A Club President's Guide to the Key Club Galaxy

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A Club President's

Guide to the Key Club Galaxy

Page 1........................................................... Cover Page 2........................................... Table of Contents Page 3........................................... Basic Information Page 4................................................ Weekly Duties Page 5.............................................. Monthly Duties Page 6............................................... Annual Duties Page 7.......................................... Meet the K-Family Page 8..........................................Your Club's Officers Page 9........................................ The Club Secretary Page 11....................................... The Club Treasurer Page 12............................................ The Club Editor Page 13.................................. Appointing Leadership

You were selected by your peers to lead the club, be the face of your schools Key Club and make important decisions that can make or break your club! Congratulations! Your peers had enough faith in you to place you in the greatest leadership position on the club level!

1.) Key Club is not a Dictatorship! Although you might be in the highest position of leadership, don't take your power too far! 2.) You are the face of your schools Key Club! Anything that you say or do will reflect your schools Key Club, The Texas-Oklahoma District and Key Club International as a whole! Always be sure to represent this organization POSITIVELY! 3.) Your board of officers are one factor to what makes or breaks the club! Be sure that they are doing their job!

Weekly Duties

1.) Conduct Weekly Meetings (Be it Board Meetings, Club Meetings or Committee Meetings).

Do: Have agendas for your meetings! Members will be more likely to pay attention when there is an agenda! 2.) Consistently communicate with your Advisor and Board Members to ensure the well-being of the club. 3.) Plan weekly Service Projects that members are interested in participating in! 4.) Attend weekly Service Projects to show members what a true Servant Leader looks like! 5.) Ensure that all board members are doing their job! Be willing to help in any way possible! Do: Speak to members to see what projects they want to do! That way you have higher participation!



Monthly Duties 1.) Make sure Monthly Reports are Mailed in to District Secretary Usman Hyder by the 5th of the month! (If the 5th happens to be on a Sunday, the Report will not be due until the 6th) Usman's Address: 938 Medina Dr. Arlington, Texas 76017 Usman is in our division! Yay for report costs going down! 2.) Turn in Articles and your club Newsletter to District Editor Tashrima Hossain! tashrima.hossain.kc@gmail.com Remember, you have send in 20 articles! You can receive up to 5 points on each article (For a total of 100 Possible Points!) 3.) Create a Monthly Calender for Club members. 4.) Have your club website updated by the 5th of the month! 5.) Send your Presidential Bulletin out to your members! 6.) Attend your Lieutenant Governor's PCM.


Annual Duties 1.) Train Members who are Interested in running for a Club Officer Position. 2.) Hold Club Elections and allow members that are in good standing to vote. 3.) Dismiss members that are not in good standing (January of the Key Club Year). 4.) Pass any information that your predecessor may be able to use to better your Key Club. 5.) Attend District Convention. 6.) Encourage members to run for District Staff Positions as well as for Lieutenant Governor. 7.) Encourage Members to attend International Convention. 8.) Have Members in good standing pinned as well as Officers be inducted. Although the School year may be over, remember the Key Club year isn't! Key Club is a year round organization!


Meet the K-Family!

When you host Inter-Club events, these should be some of the clubs you invite! Not sure how to get in contact with these clubs? Shoot me a email and I will be sure they know about your club's event!

Your Club's Officers! You and your Club Officers Lead the club! You all are the face of the club and work to improve the club as a whole. It is your job as President to ensure that the officers are doing their job! 1.) Build Strong Relationships with your Club Officers! They will be the people you lean on when you're struggling (and vise versa)! 2.) Although you all have a leadership position, always keep in mind that you are still a member of Key Club International. 3.) Whenever you feel you can't finish something, always ask one of your officers! They should help you! Note: If you ever happen to have problems with any of your club officers outside of Key Club, be sure to keep it professional at Key Club functions!


The Club Secretary! The Club Secretaries Duty is to report everything you club does monthly to the District Secretary! You should be well acquainted with reports in order to help the club Secretary! Tips: 1.) Facebook Posts count as Bulletins! You can have up to 50! 2.) While members are hanging out before meetings, why not allow them to decorate envelopes? You can file them according to theme, month, or year! 3.) Tell your Secretary to fill out the monthly report as the month goes by! Minutes should be filled out This will allow them to not do reports last minute! 4.) You can find the Task Of the Month on tokeyclub.com Be sure to turn these in with reports!


The Club Treasurer The Club Treasurer is in charge of applying for the Youth Opportunities Fund Grant (YOF Grant), creating a club budget, and makes sure members pay dues. The YOF Grant: A grant given to clubs by Key Club International ranging from $100 to $2000 to help clubs do a service project they need help funding! All applications must be RECIEVED by October 15 Club Budget: In order to help your Sponsoring Kiwanis Club know how much they need to fund raise to help sponsor you, create a club budget listing how many members will be attending DCON, ICON, Fall Rally, etc. and give it to them so they can prepare!


The Club Editor The Club Editor is in charge of creating the monthly club newsletter and encouraging members to submit articles to the District Editor. They publicize everything the club is doing though social media, newsletters and newspaper articles. Articles are due to District Editor Tashrima Hossian on the 5th of the Month Every Month via email! tashrima.hossain.kc@gmail.com The article topics will be posted by the 15 th each month on tokeyclub.com

Have your Editor check out the new Brand Guide at keyclub.org!


Appointing Leadership You can appoint leadership position outside of those recognized as actual “Officers� by Key Club International! Possible Leadership Positions: Historian Kiwanis Liaison K-Family Liaison Homecoming Director Calender Creator

Webmaster Social Chair Parliamentarian Hour Counter Secretary Asst.

These are just ideas of some leadership positions! The leadership position your board can appoint depends on the needs of your club!


Created by: Jennifer Roca Lieutenant Governor Region 7, Division 39 South

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