Urban Housing Structural

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3A Urban Housing Jessicaa Gaudi Cowan

Structural ctural Booklet

Ground floor detail. 1. 1.

1. Triple glazed window unit. PVC frame with insulated cavity closer below. 2. Steel Stud framing filled with hemp insulation.


3. Wall composiiton: 102.5mm Maonry 50mm Air gap Breather membrane 25mm Rigid wood fibre board 400mm Hemp insulation 25mm Clay board Interior Screen.


9. 8. 4.

4.Steel Stud framing filled with hemp insulation.

5. 6.

5. 150mm Rigid wood fibre board 6. 200mm Concrete floor slab


7. 300mm Concrete ground bearing slab 8. Weep hole 11. 9. Floor tiles 10. Concrete piled strip fondation. 11. Compacted hardcore.


First floor detail. !. 180mm Precast concrete slab spanned between ventilated masonry columns that make up the facade. It is clad in brick slips



2. Facade planter. Planter consists of Soil, 100mm gravel (50mm along the exterior edges) root barrier, Filter membrane and 100mm drainage layer.

2. 3. Masonry trough flashed with zinc and lined with a waterproof membrane. 4. Small gutter for excess water. 5. Insulated Cavity closer for fire safety.

8. 4.

6. Weep hole. 7. 250mm deep steel beam with hemp insulation between the secondry structure. 8. 140mm Composite decking. 9. Wall composition 102.5 masonry, 50mm air gap, breather membrane, 25mm rigid wood fibre board, 400mm hemp insulation, clay board. 10. Triple glazed unit, PVC sill. 25mm Clay board with screed interior finish. 11. Masonry supporting angle bracket spanned between masonry columns that make up the facade.

7. 5.


6. 11. 10.



1. 180mm Precast concrete slab


spanned between ventilated masonry columns that make up the facade. It is clad in brick slips


2. 200mm Precast concrete Parapet. 1.

3. Wall composition 102.5 masonry, 50mm air gap, breather membrane, 25mm rigid wood fibre board, 400mm hemp insulation, clay board.


4. Zinc Flashing down the inside of the Parapet over 25mm weather boarding and Waterproof membrane.


5. Green roof 150mmm soil lined with 100mm gravel (50mm around the periphery) 6. 100mm drainage layer on top of 150mm Waterproof insulation and Waterproof membrane.




7. 140mm Composite floor deck. 8. 250mm deep steel beam with hemp insulation between the secondry structure.

9. . Triple glazed unit, PVC sill. 25mm Clayboard with screed interior finish.

10. Masonry supporting angle bracket spanned between masonry columns that make up the facade. Weep hole in Masonry.


9. 11.

Terrace wall detail. 1. 1. Triple glazed window unit. PVC cill with insulated cavity closer below. 2. Wall composition 102.5 masonry, 50mm air gap, breather membrane, 25mm rigid wood fibre board, 400mm hemp insulation, clay board.


3. 100mm Concrete external surface screed. 4. 160mm Rigid insulation. 5. 140mm Slimdek 6. 140mm Composite decking 7. Weep hole with Breather membrane over rigid insulation. 8. 250mm deep steel beam with hemp insulation between the secondry structure.Clay board with screed interior finish.

7. 3.


4. 5. 8.

Terrace parapet detail. 1. 1700mm Glass ballustrade. 2. Masonry support braket. 3. 100mm Concrete exterior surface screed. 4. 160mm Rigid insulation. 5. 140mm Slimdeck. 6. Wall composition 102.5 masonry, 50mm air gap, breather membrane, 25mm rigid wood fibre board, 400mm hemp insulation, clay board.




4. 5. 6.

Structural model

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