Friday, 11 March 2011
SYDNEY, March 2 AAP NSW Premier Kristina Keneally is facing allegations of porkbarrelling over $160 million spent on rail concessions in her own electorate. Just three days before the government goes into caretaker mode ahead of the state election, Ms Keneally announced tickets on sections of Sydney's Airport Rail Link would be cheaper from next Monday. Ms Keneally said the Labor government would subsidise the private operator, effectively scrapping station access fees, so that commuters f rom Mascot and Green Square will pay the same amount as other rail users. This means the price of a weekly ticket for commuters to the city will be slashed from $42 to $25 - a saving of $850 a year. T h e s u b s i d y w i l l c o s t N S W $16 0 million in real terms over the life of the contract, Ms Keneally said. "That station access fee is something that has deterred people in this area from using the most efficient, the quickest, form of transport into the city," she told reporters at Mascot in her state seat of Heffron. T h e p r e m i e r o n We d n e s d a y a l s o announced $31.5 million for the construction of a cancer centre at the Prince of Wales Hospital, in the neighbouring electorate of Coogee. Ms Keneally im mediately faced accusations that she was porkbarrelling ahead of the caretaker period. But the premier rejected the claims, denying it was too late to commit money to such projects. "We as a government make decisions in the best interests of the people of NSW," she said, adding that the projects had been under consideration for some time. Opposition transport spokeswoman Gl a d ys B e r eji k l ia n s a id t he a i r p o r t r a i l a n nou nc e m e nt wa s "c y n i c a l" porkbarrelling by the premier. "The Labor government have had 4000
days to make this announcement. They've waited 24 days before an election to make it in the premier's own backyard," she said. "This is a huge blow for commuters in western Sydney, and other places in Sydney, who've waited 16 long years for better services, for infrastructure that hasn't arrived, and here on the eve of an election she's making this announcement in her own electorate." Planning Minister Tony Kelly was also accused of making an "underhanded" decision ahead of the caretaker period,
after he excised Sydney's Barangaroo development f rom reme d iat ion regulations. Greens MP David Shoebridge accused the Labor gover nment of siding with "developer mates" in the midst of a Land and Environment Court battle over how contamination was handled on the site. "For any government to gazette a law that removes the planning regulation on remediation for such a major site, midway through a court case, is utterly reprehensible," Mr Shoebridge said. "To do this three days before going into caretaker mode is beyond belief." M r Shoebr idge called on coal it ion leader Bar r y O'Far rell to reverse Mr Kelly's order if he won government at the March 26 poll, as expected. Meanwhile, Australian Workers Union nat ional se c ret a r y Pau l Howes said punters would be lunatics to bet on a Labor win at the state election. But Mr Howes, a significant figure in the Labor movement, also criticised a "lazy" Mr O'Farrell. "Many people want to punish Labor and I can understand and I sympathise with that position," he told a Foreign Correspondents' Association function in Sydney.
"(But) the unfortunate thing with our state is that they are not voting for a mandate for change, the bulk of the electorate are voting against someone and not for someone. "To have a lazy leader like O'Farrell in charge means that I do not think he'll revolut ionise this state in areas that maybe should happen."
SYDNEY, March 5 AAP A s a m e - s e x m a r r i a g e a c t iv i s t h a s promised there will be a "huge moment" in Saturday's Mardi Gras parade that will send a clear message to Julia Gillard to legalise gay marriage. Na t io n a l C o n ve n e r of Au s t r a l i a n Marriage Equality Alex Greenwich will be on the Australian Marriage Equality Now float - one of 16 floats calling for the legalisation of same-sex marriage in Saturday's parade. "I'm bound not to give away the surprise but ... there will be a clear moment, a huge moment, that will send a huge message to Julia Gillard," Mr Greenwich told AAP on Saturday. "Julia Gillard cannot ignore the clear major it y of Aust ralians that suppor t equ alit y for all lovi ng couples, a nd tonight will show we are only going to get louder," he said.
There will be a giant Gillard dressed in a wedding dress and a giant Tony Abbott wearing a pair of speedos at the front of Mr Greenwich's float, speaking to each other with speech bubbles. "The gay and lesbian community has been fighting so hard for equality and they are now joined in the f ight with their mums and dads and families and colleagues. "It's not just gay people in the parade," he said. Mr Greenwich set Ms Gillard a clear challenge to "be the Prime Minister that delivers equality to loving gay and lesbian couples". M r G reenwich will be joined by Professor Kerryn Phelps, Jackie StrickerPhelps, Greens senator Sarah HansonYoung, Geoff Field, Jason Kerr and Geoff T homas on the Aust ralian Mar r iage Equality Now float at the parade.
Friday, 11 March 2011
CANBERRA, March 4 AAP There is nothing new in politics. Before the introduction of the GST there were years of debate over its shape and form. Should it be eight per cent, 10 per cent, or 25 per cent? Should it apply to food? What sort of food only pre-made meals or fresh food? Should books be exempt because they promote education? What about computers? How much revenue should go to the states? Should conditions be put on how it is spent? And on it went. All the while the final detail remained unknown until John Howard - who once said "never ever" to the GST - decided it was time to introduce it.
Fast-forward to 2011 and we have the debate over a carbon tax to tackle climate change. Prime Minister Julia Gillard has unveiled the progress to date on a new emissions trading scheme - comprising a fixed price for carbon from July 1, 2012, followed by a fully-fledged carbon market. There are no details on the initial price, nor what industries it will cover or how the billions in revenue will be used. A hysterical debate has ensued since the announcement, capped off by incendiary comments this week comparing the prime minister to Libyan d ict ator Muammar Gaddafi and independent MP Tony Windsor revealing his concerns about death threats. Windsor is on the multi-party committee
CANBERRA, March 2 AAP T he consu mer g roup Choice says a super market ombudsman would help decide whether milk at $1 a litre was helping or harming customers. It a l s o w a n t s a m o r e c e n t r a l i s e d approach to consumer issues to avoid confusion during heated debates. Supermarkets have cut the price of their home-brand milk to just $1 a litre, a move that dairy farmers believe will cut into their profits and strangle the dairy industry. Coles and others say the price war is a win for customers. Choice believes the debate highlighted an "obv ious lack of perspect ive and understanding" of the dynamics of food prices, food security and supermarket competition.
Was the $1 a litre discount a sign of health competition or excessive market concentration? S p oke sma n Ch r istopher Zi n n said consumers definitely won't benefit if the price cuts end up reducing the number of milk brands on the shelves. "We believe a more centralised approach is needed to ensure the many and varied player s along the food supply chain operate in a coordinated and strategic manner," he said in a statement. "This would mean decisions affecting the future of Australia's food industry are coherent and consistent." T he ombudsman would potent ial ly work within the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to promote competition within the supermarket sector.
developing an emissions trading scheme (ETS) and has yet to say whether he will support the final plan. But one constituent, convinced Windsor was about to suppor t the gover nment emptying his wallet of all his cash, took it upon himself to call and say: "I hope you die, you bastard." Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has spent the week on talkback radio, in parliament and visiting Canberra and Queanbeyan businesses to highlight exactly how much a carbon price will cost them. However on Wednesday he led a debate calling on the prime minister to reveal the full details of the ETS and its impact on the economy. Gillard seized on the ambiguity of the coalition's position. How is it Abbott can say with confidence to business operators that electricity prices
will go up by 25 per cent, and fuel will cost an extra 6.5 cents a litre, when he admits at the same time there are no final details about the ETS, she argued. "The figures are made up," Gillard said. She said her government would go through t he process "p a t i e n t l y, c a l m l y a nd methodically" with MPs, business leaders and community groups until a final deal could be reached on the ETS. For his part Abbott - a veteran politician who is known for his incendiary language - says he's happy for his team to continue to "fiercely" prosecute their case against the carbon tax. Instead of rebuking MPs such as Sophie Mirabella for her Gaddafi comparison, the Liberal leader remarked there was nothing new in colourful language being used in a "robust democracy". Nothing new indeed.
CANBERRA, March 4 AAP/AP The federal government has welcomed an apology by Japan to five Australian diggers held prisoner during World War II. The former prisoners of war (POWs) have met with Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara in Tokyo. "Foreign Minister Maehara's apology was made in a spirit of reconciliation," Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd said in a statement on Friday. "The Australian government welcomes (the) apology to Australian prisoners of war for the horrors they endured under Japanese control in World War II." O ne of t he member s of t he g roup, Harold Ramsey, 89, said the apology from Mr Maehara was sincere. "We waited a long t i me but it was sincere and much better time than when I was here before in 1944," he told the ABC after meeting Mr Maehara. "This is really good, very sincere."
Before the meeting, Mr Ramsey said "if you go through life full of hate, the only person you hurt is yourself". The former POW from Victoria joined the Australian army at the age of 18. He was captured in Java while still a private, and worked building the ThaiBu r ma railway before being sent to Kawasaki, near Tokyo. He was held for more than four years. Mr Ramsey said he nearly died on his way to Japan. On September 12, 1944, the ship he was aboard was torpedoed and sunk by a US submarine. Another Japanese ship rescued him. Mr Maehara has also an nounced that Japan will return to Australia the historical records of former POWs. "I welcome their offer which is made in the spirit of cooperation," Mr Rudd said. The index cards were originally offered to the Australian government in 1953 but the offer wasn't taken up at the time.
Friday, 11 March 2011
Friday, 11 March 2011
Friday, 11 March 2011
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