October Newsletter

Page 1


Leadership Caring Family

In This Ne Page 1: Lt. Governor’s Greeting Page 2: Future Events Page 3, 4: District Board Page 5: Divisional Recap Page 6: Fall Rally Article Page 7: Eliminate Project Page 8: March of Dimes Page 9, 10: Key Club Week

ewsletter Page 11: K-Fam Month Page 12: Division Mascot! Page 13, 14: Service Spotlight Page 15: LTC Page 15: ICON Page 16: Report Forms Page 17: Contacts

October - 1

From Your Lt. Governor! Hey Division 13! I can’t believe that it’s already been a month since school started! I hope that everything’s going well with your club and your events! So on October 10, Division 13 brought around 15 people to NYC for Fall Rally. It was a great time and really fun! I encourage all of you to go to LTC as well, as it will be great for you all to experience a true Key Club event on the District level! Another thing I want to quickly brief you all on is a change in the Mile of Dimes event. Unfortunately, November 14th is no longer available for my schedule, and we’re going to have to change the date. I’m really sorry about this, and I’ll get the new date to you as soon as possible! In this newsletter, there’ll be a recap of Fall Rally, information on the past divisional, information about the Eliminate Project, and information on Key Club Week! Yours I Ser i e, Lt. Governor Jeongseok Daniel Suh Di isio XIII Ne York Distri t Key Clu danielsuh.ltg@nydkc.org Address: Massa husets Dr. Ne urgh, NY

October - 2

Future Events Mile of Dimes - The Mile of Dimes event is an event where each club will try to gather as many coins as possible, and then see how many feet of dimes they raised! All proceeds will then be donated to the March of Dimes Charity.

Festival of Lights - This is a very undecided event still, but the basis of the event is that clubs will buy sky lanterns from a website to sell to their club

Leadership Training Conference - This is the major event of the year. It’s where the Lt. Governors will be retired and the Lt. Governor Elects will become the new Lt. Governors. I highly encourage all of you to make time for this event (March 19th) as it’s also a really good way to meet people around the district, and is also lots of fun!

October - 3

er; b ant r t s a i tt G e Ass a M tiv u c Exe

Meet The Dis

E -VO V L -OG ur o e lov e W


Di ina str b ic Na tS ec tha re ni ta ry

Hanna Nichols District Governor

Rikki La rios Confere nce Cha ir

October - 4

strict Board!

Donna Yu surer a e r T t c i r t Dis

Anastasia Slepuhkova International Trustee r

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October - 5

Divisional Recap Division 13 had their second Divisional on the bus coming back from Fall Rally! It was a really fast meeting where I just quickly went over the going-on’s of our division.

We went over: - The Division Mascot Poll

- The Mile of Dimes Project - A possible “Lantern Festival”

Next Divisional

Date is TBD!

Fall Rally was a major October - 6 success! The NYU Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life held almost 300 students from Key Club divisions 8-13, with division 13 having 15 go! The event started at 10 and the first work shop was for Service: The Thirst Project, Governor's Project, International Projects, Kiwanis District Projects, Planning Pro jects, and Children's Miracle Network (lead by Lt. Gov. Dan iel himself!). Next workshop was officer training from higher offices to the most important part of Key Club; the member! Then we had some delicious pizza and watched our guest speaker The Thirst Project! After that we had a skills workshop where you could learn anything from photography to key club trivia (including the Key Club chant, which my members loved learning!). The last workshop were the fun ones including Swing Dancing, Circle K 101, Improv Acting, Website Making (with Daniel), Knitting, and Cards for St. Jude's. We ended Fall Rally with KFair which is pretty much a giant ice breaker which included Zombie Marco Polo! Overall Fall Rally was pretty much a mini LTC and I was so glad I got to go! Many people who went, including me, can't wait for LTC now!

October - 7

The Eliminate Project Goal: Eliminate MNT (Maternal and Neo-Natal Tetanus) Funds Needed: $110 MILLION Dollars Funds Raised: $102,714,959 Key Club has pledged to raise $3 MILLION dollars in the next 5 years. Be a part of this great change in the world! Lets Eliminate MNT! “How can I help?” http://www.keyclub.org/service/ TheEliminateProject/ Celebrate_Eliminate_Week/

October - 8

March of Dimes Goal: Eliminate Premature birth Background: The MoD project has already managed to eliminate Polio from the USA and is now moving on to Premature Birth. They have managed to bring that number down to 9.6%, a huge improvement over what it was before.

“How can I help?� You can collect spare change and contribute to the Mile of Dimes Project!

October - 9

Show your K in every way - Monday

Show people what Key Club is all about! Spread the word by wearing Key Club gear and publicizing Key Club Week in local stores, your school Web site, community newspapers—even on the radio. Officially announce Key Club Week in your community with a proclamation and refer to the Key Club public reDare to Care lations manual to get great tips on how to publi- Key Club has three prefe cize Key Club in your com- March of Dimes and Ch munity. Take time to focus on se support these causes su socks or capes for you Kudos to the Key players Tuesday Personally thank all the Key Club supporters you know—teachers, advisors and other Key players. Write thank-you notes, host an appreciation dinner or do something uniquely your own style to recognize the contributions of these special people.

October - 10

Random Acts of Kindness - Thursday

A smile goes a long way. Spread happiness throughout your school by doing little random acts of kindness such as leaving cards with inspirational messages on every students locker or just simply holding the door for someone else. Challenge every member to complete at least one random act of kind- Wednesday ness. erred charities—UNICEF, ildren's Miracle Network. ervice projects that help uch as making non-slip ur local CMN hospital. Connect the Ks - Friday Key Club is the largest high school service organization in the world and is a member of the Kiwanis family. Celebrate the entire family of Kiwanis by getting the whole gang involved. Connect with local Kiwanis, Circle K International, Builders, Kiwanis Kids or Aktion clubs and team up for a joint service project.

October - 11

The K-Fam! November is K Family Month! The K-Fam is made up of Kiwanis, Key, Builder’s, Circle K, K-Kids, and Aktion Clubs! I challenge all of you to have at least one joint event with your surrounding K-Fam during K Fam Month! One quick and easy event you could do is have a sledding event or maybe even a tournament! You could invite your K-Kids and Builder’s Clubs to sled and ask the Circle K and Kiwanis to supervise!

October - 12

(If you’re ever bored and good at drawing, try drawing a dragon and send it in to me!)

October - 13


Newsletter submission found! Division 8 Executive Assistant Gavin Li (Thanks Gavin Youre gr-8)

October - 14 Light the Night this year was an amazing experience and definitely just as memorable as last year’s! When I first joined Key Club last year, Light the Night was one of the first events I attended and definitely one of my favorites. Seeing how well-organized Key Club was along with the friendly members got me really into the club. This year, I was one of those friendly members and it was amazing to know that I am now one of the super cool Key Clubbers I saw last year! Anyways, back to the event itself. Although Hurricane Joaquin was making the event dangerous to attend, many people still showed up which was awesome! We all had an amazing time attending this walk and the harsh weather did not faze us at all. During the walk, I was reunited with a ton of old faces and even got introduced to a few new faces which was very exciting seeing how far our division grew. The walk this year was as exciting as last year’s, except for the part where we did not get to go through the woods due to Hurricane Joaquin. Besides that, Light the Night this year was still amazing considering how we got the chance to meet people who were affected by Leukemia. Knowing the hardships that they went through, be it their family or friends, we should all definitely further strive as Key Clubbers to improve our community. Overall, the event was a great success and we were able to donate $200! On a more sentimental thought, attending Light the Night this year really showed me a lot. It helped me realize how much I grew as both a person and a leader from Key Club. As I walked down the same road I did last year(Not the EXACT road, but you get the idea), I could not help but notice all the opportunities that Key Club has given me along with a seat in the Key Club family. Light the Night reminded me to continue to be grateful for being in such an amazing non-profit organization and also encouraged me to work harder than ever. In conclusion, I guess you can say Light the Night was pretty lit, huh? Sorry! I just had to! Happy Key Clubbing, Beavers!

LTC 2016

October - 15


You’re Invited to join us for the 68th annual Leadership Training Conference! The Theme: Red Carpet Affair: Stars Of Service When: March 18th – 20th Where: The Desmond Hotel

ICON 2016 Where:



July 6 - 10

Report Forms Ele io Report For s

April MRF


October - 16

Ju e MRF

July MRF

August MRF

Septe er MRF

Chester Cornwall Ellenville Fallsburg Middletown Minisink Valley Monticello Newburgh Total

Contacts Name

E-Mail Address

Lieutenant Governor Daniel Suh


Kiwanis Committee Representative David Morse


District Administrator Mr. Goldstein


Int. Trustee Anastasia Slepukhova


District Governor Hanna Nichols


Executive Assistant Matthew Garber


District Secretary Zainab Nathani


District Treasurer Donna Yu


District Editor Angelica Mehta


District Webmaster Tanya Hao


District Conference Chair Ricardo Larios


O toer MRF

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