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10/7/14 - 10/20/14

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Volume 20 • Issue 19



Sky’s the limit

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Monmouth County Vocational School District

Monmouth County Vocational Monmouth School County District Vocational School District Career Academy Information Sessions

Career Academy Career Information Academy Sessions Information Sessions Monmouth County Vocational School District Space is Limited. 8th Grade Students and Immediate Family Only. Monmouth County School District Space isInformation Limited. 8thVocational GradeSpace Students is Limited. and Immediate 8th GradeFamily Students Only. and Immediate Family Only. Career Academy Sessions Both Student and Parent Must Attend to be Eligible to Apply.

Both Student and Parent Must BothAttend Student toand be Eligible Parent Must to Apply. Attend to be Eligible to Apply. Space is Limited. 8th Grade Students and Immediate Family Only. Monmouth County Vocational School District Monmouth County Vocational School District High Technology High School Monmouth County Vocational Monmouth School County District Vocational School District Monmouth County Academy Biotechnology High School High Technology High School High Technology High School Monmouth County Academy Monmouth County Academy Biotechnology High School to Apply. Biotechnology High School Both Student and Parent Must Attend to be Eligible

Career Academy Information Sessions

765 Rd., Newman Springs Rd., Lincroft, NJ Rd., of Allied & Allied Science 5000Academy Kozloski Rd., Freehold, NJ Career 765 Kozloski Newman Springs Rd., Lincroft, NJ 765 Newman Springs & Rd.,Science Lincroft, NJ of Health Academy Information Sessions 5000 Kozloski Freehold, NJ 5000 Freehold, NJ Health Career Academy Information Sessions Career Career Information Academy Sessions Information Sessions SpaceBiotechnology is Limited. 8th Grade Students and Immediate Family High Technology High School Monmouth County Academy 732.842.8444 High School NJ Ave.,Only. 732.842.8444 2325 Heck Ave., Neptune, 732.842.8444 2325 Heck Neptune, NJ

of Allied Health & Science 2325 Heck Ave., Neptune, NJ 732.431.7208 732.431.7208 Saturday September 27, 2014 10:00 am Saturday September 27,2014 2014 10:00am am SaturdayFamily September 27, 2014 10:00 am Saturday September 27, 2014 10:00 8th am Saturday September 27, 10:00 Saturday 27,Rd., 2014Freehold, 10:00 am NJ 765 Newman Springs Rd., Lincroft, NJ Space isImmediate Limited. Grade Students and Immediate Only. of Allied Health & Science 5000September Kozloski Space is Limited. 8th Grade Students and Immediate Family Only. 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Both Student and Parent Must Attend to be Eligible to Apply.

Wednesday October 22, 2014 6:30 pm Saturday November 1, 2014 10:00 am

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VOCATIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT www.mcvsd.org www.mcvsd.org

Page 2 Jersey Sporting News • 10/7/14 - 10/20/14

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ACL Prevention Jannel Arrieche, LAT, ATC, NCSF

10/7/14 - 10/20/14 • Jersey Sporting News


BRICK MEMorial’s #14 BRIAN MALERBA Photo By: Eric Braun

By Eric Braun

Brick, NJ- Coming into this season the Mustangs from Brick Memorial heard all the negatives about how they couldn’t win and how bad the program was in the past. After off season conditioning and team bonding, this years Mustangs have put that chip on their shoulders and so far have put the Shore Conference on notice that Brick Memorial boys soccer is back.

In an athlete’s world, one thinks bigger, faster, stronger, but how do they get there? Most answers would be lift heavy, and train hard. However, what happens when you have dedicated all that time to training hard and heavy and you get a devastating injury like an ACL tear? Where does one look then? As clinicians, we find the best results in looking at the body as a whole. Specifically, the knee is intimately connected to the hip and ankle joints. When weight is bared through the foot, and the limb is connected to the ground, a phenomenon occurs called a closed kinetic chain. This closed kinetic chain instantly involves multiple joints for stability and motion. The knee is no longer solely in charge of stabilizing itself. The ankle and hip are supremely important for knee sta-

bility in all planes of motion. The brute strength of the leg is not enough to protect a knee from injury. The small stabilizing muscles of the adjacent joints must be active and strong. When talking about injury prevention and/ or rehabbing the knees from injury, a very large portion of exercises are for the hip and ankle musculature.

The Mustangs have started off the season with a 6-2-2 record and sits currently in the #2 spot for the Shore Conference Tournament. With an important two weeks of soccer coming up for Brick Memorial with games against Toms River North, Brick, Toms River South and Toms River East, the Mustangs are going to have to do it with senior captain and starting defensive player Thomas Hernandez.

Training must be deliberate and specific with a light load to allow the body to enhance its ability to stabilize. To top it all off, the key to gluing the kinetic chain together is a strong and functional core. Core training is a general term used in the athletic world that encompasses the abdominal muscles which also tie into the hip musculature. These two units as a functioning whole create the platform for a stable, injury free lower extremity.

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Hernandez broke his foot in the first half against Toms River East and it took the Mustangs out of their game. To the time in the game that Hernandez got hurt the Mustangs were moving up and down the field starting from his side and just could not finish. When he went down the Mustangs dropped off a little and opened the midfield lanes for the Raiders. The game ended in a 1-1 double overtime tie and since then the Mustangs have figure things out and have gotten back on track. Brick Memorial is the lead on offense by speedster Kevin Simek with 5 goals and 4 assists. It is also his play on and off the ball that keep the Mustangs offense running, He continues to be one of the smartest players on the pitch, thinking two to three moves ahead of time. This leadership and play has opened up opportunities for Bryan Malerba (5 goals) and Jake DeGenarro (4 goals). The midfield and defense lead by James McComb and Matt Clayton respectively continue to be the driving forces for Brick Memorials success. Their ball movement and communication add another coaching voice on the field. This season is already more successful then anyone in Shore has given them credit for based on their past seasons (2013…8-8), (2012…2-14) and (2011…3-14). For this year Mustangs there success in the coming weeks will dictate their Shore Conference and NJSIAA seedings. They have put themselves in great position to finish strong, it is up to the veteran leadership to make sure it gets done

BRICK MEMorial’s #13 KEVIN DUFFY Photo By: Eric Braun

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Francesca Attardi Attardi Francesca Francesca Attardi Publisher Publisher Publisher Francesca Attardi JSN isPublisher looking for High

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Page 4 Jersey Sporting News • 10/7/14 - 10/20/14


How to Treat MCL Injuries of the Knee

By Eric Braun

Bayville, NJ- Coming off one of the best seasons for Central Regionals girls soccer program, the Eagles are primed for another great run this season and to finish what they started in 2013. Last season the Eagles took many in the Shore Conference by surprise and gained little respect during the regular season, it wasn’t until the Shore Conference Tournament did the Eagles finally get the respect they deserved. The Eagles entered the Shore Conference Tournament with a record of 11-1 and drew the 13th seed, meaning they would have to go through the Shore’s best to lift the SCT trophy. The young ladies rallied around one another and knew outside their program that no one gave them a chance. Not only did they come together, they took out everyone in their path. Beating Monsignor Donovan 5-0, then beating tournament favorite Toms River North 2-1, then Holmdel 3-0, and top-seeded Freehold Boro 2-0 to reach the finals against Red Bank Catholic. The Eagles gave the Caseys everything they had and with four minutes to go in a scoreless tie the Eagles surrendered the lone goal of the contest, losing in the finals 1-0. It would be this five game stretch that would put Central back on the Shore Conference soccer map. The Eagles went on to finish the season with an impressive 19-3 record and the only other loss after the RBC game would be in the finals of


by Christopher Johnson, MD, FACS CENTRAL Regional’s #7 CAROLAN AMANDA Photo’s By: Eric Braun the NJSIAA South Jersey Group III against Toms River South 2-1. This year the Eagles are back and after a rough start going 1-2 with losses against Toms River East (3-0) and Pt. Pleasant Boro (3-2), the Eagles sit at 8-2. It was the disappointing loss against Boro where Central lead at halftime 2-0 and ended up losing 3-2 that has jump started the Eagles season. Since that game they have rallied off a seven game win streak with hard-nosed defense and a high-powered offensive attack. Senior forward and Georgetown bound Amanda Carolan has once again put the Eagles offense on her shoulders. Last season she finished with 36 goals and 11 assists and finished as one of the top scorer in the Shore and State. This season has been no different as she already has 26 goals on the season. Her lone goal against Barnegat gave her the schools All-Time scoring record, surpassing 1998 graduate Keri Lages (78). Since then Carolan has added to her new record and currently sits at 89 career goals. Carolan along with fellow offensive weapons Sarah Burg, Gianna Argento and Erin Trapp have a combined 46 goals this season and are on their way to getting back to the Shore Conference and State tournaments. This season their goal is to hold both trophies when all is said and done. With the Shore Conference seeding draw just two weeks a way, the Eagles hold their own fate in their hands as they should be 13-2 heading into that draw. From there they will need to continue to work together and the sky is the limit for this group.

Knee injuries, in active patients, are often the result of a combination of a twisting motion at the knee joint while the foot is planted. These injuries can injure soft tissue structures involving the knee, such as ligaments which stabilize the knee joint, as well as cartilages, which are important in providing cushioning and aide in absorption of the stress of impact. The medial collateral ligament or MCL is a ligament which stabilizes the inside part of the knee, particularly when the knee is changing direction from side to side. It can be injured when someone applies a significant side-to-side force across the knee. People often feel a stretching or pulling sensation with pain. They develop pain across the inside of the knee, which may radiate up or down the leg. People with significant MCL injuries often will have difficulty walking. They do not have as frequent swelling involving the knee which people like to call “water on the knee”. It is important to make the best possible diagnosis with knee soft tissue injuries because this influences both the path of treatment and the best course to recover pre-injury activity levels. Unfortunately, the same mechanism of injury (that is

changing direction under force) can injure other structures of the knee including the meniscal cartilages and more seriously other inside ligaments such as the anterior cruciate ligament or ACL. If an injury like this occurs and the knee swells up immediately with fluid, this should be evaluated in an emergency room setting or at an orthopedists’ office. If no such swelling occurs, a trial of ice, anti-inflammatory medicine, and activity modification might result in decreased symptoms involving the knee. If, however, this does not decrease after a few days of treatment and is associated with both pain and/or instability this also would prompt an evaluation at an orthopaedic surgeons’ office. Appropriate imaging studies such as x-rays and an MRI may be obtained. Initial treatment including anti-inflammatory medicine, bracing, etc. is also commonly used for treating this injury. MCL injuries are divided into groups according to severity. Similar to other ligaments there are Grade 1, 2 and 3 injuries of increasing severity. The more severe the ligament injury, the more time is required to treat it. A MCL injury can be successfully treated non-operatively in the overall majority of patients.

Manalapan's A North Breathing Room Decreases After Defeat At Middletown North By Kevin Davis

The Manalapan boys soccer team (7-1-1, 6-1-1 A North) lost its first game of the 2014 season on Thursday, Oct. 2, when they were bested 2-1 on the road against a Middletown North team they played to a 2-2 draw earlier in the year. The setback significantly decreases the margin for error for the Braves, who have a crucial stretch of games ahead in the next two weeks, including road meetings with second-place Freehold Township (7-2-0 A North) on Oct. 10 and third-place CBA (7-3-0 A North) on Oct. 15.

went down,” Natoli said of his team's meetings with the Lions. “However, Middletown North matches up against us very well. We tried to keep playing the way we have the whole year but we didn't take advantage of our opportunities and Middletown North did.” The Braves will get their first opportunity to rebound from the loss with their Oct. 7 meeting with Marlboro. That will be followed by games against Middletown South on Oct. 9, at Freehold Township on Oct. 10, versus Howell on Oct. 14, and at CBA on Oct. 15.

“The next two weeks are big in deciding the A North title,” Manalapan coach John Natoli explained. “Marlboro is much-improved and Freehold Twp. and CBA are vying for the conference title, so all of the games coming up are important.” The Braves held both of their top challengers scoreless in their earlier meetings. On Sept. 13, Manalapan got a pair of goals from leading scorer Ryan Hammer en route to a 3-0 win over CBA. Ten days later, Mitch Volis and Erick Wilkinson scored for the Braves as they shut out Freehold Twp., 2-0. Those two shutout wins partially contributed to a Braves goal differential that sat at +23 through Oct 2. It's ironic, then, that Manalapan's greatest struggles this year have consistently come against a Middletown North side that only reached the .500 mark in A North play with its Oct. 2 upset. “All of the players (understood) the importance of the (Oct. 2) game, especially after the way the first game

MANALAPAN’s #8 ROCKY GARRISON Photo By: Fran Attardi


10/7/14 - 10/20/14 • Jersey Sporting News

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Exercise…..Quality not Quantity.

Jersey Sporting News • September 4 - September 25

Page 27

Joe McAuliffe MA CSCS Strength Coach Emeritus JmpowerU

Quality movement is critical to athletic performance. As an undergraduate student when of my favorite classes was kinesiology. This study of human movement fascinated me. IWe studied ballet films and how the muscles moved to the bones through the beautiful movement patterns. For my entire junior year I studied many types of teams and movement. I looked at everything from power cleans to eye blinks and no matter how big or small the movement there were hundreds of muscle actions and reactions to move the body. When you watch professional sports these athletes make perfect moves look effortless. Watching my sons Pop Warner football game reminds me that even with the gifted kids perfect movement is a developmental process. Perfect posture is not just for runway models. When I'm in the weight room coaching proper training technique I spend a lot of time coaching posture. Having good pos-

your self straight on in your mirror your shoulders, hips, knees and ankles should be even with each other side to side unless one of your legs is significantly longer than the other. If you had a mirror or over the top of your body looking down your shoulders, hips, and knees and ankles should be in a lineman without one being more forward then the other. If there is a significant postural alignment problems the athlete will never completely reach their potential in regards to power, agility, strength, speed, and flexibility. Professional strength and conditioning coaches Having good posture as a base for ath- who base their exercise programs on letic movements allows the brain and the quality movement have the best interest muscles to work together in harmony. of the athlete in mine. So before your son Posture alignment can easily be assessed you enter work to improve their testing Garrett Sickels Garrett Kroeger were by taking a three dimensional look at scores like a maximal bench press Regional Northwith a 40 yard dash they should Red lookBank at the yourself in the mirror and beTR honest Sr. 6’4- 245 lbs. Sr. 6’0265 lbs. Sacrificing form in the Shore what you see. If you are looking from quality of moves first. One of the top players starts at DE and for form bad habits which Conference, Sickels, will lead to a defensive the side view yourKroeger ears, shoulders, X., G can LB, is a firm commit to Penn the Mariners. He went to junior tallied 11 sacks, 76 tackknees, and ankles should in a relatively decreased performanceState. andHeincreased day at sitStonehill College and les (9 for loss) and three blocked endIfupyou withlook someatcollege straight line up andcould down. risk of injuries. kicks (one returning for a TD). ture is a combination of mental thoughts and physical abilities. A everyone has a mother or a father dad has said to you, "stand up straight" or "don't slouch.” Not everyone has the core strength to stand up straight where the self-esteem not to slouch. Many times during my career the parents of athletes notice their kids having better posture along with self-confidence as a result of my program. The results they receive from training make it easier to think positively about yourself. These two dynamics feed from each other.



Kevin Waters Wall Sr. 6’2- 220 lbs. Waters is a two-way starter: DE and TE. The new coaching staff is adding some new packages offensively that he says they are adjusting to. Waters has had looks from Delaware and Penn State.


COLTS NECK’S #6 ALLISON RUSSO Photo By: Fran Attardi

Connor Canonico Colts Neck Sr. 6’1- 210 lbs. Canonico is a returning starter at tight end and defensive end who is interest some Colts garnering Neck, NJWhat from a way to Division-III colleges. start off your high school career

Dan Watson Brick Twp. Garrett Sickels Sr. 6’2- 205 lbs. Red Bank Watson had an outstanding 2011 Regional Sr. 6’4with 11 sacks at DE. He’ll also245 lbs. One of the top players in the S start at TE Conference, for the Green Sickels, a defe Dragons. LB, is a firm commit to State. He tallied 11 sacks, 76 les (9 for loss) and three blo kicks (one returning for a TD)

Patrick Toal Raritan Jr. 6’3265 lbs. Kroeger Garrett Keep an eye on this rising junior North who is a two-year TR starter at offensive and defensive tackle. Sr. 6’0265 Toal lbs. brings her hard alreadyKroeger has schools suchatasDE Ohio starts and G for and State leadership to He went to junior interested. the Mariners.

Tagliaferri work ethic for the midfielder from Colts an already talentedday Cougars at Stonehill College and could end up with some college Neck. After a successful fresh- squad that is drastically looking offers. seaman season where she helped to Improve on their 2013 lead the Cougars to a quarterfi- son where they finished 6-5-1. nal showing in the Shore Confer- With the experience Frankie ence Tournament and then a first brings along with Bridgette Patrick Toal Connor Canonico round NJSIAA tournament play. King and Amanda Visco. TheColts Neck Raritan Your Friendly Neighborhood Pharmacy! We’re Here For You! Jr. 6’3265 lbs. trio has the Cougars offense Sr. 6’1- 210 lbs. Keep an eye on this rising ju is a returning starter at But it did not stop there for firing on all cylindersCanonico and conwho is a two-year starter at o tight endare and defensive end who is Frankie Tagliaferri as she was se- tinue to grow together and sive and defensive tackle. Medical Supplies garnering some Athletic Needs lected as a member of the United becoming headaches for op-interest from already has schools such as Division-III colleges. For Sale posing defenses. States U17 women’s soccer or teamRental State interested. • Splints that would go onto South Korea • Braces for a two game set. Tagliaferri The Cougars are currently • Air Casts was not only selected, but played the #2 seed behind Freehold valuable minutes for the United Township heading towards States and tallied 1 goal and 1 the Shore Conference Touraassist in her first game. The Unit- ment and #3 seed in the NJed States would go on to route SIAA Group III behind state COLTS NECK’S #19 FRANKIE TAGLIAFERRI South Korea 7-0 and Korea Re- powers Northern Your Highlands Friendly Neighborhood Photo By: FranPharmacy! Attardi public 4-1. and Nutley.


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10/7/14 - 10/20/14 • Jersey Sporting News


Page 7

Focus on your family and we’ll focus on your future.

BY Mike Ready

Oppenheimer Financial Advisors are well versed in the wide range of financial products and services our firm offers. They also have the knowledge and experience to match the right solutions with the right client at the right time. Contact a seasoned investment professional and start planning for your tomorrow, today. – Alternative Investments* – Annuities/Insurance – Corporate Bonds/CDs – Education Funding – Estate Planning Strategies – 401(k) Rollovers

SJV’S #13 ANTHONY BROWN Photo By: Fran Attardi RUMSON – In a wildly entertaining game that was highlighted by two huge momentum shifts, the St. John Vianney Lancers rallied past Rumson-Fair Haven 35-28 Thursday night at Borden Stadium to assume early control of the Class A Central Division. It was also the Lancers first win against the Bulldogs after four straight losses dating back to the 2010 season while getting off their best start since 1998. The Lancers (4-0, 3-0), ranked No.5 in the Shore Conference and searching for their first division championship since the 1982 season, scored 21 unanswered points in the second half after falling behind 28-14 right before halftime to win one of the most memorable games in school history. “I think the way we overcame the adversity of being down 28-14 was monumental,” head coach Mark Ciccotelli said. “I’m just so proud of the way my guys reacted to it. To be up like that and then bang, bang, bang; we showed a lot of character. We regrouped at halftime and talked about doing

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Khalil Haskins sensational 47-yard sprint around right end with 7:56 remaining in the game clinched it for the Lancers as they held on to defeat the Bulldogs. Rumson (2-1, 2-1), ranked No.3 in the Shore Conference, had one final chance to tie it, driving 57 yards to the Lancers 23-yard line in 14 plays – eating up the final 7:47 of the game. But sophomore quarterback Mike O’Connor was sacked for a nine-yard loss on fourth-and-7 with 28.8 seconds left to seal the win for St. John Vianney. The Lancers bolted out of the starting gate, scoring on their first two possessions of the game to take a lightning quick 14-0 lead. Taking possession at their own 20-yard line after the opening kickoff, the Lancers drove 80 yards in eight plays capped off by a one-yard touchdown run by junior Calvin Beaty. 6-foot-2,

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continued on page 9






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Page 8 Jersey Sporting News • 10/7/14 - 10/20/14

Green Wave Soccer off to 6-4 Start By Michael Rogers

Long Branch- The Long Branch boys’ soccer team is off to a 6-4 record so far this season and are ranked #9 in the Shore Conference. The Green Wave has lost some tough one-goal games this week, but are still having a successful season. Both of their games this week were hard fought close one goal losses to Red Bank Regional and Matawan after starting the season 3-0.

In a win versus Red Bank Catholic the Green Wave won another close game by the score of 1-0 with Joao Victor scoring the games only goal off an assist from Jeff Solano. Goalie Gilbert Matides made 4 saves to earn the shut out for Long Branch. For the season DeNovaes, who is coming off a blown ACL in preseason last fall, is now back to full speed and leads the team in scoring with 12 goals while Comacho has 3 goals and 4 assists this season. Matides has made 21 saves in goal this season who have upcoming games against Neptune on October 7th and Wall on October 9th.

Against the Buccaneers (7-2 record this season) the Green Wave lost 1-0 on a penalty kick in the 35th minute by Red Banks Justin Gilson for the only goal of the game. Long Branch's leading scorer Guilherme DeNovaes had a breakaway opportunity in the 62nd minute, but Red Bank's

Long Branch’s #9 GIBRANI PADILLA Photo By: Fran Attardi

goalie Connor Kelly made the save to preserve the win for the Buccaneers. Long Branch was outshot in the game 18 to 9 with the Green Waves goalie Kevin Solano making 17 saves in the game.

Long Branch’s #6 ECSON SECAIDA Photo By: Fran Attardi

In a non-divisional game against Matawan, Long Branch suffered another 1-0 loss by the score of 2 to 1. Manny Comacho scored the Green Waves only goal in the 32nd minute but the Huskies Kaleb Mehari scored the games winning goal 2 minutes later as Matawan hung on for the win.

Long Branch’s #21 JUAN CARLOS MERINO Photo By: Fran Attardi

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180-pound junior quarterback Anthony Brown - a rapidly maturing dual threat quarterback - went 4-for-5 for 55 yards including 18 and 13-yard strikes to Beaty and a 15-yard completion to senior Joshua Taylor. 5-foot-11, 190-pound senior Aaron Mora added a 24-yard run on secondand-1 from their own 29. After a three-and-out on the Bulldogs first possession, Brown engineered a six play, 62-yard scoring drive going 3-for-5 for 41 yards and added a 16-yard run before ending the drive with a 14yard TD pass to senior Danny Calabro – a 6-foot2, 190-pound wideout - to make it 14-0 with 4:33 left in the first quarter. “Danny’s a throwback type of a kid that works his tail off in practice,” Ciccotelli said. “He really got involved in the second half and played a heck of a football game. He’s a leader on both sides of the ball and one of our captains.” Undeterred, Rumson, playing without 2013 Offensive Player of the Year Charlie Volker due to a high ankle sprain, scored 28 unanswered points behind the gritty – often spectacular – play of O’Connor. O’Connor led the Bulldogs back from the 14-0 first quarter deficit by rushing for three touchdowns and 185 yards in the first half. “He’s a heck of a football player,” Ciccotelli said of O’Connor. “He doesn’t run around out there like he’s a sophomore, that’s for sure.” Three plays after Brown’s touchdown pass made it 14-0; O’Connor took a quarterback draw up the middle, broke it outside and raced down the right sideline for a 68-yard touchdown. Rumson’s Mike Ruane then recovered an onside kick at the Lancers 26-yardline but an eventual holding penalty derailed the drive and

Connor Kelly’s 40-yard field goal attempt was no good leaving the score 14-7 as the first quarter ended. The Bulldogs then forced a Lancer punt taking over at the St. John Vianney 28-yardline. On first down, sophomore tailback Matt Vecchiarelli – who rushed for 130 yards on 18 carries in his first varsity start of his career – ripped off a nifty 34-yard run before O’Connor’s 25-yard burst set up Sam Eisenstadt’s one-yard touchdown run up the middle to tie the game. The two team traded turnovers with Rumson taking over at the Lancers 25-yardline after a fumble and O’Connor being intercepted in the end zone on first down as Joshua Taylor out-leaped the Bulldogs Murray Mcheffey for the ball. Saint John Vianney then went three-and-out thanks to a big stop by Ruane on third-and-3 and after the punt the Bulldogs took over at the Lancers 42-yardline.

10/7/14 - 10/20/14 • Jersey Sporting News disaster. The question now was how this team will face the adversity staring them straight in the eyes. But this is a new era of St. John Vianney football and they have taken on the persona of their renowned head coach, embracing his philosophy while exalting to his level of excellence. That winning attitude was emblazoned in the second half as their young quarterback took another step forward in his maturation process and evolution into stardom. After relying on his arm in the first half, Brown turned to his legs in the second, rushing for two touchdowns as the Lancers exploded for 198-yards on the ground in the second half. “Anthony’s a special kid and a special player,” Ciccotelli said. “He has all the intangibles: he can throw it, he can run it, he’s got the head, he’s savvy and I’ve said over and over, he’s got that Johnny Manziel in him.” On their first possession of the second half, Mora gained 20 and Beaty 24 before Brown scored on a quarterback keeper up the middle on second-and-goal from the nine to pull to within seven, 28-21. Rumson was then stopped again after driving to the Lancers 47-yardline and the Lancers took over at their own 18-yardline after a punt and fair catch by Haskins.

Haskins gained 29 yards on second down before two runs by Mora and one by Brown set up a second-and-4 from the Rumson 31-yardline. From there, Brown, reading the jet option perfectly once again, kept the ball and bolted around left end for 31 yards, tying the game, 28-28, with 6.5 seconds left in the third quarter. “I might have gotten a little over confident,” Brown said. “But once they started coming back that was washed away. Coach Ciccotelli has taught me to be more disciplined and I’ve become more active in my thinking; that helped me in the second half.” The Bulldogs then drove to the Lancers 31-yardline on the strength of O’Connor’s 31-yard run before they were stopped on fourth-and-6 from the 35 with 9:22 remaining. Calabro had a fouryard tackle for a loss on third down to set up the fourth down play. It only took three plays for the Lancers to take the lead for good, 35-28, when Haskins took a handoff around right end, cut back towards the center of the field and raced into the end zone virtually untouched. “We didn’t panic, we knew we had a lot of football ahead of us,” Calabro said. “We didn’t execute as well as we could in the first half and we knew we could fix that. We took it one step at a time and played some good football in the second half.”

From there, Vecchiarelli’s 47-yard scamper around left end set up O’Connor’s second touchdown of the night. On third-and-10 from the eleven, O’Connor ducked under an apparent sack by Christopher Coppola, broke a tackle, tucked the ball in and scored from 11-yards out to take the lead. A sack on third-and-6 from the Bulldog 49-yardline by junior linebacker Butchy Clark forced a Lancer punt with 1:17 left in the half and the Bulldogs took over at their own 20. Two plays later, O’Connor set the Borden Stadium crowd on fire with an exhilarating 74-yard dash down the left sideline handing Rumson a stunning 28-14 halftime lead. Now trailing by two touchdowns to the defending state champions, the Lancers faced a defining moment as their quest for Shore Conference prominence was teetering on the brink of

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Happy Hour - Monday-Friday 4 - 6:30

Page 10 Jersey Sporting News • 10/7/14 - 10/20/14

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HIGHLANDS – The Purple Roses of Belmar got the ball rolling again with back-to-back 5-0 shutout wins over Henry Hudson Tuesday afternoon and Mater Dei Thursday after a disappointing 4-0 loss to Class B Central leader Shore Regional – ranked No.3 in the Shore Conference – last Saturday. The win leaves St. Rose (7-3, 7-1) a game behind the Blue Devils (10-1, 8-0) for the division lead with the two schools scheduled for a rematch October 16 at Shore Regional. That game will not only give St. Rose a shot at redemption, but is also shaping up to have major Class B Central title implications.

“Shore Regional is definitely the best team we’ve seen so far,” first year St. Rose head coach Brian Pringle said. “I’m still trying to grasp what I could’ve of done different and done better; they’re a very good team and I give them a lot of credit.” “My center midfielder Brett O’Malley is injured and didn’t play in the game,” Pringle added. “Not having Brett was a huge factor. He’s an academy level soccer player and my No. 1 guy. He’s not a big goal scorer but he’s a fantastic soccer player and the quarterback of the team.”

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In Tuesday’s win over the Admirals, senior striker Joe Forlenza - a 2013 All-Class B Central selection – registered his second hat trick of the season, scoring three goals in the match to give him ten for the season along with four assists. “At the beginning of the season I was a little bit concerned about scoring goals,” Pringle said. “I didn’t feel like we had a true attacker but Joe has proved me wrong. He was used more as a midfielder last season but he’s been up top for me all season. He’s been a consistent scorer there and when he doesn’t find the back of the net he’s helping other guys find it.” The Purple Roses held a 2-0 lead at the half and broke the game open with three goals in the second half. In addition to Forlenza, senior forward Matt Hunt netted a goal while sophomore midfielder Matty O’Malley added a goal and an assist. “Matty is Brett’s younger brother and I slid him into Brett’s spot,” Pringle said. “He’s done a tremendous job for us in Brett’s absence.”

Sophomore defenseman Jack Cusak, senior defender Travis Cloney and senior John Sullivan all contributed assists in the game for the Purple Roses. In Thursday’s 5-0 win over Mater Dei, St. Rose jumped all over the Seraphs scoring five first half goals en route to their seventh win of the season. Cloney hit pay dirt twice for his first two goals of the season, while senior midfielder Ryan O’Malley, Cusak and sophomore forward Brendan Hueth each scored once. It was Hueth’s third goal of the season and he picked up his fourth assist as well. Junior midfielder Michael Gowen contributed an assist and senior goalkeeper Kellen Jordan registered his fourth shutout of the season. Pringle feels his defense has been rock solid. “My two center backs are seniors, Craig Sushecki and Kyle Bruche, and they’ve done a tremendous job. Then right in front of them is Cloney - who’s a holding midfielder - and those three have really held down the fort back there.” St Rose soccer is one of the all-time winningest programs in the Shore

Conference having won 10 state championships in the schools storied soccer history. Since 2002 - when they were co-champions with Morris Catholic - St Rose has reached the Non-Public B finals six times, winning its most recent title in 2010, beating Oratory Prep 3-0 for its first state championship since 1988. They didn’t make the Shore Conference Tournament last year and the last two seasons the Purple Roses have been eliminated from the state tournament in the quarterfinals. “We have three things going on I tell the guys,” Pringle said. “I’m pretty certain we’re going to make the Shore Conference Tournament this year as a lower seed, and we’re hoping we can beat a couple higher seeded teams – anything can happen once you’re in the tournament. Then if we win the rest of our conference games that sets up the Shore game, which if we win, we tie for the division, and I absolutely feel we have the talent to compete for title in the states. We play a number of tough non-division games – like Manasquan, Wall and CBA - to help us prepare for the states and I hope to go pretty far. ”


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10/7/14 - 10/20/14 • Jersey Sporting News

Page 11


Brick, NJ- Coming into this season the Brick Memorial Mustangs were looking to put together a successful 2014 campaign and to send their 11 seniors out in style. After a .500 season a year ago where they stood within seconds of beating Freehold Township in the Shore Conference quarters and took state power Hunterdon Central to overtime before falling in the NJSIAA tournament, Coach Billy Caruso is hoping this is the season the girls tie it altogether.

rber’s vocal and aggressive presence will keep the Mustangs in every game.

The Mustangs return 11 seniors with 8 of them being a vital part of Caruso’s lineup since their freshman years. Defenders Julia Kirkpatrick, Jacquie Glass, Katie Schmidt and Sam Netterman continue to play one of the smartest back lines in the Shore Conference with communication and anticipation. Madison Farly, Sami Lederle and Jenna Wallace will look to improve on the team’s offensive production from last year where the Mustangs only tallied 38 goals. Playing once again a solid position in net, Ciara Ko-

Brick Memorial has been no stranger this young season on dramatic results. To start the season, the Mustangs who received no consideration as a top 10 team, went out and knocked off previously ranked #4 Freehold Boro 4-1. This was the start that Mustang Nation was hoping for and then in a blink of an eye they dropped to 1-4. Coming off two 2-1 overtime defeats and then two back-to-back 5-1 defeats the Mustangs were reeling with a 4-game losing streak.

Caruso added, “They are a great group of kids and we have a lot of fun together… Some of my favorite memories of this group will have nothing to do with soccer. The time we spend together in my office everyday laughing and making fun of each other before practice is one of the things I enjoy most about coaching.”

It took another overtime game against crosstown rival for Caruso and Company to right the ship. After dominating the Dragons for most of the contest, sophomore Joriam Rivera broke a 1-1 tie with just over a minute remaining to lift the Mustangs to a 2-1 victory. Since that game the Mustangs have improved to 7-4 and sit in seventh place in the NJSIAA Group IV standings and still in the hunt for the Shore Conference A-South title.

Brick Memorial Soccer Photo’s By: Eric Braun

During Brick Memorial’s winning streak, Coach Caruso earned his 300th victory with a 2-1 win of Jackson Memorial. In his 21st season of coaching he has amassed a record of (302-106-22).

When asked about his team’s heartbreaking losses in both the Shore Conference in NJSIAA tournaments last season, Caruso said, “We have spent a lot of time this year talking about winning regular season games this will allow us to be seeded higher and play games at home.” The tough Shore Conference and A South schedule will have the Mustangs firing on all cylinders coming tournament time but will need to believe in each other to finish strong. Caruso believes they are talented enough to make some nice runs in both tournaments, but also realizes you need a little bit of luck to be successful in any tournament. With the Shore Conference Tournament seeding on Monday October 20th, the Mustangs will look to add to their resume of wins against upcoming opponents Toms River North, Brick Township, Toms River South, Jackson Memorial and Freehold Township.

Page 12 Jersey Sporting News • 10/7/14 - 10/20/14

The Ronald McDonald House of Long Branch 5th Annual Wine Tasting The Ronald McDonald House of Long Branch opened its doors 27 years ago this October. This was a result of doctors, business owners, attorneys, & civic leaders coming together to provide support for the families with seriously ill children seeking medical treatment. Since that time we have provided a "Home away from Home" for over 6,000 families, opened a second House in New Brunswick, two(2) Family Rooms on the NICU/Pediatric units and a Parents Hospitality Suite in three (3) Monmouth County hospitals, and redecorated and updated a Mother's Lactation Room in a hospital in Middlesex County. In reality we didn't accomplish these things YOU did. Our community supported us and helps us to grow with each dollar you donate. With every event you attended, every annual appeal you so generously responded to, YOU provided this wonderful facility where moms and dads can get much needed rest and a warm meal. They can reach out to family and let them know what is happening. They can speak with a caring staff that will lend an ear and sometimes a shoulder when needed. Other moms and dads can meet and support each other.

The Ronald McDonald House of Long Branch and New Brunswick invites you to gather your friends and share a night with us at our upcoming event. Join us for our 5th Annual Wine Tasting at PNC Arts Center, Holmdel on October 24, 2014 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. There will be wines from around the world, gourmet cheeses and chocolates available to sample and purchase. Our live auction includes 2 NY Giants tickets on the 50 yard line, a 6 liter bottle of Jarvis wine and a stay in a Mexican Villa Make sure to stop by the silent auction and tricky tray tables to take a chance on some of the unique trips, sports tickets and wine items

Tickets are $80.00 per person and can be purchased on-line at:


For more information contact Stacey Hurden, Event Coordinator, at: 732-222-8755 or email StaceyH@rmh-cnj.org

How time flys - Ronald McDonald House events are winding down quickly! On Friday, October 24, 2014 the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) of Long Branch and New Brunswick will host their 5th Annual Wine Tasting from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Robert B. Meyner Reception Center at the PNC Bank Arts Center, Holmdel. Indulge and discover a variety of fine wines from all over the world, cheeses and chocolates while browsing a collective array of items in the silent and live auctions. This year’s Grand Prize Raffle is a trip for two to the Harvest Inn in Napa Valley, California with round trip airline tickets on Southwest Airlines.

Tickets are $80 per person. For more information on the Wine Tasting or the Ronald McDonald House, log on to our website www.rmh-cnj.org, or contact Lynne Siedentop at 732-222-8755 ext 30.

Follow us online! www.facebook.com/RMHCNJ www/twitter.com/RMHCNJ

www.youtube.com/RMHCNJ www.flickr.com/RMHCNJ


10/7/14 - 10/20/14 • Jersey Sporting News

Page 13


West Long Branch, NJ- Shore Regional, which has been a hot bed for Championships in field hockey and softball, now has another women’s sport looking to add more to the schools trophy case. Coming off a 2013 season where they Blue Devils struggled for consistency during the regular season, found chemistry late in the year on their way to capturing their first NJSIAA Group I Championship after a 1-1 tie to Glen Ridge in double overtime.

Shore Regional, who once again runs out another young group of workhorses, is lead by senior Samantha McDonough who on has 8 goals on the season and 41 for her career. The Blue Devils also have an up and coming star in sophomore Katie Stephens and freshman Devon McDonough. It was the young guns who helped lead the Blue Devils to the schools first ever NJSIAA title a year ago. Meeting up with Glen Ridge once again in the Group I title for the second year in a row, Shore was determined to walk away from TCNJ with a title. It was then freshman Devon and Katie who connected with each other for the first goal of the game late in the first half. Stephens fed a beautiful pass across to McDonough, who tallied her first ever high school goal and what a time to do it in the State Final. This year the duo along with Samantha have the Blue Devils offense off to a fast start and have the Blue Devils sitting at 7-3-1, #7 in the latest Shore Conference poll and #2 behind Glen Ridge in the NJSIAA Group 1 standings. The experience this young group got with last year’s State run has the makings of a special couple of years to come for Shore Regional. Coach Geore Moutis has to be thrilled with the production his younger players have given in such a short period of time, Having been to back-to-back Group finals it seems as though the young ladies have bought into the process at Shore as they are looking like a team on a mission again this season.

SHORE’s #13 KATIE STEPHENS Photo By: Ken Cook

They still have some work to do before the SCT draw with games against Middletown South, Mater Dei, Holmdel, St. Rose and Manasquan.


TINTON FALLS – Last season the Huskies were the only Shore Conference team with a winning record that failed to make the state playoffs and after starting this season with two straight losses against top ten teams, they were facing the prospect missing out again. A third loss at this stage of the season most likely would keep Matawan home again this season after high expectations for this year’s team had them ranked in the top ten in most preseason polls. The Huskies momentarily avoided that fate by scoring 21-unaswered secondhalf points to break a 7-7 halftime tie and went on to defeat Monmouth Regional 28-7 in an early afternoon game Friday in Tinton Falls.

Senior wide receiver Justin Ferrara was the catalyst for Matawan with seven catches for a career-high 169 yards and two touchdowns while also setting up the Huskies first touchdown with an acrobatic catch down the left sideline to the Falcons four-yard line. On defense he had an interception on Monmouth’s first play of the second half to set the tone for the half. “It was rough not making the playoffs last season but we’re just focused on this season, we can’t do anything about what happened last year,” Ferrara said. “The first half was rough today, we killed ourselves with penalties. In the second half we got it together and executed perfectly. This was a huge win and it feels great – we’re finally starting to play the way we’re capable of playing.”

“Justin Ferrara is a heck of a football player,” Matawan head coach John Kaye said. “He doesn’t get all the hype around him but I think he came into this game second in the Shore in receptions. We’re excited about what Justin can accomplish this season.” The Huskies were flagged for 14 penalties for 123 yards in the first half and lost a fumble at their own 32-yard line which led to Monmouth’s only score of the game. “We were very sloppy today, that’s unacceptable and we got to get better,” Kaye said. “We’ll go back to work Monday, and trust me; they don’t like the suicides they have to run for every penalty. We’re playing with some young guys on the line and we have to deal with some mistakes. We were also missing three starters today, so that didn’t help.” The Huskies scored on their first possession of the game driving 62 yards in eight plays with Ferrara’s reception from freshman quarterback George Pearson setting up senior Devon Spann’s one-yard plunge on third-and-goal. Spann was a workhorse, carrying the ball 15 times for 75 yards with alternating back Makiya Ceasar out with an injury. The Falcons took advantage of a Huskie fumble to tie the game, going 32 yards in just three plays for the score at 9:44 of the second quarter. Fordham-bound senior wideout Isiah Searight set up his own touchdown with a 30-yard catch to the seven-yard line and scored on a 12yard pass from senior quarterback Jimmy Green. Green finished with 221 yards passing on 15-of-22 attempts but was intercepted twice by the Huskies.

MATAWAN’s #23 JUSTIN FERRARA Photo By: Fran Attardi

SHORE’s #22 MADDY AGRESTI Photo By: Ken Cook

The first-of-two interceptions came on the Falcons next possession after they drove to the Huskie 12-yard line. On first-and-10 from the 12, Huskie senior cornerback Dejohn Rogers wrestled the ball away from Falcon receiver Christian Boujaoude in the end zone to halt the potential go ahead touchdown.

MATAWAN’s #24 DEVON SPANN Photo By: Fran Attardi Rogers also had a take away in the fourth quarter, wrestling the ball out of the hands of Searight after a short catch. The second half remained scoreless with a little over five minutes remaining in the third quarter and the Huskies facing fourthand-7 form the Falcons 45-yard line. Senior punter Jimmy Pierce, who is also one of Matawan’s two quarterbacks, trotted on to field as the Huskies lined up in punt formation, but instead rolled right and found Pierce alone down the right sideline. Pierce caught the ball then made a great move cutting to the center of the field for the touchdown. That took the wind out of the sails for the Falcons and they never really recovered while the Huskies tacked on two more touchdowns. With 10:54 remaining in the game Pearson again found Ferrara, this time for a 54-yard touchdown bomb down the left sideline on first-and-10 from the 46-yard line. Pearson – incredibly poised for freshman signal caller - had two touchdown passes and threw for 219 yards on 11-of-24 attempts. With a little over five minutes left in the game, Pearson connected with Rogers on pretty fade pass in the far left corner of end zone to

complete the scoring as the Huskies rolled to a 28-7 win. “George is 2-0 as a starter; today was his second start,” Kaye said. “I’ve only coached a few gunslingers since I’ve been around and this kids going to be one. When he makes a mistake he comes to the sidelines and doesn’t think one second about it, he just wants the ball to throw it again. Nothing in his conscience bothers him.” Matawan’s defense was ferocious in the second half as they completely shut down the Monmouth attack, applying relentless pressure on Green while sacking him six times and pressuring him countless others. They held the Falcons to 32-net yards and two first downs in the second half. The defensive charge was led by linemen: Jake Weber, Andrew Conzo, Austin Santana-Simmons and Dan Corredor, linebackers: Aliem Smith and Isaiah Phillip’s and defensive backs: Rogers, Ferrara, Spann and Pierce. “Our goal going into the game was to get after the quarterback,” senior captain Jake Weber said. “We got back to our old defense and that’s what you’re going to see the rest of the year. Andrew (Conzo) really stepped up for us today and so did a lot of other guys.”

Page 14 Jersey Sporting News • 10/7/14 - 10/20/14

Time to Do Something about the Soda Masquerade

Rebuilding Caseys Field Hockey: Setting Goals High by Ella Brockway

By Dr. Proodian

Coca Cola Life made its debut in America at the end of August. The folks at Coca Cola are promoting the fact that this new product has 35 percent fewer calories and is “naturally” sweetened with cane sugar and stevia leaf extract. Guess what? It’s still garbage, just like every other soda or energy drink. In a recent announcement from Coca Cola about the domestic launch of this new garbage, there’s one word that’s noticeably absent – healthy. That’s because soda has no health value whatsoever. Zero. Maybe Coca Cola would like us to believe that Coca Cola Life is slightly less unhealthy than its predecessors. After all, regular Coca Cola contains high fructose corn syrup, which has been linked to cancer, heart disease, stroke, type II diabetes and other chronic diseases. Meanwhile, Diet Coke and Coke Zero are sweetened with aspartame, which has been linked to cancer and stomach aches even though it’s FDA-approved. These products are still very much available, by the way. Coca Cola Life still has four teaspoons of sugar per can – about one quarter of the daily recommended sugar intake for children. And what about the phosphates that suck the calcium from our bones and cause osteoporosis and other bone diseases? What about all of the other artificial substances and chemicals? New product launches like this always bring me back to the same question: When are we going to stand up and do something about it? This is a movement

that needs to start at home with parents. But it must also continue with our heroes – the sports stars and entertainers who kids follow so closely and idolize. Peyton Manning. LeBron James. Kobe Bryant. Derek Jeter. Beyonce. Katy Perry. These are some of the most popular celebrities in the world. They’re paid millions of dollars to promote products with ingredients that have been scientifically proven to be unhealthy. I have a massive problem with that. It’s up to us as parents to get our collective heads out of the sand and call upon these celebrities to stop endorsing unhealthy products. I challenge all of my readers, patients and radio listeners to share this blog post with all of your friends and family on social media and get a movement started. I also challenge any sports or Hollywood star to be the one courageous human being who refuses to take the money and walks away from a lucrative endorsement contract. If you know a celebrity, ask them to step forward and take a stand against endorsing products that make us sick. If it’s not going to be parents and our heroes, who else will speak up? We as parents have the power to control what our kids put inside of their bodies. Celebrities have the platform to reach a worldwide audience. This is how movements get started, so let’s get the ball rolling today. We can do this. We have to do this. Our kids’ lives are at stake.

RBC’s #17 MARIALENA OLMA Photo By: Fran Attardi RED BANK---Losing seniors to graduation is never easy for any high school sports team. Especially when that number of graduates is high— say, 12. Building back from that loss of experience is hard, and reaching success again can be difficult. Nevertheless, it can be done. Just ask the Red Bank Catholic Caseys’ field hockey team. “The coaching staff was well aware that this was going to be a challenging year, given the number of graduates,” said head coach Megan Pietrunti, who is entering her fourth year at the helm of RBC. “All of these players have grown up in the system we have established. While we opened the season competitively, we had to learn how to win.” Despite their record of 3-5-2, the Caseys have finished eight of their ten games allowing only two goals or less. These include tough wins against Colts Neck (2-0) and Red Bank Regional (3-0), as well as a 1-1 draw with Ocean Township. The October 1 matchup against the Spartans of Ocean shows how the team has grown so far, according to Coach Pietrunti. “We had a huge game the other night [against Ocean] which ended in a tie,” Pietrunti said. “We had previously been beaten by Ocean 3-1 in which they dominated. This is a great example of a growth.” In building years, it is important for a coach to have faith in their players. It is also imperative that players have faith in each other. That is certainly the case for the Caseys this year, where senior captains Alyssa Lubischer and Rachel Bauer have spent the season working to improve not just their own games as they enter their final year, but the team’s all-around game. Both captains split their time between the forward and midfield positions, where they combine their talent and experience with the skill of newer and younger players. Sophomore Olivia D’Angelo and junior Erin Price, both forwards, lead the team with three goals and one assist apiece so far. Lubischer and Bauer, both of whom have a vision of the field on the of-

fensive end that is essential for RBC goal scoring, are joined in the midfield by freshman Tess Maloney and junior Paige Eck. Eck has so far contributed one goal and three assists for the Caseys, including two big second-half assists on September 29 in the win against Red Bank Regional. “I can honestly say that I am so proud of the team we’ve become,” said Lubischer. “We have a great group of girls and coaches who are hardworking, dedicated and competitive.” The defensive end of the field is strengthened with the presence of junior Marialena Olmo, who has one assist on the year, while a good source of the Caseys’ power this season is found in goalie Siobhan Cottell. The sophomore has collected 79 saves thus far, and is looking to expand on that number in the next few games. Bauer believes that playing on and being a part of this program has been a truly rewarding experience, especially during this season in particular. “We have definitely worked hard to become the team we are now,” she said. “Considering how far we’ve come already, if we keep working as hard as we have been, the rest of the season is going to be even better.” With a 3-3-1 division record in the Class B North division, the Caseys face competitive teams in the rest of their schedule, but that is just another challenge that this team is ready to face. An October 13 matchup against Wall, and an October 20 game against Freehold Township will help to determine RBC’s final standing in the Shore Conference. “We are truly impressed with this group,” said Pietrunti. “I have never coached a team that has responded so well to what the staff teaches, and continue to compete with determination and a willingness to learn.” The Caseys next meet the Cougars of Colts Neck on October 6.


10/7/14 - 10/20/14 • Jersey Sporting News

Page 15

Colts Earn Trifecta of “A” North Wins

sell Romano found the back of the net off a feed from Michael Loeffler. The Mustangs rallied to tie the score at halftime thanks to a goal by Connor Yuen, but the second half belonged to Loeffler. The senior netted a pair of goals to send his team to a 3-1 victory.

season. Romano scored twice and Tim Mikulski, Deven Bhattachayra, and John Frycz each had goals for the Colts. The game was only 1-0 at halftime, but CBA had dominated possession early on and appeared poised to break open the game, which they eventually did.

LINCROFT— A critical slate of Class A North Divisional games awaited the CBA boys’ soccer team last week. The Colts passed three key tests with flying colors to move to 7-3 overall on the season and positioned themselves nicely in the hunt for the division crown. The week started with a matchup against Marlboro. CBA struck first as senior Rus-

On Wednesday, CBA outlasted a tough challenge from Middletown North. It took double overtime, but Nick Meyer’s goal in the 99th minute gave the Colts a 1-0 win over the Lions. Senior keeper David Krall stopped 11 shots in goal throughout a light drizzle. CBA completed the Middletown sweep on Friday, as they routed Middletown South 5-0. The win avenged a loss to the Eagles from earlier in the

CBA’s quest for the Class A North Division title resumes on Tuesday when they square off with Freehold Township on the road at 4pm. They will host Freehold Boro on Thursday at 4pm in Lincroft. A big time showdown looms for Wednesday, October 15th as defending Class A North champion Manalapan travels to meet the Colts in a match with major first place implications.

By Ted Kaiser

CBA’s #14 MIKE LOEFFLER Photo By: Fran Attardi

CBA’s GOALIE Photo By: Fran Attardi

Experience the


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Page 16 Jersey Sporting News • 10/7/14 - 10/20/14

Rumson Fair-Haven Girls Soccer by Ella Brockway

RUMSON---Following up on a championship season is no easy task. It requires experience, new talent, and excellence for a team to return with the same intensity. With a record of 7-3, and sitting in the number nine slot of the Shore Conference standings, that has not been a problem so far in the season for the Rumson-Fair Haven Bulldogs girls soccer team. RFH ended their 16-7-1 season in 2013 with a 2-1 victory over Bernards in the NJSIAA Group II Championship, their second since 2008, as well as their second under head coach Mary Beth Coleman. This year, with strong wins against Red Bank Regional (1-0) and Manasquan (4-0) early in September, as well as hard fought defeats against Shore competitors Holmdel (0-1) and Freehold Township (0-3), Coleman sees the potential in her team and her season. “The team worked really hard during preseason to get ourselves ready for this season,” said Coleman, who is entering her ninth season as the RFH head coach and fourteenth year with the program. “We like to challenge ourselves, so we scheduled scrimmages against bigger schools that have a great soccer program with Manalapan and Middletown South.”

Even though they lost star midfielder Schulyer DeBree to the Duke University program after graduation last June, the seniors on this year’s team have risen to the occasion, including the two Bulldog captains Janie DeVito and Olivia Rosenberg. DeVito, a speedy forward with a strong leg and vision, has already totaled four goals and two assists thus far, including two in a September 27 match against Raritan. “Anyone on this team can play any position on the field, so the versatility works well for us,” said DeVito. “We are aiming not only to win our division and the Shore Conference, but also to be renamed the Group II state champions.” If it is safe to say the Bulldogs have one thing for sure this year, it is strength in numbers. With a loaded bench of upperclassmen and freshmen alike, scoring opprotunities are found in all different places. Senior midfielder and Lafayette commit Meagan McGurl, with three goals and three assists as of October 1, finds herself open with about 8-10 shots on goal per game. Athletic and quick junior Jacqueline Littleson makes her presence known with her powerful crosses and corner kicks, both of which have resulted in game changing assists in the past three years at RFH.

The Bulldogs pulled out a 3-1 victory over Manalapan, and a 2-2 draw with Middletown South in the scrimmages in late August.

“The girls understand we have a bulls-eye on our backs, and in fact, it gives teams motivations to beat us,” Coleman said. “We have to be ready every minute of every day when we step on that soccer field.”

Perhaps the biggest strength in this 2014 RFH squad is in the defensive department. With a large number of upperclassmen, including eight seniors and six juniors, many of the players on the team have been playing together for two seasons already, which makes their level of communication very strong.

Rosenberg, who spent much of last season at the center of the strong RFH defense, suffered a sprained ACL and MCL injury in the preseason, and has missed the entirety of the schedule so far. Despite her absence on the field, the senior defender still maintains her vital presence within the squad.

“They were all members of last year’s championship team,” said Coleman. “So, they understand the commitment and hard work it will take to repeat last year’s success.”

“My personal goal is to get back on the field this season,” Rosenberg said. “This year, we have looked really good, and had good possession on the field, but our one problem has

RFH’s #3 JACQUELIN LITTLESON Photo By: Ella Brockway been scoring. I think to reach our goals, we need to work on finishing.” Rounding out the rest of the Bulldog defense are senior Anna Finn, and juniors Emma Gill and Caroline Kostecky. Sophomore keeper Samantha Beaudreault has recorded 32 saves this year, including a high of 11 against Freehold Township. “We need to take each game at a time, and maintain our high level of focus and effort throughout the season,” DeVito said. “As a team, we just need to stick to how we play and we will see the results we want and deserve.” RFH currently holds a 6-1 record in their competitive ACentral division, including a home match against Shore Regional on October 18 and a huge match on October 9 at the 10-0 Holmdel in what will prove to be big, both in the Shore Conference, and NJSIAA Group II. Competition won’t stop this team. If anything, it will push them farther.

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