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«...prepared in innocence to meet our king of glory and so we have this you have it in your secret windows and you're understanding to understand it and to bring it forth it takes minute detail it takes a holy life it takes emotions it takes dedication it takes dedication it takes a death and only God can allow it, and you couldn't do it if you're not the seed of God and so the path through the great corridors these are corridors unto his perfection that is which the prophet and the Urim and Thummim has penetrated that through this great sea of blackness that I penetrated through these corridors and I went through that last segment where I went through these dark serpentines I passed through that corridor where they sat, where they are and when you penetrate to the most high God you will believe you are mad you will believe you've gone insane but I tell you if you follow the secret window and you die to the ego nature you will penetrate this darkness oh yes there's many a man or woman that's been put in the insane asylum when this has happened to them and they're sitting there today, people think they're insane

Une brève «étude» typographique sur real le A.

but they saw something that's and they see it when they're on drugs the only thing is they see it not through the light of God, and the way I show you I show you to see it through the light of God and the understanding of God because when you see the face of God, you will die and there will be nothing left of you except the God-man, the God-woman the heavenly man, the heavenly woman the heavenly child there'll be prayer on your lips day and night there'll be a song of jubilee waiting for your king there will be nothing you will not be be looking for in this world except in for your god this is all a dream a dream in death

Création d’une lettre qui peut en apporter d’autres. Constructions et explications de la lettre.

and so I went through that window and the tower of hell and the great serpentines of the highest order and I went through that when I showed you chart #3 the question is asked and learned and someone who can turn this _ of this horrible _ of my _ All infront of me can now ask me a question you need to ask, from the right _ or the right _ out of Urim and Thurrim I can give you unspoken words that's never been spoken, it's not in your bible Yet, it does clarify what is spoken in the bible...» Static - Godspeed You! Black Emperor




ehcrehceR à ellennosrep opyt enu’d ritrap .)edoC( etnatsixe ecnesbA .noçniop-ertnoc ed : sfelc stoM edoc# idnorra# 04h80#

Recherche personnelle à partir d’une typo existante (Code). Absence de contre-poinçon. Mots clefs : #code #arrondi #08h40




ehcrehceR al rus ellennosrep ud éifilpmis emrof .A semroF

.seuqirtémoég : sfelc stoM edom# eirtémoég# ehciffa# artlu#

Recherche personnelle sur une forme simplifié du A. Formes

géométriques. Mots clefs : #mode #géométrie #affiche #ultra




nu ruop edutÉ ud noitaérc ,sruoc .RALOS ruop ogol ed tnemelbuodéD ed eitrap seniatrec essuaF .erttel al .ruednoforp : sfelc stoM eigolonhcet# euqïatlovotohp# gnigakcap# ralos#

Étude pour un cours, création du logo pour SOLAR. Dédoublement de certaines partie de la lettre. Fausse profondeur. Mots clefs : #technologie #photovoltaïque #packaging #solar




ruop ednor opyT sulp egartit nu à enredom siam cihc .siof al emroF elpmis euqirtémoég al reérc ruo .erttel : sfelc stoM erutaréttil# emsinredom# dnor#

Typo ronde pour un titrage plus chic mais moderne à la fois. Forme géométrique simple our créer la lettre. Mots clefs : #littérature #modernisme #rond




à opyT nu ruop tnemettapme .cihc sulp egartit ne ertteL


: sfelc stoM erutaréttil# tnemettapme# senil#

Typo à empattement pour un titrage plus chic. Lettre en


Mots clefs : #littérature #empattement #lines

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