Flying pig mechanism redesign

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Module Code : DM5535 Module Leader : Dr Shengfeng Qin Integrated Product Design Jeong eun Heo 1229542

Redesign FLYING PIG 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Introduction Design Features Design Process Description of Parts & the assembly Modeling Presentation Rendering Manufacturing modelling and physical prototype Stress Analysis and Modelling Summary

1. Introduction “Flying pigâ€? is chosen for redesign. I visited toy shop, and found it which has an interesting mechanical part. When this product was showing up at first, many people were interested in this funny product, but people did not buy it so much. In this connection, I would like to redesign it to attract more people to buy this product by positioning different target. This product is now descripted for 6 aged children, but I would design it for adults with modern design. For instance, it could be good for some particular cafĂŠ. Personally, I have got full of inspiration because there is complicated mechanical part, so it is worthy to study with so

2. Design Features

The main function of this product is flying. That means there are some required features in materials and structures because it can be broken easily when it moves. The reason why, all parts need to be made from light materials, but it should be strong enough. For the present product, all materials are made of plastic, and it is designed with relatively complex shape with 4 different colours. However, good point is it is simple to use.

3. Design process






With re-targeting to adults, I am starting from sketch to find which would be the good choice. While I sketch, I tried to identify the structure, and build modelling at the same time, so that I could get more detailed sketches. For instance, the sketch was starting from making characteristic shape, and then tried to build 3D in the real scale. Then, I printed it to sketch in detail. Some of ideas for details were generated from this process. That is, the original structure was required to have a protruding part on the back of pig, which was not look good, so I have changed to cooker’s hat. Moreover, it needed to have one hole to hang on the celling. For that,


Sketching surface for new concept

One of the essential parts is identifying mechanical parts since it is a laborious task. I have disassembled every part, and observing every single structure. At the same time, I built 3D modelling to test how it works


Identifying parts

Building modelling was always flexibly interacted with the previous processes. In order to bear in mind the real size, it was often printed and changed. After having a lot of tests, one modelling has been chosen, which was then developed for manufacturing process like making assembling structure by screws.


Building modeling

Rendering is also important to make sure about the surface modelling design. The reason is that the design is very minimal, so the reflexion is one of the fundamental design languages. Also, I made some of variations of materials.


Rendeing the completed model

Finally, I would test the re-designed product with a physical model.


Physical Assembling

4. Description of Parts and the assembly Modeling Cradles of motor 1



Cog 1. Cog 2. Main body Cradles Liver of 2 3 4 wings 5 6 5

8 8


Linkage 7 7


8 8 8

Screw cap x 9

1. Cradles of motor: This part is mainly for assembling of motor, while connected with the main body, and cog 1. Lastly, this has an important role assembling to the upper main surface part. 2-3. Cog: This has two saw-toothed wheels pivoted by main body with one of screw caps 4. Main body: This main body plays an essential role with 9 holes which all have important functions. 5. Cradles of wings: By pivoted between the main body and linkage, these cradles of wings finalize the movements from the motor. 6. Lever: Cradles of motor, cog2, and main body are connected with this liver in order to make movement of linkage. 7. Linkages: These are like bridge between cradles of winds and liver, making a unique movement.

Structure of wing

This is a description of how the wings are moving. The liver is rotated by 360 degree, but the linkages are just moving up to down since the bottom parts are pivoted on the liver. Lastly, the unique motion is created with cradles of winds.

Upper main surface part

Bottom main surface part

These mechanical parts are finally assembled by two pieces of surfaces by two screw drivers. The upper part has one whole to assemble with the mechanical part. Moreover, the bottom part has the two cradles. One is for AA batteries, and another is for on-off button.

5. Presentation Rendering

The finalized model has rendered in kitchen; the original design of flying pig was in children’s room. This rendering is to explain how I change the design concept. This is now well matched with modern place. Moreover, there are two different materials. The main body of it is made from white glossy ABS well finished by spray, while the hat and the cradles of wings are from

6. Physical assmebly

There are 12 parts from Rapid modelling machine. Most of them well printed, but some of small parts were missing, especially screw caps are all missing. However, I could test it is actually working with these mechanical parts.

Assembling the mechanical part: testing how it works

Assembling for some of electronic function, and the completed mechanical part

Assembling with the wings

7. Stress Analysis and Modelling 1


The wing is chosen for the Stress Analysis stage. When the flying pig turns on, this part has biggest movement with more air resistance; which means that the wing get lots of stress by motion. Therefore, the stress analysis of the wing will be figured out in this stage. Used program: Simulation X press analysis Wizard in Solid-works Firstly, I chose the part of fixtures (1) on the hole. The reason is that this part gets a force for the motion directly from the cradles of wings. In the next stage, the forced parts would be chosen, so the opposite part of hole was chosen (2). Lastly, the stress analysis has been run to check whether it works or not. Therefore, it has been possible for seat model to figure the stress analysis of the wing out.

8. Summary

This assignment was not only enjoyable, but also big opportunity to learn mechanism in product in reality. For me, the weak point is I am too much focusing on the concept, but I have a difficulty to find the things like how to assemble with perfection in detail. This is because I was choosing the complicated model, and trying not to have any mistake. I measured every single parts several times, and modelling and printing the model to re-check all the times. Moreover, I was never use the motor, and did not know the simple motor can make unique motions in different ways. Hence, I believe I have broadened the way of thinking for product design. Lastly, it was big opportunity using RP machine since I only used CNC machine. Now, I can decide which model is appropriate to make by RP machine or CNC machine

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