DEMENTIA C ATA L O G U E New + BestselLing Books 2017
Contents New Books – Dementia New Books – Related Interest Dementia Care Understanding Dementia Person-Centred Approaches Activities and Creative Ideas Best Practice and Professional Development Experts by Experience For Families, Friends and Carers Books for Children Books for Care Homes and Carers End of Life Care and Bereavement Spiritual Care
3 9 11 13 14 16 19 20 22 24 25 26 27
Safeguarding Adults Related Interest
29 30
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N e w B oo k s – D ementia
Within this book you will find an intensely practical approach focussing on some of the most challenging situations we face in everyday care… Highly recommended! – Professor Dawn Brooker, PhD CPsychol (clin) AFBPsS, Director of the Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester
NEW CONFUSED, ANGRY, ANXIOUS? Why working with older people in care really can be difficult, and what to do about it Bo Hejlskov Elven, Charlotte Agger and Iben Ljungmann JAN 2017 | 192pp | pb | £12.99 | $19.95 | ISBN-9781785922152 | eISBN-9781784504946
orking with older people in care can be challenging and frustrating, especially when they behave in ways that seem irrational, aggressive, or unreasonably repetitive, and nothing you can do seems to help. The authors of this useful and practical book explain how to understand the difficult and annoying ways in which older people in care can behave, (especially people with dementia), how to stay calm and kind, and how to solve the problems they can create. With many examples of everyday challenges and how to deal with them, this book has the potential to change your working life.
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N e w B oo k s – D ementia
PRACTICAL NUTRITION AND HYDRATION FOR DEMENTIA FRIENDLY MEALTIMES Lee Martin OCT 2017 | 240pp | pb | £14.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781849057004 | eISBN-9781784502218
ue to the related cognitive decline, the majority of people with dementia will experience a reduction in mealtime abilities at some stage of the disease. Changes in mealtime abilities can lead to malnutrition and related issues for the person with dementia, and feelings of powerlessness and worry for carers. Despite this, there is a current lack of information on how to deal with this complex issue. In this accessible guide, Lee Martin offers simple, practical and cost-effective solutions to ensure healthy and enjoyable eating for people with dementia. Presenting clinical advice in everyday language, this is the perfect book for unpaid carers and healthcare professionals alike.
UNDERSTANDING BEHAVIOUR IN DEMENTIA THAT CHALLENGES, SECOND EDITION A Guide to Assessment and Treatment Ian Andrew James and Louisa Jackman AUG 2017 | 256pp | pb | £22.99 | $32.95 | ISBN-9781785922640 | eISBN-9781784505516
he innovative Newcastle Challenging Behaviour Model for dementia care has recently been updated, leading to new advances in the field. This revised second edition guide to assessment and treatment of behaviours that challenge associated with dementia includes these latest developments along with new sections on what have traditionally been considered controversial topics. The new chapters cover issues including: • • • • •
End of life care Use of therapeutic dolls Lies and deception Physical restraint during personal care Racism towards care staff
With a particular emphasis on non-pharmacological approaches, this book details the range of behaviours common in individuals with dementia, along with the most affective assessment and treatment techniques for health care professionals.
O R D E R O N L I N E AT: W W W. J K P. C O M
N e w B oo k s – D ementia
INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES AND DEMENTIA A Guide for Families Karen Watchman MAR 2017 | 120pp | pb | £14.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781849056779 | eISBN-9781784501846
rawing on the author’s first-hand experiences with families, this book provides crucial, accessible information and answers the difficult questions that often arise when a family member with an intellectual disability is diagnosed with dementia. Linking directly to policy and practice in both dementia and intellectual disability care, this book takes an outcome-focussed approach to support short, medium and long-term planning. With a particular emphasis on communication, the author seeks to ensure that families and organisations are able to converse effectively about a relative’s health and care. The book looks at how to recognise when changes in the health of a relative with an intellectual disability could indicate the onset of dementia, as well as addressing common concerns surrounding living situations, medication and care plans. Each chapter is structured to identify strategies for support whilst working towards outcomes identified by families as dementia progresses. “A very helpful read for family and carers of those with Intellectual Disabilities facing a possible diagnosis of dementia. This is a guide that warrants more than one read.” – Mary Hogan, Family Advocate, National Task Group for Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Practices (NTG )
VISITING THE MEMORY CAFÉ AND OTHER DEMENTIA CARE ACTIVITIES Evidence-based Interventions for Care Homes Edited by Caroline Baker and Jason Corrigan AUG 2017 | 208pp | pb | £16.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781785922527 | eISBN-9781784505356
he activities presented in this book have been designed to provide meaningful engagement for residents, while respecting each individual resident’s readiness to engage and participate. This approach to person-centred care has proven to be extremely effective: activities such as Namaste Care and Memory Cafés have engaged residents who had previously not responded to interventions, demonstrably showing an increase in their levels of well-being. Supported by case studies, each chapter will also include recommendations for implementation of the ideas discussed in the care home environment and beyond.
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N e w B oo k s – D ementia
EMBRACING TOUCH IN DEMENTIA CARE A Person-Centred Approach to Touch and Relationships Luke J. Tanner Foreword by Danuta Lipinska MAY 2017 | 256pp | pb | £17.99 | $29.95 | ISBN-9781785921094 | eISBN-9781784503734
sing many examples from practice, Luke Tanner demonstrates that touch and other forms of non-verbal communication are essential for ‘being with’ and not just ‘doing to’ people with dementia, and explains how and when to use touch effectively in everyday interactions, and in all stages of dementia. He places touch in the context of consent and safeguarding, whilst emphasising the need for positive attitudes to touch to be at the heart of care cultures. Offering perspectives, ideas, training exercises and culture change actions to maximise the benefits of touch in dementia care settings, this practical guide will enable practitioners to reflect on their own use of touch and develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to place meaningful touch at the heart of their work. NEW
ENHANCING HEALTH AND WELLBEING IN DEMENTIA A Person-Centred Integrated Care Approach Dr Shibley Rahman Foreword by Sube Banerjee, Lisa Rodrigues | Afterword by Lucy Frost JAN 2017 | 384pp | pb | £24.99 | $34.95 | ISBN-9781785920370 | eISBN-9781784502911
his evidence-based book identifies how outstanding quality integrated care might be achieved, whether in residential or home-based settings. The author highlights the key contemporary underpinnings of integrated care that are required for wellbeing for living with dementia, including technology, staff performance, leadership, and intelligent regulation of services. The book addresses the major challenges to promoting person-centred care, and tackles difficult conversations around spirituality, sexuality and dying well. The crucial importance of promoting physical and mental health is emphasised. Taking into account recent developments in NICE guidelines and Cochrane reviews for dementia, this book presents an opportunity for all those involved in the provision of care for people with dementia to maintain a focus on delivering the best care possible. “[This] should be essential reading for anyone with an interest in improving the lives, and rights, of people living with dementia.” – Des Kelly OBE, Chair, The Centre for Policy on Ageing 6
O R D E R O N L I N E AT: W W W. J K P. C O M
N e w B oo k s – D ementia
END OF LIFE CARE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA A Person-Centred Approach Laura Middleton-Green, Jane Chatterjee, Sarah Russell and Murna Downs 2016 | 176pp | pb | £16.99 | $29.95 | ISBN-9781849050470 | eISBN-9780857005120
his book describes not only what can be done to ensure maximum quality of life for those in the final stages of the illness, but also how best to support those involved in caring for them. Emphasising the importance of being attuned to the experiences and needs of the person with dementia, the authors explain why and how they should be included in decisions relating to their end of life care. Practical strategies for ensuring physical and emotional wellbeing are provided, drawing on useful examples from practice and providing solutions to potential challenges that carers and family members will face. Dilemmas surrounding end of life care are explored in detail, including the moral dilemma of medical intervention, and the authors suggest ways of supporting family members through the process in terms of providing information, helping them adjust to change and loss, and involving them in their relative’s care, and at how care staff can be supported through appropriate education and training, team building and information-giving. This is an essential resource for anyone who wishes to provide compassionate, person-centred care for a person with dementia as they approach the end of life. NEW
EXCELLENT DEMENTIA CARE IN HOSPITALS A Guide to Supporting People with Dementia and their Carers Jo James, Beth Cotton, Jules Knight, Rita Freyne, Josh Pettit and Lucy Gilby With contributions by Nicci Gerrard and Julia Jones | Foreword by Tommy Dunne MAR 2017 | 192pp | pb | £16.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781785921087 | eISBN-9781784503727
eople with dementia increasingly find themselves staying in hospitals for extended periods, often due to separate health issues. This best-practice guide presents healthcare staff with the information and tools needed to provide excellent person-centred care to people with dementia in hospital settings. This useful handbook includes information and innovative strategies on how to manage common issues, including communication, physical health needs, pain, eating and nutrition, working with carers and relatives, understanding behaviour and approaching the end of life. It also highlights ethical considerations such as human rights and dementia, making decisions and the Mental Capacity Act. Each chapter includes a case study, emphasising the person at the centre of care and providing examples of how hospital staff can work with people with dementia to ensure best practice. ORDER BY PHONE ON: 020 7833 2307
N e w B oo k s – D ementia
HOW TO INVOLVE PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA Methods and Approaches for Good Engagement Nada Savitch, Rachael Litherland and Steve Milton Oct 2017 | 160pp | pb | £16.99 | $29.95 | ISBN-9781785920974 | eISBN-9781784503604
his book will help practitioners to think creatively about the best approaches to involving people with dementia in decisions that affect their lives. Full of useful tips and with a range of practical examples, it provides tried and tested methods for enabling engagement in day-to-day decisions as well as in research and policy development. Chapters cover why involvement is so crucial, what the ethical challenges are and how to overcome these, how involvement can be implemented, what people with dementia want from professionals and the services they use, and how to create wider dementia-friendly communities. The voices of people with dementia resonate throughout the book, making this essential reading for all professionals working in dementia care, including service commissioners, public health officials and policy makers, as well as academics and students in these fields. NEW
POSITIVE COMMUNICATION Activities to Reduce Isolation and Improve the Wellbeing of Older Adults Robin Dynes MAY 2017 | 200pp | pb | £24.99 | $39.95 | ISBN-9781785921810 | eISBN-9781784504496
he effects of social interaction and engagement with older people have been proven to considerably improve quality of life and emotional wellbeing. This book comes packed with ready-to-use activities for groups of older people, aimed at connecting individuals, developing their self-esteem, and encouraging personal expression and independence. The activities are intended to be led by facilitators working with groups of older people in residential homes, drop-in or day centres, hospices, clubs for older people, hospitals, or support groups. The activities range from creative arts to storytelling to sports, and are all designed to keep both bodies and minds sharp, while encouraging positive relationships with others. “Clear instructions and astute choice of activities will ensure that care workers have the means to make real positive enhancements to the lives of older people in their care.” – Danny Walsh, Senior Lecturer, University of Lincoln, UK
O R D E R O N L I N E AT: W W W. J K P. C O M
N e w B oo k s – R elated I ntere s t
CARE ACT 2014 An A-Z of Law and Practice Michael Mandelstam MAY 2017 | 304pp | pb | £35.00 | $65.00 | ISBN-9781849055598 | eISBN-9780857009913
he Care Act 2014 represents a major upheaval in adult social care law: the biggest since 1948. This book sets out and explains the provisions of the Care Act 2014 in simple terms, illustrating its practical implications for both social and health care with many legal cases and local ombudsman investigations. It also includes a substantial section on NHS Continuing Health Care and how it relates to the Care Act. Presented in a handy A – Z format, Michael Mandelstam brings his extensive experience in this field to bear on this new, important piece of legislation. It is essential reading for health and social care managers and practitioners, advocates, lawyers, policy makers and students of social work and social policy. NEW
ANTI-DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICE IN MENTAL HEALTH CARE FOR OLDER PEOPLE Edited by Pauline Lane and Rachel Tribe FEB 2017 | 360pp | pb | £22.99 | $39.95 | ISBN-9781849055611 | eISBN-9780857009470
his book provides mental health students and practitioners with the key knowledge to carry out anti-discriminatory practice while working with older people from minority groups. With contributions from experts in the fields of mental health and care for older people, it looks at issues for practice, such as access to services for minority groups. NEW
REBUILDING LIFE AFTER STROKE Psychological Wellbeing Reg Morris, Malin Falck, Tamsin Miles, Julie Wilcox, Sam Fisher-Hicks JUN 2017 | 224pp | pb | £14.99 | $19.95 | ISBN-9781785923562 |
xploring the psychological impact of having a stroke, this book provides ways of learning to deal with these effects. Full of practical advice, and insight from stroke survivors, it gives guidance on how to accept and live with some of the long-lasting effects of a stroke.
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N e w B oo k s – R elated I ntere s t
FEB 2017 | 392pp | pb | £22.99 | $34.95 | ISBN-9781785920721 | eISBN-9781784503338
People are asking more and more questions about life and meaning as they are growing older and living for longer. There are increasing opportunities to engage with spiritual well-being later in life. This book provides a comprehensive study of spirituality and ageing, with newly updated material on recent developments in this field.
SHARING COMPASSION Fostering Hope and Resilience in Clinical Practice Edited by Sarah Parry
Foreword by Baroness Finlay of Llandaff JUL 2017 | 176pp | pb | £18.99 | $29.95 | ISBN-9781785920684 | eISBN-9781784503291
In an increasingly secular society chaplaincy is no longer widely accepted as a necessary element of palliative care. A meditative reflection on the role played by hospice chaplains, this book argues that chaplains have a vital part to play in the care of a patient, their family, and those supporting them. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL CARE IN HEALTH CARE PRACTICE Edited by Guy Harrison
MAY 2017 | 208pp | pb | £18.99 | $29.95 | ISBN-9781785920394 | eISBN-9781784502928
Foreword by Paul Gilbert JUL 2017 | 144pp | pb | £19.99 | $26.95 | ISBN-9781785920707 | eISBN-9781784503314
A compilation of experiences from a range of clinical practices that depicts the use of compassion as a means of improving practitioner wellbeing, with direct effects on their therapeutic work. First-hand insights and ideas are offered for developing therapeutic practice through a framework of compassion.
This book explores relationships between the medical, psychological and spiritual requirements of patients in health care settings. Building on understanding between all health care disciplines and offering a model for practical development, it presents a holistic, inclusive approach to providing effective care for patients.
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D ementia C are
PRACTICAL NUTRITION AND HYDRATION FOR DEMENTIA FRIENDLY MEALTIMES Lee Martin OCT 2017 | 240pp | pb | £14.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781849057004 | eISBN-9781784502218
A practical guide for managing mealtime abilities to ensure good nutrition and hydration for people with dementia.
EXCELLENT DEMENTIA CARE IN HOSPITALS A Guide to Supporting People with Dementia and their Carers Jo James, Beth Cotton, Jules Knight, Rita Freyne, Josh Pettit and Lucy Gilby With contributions by Nicci Gerrard and Julia Jones Foreword by Tommy Dunne
MAR 2017 | 192pp | pb | £16.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781785921087 | eISBN-9781784503727
A practical guide to delivering good care to people with dementia in hospital settings.
THE POOL ACTIVITY LEVEL (PAL) INSTRUMENT FOR OCCUPATIONAL PROFILING A Practical Resource for Carers of People with Cognitive Impairment Fourth Edition Jackie Pool 2011 | 224pp | pb | £26.99 | $45.00 | ISBN-9781849052214 | eISBN-9780857004635
his fourth edition of The Pool Activity Level (PAL) Instrument for Occupational Profiling includes a new section on using the PAL Checklist to carry out sensory interventions, together with the photocopiable Instrument itself in a new easy-to-use format, and plans that help to match users’ abilities to activities. It includes the latest research on the use of the PAL Instrument in a range of settings, and new case studies, as well as information about how a new online PAL tool complements and supports the book. The book also contains suggestions for activities, together with information on obtaining the necessary resources and guidance for carrying out the activities with individuals of different ability levels, as revealed by the PAL Checklist. “This isn’t another exercise in form-filling to look good; it’s packed with photocopiable “instruments” and plans, and very believable case studies. Highly recommended.” – Caring Times
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D ementia C are
ENRICHED CARE PLANNING FOR PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA A Good Practice Guide to Delivering PersonCentred Care Hazel May, Paul Edwards and Dawn Brooker 2009 | 176pp | pb | £25.00 | $49.95 | ISBN-9781843104056 | eISBN-9781846429606
This book presents a practical framework for whole person assessment of persons with dementia who are in need of, or already receiving, health and/or social support. The book provides photocopiable assessment forms, guidelines for carrying out assessment, and suggestions for interventions based on the profile that emerges from the assessment. “At last, here’s a superbly thought-out and designed tool and format for care planning… This book is truly a “good practice guide” and has all you need to use care planning properly, but you’ll have to work at it because you have to understand what you’re doing… Buy it and USE it!.” – Standards for Practice
ETHICAL ISSUES IN DEMENTIA CARE Making Difficult Decisions Julian C. Hughes and Clive Baldwin 2006 | 144pp | pb | £15.99 | $29.95 | ISBN-9781843103578 | eISBN-9781846425585
Considers common ethical decisions in dementia care in the context of relationships, treatment, safety and quality of life, and offers practical guidance and advice. DECISION-MAKING, PERSONHOOD AND DEMENTIA Exploring the Interface Edited by Deborah O’Connor and Barbara Purves 2009 | 224pp | pb | £19.99 | $34.95 | ISBN-9781843105855 | eISBN-9781846429408
Explores the importance of personhood and the underlying complexities of decision-making for those with dementia.
O R D E R O N L I N E AT: W W W. J K P. C O M
POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY APPROACHES TO DEMENTIA Edited by Chris Clarke and Emma Wolverson Foreword by Christine Bryden 2016 | 288pp | pb | £24.99 | $39.95 | ISBN-9781849056106 | eISBN-9781784500771
Extending the field of positive psychology, this book explores how positive psychological constructs relate to living well with dementia. Looking at current evidence, and with case studies from people living with dementia, this book shows how positive psychological concepts can be applied to practice to achieve good dementia care. “This book is a work of genius. I can assure the reader that this is a bold, necessary and compelling new pathway for future research and for sensitive caring.” – Stephen G. Post, PhD, Founding Director of the Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care, and Bioethics, Stony Brook University School of Medicine
KEY ISSUES IN EVOLVING DEMENTIA CARE International Theory-based Policy and Practice Edited by Anthea Innes, Fiona Kelly and Louise McCabe Foreword by June Andrews 2012 | 264pp | pb | £24.99 | $42.50 | ISBN-9781849052429 | eISBN-9780857005038
Contributors from across the globe examine theoretical, policy and practice issues which are increasingly identified as key priorities. RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT FOR LIVING WELL WITH DEMENTIA Charlotte L. Clarke, Heather Wilkinson, John Keady and Catherine E. Gibb 2011 | 128pp | pb | £16.99 | $32.95 | ISBN-9781849050050 | eISBN-9780857005199
A guide to assessing risk and applying theory to practice; covering the key issues in risk perception, assessment and management in dementia care.
U nder s tanding D ementia
CONFUSED, ANGRY, ANXIOUS? Why working with older people in care really can be difficult, and what to do about it Bo Hejlskov Elven, Charlotte Agger and Iben Ljungmann
DEMENTIA, CULTURE AND ETHNICITY Issues for All Edited by Julia Botsford and Karen Harrison Dening Foreword by Alistair Burns 2015 | 328pp | pb | £29.99 | $45.00 | ISBN-9781849054867 | eISBN-9780857008817
JAN 2017 | 192pp | pb | £12.99 | $19.95 | ISBN-9781785922152 | eISBN-9781784504946
A practical guide to the low arousal approach in caring for older people to reduce conflict and understand potential distress.
UNDERSTANDING BEHAVIOUR IN DEMENTIA THAT CHALLENGES, SECOND EDITION A Guide to Assessment and Treatment Ian Andrew James and Louisa Jackman
This book explores the relationship between dementia, culture and ethnicity, looking at the latest evidence and research to determine the impact of diversity on dementia care services. By examining the key issues and providing suggestions for change, this book shows how dementia professionals can provide culturally appropriate care for all. “This is a book which is absolutely essential to anyone interested in people living with dementia and their care. It is rare to find a text that addresses the complexity of culture and ethnicity in such a person centred way.” – Charlotte L. Clarke, Professor of Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh
AUG 2017 | 256pp | pb | £22.99 | $32.95 | ISBN-9781785922640 | eISBN-9781784505516
Second edition of the highly practical guide to assessing and treating confrontational behaviours when caring for older people with dementia. UNDERSTANDING LEARNING DISABILITY AND DEMENTIA Developing Effective Interventions Diana Kerr 2007 | 200pp | pb | £19.99 | $36.95 | ISBN-9781843104421 | eISBN-9781846426759
How professionals providing services in dementia care can better support those with a learning disability.
2014 | 240pp | pb | £16.99 | $26.95 | ISBN-9781849053631 | eISBN-9780857007155
A comprehensive introduction to the psychology of ageing for non-specialists. It covers all the key issues, from definitions of ageing and life expectancy to the aspects of ageing that have the most impact on people’s lives. It draws on the latest research in the field and offers practical information for those working with the older population. NEW
HOW WE THINK ABOUT DEMENTIA Personhood, Rights, Ethics, the Arts and What They Mean for Care Julian C. Hughes 2014 | 248pp | pb | £19.99 | $39.95 | ISBN-9781849054775 | eISBN-9780857008558
An accessible overview of the complex philosophical and ethical underpinnings of dementia and dementia care.
Also available as an audiobook £16.99 | ISBN-9781784500818
“Not only is the author an acknowledged expert on ageing, he also writes in a highly readable and memorable style.” – Peter G. Coleman, Emeritus Professor of Psychogerontology, University of Southampton, UK
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P er s on - C entred A pproache s
EMBRACING TOUCH IN DEMENTIA CARE A Person-Centred Approach to Touch and Relationships Luke J. Tanner
Foreword by Danuta Lipinska MAY 2017 | 256pp | pb | £17.99 | $29.95 | ISBN-9781785921094 | eISBN-9781784503734
Thoughtful exploration of how touch and non-verbal communication can enhance dementia care.
ENHANCING HEALTH AND WELLBEING IN DEMENTIA A Person-Centred Integrated Care Approach Dr Shibley Rahman
Oct 2017 | 160pp | pb | £16.99 | $29.95 | ISBN-9781785920974 | eISBN-9781784503604
Outlines good practice in involving people with dementia in decisions for improved quality of life.
Foreword by Sube Banerjee, Lisa Rodrigues Afterword by Lucy Frost
LIVING BETTER WITH DEMENTIA Good Practice and Innovation for the Future Shibley Rahman Forewords by Kate Swaffer, Chris Roberts, Beth Britton 2015 | 400pp | pb | £24.99 | $45.00 | ISBN-9781849056007 | eISBN-9781784500627
Identifying current global policy challenges for living well with dementia, this book tackles controversial topics at the forefront of public and political debate, and highlights pockets of innovation and good practice from around the world to inform practical solutions for living well with dementia in the future.
POSITIVE COMMUNICATION Activities to Reduce Isolation and Improve the Wellbeing of Older Adults Robin Dynes MAY 2017 | 200pp | pb | £24.99 | $39.95 | ISBN-9781785921810 | eISBN-9781784504496
JAN 2017 | 384pp | pb | £24.99 | $34.95 | ISBN-9781785920370 | eISBN-9781784502911
A comprehensive, evidence-based discussion of the importance of a person-centred, integrated approach in dementia care.
HOW TO INVOLVE PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA Methods and Approaches for Good Engagement Nada Savitch, Rachael Litherland and Steve Milton
Activities with instructions and resources for use with groups of older people.
PERSON-CENTRED DEMENTIA CARE, SECOND EDITION Making Services Better with the VIPS Framework Dawn Brooker and Isabelle Latham 2015 | 224pp | pb | £17.99 | $29.95 | ISBN-9781849056663 | eISBN-9781784501709
Exploring issues related to person-centred care for people with dementia, this new edition of a bestselling book shows how to provide care services that enable people to live well. The book looks at working in a person-centred way from diagnosis to end-of-life care, referencing recent developments and applications of the VIPS model. “A great text and a must-read for all care workers and managers!” – Christine Bryden, dementia advocate
O R D E R O N L I N E AT: W W W. J K P. C O M
P er s on - C entred A pproache s
A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO DELIVERING PERSONALISATION Person-Centred Practice in Health and Social Care Helen Sanderson and Jaimee Lewis
PERSONALISATION AND DEMENTIA A Guide for Person-Centred Practice Helen Sanderson and Gill Bailey 2013 | 192pp | pb | £25.00 | $39.95 | ISBN-9781849053792 | eISBN-9780857007346
2011 | 240pp | pb | £21.99 | $35.00 | ISBN-9781849051941 | eISBN-9780857004222
How to deliver personalisation through simple, effective and evidence-based person-centred practices that change people’s lives and help them achieve the outcomes they want.
How to deliver personalised services and support for people with dementia through simple, evidence-based person-centred practices. INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY AND DEMENTIA Research into Practice Edited by Karen Watchman
PERSON-CENTRED THINKING WITH OLDER PEOPLE 6 Essential Practices Helen Sanderson, Helen Bown and Gill Bailey
2014 | 336pp | pb | £29.99 | $49.95 | ISBN-9781849054225 | eISBN-9780857007964
Foreword by David Brindle, Dorothy Runnicles
Essential guide to the latest international research and evidence-based practice in the field of dementia and intellectual disabilities, exploring the implications for support and services.
2015 | 96pp | pb | £11.99 | $21.95 | ISBN-9781849056120 | eISBN-9781784500825
An accessible guide to six essential practices for the person centred care of older people.
PERSON-CENTRED TEAMS A Practical Guide to Delivering Personalisation Through Effective Team-work Helen Sanderson and Mary Beth Lepkowsky 2014 | 168pp | pb | £19.99 | $32.95 | ISBN-9781849054553 | eISBN-9780857008305
2014 | 168pp | pb | £19.99 | $26.95 | ISBN-9781849055147 | eISBN-9780857009272
The first practical guide to developing a team using person-centred practices in health, social care and voluntary sector settings.
Create culturally appropriate outdoor spaces and experiences to improve well-being for people with dementia.
LEADERSHIP FOR PERSONCENTRED DEMENTIA CARE Buz Loveday 2012 | 160pp | pb | £16.99 | $29.95 | ISBN-9781849052290 | eISBN-9780857006912
This book will equip readers with the practical skills, knowledge and confidence necessary to lead person-centred dementia care.
EARLY PSYCHOSOCIAL INTERVENTIONS IN DEMENTIA Evidence-Based Practice Edited by Esme Moniz-Cook and Jill Manthorpe 2008 | 240pp | pb | £19.99 | $39.95 | ISBN-9781843106838 | eISBN-9781846428654
Examining early psychosocial interventions in dementia care, this evidence-based guide to practice brings together the knowledge and experience of professionals across the UK and Europe.
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A ctivitie s and C reative I dea s
VISITING THE MEMORY CAFÉ AND OTHER DEMENTIA CARE ACTIVITIES Evidence-based Interventions for Care Homes Edited by Caroline Baker and Jason Corrigan AUG 2017 | 208pp | pb | £16.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781785922527 | eISBN-9781784505356
An activity-based dementia care programme informed by the latest research and practices.
ACTIVITIES FOR OLDER PEOPLE IN CARE HOMES A Handbook for Successful Activity Planning Sarah Crockett 2013 | 208pp | pb | £12.99 | $19.95 | ISBN-9781849054294 | eISBN-9780857008398
When tasked with providing activities for older people in care, it can be difficult to know where to begin. What constitutes an activity? How can you make sure activities are positive and person-centred? What can you actually do? Offering advice, encouragement and a wealth of practical suggestions, this is an indispensable companion for carers.
LIFE STORY WORK WITH PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary People Edited by Polly Kaiser and Ruth Eley Foreword by Tommy Dunne, Joyce Dunne 2016 | 280pp | pb | £19.99 | $32.95 | ISBN-9781849055055 | eISBN-9780857009142
Supporting the current focus on living well with dementia, this book shows how to carry out Life Story Work with people with dementia in a variety of settings. Focusing on the practicalities of carrying out life story work and highlighting its benefits, this book also includes case studies which will inspire the provision of individualised care. DOLL THERAPY IN DEMENTIA CARE Evidence and Practice Gary Mitchell. Foreword by Sally Knocker Foreword by Sally Knocker 2016 | 136pp | pb | £17.99 | $29.95 | ISBN-9781849055703 | eISBN-9781784500078
Doll therapy can be a comforting intervention for people with dementia, but ethical issues make it a hotly debated topic. This is the first book to look closely at the issues, using theory and current research to advocate the use of dolls in therapeutic practice. With guidelines for practice, this is a must read for all dementia care professionals. QIGONG FOR WELLBEING IN DEMENTIA AND AGING Stephen Rath Illustrated by LauRha Frankfort
THE ACTIVITY YEAR BOOK A Week by Week Guide for Use in Elderly Day and Residential Care Anni Bowden and Nancy Lewthwaite 2009 | 256pp | pb | £24.99 | $49.95 | ISBN-9781843109631 | eISBN-9781846428890
For care staff looking after older people, coming up with ideas for activities to keep their residents engaged and stimulated can be challenging. The Activity Year Book solves this problem, offering week by week themed activities. It has activities relating to every important date in the calendar, encouraging discussion around these events.
O R D E R O N L I N E AT: W W W. J K P. C O M
2015 | 168pp | pb | £15.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781848192539 | eISBN-9780857011992
This book presents easy-to-follow Qigong exercises and key nutritional information that can help older people, who may be frail or have limited mobility, to improve and maintain their health and mobility, and to address symptoms associated with dementia. Accompanying illustrations guide the reader through each exercise. PLAYFULNESS AND DEMENTIA A Practice Guide John Killick 2012 | 120pp | pb | £16.99 | $27.95 | ISBN-9781849052238 | eISBN-9780857004628
Enrich the lives of people with dementia through the use of playfulness and creativity in dementia care.
A ctivitie s and C reative I dea s
CHAIR YOGA Seated Exercises for Health and Wellbeing Edeltraud Rohnfeld
Illustrated by Edeltraud Rohnfeld
2015 | 200pp | pb | £15.99 | $27.95 | ISBN-9781849056946 | eISBN-9781784502065
2011 | 192pp | pb | £12.99 | $19.95 | ISBN-9781848190788 | eISBN-9780857010568
This is the complete, step-bystep and fully illustrated guide to chair yoga, which can be practiced by virtually anyone to stimulate physical and mental well-being. It is particularly beneficial for those with limited mobility, including the elderly, individuals rehabilitating after injury or illness and people with physical disabilities.
Overflowing with creative activities, this toolkit will help carers and relatives support and communicate effectively with people with dementia. Portraits, parlour games, puppets and more can be used to build relationships with people who may no longer be able to rely upon words and memories. “This book is inspirational, practical, and educational. It demonstrates how creative communications in caregiving can support the well-being of people with dementia.”
CHAIR YOGA Seated Exercises for Health and Wellbeing Edeltraud Rohnfeld Illustrated by Edeltraud Rohnfeld
– Berna Huebner, Founder and Director, Hilgos Foundation
2013 | 4980pp | dvd | £10.99 | $17.95 | ISBN-9781848191846 | eISBN-9780857010568
DVD of two 40-minute yoga sequences specially developed for people without the range of movement necessary for mat work.
REMINISCENCE THEATRE Making Theatre from Memories Pam Schweitzer 2006 | 314pp | pb | £19.99 | $36.95 | ISBN-9781843104308 | eISBN-9781846425714
A comprehensive guide to the nature, practice and therapeutic effects of reminiscence theatre, including advice for practice.
2011 | 304pp | pb | £19.99 | $34.95 | ISBN-9781849051514 | eISBN-9780857003386
Develop the attitude, knowledge, understanding, and skills needed to use reminiscence with people of all ages.
REMEMBERING YESTERDAY, CARING TODAY Reminiscence in Dementia Care: A Guide to Good Practice Pam Schweitzer and Errollyn Bruce Foreword by Faith Gibson
2008 | 224pp | pb | £19.99 | $45.00 | ISBN-9781843106494 | eISBN-9781846428043
Practical guide to reminiscence in dementia care; examining how it can contribute to person-centred care and containing detailed descriptions of activities that can be used in a variety of situations.
2011 | 216pp | pb | £19.99 | $36.95 | ISBN-9781849051132 | eISBN-9780857003010
Exploring how creativity can be crucial in maintaining communication in dementia care; including suggestions for a range of settings, and covering all the practical considerations.
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THE CREATIVE ARTS IN DEMENTIA CARE Practical Person-Centred Approaches and Ideas Jill Hayes with Sarah Povey Foreword by Shaun McNiff 2010 | 160pp | pb | £18.99 | $29.95 | ISBN-9781849050562 | eISBN-9780857002518
Improve emotional and social well-being for people with dementia using this creative map of care; including easy-tofollow examples and detailed case studies. HEALING ARTS THERAPIES AND PERSON-CENTRED DEMENTIA CARE Edited by Anthea Innes and Karen Hatfield 2001 | 128pp | pb | £19.99 | $31.95 | ISBN-9781843100386 | eISBN-9781846423024
Practical advice for arts therapists and health care professionals on how music, dance and the visual arts can be used in partnership with person-centred care to improve quality of life for people with dementia. MUSIC THERAPY IN DEMENTIA CARE Edited by David Aldridge 2000 | 256pp | pb | £19.99 | $38.95 | ISBN-9781853027765 |
A comprehensive look at music therapy as a means of improving memory, health and identity in those suffering from dementia. CONNECTING THROUGH MUSIC WITH PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA A Guide for Caregivers Robin Rio 2009 | 144pp | pb | £14.99 | $23.95 | ISBN-9781843109051 | eISBN-9781846427251
How caregivers can use melody or rhythm to connect with someone who may be otherwise non-responsive, and how memories can be stimulated by music that resonates with a part of someone’s past.
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PUPPETRY IN DEMENTIA CARE Connecting through Creativity and Joy Karrie Marshall 2013 | 264pp | pb | £19.99 | $34.95 | ISBN-9781849053921 | eISBN-9780857008480
Demonstrating the many ways in which puppetry and associated art forms can be used in a person-centred way to communicate and connect with people with dementia; even in the later stages of the disease. COMFORTING TOUCH IN DEMENTIA AND END OF LIFE CARE Take My Hand Barbara Goldschmidt and Niamh van Meines Illustrated by James Goldschmidt 2011 | 208pp | pb | £15.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781848190733 | eISBN-9780857010483
Simple hand massage techniques for carers looking to connect with and comfort people with dementia. TRANSFORMING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA THROUGH CONTACT WITH THE NATURAL WORLD Fresh Air on My Face Edited by Jane Gilliard and Mary Marshall 2011 | 160pp | pb | £16.99 | $26.95 | ISBN-9781849052672 | eISBN-9780857005441
Demonstrating why we should provide opportunities for people with dementia to experience the great outdoors, and exploring the many different ways they can safely interact with and experience nature. DESIGN FOR NATURE IN DEMENTIA CARE Garuth Chalfont 2007 | 182pp | pb | £19.99 | $34.95 | ISBN-9781843105718 | eISBN-9781846426766
Practical ways to incorporate nature into indoor and outdoor environments and offer a connection to nature for people living with dementia.
B e s t P ractice and P rofe s s ional D evelopment
CARE ACT 2014 An A-Z of Law and Practice Michael Mandelstam
VIDEO ENHANCED REFLECTIVE PRACTICE Professional Development through Attuned Interactions Edited by Hilary Kennedy, Miriam Landor and Liz Todd
MAY 2017 | 304pp | pb | £35.00 | $65.00 | ISBN-9781849055598 | eISBN-9780857009913
First book to explain and analyse the Care Act 2014 not only in detail, but also in a concise and accessible format. CHALLENGES IN PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION Current Themes and Models for Practice Liz Beddoe and Allyson Davys 2016 | 248pp | pb | £24.99 | $45.00 | ISBN-9781849054652 | eISBN-9780857008435
This is the authoritative guide to the issues, trends and developments taking place in professional supervision practice. Drawing on the latest research and theory it also explores new and innovative modes, models and skills being employed to best carry out supervision across professions such as health, social care and counselling. LEADING GOOD CARE The Task, Heart and Art of Managing Social Care John Burton
2015 | 336pp | pb | £24.99 | $49.95 | ISBN-9781849054102 | eISBN-9780857007872
Presenting the applications, theory and research behind VERP, a professional development tool which enables professionals and trainees to analyse their practice to make more informed decisions about how to improve their communication, therapeutic or teaching skills. CRITICAL SUPERVISION FOR THE HUMAN SERVICES A Social Model to Promote Learning and Value-Based Practice Carolyn Noble, Mel Gray and Lou Johnston 2016 | 288pp | pb | £22.99 | $37.95 | ISBN-9781849055895 | eISBN-9781784500436
An overview of supervision in the helping professions, bringing together contemporary theory, practice and research. It is unique in addressing cross-disciplinary and interprofessional issues and linking theoretical discussions with practical examples and exercises. CHALLENGING STRESS, BURNOUT AND RUST-OUT Finding Balance in Busy Lives Teena J. Clouston
Foreword by Debbie Sorkin 2015 | 208pp | pb | £25.00 | $45.00 | ISBN-9781849055512 | eISBN-9780857009852
A must-have for social care managers to inspire and establish better practice.
2015 | 208pp | pb | £16.99 | $27.95 | ISBN-9781849054065 | eISBN-9780857007865
Tools and techniques to find life balance and wellbeing at individual, family and community levels.
THE PERSPECTIVES OF PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA Research Methods and Motivations Edited by Heather Wilkinson
EVALUATION IN DEMENTIA CARE Edited by Anthea Innes and Louise McCabe
2001 | 256pp | pb | £19.99 | $36.95 | ISBN-9781843100010 | eISBN-9781846423109
Exploring ways to involve people with dementia in the research process.
2006 | 272pp | pb | £19.99 | $36.95 | ISBN-9781843104292 | eISBN-9781846425561
A practical and theoretical text on evaluating care at different levels and settings.
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E xpert s by E xperience
WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY BRAIN? Living Beyond Dementia Kate Swaffer Forewords by Dr Shibley Rahman, Glenn Rees, Richard Taylor 2016 | 392pp | pb | £13.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781849056083 | eISBN-9781784500733
Drawing on her own experiences, Kate Swaffer explores the daily challenges faced by those diagnosed with young onset dementia. Challenging the notion of ‘prescribed disengagement’, Kate offers a fresh perspective on how to live beyond dementia, and how family, friends and dementia care professionals can support people post diagnosis. “Before being diagnosed with younger onset dementia, Kate Swaffer loved to study, to learn, to be of service to others. Now living with dementia, she has not changed in these respects whatsoever. Her wonderfully illuminating book should be required reading for people and families living with dementia.” – Steven R. Sabat, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
DANCING WITH DEMENTIA My Story of Living Positively with Dementia Christine Bryden 2005 | 200pp | pb | £13.99 | $21.95 | ISBN-9781843103325 | eISBN-9781846420955
Christine Bryden was a top civil servant and single mother of three children when she was diagnosed with dementia at 46. Since then she has gone on to challenge almost every stereotype by campaigning for self-advocacy, writing articles and speaking at national conferences. This book is a vivid account of the author’s experiences of dementia. Also available as an audiobook NEW £13.99 | ISBN-9781784500795
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NOTHING ABOUT US, WITHOUT US! 20 years of dementia advocacy Christine Bryden 2015 | 304pp | pb | £15.99 | $26.95 | ISBN-9781849056717 | eISBN-9781784501761
Foremost dementia advocate addresses the key issues faced by people with dementia in inspiring and memorable terms. “You must read Christine Bryden’s book if you have any connection with dementia (and even if you do not, because at some point you will). Christine speaks to us elegantly and forcefully from that other “country” of dementia as one of its leading ambassadors. She humanizes this condition, and takes you along on her journey through this territory. No one can truly say that they “understand” dementia until finishing this stirring and totally candid volume. Do so – today.” – Cameron J. Camp, Ph.D., Director of Research, Center for Applied Research in Dementia, Ohio, USA
WHO WILL I BE WHEN I DIE? Christine Bryden 2012 | 176pp | pb | £13.99 | $19.95 | ISBN-9781849053129 | eISBN-9780857006455
Christine Bryden describes her remarkable emotional, physical and spiritual journey in the three years immediately following her diagnosis of dementia. “Bryden becomes a campaigner for social change for those affected by dementia in Australia. It is a moving and inspiring book.” – Church Times
E xpert s by E xperience
DEMENTIA ACTIVIST Fighting for Our Rights Helga Rohra
PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA SPEAK OUT Edited by Lucy Whitman Afterword by Professor Graham Stokes.
2016 | 152pp | pb | £10.99 | $18.95 | ISBN-9781785920714 | eISBN-9781784503321
2015 | 304pp | pb | £14.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781849052702 | eISBN-9780857005526
Helga Rohra turns dementia stereotypes on their heads with this candid memoir. Speaking about her diagnosis, day-to-day life and experience of advocacy, she proves that a dementia diagnosis doesn’t mean you have to give up on life. With helpful advice and practical tips, this book is a testament to living well with dementia. “Helga writes of the trauma of diagnosis, and seeking support. Yet her fighting spirit meant she became a great advocate for living positively with dementia. This book is a testimony to her amazing resilience, despite her daily battles with this invisible condition. Helga is a true dementia expert!”
People from a wide range of backgrounds reflect on their experiences of living with dementia, and what impact the condition has had on their lives. This timely collection offers a much-needed opportunity to hear the voices of people with dementia, as they demystify the condition and break down stigma and stereotypes. TELLING TALES ABOUT DEMENTIA Experiences of Caring Edited by Lucy Whitman 2009 | 224pp | pb | £14.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781843109419 | eISBN-9780857000170
In this book, thirty carers from different backgrounds and circumstances share their experiences of caring for a parent, partner or friend with dementia. This unique collection of personal accounts will be an engaging read for anyone affected by dementia in a personal or professional context, including social workers, practitioners and care staff.
– Christine Bryden, author of Who Will I Be When I Die?, Dancing with Dementia, and Nothing About Us, Without Us!
ARE THE KEYS IN THE FREEZER? An Advocate’s Guide for Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias Patricia Woodell, Brenda Niblock and Jeri Warner 2015 | 208pp | pb | £13.99 | $19.95 | ISBN-9781849057394 | eISBN-9781784501549
An artful blend of practical advice and the compelling story of a family’s struggle to navigate the confusing world of dementia care choices for their mother. A PERSONAL GUIDE TO LIVING WITH PROGRESSIVE MEMORY LOSS Sandy Burgener and Prudence Twigg 2007 | 160pp | pb | £14.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781843108634 | eISBN-9781846427190
Practical guidance for coping with progressive memory loss, including examples from real people who have faced similar challenges.
LOSING CLIVE TO YOUNGER ONSET DEMENTIA One Family’s Story Helen Beaumont 2008 | 144pp | pb | £13.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781843104803 | eISBN-9781846428623
Clive Beaumont was diagnosed with Younger Onset Dementia at age 45, when his children were aged just 3 and 4. Clive’s wife, Helen, tells of how she and the rest of the family made it through the next six years until Clive died: the challenge of continually adapting to his progressive deterioration.
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F or F amilie s , F riend s and C arer s
MAR 2017 | 120pp | pb | £14.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781849056779 | eISBN-9781784501846
2013 | 288pp | pb | £14.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781849053747 | eISBN-9780857008831
Essential guide to the latest international research and evidence-based practice in the field of dementia and intellectual disabilities, exploring the implications for support and services. MINDFULNESS FOR CARERS How to Manage the Demands of Caregiving While Finding a Place for Yourself Dr Cheryl Rezek 2015 | 96pp | pb | £6.99 | $11.95 | ISBN-9781849056540 | eISBN-9781784501471
Simple mindfulness practices to help carers manage stress, anxiety, depression and burnout. DAD’S NOT ALL THERE ANY MORE A comic about dementia Alex Demetris 2015 | 32pp | pb | £7.99 | $12.95 | ISBN-9781849057097 | eISBN-9780857012500
When Pete started hallucinating clowns in the corner his son knew something wasn’t quite right. Here, Alex Demetris draws on his father’s experience of Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) to shed light on the condition. Exploring both physical and mental changes, this comic shows how LBD symptoms affect people with the condition and their loved ones.
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Your complete road-map to understanding the symptoms, treatment and management of dementia, for anyone who works with or cares for someone with dementia. THE SIMPLICITY OF DEMENTIA A Guide for Family and Carers Huub Buijssen 2005 | 176pp | pb | £13.99 | $21.95 | ISBN-9781843103219 | eISBN-9781846420962
Essential information and encouragement for professionals and loved ones on how to understand and overcome common challenges in dementia care, focusing on the experience of the person with dementia themselves. POSITIVELY PARKINSON’S Symptoms and Diagnosis, Research and Treatment, Advice and Support Ann Andrews MAY 2013 | 176pp | pb | £9.99 | ISBN-9781849054119
Informative, practical and uplifting, this is a book for anyone with Parkinson’s and for those who care for and support them.
F or F amilie s , F riend s and C arer s
DEMENTIA – SUPPORT FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS Dave Pulsford and Rachel Thompson 2012 | 240pp | pb | £13.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781849052436 | eISBN-9780857005045
his book, written for friends, family members and carers of people with dementia, explores each stage of the journey with dementia and explains not only how it will affect the person with the condition, but also those around them, and how best to offer support and where to get assistance. It focuses on the progressive nature of dementia and the issues that can arise, and gives practical advice that can help to ensure the best possible quality of life both for the person with dementia and the people around them. “It is the most helpful resource I have yet found for family and friends of those with dementia and for those in the early stages of the disease.” – Plus, The Magazine of the Christian Council on Ageing
HEARING THE PERSON WITH DEMENTIA Person-Centred Approaches to Communication for Families and Caregivers Bernie McCarthy 2011 | 112pp | pb | £12.99 | $18.95 | ISBN-9781849051866 | eISBN-9780857004994
his book explains what happens to communication as dementia progresses, how this may affect an individual’s memory, language and senses, and how carers might need to adapt their approach as a result. Advocating a person-centred approach to dementia care, the author describes methods of verbal and non-verbal communication, techniques for communicating with people who can not speak or move easily, and strategies for communicating more effectively in specific dayto-day situations. “This is an excellent guide for families and professional caregivers to understand the communication problems which can affect someone with advance dementia. Lots of practical suggestions are included as well as the vital advice on caring for oneself.” – The International Journal of Person Centered Medicine
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B oo k s for C hildren
THE DEMENTIA DIARIES A Novel in Cartoons Matthew Snyman and Social Innovation Lab Kent
CAN I TELL YOU ABOUT DEMENTIA? A guide for family, friends and carers Jude Welton
Foreword by Angela Rippon
Illustrated by Jane Telford
2016 | 128pp | hb | £9.99 | $16.95 | ISBN-9781785920325 | eISBN-9781784502850
Brie’s Granddad has always been a serious man, never without a newspaper and knowing the answer to everything. But now he keeps losing track of the conversation, and honestly, Brie doesn’t really know how to speak to him. At first, Fred was annoyed that Gramps had come to live with them, it meant he had to give up his room! But then he starts to enjoy watching old films with him and spending time together... although there’s the small problem of Gramps calling him Simon. Follow the stories of Brie, Fred, and other young carers as they try to understand and cope with their grandparents’ dementia at all stages of the illness. Adapted from true stories, and supplemented with fun activities and discussion ideas, this book for children aged approximately 7–14 cuts to the truth of the experience of dementia and tackles stigma with a warm and open perspective. Long-listed for the School Library Association’s Information Book Award 2017
2013 | 48pp | pb | £8.99 | $14.95 | ISBN-9781849052979 | eISBN-9780857006349
Meet Jack – an older man with dementia. Jack invites readers to learn about dementia from his perspective, helping them to understand the challenges faced by someone with dementia. With illustrations throughout, this useful book is an ideal introduction to dementia and an excellent starting point for family and classroom discussions. “[…] a fresh approach to understanding dementia. In 48 pages, it provides an excellent insight into what it is like to live with dementia… The first-person perspective is a useful device for making information personal and particular… A few informative pages at the end of the book give an overview of the types of dementia, facts and figures, dementia-friendly environments and a brief list of resources for those affected by dementia.” – Nursing Standard
“A beautiful book from the first page to the last word.” – Anne Child, MBE
GRANDMA’S BOX OF MEMORIES Helping Grandma to Remember Jean Demetris Illustrated by Alex Demetris 2014 | 32pp | hb | £10.99 | $17.95 | ISBN-9781849055178 | eISBN-9781784500139
Following Alice and her family as they put together a box of memories for their Grandma who has dementia, this beautifully-illustrated story book helps to explain dementia to children aged 4 to 7 years in a gentle and engaging way, and prompts discussions about what children can do to help their own grandparent living with dementia. “Alice’s Grandma has dementia... Alice has the idea of making a memory box for Grandma In it she will put things that will remind Grandma of all the good times they have had together... This beautifully produced hardback book has quite special illustrations showing a family doing their best to help their well-beloved Grandma... Highly recommended for families of young children who may have difficulty in explaining what is going on with a grandparent.” – Healthy Books blog
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B oo k s for C are H ome s and C arer s
THE IMPORTANCE OF FOOD AND MEALTIMES IN DEMENTIA CARE The Table is Set Grethe Berg 2006 | 88pp | pb | £13.99 | $21.95 | ISBN-9781843104353 | eISBN-9781846425165
2014 | 208pp | pb | £16.99 | $29.95 | ISBN-9781849054676 | eISBN-9781784500535
The award-winning PEARL (Positively Enriching and enhancing Residents’ Lives) programme was developed to enable care homes to move from providing good fundamental care to excThe award-winning PEARL (Positively Enriching and enhancing Residents’ Lives) programme was developed to enable care homes to move from providing good fundamental care to excellent person-centred dementia care. This concise and accessible guide to the programme describes the key criteria and provides best practice guidelines for dementia care practitioners wishing to use the approach in their own care home. “This book is a real pearl. It’s full of practical, down to earth ways of helping people and their families get the most out of life in their care home. It’s written by compassionate people who have years of experience and who have thought carefully about how to make things better. There is something for everyone to learn from them.” – Professor Dawn Brooker PhD CPsychol (clin) AFBPsS, Director of the Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester
DEMENTIA CARE TRAINING MANUAL FOR STAFF WORKING IN NURSING AND RESIDENTIAL SETTINGS Danny Walsh 2006 | 240pp | pb | £29.99 | $56.95 | ISBN-9781843103189 | eISBN-9781846425356
Practical, interactive resource, packed with exercises and discussion points to help front-line workers deliver the highest standard of dementia care.
Exploring how mealtimes in dementia care can be used as natural opportunities for meaningful interaction, socialising and reminiscing, and taking part in familiar tasks. HOW TO MAKE YOUR CARE HOME FUN Simple Activities for People of All Abilities Kenneth Agar 2008 | 144pp | pb | £14.99 | $23.95 | ISBN-9781843109525 | eISBN-9781846428814
Examining the need for activities for elderly people in care, this invaluable resource offers a practical and varied programme of entertaining activities that can be used in a diverse range of settings. INVOLVING FAMILIES IN CARE HOMES A Relationship-Centred Approach to Dementia Care Bob Woods, John Keady and Diane Seddon 2007 | 144pp | pb | £14.99 | $28.95 | ISBN-9781843102298 | eISBN-9781846426780
Practical advice and good practice guidelines on helping families to become partners in the caring process when a loved one with dementia moves into residential care. PROVIDING GOOD CARE AT NIGHT FOR OLDER PEOPLE Practical Approaches for Use in Nursing and Care Homes Diana Kerr and Heather Wilkinson 2010 | 192pp | pb | £19.99 | $32.95 | ISBN-9781849050647 | eISBN-9780857002495
Providing the information, knowledge and practical skills needed to deliver positive and appropriate care at night – from tackling common issues to the importance of staff self-care.
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E nd of L ife C are and B ereavement
END OF LIFE CARE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA A Person-Centred Approach Laura Middleton-Green, Jane Chatterjee, Sarah Russell and Murna Downs
SUPPORTING PEOPLE THROUGH LOSS AND GRIEF An Introduction for Counsellors and Other Caring Practitioners John Wilson
2016 | 176pp | pb | £16.99 | $29.95 | ISBN-9781849050470 | eISBN-9780857005120
2013 | 248pp | pb | £18.99 | $29.95 | ISBN-9781849053761 | eISBN-9780857007391
A good practice guide to ensuring the best possible care for people with dementia at the end of life. A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH 60 Voices Share their Wisdom Rosalind Bradley Foreword by Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu 2016 | 232pp | pb | £9.99 | $15.95 | ISBN-9781849056014 | eISBN-9781784502836
People from all walks of life share their insights and wisdom about death and dying.
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A comprehensive guide to counselling and supporting people experiencing loss and grief. PATHWAYS THROUGH CARE AT THE END OF LIFE A Guide to PersonCentred Care Anita Hayes, Claire Henry, Margaret Holloway, Katie Lindsey, Eleanor Sherwen and Tes Smith 2013 | 224pp | pb | £19.99 | $34.95 | ISBN-9781849053648 | eISBN-9780857007162
A comprehensive guide to providing excellent, person-centred end of life care. FINAL CHAPTERS Writings About the End of Life Edited by Roger Kirkpatrick 2014 | 128pp | pb | £8.99 | $14.95 | ISBN-9781849054904 | eISBN-9780857008862
30 short stories and poems about dying and bereavement provide insight into the diverse array of responses to grief, bereavement and facing death.
Spiritual C are
FEB 2017 | 392pp | pb | £22.99 | $34.95 | ISBN-9781785920721 | eISBN-9781784503338
MAY 2017 | 208pp | pb | £18.99 | $29.95 | ISBN-9781785920394 | eISBN-9781784502928
Comprehensive second edition presenting expansive new research on the spirituality of ageing.
Shows how psychologically informed spiritual care can meet the needs of patients in health care settings.
SHARING COMPASSION Fostering Hope and Resilience in Clinical Practice Edited by Sarah Parry
HOPE AND GRACE Spiritual Experiences in Severe Distress, Illness and Dying Dr Monika Renz
Foreword by Paul Gilbert
2016 | 192pp | pb | £14.99 | $24.95 | ISBN-9781785920301 | eISBN-9781784502775
JUL 2017 | 144pp | pb | £19.99 | $26.95 | ISBN-9781785920707 | eISBN-9781784503314
An exploration of how compassion can enable clinical practitioners to foster hope and resilience for themselves and their clients.
Explores how care providers to critically and terminally ill persons can understand and engage with extreme distress as a process where spiritual experiences of transcendence happen.
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