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N Sinc
March 1
Published on Second and Fourth F
info@wjenta.com / Tel: 02 9
P. 2-3
News About Japan
P. 4-6
TV Program about Japan
P. 7
News Photos From Japan
P. 10
Friday, March 13, 2015
Further information You can obtain all information you need on travelling to Japan on the JNTO website at www.jnto.org.au
JNTO Japan National Tourism Organization
Alternatively, visit JNTO Sydney Office self-service Room at Suite 1, Level 4, 56 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 (About a one minute walk from Wynyard station) Opening Hours: 9:00 - 17:00(Monday - Friday)
Friday, March 13, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
News About Australia
Wine & Cheese
Wine & Cheese J-Forum
1300 551 246
Fax : (08) 9207 2523 Email : info@janews.com.au
News About Japan
Friday, March 13, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
News About Japan
Yellow Pages・Money & Tax Talk・TV Program about Japan
Friday, March 13, 2015
Money & Tax Talk
ost people spend more time planning their next holiday than they do planning their financial future. As money plays a role in everything we do it is important for you to think about your wealth and how you can grow it. Building wealth is all about investing. goal of investing is to grow your The money over a long period of time and involves investing in assets that provide both income and growth, for example shares, managed funds and property. Saving is not the same as investing as this normally involves a shorter time frame and investing in low risk assets that provide income only, for example term deposits. As the timeframe for investing is longer than for saving and the goal is capital growth it generally involves taking on some risk. Investment risk refers to the chance of some loss in asset value at some time during the investment time frame. However historically assets recover from losses but they key is to have diversification across different asset classes to help minimise the risk of loss. The main asset classes are shares, property, fixed interest and cash. The goal of diversification is that if the value of one Glenn Burke B.Bus CA SFfin Glenn is a chartered accountant and financial planner with over 25 years tax and accounting experience. Glenn regularly presents lectures on accounting and finance.
asset class falls this will be offset by a gain in a different asset class. Another key element of wealth building is to start early and invest regularly. By starting early you gain the benefit of compounding. Compounding is best illustrated by an example. If you invested $1,000 for one year at 5% and received $50 income at the end of the year you would have $1,050. If you then invested the $1,050 for one year at 5% at the end of the year you would have $1,102.50. The additional $2.50 you have is the compound return. Whilst this may not seem much if you did this for ten years you would have received an additional amount of $128.91 over the period. When building wealth it is also necessary to consider debt. Debt can be used to build wealth but only where the asset that is purchased grows in value. Negative gearing is a term used where the cost of the debt, the interest, is more than the income you receive from the asset. As such you effectively make a loss which is tax deductible. However if the asset does not grow in value by at least the amount of the loss you have not invested wisely. If you would like to find out more about building wealth we are conducting a free seminar on 19 March. Please contact us if you would like to receive further information about this.
Proactive Business Advice
Suite 802, Level 8, 11 Help Street, Chatswood NSW 2067
02 9411 3598
放送時刻 : 毎週火曜日、 木曜日、土曜日午後10時 周波数: Sydney1107AM、 Wollongong1035と1485AM、 Newcastle1413AM (Japanese) ・生放送の時間にはデジタルテレビでも聴けま す。リモコンでガイドを押しチャンネルを矢 印で上下してSBSRADIO1のJAPANESEを選 んでください。 ・生放送や前の放送をオンラインでお聴きくだ さい。 www.sbs.com.au/yourlanguage/japanese
携帯電話のAPPもあります。 詳しくは上記のウェブページをご覧ください。
Friday, March 13, 2015
Japanese Restaurant
Kai Sydney
・ Photo : Kai Japanese Restaurant Writing : Ann Nazdo (upper left) The shoga-yaki (stir-fry with ginger) has a richly infused sauce and perfectly tender yet springy meat ($14.50). (upper right) The ten-don, with its crispy batter and sauce-infused rice, comes with mini-udon ($13.50). (lower left) Connoisseurs will be unable to resist the generous portions of the salmon set ($20.50). (lower right) You will be surprised at the size of the tonkatsu (battered pork) set ($14.50).
Shop is at the end of the alley in The Grove
Affordable, chef-quality lunch at a newly refurbished restaurant Enjoy authentic Japanese to your heart's content Neutral Bay is the ultimate place to go if you are craving Japanese food, from traditional noodles or rice dishes to Westernstyle Japanese. You are sure to find most types of Japanese cuisine in Neutral Bay, with plenty of restaurants and take-away stores. In such a competitive battlefield, Kai reopened in February this year with a new slogan, "The restaurant with the authentic chef", and a renewed affordable and quality lunch menu. Kai has a reputation for an uncompromised authentic taste and a desire to bring real Japanese food not only to the Neutral Bay, but eventually to Sydney as well. While this attitude has not changed, their lunch menu has reappeared in a new form that will keep both customers' stomachs and wallets happy! The must-try recommendation has to be the range of donburi (authentic dishes of meat, fish or vegetables over rice) starting from $13.50. Served with a mini-udon, the size of each meal is certainly satisfying. This satisfaction is then followed by the pleasant, nostalgic harmony of carefully selected ingredients and the blend of rice and sauce, which is said to be the foundation of donburi. The fried food is crisp and the cooked meats are very tender, allowing your chopsticks to cut through without any
difficulty. The mini-udon is the ideal and essential match for the main dish. Japanese authenticity can also be created with just bowl of rice and miso soup to accompany the main dish. Pork sh_ga-yaki (stir fry with ginger) is the representative dish and can often be hard to find outside Japan. The pork is fried with onions and chives, mixed with sauce, cut into bite-size pieces and served with rice. Surprisingly, $14.50 includes a tsukidashi (small appetiser) and a chawanmushi (egg custard). It definitely feels like you've been looked after. If you are really indecisive, and just want everything from the overwhelming menu, there is "Kai Special Lunch Set" at $29.50. It's a parade of Kai's classic quality meals, enough to fill anyone at a reasonable price. There are also sushi/sashimi Sets, which makes the decision over lunch just a little more difficult! Driven to continue providing genuine Japanese cuisine, Kai is also introducing dinner course meals from midSeptember. You will be pleasantly surprised that a five-course meal includes an entr_e and a main selection from three different combinations at only $55 per person. Whether it's a filling lunch or an awesome dinner you are hoping for, Neutral Bay is the place to be, day or night.
The Kai special lunch set is a parade of classic, quality Japanese cuisine ($29.50).
The harmony of the sauce with the tenderness of the beef in the Wagyu-don is just mouth-watering ($17.50).
Kai Sydney Address: The Grove,Shop 13, 166-174 Military Rd, Neutral Bay Phone: 02 9908 7045 Opening hours: Thursday - Sunday (lunch) 12:00pm∼2:00pm Tuesday - Sunday (dinner) 6:00pm∼10:00pm BYO: Fully licensed & BYO (wine only) Accepted cards: EFTPOS, Visa, Mastercard, AMEX and other major cards
The chicken katsu-don's combination of batter, sauce and egg emphasises the traditional taste of Japan ($13.50).
Friday, March 13, 2015
出生後の鬱病 約80%の お 母 さ ん は、 出 産 後 数 日 ・友だちや親戚のサポートの欠如 の 間 は 情 緒 不 安 定 に な ったり不 機 嫌 ◆Postnatal depression を避けるには に な っ た り す る こ と は あ り ま す。 し かし5∼10%の方は欝(うつ)状態が数 マタニテイークラスに参加したりし 週間続きます。この状態をPostnatal て仲間を作り、いろいろな経験をシェ depression といいます。出産後1年 ア ー で き る よ うに し て お くと い い で の間にいつでもおこりうる問題です。 しょう。あらゆる問題を自分一人で背 下に列記した症状が数日以上続くよう 負おうとしないで、人の助けを借りる でしたら助けを求めるようにしてくだ こともためらわないようにして下さい。 さい。 心のストレスは理解ある人によく聞い *気のふさぎ、寂しさ圧倒感、絶滅感 てもらうと楽になります。あまり母親 *理由もなく泣く、イライラ としての自分に過度な期待をかけすぎ *物事に喜びや楽しみを感じない(特に ないでリラックスして育児を楽しむよ う、心掛けてください。適度な運動も 育児に関して) し、食事も規則正しくとるようにして *よく眠れない ください。充分な休養も必要ですから、 *不安感、恐怖感、自尊心の低下 赤ちゃんが寝ている機会に自分も睡眠 *虚脱感、無力感、食欲不振、あるい をとるように工夫して下さい。 は過食症 この鬱状態が ◆Postnatal depressionの治療 長く続いている と母子間のボン 精神面、社会面でのサポートが大切 デイングがうま です。精神的なカウンセリングが必要 く い か ず、 母 と となることもあります。 子の間のコミュ *抗うつ剤 ニケーションに 影響してきます。データの研究による 母乳をあげているということもあっ と、このような子供は、あらゆる面で て、抗欝剤が使用されることが躊躇さ の発達、特に精神面や社会面での発達 れがちですが、最近では授乳中でも安 が遅れがちになってしまうようです。 全とされる抗鬱剤も出ています。SSRI というクラスの抗鬱剤でいくつか服用 ◆Postnatal depression の原因 できる薬があります。重症の場合はも ちろんカウンセリングと投薬も必要と 生物学的な原因は認知されていませ なることもあります。医師と相談の上 ん。このような欝状態がおこりやすい で母乳を止めるという手段もあります。 危険因子はいくつかあります。 これによって体内のホルモンレベルが ・鬱病の既往歴 妊娠前の状態に戻り、精神的にも落ち ・アルコールや薬物中毒の問題 着く患者さんもいらっしゃいます。 ・結婚問題、経済問題 ・最近の近親者や友人の不幸 ・予期されなかった妊娠や分娩に関する 問題 ・以前に流産や中絶を経験した人 ・授乳に関する問題
t by
Friday, March 13, 2015
News Photos From Japan
Friday, March 13, 2015
コラム 生活 【共同通信社】
Friday, March 13, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
プチプリンセス 9 ∼ 11 歳
プリンセス 大人 入門 大人 初級 大人 中級
12 歳以上
イチオシ Pick up・書籍ランキング・街角 NEW FACE
水曜日 土曜日 水曜日 土曜日 月曜日 金曜日 土曜日 火曜日 木曜日 土曜日 金曜日 金曜日 火曜日 土曜日
午後 4:00-5:00 午後 1:00-2:00 午後 5:00-6:30 午後 2:00-3:30 午後 4:15-5:45 午後 5:00-6:30 午後 3:30-5:00 午後 6:00-7:30 午後 5:30-7:30 午後 4:30-6:00 午前 10:30-11:30 午後 6:30-8:00 午後 6:00-7:30 午後 6:00-7:30
Friday, March 13, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
投稿頂いた内容は、全て ジェンタに帰属いたします。
Publisher Takayuki Takahashi
ビジネス ��������
TEL: (02) 9264 8394 FAX: (02) 9264 8418
������������� ���������� ������������������������
Friday, March 13, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
TEL:(02) 9247-4554 電話を まずはお
Level 4, 58 Pitt St., Sydney
Friday, March 13, 2015
News in Australia
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Friday, March 13, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
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Druitt St
537-539 Kent Street, Sydney
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Bathurst St
10:00-19:30 10:00-20:00 Town Hall Station より 12:00-19:30 徒歩2分
Liverpool St
Mon-Wed, Fri Thu Sat & Sun
Sussex St
チャイナタウン 方面
Old Maruyu
Clarence St
York St