Internship Portfolio JV - 2013

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Jeroen Vandervelden


Skills Leadership positions Duplex (President) Existenz (Vice-President) Languages Dutch mother tongue English very good French good German notion Software Windows & Office, Mac OS-X Adobe Photoshop (very good) Adobe Illustrator (very good) Adobe Indesign (very good) Autocad (very good) Vectorworks (very good) Sketch-up (very good) Cinema4D (good) Artlantis 3D (average) ArchiCAD (notion) V-ray (notion) Adobe After Effects (notion) Traditional and digitally fabricated model making

Jeroen Vandervelden MEng-Architect 28-03-1991 Prins Albertlaan 41 3800 Sint-Truiden Tel.: +32 499/18.85.85

Training Master of science in Engineering: Architecture, Urban project graduation september 2013 University of Leuven - Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Spatial Planning

Bachelor of Science in Engineering: Architecture Cum Laude University of Leuven - Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Spatial Planning

Secondary School Humaniora Kindsheid Jesu, Hasselt

2011- 2013

2008 - 2011

2002 - 2008

Experience Contributor, collaborator exhibition ‘Projecties: Breuckland. De Voorstad’ w. Studio Brooklyn ‘11-’12 and ‘12-’13, Tom Thys and Ward Verbakel In collaboration with: Flemish Architecture Institute (VAI), deSingel international arts campus, Department ASRO, Columbia University, New York Institute of Technology, and the planning

2013- 2014

administration of Brooklyn

Summer Internship WIT architecten, Leuven Project: nursery and primary school Berendrecht, competition design

july 2011

Distinctions Border Spectrum. Micro planning the exchange between Farragut housing and the Brooklyn Navy Yard


Exhibited at ‘Projecties: Breuckland. De Voorstad’, deSingel international arts campus, Antwerp

InDifferent: Transforming the network and creating luxuary spaces Exhibited and presented at ‘Hertogeneiland, an academic reflection’, University hospital, Leuven In collaboration with the planning administration of Leuven and Department ASRO

Various design projects Exhibited at the annual department exhibition, Arenberg Castle, Leuven


2010/ 2011 2012/ 2013







EXISTENZ - Old Stella HQ



Urban Ugly: the Ribbon, An approximate delay of 5 minutes - Haspengouw Entrance Pavillion - Middelheim park Hillside studio - Keizersberg Leuven

Cultural Centre - Hoboken Living in Plural - Ukkel Network and Heterotopia - Palace of Justice, Brussels

DeSingel - Exhibition ‘Projecties: De Voorstad’

Manufacturing And Technology College High - Brooklyn

Calevoet Masterplan - Ukkel Indifferent - Old Leuven Hospital Site Border Spectrum Micro planning - Brooklyn

“Brooklyn 102: Sixth chapter on a productive borough” and “Brooklyn Navy Yard: industrious enclave”

During five years of architectural education, I opted to keep my designer spectrum as broad as possible. Studying design and building basics sparked my interest for a deeper understanding of the role of architecture in cities and societies. The result was a contextual mindset, and the active engagement in socio-cultural experiments such as Existenz, satisfied my impulse to physically create and interact with built form during my studies. In addition to exploring architecture as such during my bachelor, the master subject ‘urban project design’ offered me abstract and socio-economical insights in what design for the future can mean. It has enriched my conceptual understanding, and broadened my toolkit. My graduation thesis built further on these underlying motives of architecture, and linked them back to an urban and architectural design. It resulted in a straightforward design, yet able to spark discussion on what and how to build for future generations. I studied architecture, but I’m no architect yet. The act of building is no university matter. As I put ideas into built form during my internship, my education as an all-round architect can be completed. I am looking forward to go in-depth on everything I can lay my hands on, to explore possibilities and eventually to create true architecture. It is my hope that this portfolio can convince you of my capabilities and potential. Sincerely, Jeroen Vandervelden


Urban Ugly: the Ribbon, An approximate delay of 5 minutes - Haspengouw Entrance Pavillion - Middelheim park Hillside studio - Keizersberg Leuven

Cultural Centre - Hoboken Living in Plural - Ukkel Network and Heterotopia - Palace of Justice, Brussels Manufacturing And Technology College High - Brooklyn

Calevoet Masterplan - Ukkel Indifferent - Old Leuven Hospital Site Border Spectrum Micro planning - Brooklyn


01. hallway in between regular education classrooms


After decades of decline, Brooklyn’s manufacturing landscape is stabilising, with its small-scale local businesses and new emerging tech and creative markets. The Brooklyn Navy Yard has become a testground for this renewed production in the city. Due to an evolution towards interdependent networks with exchange of goods, services and people, a revision of the boundary condition between different zoned identities in the city is needed. The chosen site at the yard’s edge offers a chance to simultaneously safeguard and nurture the manufacturing enclave and address the potential of the disadvantaged demographic in Farragut public housing. Both entities are integrated into the Tech Triangle network, and back into the city life and fabric, by implementing a Border Spectrum. This spectrum strategy is carried out both on the scale of a masterplan for the public housing and the yard’s fence, as well as on the scale of a specific building. A mixed vocational school and manufacturing innovation centre produces not only machinery products and the new technology to make them, but also the future skilled employees to operate and design them.



Manufacturing And Technology College High - Brooklyn


Border Spectrum micro planning - Brooklyn

“Border Spectrum: Micro planning the exchange between Farragut Housing and the Brooklyn Navy Yard”, reflects upon the spatial and social implementation of an evolving productive environment. A multi-scale design materialises the interpretation of network and territory


02. Farragut in between BQE and Brooklyn Navy Yard

Historically, the Navy Yard developed within its wall,

combines private and public investment, as the majority

the rest of the city, focussing only on its shipbuilding

spectrum of curated mixed-use functions thus allows

resulting in a clear demarcation in grid typology from

waterfront. On the outside, Brooklyn’s coherent tissue was scarred by the arrival of the Moses’ BQE and public

housing in the 50’s. Over time, the Houses in between the BQE and the yard’s fence became not only physically

isolated, but their lower class, disadvantaged inhabitants also became socially alienated, due to its location in between gentrifying neighbourhoods like DUMBO,

Vinegar Hill and more recently Fort Greene. By mapping the economies of different constituencies around the Yard, it also shows that the Houses don’t connect on an economical level, yet networks big and small pop

up everywhere around. With the emergence of the Tech

Triangle, a study to connect spearheading territories in

education, culture and production, the time has come to act. A border spectrum is proposed, a strategy that 12

of the land is owned by either NYCHA or BNYDC. A for a gradual transition of successive compatible uses,

from recreational to industrial. This way, the 200-yearold fence transforms from a strict boundary into an

interactive exchange program, instead of an exclusion device. In order to obtain a coherent image and spark

a justified discussion, the strategy is tested both on the scale of multiple city blocks as well as within a single

building. Due to the accumulation of contrasting uses,

most buildings implemented in the masterplan shall be

designed to accommodate multiple programs. In that

respect, the proposed vocational school and innovative production centre further exemplifies the double goal of this thesis: the escape out of poverty through

adapted education combined with the rejuvenation of manufacturing in the city.

03.Transforming the boundary in a border on multiple scales ALGEMEEN

Residential Recreational

Commercial Institutional

zones die langs elkaar kunnen bestaan, en geen direct overlast aan elkaar bieden interessant is hierbij de programma,s die verschillende. zones overlappen Doel van thesis is die overlap zowel op masterplanschaal te zoeken naar de zonering van deze verschillende gebieden terwijl ook op kleine schaal een overlapend programma te ontwerpen

Utility Light Industrial

Navy Yard Industrial

Utility - Industrial Water treatment

Institutional Recreational (Comm House & Elementary school)

Residential Recreational (Farragut Park)

Commercial Light Industrial

Commercial Light Industrial

Instructive Education

Productive Light Industry & Student Workshops

Supportive Utility Leisure Offices Transport Retail Health Food

Transport Safety Employment


Public space Co-working Lunch Galleries

Meeting space



Owned Rented

Galleries Dumbo arts

HOUSING >$3600 3600 people


50 000

Tech Creative services



NYCHA Projects Bedford Gardens

Multi-family Row houses


FARRAGUT 2-3 people





Food Health Retail





Low education Seperated



Innovation Transport Streetscapes Safety

BAM District


Meeting space Lunch Public space

Food Fulton Mall Education Leisure

Innovation Safety Employment Sanitiation

empire zone

Small Business Tax incentives Services

HOUSING 24 000 people Rented

$20 000


Manufacturing Schools


Advocacy Marketing Safety Streetscapes Innovation


WORK Food Health Retail Transport




Welfare Foodstamps

Retail Food



WORK $60 000 - $90 000


Retail Education

Work advantages


Food Retail Health Transport Leisure



Industry Sevices Manufacturing Storage




12 uni’s & colleges 60 000 students Innovation Development


Revitalizing Streetscapes Safety

Food Health Transport Leisure



HOUSING $1500-$2000 17 000 people Rented



$45 000 - 55 000

Food Retail

Retail (97% local)

Education Manufacturing

Neighbourhood studies & planning

Rent 04.Transforming the boundary in a border on multiple scales

Food Health Transport Leisure


Investemts in real estate, vs ambiguity in development, preservation Investemts inand realstgnation estate, vs of functionsinindevelopment, the yard ambiguity preservation and stgnation of functions in the yard

Overlappen is begrenzen HEEL DUIDELIJKE BORDER SPECTRUM uitleg hierbij!!! Overlappen is begrenzen

HEEL DUIDELIJKE BORDER Verdensen aan dehierbij!!! rand SPECTRUM uitleg voor integratie in het weefsel en orientatie van Verdensen aan de rand park voor (anti-isotropie) integratie in het ingeplant weefsel enprogramma orientatie van spreekt beide zones aan. park (anti-isotropie) transparante facade van de ingeplant programma yard spreekt beide zones aan. BNYDC prporty beslist transparante facade van de yard BNYDC prporty beslist

Local activities ented on the larger network of the Hier toch speciefiek comgreenway Hier toch speciefiek comLocal activities on manders house ented museum manders house museum the visitor larger network and centre of the and visitor centre greenway aanduiden. aanduiden.

Investemts in real estate, vs ambiguity in development, preservation and stgnation of functions in the yard

Investemts in real estate, vs ambiguity in development, preservation and stgnation of functions in the yard

Overlappen is begrenzen Overlappen is begrenzen HEEL DUIDELIJKE BORDER HEEL DUIDELIJKE BORDER SPECTRUM uitleg hierbij!!! SPECTRUM uitleg hierbij!!! Verdensen aan de rand Verdensen aan de rand voor integratie in het voor integratie in het weefsel en orientatie van weefsel en orientatie van park (anti-isotropie) park (anti-isotropie) ingeplant programma ingeplant programma spreekt beide zones aan. spreekt beide zones aan. transparante facade van de transparante facade van de yard yard BNYDC prporty beslist Hier toch speciefiek comBNYDC prporty beslist manders house museum and visitor centre aanduiden.

Local activities ented on Overlappen is begrenzen Local activities ented on the larger network of the HEEL DUIDELIJKE BORDER the larger network of the greenway SPECTRUM greenway uitleg hierbij!!! Verdensen aan de rand voor integratie in het weefsel en orientatie van park (anti-isotropie) ingeplant programma spreekt beide zones aan. transparante facade van de yard BNYDC prporty beslist

05. Situation before and after Local activities ented on the larger network of the greenway

MICRO PLANNING On the larger scale, ranges of basic urban design tools are

street and one at the Yard’s edge, are implemented, their

and densification of the dilapitaded areas. Vehicular

and warehouses at the yard or the small scale infill in

used to offer a framework for an incremental activation and pedestrian flows, attraction points, densification,

greenery, rhythm and ownership address current issues. By rerouting truck routes and designating a new entrance

to the yard, the different public housing blocks can function as one. Separating the greenway from hard infrastructure and weaving it through the purposely-

designed grounds in between the housing towers serves

to create a resting point in the borough-wide bicycle network and help to catalyse local activities. Two existing

green zones are made more accessible to the public. In between them, two development zones, one along York 14

architecture corresponding to either the big scale halls between the towers. A clear identity demarcates the

transition and protects the production environment without compromising the spectrum.

Each of the implemented zones in their turn represents a micro spectrum as a design challenge. At the edge for

example, the ability to use the fence to your choosing,

whilst still safeguarding your activities is to be seen as a virtue of flexibility for industrial zones in the city. One

site in particular however will be exemplary for our goal to address manufacturing in the city.

05. View overlooking different aspects of the masterplan. Big and small scale development, interspersed with recreational parks


Not-for-profit local development Not-for-profit public

Te c h Tr



Colle ge C redi Assoc ts iate’ s De gree









y Co


















employ First in line


line First in







In pr

not-for-profit private



Unscreened Admission

not-for-profit public







07. Organizational scheme

MANUFACTURING AND TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE HIGH By specializing education, a clear goal is set for entry-

and advantages of a production hall and a school. The

skilled workforce. The integration of college-like courses

is spanned in between, eagerly taking advantage of the

level students to become part of the sought-after high

results in an extended six-year curriculum, mapped back from industry needs. Mentor- and apprenticeships available within the same building help sustain

motivation as the key aspect for keeping disadvantaged youth in school. Close contact with professionals is key, yet being able to separate education and production will

be necessary to create a favourable work environment at all times. When the possibility for extra-curricular and

community activities is also integrated, the spectrum also pops up within the building.

Architecturally, a hybrid typology blends in the efficiency 16

building is facing and connecting both territories as it

artificial topography present, created when the Yard was flattened. The slab, with regular education amenities, stand on top of the hall, while the hall’s roof is an extension of the public realm at grade of the Houses.

A maximum overlap in educational and professional spaces results in a flexible system that uses different

kinds of divisions and connections, anticipating future

adaptations catering evolving needs. The open plan spaces overlooking the playground and production hall introduce an adapted open space learning environment, aimed at cooperation and exchange.



Moddeling & Drafting






17 08. Floorplan +1, longitudinal and transverse section

09. Room typology


10. View from the agora overlooking the production hall


01. Conict

02. Typological diversity

The complexity and indifferent growth of the site throughout time gives an impression of chaos and neglect. Several layers are clearly distinguishable in time and result in many tensions in the built environment. The pragmatic intrusion on the logic of build form is arising from the selfishness of the hospital function. With a different view, we can find an undiscovered quality. Unique situations allows for unique solutions. This opportunity cannot only be seen from independent conflicts, but also throughout the site as a whole. The given density is an opportunity towards metropolitan development. The built form offers possibilities in the aspect of an urban and social sustainable re-use, by means of reorganization and transformation of buildings in to collective forms of living, and by means of exploiting the typological freedom to attract people as diverse as possible. In this way we strengthen the position of the site even more and sustain its identity in the city.


URBAN DESIGN / 2011 / GUIDO GEENEN, YURI GERRITS / FIRST MASTER / EXHIBITION “HERTOGENEILAND“ / w. Michael Sarens, Pieter Steens, Reinaart Vandersloten


Indifferent: Transforming the network and creating luxuary spaces - Old Leuven Hospital Site

In exploring the hospital site, one can only admire its current condition, knowing it developed through years of indifferent growth and opportunism. The essential differences nested in its scale, former function and use, conducted by time, create an opportunity to do something else.


network activity

new buildings

Urban Structures

Existing building

Car accesibility

Heterogenous materials

3D Landscape

03. future palimpsest

ADDInG TO THE PALIMPSEST The hospitals departure cripples the site. The binding

throughout the site. Yet permeability is intentionally

network, in order to accommodate a variety of

existing condition, and a sustainable reuse is a

frame must be replaced. We organize an external different functions. This network frames the build environment, introduces public life, and still shows

the site as an entity. Following the ideology of the current layered structure, we add our own to define the network and cultivate the quality of the site.

This way, we maintain the sites complexity without flattening its diversity.

A new landscape is nested onto the existing one; it uses the artificial topography and makes new connections with the build environment. Different configurations

of a single tile will adopt it the landscape to human scale, creating a sense of place. Parking space is an

essential part of the network, and is implemented 22

encouraged or discouraged. The quality lies in the primary objective, as it keeps the identity of this

site intact. New buildings, both high rise and infill, increase density and organise the public realm, adding

to the metropolitan character of the site. Alongside to old and new, we introduce the urban structures as a

luxuary space: a tool to cultivate the existing situation.

We return a part of the build space to the public realm. Seemingly impossible situations, created by their density, can thus be resolved by recognizing the

possibilities in build form, topography, location‌ This turns the conflict around, while still preserving

a notion of collective memory, clearly recognizing the structures former meaning.

04. Overview


Work vs. Housing

Buffer functions

Passages vs. Private roofscape

Exisiting situation

05. Functional gradient

FEASABILILTY TESTS Three kinds of luxuary spaces can be found throughout

buffer functions. Both recreational and utility functions,

connections and the buffer functions. These all serve to

organizations appeal to both housing and offices. No

the design: the urban structures, regained network turn the strong internal hospital network into an accessible

outside realm, and are tested in different situations as for example, the conflict of the VTCB-tower, placed in the

middle of an existing building block. We create a passage through one building to let the network flow through

the built environment. Using the artificial topography

present, we organize pedestrian and motorized circulation on different levels. Next to this passage, we implement 24

such as a kindergarten, fitness, bar/resto, and private

housing is in direct contact with the passage. All other

roofscapes present on many different levels are given back as roof gardens to the owners.

Living this dens can be qualitative, by using the build form and structures that are present, seize their

possibilities and convert them into luxuary spaces for all to enjoy.

06. view of the central event square, new high-rise and urban structure

07. view of the Dijle-branch, splitlevel landscape and promenade


01. Opted competition proposal

The design is initiated by choosing a scenario from the design competition for the inside of the Palace. The proposition installs a public route throughout the Palace, and clears out a couple of courtyards to implement a better controllable court function. The Palace itself is given to the public, as it becomes a museum and commercial street along the passage. On the outside, the contrast between upper and lower city is emphasized, as the design uses different methods to cope with different needs.


URBAN LANDSCAPE DESIGN / 2012 / LEO VAN BROECK, GUIDO GEENEN / FIRST MASTER / w. Bram D’Hoedt, Annelies Vanstockstraeten


Network and Heterotopia - Palace of Justice, Brussels

The Palace of Justice symbolises a pivot point in the city of Brussels. Its monumentality is found in between the upper and lower city, the big and small city fabric and the rich and poor city inhabitants. A competition asks about a possible reprogramming of this megalomania, yet forgets that it can only be successful if it can connect to its surroundings.


Project1: Snede door het Poelaertplein en de rand: Hier dient de fijnere detaillering van hoe zich de harde rand van het Poelaertplein met uitkijkplatform verhoudt tot de groene helling eronder. De nachtelijke doorsteek naar de Poelaertparking met het wegwerken van de liftkokers wordt ook ontworpen.

02. Overview

Project2: Snede door de toegang aan de Miniemenstraat met groene helling: Fijnere detaillering van hoe de straat aansluit op verharde zone voor de ingang, fietsenstalling, de ingang zelf met de overgang naar de groene helling en de groene helling zelf (met paadjes).

Project3: Zone die de overgang vormt tussen de minerale sokkel en de helling. Hierbij wordt een de overgang tussen straat en helling, de groene helling, een uitvlakking voor kleinschalige recreatie in de helling, MOnUMEnT In-BETWEEn paadje en sokkel met buitenruimte cafĂŠ/bar/restaurant ontworpen. The design at the upper city consists of mainly cleaning from a car-park rampway into a lush hill. The Marollen

up the Poelaertplein. A disorder of infrastructures,

are the densest part of Brussels and lack qualitative,

are equalized by a uniform cobblestone carpet, that

the Palace becomes a friendly instead of dominating

hard to access plazas and all kinds of hard surfaces does not interfere with the Palace’s majestic facade. Only public transport crosses the square, cars are

lead underground, where they connect to the existing infrastructure of a multi-level car park and the underground tunnel underneath the beltway.


The hill towards the Marollen quarter is transformed 28


active greenspace. By erasing the hard engineering, neighbour. The hillside is designed to accommodate informal neighbourhood activities, as it is the perfect place to watch the sun set over Brussels.

The remaining surrounding streets mix the two

contrasting conditions gradually, clearly marking the transition between two city quarters.


03. Masterplan: 2 conditions, inner passage and outer transition


04. Design principles

THE THIrD IDEnTITY An individual design focussed on the entrances of the

out or draws in, and the wall as a guiding element.

to belong to the Palace or the surroundings, the two

for the walls. Construction details were made as a

public passage through the Palace. Rather than trying entrances are conceived as independent entities. The entrances mark the difference in inside and outside

route, and connect both transition points. They use the same principles and materiality, but apply them in correspondence to their surroundings: raised/

sunken platform, entrance signalisation that pokes 30

White concrete is used for the platforms, travertine last addition to the design exercise, to make sure all

the finer details were coherent, e.g. light fittings to

accentuate the floating effect of the platform, hidden drains, construction of the cantilevered canopy and continuity of material seams.

05. Towards Poelaertplein

06. Towards Marollen


01. Corridor concept model

160 dwellings and a circus school need to be implemented on a desolate yet context-rich site. the experience of public space in relation to housing quality is a key aspect of the design. a dialogue between these two results in a built form that addresses the complex conditions without affecting the unity of the project. On top of this, it catalyses three public passages, each with their own function and identity. the optimal relationship between collective, private and public open- and greenspaces is kept in mind while designing, depending on the desired resident profile.


URBAN DESIGN AND TYPOLOGY DESIGN / 2010-2011 / IVO VANHAMME, BRECHT VERSTRAETE / THIRD BACHELOR / w. Carolien De Backer, Liene Spee, Pieter Steens (Masterplan), and Pieter Steens (Typology)


Living in plural - Ukkel


Calevoet Masterplan- Ukkel



02. public passages

CrOSSrOaDS The site at Calevoet Ukkel is situated on a junction of

The buildings’ irregular shapes are derived from their

Alsemberg regional road. The connection between

but work together as a whole. To the north, different

a green reserve and an urbanizing sprawl, along the

two forests is kept by opening up the river that runs on site and letting the urban fabric open up to it. To

emphasize this corridor and to solve public-private contrasts, several level difference typologies are used.

This way, there is no need for hedges and fences, guaranteeing collective gardens with interesting views. 36

surrounding context, three different morphologies, end sides react to the irregular pattern of remnants

of the old village, recreating neighbourhood squares. To the south a continuous facade buffers against the

buzzy traffic and to the west, the cornice is gradually

increased, originating from the level of the adjacent townhouses.

03. Masterplan model


04. Floorplan 0, +1


05. Construction details


01. Concept sketch

the decision to build a cultural centre in the ‘Gravenhof’ neighbourhood park is postponed time after time, as residents cannot agree on a new building. In the park a small ‘castle’, some walkways and a small gazebo can be found, along with many large trees. It is surrounded however by private property backsides, a display of Belgian’s finest architecture: the add-on. In order to minimize the impact on the park itself and connect to the built form present, an experiment on add-on architecture leads to a new cultural centre.




Cultural Centre - Hoboken


02. location at the edge

lONG lIVe tHe aDDON DOMINION Along two backsides, one spot proves to be ideal

achieved. Larger, noisy functions are set deep within

most harsh. Park and building add-ons are meant to

rooms are found on top. The building takes on the

for this exercise, as this is where the contrast is

overgrow each other. Green terraces rise up to the buildings and brick volumes melt down from them. Enclosed volumes and look-outs, big and small level

differences, and a gradual transition in grain are the

result, and an appropriate distribution of function is 42

the building or below surface level, and small, quiet

heterogenity in volumetry inherent to the architecture

it simulates, yet settles for a homogeneous material. This way, a clear entity is shown and the building transcends mere mimicry, as its criticism emerges.

03. Western elevation

04. Northern elevation

05. View from the street


01. Mourning route

the Urban Ugly series invite to think about the unintentional, everyday Flemish urbanization. In regard to the ribbon development, we assembled different fragments from history into an onomatopoeia of time, to reflect the design of the undesigned. the result is that the ribbon, once the expression of urbanization without identity, becomes a focal point of a village’s memory.



Urban Ugly: the Ribbon, An approximate delay of 5 minutes - Haspengouw







02. Hoepertingen through time

ONOMatOpOeIa The village of Hoepertingen is a juxtaposition of

former ribbon. We elongate the mourning route to the

village core expanded rapidly towards multiple

crossing of walkway and former railway. A memory

clearly distinguishable development periods. The ribbons, like the important train tracks and later along a regional road. Since the 80’s, the zones in between

have been filled up with allotments. When rail

activities stopped, a void was left in between different village fabrics, and only a walkway has manifested

itself, crossing the old train talus where it is at grade, and passing a graveyard.

The site is used tot exemplify the fragmentation if the 46

cemetery, and duplicate the long hedge to focus on the of the railway is installed by laying two steel strips in concrete bedding. The sound of gravel rattling on

the steel evokes a memory. Whether the passer-by came to pay tribute to an old friend at the cemetery, or is on his everyday walk to the bus stop, or takes his

children to play on the talus, the sound of what was once essential to the village becomes part of it again.

03. The ribbon has become a succesion of fragments

04. Everyday activities interacting with the intervention

05. Longitudinal section


01.Overview of the crevice in between two decks

the holiday retreat was the first assignment to incorporate all steps of design, from sketch to construction details. the goal was to design for a specific client of your own choosing, allowing you to come up with a tailored solution. the site, nested near the top of the Keizersberg, offers scenic views of the city of leuven. I chose to design for a world-famous producer duo, 2manydj’s, who could take their vacations at home, after months of touring. the design includes a recording studio, and is placed in between two decks. the living area’s and studio open up to the private lower deck, as the views and sheltered terrace promote an outdoor lifestyle. the upper deck is accessible to passers-by on the existing walkway. the views and tranquility of the neighbourhood are thus preserved, the glass crevice only visible from the city.




Hillside studio



02. Floorplan

03. Construction Details


01. Collage of architectural model

the first assignment in the first year used sketches and models only. the chosen theme for this entrance and info pavilion is duality. the meandering pavilion reacts to the orthogonal grid of planted trees. It is a play on seeing and being seen and light and shadow, which makes for a phased transition from city to park, and from bustle to tranquility.




Entrance Pavillion - Middelheim Park


IN-SITU EXISTENZ - Cafe Bricole Summer internship - competition design

EXISTENZ - Old Stella HQ





INTERVENTION / 2010 / TOM VERMEYLEN / SECOND BACHELOR / w. Bram D’hoedt, Simon Stockmans, Arne Vangeenberghe


01. reactions

a small entrance volume that does not correlate interrupts the sleek facades of leuven’s modernist university campus. the role this space plays is diminished by its misuse, and the original functions are diluted: it’s neither out- nor inside. to strengthen the absurd situation, we bring the outside in, and replace the doormats with a fresh lawn. the alternation of stone, grass and stone creates a transition that you can see, feel and smell, and visitors complete the experience as mud is brought in the building. In doing this, they remind themselves of the entrance’s actual function.

02. the inside lawn



EXISTENZ - Cafe Bricole


EXISTENZ - Old Stella Headquarters

DIY CULTURAL EVENTS / 2011-2012 / EXISTENZ STUDENTS 1ST MASTER / VOLUNTARY / w. Arne Vangeenberghe (Cafe Bricole) and Reinaart Vandersloten (Stella Cafe)

existenz is a cultural organisation by a group of motivated students in their first Master of architecture. as vice-president of the 16th edition, I had the honour to collaboratively organise, design, build, and experience whatever we thought relevant to our interpretation of architecture. We built cafés, held debates, wrote Unité (an inter-university journal), organised workshops, threw some parties, invited artists,...and as is tradition, we were able to showcase this for the world to see during ‘existenzweek’, as we transformed the old Stella Headquarters in leuven’s very own DIY architecture Mecca.


01. the Stella watertower, the focal point of the existenzweek


02. late night discussions at Café Bricolé

CaFÉ BrICOlÉ Café Bricolé was the first of three cafés, each destined

installation. 800 EPAL-pallets framed and staged

cinema, music). A temporary installation at our home

walls, stands, bridges, a podium and a bar. Light was

to highlight a different form of art (architecture,

base, the Arenberg Castle, kicked of our event year

with “RE-” as a theme and introduced people to what we do, by means of an exhibition in and around this 60

the event, as we upcycled them to form free-flowing

used to accentuate the twisting and turning within

the rigid castle walls. The pallets served for a week afterwards, and were then shipped off to be reused.

01. reactions

03. One last week, 24/7 Stella on draft

Stella CaFÉ The bar at the old Stella Headquarters was the meeting

sheets, protecting a controllable light wall. On the

one of 6 spaces reflecting on the theme “Re-”. The

to-wall painting, completing the contrast between old

point of the workshop location. It was designed as room was brought back to its original dimensions by

removing the dividing wall. Its frame was the reused to cover up the old-fashioned bar with corrugated

other side, a new layer was added to reinterpret a walland new.



DeSingel - Exhibition ‘Projecties: Breuckland. De Voorstad’

“Brooklyn 102: Sixth chapter on a productive borough” and “Brooklyn Navy Yard: industrious enclave” 63

industrious enclave

Case Studies

studio Brooklyn at work

Brooklyn Navy Yard

studio Brooklyn at work

studio Brooklyn at work

BROOKLYN 102 sixth chapter on a productive borough

eight cases on city productivity




Bram D’hoedt

Bram D’hoedt

Bram D’hoedt

Jeroen Kessels

Jeroen Kessels

Jeroen Kessels

Jérôme Kockerols

Jérôme Kockerols

Jérôme Kockerols

Tara Op de Beeck

Tara Op de Beeck

Tara Op de Beeck

Margot Proesmans

Margot Proesmans

Margot Proesmans

Michaël Sarens Reinaart Vandersloten Jeroen Vandervelden


Tom Thys Ward Verbakel

Michaël Sarens Reinaart Vandersloten Jeroen Vandervelden


Tom Thys Ward Verbakel

Michaël Sarens Reinaart Vandersloten Jeroen Vandervelden


Tom Thys Ward Verbakel

01. Covers of the three collective volumes

“Brooklyn 102” and “Brooklyn Navy Yard“ are the collective preliminary volumes of the 2012-2013 Studio Brooklyn design group, along with the accompanying case studies. In order to fully understand the relationship between the economics of local production and its spatial influence on the city, a thematic approach looks at different systems and trends citywide as well as in more in-depth case studies, as was the case for the Brooklyn Navy Yard, Brooklyn’s industrial birthplace


MASTER THESIS RESEARCH / 2013 / TOM THYS, WARD VERBAKEL / STUDIO BROOKLYN 12-13 / EXHIBITION DeSingel FALL 2013 / w. Bram D’hoedt, Jeroen Kessels, Jerome Kockerols, Tara Op De Beeck, Margot Proesmans, Michael Sarens, Reinaart Vandersloten


“Brooklyn 102: Sixth chapter on a productive borough” and “Brooklyn Navy Yard: industrious enclave” 65

02. Brooklyn 102, pp. 108-9, 183-4, 28-9


03. BNY pp. 142-3, Brooklyn 102 pp. 128-9, BNY pp 90-1


01. Original a0 isometric poster: Dis-bundling

the housing quality of the booming population within an existing context is one of the major design challenges of the 21st century. Reflecting on production, logistics and wholesale within this city is also integrated in this process. and what about our metropolitan infrastructure, that just as well could house a neighbourhood park or a district’s water treatment plant? ‘Breuckland’ is an architectural experiment, loosely based on the New York suburb of Brooklyn. It aims to offer an alternative to the sectoral mindset in urban planning. the choice for the amalgamating suburb as an ideal field of activity is resolute. Not the historic core, nor rural living, but sub-urbanity offers the most common and everyday context in Flanders. the exhibition will open octobre 2013. 68


DeSingel - Exhibition ‘Projecties: Breuckland. De Voorstad’



“and those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane, by those who could not hear the music” Old proverb - photo © lise Neirinckx

Update: August 2013

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