Jersey Pages | Issue 45

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June | Issue 45


PAGES Fr� mon�ly paper Delivered to all out of town businesses & every home on the island

Father’s Day gifts P16 Serving lunch Monday to Friday 12pm to 2pm Set Menu or A La Carte All dishes are available to eat in or take away View menus on Dinner served from 5:45pm – 10:30pm Monday to Saturday Closed Sundays 57 Kensington Place, St Helier

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Award for Bagot Road Garage

Bagot Road Garage has scooped a top dealership award, thanks mainly to the positive feedback received from its local customers. The recognition comes from Renault-owned Dacia, which decided the local family-owned business deserved the accolade of being UK Gold Dealer for 2016. Judging for the award is based on several factors, including sales numbers and communications. Most importantly, however, is the quality of service offered by the Dacia dealer to its customers. In this standard, measured through an independent survey, Bagot Road achieved a winning score, to the delight of its Group Director, Craig Seager. Full story on page 15

PROTECTION FOR OFFSHORE REEFS The Minister for the Environment is proposing measures to further protect the internationallyrecognised offshore reefs of Les Minquiers and Les Écréhous. Over the past few years the Department of the Environment

has established a network of ‘no mobile fishing gear’ zones along the north, east and south coasts. These are designed to protect important seabed areas from damage linked to trawling and dredging. Full story on page 7

Charing Cross work

Dog bite concerns

French exchange

Commercial waste

Healthy Eating Week

Following the successful trial closure of Charing Cross, from Broad Street to Sand Street, to restrict it to pedestrian access only, the existing road is being paved in granite setts. P6

Concerns have been raised over the number of children needing hospital treatment for dog bites. In the first three months of this year, seven children went to A&E after being bitten by a dog. P8

The Trackers Apprentice Programme is piloting a French exchange scheme that will enable a Jersey student to swap education and jobs with an apprentice from Caen. P12

The Council of Ministers has lodged an Appointed Day Act which, if approved, will allow the Minister for Infrastructure to make an Order regarding the fees and charges for commercial waste services. P13

A local charity wants you to 'do lunch' to celebrate its first ever Healthy Eating Week. Caring Cooks of Jersey is inviting Islanders to get an appetite for its big foodie week. P21




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22 10


Trizia Clarke - Food

Elite Muay Thai II 18

FOOD & DRINK Latest trends and seasonal produce 22 Words by Trizia Clarke

Food news 23

23 PROPERTY & HOME LIVING Don’t let the summer slow down stop you 24 Words by Dennis Shore

Dennis Shore - Property

Do you want to contribute? If you would like to contribute in any way, please get in contact so we can discuss ideas. We look forward to hearing from you :) Reproduction of any part of this publication without written consent of the publishers is strictly prohibited. Whilst every effort is taken to ensure all information is true, Jersey Pages will not be held responsible for any false claims.

24 14




Work to pedestrianise Charing Cross is underway Following the successful trial closure of Charing Cross, from Broad Street to Sand Street, to restrict it to pedestrian access only, the existing road is being paved in granite setts by the Department for Infrastructure (DfI). Work will include raising the area which is currently tarmacked to eliminate the step at the kerb edge, providing improved drainage, street lighting, as well as planting a tree behind the 'Toad' sculpture and providing more seating. Maintenance work to the existing pavements will also be carried out, as well as minor changes to the pavements where required. During the work, access to shops' doorways for pedestrians will be provided at all times. The project is expected to take 20 weeks to

complete. The road is designed so that limited service and maintenance vehicles will continue to be able to use it in the same way as King Street, but manual rising bollards will be installed to control access. The unloading bays in Castle Street will be made permanent. The DfI workers who have been carrying out the pavement works in Conway Street are moving over to this project, and being joined by Parish of St Helier staff. Prior to the start, utility companies have been carrying out necessary underground maintenance works. Charing Cross is a main walking route and an important link for cyclists between the town centre, car parks, waterfront and financial district.

Pedestrians and cyclists form 93% of the traffic using this narrow road. At lunchtimes 2,300 people have been counted walking through the cut, compared to less than 100 motor vehicles. Closing the road will make the area safer for walkers and cyclists. It will also enable the space to be made more attractive and vibrant with alfresco seating, and to improve the public realm for commuters, shoppers and tourists while also accommodating business deliveries. Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Eddie Noel, said “This is a project I’ve taken a keen personal interest in, having witnessed pedestrians struggling along the pavements which are quite narrow in places. During the trial closure, it was clear that it was really of great benefit. I also think it will make a lovely public space extending the area from around the Toad.”

Paint a pick up competition “Established over 45 years, the company provides a bespoke, personalised service from design to installation.”


A competition to increase awareness of Jersey’s unique marine and coastal environment has been launched by the Department of the Environment. The department’s Marine Resources Section is replacing its two ageing work vehicles, and is offering Island students the chance to design the look of the new trucks. Coastal Environment The new vehicles, which will, in time, become mobile offices for Marine Resources team members, will be wrapped in a printed ‘skin’ featuring the winning designs, which will reflect Jersey’s marine or coastal environment and the work of the Marine Resources Section to safeguard it. The skins are being supplied free of charge by the Mansell Collection, and wrapped by Signtech. Mansell Collection Managing Director Leo Mansell will be one of the judges. The others are the Minister for the Environment, Deputy Steve Luce, and a representative from the Jersey Evening Post, ably assisted by Jepson. The competition is open to

anyone between 8 and 19 living in Jersey. The winners will have their design wrapped on one of the two vessels, and enjoy a trip out in the newly decorated pickups to picnic on the parapet of Seymour Tower with the Marine Resources team. Marine Resources The Marine Resources Section works as part of the Department of the Environment to protect and enhance the natural and built environment, including our sea, water, air, land and buildings. It is responsible for the management and safeguarding of Jersey’s coasts and seas. Members of the team work with commercial fishermen, anglers and oyster and mussel farmers to ensure our seas and fish stocks are well looked after for the present and for future generations. The team patrols Jersey’s territorial waters on the Norman le Brocq, inspects the catches of anglers and low water fishermen on our coasts and beaches, and carries out research into commercial stocks and the native and alien species on our shores and in the 800 square miles of Jersey waters.

Saving for retirement? “Living Longer: Thinking ahead” asked people’s views on saving for old age, there were 1,300 responses. Many said the government should enforce workplace pensions and introduce incentives for us to save. More than a quarter (28%) said they hadn’t started putting money aside for retirement. That figure rockets to 84% of under 25s and 39% of 25-34s. Most said they couldn’t afford to save because wages are too low and the cost of living is too high. When asked how the States should pay for the pensions in the future – as more of us are living longer – 8 in 10 said benefit rules should be tightened. Common suggestions included making it harder to claim and not giving hand-outs to people who have not contributed to the system. 71% said big or UK businesses should contribute more. Two thirds were against raising the pension age above 67.



New protection for offshore reefs ​ he Minister for the Environment T is proposing measures to further protect the internationallyrecognised offshore reefs of Les Minquiers and Les Écréhous. Over the past few years the Department of the Environment has established a network of ‘no mobile fishing gear’ zones along the north, east and south coasts. These are designed to protect important seabed areas from damage linked to trawling and dredging. It is proposed this protection will now be extended to Jersey’s offshore reefs with the creation of a zone of almost 50km2 at Les Minquiers and one of more than 15km2 at Les Écréhous. The reefs are home to extensive areas of seagrass, maerl and kelp. These are important in the breeding cycles of fish, crustaceans and molluscs, including many commercial species, so the protection will benefit the local marine environment and the fishing industries by increasing the stock of marine life in our waters. Working together The project to establish these zones has taken several years to achieve and involved a number of organisations working together.

The Société Jersiaise and Jersey Seasearch provided data on the marine environment and helped with the production of accurate habitat maps. Jersey Fishermen’s Association members helped steer the project through discussions with French fishermen and officials under the joint management approach set out in the Bay of Granville Agreement. The Minister for the Environment, Deputy Steve Luce said: “I am delighted that we can bring this project to its conclusion as I know that a huge amount of work has gone into reaching this point. It is to the credit of all involved, from the Société and Seasearch to the commercial fishermen’s associations, that we have come so far. Once again we should be proud that Jersey has been proactive and forward thinking in seeking to protect our important marine resources for current and future generations.” If these zones are approved by the States, it will take the areas protected by ‘no mobile gear’ zones in Jersey territorial waters to more than 150km2 - a much greater area than the entire area of the Island.

Les Écréhous

“Once again we should be proud that Jersey has been proactive and forward thinking in seeking to protect our important marine resources for current and future generations.” Deputy Steve Luce



Concerns over number of children needing hospital treatment for dog bites Child Accident Prevention Jersey (CAPJ) has raised concern over the number of children needing hospital treatment for dog bites. In the first three months of this year, seven children, including two babies, went to A&E after being bitten by a dog. All of the children were under the age of 13, with the majority being under eight years old and injuries included three bites to hands and four to faces. In six of the cases, the dog was either a family pet or belonged to a family friend. CAPJ has been running a Speak

Dog and Stay Safe campaign in schools but is concerned that youngsters don’t see the dangers of animals they know. They are highlighting the number of incidents to raise awareness of the potential dangers and prevent further injuries. ‘We need to suspend our disbelief that our own dogs will bite our children because unfortunately, the data from A&E shows that the opposite is often the case. Often people identify dogs as safe or dangerous depending on their breed but actually any dog can

bite if the circumstances are right,’ said Mandy Le Tensorer who is employed by Family Nursing & Home Care as co-ordinator for Child Accident Prevention Jersey, a multiagency partnership group whose aim is to keep children safe from serious unintentional injury. ‘Dog bites can be incredibly painful and leave nasty scars, both physical and mental. Child Accident Prevention Jersey is committed to going into schools and talking to children about how to stay safe around dogs but we are urging parents and carers to have the same conversations to reinforce the message and remind them regularly.’ Mrs Le Tensorer said the Speak Dog & Stay Safe campaign was welcomed by all schools. “The children learn about the signals dogs give us to show how they’re feeling so that they can act accordingly. We teach them not to approach a dog they don’t know, not to put their face near a dog and never to take anything away from an animal,’ she said. ‘We believe that this campaign has played a part in the reduction of dog bites over recent years. However, it is apparent that whilst

children understand the dangers that strange dogs may pose, they see their own pet as beyond reproach and not a threat and that remains a real concern.’

More information on being safe around dogs, as well as advice for parents on other dangers for children can be found online at

Scheme for armed forces champions The Home Affairs Department is calling on Islanders who have served in the armed forces to become “veterans’ and armed forces champions” in a new community scheme. The scheme, which was devised by the Jersey Armed Forces Covenant Steering Group, aims to use the experience and knowledge of wouldbe veterans’ and armed forces champions to ensure that their needs are reflected fairly in local service plans. These might include access to healthcare, housing, education, family wellbeing and starting a new career. Home Affairs Minister, Deputy Kristina Moore, said “It is important that we develop a scheme that will allow us to reach out to members

of the armed forces community in Jersey. These people have served their country and they sometimes have specific needs when returning to live within a civilian setting. The Armed Forces Steering Group would like to establish a network of Islanders who have experience of life in the services or wish to champion their cause so that they can fairly support the veterans and armed forces community and direct them to the people who can help.” The Steering Group was set up following the States of Jersey’s adoption of the Armed Forces Covenant and Community Covenant in January 2015. The Community Covenant aims: • nurture understanding and

awareness of issues affecting the armed forces community • recognise and remember the sacrifices faced by the armed forces • encourage activities that help to integrate the armed forces community into local life • encourage the armed forces community to help support the wider community The Steering Group reviews support to veterans and the armed forces and the community in the areas of: employment of reserves; health; social security; housing; income tax; education; and parish relationships. Anyone interested in becoming a veterans’ and armed forces champion should contact Deputy Moore on 01534 447923 or



The cost to employ people from outside Jersey could rise Ministers are planning to increase fees under the Control of Housing and Work Law to invest more in migration controls and skills development to support businesses. The changes include new annual fees for businesses employing registered staff and employment agencies placing registered staff, and a rise in the fees payable by contractors visiting Jersey. This will raise £600,000 per year, £300,000 is dedicated funding to support additional investment in skills and training – this money will support the conclusions of the new skills strategy, working with employers where investment is needed most and the other £300,000 will go to fund migration controls, including initiatives to remove permissions from businesses, and to support compliance activities. Net migration in 2015 was 1,500, and is expected to remain at a similar level for 2016 as our

The Chief officer has announced retirement In response to the chief officer of the States of Jersey Police, Mike Bowron, announcing his retirement, the Minister for Home Affairs, Deputy Kristina Moore, has made the following statement: “I am truly grateful to the chief officer for the exemplary leadership he has provided to the States of Jersey Police since his appointment in 2011. “Mike has overseen significant improvements to the force, which have undoubtedly resulted in a greatly enhanced level of public confidence in the police. I have seen for myself the commitment and professionalism of officers under Mike’s leadership and how in touch they are with the public they serve.” “Mike has also implemented a very successful staff development programme, which has ensured that local officers will be much better equipped to undertake senior roles in the force in the years ahead.” “On behalf of the people of Jersey, I wish Mike all the very best for his future retirement.”

economy continues to perform well. These measures will help support local employment, while investing in the skills of our local workforce. The Assistant Chief Minister, Senator Paul Routier MBE, said “The Council of Ministers supports targeted and managed migration that improves productivity and protects our economy. We are an aging population in a changing and uncertain world, so we will continue to need people with new or specialised skills to move to Jersey. However, migration has been too high in recent years. “The approved Medium Term Financial Plan included fee increases. The States is investing considerable amounts in health and education, including £40 million extra in our health service by 2019 as our society ages. These demands on the public purse will grow in the future, so it is right that migration controls and increased investment in skills are funded by people moving to Jersey, businesses who

employ migrants, and businesses visiting the Island.” Fees have not increased since this law was introduced four years ago (1st July, 2013).

Official publications could be published online free of charge A change in the law is being Assistant Minister, Deputy Scott proposed to end the requirement for Wickenden, who has responsibility the Jersey Gazette, which publishes for e-government and the digital new laws, enactments and other industry, said “Publishing the official notices, to be printed in a information online allows additional local newspaper. ways to publicise the government’s If approved, the proposition will official notices. The information will allow the Gazette to be officially be available via Twitter to social published on the media users, and free of “Official government’s website, charge via RSS to any notifications organisation interested in where Islanders could access government providing an information have been information online and free appearing on service to their audiences. of charge. The existing Subscribers to the MyGov 1960 law stipulated that the government service can opt to receive website in a Jersey Gazette “for official notices via email. the publication of official preparation for “Moving to an online notices and other matters this proposed format is in keeping with requiring to be brought the government’s move law change.” to e-government. Parishes to the attention of the public” should be published in an and government departments will still English newspaper circulating in the be free to use additional means of Island. An act accompanying that informing Islanders of events or laws law designated the Jersey Evening they want to publicise, by advertising, Post as the newspaper in which the for instance, in print, on TV or radio.” Jersey Gazette should appear. This The Gazette will be complemented arrangement has remained in place by other means of keeping people ever since. informed, including advertising in Official notifications have been print and broadcast media where appearing on the government considered necessary, and copies website in preparation for this of the Gazette will be available for proposed law change. display in public places.

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One young islander is looking forward to taking part in the second Dandara Colour Run after the first event last year spurred on her passion for running and raising money for charity. Mollie Chalmers, 18, is a keen football player and wanted to increase her fitness to improve her sporting performance. Ahead of the inaugural Dandara Colour Run, Mollie saw the event as the perfect opportunity to motivate herself to take up running whilst also raising money for Family Nursing & Home Care (FNHC). ‘When I first started running, I enjoyed it because I could escape any stress from exams and my daily life. But now, I can safely say running has really changed my mind-set and has made me physically and mentally a stronger person,’ said Mollie Chalmers. Mollie’s running and fundraising efforts for FNHC have gone from strength to strength. So far, she’s raised a total of £820 for the charity through the Dandara Colour Run, the Mourant Ozannes Relay Race and other fundraising activities. Mollie’s even inspired her friends to start running because of her achievements. The week before the Dandara Colour Run 2017,

Mollie will also be taking part in the half marathon ‘Run Jersey’ where she hopes to raise a further £300 for FNHC. Mollie said, ‘I’ve continued to

support FNHC after the first colour run because if it wasn’t for their event, I wouldn’t have taken up running. The charity has provided the most essential care in Jersey

for years and I want to continue supporting the nurses and care workers. They do an amazing job and deserve recognition for the work they do.’

Jersey Moonlight Walking Disclosure and barring review is now in its ninth year The Jersey Moonlight Walk has become an established event on Jersey Walk Calendar over the past nine years. Initially started in 2009 by four friends raising funds for Jersey Hospice Care as part of their fundraising efforts towards the Ecuador Trek Challenge. The group were overwhelmed at the support the walk received in its first year and have continued to arrange it as an annual event as they enjoy organising it so much. This year the walk takes place on Saturday June 10th at 21.00 from St Brelade's Parish Hall, there is a choice of distances either the 'Full Moon' which is 10 miles or the 'Half Moon' of 5 miles. Fancy dress, whilst not obligatory, is always welcomed and the organisers have said that walkers turn up in a variety of illuminous fancy dress costumes which they always look forward to seeing, the brighter the better. There will also be face painters at the registration and local band Run

For Cover always provide a really good atmosphere prior to setting off. The organisers say the event is always a memorable evening, people walk for all different reasons, some in memory of a loved one or just getting together with friends to have a fun evening out whilst raising money for a worthwhile cause. The event organisers are hoping

that as many people will sign up for the walk as possible as this year the proceeds will be shared between two local charities Jersey Hospice Care and Jersey Cheshire Home. Registration and all event details can be found at or by contacting Yvonne Maguire 07797774749 or Sarah Corbel 07797 711560

The States of Jersey is reviewing existing employee records to ensure police checks are up to date for all relevant staff and that they meet new, more stringent requirements. Anyone whose work involves contact with children or vulnerable groups needs a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check – formerly known as a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check. All staff working in relevant roles are being contacted to ensure they have an up to date certificate that meets new safeguarding procedures, or to offer them help in getting one. The project is being run by Human Resources with assistance from a specialist company - GBG

Online Disclosures – to ensure the process is simple for staff and is fast, automated and cost effective. The States of Jersey will pay for the checks of all permanent and fixed term contract employees, as is currently the case. A rolling programme of revalidation will then update the checks every three years. Staff applying for a new, or enhanced, DBS certificate can do so online with help available at a series of drop-in sessions. Staff will need to verify their identity and complete the checking process, or produce a current, valid DBS certificate. It’s estimated this project will cost between £170,000 and £200,000.




A study reveals 82% of people saved money by switching to LibertyBus

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LibertyBus has conducted a large scale survey on the difference that a public bus service can make to people’s lives. The survey, which sampled the views of over 1,500 bus users, revealed that the service has a real social impact – particularly on the lives of older people, disabled people, young adults and new bus users. One of the most significant findings was the financial impact of switching to the bus. The survey showed that 82% of people who had started using the bus over the last year had saved money as a consequence. LibertyBus hopes that this message will encourage more people to leave their cars at home – reducing congestion and helping the environment. The study also looked in depth at how the bus service can help people to keep in touch, access jobs or services and to generally

get out and about – and what that meant to people’s lives. The survey found that: • 39% of older people said their social interaction had improved because of the bus service • 29% of disabled people said their access had improved because of the bus • 40% of young adults said the bus service had given them more independence. Kevin Hart, Director of Channel Islands, said. ‘LibertyBus is a social enterprise,an organisation whose defining mission is to make a positive difference to the community. It’s not good enough to just say we do this, we have to measure our social impact. As a consequence, we have conducted what we believe to be the largest study ever of the social impact of a regular bus service.” “The findings confirm things we have long suspected. A high quality

mainstream bus service brings people together, helps people to access opportunities and brings down barriers for older and disabled people – a genuine social impact.” As a result of this research, LibertyBus has published a Social Impact Report which includes the statistics from the survey alongside the stories of local bus users whose lives have been affected by the service. Eddie Noel, Minister for Transport said: ‘This report shows that a good quality bus service can have a very positive impact on the local community. The Department for Infrastructure are proud of the relationship that we have built with LibertyBus, and the work they do for the Island.’ Full reports are available online at and the report summary is available from Liberation Station.

New French exchange scheme for apprentices The Trackers Apprentice Programme is piloting a French exchange scheme that will enable a Jersey student to swap education and jobs with an apprentice from Caen. From March 2018 an apprentice already working and training in the hospitality sector here will be paired with a French counterpart who is in a similar role. The initial exchange will be for two to three weeks but with a view to expanding the number of students and length of stay in future. The project is being run in conjunction with the Handpicked Hotels group, which owns the Grand Jersey, L’Horizon Hotel in St Brelade and the St Pierre Park in Guernsey, where there will also be a pilot exchange. Skills Jersey Operations Manager, Stuart Penn, said “This is a fantastic opportunity for one of our apprentices, particularly in the hospitality industry, which is based on travel and overseas experience. We are extremely fortunate to be working with Handpicked Hotels, who will provide a high-quality professional experience for the visiting apprentice.” Trackers and the Highlands Culinary Arts will be working with ICEP, an apprentice college based in Caen, which has a large hospitality

training section that offers different experiences to Jersey. General Manager of Handpicked Hotels in the Channel Islands, Martin Kelly, said “As an Island it is important that we explore all possibilities for recruitment and we are extremely motivated to work with Skills Jersey on these types of initiatives. Their enthusiasm for any project is infectious and we are looking forward to developing L’Horizon and Grand Jersey’s partnership with Skills Jersey and education.” Education Minister, Deputy

Rod Bryans, said: “This new educational partnership with Caen has been developed alongside our discussions with the university and supports our desire to build mutually useful links with our French neighbours. “It is excellent to have the backing of such well-known, established Jersey hotels and I wish the participants well and look forward to seeing how the project progresses. I would also like to thank the team from the Bureau Isles Anglo Normandes for their help in making this happen.”



States asked to enable waste charges for non-householders The Council of Ministers has lodged an Appointed Day Act for Article 4 of the Drainage (Jersey) Law 2005 which, if approved, will allow the Minister for Infrastructure to make an Order regarding the fees and charges for non-householder (commercial) waste services. Last September the States agreed in principle to the introduction of solid and liquid waste charges for non-householders. Since then, the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) has been working to provide the detail behind the charges. The mechanisms for the introduction of non-householder liquid and solid user pays charges differ. For liquid waste the necessary legislation is already in place and Article 4 just needs to be brought into force. However, it is a little more complicated for solid waste, as the Law has to be amended. For this reason, the States is being asked to look at the introduction of non-householder user pays charges liquid waste first and then for solid waste later in the year. This will also mean that businesses will benefit from a phased introduction of charges. About 22% of liquid waste comes

from non-householders which costs about £3.85m in service costs. The proposed non-householder user pays charges would cover these costs, which are currently funded through income from taxes. This has allowed the £3.85m budget to then be redistributed to priority areas as part of the overall package of measures agreed by the States. These user pays charges do not apply to domestic households or establishments, which act as residences such as residential care homes. DfI is proposing the new nonhouseholder user pays charges for liquid waste to be comprised of a low annual standing charge, and a charge for the amount of liquid waste generated, which will be based on 95% of the fresh water used. These charges would not be introduced until March 2018. DfI has undertaken service reviews to drive out efficiencies in this area and other areas across the Department to minimise costs and this is a continuing process. Jersey's costs compare well with those levied in other jurisdictions, especially when taking into account

our size and island location. Waste charges will not give DfI any budgetary benefit; however, they will provide a stimulus to encourage the reduction of waste, in this case the reduction in water usage which is beneficial as water is a valuable commodity. DfI is keen to work with businesses to minimise their waste and thereby reduce their charges. Deputy Eddie Noel, Minister for Infrastructure, said “Over the last few months we have been engaging with businesses and although the introduction of new charges is never likely to be popular, we have had very useful dialogue. As user pays non-householder waste charges have already been agreed in principle by the States, we have only been able to talk about our proposals for introduction. Businesses were keen to have as much advance notice as possible, and by lodging now, we have taken that into account. The debate is scheduled for July, which will give eight months’ lead-in. We have also been able to plan a phased approach to the introduction of the liquid and solid elements of the charges to businesses, which reduces the impact for them.”

Big names set for Festival of Words BBC Woman’s Hour presenter Jenni Murray will be in Jersey this autumn for the Festival of Words. She will be on stage at the Opera House, talking about her new book about inspiring women in British history. Other guests include mystery writer Alexander McCall Smith, whose No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series has sold more than 20 million copies worldwide. Novelist John Boyne, who wrote ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’, will be talking about his new book ‘The Heart’s Invisible Furies’. Scientist and philosopher Richard Dawkins and agony aunt Daisy Buchanan are also on the programme. The five-day literary festival starts on 27 September.




Above: The awarding-winning team at Bagot Road Garage with their trophies from Dacia

Below: Falles Motor Group director Craig Seager (right) picking up the UK Dacia Gold Dealer of the Year at an awards ceremony at St Paul’s Cathedral in January from Groupe Renault UK managing director Paul Flanagan


agot Road Garage has scooped a top dealership award, thanks mainly to the positive feedback received from its local customers. The recognition comes from Renault-owned Dacia, which decided the local familyowned business deserved the accolade of being UK Gold Dealer for 2016. Judging for the award is based on several factors, including sales numbers and communications. Most importantly, however, is the quality of service offered by the Dacia dealer to its customers. In this standard, measured through an independent survey, Bagot Road achieved a winning score, to the delight of its Group Director, Craig Seager. ‘Excellent customer service is something a lot of motor businesses talk about, but then fall short when it comes to actual delivery. Over the years, the team here at Bagot Road have built up an excellent reputation of always putting our customers first. It doesn’t matter which make of car is being sold or serviced, we aim for the same level of care and attention to detail. What’s great with this award is receiving confirmation from our customers that we are getting things right as far as they are concerned, and that the fantastic effort of our team is recognised.’ Craig received the award from Renault UK managing director Paul

Flanagan at a special ceremony held at London’s St Paul’s Cathedral in January. In March this year, at another event held in Paris, he represented Bagot Road when it achieved further recognition. Renault’s annual ‘Dealer of the Year’ awards are given to the best dealers of the Groupe’s global sales network. Only six of the 106 winning dealerships were UK-based, including Falles Bagot Road. Speaking at the event, Thierry Koskas, Executive vice-president, Sales & Marketing of Groupe Renault, acknowledged the commitment and performance of the winning dealerships. ‘Groupe Renault achieved excellent sales results last year thanks to the performance of its teams, especially that of the sales network, who accompanied and represented the Groupe with enthusiasm and professionalism. I would like to congratulate them for their daily work, always looking to improve customer satisfaction.’ Bagot Road Garage launched the Dacia franchise in 2013, to complement its existing range. Since then, the Renault-manufactured vehicles have proved very popular with local motorists, who welcome the excellent quality at extremely affordable prices. Among the models out this year is a new automatic version of the Duster, and the new Logan MCV Stepway, an SUV style estate priced from just under £10,500.

Bagot Road Garage parts manager Dale Davidson, sales manager Graeme Le Cornu and service manager Rob Phillips with the award-winning new Dacia Sander



WHAT’S NEW The perfect gifts for Father’s Day! Jersey Naturally in the Central Market T: 875707 6 piece screwdriver set £9.99 Multi change garden tools from £8.39 handles £4.19

3 packs of car wipes £5.99

Large range of garden feeds from 99p

After the day, luxury gift set £12.99

So much more than just tractor services! A RURAL business that is expanding its range is Tractor Services CI Ltd, that is also going to be trading under the name TS TOOLS. They are remaining at their premises in Les Charrières Nicolle, St Lawrence. It was decided to add another name to the business as a lot of people saw ‘Tractor Services’ and didn’t associate the business with anything other than tractors. It’s an understandable mistake! The business is not just about tractors and agricultural machinery, but

also garage equipment, Outdoor Power Equipment, Herock workwear and boots plus lots of other things. Their garage equipment includes compressors and generators, trolley jacks and air tools – a range that will be of interest to the motor trade and individual motor enthusiasts alike. It also demonstrates that ‘TS Tools’ does a lot more than people realise! The name ‘Tractor Services’ is not being lost and will continue alongside TS Tools.

For all your linen needs Linen Hut is a little shop with a wide range of home supplies, including curtains, bed sets, blankets, duvet covers, children’s bedding, sheets, towels, bathroom & kitchen essentials, table cloths, place mats, flower vases, table runners and lamps etc.… During the last two weeks of June, Linen Hut is going in to a ‘Two Week Sale’ where everything in store will be half price. This is a great opportunity to shop for what you need for the summer months, particularly net curtains to dress your windows - Linen Hut cut off from the roll so that you can dress or cover as many windows in as many metre's as you need.

Summer Sale 19th June - 1st July 30 Burrard Street, St Helier Monday - Satuday 11am - 6pm 07797 829250


WHAT’S NEW MAXI Stop the traffic in this striking maxi. Available in white. £170

FLORAL TOP A bouquet of prettiness! Available in spode. £120


LACE TOP Lace and 100% cotton makes this top a feminine and cool addition to any summer capsule £80

For timeless style and a look that never goes out of fashion, Eclectic, in Liberty Wharf, are celebrating red, white and blue.

Gifts for Father’s Day We have a great selection of clothing and accessories, ideal for Father’s day. We have Father’s day slogan t-shirts, plain tees on offer at 3 for £12 and printed t-shirts 3 for £25. We also have a great selection of shorts that include gym sweat shorts, cargo shorts, chino shorts, denim shorts and swimming shorts. Don’t forget our great range of jeans and chinos! Pack of 3 socks for £2.50, 6 pairs of boxer shorts for £10. Spend £35 or over and you can choose one of our unique Father’s Day cards for free, Job done! Murphy’s, West Centre, where quality cost less.

DRESS Classic, simplistic and easy to wear £160

SARONG DRESS Don’t know how to tie a sarong? This is the stylish answer. £89 Other sarongs available from £20

The Boutique at Murphys Now stocking a wide range of spinners from £3

As we write this, The Boutique at Murphys was just taking a large delivery of Ladies Fashion’s from Italy and France. This consisted of beautiful silk flowing printed tops, layered tye die and floral vests, maxi dresses, lots of different gypsy tops, ladies t-shirts and some very funky jeans. Also in stock is a nice range of pretty trainers for around £16 to £18. New styles arrive approx. every two weeks so The Boutique is always worth a look.

Blue lace top with scarf, £36

Orange floral skeleton top, £24 Blue lace boho top, £22

Father’s Day cards £2.25

Mon - Sat 09:30 - 17:30 T: 01534 491342 Ladies trainers Les Quennevais Precinct, St Brelade from £16 E: Like us on Fb: West Collections



Elite Muay Thai II Blood Fitness presents “Elite Muay Thai II” on Saturday 17th June. This time, the stakes are high! Not only do Blood Fitness have a mixture of white collar, amateur and professional fights guaranteed to teep you off your feet, they also have 3 of their brightest battling it out to be crowned Elite Muay Thai's first ever English, Southern Area and Channel Island Champion! This really is a Saturday night that's not to be missed! Blood Fitness are due to

present their ‘Elite Muay Thai II’ in Gloucester Hall at Fort Regent on Saturday 17th June. There will be 13 fights on the night and the event promises to be bigger and better than ever before. Previous events have been held at the Jersey Opera House and it’s from those successful nights which has now led Michael Blood (owner of Blood Fitness) to take the event a step further by moving the night to Fort Regent. Tickets have been

selling well for the event thanks to the support Michael has generated over his time running Blood Fitness as well as the exciting and entertaining events such as Elite Muay Thai II. There are various tickets available from standard seating to VIP tables so make sure you’re quick to purchase your tickets to avoid being disappointed, secure the best seats in the house with platinum, gold and silver packages available.

There will be the following seating options to those who wish to attend and support the fighters: VIP TABLES (Platinum) • Includes waitress service for drinks only + a bottle of champagne on your table • Max. 10 persons per table • PRICE: £60.00 per person STANDARD TABLES (Gold) • Max. 10 persons per table • PRICE: £37.00 per person OUTER EDGE TABLES (Silver) • PRICE: £25.00 per person Doors Open: 5.30pm Event Starts: 6pm About Blood Fitness Blood Fitness is all about learning the art of Muay Thai. Michael Blood, the founder and British Muay Thai champion, is passing on his expertise, techniques and knowledge to those who are keen to become a Muay Thai fighter or simply get fit. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced fighter, Michael and his team will tailor each training session to fit your individual needs. If you prefer to train with a friend or a group, then Blood Fitness will adapt each session to ensure all of you have fun whilst getting fit at the same time. Additionally, he also provides one-to-one personal training sessions for those who would rather stay out of the ring and go down a different channel to build their strength.

Boot camps • Thai/kickboxing Private sessions • Thai/kickboxing Beginner classes • Thai/kickboxing Advanced classes • Kids classes • Weight loss programmes • Strength & conditioning programmes • Kettle bell sessions *All with certified personal trainers* New location Blood Fitness have now moved from their previous gym and are now based at Fort Regent. Michael Blood commented: “We’ve grown so rapidly and have so many great new clients that we’ve had to take on more trainers, therefore needing a larger space. We used to have a problem with parking, but we no longer have that issue at the Fort. “We now have our own private gym with equipment better suited to our clients, with cafes, supplements store all on site. Plus there is the play zone for the children.” Offering a range of different classes and the chance to be taught by world class trainers, Michael, or one of his experienced and certified trainers, will put you through your paces. For more information about the event, 1-1 sessions or classes, call Michael on 07797 919906 or visit their Facebook page: @BloodFitnessJersey




Do lunch and tuck in to first ever Healthy Eating Week A local charity wants you to 'do lunch' to celebrate its first ever Healthy Eating Week. Caring Cooks of Jersey is inviting Islanders, local businesses, schools, nurseries, clubs and associations to get an appetite for its big foodie week from Monday 12th to Saturday 17th June. The aim of the lunchtime gettogethers is to share a meal, focus on healthy living and help raise money and awareness for the charity set up to positively empower and influence the Island’s children, and young people, to make healthy food choices. If your lunches are lacking lustre, you can also book a cooking demo during the week and take home some simple and healthy ideas to liven up your lunchtimes. Melissa Nobrega, Caring Cooks Founder said, “We’re so excited to be hosting our first ever Healthy

Eating Week in June and are delighted to have Whitmill Trust Company Limited’s support for our ‘Let’s Do Lunch’ campaign” “We hope it will not only encourage everyone to meet up over a healthy lunch and think about the importance of a healthy diet but also to raise awareness of the Let’s Get Cooking Programme we are delivering in primary schools, which is already having a huge impact on children’s behaviours, attitudes and learnings .” Kiran Patel, Director at Whitmill Trust said, “We’re proud to be sponsoring this fantastic campaign and helping to raise awareness of the great work that Caring Cooks do to improve the health of the island’s children, now and in the future. We’ll definitely be doing lunch in our office!” The charity will also be popping up in town during Healthy Eating

Week with a stall offering healthy treats and showcasing its amazing new ‘Smoothie Bike.” Shoppers will have the chance to jump in the saddle and use pedal power to mix up a healthy fruity snack. Mrs Nobrega said, “Our new set of wheels is perfect for schools, clubs, corporate and team building events and we hope to see some rider rivalry as Islanders get well on their way to their five-a-day!” Plus look out for red skies at night in town in June when Fort Regent will be lit up red to highlight the charity’s Healthy Eating Week. Get involved Register now for your Let’s Do Lunch fundraising pack where you’ll find lots of helpful resources including invitations for a Let’s Do Lunch event, sponsorship forms, posters, balloons, and even quick and simple healthy lunch ideas.

An 'Exercise pill' could deliver fitness benefits Drug could transform lives of those who are unable to exercise because of obesity or serious physical disability, mouse study suggests. The study’s findings might also explain why runners, cyclists and others athletes can “hit the wall” when they push themselves hard. For those who cannot exercise, it could be the answer: rather than spending hours in the gym, the benefits of fitness training could be delivered in a tablet. The prospect of an “exercise pill” might be music to the ears of couch potatoes, long-distance truck drivers and stressed-out office workers, but researchers believe it could transform the lives of people who are unable to exercise because of obesity or serious physical disabilities. Hopes for such a pill emerged last month from scientists who found that an experimental drug allowed mice to run on a treadmill for 270 minutes before exhaustion set in. Mice that went without the drug lasted only 160 minutes before reaching their physical limit. The endurance boost was accompanied by other apparent health benefits, scientists found, leading mice who had the drug for eight weeks to put on less weight

and better control their blood sugar levels, suggesting a pill might also help people with diabetes. Scientists led by Ronald Evans at the Salk Institute in San Diego made the discovery after they set out to explore what endurance meant on the molecular level. “If we really understand the science, can we replace training with a drug?” he said. They turned to a drug known as GW501516 which had previously been shown to improve stamina and burn fat faster. Through a series of tests with mice on treadmills, Evans found that the drug changed the activity of nearly 1000 genes. Many of the genes that became more active were involved in the breakdown and burning of fat. But other genes were suppressed, including some that convert sugar into energy. Writing in the journal Cell Metabolism, the scientists

describe how the findings might explain why runners, cyclists and others athletes can “hit the wall” when they push themselves hard. The drug makes the body burn fat faster, but also burn sugar more slowly. The upshot is that, on the drug, the drop in blood sugar level that is responsible for the feeling of hitting the wall happens much later than normal. Ian Sample, Science editor at The Guardian




Latest trends and seasonal produce Words by Trizia Clarke, Trizia’s Italian Kitchen Is it just me, or do other people read cookery books in bed? I admit I have too many. I often have a pile beside my bed ready for an indulgent bedtime read. It's also true that I rarely cook the recipes from these cookbooks that I adore reading. But what my lovely husband doesn't understand is that I don't necessarily want to copy the recipe. The best cookery books for me are those that include the stories behind the dish. I also love to read about how flavours work together and the best environment to eat them in. I imagine myself there and the smells and tastes. It's great inspiration for me and probably goes back to the wonderful stories that my Nonna would tell me about all the special dishes that would be cooked at festivals and important times of the year. That’s why I love Gino D’Acampo’s ‘Hidden Italy’ book that takes you on a journey through beautiful places and the ingredients that make up the best dishes in that area. If you didn’t pick up a signed copy at the Viva Italia Festival last month, you can get one by contacting us through Some of my most memorable dishes are from Summers in Italy. Some of these aren’t even recipes. Things like warm figs straight from the tree and freshly made mozzarella di bufala. The mozzarella is always made and eaten the same day, never refrigerated, the flavour is bittersweet and oozes milk with every bite. My cousin Erminio would make a special journey the morning of our arrival to make sure it was waiting for us when we arrived. My Uncle would take my hand as soon as the big kisses and hugs were dealt with and lead me to the big tree at the bottom of the garden. The little ladder would already be in place and he would climb up and hand down the figs to me. This was their way of showing their love, no words required. I still appreciate the simple dishes that let good ingredients dominate. It’s impossible to visit my Mamma without being fed. If she has left overs they’ll be on the table before you’ve even taken off your coat, regardless of what time it is. On the rare occasions she doesn’t have left overs she would always make one of my favourite snacks, Fresella con pommodore.

Freselle are very hard, twice baked shaped rolls that keep for weeks in the store cupboard and are moistened with water. You can get them on line. Mamma would drizzle a little water on to one, not too much, you don’t want them to go soggy. Then rub a pealed clove of garlic over it. She would chop up the best tomatoes she could find, sprinkle them with salt and oregano, sometimes fresh basil and pile them on top of the fresella before drizzling with the best Extra Virgin Olive Oil and handing to me. It’s so simple, but so good. With oil and tomato juices dripping off my chin, I would sigh with pleasure. If you don’t want to order them online you can make your own by drying out pieces of good quality bread (no preservatives) in the oven at a low temperature until it is hard. When it is completely cold, you can keep it in a sealed container in the store cupboard until you want to use it. Whilst writing this article, I asked my children, Daniella, 16 and Joe,11 what are their favourite food memories so far. Joe immediately said “Steak nights mum, they’re my favourite”. He adores steak it’s true, but I like to think that his choice is based on the fact it’s a treat meal, on the occasional Saturday. My husband and I always cook it together, sometimes with the kids help and we always sit at the table together to enjoy it. We catch up on news if it’s been a busy week and talk about our plans for the Sunday. My favourite way to enjoy steak is ‘Tagliata’. Its incredibly simple to make but full of wonderful flavours. Tagliata To serve 4 people, you will need: • 2 sirloin steaks • Both Olive oil and Extra Virgin Olive oil • Small bag of rocket leaves • 1 lemon • 1 sprig of rosemary • 2-3 garlic cloves • About 50g of Parmesan cheese • salt and pepper Salt the steaks and pour olive oil into a large frying pan. When the oil is smoking hot, add the steaks and cook them for no more than 1 1/2 minutes each side, then remove to a plate to rest.

Remove the oil from the pan, leaving just the crusty bits in the bottom of the pan. Add 4 tablespoons of Extra virgin olive oil to the pan and put it back on to a low heat. Add the sprig of rosemary and 2-3 crushed cloves of garlic. Let them warm through and add a couple of strips of lemon peel. Add the juice of the lemon to the pan, warm through and remove from the heat. Put the steaks onto a chopping board and slice into 1 inch slices. Season with pepper and pour over about half of the warm dressing. Pile some rocket leaves on the top and drizzle over the rest of the dressing. Finish with some parmesan shavings (using a potato peeler) and sprinkle with some sea salt. Have fun with this months seasonal ingredients and remember ‘Mangiare bene, stare bene’ (to eat well is to be well…) Trizia’s Italian Kitchen Visit my facebook page triziasitaliankitchen and send messages to me via triziasitaliankitchen.



Caring Cooks have strengthened their team with a new Food Coordinator Local Charity Caring Cooks of Jersey has appointed Rachael Higo in the newly created position of Food and Nutrition Coordinator. This brand new role has been introduced by the charity to help further its aim to positively influence the future health of the island’s children and young people by supporting families to make nutritious and tasty food part of daily life. As Food and Nutrition Coordinator Rachael will be responsible for delivering the Caring Cooks’ Let’s Get Cooking Programme to the three States Primary schools currently on board – Samares, Mont Nicolle and St Luke’s. This will involve working with teachers and curriculum coordinators in each school to plan and execute individual programmes, ensuring that lessons based around food and nutrition form an integral part of the curriculum. Caring Cooks will work with the schools to plant and sow seeds in their Kitchen Garden and the produce harvested will then be used in practical cookery sessions, helping to deliver the ‘plant to plate’

ethos and encouraging children to learn where their food comes from. In addition to classroom based activities, the programme will also include visits to and from local farmers, growers and suppliers to help enhance the learning experience for the children involved. Commenting on the initiative Deputy Rod Bryans, Minister for Education said, “The idea of learning in a kitchen garden through planting, growing, cooking and eating allows our children to understand how important good food is. It is vital for both their physical and mental wellbeing that they understand about the quality of the food they eat, how nutritious it should be and how important a balanced diet is. On an island rich in agricultural heritage it’s essential that our children feel a connection to the land, so reducing the distance from the field to the plate can only be a good thing.” A perfect candidate for the new position; after leaving school Rachael attended Kendal College in Cumbria gaining a City & Guilds Level 1 and 2 in Catering, along with a BTEC Diploma in Hotel &

Catering. Following this she went on to achieve a City & Guild Level 3 in Catering and an Advanced Diploma in Culinary Arts from Thames Valley University in London. Rachael then worked as a Chef in a number of London establishments before reloacting back to the north and taking up the position of Lecturer at Kendal College. Leaving the UK to come to Jersey and after having a family Rachael decided to remain in an educational role rather than returning to hospitality and after completing a Level 3 NVQ in Childcare, Learning and Development she joined St Peters School as a Learning Support Assistant. Discussing her new position at Caring Cooks Rachael said, “Cooking has always been a passion of mine and the position of Food and Nutrition Coordinator provides me with the perfect opportunity to combine a mix of my past and present skills and experience. I am excited to work with the schools and start to create an understanding amongst the children of what good food is, and where it comes from”. Melissa Nobrega, Founder and CEO of Caring Cooks said, “The Let’s Get Cooking Programme is an unprecedented project in Jersey’s primary schools, and this new role is pivotal in delivering it. Combined with our Kitchen Garden Project, we hope that it will eventually begin to inspire and inform children to make positive choices about food, and also support what parents do at home. The programme has been running for a few weeks now, and the feedback from teachers, Heads, parents and children has been incredibly positive. This is very much down to the quality of learning being delivered by Rachael and we are thrilled that she is part of the team which, we hope, will eventually see the programme rolled out to all primary schools in Jersey.” The Caring Cooks Let’s Get Cooking Programme works alongside the charity’s Kitchen Garden Project and will providethe Islands Key Stage 1 and 2 children with the opportunity to experience around 35 hours of food education per school year. In 2016 the project was kick started by a generous donation from a corporate sponsor and has been partly funded by the Association of Jersey Charities.

A dining experience that inspires even the most sophisticated palate. Our award winning international chefs use delicately balanced Indian spices and culinary expertise to create impeccably designed flavoursome dishes. As new flavours delight and rouse the senses, this artistic union will take you to the epitome of dining sensations. Start your journey with our 6 course taster menu with selected wine or beer for each course, or simply select from the à la carte menu. Both with extensive vegetarian options.

Booking essential: 01534 614450

Dishes are individually prepared. Dietary requirements can be catered for. Extensive vegetarian menu.



Don’t let the summer slow down stop you Words by Dennis Shore, Centre Ville Real Estate

“It only takes walking through the front door of that one house that feels like putting on a much-loved coat, that instant “I belong here” feeling.”


It’s often the same thing each month when sitting down to think of the topic for the article. What has been covered before and what may just hold the interest of the reader just long enough not to bore them, but long enough to vent just a little bit of whatever is on my mind at the time. This month, we, like many other agents in the market, are looking back over the first few months of 2017, at the properties we have passed before the Royal Court thinking “that was fun but hard work”, while looking forward to the next phase of the year. There are a couple of months left of the busy season, that is the period between February and the summer school holidays in July when buyers are out in numbers. From July through August, we mostly slow down to a crawl while parents have child entertainment issues more predominantly on their minds. However, not everyone is caught up in that childcare nightmare, though as a father of six girls in all, I do know how that can be a right old laugh! There are still some buyers out there, looking for a bit of a bargain if there is one to be had! Those that need to move for one reason

or another, or those who simply rooms, they want them to shed a enjoy being able to do viewings different perspective on how the without muddy boots and a brolly garden will work for everyone and up. Couples get together and have some input on how far they want to find their own space, are from other important people babies are born and that extra in their lives. room is required, or some for the So, have you got it yet? Don’t less pleasant reasons in life, or let the time of year put you off death. putting your house on the market, My point here and don’t let it stop you is, just because “Some people from looking. It only it’s the season to like to involve takes that one buyer be bronzing, it is to see your home to not necessarily their children make your dream of the season to put possible, and in the choosing ait move off marketing your only takes walking home. If you get through the front door of the new things ready and that one house that family home. of put it on the market feels like putting on a during this quieter They want Billy much-loved coat, that time, you can ease instant “I belong here” yourself into the and Jane to be feeling. Many of us in selling process, the business often try included.” without the mayhem to tell people to enjoy that can be the silly seasons. the process, rather than stressing It’s particularly good for homes out. Go see a house, then take the that are not really aimed at the children to the beach. This is how families. Apartments, down sizers, we make a living, so please help bungalows, cottages. However, to make an old man very happy! not everyone goes away. Some Have a great summer folks, and people like to involve their let’s hope it’s one to remember. children in the choosing of the Harry will be staying out of the new family home. They want Billy sun during the day when it all hots and Jane to be included so they up, but you may bump into him on feel part of the process, they want a beach in the evening taking a them to be happy with their new sneaky swim! Till next time.


This one feature could be ruining your sleep For some people, sleep may be as elusive as a pair of brand new Yeezys. But like anyone looking for those coveted kicks, sleepdeprived folk just need to know how to game the system. According to Elle DÊcor, getting some of that sweet slumber only takes a little bit of elbow grease. Being that it's Elle Decor, however, the advice isn't related to shutting off your smartphone or adjusting your caffeine intake. Instead, the magazine enlisted feng shui expert Laura Cerrano for some spatial suggestions and found that one major — and very unexpected — thing could affect sleep quality. Cerrano's biggest bedroom suggestion? Making sure that there's the same amount of space on either side of the bed. That means not pushing the bed against a wall or having it closer to one wall than the other. Naturally, it's all about balance. "This is symbolic of creating equal space for you and your partner,"

Cerrano told The Independent. She notes that it's not possible in every instance, especially when small spaces get involved, but even an inch of space can create an energy imbalance. Cerrano didn't mention whether or not this applies to single sleepers, but that's a different story. Another major point of contention? Cerrano notes that it's important to be able to see the bedroom door from the bed, but to make sure that they're not completely aligned. It's another case of energy flow: "This allows the occupant to literally, energetically, and metaphorically see and feel who and what opportunities are approaching their life," she explains. The same goes for bathroom doors. Anyone lucky enough to have a bedroom with an attached bathroom should keep energy lines in mind. Keep those doors in the eye line, but don't line it all up. If that sleepy time tea isn't cutting it and those ZZZs are getting scarce, Cerrano's suggestions can't hurt.


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St Peter’s Indoor Market (behind the Parish Hall) is open every Wednesday and Saturday from 9:00am - 3:00pm supporting Jersey Cancer Relief.

All jobs considered, no job too big or too small

Various stalls of new merchandise including ladies fashion, greetings cards, wool and knitted children’s clothes/toys, adult and children’s tabards, jewellery, fishing gear and much more including some pre used goods. Food available.

Fully qualified carpenter with 16 years experience.

T: 07797 849265


Old England

Dog and horse clippers. Grooming, hairdresser, sewing and upholstery scissors. Penknives and kitchen knives. Garden tools, shears etc Lawn mower blades. Circular saws and Chainsaws.

The official Liverpool Supporters Club

200m north of the Union Inn. Contact Philip Johnson on 864130 or 07797 888293

St Peter’s Indoor Market

Call Tony for all carpentry work

For stalls please call 481170

All Liverpool Games Shown Here Food at Half Time

Old England 10 Cheapside, St Helier

Tiny Tots Hand Knits Booties. Mittens. Cardigans. Hats. Headbands. Jumpers. Pram Blankets. Toys. Ponchos.

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Double knit, Aran & Chunky wool also available

✓ Orders taken, please ask if you would like something specific

St Peter’s Indoor Market Every Wednesday & Saturday 9:00am - 3:00pm

✓ ✓







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