Dementia Catalogue 2022
JKP Library
my Book about Brains, Change and Dementia
What is Dementia and What Does it Do?
Lynda Moore
Illustrated by George Haddon
JUL 2018 | £10.99 | 48pp | ISBN-9781785925115
A unique and honest children's book helping children under 5 understand what dementia is and how it affects their relatives 'Sometimes, a person's brain gets sick with a disease called dementia.'
What does dementia do to the brain? What changes might we notice if a parent or grandparent has the disease? How might we feel about it and what can help?
This book breaks down misconceptions about dementia and speaks directly to children wunder 5 about the realities of the disease, using age appropriate language in an engaging and informative way. It reassures parents of the value of open and honest conversation about the challenges raised by dementia and offers advice and support in the opening 'Guide for grown ups'. It includes a diverse audience of characters, to emphasise that ANY child can be impacted by dementia in their loved ones. Unlike traditional storybooks, the ending provides a question for the adult and child reading it to ponder together.
“Every school, every public library, every nursing home, and at home caregivers should have a copy of this book on hand for when needed.”
– Ryan A. Franklin (Librarian) – Netgalley review
Dementia has other names too – big long names that can be hard to remember.
About the Authors…
Lynda Moore is a family clinician and consultant with Dementia Australia. She has a master's degree in clinical family therapy and has worked for over 5 years counselling children impacted by dementia.
George Haddon is an award-winning cartoonist known for his political cartooning in the Herald-Sun newspaper and for the RACV magazine. He has illustrated a number of other children's books.
What you really Want to Know about life with Dementia
Real stories and expert advice for family, friends and people with dementia
Karen Harrison Dening, Hilda Hayo and Christine Reddall
Foreword by Keith Oliver
DEC 2022 | £13.99 | ISBN-9781787756953 |
A guidebook for families and carers of people living with dementia giving help and support for their essential needs
A family-led vision of what carers of people with dementia need and want to know. Supporting families and carers in their day-to-day life with dementia, this unique resource combines real stories from families with expert responses and advice for specific issues and concerns.
This resource is based on the real stories and real questions brought to the Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline, peer support groups and clinical networks. Including questions around diagnosis, peer support, balancing risks, care transitions and end of life planning, the chapters are devised to support you, and give you the tools to live better, when dementia enters your life.
About the Authors…
Dr Karen Harrison Dening is Head of Research & Publications at Dementia UK, home of Admiral Nursing. She has years of expertise in palliative and end-of-life care, advance care planning and case management in dementia. Her previous books with Jessica Kingsley Publishers are Evidence-Based Practice in Dementia for Nurses and Nursing Students , and Dementia, Culture and Ethnicity: Issues for All.
Dr Hilda Hayo became Chief Admiral Nurse & CEO for Dementia UK in 2013. As a dual registered nurse, she has held senior positions in clinical services, hospital management and higher education.
Christine Reddall has worked in many different settings. As a former community Macmillan Nurse, realising that people with dementia and those with learning disabilities rarely accessed good palliative and endof-life care, she concentrated her efforts in enabling this. Christine has used her experience gained from both professional and personal perspective to help promote awareness of young dementias.
From Dementia to rementia
A Guide to Personal Rehabilitation Strategies
Jackie Pool
DEC 2021 | £14.99 | ISBN - 9781839973154
A guidebook for families and carers of people living with dementia giving help and support for their essential needs
A family-led vision of what carers of people with dementia need and want to know. Supporting families and carers in their day-to-day life with dementia, this unique resource combines real stories from families with expert responses and advice for specific issues and concerns.
This resource is based on the real stories and real questions brought to the Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline, peer support groups and clinical networks. Including questions around diagnosis, peer support, balancing risks, care transitions and end of life planning, the chapters are devised to support you, and give you the tools to live better, when dementia enters your life.
Coping with mild Cognitive impairment (mCi)
A Guide to Managing Memory Loss, Effective Brain Training and Reducing the Risk of Dementia Mary Jordan
JUL 2020 | £14.99 | ISBN - 9781787750906
How individuals can manage early signs of Mild Cognitive Impairment and memory loss
This innovative book sets out practical guidance for people with dementia, their families and carers on reducing the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Applying a ‘rementia’ based approach to dementia care, Jackie Pool shows how therapeutic cognitive rehabilitation techniques can be used to reduce symptoms of dementia and ultimately improve quality of life for people living with dementia.
Covering topics such as nutrition, stress, communication, memory and sleep, it provides all the tools and information necessary to build a personalised and flexible self-care plan which will improve and sustain quality of life. By clearing away the myths and stigma surrounding dementia, this book creates room for cooperation, creativity and hope.
About the Author…
Jackie Pool is a UK leading specialist in dementia care who was awarded the National Dementia Care Award 2011 for Best Dementia Care Personality. She is the Director of Memory Care for Sunrise Senior Living.
The QCS pool activity level (pal) instrument for Occupational profiling
A Practical Resource for Carers of People with Cognitive Impairment Fifth Edition
Jackie Pool
DEC 2022 £ 26.99 | ISBN - 9781839975028
Framework for providing activity-based care for people with cognitive impairments, including dementia
The QCS Pool Activity Level (PAL) Instrument is widely used as the framework for providing activity-based care for people with cognitive impairments, including dementia. The Instrument was recommended for daily living skills training and activity planning in the NICE Clinical Guidelines for Dementia (2006). It is an essential resource for any practitioner or carer wanting to provide fulfilling occupation for clients with cognitive impairments.
This fifth edition retains the checklists and plans helpful in matching user's abilities with personal care and leisure activities and includes a new chapter co-written by Professor Lesley Collier on the revised 'PAL Engagement Measure' describing its use and validity.
Including access to a digital version of the PAL instrument, it is an essential resource for any practitioner or carer wanting to provide fulfilling and meaningful occupation for clients with cognitive impairments.
lGBTQ+ people and Dementia
A Good Practice Guide
Elizabeth Price and Sue Westwood
SUmmEr 2023 | £ 16.99 | ISBN - 9781839973307
Coming for 2023 from Elsie Price…
Elsie Price is a Qualified Social Worker and Practice Teacher with over 35 years’ experience of working with looked after children. Elsie has also trained by Dan Hughes in the use of Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) and The Theraplay© Institute . She works as a Consultant Therapeutic Social Worker at Adoptionplus.
Doing relationship-Centred Dementia Care
Learning From Each Other for Better Dementia Support
David I. J. Reid
FEB 2021 | £ 16.99 | ISBN - 9781785923067
Learn how to carry out relationship-centred dementia care with this guide
Sharing and evaluating a series of relationshipcentred approaches to dementia care, this book enables practitioners to have hands-on involvement in improving the quality of care.
From fostering a critical approach to our understanding of how we do relationshipcentred dementia care, Reid shows how experiences of living with dementia, a family awareness of dementia, professional knowledge of providing dementia care, and the health, social care and housing system are linked, and how good dementia care arises from the relationships between these groups. The book encourages thinking about the stigma attached to dementia, and how a focus on living well with dementia helps shape policies about people with dementia, with their voices included. Practical steps for carrying out relationship-centred dementia care are also explained, with examples of common obstacles and how to overcome them.
Dementia-Friendly Communities
Why We Need Them and How We Can Create Them
Susan H. McFadden, PhD
Nov 2020 | £24.99 | ISBN - 9781785928161
How communities help people with dementia to thrive, shown through successful examples of this person-centred ethos
Creating dementia-friendly communities can give people with dementia the chance to continue meaningful lives with reciprocal personal relationships. Underpinning successful dementia-friendly communities is an awareness of people with dementia as active citizens and the importance of supporting engagement in community life.
Offering an overview of the dementiafriendly communities movement, this book, shows the many benefits of this approach. It describes community initiatives from across the globe, such as Dementia Friends, memory cafes, and creative engagement with the arts through organizations like TimeSlips. This compassionate book tells another story about dementia, away from negative stereotypes. This alternative approach claims people can retain a sense of dignity, hold onto hope, sustain meaningful relationships, and live with a sense of purpose with support from their communities.
Dementia, l aw and Ethics
A Practical Guide for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals
Julian C. Hughes, Aileen Beatty and Charlotte Emmett
DEC 2020 | £ 22.99 | ISBN - 9781785925108
How practitioners can deal with ethical and legal issues which arise in dementia contexts
Clinical dilemmas in dementia contexts are often not because the clinical facts are in doubt, but because the ethical and legal underpinnings are uncertain - which can cause worry and confusion. This practical book will help nurses, healthcare assistants and other practitioners to think through their responses clearly in the midst of these difficult situations.
The chapters all stand alone, allowing the reader to dip quickly in and out of the book as required. They address complex issues such as abuse, behaviour that challenges, forced care, treatment withdrawal, and contain clinical case vignettes throughout.
This is essential reading to give practitioners the confidence that good legal and ethical decisions can be made in the same way as good clinical decisions.
promoting resilience in Dementia Care
A Person-Centred Framework for Assessment and Support Planning
Julie Christie
Forewords by Wendy Mitchell and Mary Marshall
FEB 2020 | £16.99 | ISBN - 9781785926006
How to promote resilience for a person living with dementia for improved quality of life
This practice-focussed resource shows dementia care professionals how to harness resilience in their daily practice when working with people living with dementia. Nurturing and developing resilience can hugely improve quality of life for people living with dementia, and as such it is an important tool for practitioners to provide targeted, meaningful support that fits into the lives of people with dementia and care partners. This book guides readers through the key concepts of resilience within the context of dementia and explains the unique challenges and opportunities of developing resilience in this situation. It also provides real-world examples of resilience in dementia assessment and care and suggests clear frameworks for applying resilience in daily practice, as well as template assessment sheets..
Essentials of Delirium
Everything You Really Need to Know for Working in Delirium Care Dr Shibley Rahman
Forewords by Prof Sharon Inouye and Prof Alasdair MacLullich. Afterwords by Dr Daniel Davis and Dr Amit Arora
AUg 2020 | £19.99 | ISBN - 9781785926730
An introduction for professionals and students to improve their care for people with delirium
Detailed knowledge and specific awareness of delirium is crucial in elderly care, due in part to the overlap with delirium and dementia. This introductory reference guide can be used by professionals and students to expand their understanding and skills in delirium care to better respond to the needs of people under their care. There are also detailed chapters on quality improvement and educational initiatives which will be of great help to the delirium workforce in delivering improved care.
Setting out clear and accessible learning objectives, and showing how to identify and correctly diagnose delirium, this book addresses different aspects of care including the management of delirium and the various interventions available, as well as ethics and safeguarding.
The pocket Guide to mouth and Dental hygiene in Dementia Care
Guidance for Maintaining Good Oral Health Dr Daniel J. Nightingale Nov 2020 | £14.99 | ISBN - 9781787751309
A pocket guide for supporting the oral and dental needs of people living with dementia
The dental needs of people living with dementia are often overlooked, particularly in the care home and hospital community. It is challenging to maintain good standards of oral care with people living with dementia, and poor care can increase the fear and anxiety levels of those living with dementia. Very few dentists have the training that equips them with the specialist knowledge necessary to work with this population.
This pocket guide sets out tailored advice for supporting the oral and dental needs of people living with dementia. It sets out straightforward models on providing effective preventative mouth care, spotting symptoms and what to do when problems occur. This concise handbook will help any dentists, care home staff, nurses and other health professionals working day to day with people with dementia.
Timely psychosocial interventions in Dementia Care
Evidence-Based Practice
Edited by Jill Manthorpe and Esme Moniz-Cook
Foreword by Helen Rochford-Brennan, Chairperson of the European Working Group of People with Dementia
mAr 2020 | £24.99 | ISBN - 9781787753020
How to apply psychosocial interventions across the entire course of dementia care
This is a new edited volume that seeks to meet the growing need for ways to support people with dementia across the whole course and trajectory of dementia care, with a wide scope of expertise.
The book addresses how practitioners and carers can apply psychosocial interventions - which take into consideration the individual, social and environmental aspects of a person’s life - across this trajectory, right from the earliest stages through to practice in care home settings. It is divided into four sections, each covers a different context in which people with dementia can be supported: at home; in community settings; family and carer support; and those in care homes and hospitals. It is essential reading for any practitioner and caregiver wanting to support people with dementia.
Why Dementia makes Communication Difficult
A Guide to Better Outcomes
Alison Wray
AUg 2021 £22.99 | ISBN - 9781787756069
What goes wrong when we try to communicate with people living with dementia, and how to fix it
Dementia brings many challenges, not least its ability to disrupt effective communication. The quality of communication plays a major role in how well people living with a dementia manage. When communication doesn't work well, the complications of dementia are compounded.
Rather than only offering tips on what to say and how to say it, this book explores the underlying motivations of communication, so we can better understand why we say what we do, why we say it the way we do, what can go wrong, and how attempts to fix things can go awry.As well as considering why communication goes wrong in day-to-day conversations, the chapters offer advice on dealing with awkward moments, the question of deception, and the things we can and can't control in dementia. Readers are asked to reflect on their own role, and how they can manage their own behaviours to avoid unintentionally blocking routes to productive communication.
Well with Sensory loss and Dementia
Ana Barbosa and Wendy Andrusjak
Nov 2023 | £16.99 | ISBN - 9781839970351
Equips readers to effectively support people with dementia and sensory loss, such as vision and hearing loss, to live fulfilled lives Sensory loss and dementia often co-exist. When this happens, people may face a complex crossover of symptoms, presenting the challenge of how to manage multiple conditions and provide support to minimise the effect on dayto-day life.
In each chapter, this question is addressed through topics such as tests, treatments, communication support strategies, adapting living spaces, assistive devices and more. How symptoms of sensory loss can be mistaken for the effects of dementia is revealed, and strategies for successful assessment are provided. By incorporating the voices of people with lived experience of visual and hearing loss in combination with dementia, and their families, you are equipped with the knowledge to provide person-centred support.
human rights in Dementia Care
Suzanne Cahill, Fiona Kelly, Helen Rochford-Brennan
Nov 2023 | £16.99 | ISBN - 9781839970634
Occupational Therapy and Dementia
Promoting Inclusion, Rights and Opportunities for People Living With Dementia
Edited by Fiona Maclean, Alison Warren, Elaine Hunter and Lyn Westcott
DEC 2022 | £38.00 | ISBN - 9781839970627
The essentials of occupational therapy for dementia, from an occupation and rightsbased practice perspective
With contemporary approaches based on theory and the lived experience of dementia, this book is written using an occupational justice lens. It examines how core elements of how occupational therapy may support the person living with dementia through valued activity in continuing engagement in their lives, sustaining their identity and sense of purpose. This edited collection critically analyses traditional thinking about dementia practice from over 40 contributors, challenging readers to reflect and develop their work. Drawing on policy and legislation related to health and social-care, readers are given tools to focus their practice towards what is important to the person living with dementia. Most importantly, this book gives a voice to people living with dementia, emphasising their expertise.
The Family Experience of Dementia
A Reflective Workbook for Professionals
Jack Morris and Gary Morris
Foreword by Kate Swaffer
DEC 2020 | £22.99 | ISBN - 9781785925740
The essentials of occupational therapy for dementia, from an occupation and rightsbased practice perspective
Dementia not only affects the person presented with the diagnosis, but their family and friends too. This book provides practitioners with strategies to support the whole family and understand their dementia journey both preand post-diagnosis. This is facilitated through a series of activities and reflective prompts. There is also a dedicated chapter offering structured exercises for health and social care practitioners and students.
The book introduces the Lawrence family, where Peter has been diagnosed with dementia. It provides perspectives from each family member, allowing practitioners to become acquainted with the lived experience of everyone involved. The reflective questions allow readers to become actively engaged to maximise their knowledge and understanding, and to better contextualize what the dementia experience feels like for family and friends.
living Well with Dementia through music
A Resource Book for Activities Providers and Care Staff
Edited by Catherine Richards. Foreword by Helen Odell-Miller
JAN 2020 | £25.00 | ISBN - 9781785924880
A guide to simple music activities to enhance the daily lives of people with dementia Music is an essential tool in dementia care. This accessible guide embraces ways in which music can enhance the daily lives of those with dementia. It draws on the expertise of practitioners regularly working in dementia settings, as well as incorporating research on people with dementia, to help anyone, whether or not they have any musical skills or experience, to successfully use music in dementia care.
Guiding the reader through accessible activities with singing, percussion, sounding bowls and other musical tools, the book shows how music may can be used from the early to late stages of dementia. This creative outlet can extend to inspire dance, movement, poetry and imagery. The chapters include creative uses of technology, such as tablets and personal playlists.
The book also covers general considerations for using music with people living with dementia in institutional settings, including evaluating and recording outcomes.
a Namaste Care activity Book
Sensory Stories and Activities for People Living with Advanced Dementia Nicola Kendall. Foreword by Rishi Jawaheer JUL 2021| £17.99 | ISBN - 9781787754935 | 17.99
For using Namaste Care to support and enhance the lives of those living with advanced dementia
Namaste Care offers compassionate care to people with advanced dementia through sensory input, comfort and pleasure, combining music, therapeutic touch, colour, food and scents. With ready-to-use structured sensory stories that are specially designed for people with advanced dementia, A Namaste Care Activity Book invites you to enhance your care through storytelling and sensory stimuli.
Early chapters give an overview of the approach, exploring the effects of sensory stimulation in improving quality of life. With contributions from professionals across the field, chapters describe ways to engage the different senses, including aromatherapy, food and memory and therapeutic use of lighting. These are followed by a selection of themed stories, with ideas for sensory activities to support each one. In addition to guides for Namaste Care sessions, the book provides a starting point for writing your own stories tailored to the person for whom you are caring.
Every week we get messages from people that say how their lives have been changed by the books that we publish, how we’ve helped them feel included in a society where difference is all too often frowned upon. As well as our established dementia list, we also publish mental health books for children and adults, neurodiversity, autism, gender and sexuality, social care and health.
Browse some of our other books here: