When a hero needs saving! As the war raged inside me yesterday, I kept thinking what if this firefighter was the one who showed up on my family's crash scene almost 13 years ago and those memories haunted him to the point that he felt he could no longer go on? Every person who commits suicide has their reason, and I will always refrain from judging. I just wish I could infuse hope in them that with some help, it can get better. If you think I can’t relate to their struggle then you don’t know me or my entire story. I've worked very hard to be the woman I am after being diagnosed with PTSD in 2005.
There are so many actions that can bring about healthy change. I know it’s not a simple fix... but I will continue to fight to be a part of the solution. This is why I wrote Inside “The Mind” of Suicide, and this is why I created my Call For Back-Up program. I hope I inspire YOU to never, ever, give up! Life is hard, unfair, cold, and downright scary at times... and yet it’s beautiful, mysterious and full of wonder.
I can only imagine the memories of the firefighters, police, dispatch, and nurses that saved my daughter's lives must struggle with on a daily basis. Not to mention the lives they couldn’t save that day. .. my husband Brian and daughter Brittany. As a society, we often shy away from talking about what scares us the most; the darkness that we all face and fight at times. No one wants to talk about suicide, depression, or anxiety... it’s not glorious...but it’s necessary. Even for me, it’s not easy but DAMM it... we are talking about lives here. Children growing up without parents and parents that must bury their children. Lives that if we weren’t so prideful and afraid to talk about suicide we might have saved. copyrights 2019 Jennifer Tracy-Inspire www.jennifertracy-inspire.com