Major Project Realisation Portfolio: conscious curations

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wen-hsin feng • 200993178

conscious curations university of leeds • ba fashion marketing • major project - realisation portfolio

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the brand. 6 the product. 18 the consumer. 24 the marketing. 28 18 month timeline. 48 references & list of images. 60 appendices 65


the brand.

conscious curations our mission. to create easy, meaningful, and intriguing sustainable fashion buying experiences.

our objective. conscious curations provides services which increases adoption of sustainable fashion buying through creating incentives, highlighting values and gains, and removing or reducing barriers towards adoption. we aim to help our users and customers live their aspirational values with easy, seamless, engaging, and comprehensive navigation through the sustainable fashion buying process. in turn, we aspire to one day become the world leading , go-to, omni-channel platform for sustainable fashion buying.


who are we?

conscious curations is a brand which creates and provides conscious consumers with products that assists them in navigating the complex field of sustainable fashion in an easy, seamless, and engaging manner.

we do so primarily through an individuallytailored sustainable fashion buying app, and also though the curated editorial content published regularly on our website and social media platforms.

in order to help consumers navigate the sustainable fashion buying process, conscious curations adopts an algorithm which recommends users with sustainable fashion brands doing great on the things they care most about, and also encourages the exploration of new brands which are similar to their favourites. it also allows users to read up on, search, browse, and shop brand profiles, their curated content, and featured products.

on top of this, conscious curations reviews and rates brands based on examinations of their sustainability related certificates, public reports on their sustainability performances, and other evidences provided by the brands themselves. ultimately, the goal is to collate a highly comprehensive index of most fashion brands around the world which users may be interested in.

our story.

As many conscious consumers may be able to sympathies, the idea of conscious curations first stemmed from the strong desire to find a solution to the dissatisfactions caused by the innumerable difficulties associated with sustainable buying, especially in the realm of fashion.

Vast amounts of reports on the external environment and internal market indicates that there is a significant desire and need for sustainable solutions in the fashion industry (Davenport, 2018) (Yeginsu, 2018). However, despite the serious and complex nature of climate change issues, consumers still need and expect brands to meet them where they are, with emotionally engaging, authentic, transparent, and digital solutions (Bishop, 2018). But few brands are available or known to the wider general public, and those which are are often lacking, being either too tricky, unappealing or difficult to acquire and consume (Feng, 2018).

Identification of this market gap therefore gave birth to conscious curations, which aims to provide easy, seamless, and beautiful tools and platforms to reduce the pains, and increase the gains associated with sustainable fashion buying. Taking the primary form of a tailored discovery and e-commerce app, conscious curations strives to help consumers navigate the sustainable fashion buying journey in hopes of encouraging greater adoption, realisation and aspiration of the sustainable lifestyle.


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our philosophy. easy. we aim to make sustainable fashion buying as easy as possible, guiding users towards brands and products which best suit their needs and wants via their tailored discovery home page. with a simple, intuitive, and seamless app interface, conscious curations not only allows veteran users to easily take control of their buying journey, but also offers beginners a fully navigated ride where they can sit back, relax, and enjoy exploring the new territory of sustainable fashion. regular curated editorial content on the app and website blog page also aims to help users super-zoom and fast track their way through the hectic and wild fashion world of today.

authentic. at conscious curations, we believe authentic communication is a major key in providing our consumers with the best experience possible. we are committed to making the content we produce and the reasons and motives behind them as transparent as possible. conscious curations is first and for most powered by an algorithm which remembers and considers users past interactions with the app and website. preferences set by users upon joining is also used to give users only the most relevant and valuable content for them. our ratings are given with objective considerations of all resources available to us and recommendations are only given for brands whom we truly believe are doing good for sustainability.

beautiful. we are strong believers that a sustainable lifestyle should not mean endless compromises and trade-offs, but instead, a truly meaningful exchange of valuable alternatives. conscious curations works to provide users with easy access to aspirational fashion brands with all the beauty, sophistication, and gratification of high street brands at fair and worthy price points.


visual identity.

primary logo.

colour palatte.

cormorant. abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz


secondary logo.

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busines model. conscious curations is a not-for-profit business which reinvests all of its revenue back into improving the app and its services. In order to increase the adoption of sustainable lifestyles, conscious curations works to provide our services for free to our users. to cover the costs for the business, revenue is generated primarily through commission taken from in-app purchases of fashion products. other paths of revenue include sponsorship from brands in exchange for collaborations and partnerships in our editorial content, search keyword optimisation, and discovery page ranking improvement. finally, user behaviour analysis packages will also be offered to brands as a way to generate revenue.


market & consumer research.

app development.

brand review & rate.

editorial content development. usage data & feedback.


good impact profiles & donations.

place orders.

pitch collaborations & partnerships.


sponsor app for editorial coverage keyword optimisation & discovery ranking. user behaviour insight.

marketing & communications.


launch on to app & website. 15

the product.

for users. conscious curations: the app. an index of fashion brands reviewed and rated on their sustainable performance. navigable via browsing the discovery home page, keyword searches or by clothing category or concern. the discovery homepage on the app recommends brands to users according to their preferences and past interactions on their account, and also showcases newly rated or launched brands. entering into the brand profile pages or the editorial contents on both the app and the website, users are offered a curated selection of products to shop from. the app is distributed through Google Play (Android) and the App Store (iOS). call-to-action links are displayed and embedded across all of the platforms and contents published by or in partnership with conscious curations. it is also available as a sharable link through the app.

key values. * easy access, navigation, comparison, of shoppable sustainable fashion all in one app. * helping users save time and effort and lowering barriers of difficulty associated with sustainable fashion buying. * relieves users of guilt and worry associated with the negative impacts of their fashion purchases. * creating a feedback loop between sustainable brands and sustainably conscious consumers, increasing the groups buying power and facilitating better understanding of the two parties, co-creating a better sustainable fashion buying journey.

for brands. user data analysis & below the line marketing on the app and blog. this covers user behaviour insight packages, collaborations and partnerships on editorial content, and features on user’s discovery home page, search keyword ranking, and discovery page positioning order. brands have the option to approach us by submitting the form of interest via our landing page. partnerships and collaborations are finalised through email, telephone communications, and in-person meetings with the brand. conscious curations will also actively approach brands with pitches.

key values. * improving transparency and trust in consumers. * improving brand awareness, opening access to potential customers and expanding market reach. * allows for systematic benchmarking with leading competitors. * joining conscious curations in the efforts to improving ease of adoption to grow the overall sustainable lifestyle market.


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step 1.

step 3.


discovery home page after the initial sign-up, opening of the app will take users automatically to the discovery home page. on this page, users will be shown a feed of the latest blog articles and rated brands which we think will interest them. the app also recommends brands which are rated highly in issues which the user cares most about. as the app collects more user interactions, it will be able to recommend brands similar to what the user has previously been interested in.

step 2. set preferences this includes rating the importance of the three major sustainability issues (environment, labour rights and animal welfare) to the user. this will help dictate what brands and products are recommended and shown on the discovery home page and brand profiles. the app will also ask for geographic details to allow users to apply geographic filters upon search for physical stores nearby, and delivery options.

user process.

Step 5. brand profiles clicking into brand icons on the discovery home page, search results, and browsing categories takes user to the brand’s profile page, which shows the brands sustainability performance rating and a brief introduction of the brand. users can choose to read more on the rating details in the review report which breaks down the rating and the reasons behind it. on the bottom of this page, the app recommends similar brands to the one the user is on to allow easy exploration.

step 4.

step 6.

search and browse


there is also the option for users to search for brands with keywords related to sustainability issues/concerns (organic, recycled, vegan etc.), brand names, and product category/style. search filters regarding price, physical stores nearby, and delivery options are also applicable. with gradual use of the app, this page will start remembering the frequent searches of the user and bring them to the top for easy navigation. users can also scroll down to simply browse by product category or concern.

following the icon ‘shop now’ on the brand profile page leads the user to the e-commerce section of the brand, which showcases a selection of products curated by us. this function is only available for brands which conscious curations has partnered with. If the brand is not in partnership with us, the icon will take the user to an external site or e-commerce platforms which does list the brand.


consumer. image. 8

target user:

the conscious affluent. she is between 23-37 years old, single or living with partner. perhaps has a kid, but it is most probably still a toddler. born into a mid-high to high social economic class, she herself is a working professional earning between ÂŁ 30,000 - ÂŁ 40,000 in the creative and design industries.


geographic. she is an international affluent millennial living in urban residents (Ford, 2017) of major metropolitan cities in North America and Europe.

pychographic. she values meaningful brands which acknowledge and take action in addressing their environmental and corporate social responsibilities (Millennial Marketing, no date) (BBC, 2017) . she desires to make positive real-world impacts which better the environment and the society outside of her personal life (BBC, 2017). she also yearns for full transparency and authenticity in the current age that is shadowed by distrust and falsehoods (KPMG, 2017) (Daneshkhu, 2018). with the modern day of social media and ultra connectivity, she is used to, and expects, easy and instantaneous access and consumption of large quantities of information. the propelled highspeed dissemination of fashions and trends drives her to constantly be on the lookout to find the next big thing (Yotka, 2017). the availability of mature digital technologies also feeds her expectations for products and services to be mobile-accessible and completable in a few simple steps (ZenithOptimedia, 2013).

behavioural. she has relatively low brand loyalty and is constantly seeking out better brands and products which are more meaningful to her. she values considerate and carefully sought out purchases over cheap impulsive volume buys. she is more accurately described as being price savvy than sensitive, and is willing to spend more if the value is justified through transparent information provided by brands (BBC, 2017). however, this does not mean she will easily tolerate green washing, deceiving prices or meaningless margins. with her slow fashion purchasing habits, she expects products to either last, or be designed for easy re-purposing, recycling, or up-cycling.

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the marketing.

overview. marketing objectives by september 2021 30% retention rate .

15K users.

finally, to maintain the initial flow of users surrounding the launch, marketing objectives after the first 2 months will start focusing on strategies to ensure retention rates achieve and maintain the industry standard of 30% within the first 12 months following the launch of the app (Jaabari, 2016).

monthly active users is among the top three most important KPIs to measure for insight into app success (Tokareva, 2018). with reference to fellow competitors in sustainability application development, our primary marketing objective is to gradually increase monthly active users by 6% per month (Jaarbari, 2016), with an initial goal to surpass 15,000 users by month 12 months upon launching (Good On You, 2018).

1K likes, 80 comments, 3K mentions.

1.5% of users purchase in app.

in order to attract users to begin with, marketing efforts must first of all, be targeted towards raising awareness for the app. as a not-for-profit startup targeting an international market, marketing campaigns will mostly be digital. as a major channel for digital marketing, marketing success will also be measured by social media content engagement (Wassenaar, 2018). the aim is to surpass an average of 1k likes and 80 comments per post across platforms, and an accumulation of over 1k mentions by the end of the initial 12 months (Instagram, 2019).

initial partnership and collaboration pitches to brands will be slow to pick up due to the limited number of users. this means that this path of revenue will be less stable to start. conscious curations will therefore heavily rely on in-app purchases for revenue in the first 12 months. The increasing number of purchase orders placed through the app will therefore be another important objective for the business. benchmarking towards the industry standard, the goal is to capture at least 1.5% of monthly users to engage in in-app purchasing (Jaarbari, 2016).

marketing strategies to achieve the objectives discussed above, the following highlights the main strategies which will inform the directions of the marketing and communication tactics implemented for the 3 major projects. * * * * * * * * * * *

sparking interest and buzz. creating awareness. generating exposure. extending reach. building brand image and communicating brand value. reminding and refreshing interests of brand. creating valuable, tangible incentives. story telling the brand to inspire emotional connection with users. rewarding users. fulfilling the esteem and self-actualisation needs of users. building brand loyalty through creating emotional, meaningful, and personal interaction with users.


project 1. blog & podcast. objective. increasing engagement across social media channels, and growing downloads and monthly active users.

* sparking interest.


* creating awareness. * generating exposure and extending reach. * building brand image and communicating brand value. * reminding users of brand and increasing retention.

tactics. blogs: creating relevant, informative and intriging editorial content which rotates between themes of sustainability hacks and tips, news and developments, and hot fashion topics. content is written in a useful, relevant, and enjoyable way which ensures the sharablility of them, this applies to both the blog and podcast contents. this tactic is adopted to help maximise exposure through motivating shares across users’ social media platforms and expanding organic reach. podcasts: creating the podcast series ‘did you know…? the sustainability myth buster.’ . it is a regular ongoing podcast series which discusses common (often false) conceptions regarding sustainability and the sustainable lifestyle, it is carried out in the form of a 0.5-1hr exploratory debate between the two hosts in a witty, intelligent, and for most of the time, sensible manner. topic examples include myths such as: “being sustainable is expensive”, “sustainability is just a phase”, “being sustainable makes you a hippie” etc. the series aims to be not only insightful and relevant, but most importantly fun and entertaining to listen to.

channels. * newly uploaded blogs and podcasts are shared across all own social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. * editorial content is published on own blog which can be accessed from the website and the user’s discovery home page feed in the app. * the podcast is available on most mainstream music streaming apps such as Castro, Overcast, Podbean, Pocket Casts, Spotify, and Apple Music (Dredge, 2016; Corpuz and Dove, 2018; Winn, 2019)

audience. * conscious millennials whom are not aware or familiar with conscious curations but generally takes interest in sustainability related issues. * millennials whom are interested in knowing more about sustainability and the sustainable fashion options available. * habitual podcast listeners, as they are 16% more active and engaged across social media channels compared to the average population (Winn, 2019). they are mostly affluent and educated which falls very much in line with conscious curations’ target consumer (Winn, 2019).

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time. * blogs are published once a week on Wednesdays. * podcasts are also released every Monday. * both projects will happen on a regular and weekly basis beginning from June 2020, three months before the planned official release of the app.

costs. overall fixed business costs £47,300 (Spotify, 2016)

copywriter (included in fixed labour costs) fixed cost website development

£1500 (Matt, 2018)

website hosting

£40 (Matt, 2018)

domain name

£10 (Matt, 2018)

SSL certificate

£380 (Matt, 2018)

podcast production set up

£220 (Ruoff, 2018) variable costs

podcast production, recurring costs

£35 p/m (Ruoff, 2018)

£445 (13 months)

website maintenance

£25 p/m (WebFX, no date)

£325 (13 months)

total costs (excluding fixed overall business costs)


expected results. contribute to the overall marketing objective to increase monthly active users by 6% p/m (Jaarbari, 2016) and ultimately surpassing 15,000 users by end of first year (Good On You, 2018). also in efforts to surpass an average of 1k likes and 80 comments per post across platforms, and an accumulation of over 1k mentions by the end of the initial 12 months after launch (Instagram, 2019).


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project 2. the launch. objective. grow download numbers and monthly active users within the first month of launching.

strategies. * parking interest and creating buzz around launch. * generating exposure and extending reach of brand. * creating valuable, tangible incentives for downloading and joining us. * story telling the brand building process in order to invite potential users to join the journey and emotionally invest in the brand.



blogs: publishing weekly blogs on the progress of the the app launch, its’ development, features, and benefits. public relations: featuring on digital fashion and sustainable lifestyle press, and more general press that target left leaning millennials. the press release will be pitched to medias such as The Good Edit, Refinery 29, and The Huffington Post. press kits will also be pitched to the editorial teams of the App Store and Google Play to feature on their lists of “Staff Picks and Editor’s Choice. according to Google (2016), 32% of people discover new apps through reading about them online, 32% through seeing them on shared social media content. 48% of people say they discover new apps by browsing app stores, and 34% through app store recommendations. paid influencer partnership: partnering in paid social media promotions with micro-influencers. the partnership will be with 3 influencers - Aditi Mayer (@aditimayer) based in US, Blue Ollis (@blueollis) based in London; and Brianna (@theconstantcloset). this tactic is choosen because micro-influencer are shown to have higher return on investment, and also due to the much lesser costs (Wissman, 2018). the partnership will involve the influencers testing out the beta version of the app 1 month prior to the launch marketing kickstarts. 1 post will be posted by each influencer spanned across 4 weeks, starting one day before the ‘earlybirds, assemble!’ campaign kick-starts. The post will review the user experience of the app, its benefits, and the upcoming ‘earlybirds, assemble!’ events. This will then be shared on conscious curations’ own social media feeds as well. ‘earlybirds, assemble!’: this is the main launch campaign, which gives away ‘earlybird goodies’ to the first 3 - 5 users whom sign up to the ‘earlybird access’ everyday of the 5 days leading to, and 10 days following the launch. each day unlocks a new goodie, including: * 10% discount with 5 collaborating brands upon showing the earlybird access, single use, in-app QR code (in store) or promo code (online). with one brand unlocked a day, this discount voucher will be given to the first 5 earlybird users of the day. the brands which conscious curations aims to pitch the collaboration with will be VEJA, People Tree, Patagonia, Reformation, Edun (Foley, 2019; Davis, 2019; The Good Trade, no date). * tickets to local cultural events in major fashion capitals. Including London, New York, Paris (Bergin, 2018; Koch, 2015). events selected will be contemporary, intelligent, but also fun. such as the London annual Movies on the River screenings (Time Out, 2019). V&A special exhibitions such as FOOD: Bigger than the Plate, and Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams (V&A, 2019). 3 events will be selected and unlocked on separate days for all of the 3 locations, and tickets will be given to the first 3 earlybird users based in those cities on that day. * the first 5 accounts to sign-up on launch day, 15th of September 2020, gets a first purchase on us (capped at £150). ‘take action! #nevertoolate’: for the people that missed the ‘earlybirds, assemble!’ launch campaign, an additional account access to a free first purchase is given to the winner of the #nevertoolate social media competition, in which participants are asked to share the social media post, and tell us their #nevertoolate stories in the comments bellow. the campaign will kickstart 2 weeks after ‘earlybirds, assemble!’ draws to a close, and the winner will be announced by the end of the first month following the launch.

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channels. * the launch campaigns will be shared amongst all conscious curations’ social media platforms, the blog, and the podcast series. * in newsletters, blogs, or stores of People Tree, VEJA, Patagonia, Formation, and Edun. * on the Instagram feeds of Aditi Mayer, Blue Ollis, and The Constant Closet. * press features on Refinery 29, The Good Edit, and The Huffington Post.

audience. * collaborating brands’ loyal customers and fans. * people based in the 3 cities whom are interested in attending the cultural events selected. * consumers whom are interested and inclined to purchase sustainable fashion, but is deterred by the high costs.

time. blogs: blog content on the development journey will start their weekly releases from June 15 2020 to the launch day on September 15 2020. Short pieces detailing the progress of the ‘earlybirds, assemble!’ campaigns will start from August 20 2020 and carry on until September 24 2020. This will renew for the #nevertoolate campaign October 15 2020 to continue on till October 29 2020. personal relations: pitches will be made to ensure articles and features are released between the 5th of September and the 29th of October in efforts to help push the launch event of the app. paid influencer partnership: the beta test version of the app will be given to the influencers 20th of June 2020. the first post will be from Aditi released on the 4th of September, then Blue and Brianna will follow their post on the Wednesday of the next two week. ‘ earlybirds, assemble!’: marketing for the ‘earlybirds, assemble!’ campaign will begin on August 20 2020. after 3 weeks of promoting the event, it will officially kickstart with the first earlybird goodie unlocking on September 10 2020: * 10-14th unlocking brand discounts in the following order: People Tree, VEJA, Patagonia, Edun, and Formation. * 15th unlocks the first purchase on us. * 16-24th unlocks the cultural event tickets in the city order of New York, London, and Paris. ‘take action!#nevertoolate’: #nevertoolate will start on the October 15 2020, which is two weeks after the end of ‘earlybirds, assemble!’. the competition will span 2 weeks and a winner will be drawn and announced on the 29th of October.


costs. inclusive within the project.1 costs £2920

blog & podcast project 2. costs paid mirco-influencer partnerships (Influencer Marketing Hub, 2019) Blue Ollis


Aditi Mayer




‘earlybirds, assemble!’ brand discounts


5 users x 5 brands


first purchase on us


5 users


cultural event tickets


3 users x 3 events x 3 citites


‘take action! #nevertoolate’


total costs (excluding blog & podcast)


expected results. it is expected that the results of this marketing project will generate initial unique downloads of over 10k within the first month of launching (Good On You, 2018). and with the ongoing incentives of the launch campaigns spanning 7 weeks around the launch, it is expected that the project will help achieve a monthly retention rate of 30%, leading to 3000 active users within the first month after launching (Jaabari, 2016).

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project 3. good impacts. objective. to increase engagement and retention rates and in-app purchases.

strategies. * creating incentives and physical benefits within and outside of the app. * rewarding in-app purchases and frequent active users. * fulfilling the esteem and self-actualisation needs of users. * building brand loyalty through creating an emotional, meaningful, and personal interaction with users. * remind and refresh interests of less frequent users.


tactics. thank you notes: customised thank you notes for orders placed through the app, outlining the good impacts associated with the purchase. good impacts profiles: quarterly good impacts profiles which summarise the good impacts associated with the user’s activities for that quarter. good impacts donation certificates: carrying out annual charity donations on behalf of high engagement users (minimal annual spending of £500) to thank them for their support and good impacts. Donations will be 10% of the total commissions’ taken off of all the users’ in-app purchases throughout the year (up to the 15th of November). Donations will be customised to the user’s sustainable and ethical concerns, with the option to choose between 3 organisations which either work on issues relating to animal welfare, labour rights, or the natural environment. Depending on the hot issues and sustainability trends of that year, new sets of organisations will be selected for donation at the end of each year.

channels * as a pop up upon launching the app, and remains accessible in the settings page under the ‘your good impacts’ tab. * the notes, profiles and certificates will also be sent to the user via email. * the annual good impacts donation certificate will stay locked on the top of user’s home discovery page from the 15th of December to the 15sth of January. * all good impacts campaign material will have a bold share button to encourage and allow users to easily share their good impacts through their social media channels.

audience. * users whom have placed orders in-app, and also high engagement users. * friends and family members of conscious curations users * the sustainability aware and educated teams handling donations at the charity organisations we are donating towards.

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time. * thank you notes upon in-app purchases. * quarterly impacts are released at the end of the first month of each quarter. namely the first quarter profile will come out on the 31st of July, then subsequently, the 31st of October, 31st of January, and the 30th of April. As the app launches on the 15th of September, the first set of profiles will be released on the 31st of January of 2021. * the good impacts end of year donation will take place on the 15the of December, and donation certificates will be released subsequently on the day.

costs. the main costs associated with this project is the 10% cut into revenues from the 1.5% of users by the 15th of November of that year. this will vary depending on the number of users accumulated by this time each year. our target consumer spends about £1750 on clothing annually (Goldstone, 2017), say half of that is spent on conscious curations, this comes to £875 annual spending per person, and commission on this would be £175, and 10% donations would be £17.5. total annual donations would therefore be around £17.5 x 1.5% x no. of users, which would be 30p per user. calculations target consumer annual clothing spend


half of the consumer’s budget is spent in conscious curations


we take 20% of commissions


we donate 10% of this on behalf of the customer


1.5% users carry out in-app purchased ~£17.5 x 1.5% x (no. of users that year) total donation per annum 30p /user

expected results. the result of this project is expected to help the app hit the average retention rate of 30% within 12 months of launching. It is also expected to convert 1.5% of total users into purchasing in-app by the end of the 12 month period.


18 month timeline.

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conclusion & evaluation to conclude, the 3 marketing projects highlighted in this report aim to achieve not only the SMART, KPI based, marketing objectives, but also conscious curations’ overall business objectives and mission. which is to create easy, meaningful and intriguing fashion buying experiences and ultimately help increase the overall adoption of sustainable lifestyles amongst the general public. in evaluation of the overall project, although the campaigns - earlybirds, assemble! and take action! #nevertoolate - are focused primarily on creating awareness and interest around the launch of conscious curations, there is the potential fault that the campaign may not appeal to the core consumers of the app whom are affluent and may not care about minor discounts and freebies. to amend for this in the future, marketing efforts should move away from sales related promotions, and focus on creating finer and more elaborate experiences. as a not-for-profit start up with limited funds, although initial restricting budgets have led to a more digital and below the line marketing direction, once user numbers increase and finances becomes more liberal, there should be more exploration of tactile and sensory forms of marketing. this will not only help create finer and more elaborate experiences which better appeals to the target consumer, but also potentially provide them with a more memorable and impactful experience and understanding of the brand.


references & list of images.

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list of images. Image 1-a: Rawpixel. [no date]. Collection of art pieces on a wall. [Online]. [Accessed 10 April 2019]. Available from: Image 1-b: Feng, W. 2019. conscious curations logo – sub. [Graphic Design]. At: Leeds. Leeds University School of Design. Image 1-c:

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Feng, W. 2019. conscious curations logo – main green. [Graphic Design]. At: Leeds. Leeds University School of Design.

Genetic96. [no date]. iPhone X Mockup Clay Version. [Online]. [Accessed 11 April 2019]. Available from:

Image 1-d:

Image 7-profile photo:

Feng, W. 2019. conscious curations logo – main yellow. [Graphic Design]. At: Leeds. Leeds University School of Design.

Feng, W. 2018. Profile Photo. [photograph]. At: Leeds. Leeds University School of Design.

Image 2:

Image 7–brand logos:

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Good On You Ltd. 2018. Good On You – Ethical Fashion (version 4.0.3). [Mobile app]. [Accessed 11 April 2019].

Image 3:

Image 7–article thumbnail:

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Image 4: Tess, K. [no date]. Sky Girl. [Online]. [Accessed 11 April 2019]. Available from:

Image 7–modelled clothing:

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