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Endangered Species Of New England A Collaborative Project By 6th Grade Library Science

Grey Wolf Grey wolves live in almost any climate but mostly in the northern states of the U.S.A and in Canada. However the red wolf species mostly live in tropical forests. Grey wolves eat anything they can find but mostly things like deer or caribou. They also don’t eat every day so they eat a lot in bulk when they can. About 3,000 are grey wolves are left but they are repopulating because of the laws banning the killing of them. Grey wolves live about 13 years in the wild and 16 years in captivity. They hunt around in there territory to find there food. Grey wolves mix well with other wolf species as if they were in the same pack so they are very friendly to other wolf species. Grey wolves are endangered because when the Europeans came to north America they brought hatred and fear for the wolves so around 1630 there were bounties set on the wolves and they were sometimes hunted for food but very rarely because the native Americans admired the wolves unlike the Europeans who killed most of them off. Also grey wolves are hunted for for fur and are still hunted by poachers despite the risk of jail time and large fines so they are still endangered. To help the grey wolves we put the wolves on the endangered list in 1974 and put them on a recovery plan. This made it so wolves weren't killed but were more less tamed and bred then they were put back in the wilderness and the population has grown back since the law in 1957 prohibiting killing wolves so they re populate to re balance nature because there was an overwhelming amount of deer with no food. The grey wolf is on average about 5 ft long 2 ½ ft tall and weigh about 55-150 pounds. No one in their territory are above them as they are the top predators of their territory. Grey wolves hunt in packs of about 7-8 wolves. Wolves communicate through body language, scent marking, barking, growling and howling. Most of their communication is about reinforcing the social hierarchy of the pack. When a wolf wants to show that it is submissive to another wolf, it will crouch, whimper, tuck in its tail, lick the other wolf's mouth or roll over on its back. When a wolf wants to challenge another wolf, it will growl or lay its ears back on its head. A playful wolf dances and bows. Wolves bark as a warning call to keep others away. Howling is for long-distance communication to bring a pack back together

These are some pictures of a grey wolf.

Young Eurasian wolf panting Š Duncan Usher / www.ardea.com Ardea wildlife pets environment 59 Tranquil Vale London SE3 0BS United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 208 318 1401 ardea@ardea.co.uk http://www.ardea.com eurasian wolf walking, front view Š Artur Tabor / naturepl.com Nature Picture Library 5a Great George Street Bristol BS1 5RR United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 117 911 4675 Fax: +44 (0) 117 911 4699 info@naturepl.com http://www.naturepl.com

Canada Lynx The canada lynx is a four legged wild cat with sturdy body. Its fur is a grayish or rusty color. Adult lynxes range from about twenty to forty five pounds. Lynxes are a nocturnal animal which means they sleep during the day. They are specialized hunters they eat birds and snowshoe hares. Male and female lynxes mate in late winter or early spring. The females carry the kittens in their stomach for about 70 days. Liters come in one to four and stay with their mother until they are ten months old. They are high up on the food chain people have been afraid of them for a long time. The population of lynxes are quite low. People should speak up and protect the animal so the population can rise. People have been destroying boreal forests the prefered habitat of the lynx.


These images show the canada lynx these images are from www.Arkive.org

Northern Long Eared Bat The Northern Long Eared Bat is endangered. It is endangered because it has the white nose syndrome. The white nose syndrome is an emergent disease of hibernating bats that has spread from the northeastern to the central United States at an alarming rate.The disease is named for the white fungus, Pseudogymnoascus destructans, that infects skin of the muzzle, ears, and wings of hibernating bats.A cool fact about the Northern Long Eared Bat iss are some of the species that are the only mammals that can fly.

Actions have been taken to try to reduce or slow the spread of white-nose syndrome through human transmission of the fungus into caves (e.g. cave and mine closures and advisories; national decontamination protocols). A national plan was prepared by the Federal Wildlife Service and other state and federal agencies that details actions needed to investigate and manage white-nose syndrome. Many state and federal agencies, universities and non-governmental organizations are researching this disease to try to control its spread and address its effect.

Right http://www.acdtelecom.com/uncategorized/to wer-construction-guidance-for-protection-of-n orthern-long-eared-bat-under-the-endangered -species-act/

Northern Long-eared bat.

Left https://www.ecodefenseradio.org/2015/04/14/2015-04-14-e co-defense-radio-news/

North Atlantic Right Whale The North Atlantic Right Whale is the most endangered of all marine mammal species. They can be found off the Atlantic Coast of North America. The Right Whale may eat up to 2,600 pounds of zooplankton a day. They take large gulps of water and filter their prey with baleen plates. The Right Whale accommodates 225 baleen plates that are eight feet long. They can grow up to 60 feet and the females are larger than the males. The Right Whale can weigh up to 100 tons. They have a stocky, black body and have no dorsal fin. They also have bumpy patches of rough skin on their heads called callosities. Each whale has a different pattern of callosities kind of like a human’s fingerprint. This is how the whales identify each other. Only 300 to 350 whales remain due to entanglement in fishing gear, ship collisions, polluted ocean water and most of all, whaling. The Right Whale actually gets its name from their hunters. It means that they are the “right” whales to hunt. They are fairly slow animals so they are easy to catch. Lately, the whales that have been spotted have not looked healthy. It is believed that this is because of a lack of food. This year only three calves have been spotted. In past years, there has been 22 to 24 calves per season. The Right Whale has been protected since 1949 but has not made a significant comeback. Any nation that disregards the International Whaling Commission's rules will face penalties.

http://www.arkive.org/north-atlantic-right-whale/ The Right Whale is often seen slapping eubalaena-glacialis/image-G111754.html it’s flippers/flukes on the surface of the ocean

Peregrine Falcon

The Peregrine Falcon is an endangered species. They are near the top of the food chain. They find prey by swooping down at about 200 mph. They migrate to South America. They live in every continent besides antarctica. They eat medium and small sized birds. They have about a

https://www.google.com/search?q=peregrine%20falc on&rlz=1CAACAG_enUS707US707&source=lnms&tb m=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiA--yGv4nTAhXqgVQK HaqRBg8Q_AUICCgB&biw=1366&bih=694#imgrc=_

Wow me facts

The females are larger than males. They catch prey at 200 miles per hour. Their nickname is the “duckhawk�.

http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/content/dam/kids/ photos/animals/Birds/H-P/peregrine-falcon-flying.jpg. adapt.945.1.jpg

The eastern- hognose snake The eastern hognose snake's favorite prey is toads, but it also preys on frogs, salamanders, small mammals, birds, and invertebrates. People accidental mistaken them for dangerous snakes and accidental kill them. The eastern hognose snake is about 20-30 inches long. It has a thick body and a triangle-shaped head. It gets its name from its hog looking snout. It uses its snout to dig in the soil and leaf litter. It can be yellow, brown, gray, black, olive, or even orange. It often has large spots and blotches down its back and sides, but it can be a solid black or gray in color. Eastern hognose snakes first mate when they are around two years old. They mate in the spring. The female lays 15-25 eggs in a area in sandy soil or under a rock or log. The hognose snake is sometimes called the puff adder. When it is threatened, it raises its head and puffs out and flattens the skin around its neck - like a cobra. What is its defense against predators? Playing dead. What special features does a eastern hognose snake have. A pointy nose and playing dead. The habitat of the eastern hognose snake is found in woodlands with sandy soil, fields, farmland, and coastal areas and is active during the day.

This image was found at http://www.paherps.com/herps/snakes/hognose/-->

<--- this image is from reptiles magazine and is a Eastern hognose snake laying on a log

Golden Eagle The Golden Eagle is an endangered species of New England. They are being killed by humans, wind turbines, and also by pesticides. Humans are killing the golden eagle because they think that the eagles will attack their young animals such as lambs. The golden eagles are living around pesticides. They are getting sick and dying. The Golden Eagles are also flying into wind turbines and getting killed. Hunters are also getting hired to shoot them from airplanes. The federal law is making it so that people can not hunt or kill the golden eagle but some are still being killed. In 2003 there were 431 breeding pairs all but 1 of them were in Scotland

Their wing span reaches from 66 cm to 102 cm. This specific eagle can fly at 28-32 mph. The Golden Eagle can be found in Europe, Asia, Northern Africa, and Much of North America. In captivity it can live for 50 years. In the wild it lives between 20 and 30 years.h

Golden Eagle description The Golden Eagle is dark brown with white patches on its feathers. The young Eagle looks just like the adult but with a little more white on its back and neck. Their wingspan is 66 to 102 cm. The talons are very sharp. http://www.wildechotours.com/pic/gallery/ medium/Golden-Eagle_4_medium.jpg

Cypripedium lady slipper The cypripedium,also known as the lady's slipper,Is an endangered flower in the orchid family.They grow in wet marshy areas and need little sunlight to grow.The pink and white lady slipper can live longer than the average human lifespan.Some species may grow be 100 years old!The lady’s slipper,like all plants,don’t bloom in the winter they either die or go dormant.The lady’s slipper is a perennial,meaning it comes back every https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3pYmcfBv EGr429Jc_9tKDHebP1JBCK3ITd9zqJq6wnzLVFDasbY7bNA year.

The lady’s slipper comes in many different colours but the most common is the pink lady slipper called Cypripedium Acaule.

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/i mages?q=tbn:ANd9GcRVUs-NJu7 EarTqvBZwAPjA4xVi7eysgPohnMP Bi7zOezhcc-HVGj5wGno

Common Nighthawk The common nighthawk is an endangered species to Boston. The common nighthawk eats insects and small animals.It catches its food after sunset and flies to look for insects. The common nighthawk measures about 10 inches. The common nighthawk has mixed brown, black, and white feathers, and a white throat patch. It has a white bar on each wing. The common nighthawk is well camouflaged so predators or hunters can’t catch them. The common nighthawk is in the nightjar family, Caprimulgidae. The common nighthawk is Chordeiles minor. Nighthawks are not actually hawks. It is a summer visitor of most of North America and in winter the common nighthawk lives in South America. The common nighthawk is found in open woods and towns. The common nighthawk migrates or feeds over insect-rich areas such as lakes or well-lit billboards, nighthawks may gather in large flocks. Domestic Cats, Striped Skunks, Raccoons, American Crows, and

Striped Skunks, Raccoons, American Crows, and Common Ravens are the common night hawks threats, predators and the reason why they are endangered. The common nighthawk has good behavior. Scientists believe common nighthawks are endangered may be due to nesting habitat loss and increased use of insecticides that kill the insects that the common nighthawk needs to survive. Humans are making nests for the common nighthawks because they are endangered and their main problem is that their habitats are being destroyed.


Common Nighthawk.

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