[Company address]
August Issue
Key Club’s
Division 13 Newsletter
IN THIS ISSUE: Lt. Governor’s Greeting:
Upcoming Events:
Meet The District Board:
ICON Reviews:
International Board:
New York Int. Trustees:
Service Spotlights:
YOF Information
Division Mascot:
In-Depth Reminders:
Division Website:
Key Club App:
Major Emphasis Projects:
Governor/District Projects:
District Charities:
Contact Information:
Social Media: Website: nydkc.org Division Website: nydkc13.wix.com/nydkc13 Instagram: @nykeyclub Twitter: @NYKeyClub Facebook: New York District Key Club Snapchat: nydkc
Q. What Is Key Club? A. Key Club is an organization sponsored by Kiwanis that emphasizes teaching leadership through service. It is the largest and oldest service program for High School students, and teaches them to strive for a better tomorrow.
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LT. Governor’s Greeting Hello Division 13! School’s starting soon, and we need to get ready! I have very high hopes for this year, and I’m so excited to see what division 13 can really do! I’d like to remind everybody to start collecting money for Mile of Dimes as soon as school starts! Remember, our goal is $10,560 dollars total! To achieve this, each club should strive to get $1,320. I really believe that we can hit this goal! You may do any type of fundraising to add to your total amount, and you are also allowed to ask for support from the members of your corresponding Kiwanis! Also, you should be planning to have your first club meeting soon! You should have your first meeting about 2-3 weeks after schools begins, in order to give your clubbers plenty of time to respond and to get new freshman interested in joining. Please contact your school principal and make sure that your first Key Club meeting date is broadcasted on the daily announcements! In this update, I will provide you with more information about the division mascot, things that should go in your first meeting, and information about the YOF!
Yours In Service, Lt. Governor Jeongseok (Daniel) Suh Division XIII New York District Key Club (845) 391- 6218 danielsuh.ltg@nydkc.org Address: 7 Massachusetts Dr. Newburgh, NY 12550
Upcoming Events! Next year’s LTC – March 19th
Mile of Dimes – November 14th
Fall Rally – October 10th *
Alzheimer’s Walk – Sept 19th
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1) Executive Assistants: Matthew Garber is the key communications and public relations person between the executive board and district board members. This person is charged with supporting and providing help to the members of the executive board. The executive assistant will receive and monitor the updates provided by the Lt. Governors of the district and should have some familiarity with the district and international bylaws of Key Club.
2) District Webmaster:
Tanya Hao is the key communications and public relations person for the district in all technology related aspects. She is charged with sharing news, correspondence, and promotions from the district board to the clubs in your district and with promoting district events in your community. The district webmaster also has to have experience with website management.
3) District Editor: Angelica Mehta is responsible for coordinating, editing and distributing the district’s official publication: The Empire Key. The district editor is responsible for keeping track of and encouraging members to submit service spotlight articles throughout the year.
4) District Treasurer: Donna Yu is responsible for monitoring district finances, creating and filing all appropriate reports and coordinating dues collection. She also contributes to the district newsletter and supports club treasurers. She monitors the payment of membership dues and communicates. The officer is elected at the district convention.
5) District Secretary: Zainab Nathani is responsible for regular, formal communication within the district board, between the district and international boards and between the district and division or club levels. She reports all district minutes and maintains all records for the district. The officer is elected at the district convention.
6) District Governor: Hanna Nichols is responsible for the overall operations of the district board. She facilitates all actions necessary for the betterment of the district. She trains other district officers, appoints committees and assigns directives, and builds and maintains relationships with other Kiwanis-family leadership programs.
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Back to School! There are some things that you should keep in mind at your first club meeting. Here’s a to-do list for once school begins! 1) Contact your principal / people who do announcements and ask them to broadcast your first meeting date on the announcements! 2) Get together a list of events that you plan on having as a club 3) Try to persuade as many people as possible to join Key Club! 4) Have your secretary create an agenda for the meeting Here is also a list of a few things to discuss at your first meeting! 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Information about Key Club / what we do Collecting dues Mile of Dimes / March of Dimes Division Website for keeping updated Fall Rally Any Club Events you have planned for the neat future
I also suggest that you do an icebreaker to get to know your fellow clubbers! Here’s one that you could do. First go around the room and ask everybody to say their name. Then set up two chairs facing each other with a blanket in between them. Then make one team stand behind one chair in a line and make the other team stand behind the other chair in a line (make sure the two teams cant see each other by holding the blanket up between them). Have the first person from each team sit on the chair and then at the count of 3 drop the blanket. The first person in the chairs who says the other person's name wins and the loser joins the winner's team. The game keeps on going until everybody ends up on one team or you get tired of playing the game.
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New International Board!
International President Rip Livingston
International Vice President Addison Clipfell
New York District’s International Trustee Anastasia Slepukhova
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Int. Trustees from New York!
International Trustee
Heather Farley
International Trustee Clifford Young
Other Int. Trustees Giselle Campbell Bethany Downs Kacie Hines Amy Jiang
Ian Macdonald Aysha Moneer Devin Sun Hojin Yoon
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Service Spotlights!
Have you seen any service projects If Seen, report to Daniel Suh Reward Lots of recognition and love
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Free Money!! -
Key Club International VP Addison Clipfell
Looking to set up a fundraiser or service project but don't have the funds? Key Club International has a scholarship program, the Youth Opportunities Fund, to financially support projects done by Key Clubs or Key Club members. KCI can award anywhere from $100 to $2000 US dollars. Imagine the amazing service project you could do with $2000. Well we can make that a reality. All YOF applications are due October 15. Please plan ahead because the application is quite thorough. We really hope you use this opportunity to carry out some amazing service this year. If you have any questions feel free to contact myself or Addison Clipfell.
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Division Mascot? I’ve gotten a few more suggestions for the Division Mascot! Suggest more mascots at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-hxt-3ymFIJQ0_HjW_gcyhlzcXnNVZUIH8kuhBqPxM/viewform?usp=send_form
(White) Leopards
Polar Bears
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In-Depth Reminders Fall Rally When: October 10th , 2015 ********* Time: 9:00 A.M. Where: NYU Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life Price: $10 Who: Everybody!
This rally will be a huge one! Divisions 8 – 13 are all teaming up for one Fall Rally. Please inform your clubs as soon as possible.
Mile Of Dimes Mile Of Dimes is an event in which all of our clubs will come together to try to get one mile of dimes. There are 17 dimes in one foot, and 5,280 feet in one mile. If you round up to 20 dimes (for counting purposes), then we will need 105,600 dimes to achieve this goal! I'm sure we can do it! Your club will have two months to gather as much money as humanly possible. Afterwards, we will all meet at one central location (we're thinking the Galleria Mall), each school will place their dimes down in different directions, and we will see which school has collected the most dimes! The school with the most dimes will win a prize! We will not only be collecting dimes, but any amount of money up to $5 bills. On the day of the event, we will collect the money you raised, and then give you sheets with dimes printed on them. Please have your money separated into bags of either $2 or $10 before the event starts! ($2 = 1 sheet of 20 dimes, $10 = 5 sheets of 20 dimes) Where: The Galleria Mall (If we're allowed to use it) When: November 14th Collection Begins: As soon as school starts
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You’re Invited to join us for the 68th annual Leadership Training Conference! The Theme: Red Carpet Affair: Stars Of Service
When: March 18th – 20th Where: The Desmond Hotel
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Fall Rally! Divisions 8 - 13 When:
October 10th
9 AM – 4 PM
Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life
$10 + Train ticket fee
ICON 2016 Where:
July 6 - 10
This year’s ICON was amazing! Make sure to make plans to attend next year’s!
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Website Information
I’ve finally managed to finish the division website! Go check it out at
nydkc13.wix.com/nydkc13 Some features include: - Access to all of the forms that you need
- Information on any upcoming events
- Links to both the pdf and the issuu website page of newsletters
- Information on what Key Club is and what we do
- Constant updates to any changes that happen
- Links to various charities that New York Key Club supports
- Social Media feed of Key Club’s Instagram and Twitter
- Polls for if and when I need your input!
If you see any mistakes I might have made, or have any suggestions for the website, please email me!
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1) Search up “Key Club” in the app store and download it.
2) Open it up and scroll down to find the “create account” button
5) Enter your Zip Code Only
6) Select your club
Key Club App
3) Type in your information in the correct boxes
4) Accept the Terms of Use
7) Keep updated!
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Major Emphasis Projects
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Key Club participates with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals by sponsoring fundraising events. Key Club members also participate in service projects at their local children’s hospital. Find out how you and your club can help CMNH.
March of Dimes For decades, Key Club has partnered with the March of Dimes to give every baby a healthy start. Key Club members raise thousands of dollars annually through various programs, including collecting change, holding dances and taking part in March of Dimes’ signature event, March for Babies. See how your club can support the March of Dimes.
UNICEF Since 1994, Key Club has been Trickor-Treating for UNICEF and over the years has raised nearly US $5 million for iodine deficiency programs worldwide and HIV and AIDS programs in Kenya and Swaziland. Now it’s helping The Eliminate Project. Learn more about Key Club's history with UNICEF.
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District Project/Governor’s Project Our mission is simple: Build a socially-conscious generation of young people who END the global water crisis. We do this by educating students about it and activating them to rock the clean water cause & build real water projects all over the world. Why Water? Health and Sanitation: Waterborne diseases kill more children every single year than AIDS, Malaria, and all world violence combined. Small children typically do not have strong enough immune systems to fight diseases like cholera, dysentery, or schistosomiasis. Women and children spend on average six to eight hours each day walking to fetch water. The average distance that women and children in developing communities walk to fetch water is 3.75 miles. The time children spend collecting water keeps them from going to school and getting an education. Together, this generation, everyone alive today WILL be the ones to end this. WE will be the ones to push the water crisis into the history books. We invite you to learn more here and join us.
Hunger Project *Due on June 7th
Hi there Division 13, I am the Lieutenant Governor of Division 2. As you may know, the Governor's Project this year is hunger. I am also a big fighter for the cause of hunger! Hunger affects more people around you than you might know. Hunger is not only in "third world countries" or "the projects". It is happening right now right in your own backyard. We complain when we don't get food for an hour or two, but can you imagine only getting one meal a day if you are lucky?! It is hard to think about, especially when you can go to the fridge or cabinet whenever you want.
The positive side to this is that there is so many ways that you can make a difference in the hunger epidemic! To begin, I urge you to volunteer at your local food bank. This is a very rewarding experience and it really puts you in touch with a different side of your community. There is also different non-profits such as No Kid Hungry or Feeding America. These non-profits can benefit the fight against hunger on a global scale and you can get involved by going to their websites. Again, hunger is a big issue and YOU ARE THE SOLUTION! Now get out there and make a change! Yours in passion and service, Alexis Warren
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District Charities
The Eliminate Project
Kamp Kiwanis
Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation
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Paperwork Election Report Forms
April MRF
June MRF
July MRF
August MRF
Chester Cornwall Ellenville Fallsburg Middletown Minisink Valley Monticello Newburgh Total
Contact Information Name
E-Mail Address
Lieutenant Governor Daniel Suh
danielsuh.ltg@nydkc.org slapshot371@optimum.net
Kiwanis Committee Representative David Morse
District Administrator Mr. Goldstein
Int. Trustee Anastasia Slepukhova
District Governor Hanna Nichols
Executive Assistant Matthew Garber
District Secretary Zainab Nathani
District Treasurer Donna Yu
District Editor Angelica Mehta
District Webmaster Tanya Hao
District Conference Chair Ricardo Larios