January newsletter

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Division 39 South January 2014

Table of Content: 1. Cover 2. Table of Content 3. LTG Update 4. Club Elections 5. DCON 6. Contest and Awards 7. Reports 8. Dues 9. LTG& District Elections 10. Contact Information

Happy New Year Division 39 South!

I hope all of you are enjoying 2014! Although 2014 just began, we are now ¾ of the way through with the Key Club year! There are many things we need to focus on such as club elections, DCON, continuing to report to Usman and electing our new District and International Staff!

Although this newsletter is long, please be sure to look over it because it has a lot of information that will make these next few months easier for you!

I want to thank you all for your hard work and can’t wait to see it all paid off at DCON I was one of the Top 10 Lieutenant Governor’s for this quarter. It wouldn’t have been possible without all of you doing an amazing job! Thanks for all of your hard work!

Jennifer Roca

Club Elections are where your 2014-2015 Key Club board will be elected! Sit down with your officers now to decide a date that you will have elections (Have them before March!). Announce it to the club at a general meeting and pass out candidacy forms for them to fill out (the criteria on the forms is entirely up to you board). Have elections before DCON and make sure your club is in good hands!

Helpful Tips:  Hav e meetings with perspectiv e officer candidates to explain what the job actually does! That way they hav e a better understanding as to what the job does so they know what they’re getting into!

 If time allows, have candidates giv e a speech and have questions asked by club members!  Train your elected officers and let them shadow current officers! Hav e current officers let them know everything they have to do (ex. Secretary can show them how to fill out ev ery aspect of the monthly report!)  Encourage elected officers to attend District Conv ention! They will be able to attend their officer forum to receiv e important adv ice and information before their term begins!

#TODCON 2014 Division 39 South is fortunate enough to have 3 people on the district board. All 3 of us (Grace Liu, Usman Hyder and I) are required to sell $500 worth of district convention ads that range from $25-$250. These ads not only allow us to attend convention, but also help make convention as magical as it is. If you are interested in purchasing an ad that will thank key clubbers, seniors or advisors please let one of us know! We would greatly appreciate it!

DCON 2014 is rapidly approaching! It is time to be preparing for the event both mentally and financially! DCON 2014 could be the best event of 2014 and we want YOU to be there! Are you ready to be hooked on service

Team Hook

Contests & Awards One fun aspect of District Convention is all the contests and awards that clubs can participate in! Everyone has an equal opportunity to go home with a trophy! Look through the contests and awards handbook to find the official rules for the competitions and decide what your club will participate in! Be sure to apply for the following:  Governor’s Project Completion Form  District Project Completion Form  Distinguished Club Officer Awards  Outstanding Kiwanis and Faculty Advisor Awards  Annual Achievement Report Form

Let’s get to 100% Monthly Reporting before DCON! WE CAN DO IT! If you need help contact me!

Divisional and District Positions! LTG Elections will most likely be on February 1 early in the afternoon! If this does not work for you please let me know! Fill out the candidacy forms attached in the email or on tokeyclub.com and bring them with you to the DEC! More information about the DEC will be announced soon! Thank you all for being patient while it is being worked out!

If you plan on running for District Governor, Secretary or Treasurer, go to tokeyclub.com and download the candidacy form. Fill it out and turn it into the address indicated on the form. Your form is due on February 14 and the biography that will go in the convention booklet will be due on March 14! Be sure to manage your time wisely and begin preparing because the dates are quickly approaching.

Remember, you have to attend DCON to run! You will be giving a 2 minute speech, followed by 3 minutes of questioning to every region in the Texas-Oklahoma District on the Saturday of Convention!

Thanks for reading! Email: ltgjenniferroca39south@gmail.com Call/text: 682-459-7956 If you read my newsletter, let me know if you’re on Team Pan or Team Hook!

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