JSN - NJ High School Sports

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11/4/14 - 11/24/14

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Volume 20 • Issue 21




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Gymnastics SCT Finals - Page 3 Girls Soccer SCT Finals - Page 4 Boys Soccer SCT Finals - Page 8

Monmouth County Vocational School District

Monmouth County Vocational Monmouth School County District Vocational School District Career Academy Information Sessions

Career Academy Career Information Academy Sessions Information Sessions Monmouth County Vocational School District Space is Limited. 8th Grade Students and Immediate Family Only. Monmouth County School District Space isInformation Limited. 8thVocational GradeSpace Students is Limited. and Immediate 8th GradeFamily Students Only. and Immediate Family Only. Career Academy Sessions Both Student and Parent Must Attend to be Eligible to Apply.

Both Student and Parent Must BothAttend Student toand be Eligible Parent Must to Apply. Attend to be Eligible to Apply. Space is Limited. 8th Grade Students and Immediate Family Only. Monmouth County Vocational School District Monmouth County Vocational School District High Technology High School Monmouth County Vocational Monmouth School County District Vocational School District Monmouth County Academy Biotechnology High School High Technology High School High Technology High School Monmouth County Academy Monmouth County Academy Biotechnology High School to Apply. Biotechnology High School Both Student and Parent Must Attend to be Eligible

Career Academy Information Sessions

765 Rd., Newman Springs Rd., Lincroft, NJ Rd., of Allied & Allied Science 5000Academy Kozloski Rd., Freehold, NJ Career 765 Kozloski Newman Springs Rd., Lincroft, NJ 765 Newman Springs & Rd.,Science Lincroft, NJ of Health Academy Information Sessions 5000 Kozloski Freehold, NJ 5000 Freehold, NJ Health Career Academy Information Sessions Career Career Information Academy Sessions Information Sessions SpaceBiotechnology is Limited. 8th Grade Students and Immediate Family High Technology High School Monmouth County Academy 732.842.8444 High School NJ Ave.,Only. 732.842.8444 2325 Heck Ave., Neptune, 732.842.8444 2325 Heck Neptune, NJ

of Allied Health & Science 2325 Heck Ave., Neptune, NJ 732.431.7208 732.431.7208 Saturday September 27, 2014 10:00 am Saturday September 27,2014 2014 10:00am am SaturdayFamily September 27, 2014 10:00 am Saturday September 27, 2014 10:00 8th am Saturday September 27, 10:00 Saturday 27,Rd., 2014Freehold, 10:00 am NJ 765 Newman Springs Rd., Lincroft, NJ Space isImmediate Limited. Grade Students and Immediate Only. of Allied Health & Science 5000September Kozloski Space is Limited. 8th Grade Students and Immediate Family Only. 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Communications HighNJ School Marine Academy of 732.681.1010 2325 Heck NJ NJ 732.431.7208 732.842.8444 2325Ave., HeckNeptune, Ave., Neptune, 732.681.1010 Bldg. 77 Mast Way, Highlands, NJ Bldg. 77 Mast Way, Highlands, NJ 732.842.8444 732.842.8444 2325 Heck Ave., Neptune, NJ 2325 Heck Ave., Neptune, NJ 732.431.7208 732.431.7208 732.431.7208 Saturday 27, 2014 10:00 am 732.842.8444 Saturday September 27, Saturday 2014 10:00 am October Saturday September 27, 2014 10:00 am 2325 Heck Ave., Neptune, NJ Saturday October 4, 2014 10:00 Saturday 4, 2014 10:00 amam September Saturday September 27, 2014 10:00 Saturday September 27, 2014 10:00 732.431.7208 September 27, 2014 10:00 am 732.681.1010 Bldg. 77 Mast Way, NJ Saturday 27, 2014 10:00 am Wall, NJ Saturday September 27, 2014 10:00am am amHighlands, 1740 September New Bedford Rd., Science & Technology 732.775.0058 Thursday October 2, 2014 6:30 pm 732.291.0995 732.291.0995 Thursday October 2, 2014ThursdayThursday 6:30 pm Thursday October 2, 2014 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Both Student and Parent Must Attend to be Eligible to Apply.

Wednesday October 22, 2014 6:30 pm Saturday November 1, 2014 10:00 am

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VOCATIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT www.mcvsd.org www.mcvsd.org

Page 2 Jersey Sporting News • 11/4/14 - 11/24/14

INSTITUTE, INC. Oൿൿංർංൺඅ Pඋඈඏංൽൾඋ ๟ Pඋඈඎൽ Sඉඈඇඌඈඋ







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The Mud Bowl By Joseph Reyes

11/4/14 - 11/24/14 • Jersey Sporting News

Page 3

Caseys’ Capture 10th Shore Conference Gymnastics Title By Ella Brockway


After a 15-6 win over Toms River South, the field at Brick Memorial looked like a battle ground. With high winds and constant rain, both teams reverted to a ground and pound game plan. Both red zones were virtually unscathed. The bulk of this game took place outside the 20 yard lines. Most of the game Connor Owen had short yard gains, but was able to explode for some game winning runs to put Brick Memorial ahead. Kicking the ball was almost impossible with the weather conditions.

Toms River South missed the extra point thanks to the elements causing the ball not to run as effectively as it could have. Michael Nobile let his presence be known on the defensive end of the ball. He was a beast inside who exploded off the muddy line to make sacks and tackles for losses. Then going back on offense to make some key blocks. The mud made a lot of tackles. Even on quarterback runs by both teams,

Continued frome page 4


Lindsay Chambers, PT, DPT Talks About Concussions in Our Youth "A leading expert in the field of concussion research, Dr. Robert Cantu, published a book in 2012 called 'Concussions and Our Kids,' that addresses this issue perfectly. He explains how often, society anticipates boys to sustain concussions at a greater rate than girls. However, new research is showing just the opposite. An article published in 2011 by Comstock actually revealed that in high school soccer athletes, females sustained nearly double the amount of concussions as male high school soccer players. As was aforementioned, this is thought to be due not only to differences in the way boys train athletically, but also potentially a result of anatomical differences in body structure and most strikingly--cultural and societal differences. Generally

speaking, boys are raised to "brush it off" and "toughen up," where the female athlete tends to be more honest regarding the prevalence and persistence of post-concussive symptoms to her parents, coaches, therapists and physicians. Overall, I think this topic gives us as a healthcare community a lot to think about, both in how we approach patient care, manage our patients and families struggling with post-concussion syndrome and proactively look to prevent recurrence."

Lindsay Chambers, PT, DPT Director, SportsCare Concussion and Balance Center 131 Madison Ave, 3rd Floor Morristown, NJ 07960

TEAM OVERALL CHAMPIONS -- RED BANK CATHOLIC Photos By: Ella Brockway The Red Bank Catholic girls’ gymnastics team captured their fourth Shore Conference title in 10 years with a team win at the Shore Conference Championship Meet on November 1. Not only did the Caseys add another success to their growing resume, but they also entered Shore Conference history. With 112.425 overall team points, RBC tied the meet record for total points that was set in 2011 by Freehold Boro. The Caseys put forth a relatively young lineup in the meet—three freshmen, three sophomores and one junior—but in gymnastics, inexperience doesn’t necessarily impact how well you do on the bars or in your floor exercise. The meet’s all around winner, Howell’s Monica Servidio, didn’t let her youth hold her back last year as a freshman, when she was a First Team All-State selection and placed fifth in New Jersey. As she nears the end of her sophomore season, Servidio hasn’t let the nerves get to her now, either. “I think today was one of my stronger meets,” she said. “I’ve really been working, trying not to be nervous and do the best I can.” The Howell sophomore placed in the top five of all four events (vault, bars, beam, and floor exercise) Saturday, but it was her gold-medal winning floor exercise that gave her the advantage, as well as the all-around title. Servidio’s floor routine, which drew a 9.725 score from the judges, was just .050 points short of the Shore Conference record, also set by Freehold Boro in 2011. “I think the floor was my best event today,” Servidio stated. “I needed to stay confident when I did it, and tried to present everything nicely.” Servidio finished with a total of 38.200 points at the end of the meet, topping her competitors by a solid 0.525 points. RBC freshman Alex Cucich placed second overall with a score of 37.675, with Marlboro’s Melissa Astarita and Holmdel’s Tess Zientik filling out the top four.

Cucich built on the success she has already seen in her first season of high school gymnastics with her second place position, and helped lead the Caseys to the team title, with the help of junior Tara Mills, and sophomores Cassie Riley and Sierra Garcia. “I was most impressed today by the way my team held their composure,” said RBC head coach Ronanne Derosa, who is in her third year at the helm of the program. “There’s a lot of pressure when these kids come into these situations, and I thought they really held it together.” Mills, Cucich and Garcia all placed in the all-around top 15 rankings of the meet. Sophomore Cassie Riley out of RBC captured the beam title in a first place tie with Colts Neck’s Samantha Morrison with a score of 9.450. Garcia, who recently upgraded the difficulty of her vault routine, finished fifth in the vault scorings, with 9.500 points. Three big floor routines from Cucich, Garcia and sophomore Claudia DiBenedetto were one of the keys to the Caseys’ overall win. All three gymnasts had scores above 9.40 in that event. As a whole, every gymnast from RBC scored an 8.0 or higher, no matter the event. Derosa attributed the strong scores to the hard work that her team put in at the meet, and throughout the whole season. “I think the girls have done great this season, and exceeded their own expectations,” Derosa said. “I think that they know they have two more big meets to come, so this was a good checkpoint to see where we are and what we need to improve on so we can be ready for these next two.” The Caseys look to add another to their eight NJSIAA state titles, and grab their first since 2002 in the upcoming New Jersey meets. Heading into their last two meets with a shining record of 11-0, these girls are vaulting, twisting and flipping their ways into the Shore Conference history books.



Page 4 Jersey Sporting News • 11/4/14 - 11/24/14


Neptune, NJ- Several times a bridesmaid over the past couple of years drove the Wall Knights girls soccer team to play their best soccer when it mattered. For the first time since 1998 the Knights are the best team in the Shore Conference, after beating top-seed Colts Neck 1-0.


Coming off an emotional double overtime and then 5 penalty kicks to beat Freehold Borough in the semifinals, there was no let down on Saturday night from coach Michael Juska’s squad. As both teams battled the heavy rain and wind at Summerfield fields in Neptune, there was no shortage of competitive and hard fought soccer from both teams.

less first half and the chess match going on due to the weather, Musto broke free in the box early in the second half and put the Knights in front for good. Junior defender Dari Lyons took a pass from sophomore midfielder Natalie Sprengel and took it down the outside and fed a beautiful cross that Musto put into the back of the net. Coming into the game, Wall took notes from Colts Neck’s semifinal contest against Brick Memorial, beat them to every 50/50 ball you can beat them. Musto afterwards echoed that statement when she said, “we were winning every loose ball and attacking everything in the air, it kept them from getting their midfielders and offense going.” This was the second time Wall has beaten Colts Neck, who entered the finals with a record of 15-1. Wall with the win improved to 16-3-1 and head into the NJSIAA playoffs on a high note. They will open Central Jersey Group II play as the #2 seed and will host #15 Lawrence on Tuesday afternoon.

Potential for Youth Sport Injuries Higher Than Ever DR. TORPEY In today’s world, children participate in organized, competitive athletic leagues at a young age. Many sports have become yearround with kids playing in multiple leagues and camps. Years ago, athletes would play two or three different sports in one school year. Nowadays, sports are becoming very specialized. Parents may feel the need to encourage their child to focus on one sport; however, this may not prove to be the best philosophy. This

type of intensity and specialization does not allow a child’s body to rest which may result in overuse injuries and burnout. Tendonitis is a common example of an overuse injury that can bring an athletic season to an abrupt halt. Youth sports are a great way for kids to stay physically and mentally active, build leadership skills and learn discipline and teamwork. But rest and cross training are also very important to avoid injuries.

The Mud Bowl Continued frome page 3

It was the head of senior Abigayle Musto that would cap off a great run for the Knights. After a scoreBRICK MEMORIAL #24 DALE DIMICCO BREAKS THROUGH TRS DEFENSIVE LINE Photos By: Eric Braun


they couldn’t get their footing. Both running backs were forces to run mostly straight because making a cut would send them on the ground. 4th down was where this game was decided. Since kicking field goals wasn’t a viable option, these teams had to result to taking a lot of chances and going for it when in red zone territory. After a pair of costly defensive offsides, Brick Memorial was able to make a 4th and 10 into a 1st down to win the game.

Toms River South’s coach allowed Brick to score in order to give his team enough time to make a score and go for a two point conversion. “He took a shot. He made the right call,” a Brick Memorial coach said. It was a grind it out game with only a hand full of big plays. But Brick fought for field position on every play and came out muddy, but on top. It was a good way for fans to see the team’s last home game of the season.


11/4/14 - 11/24/14 • Jersey Sporting News

Page 5

COMPETING WITHOUT LIMITS. WALK-IN CLINIC For Emergency Athletic Injuries Monday-Thursday Saturday

4:00 – 6:00 p.m. 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.

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At Professional Orthopaedic Associates, we know that injuries sometimes occur during practices and games, often outside of regular office hours. This is why we offer our Saturday Clinic to treat athletes right away and get them back to competing without limits. To schedule an appointment with one of our experienced doctors, call (732) 530-4949.


Tinton Falls 776 Shrewsbury Avenue, Suite 105 Tinton Falls, NJ 07724 Toms River 1430 Hooper Avenue, Suite 101 Toms River, NJ 08753 Freehold 303 West Main Street, First Floor Freehold, NJ 07728

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Official team orthopaedic doctors for Monmouth University, Georgian Court University, and several area high schools. Ankle | Back | Elbow | Foot | Hand | Hip | Joint Replacement | Knee | Neck | Shoulder | Spine | Sports Medicine | Wrist

Page 6 Jersey Sporting News • 11/4/14 - 11/24/14


School of Strength and Conditioning

Come See the

Stretching Yoga

Sport Pshychology Meditation

20 Meridian Road Ste 5, Eatontown NJ 07724




Head Coach JmpowerU

As my career evolves and my new school is now a reality, I reflect on the last decade. In the last ten years, I have seen a large influx of sports performance facilities and programs—some of them good, some merely adequate, and some quite bad, even dangerous. I also think about the research and application of topics I’ve long since championed such as dynamic warm-up, nutrient timing, and periodization, all of which have helped me build bigger, stronger, faster athletes. Most importantly, I reflect on the many athletes and teams I have worked with, and how their rate of catastrophic injury is quite low. I credit this success to the choice those teams and athletes made to make strength and conditioning a habit year round, rather than something just done in the pre-season. Many scholarships, championships and life success has followed my alumni, and I’m very proud of them.


In recent years, the scientist in me has been focused on the recovery aspect of an athlete’s lifestyle. Sleep and nutrition are the base for a solid recovery plan, but all recovery starts before the athlete leaves the gym. No athlete ever leaves my place until they have cooled down and stretched. For years, I have yearned for a situation that would allow me to take what I have learned from yoga, sport psychology, and meditation to help my athletes complete their fulfillment of personal best performance coupled with long term durability that will stay with them for the game of life long after they have left the field. My new class Stretch and Psyche will teach the athlete to stretch, breathe, think, focus, visualize, and relax their way to feeling great. So many of these other sports performance trainers push the pedal down hard and over train kids



without any time set aside for recovery. They overlook the fact that hard work only pays off if you recover properly. Breathing is a key that unlocks human performance and recovery. I like to teach a 4 second deep nose breath upon inhalation, and a 7 second exhalation pushing air out throughout a small opening in the mouth. In your nose, there are receptors that deliver nitric oxide to your blood. Nitric oxide helps open capillaries and deliver more oxygen per breath. During the complete quiet time that only the JMPOWER facility can deliver, I will teach the athletes focus and concentration. Most sports performance facilities are also clinics and health clubs, so there is always lots of distracting noise around. You won’t find that at my Stretch and Psyche class





The Dawn of a New Age Stretch and Psyche Joe McAuliffe C.S.C.S.








new sensation

In addition, our mirror wall will help the feedback process while developing balance and posture. It will help develop good movement skills, like starting, stopping, jumping, takeoff and landing, as well as change of direction. The end of class will include positive image visualization and relaxation. If my first class

was any indicator of the future, one of my kids (who's a type A personality) fell asleep. He remarked that he often had trouble falling asleep. His experience highlights another recover aid--sleep. To be continued… relaxation…………..


By Eric Braun

Lakewood, NJ - Good things come to those who work hard, stay committed and work together as a team. For a program that just started four years ago, Saint John Vianney Lancers captured the school’s first ever Shore Conference Tournament Championship on a three set match against Marlboro (22-25, 27-25 and 25-20). The #3 seeded Lancers entered the semi finals and finals night with at record of 18-1, their lone loss coming to Red Bank Catholic in early October. It was the sharp hitting of four year starter and senior Megan McGrory that put the Lancers into celebration mode. Leading 24-20 in the final set, McGrory executed a perfect spike off of a set ball from sophomore Alyssa Reardon. Afterwards coach Jessica Gadaleta added that “Megan is the perfect mixture of hard work and athleticism and when we needed her to step up all year, she has always been there.” An excited Megan afterwards stated “that we worked hard all year and this was one of our goals this year to put our program on the map, we dug in and battled a tough Marlboro team tonight and it was well worth the work.”

The night started with Saint John Vianney overpowering an undersized Barnegat squad with straight set wins to reach the finals. Marlboro on the other side battled top seed Wall for two tough set wins.


In the Championship contest it was Marlboro that drew first blood taking the first set 25-22 with excellent placement shots from junior Jessica Iacobellis and spot serves from Teresa Dinh who finished with 6 straight serves for winners. Game two started out the same for the Mustangs jumping out to an early lead and then the Lancers came alive. With Marlboro EMAILlooking to close out another title run HEAD WRITER EDITOR leading 23-22, it was McGrory’s shot through the twin jsnattardi@msn.com Ted Kaiser Laura Ambrosio towers that tied the game at 23 and from there Vianney took the PHONE momentum and never looked back, winning WRITERS PHOTOGRAPHERS 27-25. From there the Lancers’ seniors and supporting 732-610-1151 cast who have worked together all year battled through Mike Rogers Francine Attardi every shotWEB and serve that Marlboro through at them in Mike Ready Eric Braun Francesca Attardi the final jerseysportingnews.com set, but the Lancers determination and drive Publisher was too much for the Mustangs to overcome losing the Eric Braun SeanSPIKES Simmons MEGAN MCGRORY VS MARLBORO FACEBOOK final set 25-20. facebook.com/jerseysportingnews.com

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Francesca Attardi Attardi Francesca Francesca Attardi Publisher Publisher Publisher Francesca Attardi JSN isPublisher looking for High

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11/4/14 - 11/24/14 • Jersey Sporting News

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WEST LONG BRANCH – Senior linebacker James Bedell spearheaded a suffocating defensive effort to help Shore Regional clinch at least a tie for their second straight Class B Central title Friday night as the Blue Devils (6-1, 4-0) defeated division rival Point Beach 17-0 at Robert E. Feeney Field in West Long Branch.

SHORE’S #7 RYAN CAMP Photos By: Eric Braun The win also helped heal the wounds of last season’s bitter 12-7 loss to Point Beach in the NJSIAA Central Jersey Group I final after they had destroyed the Garnet Gulls 31-0 the week before for the division title. “We had them marked on the calendar,” Bedell said. “We just really wanted to get to them. That state championship game was motivation to keep practicing hard; as soon as that game was over we came in Monday and began preparing.” The 17-0 win was the Blue Devils second straight shutout and third of the year for the defensive unit, which has allowed a mere 36 points in its seven games for a super-stingy 5.14 pts/ game average – tops in the Shore Conference. The 6-foot-3, 205-pound Bedell - a

third-team All-Shore selection last season – appropriately played like a man possessed on this Halloween night, registering four tackles for losses for 14 yards and 13 total tackles in an outstanding display of raw talent. “James is the heart-and-soul of our defense,” Blue Devil head coach Mark Costantino said. “He’s like a coach on the field, he tells people were to go, he makes adjustments….. he’s just an amazing player; definitely an All-Shore candidate.” The defense as a whole limited the Garnet Gulls (5-3, 3-1) to seven first downs and 133 total yards allowing only 54 yards on the ground on 33 carries for a 1.6 yard per carry average while holding senior fullback Joe Wegrzyniak – a 1,500-yard rusher last season – to 15 yards in 12 carries in Wegrzyniak’s first game back since missing two games with a high ankle sprain. Point Beach was without its leading rusher, senior Mike Frauenheim, who suffered a season ending broken collar bone last week. Considering the fact that 79 yards of the Garnet Gulls total yardage came on their only two pass completions of the game, including a 39 yarder on a meaningless last ditch drive and 19 rushing yards on quarterback Jake Fioretti’s scramble while just barley avoiding a Bedell and Mitchell Candido sack, it made the Blue Devils defensive effort that much more impressive. Linebackers Alex Johnson (8 tackles), Ryan Campi , and Connor Rempel as well as defensive ends Candido and Jeremy Redaelli and tackles Domonic Liana and Robert Fallon all contributed big defensive efforts in the win. Defensive back’s Jack Britton and Matt Pen-

nell also supplied solid run support and Pennell knocked down a pass in the end zone on the Garnett Gulls only real threat of the game. The Blue Devils excelled in all phases of the game and got great performances from the offense and special teams as well as the defense.

as senior placekicker Jake Monteiro nailed a 37-yard field goal on the Blue Devils first possession of the game for the only scoring in the half, and junior punter George Notte dropped three punts inside the Point Beach 20-yard line, including one inside the three yard-line, that dictated excellent field position for the Blue Devils.

Junior running back Doug Goldsmith, who played a superb game at linebacker, ran the ball 22 times for a 145 yards and one touchdown in only his third game back since missing the first four games with an injury. 93 of those yards came in the second half as the Blue Devils controlled the ball and the clock for most of the second half.

Neither team got much going in the first half as the two defenses dominated with only 157 yards of total offense gained between the two teams.

“Doug is so important to this team,” Costantino said. “He makes the plays on both sides of the ball for us and changes the complexions of games; he’s a tremendous player.”

After receiving the opening kickoff of the second half and starting at their own 40-yard line, a holding penalty pulled the plug on that possession and forced them to punt from the 35. Notte then pinned Point Beach back at 16-yard line with a 49-yard punt that was aided by a nice roll. A penalty and consecutive tackles for losses by Bedell and Campi forced a Point Beach punt from the end zone and Shore took over at the Garnet Gulls 20 after the punt.

“He’s (Bedell) such a great player, it’s unbelievable to see the plays he makes,” Bedell said. “He’s the best player I’ve ever played with and I’ll miss playing with him next year.” The special teams were ‘special’ as well

The defense held Point Beach on their next possession and the offense then ran eight minutes off the clock with an

Good field position gained by some stout defense and a booming punt led to the Blue Devils first touchdown of the game.

Bedell then rumbled around right end for 18 yards before scoring from the two on the next play.


at the Garnet Gulls 15 yard-line. Junior Tyreek McCain then sprinted around right end finding the piling to give Shore a 17-0 lead with 3:11 remaining in the third quarter.

On the ensuing kickoff, a block in the back penalty on the play pushed Point Beach back to the 12-yard line and three plays later they were again punting from their end zone. The Blue Devils took over at the Point Beach 20 and an eight-yard run by senior running back Kyle Masica followed by a 14-yard pickup by senior back Mike Moore set up a first-and-ten

PT BEACH’S #25 ZACK SCHALLER 11-play drive to seal the win as Goldsmith picked up 60 yards on five carries to put the capper on his evenings work. These two teams may not have seen the last of each other before it’s all over. A Shore win next week against Asbury Park will not only clinch the outright Class B Central title, it more than likely will secure them the No.1 seed in the upcoming NJSIAA playoffs while the Garnett Gulls now appear to be penciled in at the No.8 seed. The No.1 seed meets the No.8 seed in the first round of the state playoffs. “We’re going to treat next week’s game like it’s a championship game,” Costantino said. “We’re not going to share this title with anyone. There’s no guarantee what’s going to happen in two or three weeks – we’re going to get after them next week and don’t look back.”

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Neptune, NJ- For the second time in six years, the Freehold Township boys soccer team are Champions of the Shore Conference Tournament after beating Wall Township 2-1 Saturday Night. The Patriots entered the tournament as the #11 seed and pulled one of the greatest runs in Shore Conference Tournament history, beating defending champions Manalapan, perenial Shore Conference power CBA and then Wall. The Patriots got on the board early in the first half with a pair of goals from Adrian Barajas and Jason Czarkkowski. Barajas started off the scoring placing a header just past the keeper on a cross from Mike Maltese. Minutes later the Knights would score on another header when Czajkowski scored on a cross from Tim O’Donnell into the upper corner.

Afterwards Coach Briggs added, “This is a team that played with an attitude from the opening whistle of the first round game to the final whistle of the finals.” The Patriots who have had no problems scoring all season, got exceptional defensive play in the tournament and proved that they do belong along with the elite teams at the Shore. Freehold held off a talented Wall team to earn their third title in school history adding to the 2008 and 1987 co-championship teams. Coach Briggs added, “This tournament run has definitely brought us closer together and we look to carry this momentum into the states.” The Patriots will open Central Jersey Group IV as the #9 seed against #8 seed West Windsor.




FREEHOLD’S #10 NICK FACENDO Photos By: Fran Attardi

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Hazlet, NJ - For the past fifteen years the Shore Conference Tournament Championship for field hockey belonged to Shore Regional Blue Devils. On Sunday at Raritan High School that all changed when Rumson Fair Haven Bulldogs scored two early goals and held on for a 2-0 win and their first ever SCT title. Senior forward Peyton McCaulley scored both Rumson goals in the first half to take away any and all momentum Shore Regional came into the game with. Shore, coming off a thrilling overtime win against Wall and riding a 15-game SCT winning streak, had no answer for the Bulldogs on this day. Playing to a 1-1 tie back in early September, Rumson knew they had the team that could hang with and beat Shore. Along with McCaulley, the Bulldogs’ excellent offensive production all day from Madison Maguire, Lilly Croddick and Abigael Donahue. The

11/4/14 - 11/24/14 • Jersey Sporting News

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Dawgs defense was the story of the day, shutting down a very explosive Blue Devils squad from the opening whistle. Senior captain and emotional leader Catie Ebner, Kara Dixon and Maggi McKay, frustrated Shore Regional. After celebrating with her teammates, Ebner added, “We worked so hard for this win, it all started over the summer and everyone bought in. For the past four years this is what myself and the other seniors have been working towards, it means the world to us.” Maybe the unsung hero from this group is junior goalkeeper Anna Babiak. With just under five minutes to go, Shore Regional packed the offensive box and Babiak came up with three point blank saves to secure the shutout and lift Rumson over Shore.


With the win and a ton of confidence, Rumson now heads into the NJSIAA tournament with a ton of momentum as the #1 seed and will face off against #8 Delran in the Central Jersey Group II bracket. They will look to add to the SCT title and not only play for the Group title on November 8th but bring more hardware back to RFH.


Happy Hour - Monday-Friday 4 - 6:30

Page 10 Jersey Sporting News • 11/4/14 - 11/24/14

My Army Reserve Story Neptune Surprises Long Branch By Michael Rogers

Matthew Cilento, a 2014 graduate of Jackson Liberty High School, has decided to join the United States Army Reserves. He originally planned to attend a local community college, but after researching the amount of tuition, enlisted in the Army Reserves to assist in the cost of his higher education. In addition to the education benefits, Matthew believes that serving in the Army Reserves will provide the discipline to complete his education and the pride and honor of serving his country. Through the United States Army Reserves Concurrent Admissions program, Matthew has pre-enrolled in Kean University and is planning to begin courses once he completes Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training as an 88M (Motor Transportation Operator) in spring 2015. Matthew believes that, “(The United States Army Reserves) is a great option if you want free schooling and the best education money can buy. You will also be able to serve one weekend a month, two weeks a year while being home and staying close to my family”. Welcome to the Army Family, Welcome to the Team!

Neptune, NJ - Coming into this week’s game between Neptune (5-2,5-1) and Long Branch (6-2,3-2) the expectation would have been for a close hard fought game and not a 27 to 0 shutout by one team. Neptune surprised Long Branch by doing just that, dominating with tough defense and shutting out the Green Wave 27-0. In the first quarter, Neptune's Jaree Parish scored the only points the Fliers would need on a 72 yard run. With the Hunter Daly extra point, Neptune led 7 to 0. That was the only scoring of the first half as Neptune's defense shutout Long Branch and their sensational running back, Dahmiere Willis. Wilis has rushed for over 1800 yards and 19 touchdowns so far this season including rushing for over 200 yards in his last six games for Long Branch. In the third quarter, Neptune continued the shutout and scored again, this time on quarterback Royal Moore's 3-yard touchdown run. The Fliers extended their lead on a Cameron Calderon 89 yard

interception return for a touchdown with Daly making one extra point and the other one being blocked. At the end of the third quarter, Neptune led 20-0 and their defense had only given up 47 yards of total offense to Long Branch.

NEPTUNE’S DEFENSE HOLDS THE LINE Royal Moore finished the scoring in the fourth quarter with a 5 yard touchdown pass to O'Shane Curate making the final score 27-0 Fliers over the Green Wave. Next week Neptune plays at Toms River North while Long Branch will play Red Bank Regional.



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11/4/14 - 11/24/14 • Jersey Sporting News

Page 11

IS YOUR HEALTH BEING HELD UP BY FOCUS AND ENERGY ROBBERS? Dr. Proodian • Infectious diseases such as Lyme’s disease

all of these things are using up our energy.

This will show if you’re living in an inflamed state.

• Lack of sleep

Instead of using energy for the things we enjoy, these robbers drain the body’s energy supply. The brain has to redirect our energy to process inflammatory foods, compensate for a hormonal imbalance or help us cope with stress.

• Lipid panel: This measures fats.

• Erratic blood sugar levels, such as the spikes and crashes caused by the bad kinds of sugar • Anemia • Environmental toxins found at home, in the workplace and throughout the industrialized world

What can you do find out if focus and energy robbers are at work in your body? The most important step is a thorough blood test.

• Chronic stress • Lack of exercise Everyone has filled out forms when visiting the doctor’s office. Aside from providing your doctor with background information, there is survey information that is used to identify more general trends. One of them has been easy to spot. The number one reported health complaint in medical office across the country every year is fatigue. So many people who visit Natural Healthcare Center are dealing with a lack of energy, which has gone beyond a national epidemic to become a worldwide pandemic. We all should be able to focus with our brains. We all should be able to wake up with an abundance of energy, and we should never wake up exhausted.

But our society is almost universally challenged by a lack of focus and energy. Here’s the frustrating part. We have energy-manufacturing resources built into our bodies, but as always, man steps in and damages those resources. As Dr. Daniel Amen outlines in his book, Change Your Brain, Change Your Body, there are a number of focus robbers and energy robbers that prevent us from enjoying optimal health. Here are the most common focus and energy robbers: • Inherited and acquired brain disorders, such as anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder

• Hormonal issues • A dysfunctional gastrointestinal system • Medications such as Xanax and OxyContin • Poor nutritional habits that put the body in an inflamed state • Drug and alcohol abuse • Any systemic inflammation Your brain has to regulate all of the energy throughout your body. It’s like a master computer that tells energy where to flow. We end up tired and unable to focus because

Unfortunately, many doctors order different things in their blood tests. I wish more doctors could get on the same page and look at factors outside of a CBC (complete blood count) and a chemistry, which assesses blood glucose levels and kidney and liver function. In addition to CBC and chemistry, ask your doctor to include the following • Vitamin B12: B12 deficiency is a common cause of anemia and lethargy • Folate: Also called folic acid, folate is a derivative of B9. Folate is important to DNA synthesis and repair, as well as cell division and growth. • Vitamin D: A lack of vitamin D is commonly associated with depression and memory problems. • C-reactive protein and homocysteine:

• Fasting Insulin: This has a number of functions, such as helping to diagnose hypoglycemia or identify insulin resistance. • Hemoglobin A1c: This test measures a person’s risk for type II diabetes. • Thyroid panel: This test evaluates thyroid gland function and includes T3, T4 and TSH. • Free and total testosterone: Testosterone is important for men and women! • Fatty acid profile: This profile will show the ratio between pro-inflammatory essential fatty acids (Arachidonic acid) and anti-inflammatory fatty acids (EPA). Most focus and energy robbers can be controlled by living a wellness lifestyle and making smarter decisions. If you’re dealing with a lack of focus and energy, talk to your physician or come see me at Natural Healthcare Center, and make sure your blood test includes all of the above items. There are others depending on your specific history and exam findings. Don’t let focus and energy robbers prevent you from feeling better, functioning better and living longer.

Page 12 Jersey Sporting News • 11/4/14 - 11/24/14

With your help it can have a happy ending! This year, the Rainbow Foundation is once again going to tackle the impossible; they are going to provide “financial first aid” to hundreds of New Jersey kids and their families, quickly, without a lot of red tape. With dignity, compassion and love. They’ve got to. Because if they said no, there would literally be no place else for these beleaguered families to turn. Since Rainbow Foundation was born in 1984, they’ve provided on-the-spot help to well over 20,000 youngsters - in almost as many forms! They’ve paid hospital and medical bills, arranged transportation for both extraordinary surgeries and ongoing treatments,

donated wheelchairs and prosthetic devices, bought air conditioners for children with Cystic Fibrosis, made cash grants to families in dire need...and the list goes on and on. While their work is gratifying beyond compare and there are plenty of plaudits for both their Foundation and the contributors - one thing is painfully certain: they could easily distribute ten times the funds we have. Hopefully that’s where you or your company can make a difference this year. Frankly, they hope they can tug at your heart strings a little and demonstrate just how responsible they can act as custodian for some of your precious charitable dollars. All of this was achievable because of the amazing support of

the community and the dedication of their wonderful volunteers and outstanding board members. It is because of all the support, the many friends and countless volunteers over the years, they continue making a difference in each and every child and family that asks for help. If you’ll only give us a chance, you’ll see how your generosity can have a direct, personal impact that will improve the quality of life for desperately ill kids right here in New Jersey. In lots of cases, that’s the only break they’ll get. And that, you see, is why we call the Rainbow Foundation a love story. It takes your help - but you’ve got the power to give it a happy ending. With your help it can have a happy ending.


11/4/14 - 11/24/14 • Jersey Sporting News

Page 13

A spectacular time with the Ronald McDonald House of Long Branch A spectacular time was celebrated by all last Friday evening, October 24 when Ronald McDonald House of Long Branch hosted their 5th Annual Wine Tasting Event Fundraiser located at The Robert B. Meyner Reception Center in Holmdel.

First established in 1974, Ronald McDonald House is a “home away from home” facility for families of seriously ill children receiving care at medical facilities. In addition, the facility also offers family rooms and a hospital suite in the pediatric units of four hospitals in Monmouth and Middlesex County.

Long Branch and New Brunswick are the two locations where the facilities are located in New Jersey. There are several ways to help support this wonderful organization. You may donate, volunteer, adopt-a-family for the holiday, or support a fundraising activity.

To learn more about Ronald McDonald House, you can visit their website at INFO@RHM-CNH.org, or contact Lynn @ (732) 222-8755 located in the Long Branch facility.

Page 14 Jersey Sporting News • 11/4/14 - 11/24/14

CROSSFIT TRIPLE THREAT 120 Monmouth St. redbank nj 07701


CBA Jazz Series Welcomes

Page 27

David Benoit


“Christmas Tribute to Charlie Brown” December Performance to be held at CBA’s Henderson Theatre N.J. Monmouth County, N.J., October 24, 2014 – Jazz legend David Benoit and his quartet kick off the Christmas holiday season at CBA’s Henderson Theatre in Lincroft, New Jersey with their “Christmas Tribute to Charlie Brown” show in their only New Jersey/New York area appearance, as the latest installment of The CBA Jazz Series.

“Christmas Tribute to Charlie Brown” will be held on Wednesday, December 3, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. at Henderson Theatre located at 850 Newman Springs Road in Lincroft, N.J. With only 350 tickets on sale to the general public, the evening proves to be a unique opportunity for any Benoit or Charlie Brown Christmas music fan.

Under the direction of Karen Gold, CBA has expanded its music program in recent years to give its students a competitive and heightened stage experience. The CBA Jazz Ensemble, who will be the opening act for Mr. Benoit, and the choirs participation in this year’s show are recent examples of the Academy’s unique and broadened offerings for its students.

Five-time Grammy nominee, world-class contemporary jazz Founders and organizers of The CBA Jazz Series Joe Since launching his recording career in 1977, Benoit’s expanpianist, composer and conductor, David Benoit will play the and Miriam Tort, of Rumson, explain, “We are thrilled to sive career as a contemporary jazz pianist and composer has beloved holiday music made famous by Vince Guaraldi on have secured David Benoit and his quartet for their ex- included 28 solo recordings. His ’80s releases This Side Up, the original A Charlie Brown Christmas special in the intimate clusive area performance of the heartwarming Charlie Freedom at Midnight and the GRAMMY-nominated Every Step Henderson Theatre. The concert also includes a Peanuts Piano Brown music and his outstanding smooth jazz compoof the Way are considered influential genre Kevin classics. His latest Garrett Sickels Waters Garrett Kroeger Concerto tribute to Charles Schulz, songs from the musical sitions. An added treat to this year’s show will be the work Conversation was released in May 2012. Wall Red Bank Regional TR Trinity North Hall choirs performing with Mr. Benoit. You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown, along with Mr. Benoit’s CBA and Sr. 6’4- 245 lbs. Sr. 6’2- 220 lbs. Sr. 6’0265 lbs. of the top players in theare Shore Waters is a two-way starter: atDE own compositions. The CBA and Trinity Hall High School The CBA Jazz Series, now in its fourth year,One reinforces Tickets $50 per person and can be purchases on-line Kroeger starts at DE and G for Conference, Sickels, a defensive and TE. The new coaching staff is Choirs will accompany Mr. Benoit reminding us that Christmas the strong connection between CBA and the LB, Performing cbajazz.brownpapertickets.com. Proceeds will benefit the Peris a firm commit to Penn adding some new packages offenthe Mariners. He went to junior State. He tallied 11forming sacks, 76Arts tack-Department at CBA. sively that he says they are adjustTime is Here! Arts. day at “Stonehill College and les (9 for loss) and three blocked ing to. Waters has had looks from could end up with some college kicks (one returning for a TD). Delaware and Penn State. offers.

Holmdel Girls’ Soccer Looking for Tournament Win By Ella Brockway

As the first rounds of the girls’ soccer state tournament begin this week, the Holmdel Hornets are looking to build on their 14-5 record, and keep “swatting” away their opponents. Since September, the Hornets have jumped in the Shore Conference rankings to the number 8 spot. This season’s success is partially thanks to the goal scoring and play of juniors Hannah Lee and Gabriella Bair. Bair and Lee have combined for 26 goals and 18 assists in nineteen games thus far. Both have used their ability to score to their advantage, with contributions in big wins over Matawan (6-0) and St. John Vianney (4-1). After a mid-October 2-3 loss in overtime to Shore, Holmdel won their next four consecutive games, including a big 1-0 win in the Shore Conference Tournament against Ocean Township. The team’s conference tournament run ended in a 2-1 heartbreaker against Wall, where Lee gave the Hornets their lone goal.

Dan Watson Brick Twp. Garrett Sickels Sr. 6’2- 205 lbs. Red Watson had an outstandingBank 2011 Regional Sr. 6’4with 11 sacks at DE. He’ll also245 lbs. One of the top players in the start at TE Conference, for the Green Sickels, a defe Dragons. LB, is a firm commit to State. He tallied 11 sacks, 76 les (9 for loss) and three bl kicks (one returning for a TD

Patrick Toal Connor Canonico Raritan Colts Neck Jr. 6’3265 lbs. Kroeger Garrett Sr. 6’1- 210 lbs. Keep an eye on this rising junior Canonico is a returning starter at Head coach Jennifer Conroy, who is in her 18th North who is a two-year TR starter at offentight end and defensive end who is year garnering in command of the program, is impressed with sive and defensive tackle. Sr. 6’0265 Toal lbs. interest from some alreadyKroeger has schools suchatasDE Ohio starts and G for her team’s performance in the competitive A Central Division-III colleges. State interested. the Mariners. He went to junior

division. Coming off of last season’s 16-7-3 record, the Hornets have seen strength in their thirteen juniors, as well as senior goalkeeper Helen Burleigh. Burleigh has recorded an astonishing 143 saves this season. She has reached herNeighborhood overall high of 14 saves Your Friendly in two games, against St. John Vianney on October 18 and in the tournament match against Ocean. Medical Supplies Holmdel advanced to the semifinal round of the NJFor Sale orand Rental SIAA Tournament last year, closed their 2013 season with a triple overtime draw against Delran. Their first round state tournament game will pin them at home against Matawan. The Hornets’ resume favors them on this front, with two wins against the Huskies already under their belt. Holmdel will take on Matawan at 3:30 PM on Roggy Field at Holmdel High School on November 4.

day at Stonehill College and could end up with some college offers.

Connor Canonico Colts Neck Sr. 6’1- 210 lbs. Canonico is a returning starter at tight end and defensive end who is garnering interest from some Athletic Division-III colleges.

Patrick Toal Raritan Jr. 6’3- 265 lbs. Keep an eye on this rising j who is a two-year starter at sive and defensive tackle. already has schools such as State interested.

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HOLMDEL’S #21 GABRIELLA BAIR Your Friendly Neighborhood Photo By: LesterPharmacy Pierce


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11/4/14 - 11/24/14 • Jersey Sporting News

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Lincroft, NJ - For decades when you talked about the elite teams at the Shore Conference level and NJSIAA, Christian Brothers Academy was always one of the top teams. Winner of numerous Shore Conference and NJSIAA Championships, the Colts were always a team that others feared to see in their paths.

Russell Romano (11), John Frycz (8) and Mike Loeffler (3) lead the Colts in scoring this season and are helped out by a tenacious midfield led by assist leaders Tommy Lozowski, Richard Leister and Matthew Thorsheim (all with 3 assists a piece). A senior laden team relies heavily on the leadership and teamwork to get the back to dominance of Colts past.

The past couple of years the Colts were in rebuilding mode when it comes to winning standards. This season they have pulled it altogether and currently sit at 125-1. A great run into the semifinals of the Shore Conference came to an end against eventual winner Freehold Twp. 1-0. With the success of the season and SCT run, the Colts are heading into the NJSIAA as the #3 seed in the Non-Public A South bracket. They will be sitting two wins from another Parochial title but will have to get through #2 Gloucester Catholic and #1 seed Saint Augustine.



CBA’S #33 TOM LOZOWSKI Photos By: Fran Attardi

The CBA jazz series present s

David Benoit Christmas Tribute to Charlie Brown

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Henderson Theatre

7:30 pm Tickets: $50 per person

850 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft, NJ

Tickets available at: cbajazz.brownpapertickets.com

Page 16 Jersey Sporting News • 11/4/14 - 11/24/14

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No Letdown as Caseys Rock Ocean By Ted Kaiser

OCEAN— It would have been understandable if the Red Bank Catholic football team was brushing off the challenge expected from Ocean last Friday night. After all, the Caseys had firmly defeated Manalapan, considered their toughest competition in the Shore Conference, last week. The first quarter looked as though maybe RBC did underestimate the Spartans who trailed only 8-7 heading into the second. But the Caseys were merely getting warmed up. A 36-yard field goal by Vince Gallo extended the lead to 11-7 before an offensive eruption put the game to rest. Junior quarterback Eddie Hahn scored on a two-yard keeper then two plays later he intercepted an Ocean pass and returned it 45-yards for another score. After recovering the kickoff, RBC scored on a fourth down connection from Hahn to tight end Steve Dnistrian. Suddenly the score was 32-7. Another touchdown pass by Hahn to receiver Mike Demonte capped the second quarter scoring and sent the Caseys to a 39-7 halftime lead. They went on for a 46-13 win that clinched their 5th straight Class B North overall championship and 11th straight Class B North parochial title. “We talked about coming off the Manalapan game and not feeling our oats a little bit,” explained RBC head coach Jim Portela. “But I think the kids played hard.”

Eddie Hahn finished with four touchdowns, two by air, one by ground, and one on the interception return. Mike Cordova tallied 84 rushing yards. The RBC defense held under 100 rushing yards and forced three turnovers. Ocean’s Tyler Thompson was the main threat for the Spartans with 16 carries for 44 yards and seven catches for 51 yards. The Caseys will get ready for a big showdown on Friday night when they head to Jackson Memorial. The Jaguars are one of the best teams in the Shore Conference and will be looking to prove themselves against an RBC squad that is considered the top dog at the moment.

RBC’S #18 JOHN PORTELA Photos By: Fran Attardi



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