Endangered species even a (1)

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Endangered Species

Piping plover The piping plover is a bird that is endangered in providence RI, The bird went endangered in 1986. The bird has became endangered because of predators, rising water levels, loss of habitat and people step on their nests. It weighs 1.5 to 2.25 ounces. And eats worms, insects, fly larvae, beetles, crustaceans, mollusks, and small marine animals or their eggs. To prevent these birds going endangered the government is protecting the nests by monitoring them, controlling people's access to the nesting areas, and controlling the water flow in michigan.

http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/species-and-h abitats/species-guide-index/birds/piping -plover

Canada Lynx The Canada Lynx ( Lynx canadensis ) is a solitary big cat that has black spots on brown fur, have black tufts of fur off their ear, and short black tipped tails. Their usual diet is small animals like hares,squirrels, and fox, with the occasional deer. The Canada Lynx lives in forests in Canada and the Northern U.S. The Canada Lynx lives to for about 15 years. Adult Canada Lynx can be about 20 to 45 pounds and about 30 to 40 inches long with their tail. Canada Lynx have sharp hearing and depend on sight rather than smell.

The Canada Lynx is endangered due to starvation, predation, human related causes, habitat loss and being hunted for their fur. The Canada Lynx was put under the Endangered Species Act. The Endangered Species Act protects the Canada Lynx from being hunted for their fur. People in Washington protected the most populated forest with the Canada Lynx to help stop them from going extinct.

Insert the image here


Canada Lynx


Bald Eagle The Bald Eagle is the bird of North America. It is the country's symbol of freedom. The head on the Bald Eagle is white with a brown body. It has yellow feet. There white spot on their head is not white until they are four years old. They are endangered because they ate a substance called D.D.T. (Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane). It is used by farmers to kill flies and the fish started ingesting it and the bald Eagle ate the fish; leading to illness and eventually death.

People have banned the substance and is protecting them by making preserves for eagles.

http://www.skinnymoose.com/stabley/2008/ 07/06/bald-eagles-thriving-throughout-penn sylvania/ http://tgreybirds.com/Pages/BaldEaglep.html

Atlantic salmon The atlantic salmon is a fish that can grow up to 30 inches! They spend 2-3 years in freshwater ( few rivers). Then migrate to the ocean where it also spends 2-3 years, and then return to their natal river to spawn. The atlantic salmon eat small fish and bugs. The salmon is endangered for multiple reasons. ● ● ● ●

Water quality Climate change non-native fish species that compete with or prey on Atlantic salmon Loss of habitat

To fix this the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service made a recovery plan to recover Atlantic Salmon.

http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/stories/2015/12/atl_salmon_recover y_qa.html

Basking shark The Basking shark is the Second largest living fish ever. The shark has a greyish brown color and it can reach up to 40 feet which is also 12 meters. There babies can go up to 5 feet (1 meter). It has a pointed nose, large gill slits, and most importantly a huge mouth with gill rakers that smell out platon. They are mostly at colder oceans, are closer to the shore at spring and summer and migrate warmer waters but moves to new locations. Cetorhinus maximus is its scientific name. The reason why they are endangered is because they are being killed by boats and fished on a hook. They might be scary with their big mouths but they are harmless against divers.

Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX6xEjOMxys

Picture of the basking shark

Bog Turtle The Bog Turtle is a turtle that lives on land and is very small.I know this because In a article it said that the biggest Bog Turtle measured only 4.5 inches and it said the Bog Turtle is very easy to tell from a part another turtle because the Bog Turtle has a orange spot on the side of it’s head.

The Bog Turtle is endangered because they are extremely sensitive to the effects of global warming. The turtle’s survival is closely tied to its delicate habitat.weather patterns resulting from global warming will disrupt the fragile balance key to the turtle’s survival.Also People are building things on top of the Bog Turtles habitat which is taking away from spices.They are going to save the species of Bog Turtles by not building things like buildings and roads on top of them.

http://www.endangered.org/cms/assets/uploads/2013/ 07/bogturtle.jpg The image is to show the orange spot on it’s side of it head.

Concolor puma Do you know what the Concolor puma eats? The concolor puma eats, squirrels, muskrat, porcupine, beaver, raccoon, and striped skunk.These cats come out to hunt in the early evenings, it can take the puma up to 10 - 15 days to catch a deer. They look like very large cats with either red-brown or gray brown fur. They can run up to 50- 40 mph.These big cats can not climb up trees but they can climb up objects that are not steep or completely vertical. People aren’t doing anything any more to help these pumas.Their tails can grow up to 3 feet long. An average male puma can weigh up to 120 - 220 pounds.

The Concolor pumas can live for only 20 years, and they can grow grow up to 6-8 feet. They have been extinct for about 40 years. Females can weigh up to 64-140 pounds. There aren’t any eastern pumas left in the world.The Eastern puma catch their prey by sneaking up behind the other animal and then chomps down on the prey's neck with its powerful jaws.These pumas also can jump up to 15 feet! These big cats are endangered because they are hunted.


About The Grey Wolf The Grey Wolf is a breed of Wolf that eats meat, most of their population lives in Alaska and stay’s in packs of 7-9, they are mostly grey with a little bit of white and light brown around their face. They are also capable of running up to 37 miles per-hour, male wolves weigh about 180 pounds and female wolves weigh around 120 pounds. Grey Wolves can grow to 3.4 to 5.2 feet, as well as being able to swim 3 miles per-hour.

Why It’s Endangered Most of the Grey Wolves population lives in Alaska and are in other parts of the world they are endangered. There are only about 7,000 to 11,000 left in the world. They are endangered because most Wolves battle in Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana including the Grey Wolf. People are leading the way to reintroduce wolves to the Southwest in 1998.

http://www.alessioporcu.it/wp-content/uploads/20 16/05/Lupo_BN-e1463474063428-830x513.jpg I

This is the Grey Wolf

Northern long eared bat It’s a Northern long eared bat and it is endangered because people are going in its habitats and they are killing the bats with the fungus.There are several reasons why bats are endangered. Mainly it is because of a loss of their habitats. Rainforests are being destroyed. Also caves and nesting areas are being blocked and destroyed. People are knocking down their habitat. The bats are special because they eat some of the bats.

http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2016/01/14/16 395900370_e2a7830a23_o1_wide-c620f2bb 283ab7bbcb7c8243028f217d4a63198a-s900c85.jpg

http://www.powdermillarc.org/graphics/highlights/2007 -October/LongEaredBat_100307a2.jpg

Right Whale The North Atlantic Right Whale is a baleen whale, meaning its teeth are bristle things that filter out anything they do not eat. It is 10 ft long. They have these raised patches of skin called callosities. These callosities are infested with little animals called Cyamids, or more commonly known as Whale Lice. They are black whales with white spots on their stomach. Their upper jaw is strongly arched. They have no dorsal fin and can grow to 60 ft long and weigh 100 tons. They eat little animals called copepods and krill. They live alone, unless they are mother and calf who live together. They will also sometimes live in temporary social groups of 30 or so.

Right Whale in shallow water

https://www.google.com/search?q=right%20whale&sa fe=strict&rlz=1CAACAG_enUS748US748&source=ln ms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi_5Lvw8LrUAhXJ wj4KHT7hBf8Q_AUICigB#imgrc=0KKJfyNPVHsv6M:

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