November Newsletter

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Leadership Caring Family

stee u r T l iona t a n a! r v e t o n k I h s lepu S That’ a i s ta Anas

In This Ne Page 1: Lt. Governor’s Greeting Page 2: Future Events Page 3, 4: District Board Page 5: LTG Elections! Page 6: Divisional / Election Page 7: UNICEF

ewsletter Page 8: Kamp Kiwanis Page 9,10: Service Spotlight Page 11: LTC Page 11: ICON 2016 Page 12: Holiday Key Club! Page 13: Report Forms Page 14: Contacts

October - 1

From Your Lt. Governor! Hey Division 13! Its been a long ride and I can’t believe how long it’s been! Its so crazy to think that I’ve been doing this for… 8 months? The times really flown by and I’m so grateful to have spent these past 8 months working with such a great group of people. Thank you guys so much! That being said, we still have work to do! Mile of Dimes is coming up in about a month and you guys need to collect more coins!!! I’ve been saying this in my updates, but it would be great if your club could have a fundraiser for this event. Anything you could think of would be great, I just want this event to be successful! In this newsletter, I’ll be talking about UNICEF, Kamp Kiwanis, Key Club during the Holidays, and our upcoming divisional / Lt. Governor Elections!

Yours I Ser i e, Lt. Governor Jeongseok Daniel Suh Di isio XIII Ne York Distri t Key Clu Address: Massa husets Dr. Ne urgh, NY

October - 2

Future Events Mile of Dimes - The Mile of Dimes event is an event where each club will try to gather as many coins as possible, and then see how many feet of dimes they raised! All proceeds will then be donated to the March of Dimes Charity.

Festival of Lights - This is a very undecided event still, but the basis of the event is that clubs will buy sky lanterns from a website to sell to their club

Leadership Training Conference - This is the major event of the year. It’s where the Lt. Governors will be retired and the Lt. Governor Elects will become the new Lt. Governors. I highly encourage all of you to make time for this event (March 19th) as it’s also a really good way to meet people around the district, and is also lots of fun!

October - 3

er; b ant r t s a i tt G e Ass a M tiv u c Exe

Meet The Dis

Hanna Nichols District Governor

Angelic a Mehta District E ditor

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October - 4

strict Board!

Donna Yu surer a e r T t c i r t Dis

Anastasia Slepuhkova International Trustee

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October - 5

I WANT YOU My term is officially coming to an end and I need somebody to take over for me next year! If you do want to run, there will be an election where all the schools in our division will vote. You will have 5 minutes total to say your speech and answer questions from both me and the delegates from the schools. Please don’t get intimidated by this though! The position of Lt. Governor is a great opportunity for you! You’ll be able to travel the United States, meet so many people, and have the pleasure of leading a division! It was honestly such a good experience for me and I’m so happy I took the position of Lt. Governor last year.

Please contact me if you want to run!


October - 6

Next Divisional

We’ll be having our next divisional on January 9th! At this divisional we will also be electing division 13’s next Lt. Governor! Because of this each club MUST have two delegates from their club present at this divisional. Please send me the names and contacts of your two delegates BY DECEMBER 19. Also keep in mind that all officers really should be attending as well!

October - 7

UNICEF UNICEF is one of the most widely known charities out there. Their mission is to create a world where “every child has a fair chance in life.” UNICEF has many different programs including Child protection and Social Inclusion, Child Survival, Education, and Gender Equality.

“How can I help?” Hold a service project / fundraiser in UNICEF’s name!

October - 8

Kamp Kiwanis Kamp Kiwanis is aimed at providing fun, physical exercise and adventure. It strives to afford opportunities to participate in a creative outdoor group experience in a democratic setting and develop characteristics of leadership and fair play.

Find out more about Kamp Kiwanis at:

October - 9

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Tha t’s J enn ifer!

Newsletter submission found! Minisink Valley President Lovina John And Middletown Webmaster Jennifer Magallon

October - 10

You’ve Been Booed! So the last two weeks of October our Key club made "You've Been Booed!" candy bags. So members decorated little bags and filled them with candy. Then we put them in every teacher's mailbox (about 170!) and we didn't tell them who it was from. The Friday before Halloween, the staff was happily surprised with candy. They were a huge hit and everyone loved them! - Lovina John, Minisink Valley President

Soup Kitchen Candy Bags Bowlathon Fundraiser

- Jennifer Magallon, Middletown Webmaster

LTC 2016

October - 11

New York Key Club’s 68th Annual LEADERSHIP TRAINING

You’re Invited to join us for the 68th annual Leadership Training Conference! The Theme: Red Carpet Affair: Stars Of Service When: March 18th – 20th Where: The Desmond Hotel

ICON 2016 Where:



July 6 - 10

October - 12

Key Club During the Holidays! Key Club in the holidays is such a fun time! There’s so much opportunity for fun service projects and fundraisers! Just from the top of my head, you could hold a skating event, help with Toys for Tots, have a sledding competition (maybe even with your K-Kids / Builders club if you have one) , and many more! I know one of my friends had an event where they made gingerbread houses at a Kiwanis divisional and it was a great success! I’m just saying, the power really is in your hands, and you can do anything that you can think of!

Report Forms

October - 13 Ele io Report For s

April MRF


Chester Cornwall Ellenville Fallsburg Middletown Minisink Valley Monticello Newburgh Total

Name Lieutenant Governor Daniel Suh Kiwanis Committee Representative David Morse District Administrator Mr. Goldstein Int. Trustee Anastasia Slepukhova District Governor Hanna Nichols Executive Assistant Matthew Garber District Secretary Zainab Nathani District Treasurer Donna Yu District Editor Angelica Mehta District Webmaster Tanya Hao District Conference Chair Ricardo Larios

Ju e MR


October - 14

July MRF

August MRF

Septe er MRF

O to er MRF

Contacts E-Mail Address

No e er MRF

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