Jersey Pages | Issue 55

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Islanders rate open space P9

Ugandan children to visit Island schools thanks to charity




May | Issue 55

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Teachers and pupils from a primary school in a remote part of Uganda will visit Jersey, continuing a longstanding relationship between the school and the Island. The group of four, from Mifumi Primary School, will visit primary and secondary schools in Jersey and attend a gala fundraising dinner. The relationship between Jersey and Mifumi began nearly 20 years ago, when retired headteacher John Carnegie visited the school and established a Jersey charity to support it. Then, it was a collection of mud huts educating a small group of children; now it is a campus of concrete classrooms and dormitories with more than 750 pupils. The Island’s support has gone beyond sending funds, clothing and equipment. Volunteer teams coordinated by the Jersey Overseas Aid Commission have visited the school three times to improve facilities and a number of Jersey schools have developed links through letterwriting and Skype conversations. Full story on page 6

This years’ Weekender festival is really starting to come together. With acts such as Rag ‘n’ Bone man, Sigred, Dizzee Rascal, Big Shaq and Rita Ora already announced, the latest addition to the line up, Lucy Spraggan, is set to bring her mix of ‘Folk, Acoustic and Hip-Hop’ to the event at the beginning of September.


With or without your vote, States Members will be elected that have views on issues that affect you, so don’t let others choose on your behalf. For more information contact your parish hall or visit

Vote.Je Your guide to voting in Jersey



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Digital skills strategy launched Digital Jersey has launched a skills strategy which it hopes will create a new Digital Enterprise Academy for the island and provide the opportunity to learn digital subjects across all school years. It’s recognised that Jersey needs to grow the digital sector to diversify its economy and to ensure that all local industries are able to compete in a digital world. However to achieve this, there is an urgent need to address the skills gap in the island. Annually, only 17 out of 1,000 Jersey students go on to study digital courses in higher education. Working with the University of Exeter, local industry and Government, Digital Jersey has been assessing the current provision of digital skills training. This work identified gaps and solutions to the supply of Jersey’s future digital workforce. The report made two key proposals which would work in conjunction with, and complement, the existing provisions at Highlands and the Beaulieu Institute of Technology: 1. A new Digital Skills Escalator to create a structure and model for how digital skills can be delivered at all levels on the Island. 2. A new Digital Enterprise Academy which will act as the focus for a range

of activities including: industryacademic collaboration, teaching and learning and digital start-ups. The research also highlighted that it isn’t just technical skills which are in demand from digital employers, there is a need for soft skills such as those needed for client relationship management. It called for a push to increase greater awareness of the types of roles available in the industry. The strategy was launched at an event attended by over 80 members of the public, education sector and local industry. Tony Moretta, CEO, Digital Jersey said: “There is no drawback to investing in digital skills, as everyone needs them. In a diverse industry, with a high demand for qualified students in the workplace, it is essential that education programmes are created with the latest industry needs and employment in mind, and that means encouraging the adoption and enthusiasm for these subjects at an early age.”

Chief Education Officer Justin Donovan said: “Our young people live in a digital world so they need to be prepared to thrive within a digital environment. The Education Department’s key aim is to ensure that they leave school with the skills, competencies, qualifications and attitudes they need to succeed as young adults. We are delighted to have an opportunity to work with Digital Jersey to bring educators and employers together. We will work towards a relevant digital curriculum for our Island’s children and young people, one that can bridge the gap between the skills being taught in school, and those needed in the workplace.”

Andrew Dean, Senior Impact and Partnership Development Manager at University of Exeter said: “Jersey has significant potential to become a leading digital hub – it shares many parallels with other seaside destinations, such as Bournemouth and Brighton which

have transformed their economies and the prosperity of their residents in becoming Britain’s leading digital clusters.” Next Steps Throughout 2018, Digital Jersey will start actioning the recommendations outlined in the report. The first priority will be to engage the multiple bodies that have a role in delivering the island’s digital skills. Equally important will be engaging with the new States Assembly that will form following the May 2018 elections.


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Training delivers skills success for Islanders New fees for businesses who employ migrant workers are being used to pay for courses which improve the skills of established residents. So far, 170 local people from a diverse range of industries including hospitality, retail and construction have benefitted from the first 19 courses to be partfunded in this way. This is part of a programme which will use funds raised from the new levy to invest £300,000 per year in skills. Fees for businesses The fee for registered permissions was introduced last year to reduce the reliance on non-local labour and fund training and initiatives to mitigate long term skills shortages

in the island. Businesses pay £50 every November for each registered permission they hold. Courses on offer Courses were developed following feedback from a survey of businesses, and so far this year include: coaching skills for manager and supervisors, principles of customer service and Microsoft Excel and Outlook courses. The next programme of courses will soon be available to applicants, and will include a number of new leadership and management courses. Brett Brimble, owner of Salon SB, whose staff attended the customer service course, said: “The team said the delivery of the course was very engaging, upbeat and relevant.

Although all are experienced professionals, they felt the course helped them to think about the way they approach their clients and deliver excellent customer service. You are never too old to refresh your skills. We would definitely be interested in following up with other courses.” Developing skills Assistant Chief Minister, Senator Paul

Routier, said: “It is encouraging to hear that employers from across the sectors are keen to encourage their people to develop skills and build on their existing knowledge. This enables staff to become more confident and create a strong foundation for themselves, while also strengthening the local labour market so we can rely less on people from outside Jersey because we have

the necessary “home grown” skills across a range of sectors. “The feedback about these courses has been very good. It is welcome news that they are seen as worthwhile and valuable by employers. It also helps strengthen links between our industries when participants from different sectors can share their views and experiences with each other.”

Longueville Road safety improvements coming The Minister for Infrastructure has approved the proposed Longueville Road Safety Scheme and it will be implemented before the end of the year. The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) has been working closely with the Parish of St Saviour and local representatives on a joint Project Board to come up with proposals which have wide ranging support from the community gained though public consultations. The scheme includes the following improvements: • signal controlled crossings at: • Miladi Farm shops • bus stop adjacent Victor Hugo Wine Warehouse • the end of the footway from Clos Gosset • widened footway, alterations to the bus layby and bus shelter at Victor Hugo Wine Warehouse

• review of anti-skid at Rue des Pres junction • yellow Box junctions on Longueville Road at Rue des Pres junction and Plat Douet Road junction • dropped kerbs and tactile paving at Plat Douet Road and Clos Gosset

• install anti-skid at Plat Douet Road junction DfI will now undertake detailed design work of the various elements of the scheme, with construction scheduled for September 2018. The estimated cost is £250,000.


Does your vote really matter? NEWS

As you probably already know, Election day is Wednesday 16 May 2018. But does your vote really matter? The Island is living through interesting times. Many of the choices that States members must make will affect you and your daily life directly. Think about it. GST, which levies 5% on everything you buy; the Island Plan, which will affect what you can do with your own house and land; a Register of names and addresses, which you will have to have your name on, and which all States departments will use; and new controls on housing and work. These are just a few examples of decisions which have been made that affect us all directly. So how do we make sure we can influence the choices that States members make when they consider new laws and policy? The starting point is to make sure that the States members who make these decisions are the people who share your point of view, or who you think will represent you best. You can only do this if you vote. Your vote gives you the power to make sure that the right people are put in the right place. You have to be registered in order to vote. If you are 16 or over and have lived in Jersey for either the last 2 years, or for the last 6 months (but a total of 5 years previously) then you can vote in the election, irrespective of your nationality. You can register online at

Why Can’t I Vote Online? Although you can register to vote online, it does not mean that you will be able to actually cast your vote online on election day. A lot of work needs to be done before the introduction of electronic voting, to ensure that the voting public and candidates can be confident of the integrity of the voting process.

You Can Vote Before Election Day If you registered to vote before 9 April, you can vote before election day. Pre-poll voting is open at St Paul’s Gate in New Street, St Helier from 8.30am to 5.15pm Monday 30 April until 2pm on Monday 14 May (Closed Bank Holiday Monday 7 May and Liberation Day Wednesday 9 May). There is also weekend pre-poll stations available for all Islanders at Trinity Youth Centre from 10am1pm on Saturday 5 May 2and Communicare, St Brelade from 10am1pm on Saturday 12 May 2018. Don’t Let Other’s Choose For You With or without your vote, States Members will be elected that have views on issues that affect you, so don’t let others choose them on your behalf. You can just vote for just one candidate if you wish. All the election candidates and their manifestos are on

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Ugandan children to visit Island schools thanks to Jersey charity Teachers and pupils from a primary school in a remote part of Uganda will visit Jersey, continuing a longstanding relationship between the school and the Island. The group of four, from Mifumi Primary School, will visit primary and secondary schools in Jersey and attend a gala fundraising dinner. The relationship between Jersey and Mifumi began nearly 20 years ago, when retired headteacher John Carnegie visited the school and established a Jersey charity to support it. Then, it was a collection of mud huts educating a small group of children; now it is a campus of concrete classrooms and dormitories with more than 750 pupils. The Island’s support has gone beyond sending funds, clothing and equipment. Volunteer teams coordinated by the Jersey Overseas Aid Commission have visited the school three times to improve facilities and a number of Jersey schools have developed links through letter-writing and Skype conversations. It was because of this successful and enduring relationship that the charity, MPS Jersey was named Small Charity of the Year at the 2017 Jersey Charity of the Year Awards in September. Since 2013, the charity has also been supported by Standard Bank Wealth International, which is based in Jersey and the Isle of Man. Matt Gorman, Chairman of MPS Jersey said: “The relationship between Mifumi and the charity has always been collaborative and two-way. Yes, we have sent funds, equipment and manpower to Uganda to improve the quality of education and raise the standard of living but the Mifumi has enriched lives in Jersey, both in person and online. “A delegation, including the head teacher and head girl, last visited in 2015, so we felt it was timely to

extend another invitation. This time, it is the highest performing teacher and pupils who are coming and I’m sure the Island will make them feel very welcome. I also urge as many people as possible to join us at our gala ball at the Grand Hotel on Friday 4 May. It promises to be an unforgettable evening.” As well as Jersey, the Mifumi party are also visiting the Isle of Man and London.

Lowest unemployment in over eight years recorded in first quarter of 2018 Unemployment figures released at the beginning of April show that the number of people actively seeking work (ASW) has continued to drop to a new low of 910 in the first quarter of 2018. It is the lowest recorded ASW figure since September 2009. This figure is 40 lower than at the end of December 2017 and 270 lower than at the same time last year (Q1 2017). Back to Work Social Security’s Back to Work team continues to work closely with locally-qualified jobseekers to support them into a range of

employment opportunities. In the first quarter of 2018, Back to Work supported 385 job starts, with over half of these in the four main sectors of retail, hospitality, construction and administration. Assistant Minister for Social Security, Deputy Graham Truscott said: “The latest set of ASW figures is encouraging news for jobseekers and for the island. Back to Work continues to play a key role in supporting unemployed islanders. I am impressed and grateful for the dedicated ongoing work carried out by the Back to Work team. The job starts are great news for people who have taken the step of getting back

into employment, and for young people who may be taking their first steps into work.”

Underemployment The figures released today include 280 individuals who are classified as underemployed, but registered as actively seeking work, 30 fewer than last quarter. This group are in paid employment but need more hours to reach full-time employment. Deputy Truscott added; “Back to Work is supporting underemployed islanders to either engage with their employers to take on more hours in the same job, or find a different role that can give them additional hours.

This figure also includes people who are self-employed who Back to Work support with business development to increase their profits and therefore their salary.” Youth unemployment The figures also show that youth unemployment continued to drop, with 140 individuals under the age of 25 registered as unemployed. Long term unemployment also dropped in the previous quarter, with 210 individuals who have been seeking work for over a year. 90 of these are working but still classified as ASW as they are underemployed, and require more hours.



More trips for Inter-Island ferry The tender for an Inter-island ferry service has now concluded with the States of Jersey and Guernsey securing agreement with the operator for a substantial increase in weekend day trip seats in 2018. The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture in Jersey, Senator Lyndon Farnham, and the Committee for Economic Development in Guernsey have agreed to make an underwrite available to Manches-Iles Express in order to secure almost 5,000 seats on weekend return trips between the islands this summer. Manche-Iles Express have been asked to provide an extra 23 weekend return trips with the costs underwritten to a maximum of £95,680 split between both islands. The under-write will only be required if the average capacity on the extra sailings is below 60%. Manche-Iles Express’ enhanced 2018 timetable already offers 25,000 more day trip seats than in 2017. The extra 23 return trips take this total to just under 30,000. Senator Farnham said “The

ability to travel between the islands is important to both us, as islanders, and our visitors. As well as the obvious economic benefit to both islands it is important as it allows us to maintain our social, cultural and sporting links. I encourage the public of both Jersey and Guernsey to support this service.” Deputy Charles Parkinson, President of the Committee for Economic Development commented “The Committee for Economic Development believes that the additional sailings could potentially be of economic benefit to Guernsey, and that is why we have continued discussions with MancheIles Express over the past few weeks. The additional service will provide an opportunity to understand more fully the demand for the service and any direct or indirect economic benefits from the net additional sailings from Jersey.”



Serious case review of pensioner published A Serious Case Review into the circumstances surrounding the final weeks of an 89-year-old man’s life has been published by the Independent Chair of Jersey Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board. The review concluded that although Mr Hunter lived in ‘squalid’ living conditions regarding hygiene, safety and sanitation, for 40 years, there was no evidence that his death was directly associated with his living conditions.

Details in the review include: • Mr Hunter lived in “off-grid” accommodation, initially in wooden containers from which he gained some income by renting out to others. • His living conditions included no electricity, no toilet, presence of rats, no running water and having no cooking facilities. • Agencies worked together to try and reduce risks to him as well as to the public. This response included condemning his caravan under Environmental Health regulations, against Mr Hunter’s wishes. • Mr Hunter’s living conditions were described by some agencies as ‘squalid’. They were concerned he was putting his own health and safety, and the health and safety of others, at risk. Mr Hunter disputed this and was very happy with his lifestyle – neither he or his next of kin accepted that he was neglecting himself. • Mr Hunter was well known to the parish, which had tried over the years to support him.

• In 2017, a referral was made to Jersey Adult Social Care – a single point of referral under the multiagency self-neglect guidance. • The review went on to say that there was no evidence that Mr Hunter had any mental impairment which was affecting his ability to make decisions. • Mr Hunter developed an infection and decided against having the surgery that was needed to save his life.

Difficult decisions The review went on to say that last months of Mr Hunter’s life were very difficult for him. His next of kin’s view was that the intervention by agencies to prevent him living in the way he wished was disproportionate to risk and that the intervention adversely effected his wellbeing. The review highlighted the difficulty of respecting an individual’s right to a private life at the same time as trying to keep them safe from harm, in this case self-neglect. Although there was clear evidence of good practice from certain agencies there was a recommendation that more training and awareness is needed around the issue of selfneglect. It has also highlighted the challenging practice and ethical

dilemmas of working with people defined as self-neglecting and how those agencies tried to navigate through this. Many examples of good practice were displayed in the review by agencies working together and the care and compassion shown by frontline officers who tried to help Mr Hunter from the States Police, Parish, Fire Service and Ambulance.

Safeguarding Partnership Board: Chair Glenys Johnston said: “The Safeguarding Partnership Board has already taken positive steps to address self-neglect in Jersey. The review has identified areas that may further strengthen multi-agency work in responding to self-neglect. The review also highlighted areas that will strengthen multi-agency work in responding to self-neglect and the valuable contribution that the parishes can play in safeguarding. The purpose of an SCR is not to apportion blame but to ensure that lessons are learned and improve the way adults are safeguarded.” All the agencies who had contact with Mr Hunter were involved in the review and have considered the recommendations made as part of this SCR.

JT have relaunched their annual Books-for-Tablets primary school campaign JT’s annual ‘Books-for-Tablets’ campaign has launched, with primary school pupils all over Jersey being encouraged to collect old telephone directories to recycle them, in exchange for FREE tablets for their school. Every year this campaign aims to encourage islanders to help reduce waste and teach children about the importance of recycling by getting involved. For every 150 directories a school collects, JT donates a pupilfriendly, touch-screen tablet to help students access the internet and use educational apps in a safe and secure environment. Last year a record, 25 local primary schools took part in the campaign, collecting over 8,000 directories and securing over 50 FREE tablets between them. Winner, St Peter’s Primary School collected staggering

1,425 directories and received nine new tablets from JT. In second place, St Lawrence Primary School collected 680 books in exchange for four tablets, with St Christopher’s Preparatory School a close third, having collected 608 directories and also receiving four tablets. New for 2018, the school that collects the most directories will also be taken on a tour of Lodge Farm in St Saviour. Pupils will learn about the dairy industry as well as how JT is helping farmers to introduce digital technology. The prize was chosen to align with the new 2018/2019 directory featuring Roseland Roy Boy Tulip on the cover, a cow who lives on a ‘smart’ farm in Jersey. Tamara O’Brien, JT’s Head of Customer Experience, said: “Our annual Books-for-Tablets recycling campaign aims to combines environmental awareness with digital

education. This year, we hope that even more primary schools take part, so we can recycle more directories and be able to donate even more tablets. JT is an Eco-Active Business, so we try to take every opportunity we can to help the environment. This year our chosen charities are Littlefeet Environmental and Jersey Marine Conservation, underlining our commitment to help protect and preserve the island we live and work on. Although the Books-for-Tablets campaign is aimed at primary schools, we hope to encourage all households to recycle their directories at the drop-off points we provide around the Island.” The JT Books-for-Tablets competition will run until 25 May. Schools that are interested in taking part or would like more info should contact Natasha Marriott on 882336 or


Islanders rate open space The results of a poll to find out how the government can improve St Helier’s open spaces has been published. Approximately 1000 people responded to an online survey on open space carried out by the Department of the Environment. The results will be used in work to improve town. The regeneration of St Helier is a strategic objective of the Council of Ministers. 82 per cent of those who responded said they made use of town’s open spaces. People say they choose a space to visit because it’s convenient or close by and safety is also an important consideration for a quarter of respondents. People who didn’t use St Helier’s open spaces said it was because they were too busy. People expressed concerns about anti-social behaviour in shared public spaces and the use of drink and drugs. Many respondents also discussed open spaces and dogs – giving their views on dog mess, whether dogs should be on or off the lead, and allowed in parks and on beaches. The Minister for the Environment, Deputy Steve Luce said “The survey paints a largely positive picture, with a lot of people making use of St Helier’s spaces easily and quickly on foot. However, I take on board what people have said about antisocial behaviour and will be sharing the results with the Future St Helier Group – and the St Helier Constable in particular, who is already addressing this issue with the recent appointment of park wardens.” He continued: “Thanks to those who took part we have a much more informed picture of how people use town’s open spaces and how to improve them and this will be used in plans published later this year.” Deputy Luce said that as town had limited space for new open space developments, the focus is most likely to be on improving existing spaces through better design, facilities and management. However, he would continue to explore options for new space when the opportunity rose – for example, like the extension of the


Millennium Town Park. St Helier’s most visited parks are Parade Gardens, Millennium Park, Howard Davis Park, Peoples Park, Area around the Waterfront and Castle Quay. The top six things people would like to see in future spaces are somewhere to sit, trees, grass, peacefulness, wildlife and public toilets. More than 90% of all respondents said they have access to a garden, balcony or communal space where they live. 18% of St Helier respondents said they don’t have access to any outdoor space at home. *Many homes in town are split up and occupied by multiple families or individuals. New residential space standards mean all new development must give people access to private or communal amenity space, so this number should fall in time as standards of housing improve.

Howard Davis Park



Top: Castle Quay Bottom: Millennium Park

New software for tax collection Work is nearing completion on the first design phase for the new Taxes Office computer software system. Staff from Treasury and Social Security have been working with New Zealand-based supplier, DataTorque, since October, to scope requirements and ensure that the new revenue management system will meet Jersey’s requirements. DataTorque is a specialist supplier of ‘off the shelf’ tax software and has been providing tax collection systems to small jurisdictions across the world for 24 years. The company has delivered systems to many similar-sized governments, including

Swaziland and the Bahamas. Comptroller of Taxes, Richard Summersgill, said “We awarded the contract to DataTorque in October 2017, and this first phase is on schedule and close to completion. We are on track for all staff to be using the new system from 2019 and for Islanders to be able to file online and receive automatic assessments in 2020. “The system will also collect Social Security contributions, and has the capacity to collect other revenue streams in the future.” The new system will simplify the process of filling in tax returns, as it

will only ask questions relevant to each customer’s circumstances. It will also enable key elements of tax law to be modernised – for example, the way married women are currently taxed through their husbands. DataTorque CEO, Bill Chatwin, said “We are proud to have secured this important contract with Jersey and to be working with the transformation team to deliver a state-of-the-art customer experience for the people of Jersey. The progress we have made during the detailed business requirements phase has been excellent and we look forward to the successful completion of this work.”

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Couple visit from across the pond A man from Boston, Massachusetts has visited Jersey with his girlfriend after mistakenly joining a local Facebook Group. Joe Hill and Amanda Rose arrived on the island recently after 100 or so islanders paid £1,200 for him and his girlfriend Amanda to visit. It all comes after Joe joined the Good or Bad Jersey Businesses Facebook group by mistake. Joe who didn't know anything about Jersey or even the location of the island, decided to remain part of the group for the love of the posts and its members. At first Joe said he was a little confused at why so many people in the group were using British slang, until he eventually realised it wasn’t a group for New Jersey in America like he had originally thought. The couple enjoyed a five day visit to the island, staying at a local hotel. Many businesses offered their hospitality to the couple with freebies which helped show them around our

beautiful island. The couple enjoyed local fish and chips, a boat ride and a visit to Gorey Castle whilst on their stay here. Joe said ‘it’s bizarre, everyone is way friendlier, everything is way prettier, all the food tastes better and also tastes healthier’. Joe was hoping to meet with the many islanders who donated to a crowdfunding page to help pay for the couple over to the island. As far as mistakes go, joining one of our local Facebook groups instead of a New Jersey group, it hasn’t turned out too badly for the couple.

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New Sewage Treatment Works contract awarded

​ he Minister for Infrastructure has signed a Ministerial Decision awarding T the main design and build construction contract for the new sewage treatment works (STW) at Bellozanne to North Midland Construction PLC, a UK construction company. This brings the Island a step closer to getting a much-needed replacement to the existing ageing plant, which will ultimately provide full wastewater treatment for a population of 118,000, but with capacity built in for a possible 20% growth. It will also provide better and more consistent treatment quality than the existing plant and significantly reduce dilute sewage spills to sea. The £56m construction contract was awarded following the usual States tender procedure and starts on

site next month. Although the main contractor is from the UK, they will be working with local contractor Geomarine, who will be a major sub-contract partner. It is anticipated that the new STW will be commissioned in Phases and be fully operational by early 2022. In preparation for the start of construction, the Department has already undertaken the following enabling works: • the demolition of the old sludge digester plant on the opposite side of the road to the existing STW

• the re-location of the Household Recycling Centre to La Collette • the construction of a new Clinical Waste Incinerator at la Collette to allow the existing poorly performing plant at Bellozanne to be demolished • the excavation and stabilisation of approximately 150,000 tonnes of hillside to create the room to build a new plant The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Eddie Noel said the replacement of the Sewage Treatment Works is a really vital project for the Island.

​ T he Education Minister, Deputy Rod Bryans, has made the following statement about his decision not to stand at the forthcoming election: "I will be sorry to leave the assembly at this point as I believe there will be some fundamental changes in the future government and it would be interesting to be at the heart of the decision-making but my time has passed and there are other opportunities I now wish to pursue. "I have been fortunate, both as Assistant Minister and as Minister, to work with an excellent department. Everyone - without exception - I found to be highly dedicated, deeply compassionate and extremely professional and it has been a joy to work alongside them. From the Director, the Senior Management team, through to all of my colleagues

spread around the Highlands complex, I have experienced a culture focused on the wellbeing and learning of this Island's children. "Right across the broad landscape of education - the schools, the colleges, both private and Statesrun - there is to be found a wealth of ability and experience in our headteachers, the teachers and all of the staff who support them. They are highly professional people dedicated to the wellbeing and education of our children. It has been a real privilege to serve them as Minister and I am sure that whoever is lucky enough to serve as Minister in the future will inherit an education system the Island should be justly proud of. "To all of those people who serve within the education system, thank you for what you have done, what you are doing and what you will do in the

future. You have moved mountains over the last few years and your passion and dedication have not gone unnoticed. Long may it continue. "I was honoured to be chosen by the Chief Minister first as Assistant Minister and then as Minister and I gave everything I could to that role. Education will always remain a passion of mine. "Two weeks ago to the day I became 65. Days later my second grandchild arrived with a third soon to appear. It is time for me to spend more time with my lovely family who have been extremely supportive of me during these last turbulent few months. "I am sorry to disappoint friends, colleagues and the electorate, but thank you your help, support and advice it was invaluable. I hope the role I have played has made a difference for the better."

The Education Minister will not seek re-election


JT and La Collette flats make communications history La Collette has made history by being the first part of the Island to remove the copper network in its entirety; paving the way for a full-fibre future. The area’s network of copper wires and cabinets – which has served the community reliably for decades – has now been removed. In its place is a full-fibre network, capable of meeting the demands of today’s residents and businesses, who increasingly rely on products and services delivered digitally. The switchover has been carried out by JT in partnership with Andium Homes, which has recently replaced 59 homes at La Collette with 147 new builds that meet the UK Decent Homes Standard. Daragh McDermott, JT’s Director of Corporate Affairs, said: “As part of their plans for redevelopment, Andium Homes approached us to ask how we might be able to move our copper cables and cabinets from

the area. We took the opportunity to move all customer services onto our new, full-fibre network, given that the copper network is being switched off Island-wide. The result will be new, modern housing connected to a full-fibre network that is capable of delivering the highest broadband quality and speeds available anywhere in the world.” Mike Porter, Andium Homes’ Head of Operations, said: “It has been fantastic to work with JT on this project. The demolition and rebuild is all about giving our residents homes that are fit for the future, which is exactly what JT is doing in communications. The arrival of fibre is great news for our own residents as well as the wider community.” The removal of copper services and equipment from La Collette is the start

of a phased project that will continue throughout 2018 as the remaining properties on the old network are moved onto JT’s full-fibre network across the Island.

New zebra crossing for Janvrin Road The Minister for Infrastructure has approved the release of funds for a new zebra crossing to be constructed on Janvrin Road outside Springfield Stadium. The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) had received a request for a new crossing on Janvrin Road to make it safer for pedestrians.

DfI officers carried out a safety assessment and made on-site observations. It was also known that usage was planned to increase in the future, through increased crossing need by nursery children. Following this research and analysis, DfI officers concluded that there was a good case for a crossing. DfI will now embark on detailed

design work followed by construction. The new crossing is planned for construction in June and will cost in region of £20,000. The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Eddie Noel said “As well as adults there are a lot of children that cross Janvrin Road on their way to school and nursery school. I am please we are able to make it easier for them”



Your spring essentials from top to toe


Neptune is known for stocking Robell trousers, Freida & Freddies jackets, Marble knitwear, and, now the warmer weather is here, Pomodoro is back! Pomodoro dresses, tunics and tops are very flattering and the colours this season are sensational!

Jools Holt and Martin Cotillard will each be exhibiting 60 pieces of their work at The Harbour Gallery in St Aubin.

Your summer accessories can also be found at Neptune with comfy wedges and flat sandals – great for holidays – and bags to match every outfit in a wonderful array of colours and styles.

The exhibition is officially opened at 6.30pm on Thursday 10 May and runs until Monday 4 June. To keep up to date with all the latest news follow The Harbour Gallery, the home of Art in the Frame Foundation, on Facebook. Tel: 743044.

Neptune at Gorey Pier is open Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm and is now open again on Sundays 11am to 4pm. Tel 851243. Like and follow the Neptune Jersey facebook page for news of new deliveries.

Look FABULOUS every day with semi-permanent make-up designed by Jacquie Callaghan. Semi-permanent make-up enhances your features, making you look more attractive and feel more confident. Jacquie is the Harley Street trained semi-permanent make-up specialist who can create a look so natural you would never know it was semipermanent.

The world at your fingertips You don’t have to be a travel enthusiast to LOVE these globes at Victoria Art & Framing Gallery! Contemporary black & copper, black, gold and silver globes have been really popular and now, due to demand, they are stocking antique globes. Desk globes come in different sizes or for dramatic impact, make a statement with the antique Obelisk globe.

For perfectly shaped brows, professionally-lined eyes and softly defined lips give Jacquie a call now.

Jacquie works with ASC (Aesthetic Skin Clinic) at Lido Medical Centre. She would be delighted to answer any of your questions prior to a consultation. Tel: 07797 711088.

Whatever the pest, here’s the solution Seagulls are a protected species, so what can you do if you find them on your property preparing their nests and laying eggs? Eggs and nests can only be removed by license, so give Absolute Pest Control a call.

Howard Durell of Absolute Pest Control is offering free surveys and no-obligation quotes for removing nests and for the installation of gull deterrents. If eggs have already been laid they are replaced with plastic eggs – when the gull finally rejects these the nest is usually abandoned. Howard and his team have also been getting loads of calls about ants and

other insects which have been taking up residence in homes, gardens and businesses. They offer effective professional treatments for eradicating pest invasions, just ask for details on how they can help.

Victoria Art Gallery stocks a full range of art supplies, quirky gifts, original artworks plus prints. And of course this is the place to go for all your framing needs. Victoria Art & Framing Gallery, 3 Victoria Street. Tel: 730279.

The Obelisk designer globe is an adaption of a Frank Lloyd Wright vase design developed in 1929. The Obelisk stand is made from solid maple and cherry hardwood to create a stunning two-tone effect.

Call Absolute Pest Control on 07797 748288 or 07797 829885


To have your business featured in Let’s Talk next month email me at T: 07797 716879

TALK with Sarah Jane Holt

I love spring. In winter we tend to hurry from one place to another with our heads down, wrapped up against the cold. Spring is a time to look up, look around and take in how truly wonderful our Island is. Personally I’m slowly learning not to fill each minute with ‘things to do’, I’m learning to slow down and how to be still – yes a big challenge for me! Try it; sit on a rock, a bench, and just be still. Take in everything around you, really take it in. Stillness is also a great way to find answers.

The sun came out and so did we...


It’s amazing how good a little bit of sunshine makes us feel, it had us all delving into our wardrobes looking for something light and bright to wear. Most of us probably found a few nice pieces that still look good but those worn out faded and limp items just have to go girls, summer will be here and we deserve something new.

Up and Above was a sheer delight when I called in, there had been so many new deliveries I didn’t know where to start. Lots of natural fabrics and print cotton shirts like the ones pictured, check out the shoulder and sleeve details that are bang on trend right now. The linen dresses, tops and shirts come in gorgeous colours and I loved the print pants from Anna Montana in bright colours and, for those cooler days, new lightweight spring jackets. There were so many new things you will just have to call in and see for yourselves! Remember Up and Above now has ranges starting from size 12 and a huge assortment of trousers, 7/8th pants and capris from size 8 through to 28. No 50 Don Street, telephone 758808.

Sarah Jane

Time to call into Letto’s It’s spring madness at Letto’s with reduced prices on a selected gent’s and ladies watches from Omega, Longines, Tissot, Michel Herbelin and Mondaine. All reduced watches come boxed with guarantee. To see the full range call into H. Letto & Son ltd 18 Charing Cross, St Helier. Tel 730952. Be sure to follow Letto’s on Facebook for all the latest news and competitions.

Longines PrimaLuna has an 18ct rose gold and stainless steel case and bracelet. The Mother of Pearl dial is set with 11 diamond hour markers and the Bezel has 48 diamonds (0.403 carats). Now reduced from £2,931 to £1.965.

The ladies’ Omega De Ville Prestige Butterfly has an 18ct rose gold bezel, diamond markers, and a unique mother of pearl pattern on the dial. This stunning timepiece on a white leather strap was £2625 and is now reduced to £1968.

The Tissot Heritage Navigator was made to celebrate Tissot’s 160th Anniversary. This timepiece has vintage class and allows you to be on time wherever you are in the world with its automatic chronometer precision and its multiple time zones.

A fantastic choice of paving can be found at Pentagon Relax and make the most of the great outdoors this summer with easy maintenance paving. Paving adds colour, texture and pattern to an outdoor area and there’s a fantastic range at Pentagon. Pentagon Architectural Centre offers a vast range of garden paving products from concrete and porcelain to beautiful natural stone patio paving slabs. With so much choice, you can be sure to find something to suit your taste – whether you’re looking for traditional elegance or cutting edge contemporary. The friendly team at Pentagon can help you choose the perfect paving for your garden or driveway. They can even supply the sand and cement to put it all together. Along with paving you’ll find granite cobbles, stepping stones and edging stones. If on the other hand you just wish to revitalise your existing patio, they can help you there too. From moss and algae cleaners to sealers and jointing compounds, they stock it all. Call in to view the display at Pentagon Architectural Centre, Rue des Pres Trading Estate. Tel 888000. Plenty of free parking.

A great watch for the traveller, the Tissot Heritage Navigator was £910 and is now reduced to £607.

To have your business featured in Let’s Talk next month email me at T: 07797 716879

Turning flotsam Understated elegance from into art


As a child growing up right by the sea there was a thrill of finding objects washed by the tide - a mermaid’s purse, an unusual shell, a twisted piece of driftwood. Nowadays the tide also washes up a whole load of modern day flotsam, including plastic. ‘All Washed Up’ is a major event at the Harbour Gallery which kicks off in May with a talk by Anne Baker and workshops with Jo Atherton, all organised by Entrelac Yarns – booking details are below.

All Washed Up and Me - Anne Baker

Anne Baker is a change consultant, scientist and oceans advocate. Her talk focuses on how what goes into the ocean impacts the food chain and plastic pollution. Friday 11 May, 10.30am to 12.30pm

All Washed Up workshops with Jo Atherton

John charles Looking for an outfit to turn heads? Ellis at Ellis collections offers friendly advice on the best style to suit you – and the occasion.

Ellis stocks a full range of motherof-the-bride and special occasion outfits including John Charles, the luxury design house. The last word in understated elegance, each John Charles beautifullycrafted outfit combines modern British style with timeless charm.

It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn’t use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like ‘What about lunch?’



Are your feet ready for summer?

Whatever the occasion, turn heads with John Charles from Ellis Collections in Colomberie. Tel 732465.

Jo Atherton is a marine and environmental artist. Jo’s unique weaving and printing has been exhibited throughout the UK.

Printing with finds from the sea

Have you got ‘boot feet’? You know what it’s like, your feet have been encased all winter emerging in the spring to expose dry, cracked heels, hard skin and dodgy toenails. My personal avoidance plan involves regular visits to Forbes Feet.

Finds from the sea come in all shapes, sizes and textures lending themselves to an array of wonderful prints. All materials provided. Friday 11 May, 1.30pm to 4pm

Weaving willow-frame fish

I first visited Claire Forbes over four years to treat an ingrown toenail. Claire is a HCPC registered podiatrist and, as well as treating my toenail to the point where it has never bothered me again, she has kept my feet looking picture perfect throughout the seasons.

Weave with materials rescued from the sea into a willow pre-made fish shape. Materials will be provided but you can include your favourite items rescued from the sea. Friday 11 May, 5pm to 8pm

Weaving a fish

A workshop for children age 6yrs to 12yrs. All materials provided are rescued from the sea. Saturday 12 May 10am to 12.30pm

At her beautiful clinic in the heart of St Mary, Claire has now been joined by Hannah Salsbury who has brought with her a wealth of experience. As well as standard podiatry they also offer biomechanical assessment. Biomechanical assessment involves investigation into how your lower limbs function, looking closely for abnormalities and compensations. Treatment plans may be footwear advice, orthotics or onward referral to physiotherapists/consultants as necessary.

Weaving fish and frames

A workshop for 12yrs to adult. All materials provided, you can include your favourite items rescued from the sea. Saturday 12 May 1.30pm to 4.30pm

Before baring your feet this summer, book your appointment at Forbes Feet by calling 722770.

Gifts to welcome the new arrival

Letto’s is the place to go for affordable gifts for new arrivals and for Christenings.

By attending workshops, and with every purchase, you are supporting the work of the charity, Art in the Frame Foundation.

Along with moneyboxes, music boxes, cutlery sets and figurines, at Letto’s you will also find traditional Jersey Christening bowls, bachins and milk jugs all of which can be engraved.

To keep up to date with all the latest news follow The Harbour Gallery, the home of Art in the Frame Foundation, on Facebook. Tel: 743044.

Be sure to follow Letto’s on Facebook for all the latest news. Tel 730952.

With just a few places left, email today: partintheframe@yahoo. or call into the The Harbour Gallery, Le Boulevard St Aubin.

To have your business featured in Let’s Talk next month email me at T: 07797 716879

TALK with Sarah Jane Holt

Have you got any news to share with ‘Let’s Talk’ readers? Email me at or give me a call on 07797 716879... I love a good chat!

Sarah Jane

A perfect accompaniment

Here’s a great looking accompaniment to serving mussels at your dinner party. Hinged mussel eaters allow you to remove mussels from their shell quickly and easily and are just £29.95 a pair at Letto’s! Be sure to follow Letto’s in Charing Cross on Facebook for all the latest news. Tel 730952.

Joint specific collagen by NeoCell


Although abundant in youth, the body’s natural collagen production starts to slow down as we age Collagen is a protein, but no ordinary protein, and can be found in bones, skin, organs, muscles, eyes, nails, teeth and hair.

The personal approach to training Healthhaus is so much more than just a gym, it’s a real community where no one feels out of place – if you’re having a tough day, the welcoming lounge is a place to sit with fellow members and just relax. Although there are many fantastic benefits to being a member of the Healthhaus community, their trainers also offer personal coaching sessions – each and every session offering a sustainable approach to wellbeing as well as fitness. Paul James is a gym instructor and Milon circuit expert and now offers personal training sessions in Hypertrophy (the growth and increase of the size of muscle cells), strength training and boxing basics. ‘The biggest misconception when coming to a gym is that if you pick up weights you are automatically going to bulk up. If you train like that, you will, but if you don’t you won’t, it’s about teaching correct technique. ‘I get great satisfaction from working with people who have body confidence issues – I’ve been there, and I can help. I started training years ago due to a crippling lack of confidence. I was short and skinny, and people made sure I knew it. So, I joined a gym with friends who were already fit who all gave me great advice and guidance, and now I enjoy helping others.

‘A healthy physique is great for confidence. But you should never try and do what others are doing. It’s just about you. You don’t have to be muscle bound, just healthy. I’ve also been working with clients on building strength around areas of joint injuries and post-operation. But results don’t happen overnight, it’s about perseverance. ‘I’ve recently qualified as a Hatton Boxing for Fitness coach. Hatton teaches the fundamentals of how to punch properly, teaches boxing basics along with cardio workouts to improve fitness levels. This is great for those starting out in boxing or wanting to do pad work to improve punching. ‘I encourage people to set their own pace, I love motivating people. My favourite quote says it all, “No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch”. Positivity is the key. I love seeing people change in a positive way. It makes this job so worthwhile.’ To find out more contact

Jersey-born Georgina Hopkins not only has full gym teaching qualifications but is also a mental health specialist and the Island’s only cancer rehabilitation specialist. ‘I love working with Healthhaus, especially as I can offer personalised specialist sessions for everybody, whether they’re a member of the club or not.

Collagen protein helps connective tissue stay vibrant and flexible, and when they start to break down is when the signs of aging start to show, along with tendon injuries and joint pain. But there is a solution, NeoCell. NeoCell collagen works with your body’s regenerative cycle, stimulating your body to produce new collagen for total body wellness. 100% Health in Conway Street stocks the full range of NeoCell collagen supplements, including Collagen2 Joint Complex. NeoCell’s Collagen2 is a complete joint supplement that contains glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid, which are key components for supporting and maintaining healthy joint function – including mobility and joint cushioning.

‘Hopefully one day cancer rehabilitation will be offered in the Island to all patients as a service, but for now it’s just me. I completed my training two years ago and have two existing breast cancer classes, a prostate class and I am in the process of setting up a colon/rectal class and a generic class.

Discover the benefits of MaxiNutrition

‘Cancer rehabilitation class funding comes from charities, and Healthhaus has been brilliant as they give us the facilities for free. For ladies, the class consists of a health talk at Macmillan followed by circuit-based training with lots of mobilisation to stretch out the areas that are affected. For men I focus on pelvic floor and core strength within their 12-week rehab programme.

MaxiNutrition offers the highest registered products that are free from banned substances. 100% Health stocks their Cyclone, Promax Lean, Promax Extreme and Progain products which are all available in shakes and bars. MaxiNutrition will give you that kickstart you need to see results.

Are you training towards a challenge? Or are you thinking ‘I need to get fit and start exercising?’ If so then you will need a high quality protein to add to your daily calorific intake.

‘When I started these particular classes, it was just going to be an exercise class but it’s become so much more. Those who attend say they have benefitted, more than I ever realised, from being with others – it’s sometimes easier to talk to complete strangers who are going through the same thing as you, encountering the same fears. ‘I also work closely at Active Referral to help those struggling with mental health issues as well as medical issues. It’s great that people are now talking openly about mental health, but we need to facilitate that openness. We help people address their issues, working with their mind as well as their body. ‘I absolutely love being part of the Healthhaus team. It’s a real community here. Every day is different for me: Members’ classes, personal training sessions, Active referrals, cancer rehabilitation, pilates… oh and I’m also a retained firefighter!’ Georgina will put together personal training sessions tailored to your fitness levels and goals. However for her specialised classes, you will need to be referred by your physio, GP or clinical nurse. She will happily answer any queries, just email

Call into the shop in Conway Street, or log on to Make sure you follow the prompt to sign up to the newsletter – each week you will receive tips on staying healthy, recipes, natural skincare, special offers and much more. Plus you can spin the wheel to try to win a prize! Tel 610638.

To have your business featured in Let’s Talk next month email me at T: 07797 716879



PROPERTY INSIGHTS The Power of pre-marketing a property By Marcus Matthews of Indigo Estates There is a strong argument for creating maximum exposure for a property during its time on the market, and much of our effort and resources are spent achieving the right exposure in the right places. However, one of the most powerful ways of securing a fast sale at a high price can actually result from minimal exposure – or rather exposure only to a select few! It works by taking advantage of the fact that people enjoy being offered something on an exclusive basis, especially when it is a property that is “just about to come onto the market”. So we often offer our new instructions “off-market” to our pre-registered “hottest” buyers first, resulting in a number of recent sales that were never even advertised! Additionally, promoting to potential buyers that we also have properties that don’t appear on our website or any portals generates curiosity and a feeling that the buyer could be missing out on something good. This encourages buyers to register with us so they can then gain access to a potentially popular property with little or no competition. The prices achieved using this method tend to be good as well, as buyers of such a property know that it is unlikely that the seller would consider anything below the asking price during these early days of marketing. We find that many sellers like the idea of an initial period of quiet marketing, especially in instances of a marriage break up, a death in the family, a prominent house in a small village, financial difficulties or any other reason where people don’t yet

want it to be publicly known that they are selling. The concept also reduces

the risk of overexposure or of the property “going stale” on the market.

Town Office 31 Hill Street, St Helier JE2 4UA

St Brelade

Country Office Haut Du Marais, La Route Du Marais, St Ouen JE2 3GG

• Detached Family Home • 4 Beds / 3 Baths • Generous Proportions • Garden, Garage and Parking

Tel: 639955 Web:

Of course, it does rely on a strong register of qualified buyers, but that’s

£1,150,000 Freehold

never been a problem for us at Indigo Estates!

St Saviour • Modern Family Home • 3 Beds / 2 Baths • Southwest Facing Garden • Garage and Parking

£475,000 Freehold



Phenomenal first year for Skipton Mortgage Centre Skipton International recently celebrated a successful first anniversary for its Mortgage Centre. The office in Waterloo Street has welcomed hundreds of customers old and new through its doors since opening in April 2017, helping over 200 applicants find their way onto the property ladder. Since the launch of the Centre, Skipton has experienced a rise of 37% on completed mortgages, evidencing the value of the Centre to the local community. Having provided mortgages in Jersey for over 13 years, Skipton made the decision last year to move their operation to a more convenient town location, allowing them to better cater to the increased demand for their services. Through the Mortgage Centre they have become more accessible to their customers, welcoming passing customers with queries or scheduling appointments for those looking to have a more in-depth chat about their lending requirements. Skipton’s aim is to make the purchase of property in Jersey as easy and simple as possible, passing on their knowledge of the local property

market through a team of friendly and experienced advisors. Lorraine Mclean, Mortgage Sales Manager, Skipton Mortgage Centre said: “With technological developments changing how we purchase property today, it is comforting to realise that there really is no substitute for face to face personal advice when you start looking for a home. Skipton has always placed great emphasis on its customer service, which has certainly paid off as we have had a phenomenal first year. “As the outlook for the local property market is positive I would anticipate that demand for our products will continue to grow. I’m looking forward to a fantastic second year for Skipton’s mortgages and for us to grow organically without compromising the high standards of customer service that we have become renowned for.” Skipton has completed over £500 million of loans in the Island and is widely regarded as the lender of

L to R: Chantelle Teixeria, Lucy Munroe, Lorraine Mclean, Paul Hyde

choice for first time buyers. With all applications approved within the Channel Islands, Skipton is able

to provide fast turnaround times and in-principal decisions. The Mortgage Centre caters exclusively

for mortgage products, with Jersey deposit customers needing to contact Skipton’s friendly team in Guernsey.



From £25 a month. For more information contact Mark on 07829 838844 or






PLUMBING & HEATING Complete plumbing & heating installations and repairs

St Peter’s Indoor Market St Peter’s Indoor Market (behind the Parish Hall) is open every Wednesday and Saturday from 9:00am - 3:00pm supporting Jersey Cancer Relief. Various stalls of new merchandise including ladies fashion, greetings cards, wool and knitted children’s clothes/toys, adult and children’s tabards, jewellery, fishing gear and much more including some pre used goods. Food available.

For stalls please call 481170

SHARPENING Dog and horse clippers. Grooming, hairdresser, sewing and upholstery scissors. Penknives and kitchen knives. Garden tools, shears etc Lawn mower blades. Circular saws and Chainsaws. 200m north of the Union Inn. Contact Philip Johnson on 864130 or 07797 888293

01534 721792 | 07797719659

Renovation work and Reburbishments Over 15 years experience All aspects of carpentry and small building work

T: 07797738650

Tiny Tots Hand Knits Booties. Mittens. Cardigans. Hats. Jumpers. Toys. Ponchos. Pram Blankets. Headbands

Qualified, experienced and insured

Contact Chris Buckle

T: 07797 964507

Double knit, Aran and Chunky wool available Orders taken, please ask if you would like something specific

Free estimates given

Barry Pitts Carpenter and Builder

CB Asbestos Removal Services

St Peter’s Indoor Market Every Wednesday & Saturday 9am - 3pm

IDC COMPUTERS If you've been thinking of upgrading your old Windows computer or it's just really slow and frustrating, now is the perfect time to upgrade with this special offer. Ian Carr is available for call outs at your convenience to sort out any issues you might be having, including wifi problems, slow startup and antivirus issues.

Perfect Home or Small Office PC • 3.3 Ghz Intel Processor • 8 GB RAM • 256 GB Superfast SSD • 450W Power Supply • Windows 10 64bit • Box only price £450 • Add 24"Monitor £125

“All types of carpets supplied & fitted”

Includes on site setup and transfer of files from your old computer.

T: 525200 M: 07829 700206

For same or next day home visits at £30 per hour, contact Ian on 07797852796

Do you need a website? We can help!

Full website design from only £850. Contact us for more information on

BOOK YOUR TRADE CARDS TODAY! Single Trade Card £40 a month OR £35 a month for 11 issues Double Trade Card £80 a month OR £70 a month for 11 issues For more information please contact Mark on 07829 838844 or email



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