the life you deserve. Know you are worthy. Decide today that your life is your own. Anything is possible, if only you believe. If you’d like a bolster to allow yourself to shine even more brightly, feel free to contact me at Here’s to your greatness! Josie Thomson, MCC Josie Thomson is a globally acclaimed master coach, neuroleadership expert, lifestyle author and two time cancer survivor. She loves life and believes that life happens for us, not to us. Challenges and adversities present so that we may learn, grow and strengthen for future service.

The Natural Approach To Health! by Scott Collins

What does the term “Natural Medicine” actually mean? Before you conjure up images of dancing around the smoking fire with face paint chanting to the gods there is a real science behind natural medicine.

The natural medicine market place is a very sophisticated and scientific based approach to wellness. These new developed products are proving to be effective tools in supporting god health.

It often refers to a non-western medical approach to wellness. Natural medicines are plants, herbs and foods that are known to have medicinal properties to aid the body’s return to health.

Personally when I look for natural medicines in my own life I tend to choose plant concentrates over anything else. There is just something perfect about completeness of plants which are packed with life giving phytochemicals and nutrients.

Natural medicines were originally the tools of the Sharman, the Medicine Man and the Herbalist’s in ancient communities. They relied upon plants and nature to support healing well before the advent of modern medicine. Many of today’s medicines have their roots from plants such as aspirin which is derived from the willow bark tree.

I have to tell you I am a big fan of simple. For example, I like to use herbal teas for personal use and that of my patients. It’s a great way to make something special for each client and it’s relatively inexpensive.

More importantly I know exactly what went into Science has now proven that many ancients’ it. You may find it challenging to get your head all medicines are as effective as they were used in the choices available and what they do, or you times gone by. Today 1 in 6 Aussies now turn to can always ask a Naturopath. Start simple and natural medicine for help maintaining choose a tea you may like for taste, example well-being and to assist with illness. Rooibos (from South Africa) has a very refreshing flavour. You may even like liquorice root tea (avoid if you have high blood pressure), as it helps with stress.

“Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine and MedicineBe Thy Food”. - Hippocrates

One of my star foods is New Zealand Organic Green Barely Grass, its jam packed with Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Chlorophyll and Enzymes. It’s my super daily energiser drink. If I had to name my all-time favourite natural medicine it’s the yellow spice Turmeric. This would be one of the most amazing foods on the planet for its health giving properties. It is well known for its natural anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. 2013 June


Achieving Work-Life Balance #4

Goal Setting for Work-Life Balance by Caroline Miall

Our fourth suggestion to improve our ongoing wrestle between personal time and work is, if you don’t already, start setting goals. When you set goals, you can be giving yourself the gift of ambition to accomplish something – however small or large. Goal setting is really just the creation of that habit which drives you towards success. There’s no reason why your goals shouldn’t be as much of a personal nature, as a professional or financial one. Set goals for yourself and your company. Depending on what moves you, you could make them small enough that you know you’ll achieve them, which can be enough to motivate you further; or make your goals grand and bold, and let them inspire you to just get on this path (and often be surprised at how far you get). In the interim to success, list achievable targets, so you can check them off at incremental stages and feel genuine reward. Why not have vivid visualisations of how objectives might be achieved, and what it looks like to you once done? Maybe it sounds a bit flaky to the hardened tradesperson, but there is strong evidence to suggest that visualisation goes a long way to achieving the aim. On the work front, outline your goals carefully and print them out; share this with staff or partners that can help you achieve them and review them together, regularly. Involving your staff


Connexions Business Mag

can be a huge morale boost for many, increasing their ‘investment’ in the business, and job satisfaction. On the subject of balance, think about incorporating goals in your business that consider the community; supporting charities or teams, taking on apprentices etc. This can turn out as lucrative to you as it is helpful to others. On a personal level, if you haven’t already a passion to pursue, setting goals might inspire a whole new pursuit or quality of life. If you’ve ever thought of joining a team, or a gym, or taking on fun runs or marathons, perhaps now is the time to consider it. For many of us an ongoing goal is to gain greater fitness and body shape; choose something you enjoy like cycling, and this can just be a great side benefit. Do something cerebral like taking an adult education course you’ve always been interested in; horticulture, cooking, computing… Creating space and time for these sorts of things, by setting yourself firm intentions, can only be good for your health, social life, and if it’s an activity you can share with your family all the better.

The Power of Vision by Jennie Gorman

The most incredible power we have as a human being is our power of vision. Most people go along in life without realising that if there is something that they really want to do or have, all they have to do is imagine it and it will be created. The intentions they put on this is often the opposite of what they really want to manifest though. So, I wonder, what your vision is. Do you have one? Do you believe it is achievable? Number one, your vision must be clear and concise for it to be manifested exactly as you see it in your thoughts. To create your own vision for your life can be empowering and give you the sense of doing something outstanding using your own innate God given gifts. If the vision is to make a difference in the world, no matter what it is, your passion will fuel it into something even bigger and brighter.

become something that will transform many that come into contact with in their journey of life, no matter how positive or negative that thought is. The world of quantum physics and neuroscience have come together to explain how this happens. In quantum physics one learns to understand how our small world operates, even though we cannot see it with our own eyes. Our world is broken into two parts … one we can see and the other we can’t. Science has proved that these two are interconnected at all levels even if we can’t see, or totally understand the connection.

We attract to our lives what we think about and what we put out there with our thoughts, words and deeds. So, are you using the law of attraction to have what is yours to have?

Isaac Newton’s physics shows us how to navigate our physical world whilst quantum physics helps us understand the nonphysical world of connectedness. Quantum research has taught us to understand that whatever we focus on and become emotional about will be manifested. So by focussing on your vision, the easier and faster it will become real, in your physical reality, like a magnet to create what you have created in your mind, whether good or bad.

When you vision is clear, precise and exact it becomes a seed that you sow in your memory that will grow as it is watered. How you water it with your thoughts and actions is what will create it to flourish and

As everything is vibration, know that a positive vibration created the goodness around you and a negative vibration will manifest things you do not want to have in your life. We become whatever or whomever we surround our-


Connexions Business Mag

selves with as our environment makes us who we are. You will attract whatever vibration level you are playing on. By focussing our brain on what we really want we can attract what we want by automatically increasing the amps of our cellular vibration. The universe creates by natural law precisely and in perfect order what we put out into the world. The more we can KNOW what we want, the easier it is to manifest no matter how big the gap is between where we are now and where we want to go. It will always come together if we focus on the vision as natural law will fill the gap automatically. So, it is important that YOUR intentions are pure as you can only create what you imagine. The vision you have in your mind will become real when you power it up as best you can so that the universe can manifest what you want in all areas of your life. Choose wisely what you want, because it will become YOUR reality. Visit my website :

Call Jennie to discuss how this works for you 0414 278 344

2013 June


How to Master Your Time - 10 Quick Tips for Increasing Your Productivity by Anthea Moffat

Time is our most precious resource. It doesn’t matter who we are or where we live, each and every day we are all given the same 1,440 minutes or 24 hours. We get to choose how we spend it. But with that gift comes a huge responsibility. How we spend our time ultimately determines our results. The activities we do have only two possible outcomes… they will either move us towards or away from our goals. If you want to achieve your goals faster you need to become more productive. Sadly, it is estimated that most of us are only truly productive for two hours each day. So here are 10 quick tips to help boost your productivity. Things I’m sure you already know. The question is…. are you doing them? 1. Plan each day. What are the top 5 activities you must complete? Check that your list comprises of important tasks which are necessary for you to move forward with your goals. 2. Start with a clear desk. Clutter on the desk soon becomes a distraction for the mind. 3. Start each day by completing at least one task off your to-do list (eat a frog) before you check your email. It creates a feeling of achievement early. Plus, checking you emails first thing in the morning is a sure fire-way to get hijacked. 4. Take a break from the computer every 30 minutes. You can use the timer on your phone. Get up and move around. This one is a gem – you’ll be amazed at how much more productive you become when you give yourself regular recharge breaks.

5. Practice single-purpose focus. Don’t multi-task. Multi-tasking simply means that you are splitting your focus and both tasks will ultimately take longer. 6. Use To-Do Lists Yes, that’s a plural – my favourites include: administration & accounts, marketing, projects, operations, team members (I have one list for each team member), this week, today, waiting for and personal. 7. Stop twice each day to empty your head. You are amazing. You are so amazing that you need to stop and empty your head of all those ideas at least twice each da. This will free your mind so it has more capacity to work on your goals. 8. Use ONE diary. You need to have all your commitments both personal and business in one place. Remember to always factor in travel time for your meetings. 9. Say “no” or “not now” more often. Quite often we say yes too often and end up being overcommitted. Learn that it’s okay to sometimes say “no” or “not now” to other peoples requests. 10. Create time in your schedule where no interruptions are allowed. Switch off the phone, shut down all browsers, close that office door and concentrate on an important project for at least a few hours each week. Make this your completion time.

Anthea Moffat, MBA(adv)

Founder of Business Fusion and The Business Masters Club Subscribe at for instant access to our free Business Resource Vault.


Connexions Business Mag

The Importance of GOOD Business Cards Last month I gave my little piece about the first of my 7 Tips on Business Cards. Here now is my take on the second one. • ALWAYS have your business cards easily accessible • NEVER run out of cards • Have your PHOTO on your card if you are a small business • Make sure all your information is CORRECT • Give RELEVANT information about your business • Make sure the WRITING on the card is easy to read • Understand other CULTURES in the handling of your cards.

NEVER run out of cards Running out of business cards to me is something in business that is inexcusable. I believe that if you are a networker you need to be spreading your cards around as much as possible. You never know who may want to make contact with you. Be aware that your branding needs to be on your business card, your website, you social media, you emails etc.

Remember, your card is your shop window and you will be judged on them.

For more information get your FREE Networking eCourse “21 Days to Become a Better Networker” at

Why should I have an Advanced Health Directive? by Kym-Marie Bush

So, you’ve looked over your documents and you The Directive gives you the opportunity to have have a current and valid Will and an Enduring some control over your life in the event that Power of Attorney. That’s enough isn’t it? Maybe. you are no longer empowered to do so. It can outline how you feel about quality of life and The Advanced Health Directive (“the Directive”) what is acceptable to you. You might indicate is your opportunity to direct what medical treat- that if you have a terminal illness and there is ment you want to receive in certain situations. no known cure or chance of recovery, what you want to occur – whether you want the life The document is serious and involved and sustaining machinery turned off. You can also makes you think about your situation. It also indicate whether you want to donate your requires you to have an appointment with your organs and tissue. General Practitioner to check that you understand the directions you are giving. If you don’t Talking with family members about these sorts already have an Enduring Power of Attorney, of situations is also extremely important. It is not you can incorporate one in the Directive. possible to cover all possible health situations, however, talking about various situations proThe only limit on when to make the Directive is the vides those you leave behind with some insight loss of capacity. Otherwise, you can make one into what you want and what level of dignity at any time – young or old, active or physically you seek. The discussions are not easy, however, infirm. don’t let that stop you from expressing what you want to occur. Likewise, changing the Directive can only occur when you have capacity to make decisions. You can make provisions within the Directive for things such as what you want to occur in the event of life-sustaining measures being required to prolong your life. This might include whether or not you want cardio-pulmonary resuscitation to keep your heart beating or assisted ventilation or artificial nutrition and hydration. It is confronting to sit down and think about these questions.


Connexions Business Mag

Kym-Marie Bush

Taking the Shine Off Glossophobia: Why Everyone Should Try Stand Up Comedy by Stu Fisher

Glossophobia is the fear of speaking in public. The idea of people looking at you and judging you is terrifying, to say the least. What if they don’t like me, what if they reject me, what if they boo, or what if turning up in your PJ’s isn’t just a Dream? There are many “strategies” to dealing with this crippling fear, such as, imagining your audience naked. However, too often, these strategies aren’t effective. (I’ll never be invited back to speak at the Playboy Mansion again). It’s only when you look towards the BENEFITS of speaking in public that you’ll see past the fear, and tackle it head on. Speaking in public gives you instant feedback (from the audience) about your ideas. You will be viewed as a leader, you will gain peoples trust and potentially do something incredible all because you dared to be heard. And if you can throw a laugh or two into the mix, all of these benefits have increased tenfold.

This helps to give you a plan of attack for your Jokes (material) to make them as effective as you need… But most of all… Once you face the biggest fear of people head on, you’ll realise that you can accomplish ANYTHING! Fear is nothing! Fear doesn’t hurt you. Sure it may be a factor in why you decided not to do something, but that’s YOUR decision. Fear only controls you, if you let it. Here the ANOTHER way to think of it. 1. What if they don’t like me? Move on to others that do. 2. What if they reject me? Then you know not to waste any more time with them. 3. What if they boo? Walk away. 4. What if I turn up in my PJ’s? Well then, live safe in the knowledge that you’re the most comfortably dressed person there!

Performing Stand-Up Comedy is one of the easiest art forms to enter into. Unlike Acting, it’s easy to justify getting onto a stage with nothing more than your wit, and unlike music, you don’t need to lug around heaps of gear to get a laugh. How does Stand Up Comedy help “Everyone”? Committing to try and be funny on stage forces you to look at a number of critical things: 1. What the simplest way to get my joke (message) across? 2. Who is the audience (client/crowd/etc)? 3. How should I target my jokes (message)? If you’d like to try StandUp comedy, contact POPular COMedy at and let them know!

2013 June


The Story So Far... by Ashley White

A little over five years ago, I sat daydreaming in a particularly uneventful university lecture, when an idea sprang into my mind. Little did I know at the time that this single idea would grow to become one of the defining experiences of my life. The idea, was for a film called ‘Abducted,’ and over the last few years it has evolved to become a fully-fledged feature film project that is only now, truly starting to show its scope. ‘Abducted’ was originally conceived as a film that would explore the psychological effects of the alien abduction phenomena (one of many topics I was always fascinated by). About two years into the project, myself and a friend who I had brought onto the project as a co-writer, had creative differences and decided to go our separate ways. Not wanting to give up on the film, I went back to the drawing board. It was around this time that a close friend of mine, Brendan Glanville, became involved. We were in Europe filming for a corporate gig and together we began to formulate a totally new story. Though it retained the name ‘Abducted,’ the story dropped the concept of alien abduction in favour of something new. We wanted to explore the storytelling possibilities of a parallel universe in a dramatic context. Fast-forward three years to the present and Brendan and I have recently completed the 4th Draft of our Treatment and are hard at work on the 1st Draft of our Screenplay. In the last few weeks, we’ve been given a unique opportunity to produce the film over the next twelve months and release it by July 2014. A challenge to be sure, but one that we can’t wait to take on! To stay up to date or become involved with ‘Abducted,’ please take a moment to LIKE and SHARE the film’s Facebook page, where we’re sharing Video Blogs, Behind the

Scenes Info and more: Plot Outline

When an everyday Mechanic, LIAM, is found naked in the middle of a forest with no recollection as of how he came to be there, he is shocked to discover that he has been classified as a missing person for nearly twenty years and must collaborate with a grieving Psychologist, RACHEL, and a reproached Scientist, EDWARD, to unravel the mystery of his non-existent past and forge a way back to the life he was taken from; a journey that forces all three strangers to venture to the very edge of what they believe to be real - and beyond...


Connexions Business Mag

2013 June


Is Your Website Working For You? by Samantha Lyttle

What purpose does your website play in your business? Is it working for you as a business building machine or is it just a pretty online brochure? Follow these 6 guidelines and your website can be an interactive playground for your business where people can enjoy spending time, get their questions answered, engage with other like-minded people, learn new things and feel apart of a growing and exciting community. 1. Grab Your Market’s Attention Statistics show that on average people spend up to 7 seconds on a website before making the decision to leave or stay – that’s not long! What does your website do to grab their attention and make sure they stay? 2. Engage Your Market Use multimedia like video and social media to engage with your market online.

3. Educate Your Market Having some great educational information on your site does two things: First, it gives them a reason to be there and they’ll leave having learnt something useful. Second, it establishes you as an expert at what you do. If they come to you to learn about your niche, then you become the expert and trusted adviser and they’ll come back to you again when they need help.

page after? From your Facebook page can they keep up with your blog? By connecting all of your platforms together, you create a stronger presence in your market place and make it easier for people to connect with you. 6. Provide Social Proof Providing social proof allows your market to hear other people’s experiences with you. You can do this through providing testimonials, case studies, stories and more.

4. Capture New Leads This is one of the most important parts of your website. Make a free offer that they can sign-up for so that you can continue to build your relationship with them. 5. Build Your Community This is about connecting together all of the different platforms through which people can spend time with you. For example, when people stop by your website, can they connect to your Facebook

Samantha Lyttle

the founder of Women’s Business Bootycamp™ - a marketing program

with a difference for women entrepreneurs.

Come join her in her website for more free juicy tips for your biz! 26

Connexions Business Mag

2013 June


Improving Profits is Only Half the Story by Dave Shire

In the past month, I have attended a few events where the speaker talks about improving profitability for a business and for most business owners this is a concept that can generally be easy to understand - essentially: “I need to sell my product and service for more than it costs me to make it or provide it” This idea is what we base the profit and loss statement on and is what bookkeepers and accountants can produce for us to help us measure this aspect of our businesses. While the concepts and activities required to improve profitability are generally true, correct and important, there is other factor which seems to be missing from many business decision conversations. That factor is the timing of the cash coming in and going out. Imagine a wholesale business who wants to import a product from China. We know it can be cheaper to buy in bulk there and sell higher here - that is the profitability. The secret to make this successful is understanding the timing of the cash flow. The business will likely need to pay for the product early if they are a new business which means that will need to pay at least some ip front cash out at the start. The product takes a few weeks to be manufactured


Connexions Business Mag

and then shipped, all along there will still business expenses that are going out on a weekly and monthly basis. After the products arrive, then there is storage while they are being sold which leads to the final part that often some of the large retailers can dictate long payment terms. This means that this business could potentially have a few months to half a year between having constant payout of cash for business expenses until the cash actually arrives. Once a business owner can understand the timing of the cash flow, they will be in a much better position to make decisions that will affect the business in a much better way. So in conclusion, whenever anyone is talking about improving profits, please also factor in the timing of the cash flow.


Kind regards, Dave Shire 0423 012 542

“Finding hidden cashflow in business”



• Do you wish to move your business to the next level for 2013? • Would you like help to generate a large number of ideas for solutions to any challenges you are experiencing?

Only six people will get the opportunity to be part of this group, so you need to act now if you are interested.

• Are you wishing to have input from other business people into your business? • How would you like to have your business dissected in a creative way? • Are you looking for new contacts to support you? • Do you have ideas you would like to share with others? • Would you like to have your business brainstormed by other business people?

Click on the application form or Visit our website 2013 June



Keeping accurate and up-to-date records is vital to the success of any business. Well-kept records help you to minimise losses and manage cash. It is also a requirement under taxation laws. Your bookkeeper or accountant can help you set up a record keeping system.


CASH MOVEMENT - Cash book or financial accounting program that records cash receipts and cash payments. Bank account (e.g. cheque books, deposit books and bank statements).

EXPENSES - Cheque butts, receipts, cash register tapes, copies of statements and invoices, credit card documentation, details of payments by cash and log books - other than the normal purchases of the business. STAFF & WAGES- Full details of wages, employment contracts, tax deducted, fringe benefits, super annuation and related matters such as sick pay and holiday pay.

SALES - Invoice books, receipt books, cash register tapes, credit card documentation, credit notes for goods returned and a record of goods used by the business owner personally. PURCHASES - Cheque butts (larger purchases), petty cash system (smaller cash purchases), receipts, credit card statements, invoices, any other documents relating to purchases including copies of agreements or leases.

END OF FINANCIAL YEAR RECORD KEEPING STOCKTAKE - Details of stock on hand at the beginning and end of the year, to work out whether the business has a taxable income for tax purposes. DEBTORS & CREDITORS - Details of all your debtors and creditors for the period. DEPRECIATION - Original purchase agreements or tax invoices, a depreciation schedule, the cost of transporting the items to your business (if applicable) and installation costs (if applicable) - to obtain tax deductions for depreciation (wear and tear) of assets. 30

Connexions Business Mag

OTHER RECORDS - Stock records, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and other basic accounting records. Sales and purchase contracts, loan agreements, rental agreements, lease agreements, franchise agreements, sale and lease back agreements, trading agreements with suppliers, legal documentation, evidence of deposits with utilities, contracts with phone companies and your business name registration certificate.

Trip to Beijing, Tianjin, Dagang and the Great Wall

Chinese New Year (3) by Tove Vine

We continued by train on to Beijing to see the sights. How wonderful it was to see the famous sights, which I have dreamed of seeing for a long time. The Great Wall, well what can I say? A wonderful one-day trip north of Beijing and as I saw the first part of the Wall I had this emotional feeling. My heart skipped a beat and I had tears in my eyes. It was all and much more then I had heard and expected. It was just AWESOME. No words can describe the magnitude of this “the greatest man made construction ever made”. But can it be seen from space? I had my photo take many times by Chinese tourists “Can we have a photo with you” they said - not in English but by sign language. I have no idea why they would want a group photo with me in it? I must have looked like a snowman as I was rugged up against the Beijing winter in a HUGE warm ankle length coat and some wonderfully warm Russian boots lined with lamb wool (bought in Beijing). My face partly covered by a large scarf as protection against the element. In Beijing of course I visited Tiananmen Square and reflected on the demonstration which happened here 4th June 1989 – very difficult to imagine how horrible that would have been. There was a huge monument at one end of the square which holds Chairman Mao’s body – which may or may not be the real body – who knows.

We had a wonderful relaxing train trip back to Guangzhou, reading, looking out the train window and being so grateful I had such a wonderful adventure.

A visit to “the Forbidden city” is a must when you come to Beijing and yes indeed to have a photo taken in front of Chairman Mao’s huge picture. As they say “when in Rome do as the Romans do”. As I walked through the Forbidden City I tried to imagine the many emperors who had lived there. Visit Miss Tove’s Facebook Page

Miss Tove’s English School 2013 June


Expand Your Business Network with LinkedIn Discover these simple strategies to help you to expand your online business network...

by Bill Doyle

Get Connected and link yourself in!

way of promoting themselves and their businesses.

If you’re looking to expand your business network, and let’s face it, who isn’t... then LinkedIn may be the just the tool you’re after.

So... what is LinkedIn?

A purely business-oriented social networking portal, LinkedIn allows you to expand and develop your online network of contacts without leaving your home or office.

Top 7 ways to expand your business network using LinkedIn 1. Upload your contacts from Outlook or your e-mail software for gmail etc. LinkedIn will then perform a search in it’s powerful database to find those contacts so that you can invite them to join your network.

Most effective when combined with the traditional networking opportunities such as breakfasts and luncheons, LinkedIn brings together the three most powerful business ingredients of people, knowledge and opportunities, in its virtual world, and gives you the opportunity to capitalise on these factors in real life. Working on the principle of 6 degrees of separation, LinkedIn offers savvy business people an economical and time effective


Connexions Business Mag

LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site that was launched in May 2003. Used for professional networking, LinkedIn has more than 40 million members worldwide and is the world’s largest PROFESSIONAL networking site. Major benefit of this site, is that it allows you to connect and communicate with trusted contacts while providing a platform for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and opportunities with broader network of professionals.

2. Advertise your LinkedIn profile on your website, email marketing signature (all outbound emails) To add your signature to your email simple go to My Profile --> E-mail signatures to set one up. 3. Once you have started a network create a Poll and ask questions to gather vital information about how you van contribute and add value to your new network. To create a Poll... go to the bottom footer

on your LinkedIn profile (after logging into your account) and click on Polls located in the “Tools” heading area. You can now create a Poll and invite your network to participate. 4. Post comments and replies on message boards and be sure to include a link to your LinkedIn profile page. You may choose to link them directly back to your website or blog. The best thing to do is to register what we refer to as a “campaign domain name” like and create a free giveaway (after registration) on what’s called a “landing or capture” page. This is a very clever way of building your database and adding new targeted prospects straight into your marketing funnel. 5. Join groups - your main goal here is to become a valued asset within the groups that you join and you can do this by contributing as much information as possible. Groups are one of the most powerful tools available in the LinkedIn networks. Maximise this opportunity by sharing your thoughts and ideas and offering professional advice based on your expertise! ..... The aim here is to position yourself as a valued member of the group community whose experience and knowledge is trusted and coveted.

6. Be found - make sure that you use “key words” in your profile description so that others can find you easily. It’s easy to forget sometimes that your profile is on the Internet and can be found by Google search make it key word rich rather than trying to perfect your profile with fancy words. 7. Givers Get - Everyone would like more referrals and recommendations so why not start by giving them to your valued clients and colleagues first. This will encourage others to reciprocate and you can start building your profile and online reputation rapidly.

Here are 2 Additional Bonus Tips... 1. Ask a question in the public questions (under the answers tab) and be sure to include your email address so that others can expand their network. 2. With over 43,000+ members, TopLinked and OpenNetworker are worth a look. These open networking groups within the LinkedIn (TopLinked) and all the major networking sites (OpenNetworker) systems bring together the most linked people

on any networking site ... so visit or and explore the largest open networker groups. Dubbed as the most helpful and connected people on any networking site, these “open networkers” claim that their system offer the fastest way to build a larger, more diverse and more valuable network on LinkedIn. TopLinked gives you a number of options, including free and paid opportunities within their network on LinkedIn. Example, Free Participants are able to network with the other group participants AND receive access to the “Invite Me List,” whereas the paid OpenNetworker site gives similar opportunities but across all of the top social networking sites including: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Ecademy, Xing, Bebo, Blue Chip Expert, Fast Pitch, Friendster, hi5, Konnects,, Naymz, Orkut, Perfect Networker, Plaxo, Ryze, Tagged, UNYK and Viadeo. First Impressions Matter: Like any form of marketing it’s worth considering a plan of attack before leaping in and creating your account and profile without giving it any thought.

Think carefully about your profile and the message you want to send to people viewing your profile. Make sure that you have a professional photo to place on your profile and don’t use the photo from your last family BBQ. In preparation to building your online profile on LinkedIn, here are a few questions that you might like to ask yourself. • What is my expertise? • What would I like the LinkedIn community to ask me for right now? • How do I want others to view me and how do I want to be positioned in the eyes of this online networking community? ... the list goes on but we hope that this stimulates some “food for thought” to get you moving. Click here to find out more about how FastTrack eMarketing can help support you in your quest to generate more leads and boost your business using LinkedIn today!

Connect with Bill Doyle on LinkedIn Copyright Altitude Communications & Marketing 2010-13. All Rights Reserved. This article may not be used without the prior written consent from the author.

2013 June


Event Highlights FREE INTRO EVENING: HOW MasterMinding is 10 Times More Powerful than Networking | Tuesday 18th June | Register 6pm; 6.30pm – 9pm Discover how to use our MasterMinding Success formula to : · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Gain new business referrals Triple your business bottom line Collaborate and create joint ventures Create your own advisory board Be kept accountable Removing road blocks that stop you from growing your business Grow your business to where you want to be Share resources Business coaching/mentoring combined Learn what to do next when you and your business grow Maintain Confidentiality in your group Get only the business results that count Meet past participants who can tell you their experiences.

Brisbane Workers’ Community Centre 2 LaTrobe Terrace, Paddington

Limited Numbers

Monetise & Create a Successful NEW Financial Year Friday, June 28, 2013 | 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Do you know what you WANT from 2013 and beyond? JOIN US and create your 2013/2014 financial year to be what you want at this ‘HOW TO’ workshop through GOAL SETTING. Jennie will take you through a process so you can create your future. She can show you the ‘HOW TO’ by DOING and CREATING your vision in three hours. This will be life changing. The goal setting process will help you set your year and life. BUT, you do need to understand the process to get exactly what you want.


Connexions Business Mag

Overcome the obstacles to achievement: • Do you understand the skills you need to learn, find or develop? • Who you need to help you get there? • What are the benefits for reaching your goal?

Bulimba Library 219 Oxford Street (cnr Riding Road)

Numbers limited to 12

Brisbane : NEW MasterMind Group - Micro/Small Business Owners and Solo Entrepreneurs | 9.30am – 12 noon | Paddington, Brisbane Dates: Thursday. 27th June; 11th & 25th July; 8th & 22nd August; 5th & 19th September; 3rd, 17th & 31st October; 14th & 28th November.

Over the past four and a half years I have realised the importance of bringing the right people together when business masterminding.

Small business masterminding is for those who are : ** SME’s looking to connect with a group of business owners for help and support to move to the next level of their business. BENEFITS:  your own individual ‘Board of Directors’  business accountability  business advisory board  personal and business development  achieving a ’90 Day Action Plan’  specialist speakers on subjects you want  being with like-minded people  maximum leverage  unique process of MasterMinding  design goals with passion and legacy  develop your Business Vision and Mission  better business focus  never alone in business  access to specialist trainers/speakers  support to solve your challenges in one session  AND MORE…..

If you are interested in discussing any further the opportunity for you to find your group, please email me or call to discuss on 07 3262 5343 or 0414 278 344. Learning all the new skills from web creation, social media, marketing, financials, client acquisition, database creation etc are all new learning curves for people who haven’t been in business for a long time. Find out why business masterminding is ten times better than business networking. Let this process support you, keep you accountable and give you the opportunity to have a business that shines.

Networking Chats | Tues 9th July, 2013 Una Vita - Inspirational Coffee | The Hub, 14 Ashtan Place, Banyo The focus of the Networking Chats MeetUps is to support SME’s develop better trust-based relationship building/networking skills so that they can build more lasting relationships. The forum will be the “HOW TO” of networking with a Question and Answer (Q&A) format between Jennie and the attendees. Guest Speaker: TBA.

Why not start 2013 off with a BANG!! We would love to have you with us so come along and share with other like-minded business people. Even seasoned pros can learn new things by masterminding with other successful entrepreneurs.

Booking online essential.

See refund policy for more. Investment: $35 online; $40 if paid at door.

C onnexions Business Magazine

Editor : Jennie Gorman

Graphic Design : J. Anne Delgado

List of Contributors Anthea Moffat

Ashley White

Bev Oliver

Bill Doyle Caroline Miall

Daimien Patterson

Dave Shire

Jennie Gorman

Josie Thomson

Kym-Marie Bush Mandy Cann

Samantha Lyttle

Sarah Stein

Scott Collins Stu Fisher


Tove Vine

Disclaimer: The opinions and viewpoints expressed in Connexions Business Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor, staff or publisher or any Connexions Unlimited staff or related parties. The publisher, Connexions Unlimited personnel are not liable for any mistake, misprint or omission. All information contained in Connexions Business Magazine is intended to inform and illustrate and should not be taken as financial, health, legal or accounting advice. You should seek professional advice before making any business related decisions. We are not liable for any losses you may incur directly or indirectly as a result of reading Connexions Business Magazine. Reproduction of any material or contents of the magazine without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited.

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