2017 library d ebook (1)

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Endangered Animals Class of 2017 Library D Period

Atlantic Salmon Collin

The reason why the Atlantic Salmon is endangered is because it is much valued for its taste and as a “Game Fish�, however, They way the keep it alive is asking anglers and indigenous groups to use live release techniques as the population of salmon is expected to be lower. An Atlantic salmon typically measures about 30 inches (75 centimeters) long and weighs about 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms). This kind of salmon lives in the North Atlantic Ocean.

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This is the Atlantic Salmon swimming around in the ocean.

Bald Eagle Keenan

Humans are responsible for the endangered-ness of the Bald eagles by destroying their nests. The pesticide DDT harmed the Bald eagle’s numbers because it made the eagles egg shell thin and brittle. Juvenile Bald eagles don’t get there white head until they are about 4 to 5 years old. The Bald eagle’s scientific name is Haliaeetus leucocephalus. Bald eagles build their nests in the trees. Bald eagles very rarely, but can eat other, smaller birds. A Bald eagle’s wingspan is at full height is 7 feet (2 meters). Juvenile Bald eagle eggs usually hatch after 35 days. Adult female Bald eagles are usually bigger than adult male Bald eagle.

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Atlantic Coast Piping Plover Kelcy

You know how you go to the beach and find those cute little birds by the shore? Those are Atlantic Coast Piping Plovers. But these adorable little animals are more than meets the eye. They’re endangered. The little plovers are from places like Cape Cod. The problem is, we are building waterparks and things like that in places that are critical for the plovers. To save these little birds, some beaches are putting fences around areas of their beaches to block out humans. Hopefully these will prevent the plovers from becoming extinct.

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https://www.nps.gov/common/uploads/photogallery wr/park/apis/5820B447-155D-4519-3EDBB87E5EB D23/5820B447-155D-4519-3EDBB87E5EB91D23-l ge.jpg

Little piping plover in a person’s hand.

Rufa Red-knot Cameron

The rufa red knot is unique animal it lives on the sores.its feathers can change color when the migrate.The reason there becoming extinct is because there food is dieing from a big population boom and people are building and destroying their habitats.Sadly no one is trying to save them.

All content copyright 2006-2017, Greg Schneider.

Gray Wolf Katie

The Gray Wolf is very cool. One of the reasons the Gray Wolf is cool is because Gray Wolves are carnivores. They usually eat animals that are bigger then them such as elk and moose. But they also eat animals that are smaller than them, such as beavers, livestock, and rabbits. The Gray Wolf is endangered because they are killing and eating the rancher’s livestock, so the only way to get rid of the wolves was to kill them. But people are helping them by putting collars on the Gray Wolves so they can track them to see if there are any around.


This is an image of where the Gray Wolves habitats are and where they moved from and where they are now.

http://www.biologicaldiversity.org/campaigns/gray_wol ves/map2.html

Plymouth Red-Bellied Cooter Lily

The Plymouth Red-Bellied Cooter is a freshwater turtle that is not very well known. Did you know that Plymouth Red-Bellied Cooters eat differently than the opposite sex? Also, Cooters are omnivores. Did you know that the Plymouth Red-Bellied Cooter is endangered? Its habitat is being destroyed. But luckily, the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) is creating foster homes for the turtles to breed before they are released back into the wild. We can save these turtles!

Plymouth Red-Bellied Cooter with young. https://blog.nature.org/science/2015/09/09/recovery-r are-turtle-gets-a-second-chance/

Golden Eagle Kyla

A Golden eagle eats carrion, reptiles, birds, fish, and smaller fare such as large insects. Its prey includes rabbits, Squirrels and even young deer and lamb. Golden eagles lay eggs december through june and females lay up to one to four eggs a year. Young eagles are called eaglets or eyeglasses. Adult golden eagles measure 30 to 40 inches. Golden eagles are endangered because they have been killing lambs so the sheep ranchers kill the golden eagles. People are raising money on a website and making a project for the golden eagle to try to help solve the problem.

In this picture it looks like the Golden Eagle is sitting high up in a tree looking for prey. http://www.arkive.org/golden-eagle/aquila-chrysaetos/imag e-A7129.html

New England Cottontail Tiffany

Many animals have cool unique things about them.The New England Cottontail rabbit has many. The cottontail is one of the only animals that has two pairs of upper incisors. Because the New England Cottontail is a wild animal it barely survives more than 6 years. During its life period female rabbits can have up to 4 litters per year, each litter containing 4 or 5 young at a time. Baby rabbits are called kits. Some kits even start their own families after just 6 months from there own birth.You can see how this species could easily grow, but it is actually endangered.

People are ranked the New England Cottontails biggest enemy, they are destroying the cottontails homes in order to make way for new developments. The cottontails have a chance to rebound however, there are 27,000 acres capable of supporting the New England Cottontails. Partnerships and landowners are also making, renewing,and maintaining the kind of habitat the animals need.


New England Cottontail Population Range

https://www.fws.gov/northeast/newengland cottontail

Isaac M. S.

Canada Lynx The Canada Lynx is a reddish-brown lynx, located in lower Canada and upper America. They live for about fourteen and a half years in the wild, and are an average of 20-45 pounds. This species is scientifically called the “Canadensis” , while in folklore it is commonly known as “The Catamount” along with other lynx and mountain lion species. The diet of this Canadian lynx consists of mainly Snowshoe Hare, however it will eat Mice, Voles, Grouse, Ptarmigan, Red Squirrel and Carrion if the hare is not present. A Canada Lynx will successfully hunt, kill, and eat a Snowshoe Hare once every few days, for these species have evolved to hunt (or evade) each other. The hare has evolved a special

-Article By Isaac M. S. coat that can help elude the lynx, as the lynx has evolved with greater knowledge on how to kill the hare. With this knowledge, Canada Lynx have gotten better at killing the Snowshoe Hare. The Canada Lynx lives in cold, dense forests, often of boreal wood. These lynx stay with their mother until they are approximately ten months of age. Afterward, they leave their family and hunt alone since it is an incredibly solitary creature. The Canada Lynx often tries to stay out of human contact, as we are the reason that the lynx is becoming extinct. To the lynx, we are the enemy.

The Canada Lynx is endangered in New England, lower Canada, and upper America. Deforestation has destroyed its natural habitat, and the lynx is often hunted for its fur. Laws have been passed that prevent logging in some Canadian and American forests, though these laws are often overlooked and ignored. Hunting the Canada Lynx is also illegal, though this rule too is not payed attention to. In the wild, there are very few Canada lynx left, than their numbers are constantly decreasing. -Isaac M. S.

Canada Lynx Running

By M. Watson : http://www.arkive.org/explore/species?q=%22canad a%20lynx%22

Bog Turtle By Ryan

The Massachusetts Bog Turtle is an endangered species because of its habitat being destroyed by us, also their shells look pretty says Bog turtle - Wikipedia.

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Bog turtle - Wikipedia

The bog turtle in it’s environment.

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