Get Ready

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To change your life you have to change yourself. To change yourself you have to change your MINDSET.

For the first week, we are diving into your mindset about health and fitness itself. Once your mind is there your body will follow. If you don't like where you are right now - CHANGE IT. YOU have the power of choice, to choose what you eat each moment in the day, to choose to workout instead of sleeping late or sitting and watching tv. To choose to set a good example for those around you. To choose to feel and look better. This is up to you. Every day we are fighting to survive and we can have food help us, or hurt us. So what are YOU choosing? YOUR FIRST STEP is to watch this video and share what you takeaway from it -- not what he says alone. What resonates with you. Concepts that YOU connect with and can relate to your own life. You are here because it's time to change your life. Let's begin.





Whenever you find yourself stuck at what feels like a dead end, ask someone who has been able to push past that problem for advice and guidance. It doesn't have to be in person. Emails, texts, fb messages, and phone calls work just as well. Think about one thing that you've found yourself stuck with in the past, and how you plan to work through it and move forward.



Stop hating yourself for everything your aren't. Start loving yourself for everything you are.

Today is all about you. YOU are here to make yourself proud. To feel better about your body, gain confidence, receive support, and get even more motivation to be more amazing than YOU already are. So for all my beautiful ladies, I'd love for YOU to be your own #wcw today.

I want to encourage you to think about what insecurities you may have right now about your body. Stop it. Turn them into what makes you unique, different, special — and wear it proudly. Like a badge of honor that YOU have earned for just being YOU.



It's not happy people who are thankful, It's thankful people who are happy.

Today, think about what you are thankful for in your life. Think about how being healthy and fit can help those things you're thankful for. And then realize that you need to actively work on more POSITIVE SELF TALK than negative. Manifest good energy into the universe and it will come back to you. Strengthen your relationship with yourself. Then and only then, will everything else fall into place. Believe me -- I'm definitely working on this one and it helps A LOT.



Freedom is being you without anyone's permission.

ALWAYS BE YOURSELF. How many times have you heard these words? Much easier said than actually done though, right? This is your challenge for today and the rest of your life. Give yourself some slack and feel free to do and think what you feel is right to you in each moment. It's an amazing thing that we don't realize or think about often, but YOU are the only YOUR there is and You are the only YOU there ever will be. Don't deprive the world of that. Don't deprive yourself of that by stifling who you really are and trying to fit in according to society's standards and fake rules based on unrealistic ideals that are humanly unattainable most of the time. BE YOURSELF. ACCEPT YOURSELF. VALUE YOURSELF. FORGIVE YOURSELF. BLESS YOURSELF. EXPRESS YOURSELF. TRUST YOURSELF. LOVE YOURSELF. EMPOWER YOURSELF.



Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.

10 most important things to simplify in your life: 1. Your Possessions 2. Your Time Commitments 3. Your Goals 4. Your Negative Thoughts 5. Your Debts 6. Your Words 7. Your Artificial Ingredients 8. Your Screen Time 9. Your Connections to the World 10. Your Multi-tasking

Simplicity brings balance, freedom, and joy.




I hope that your week has been wonderful. If you've had an off week, move forward and don't dwell on this past week. Or maybe you'd like to repeat the past week, and aim to do better. If you've done well then make this coming week even better than last!! Always move forward. And remember that every little bit counts! It all adds up slowly. Progress is progress. Recognize your accomplishments. Reward yourself. Don't compare yourself. Always keep going.

Set goals for the new week, write them down, and then let

us watch as you kick some bootay and crush those goals!

Pray, meditate, be still, listen, laugh and love.

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