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Volume 1 Issue 4 July 2019
Mompreneurs Business Resource for Mompreneurs
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Dr. Shellie Hipsky CEO of Inspiring Lives International Founder and President of The Global Sisterhood Nonprofit International Best-Selling Author of Common Threads Trilogy Amazing Mom of 2
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Education • Motivation • Inspiration Mission & Vision Statement Motivated Mompreneurs is passionately committed to creating a community of mom entrepreneurs that are ready to take their lives and business to the next level. It takes a village and together with the right training and support we believe that every mom can create a business that is unique to her and will help her achieve her dreams of being able to stay at home with her children and still be able to support her family financially.
Publication Dates Vol 1, Issue 1 October 2nd, 2018 Vol 1, Issue 2 January 1st , 2019 Vol 1, Issue 3 April 2nd, 2019 Vol 1, Issue 4 July 2nd, 2019 Vol 1, Issue 5 October 1st, 2019
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table of Contents Letter from the Publisher................................8 Exclusive Interview with Dr. Shellie Hipsky....10 5 Steps to Visibility as a Mompreneur...........13 The Art and Science of True Holistic Prosperity...................................18 People Over and Above Strategy..................23 Your First Online Product................................26 Motivated Mompreneurs Business Resource Directory..........................................32
Volume 1 Issue 4 July 2019 7
Letter from the
Publisher Dear Reader, Hello Welcome to the forth issue of Motivated Mompreneurs Magazine! Our mission is to provide education, motivation, and inspiration within a community of mom entrepreneurs who are ready to take their lives and businesses to the next level. In this issue we have an exclusive interview with the lovely Dr. Shellie Hipsky as well as her article 5 Steps to Visibility as A Motivated Momprneur. We also have a number of other amazing articles from mamas in our motivated mompreneur community. Here at Motivated Mompreneurs, we believe that every mom has a unique gift to share. With that in mind, we have some amazing things to help you grow you business and get your business In front of your ideal clients. • Our Facebook group is a great place to be. Here you can connect with other Mompreneurs growing their businesses too. Get to know each other, people buy things from people they know and trust. • Motivated Mompreneur Magazine has multiple ways to get in front of your audience. - Write an article with us, share your knowledge and show up as the expert that you are - Advertise your business with Full, Half and quarterly spots available. • Our Brand new members directory has free and paid versions depending on how much exposure you want for you business. By Joining the members directory in the standard or VIP options you will get your business showcased online and in the magazine. I hope you enjoy this second issue of MMM. Reach out to me and to our contributors—let’s educate, motivate, and inspire each other!
Jennifer Insignares Publisher and Founder/CEO of Motivated Mompreneurs
8 Motivated Mompreneurs
10 Motivated Mompreneurs
Meet a Motivated Mompreneur
Dr. Shellie Hipsky CEO of Inspiring Lives International Founder and President of The Global Sisterhood Nonprofit International Best-Selling Author of Common Threads Trilogy Amazing Mom of 2 Please tell us a little about you and how you serve mompreneurs. My motto has always been #FamilyFirst. Most importantly, before the titles of CEO, President, Editor-in-Chief, International Bestselling Author, keynote speaker and more I am a mom to Jacob and Alyssa. Through my motivational media platforms I employ and spotlight other mompreneurs, I market their businesses through quality targeted advertising, and I teach them empowerment, inspiration, and life balance in my EmpowerU Master Class. How long have you been in business?
to start your own business? I was a full-time tenured professor and I made the leap into the mompreneur world because of a desire to inspire the women of the world beyond the four walls of the classroom and to choose a lifestyle/ career that was right for my family. What is your personal and business mission and vision statement? Dr. Shellie Hipsky is inspiring, entertaining, educating, and empowering internationally! What steps did you take to get things going in the beginning?
I taught myself all the aspects of I became a mompreneur 7 years ago the business and was determined when my Inspiring Lives International to bootstrap fund my way towards business began and we have had the a motivational media company that successful Inspiring Lives Magazine would make a profound impact. for 3 years. What has been the most effective What motivated and inspired you way of raising awareness of www.MotivatedMompreneurs.com
Volume 1 Issue 4 July 2019 11
your business and getting new customers? Relationships built on networking, social media, supporting and lifting each other up and always over delivering. What challenges have you faced and how did you overcome them? Although I am now happily remarried, being a single mom with a three year old and five year old back in the day working as a professor by day and being an entrepreneur as a side hustle – solo was very tricky but I made it through and now I have my dream Inspiring Lives Team! Can you tell us about any habits you have/things you do, which set up success everyday. My morning routine includes meditation, setting intentions, exercise, a healthy breakfast with my kiddos and gets me started the right way to tackle my crazy to do lists and rigorous speaking/media schedule. How do you balance taking care of your children and running your business?
Are there any books that you would recomend to help mompreneurswith their business? My first book for entrepreneurs (my 13th book in total thus far), launches May 2020 through Morgan James and it will go into great detail about how I do it all and help you plot out your own business success story! What advice would you give to other mompreneurs who are just starting their business? Form a supportive and talented team around you so that you aren’t doing it all solo. Educate yourself through programs such as my EmpowerU Master Class that will also provide you with a network that you can connect with and you can all build together! Dream big and take massive action! Any other thoughts that you would like to share with other motivated mompreneurs? Your dream life is within reach! Stay empowered and inspired!
My kids have always been a part of what I do. In fact you can read my 12 year old daughter’s column in Inspiring Lives Magazine wherein she interviews amazing kids.
12 Motivated Mompreneurs
5 Steps to Visibility as a Mompreneur by Dr. Shellie Hipsky
As a mom, just figuring out what that new stain is on your floor so you can clean it, why your kid is wearing THAT, and how you’re going to get the littles to eat a healthy dinner can be daunting. Add in the mix running your own business. Then on top, as a savvy mompreneur you understand that you need to be “visible” in a saturated online space filled with as much noise as a daycare playground. I have been there trying to attract clients and customers into my business as the CEO of Inspiring Lives International, president of the Global Sisterhood 501 (c) (3) charity, and editor-in-chief of Inspiring Lives Magazine, raising my two children while running a company that is directly impacting women around the world. Let’s break down how you can be more visible for your business. When you put these steps into action, clients and customers feel like they know and trust your brand, so they seek your company and your expertise.
Make sure that your branding is on-point. My company just launched a huge rebranding for Inspiring Lives Magazine with our 13th issue. We did this by looking at the competition, brainstorming how we wanted to present ourselves online and in print, and stepping up our graphic design, copy, and imagery.
Pick a tag line that makes you memorable. I recall taping my pilot for Inspiring Lives with Dr. Shellie in New York at the Waldorf Astoria almost a decade ago. When I interviewed Jacquelyn Aluotto, who is the powerhouse activist behind Real Beauty Real Women, I wasn’t sure how to close the interview and finish the show. She had been producing shows for years and she said, “What’s your tagline? What do you want to leave the viewers with?” I had mine swirling around in my head for years, so I looked directly into the camera and said, “And remember, inspiration is just a story away!” Since then, it has always been my tagline signoff. When we rebranded the magazine the new tagline became what readers and experts had been saying Inspiring Lives Magazine is: “The magazine for Empowering Women.”
#HashtagsGetYouFound Hashtags allow readers and potential customers to seek out themes and content that are important to your brand. You need to incorporate these into your social media and blog posts so they can find what you are selling. They can be specific phrases such as #WeAreInspiringLives, which Inspiring Lives Magazine uses so people know what we do as a company. When I speak anywhere around the world to teach women and entrepreneurs, I always use the hashtag #Keynote. This way if a person is planning a conference, and they search on social media like Instagram for #Keynote, they can seek me out and book me. Make sure you know how many hashtags are appropriate for the platform you are posting in the most and use them so clients can find you.
14 Motivated Mompreneurs
Advertise with magazines. Inspiring Lives Magazine and Motivated Mompreneur both offer ways to boost your marketing strategies by joining forces with a team that already does digital and/or print advertising for your targeted audience. Mompreneurs explain in this brief video why you should start a marketing partnership with a magazine: https://bit.ly/2Lx9B0L
Take massive action. Just like I used to explain to my doctoral students in Instructional Management and Leadership when I was a tenured professor, you need to establish yourself as the expert! Create videos and social media posts. As the face of your company, you should be doing LIVE streams on social media, blogging, podcasting, posting regularly on your favorite platforms from Twitter to Facebook, and creating a buzz around your business and brand!
I can’t wait for you to increase your visibility so we can all see you! Revealing to the world your authentic self and fabulous business brand on a deeper level will help you form business relationships and sell your product or service!
Connect with Dr. Shellie Learn More
Volume 1 Issue 4 July 2019 15
16 Motivated Mompreneurs
The Art and Science of
True Holistic Prosperity by Suzanne Turnbull
Prosperity is the state of flourishing, thriving, good fortune and success. It often encompasses wealth but also includes factors such as health and happiness. Oooh, yes please!! So where do we begin? I have some really great news for you because the answer is, “Exactly where you are right now!” You see I believe there are no coincidences in the universe and you being here isn’t one either. Let me quickly introduce myself since I am new to these parts and then we’ll get rollin’. My name is Suzanne Turnbull otherwise known as The Holistic Prosperity Coach. I’m ‘livin’ the dream’, empowering and educating purpose-driven, sociallyconscious entrepreneurs to live their highest potential by helping them create flow, connection, and well-being mentally, physically, emotionally, energetically, spiritually, AND financially so they can Thrive alongside their Businesses. So far, so good? Cool. My passion is to inspire you to ‘be the change you wish to see in the world’ by enabling you to earn more, have more, and be more ultimately do more by contributing to a more compassionate, just, sustainable, spiritually awake world. 18 Motivated Mompreneurs
Firstly, I’d like to do a quick centering exercise. Let’s take a nice breath in now and soften your gaze and face a bit. Relax into your now. The first big breath for me always seems to land a little high so really concentrate on exhaling out fully … Breathe in … and on the next exhale really push the last of the old, stale air out. We are going to start clearing clutter and shifting energy right now. The next slow, deep breathe will naturally begin lower in the belly just like a baby breathes, the tummy like a beach ball going up and down restfully the way it’s meant to. This is called Deliberate Breathing. Do it every day. Now place your left hand on your chest at your heart center and your right one on your belly, right above your belly button. Focus fully inward and call your scattered energies back in, bringing your power back home. Now I want you to consciously open your heart to yourself and wish yourself well. “Today is a day of happiness and peace.” “I am grateful for my beautiful life that is filled with many blessings.” “I choose to believe that I can have it all” www.MotivatedMompreneurs.com
“I am worthy.” Great! It’s as easy as that. Do this or something similar as often as you can during the day. You’ll be more productive and have more stamina and peace of mind. It only takes two seconds to connect (close your eyes to the stimuli) and the benefits are spectacular. When you quiet your mind even just for a tic you will be able to hear your inner guidance (we all have innate wisdom to tap into for expert advice on life, wellness, and business) more easily and life with flow with more ease and grace. It will never not serve you to do this.
our very same thoughts. It sounds like a lot of hard work but I promise it gets easier. Your feelings will assist you as they are the indicator. If you are feeling bad – any of the lower vibration emotions – consider what you had just thinking about. I don’t just change the subject, I address it by taking every opportunity I can to fix mindset issues when they arise. Everyone has limiting beliefs and old stories running around in their head.
So when you find a core limiting belief hiding in there that says, “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t really deserve to have what I want” I need you to imprint the polar opposite. I like to use the “I AM” tool. Create a new Now let’s continue shall we? While you empowering belief/identity that is stated in keep reading I want you to think the word the positive that lifts you up and pulls you Prosperity on each ‘in’ breath ok? forward. Breathing in Prosperity …. Breathing out Resistance. What you resist persists so we all need to drop that sh*t and surrender to whatever is happening for you right now. Again … creating more space for what you do want to manifest into your life. Acknowledge where you are at (without judgment, shame or guilt) and then get to work becoming an energetic match for what you do want to bring into your reality. It starts with becoming aware of your thoughts. This is a big deal. Would you believe that neuroscientists estimate that the conscious mind has a mere 3-5% processing power, compared to a whopping 95-97% of the subconscious mind?
“I am open to and capable of achieving all my goals and dreams” “I am blissfully shattering my glass financial ceiling and unapologetically living the life I am meant to live.” You see everyone has a financial blueprint, a money story that operates like a thermostat that can keep you plateaued at any income level. We need to re-write old stories, look for patterns, self-sabotaging behaviours and eliminate mental and emotional obstacles (fears and doubts) in your way to finally live the life you were meant to live. Once you get your mindset right and you’ve got your motivation (your BIG why ‘is this important to you’) and emotions in line with your goals you are going to see that they are so much easier to achieve.
Now get this… If we have 60-70,000 thoughts a day and 90% of those thoughts are the same as the day before, guess what is contributing to our personal reality? Wow! Until next time…. “You are enough. You So in a nutshell- If you do not run your mind, always have been and you always will be.” it will run you. The same thoughts will lead to the same choices. The same choices will lead to the same behaviors which will always lead to the same experiences. Those Connect with Suzanne same experiences will always produce the Learn More same emotions, then those emotions drive www.MotivatedMompreneurs.com
Volume 1 Issue 4 July 2019 19
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Suzanne Turnbull On Facebook
The Holistic Prosperity Coach on a mission to empower and educate purposedriven, socially-conscious entrepreneurs to live their highest potential by helping them create flow, connection, and well-being menatally, physically, emotionally, energetically, spiritually, AND financially so they can thrive alongside their businesses.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN The first five people that sign up for my new Facebook Group called The Evolved Entrepreneur will receive an extremely valuable and powerfully tranformative ‘Money Breakthrough Session’ valued at $497.
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22 Motivated Mompreneurs
Over and Above Strategy by Motivated Mompreneurs
As an entrepreneur, never make the mistake of putting your plan before the individuals who are working with you or the people who are patronizing your business. No matter how sound your plans and strategies are, you will not have a business if you lose either your clients or your workers; they and their welfare should come before your strategies. People love to be respected and be treated with respect, and they deserve it. If you do not know how to respect people, you will never make a successful entrepreneur or anything else. As the famous saying goes; “respect is reciprocal,� if you want people to come to you, just treat them with respect. If you do not know how to pay attention to people, you will not make it very far as an entrepreneur. Businesses are built for and around people, and if your business no longer serves people, then you do not have a business.
Volume 1 Issue 4 July 2019 23
YOUR TEAM MUST BELIEVE IN YOU Your staff is the strength of your delivery; the way you treat them is a reflection of what you expect from them. You need to realize that they should be as passionate about the business as you are and that means they have to believe in you and in what you are doing to the point where they treat your business as their business. You need to develop a very vibrant package for your employees that will make them know that you can be trusted and that you value what they are doing for you. If your workers feel unsafe, it will affect their motivation, and that is going to be evident in the quality of your good and services. You need to empower your team and help them to develop the capacity to satisfy your customers and enjoy the work they do. If you will spend money on your team, make sure you spend money on training and equipping them to be the best at what they are doing. This will eventually pay off in the quality of the service they can render for your business. Have faith in your team and show them you believe in them and they will believe in you; invest in your staff and they will repay you with productivity; look out for the members of your team and they will submit to your leadership; connect with your employees, and they will be consumed with your passion. Your team is your engine room, keep it running.
CUSTOMER CARE IS VITAL Your sales are never going to be better than your customer care. Anybody working for you in that unit must be polite, respectful, patient, resilient, kind and full of empathy. If you need to pay attention to anything in your business, please pay attention to the way customer complaints are handled. It is vital to the survival of your business. Just one customer can make or break your business. Never underestimate the power of just one customer. One loyal and the satisfied customer can bring immense value to your business just because he is happy with the way he has been treated. No matter the quality of your service, you can run your business if you do not treat your customers with respect. If you develop a system that genuinely renders assistance to your clients’ needs in real time, your customers will reward you with loyalty and will help your business to grow by word of mouth. Your business will never outgrow your reputation for treating people well; earn it.
24 Motivated Mompreneurs
by Motivated Momprneurs
This is the biggest hurdle for those who will love to make money online. The problem is where to start from and how to make your first couple of sales. In this article, I am going to try to tell you about what your first online product should look like because it is what will determine if you are going to go far in the marketplace or not.
26 Motivated Mompreneurs
It must be affordable
It must give room for improvement
The market is already saturated and the competition online is really stiff. There are over two billion websites already and that is growing every day, if you want to break into any niche, you have to be ready to make people came in and test what you have. The easiest way to attract attention is to offer something really cheap and still very valuable.
In developing your first online (digital) product or service, you need foresight. Foresight is what will help you to see how you can improve that product. If you are not able to upgrader your products, get ready to become outdated in a constantly evolving digital market space.
It must be outstanding The first product or service you offer must be unique in packaging and in function. This is how to show people that you are not just one of the numerous copycats that just copy and paste on the online marketplace. Uniqueness shows originality and creativity, something the online community are willing to pay for. It must be evergreen
It must be something you can do by yourself This may not apply to everyone, but I have made it a personal rule to make sure that my first product or service in any niche is what I can offer myself or I own the right to it. If your basic services are offered by other people who are currently in your employ, that is alright, but you must make efforts to mastering the skills and become a part of the process. This step is to make sure you do not get stranded along the way when the business starts to pick up and the employed guys begin to demand for more than you can afford. I have seen this happen over and over and you must not become another victim.
Your first product should become what you are known for, therefore, it should be evergreen. It should be what your costumers will not be able to do without. This helps you to rapidly grow your market and keep your customers. It is like building a pyramid, you need a robust base and that can be achieved For you to succeed in the digital market, with your first product. you need to continue to develop yourself and what you are offering to It must lead to bigger things people. The secret to online business success is doggedness, innovation and Your first product is supposed to just paying attention to the everyday details be a tip of the iceberg. Make sure it is of the market. the first part of an entire package that will make sure your customers come back for the other premium parts of the package real soon. Volume 1 Issue 4 July 2019 27
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Dr. Shellie Hipsky dedicates her life to empowering women globally to achieve their dreams. She began Inspiring Lives Magazine—now nationally available—to focus on positive stories and spotlight people, especially women, who overcome the odds, help others, and do amazing things for the world. The crown jewels of her 12 published books, Dr. Shellie’s international bestseller Common Threads trilogy, is based on 100 interviews from her Empowering Women Radio show. Her thirteenth book is due to be released in May 2020. Dr. Shellie also created the nonprofit 501 (c)(3) The Global Sisterhood and remains at the helm as president, guiding the charity to provide support for women and girls toward achieving their dreams and goals. As an entrepreneur, Dr. Shellie has been lauded with Entrepreneur of the Year in Inspiration and Empowerment, the Women of Achievement Award, Best Woman in Business, and VIP Woman of the Year, among other awards. She has graced the covers of over 20 magazines. A former tenured professor of Ph.D. students at a private university, she stepped out of traditional academia and made the world her classroom by teaching business and nonprofit leaders with her EmpowerU Master Class and from the stage in front of thousands from the United Way Powerful Connections for Women to University of Oxford in England. Dr. Shellie truly believes that “inspiration is just a story away!” www.facebook.com/inspiringlivesmagazine • www.inspiringlivesmagazine.com Jennifer Insignares Founder of Motivated Mompreneurs Education • Motivation • Inspiration Mom of two little cuties. Passionate about connecting Motivated Mompreneurs with the support and resources they need to create a profitable business from home. I believe in you. Together we can make your dreams come true. Motivated Mompreneurs is passionately committed to creating a community of mom entrepreneurs that are ready to take their lives and business to the next level. It takes a village and together with the right training and support we believe that every mom can create a business that is unique to her and will help her achieve her dreams of being able to stay at home with her children and still be able to support her family financially. Come join our online facebook community at www.facebook.com/groups/motivatedmompreneurscommunity and check out our full business directory at www.motivatedmompreneurs.com/mompreneurs/ 28 Motivated Mompreneurs
Debbie Belnavis-Brimble is the Inner Brilliance Coach, Business Mentor, Author, Empowerment Speaker and Founder of the Inner Brilliance Academy. She believes that we all entered this world as Brilliant Beings – powerful, confident, creative, resilient and resourceful. She works with women around the globe who are ready to embrace their inner brilliance and accept and appreciate the limitless possibilities available to them, and who are ready to live a fulfilling life of purpose, doing what they are passionate about, with ease and joy. Debbie understands that the many roles juggled by women can take its toll as we always give more of ourselves to others. She honors all feminine leaders who are ready to be the creator of their own experiences and step into their power in the most authentic way. Contact Information Website : www.embraceyourtruebrilliance.com Email : info@debbiebrimble.com Facebook : debbiebrimble1 Twitter : debbiebrimble Leila Kanzler Your Right Hand Woman Empowering Women to Lead with Confidence I’m like an office manager, a business coach, a project coordinator and a cheerleader all rolled into one. I work with you to refine your systems, processes, methods and to help you move toward your next-level - often the creation and introduction of passive and leveraged income products - so your businesses run seamlessly. I want to help you create streamlined, automated systems so your business works as hard for you as you do for your clients - so you can have the lifestyle you want. www.myrighthandwoman.com • leila@myrighthandwoman.com Suzanne Turnbull a.k.a. The Holistic Prosperity Coach is on a mission to empower and educate purpose-driven, socially-conscious entrepreneurs to live their highest potential by helping them create flow, connection, and well-being mentally, physically, emotionally, energetically, spiritually, AND financially so they can thrive alongside their businesses. Her passion is to inspire you to ‘be the change you wish to see in the world’ by enabling you to earn more, have more, be more and ultimately do more by contributing in a more impactful way to create a more compassionate, just, sustainable, spiritually awake world. She believes that enabling more heart-centered business owners to earn spectacular incomes is one of the keys to a better world and teaches the importance of changing your relationship with money, fear, comfort, self-worth and old, out-dated beliefs and paradigms so you can be the person that you came here to be. Suzanne resides in Quesnel, BC on the West Coast of Canada. www.facebook.com/CreatingSuccessWithBalanceAndJoy/ www.theholisticprosperitycoach.com
Volume 1 Issue 4 July 2019 29
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