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Issue one W i n t e r 2 01 5



g rade

kate smith


“Less is more� Miles Van Der Rohe



t was the French philosopher, Rene Descartes who famously said; “In order to determine whether we can know anything with certainty, we first have to doubt everything we know.”

Although taken from the 17th century, it’s certainly a quote that rings true today. Life is becoming busier, and we often set ourselves what appears to be impractical goals in life. When making decisions, we often choose the obvious because it’s easier or quicker, rather than making a decision that will have the desired effect. Well here is Lucid, which you have sitting in your hands right now, which will offer an escape from our cluttered lifestyles and introduce a whole new way of thinking. Hopefully, by opening your mind to a minimal lifestyle, you’ll stumble upon something that is far more fulfilling and happier. We are ultimately a fashion and lifestyle magazine. With fashion evolving season by season, pushing the boundaries beyond its predecessors, it seems strange that here we are, challenging the importance of everyday fashion in our first issue. Especially during winter, which is, as it happens, my favourite time of year. There’s something rather magical about the cold crisp winter air, frosted leaves and naked trees. Our British scenery couldn’t be more picturesque if it tried. But where else is stunning during the winter months? We headed over to Helsinki while creating this issue. I know what you’re thinking, it isn’t exactly Paris, Berlin or Milan, but there is a reason why Helsinki is dubbed as ‘Europe’s best kept secret’. We also uncovered some extraordinary truths about today’s healthy eating and the pattern in which it follows, discovered fascinating home apothecary remedies, proving that there may be some truth behind those “old wives tales” after all. Above all, we had a look at alternative methods to relieve stress, depression and physical pain throughout the body. So sit back, grab a tea, curl up on the sofa and enjoy our first ever issue of Lucid.

Kaya Mercer





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EDITOR Kaya Mercer

C R E AT I V E D I R E C T O R Jessica Walker



F E AT U R E E D I T O R Emily Beaumont


T R AV E L Helsinki


WELLBEING Morning Master


Clean Eating


Tea Time


FA S H I O N Buy Less, Wear More


The Perfect Wardrobe


New Roots


LIFESTYLE Off the Grid


Zen Den


Natural Beauty


Balancing Act



Washed Ashore






i s Ke y

Another Place

Words: Emily Beaumont Photography: Nicole Jopek

“When you leave a beautiful place you take it everywhere you go�- Alexandra Goddard Beauty does not have to be found in obscure places. It does not have to be exotic. Beauty exists all around us; it just takes stepping outside your front door to discover it. We only had to travel to the stunning Crosby Beach, located in the north of Liverpool to find that mantra is actually true. With the brisk wind blowing through the air, the sound of the crashing waves and the feeling of sand between your toes, you realise that havens are truly those created by nature.








Morning Master

Words: Laura Hannah Photography: Olivia Whitworth


it back, relax and settle down as I am about How wrong I was… to share with you an ancient Indian secret Over 5000 (some believe 10000!) years ago yoga that might just change your life. began as a practice of self-knowledge and wisWe’ve all done it, its 8.32am and have already dom; yoga is still alive and kicking this very day managed to work yourself into a sweaty stress fu- as millions of people all around the world test elled frenzy before you have even left the house, the theory for themselves. Until now measuring usually diagnosing the problem as the ‘got up the benefits of yoga practice have been pretty on the wrong side of bed’ kind of day. As dreary subjective. Lucky for you and I, clinical professor downpour streamed down the windows outside Maryanna Klatt has gathered research showing I realised I had once again invited my day to slip that nurses who practiced mindfulness and yoga into a downward spiral before it had even begun, during work showed 40% less stress than those then I thought to myself ‘there must be a better who didn’t. If this study doesn’t make you want way’. to downward dog I don’t know what will! David Williams said that “Before you’ve practiced, the theory is useless. After you’ve practiced, the theory is obvious.” So many times I had read the mental and physical health benefits of yoga, I even went to a class or two but I never really understood how standing on one foot with both your arms in the air could ever truly help anyone.

The beauty of yoga is the way it can flexibly fit seamlessly into any lifestyle, which is the very reason Lucid has joined up with yoga instructor Katy Bradbury to bring you a 10 minute essential plan to absorb all the goodies yoga has to offer.

Boat pose


Standing separate leg stretch


Downward dog split


BLUR Handmade Cosmetics Company

m o r f e d ma he heart t WWW.BLURCOSMETICS.COM

Off the Grid

Words: Emily Beaumont


ver the last ten years’ social media has really established itself as one of the most talked about factors of our society. Once a platform only used by students and teenagers in the days of Myspace and Friendster, social media has now expanded to appeal to all types of people. Schoolchildren, professionals, the elderly, businesses and many more are now logged on to the World Wide Web. There is a social media platform for every type of function. Facebook allows us to completely represent ourselves online; we can list our family members, our partner, our place of birth, where we live, our job, where we studied, our likes and dislikes. Twitter allows us to receive sharp bites of instant information, and Instagram allows us to display our life in a perfectly filtered photo edition. Social Times recently reported that we spend on average 28% of our day on our personal social media accounts, and many of us spend our time checking out people we don’t know, or are no longer in contact with. What we often fail to see is that social media is negatively effecting us as human beings. A service we believe is making us more social is in fact making us all the more disconnected from reality. It’s been reported widely that most of us are guilty of checking social media at the dinner table and even while out with friends. As couples we’ll often lay in bed on our phones, checking what’s happened in everyone else’s lives as opposed to reflecting upon what’s happened in our own. The unfortunate reality is that we’re so consumed by how many Facebook likes we have on that status or how many retweets; we fail to make note of the memories happening in front of us.


Social media is not a direct reflection of reality. When displaying our lives online, there is little to no honesty at all. We carefully plan and edit everything we’re going to say, every photo is filtered to the point where it doesn’t even look like us anymore. We’ll sit and scroll through our newsfeed and resent the fact that Sarah is holidaying in the Maldives, Kirsten just got a promotion and Danielle is getting married. Part of the nature we adopt when using social media is that we predominantly document the good news in our lives, but erase the setbacks and disappointments. Seeing the bombardment of others accomplishments leads us to feeling unsatisfied with our own circumstances when in reality many of us are in the same boat. What our social media life is doing is distracting us from our reality. Our constant desire to document life events often means we’re missing out on what’s happening in front of us. We’re more accustomed to seeing events and sights through our phone screens instead of just living in the moment. Generation Z, the oldest of whom are 19, are the first generation that have been brought up online. Many of their life events and personal accomplishments have been documented either by themselves or by a parent or family member. What is now happening is that this generation who have had much of their lives documented to the world with or without informed consent are craving a life of privacy. Generation Z-ers are much more tech-savvy than previous generations, and are way more informed about the consequences of their social media foot-print. These are not the only people craving internet anonymity in an age of over-exposure, many creatives are now erasing their online persona. Designer for Céline, Phoebe Philo was famously quoted as saying; “The chicest thing is when you don’t exist on Google. God, I would love to be that person!” Although it feels like the presence and importance of social media websites is growing in today’s technological society, what many are craving is privacy and simplicity. The social gratification and narcissistic thrill of social media is wearing thin, as many see it for what it really is. It’s a complete cluster of too many voices shouting over each other, extreme views from all sides of the political and religious spectrum, as we glance over meaningful messages and feel nothing. In conclusion, many are withdrawing from social media addictions in favour of living in the present, seeking out authentic and meaningful relationships based on face-to-face conversation, and decluttering and clearing our minds in the hope of seeking out real happiness. Maybe then our gratification will come from our real life, as opposed to a Facebook status with 100 likes.



“Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful� William Morris

“You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need” Vernon Howard



Helsinki EU R O P ES BES T KEP T S EC RET Words: Olivia Whitworth


know exactly what you’re thinking, because I had the same thought when I was told I was about to spend a few days in the Finnish Capital. What’s there? Why would I want to visit? There is no hype, no exciting stories passed on from friends or family, no means of adventure and no famous reputation. Everybody I had spoken to between booking my flights and stepping on the aeroplane had said they hadn’t been and didn’t know anybody who had, so I had no idea what to expect – and that turned out to be the magic of my entire trip. I am going to give you an insight as to why Helsinki is Europe’s best kept secret, and why you simply must tick this calm, clean and cultured city off your bucket list. Since the users on Trip Advisor (our go-to website to find out all relevant info about restaurants, cities and land marks before we actually go to them) ranked Helsinki one of the top five destinations on the rise in Europe … I looked into why it is actually a fab place to live, too. Finland is the world’s least corrupt country and comes first in the international prosperity index, that’s right, first. There is also a superb education system – ranked the best in the world, actually… and they also have excellent free health care, too. So, you could start your adventure by visiting a sauna. It’s something you have probably heard of, as sauna is the only Finnish word to have entered the world vocabulary, along with Santa Claus, one of the rare Finnish phenomena to have spread around the world. It is an important part of the Finnish culture, and the Finns bathe there once a week or even more often. There are approximately one million saunas in Finland - that is one to every five people who live here – and you can really see it. There is one in every fitness center, hotel and public swimming pool. There are even airports, bars and restaurants with saunas… and no, I personally wouldn’t choose to get in the sauna after a couple of glasses of wine with my work colleagues either, (although this is said to be something the Finns do). Traditionally a sauna is a place for silence, and the Finns are experts in that field. When I was wandering around Helsinki’s city center, I noticed two things straight away; how peaceful it felt and how clean it looked. You might notice if you ever visit, is that the Finns do not stereotypically have a great need for small talk, but don’t be put off by this because almost everybody speaks incredible English and they’re very willing to help tourists too.


WHERE TO STAY… I had the pleasure of spending 3 nights at one of the best hotels in Helsinki, Hotel Indigo. Located in the ‘Design District’, this hotel certainly did it justice! Boutique style with 120 rooms; each were different with their very own hand painted feature wall, including a miniature exhibition alongside it. (Mine included a selection of handmade vase’s in one box, and a Minna Parikka shoe in the other). The eco-friendly hotel is a 5 minute walk from the heart of Helsinki and you can even borrow the hotel’s Pelago bikes, to explore the city, too. The food in the hotel was second to none. Restaurant Bröd, the main restaurant served a fantastic spread at breakfast; Full English/continental, cereals, fruit, croissants, bread and more! And with a menu to suit most, they also served a delicious lunch and a Michelin star dinner every night where I tasted the best pork I’ve ever eaten in my whole life. Adding to this, the hotel also features a spa, fitness studio, business center, private garage, soup and juice bar, free Wi-Fi, 24 hour room service… and it’s pet friendly, so you can even bring your dog! This hotel is simply divine. TO PARTY OR NOT TO PARTY? If visiting a sauna didn’t give you enough insight into the Finnish mentality, perhaps you should witness Finnish holidays or festivals… because there are plenty! From mid-summer bonfires, food and beer festivals and the great chocolate festivals… to the Helsinki City Marathon, Tour de Helsinki and the Helsinki International Boat show… (They have a horse show too if boats aren’t your thing). And we’re certainly not forgetting the magical Christmas markets – which are apparently very similar to the German ones… and May Day Bank Holiday, where everybody has traditional picnics in Kaivopuisto Park with lots of wine and beer! The Finns might not be down for small talk, but they’re always up for a party! FOR A LITTLE BIT MORE CULTURE… Helsinki has a broad selection of museums and galleries including art galleries, design museums, architecture museums and even sports museums. Some are even free! To discover a bit more history and to learn more about the Finnish culture there is also a museum dedicated to the city itself where you’ll be whisked off on a journey to discover Helsinki’s past. In Helsinki, shows in general are well-attended; the most popular theatre and opera productions are always sold out months in advance; so if this is something you’d like to do during your visit, then make sure you book ahead.


ONE FOR THE FOODIES Helsinki is renowned for its picture-perfect food and mouth-watering drinks, along with lots of five star restaurants and bars. Like art on a plate, it almost always looks too good to eat. The Finns, who are huge fans of design, interiors and architecture, take real pride in all appearances; therefore your food will arrive looking like something from the final of Master Chef. A CONFESSION FOR THE SHOPAHOLICS With streets full of unique boutiques, interior stores and miniature design labs, you’ll go home with plenty of one-off pieces that you can only purchase in Helsinki. Even if you don’t have any specific items in mind, with the amount of stunning pieces and choice in Helsinki, you’re bound to come across an item that will fit into your wardrobe or home perfectly. Besides all the quirky one-off shops, you’ll also come across high-street giants like Zara, Cos and H&M– and in this country, they retail at about the same price. However, for an ultra-expensive retail therapy fix, then you might like to walk down the main boulevard to Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Mulberry and many more. If you don’t get chance to shop whilst you’re there – don’t worry about it – because the shopping in the airport is exquisite for choice. After you’ve wandered through duty-free, you’ll stumble across the likes of Burberry, Ralph Lauren, Michael Kors, Tom Ford, Victoria’s Secret and so much more. And if that isn’t enough, the airport itself is still going through renovation, so there is even more to come! Oh, I forgot to mention, it has a sauna too! This picturesque city has been built around water, which makes for a magical winter and a sparkling Summer. The sparse set of islands which make up the capital are what makes it so charming. There are so many places to see and visit, and because Helsinki is quite small, it means said places aren’t too far away from each other either. Helsinki is perfect for a long weekend of exploring because there is something to suit the whole family. Around every corner you turn, you’ll discover something new and most importantly, you’ll always feel safe. The short flight from the UK means you can be there in around 2 hours… so wrap up warm if you stay during the winter and it’s hot enough for your shorts if you visit in the summer. What are you waiting for? Pack your bags and see it for yourself … Helsinki, Europe’s best kept secret.


S i mplicity Is Ke y

Collection: Scott Williams Photography: Nabila Burija Model: Hannah Rewston Makeup: Laura Copley






Zen Den Words: Laura Hannah


hey say that home isn’t a place, it is a feeling, but what if your home doesn’t fill you with the sensation of unquestionable bliss and relaxation at the end of a gruelling day? Well, it means that you need to transform your space into the ultimate zen den. Victoria Moran said that “A simple life is not seeing how little we can get by with—that’s poverty—but how efficiently we can put first things first. . . . When you’re clear about your purpose and your priorities, you can painlessly discard whatever does not support these, whether it’s clutter in your cabinets or commitments on your calendar.” A study by The British Heart Foundation says that 1 in 10 people avoided having visitors due to being embarrassed about clutter in their home and 15% admitted that clutter made them stressed. However you will be glad to hear that around a third of people who took the plunge to banish unnecessary belongings said they felt like a new person. It is clear that an organised home promotes a healthy mind, which is why Lucid is about to let you in on the secrets of transforming your home into a zen paradise of relaxation and inspiration. It’s not about buying more things to hide

away useless objects, it is about evicting that decade old cd collection you have convinced yourself you may listen to again one day. As Eleanor Brownn said “Clutter is not just physical stuff. It’s old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits. Clutter is anything that does not support your better self.” Minimalizing gives yourself the chance to have an optimistic fresh start every time you wake up so you can think about the beautiful day ahead rather than ‘uhh I must tidy that mountainous heap’ that slightly resembles a washing basket. The benefits of decluttering appear endless; it provides you with more time with your family or to pursue your dreams as you have less to tidy, become thrilled about inviting visitors to your stunning home, have more space to get creative or do yoga and ultimately less clutter = less stress! Ready to wipe your slate clean? Let’s start the journey to your decluttered dream home…



Buy less, wear more

Words: Jessica Walker Photography:Nicole Jopek


lossy ad campaigns, designer look-alikes and marked down prices. Fast fashion is running rampant, and it’s pretty hard to resist.

As consumers, we have come to expect fast, cheap fashion. We have been trained to shop often and to consistently succumb to new trends.

I’m sure I’m not the only one that has been lured into a store with the intention of buying one, maybe two items, once inside, accumulation an array of trendy, season-specific clothing, which would either fall apart after a few washes or be worn for literally one season, grown tired of, and pushed to the back of my wardrobe and forgotten about.

Today’s mainstream fashion industry relies on globalised, mass production where garments are transformed from the design stage to the retail floor in only a few weeks. With retailers selling the latest trends at low prices, consumers are easily swayed to purchase more than they need.

Whether we like it or not, our clothing says a Only to repeat the entire process next season. lot about us. It is one of the first things people notice about us, It’s how we express ourselves For a generation of budget-conscious shop- and it’s our way to show the world who we are. pers, popping into stores that emphasize low quality and high volume, pioneered by brands So why do we let ourselves be defined by such as Forever 21, H&M, Topshop and Zara, cheap, poor quality clothes? has become par for the course.




This is where slow fashion comes in. Don’t get me wrong I love shopping too, but what I’ve found is that repeatedly purchasing a load cheap clothing and constantly stripping and revamping my wardrobe, out of necessity because the clothes literally fall apart, simply isn’t fulfilling. I get a lot more joy from building a wardrobe of pieces that I actually love, When we buy less, we can be pickier about that I want to keep and that I can wear for where and how our clothing is made, invest in years – because they haven’t fallen apart and beautiful quality pieces that will last for years, because they aren’t tied to a specific season, and create a capsule wardrobe that reflects our that they are simply unappealing after that seapersonal style and is an absolute joy to wear. son ends. Slow fashion is the deliberate choice to buy better-quality items less often, the purpose of slow fashion is to encourage consumers to take a more purposeful and minimalist approach to their wardrobes.

Now hear me out, chances are if you’re reading this, you probably love fashion and shopping or at very least, consider it a pleasant recreation, and the chances are the thought of a capsule wardrobe sounds boring because, frankly, these ‘basic’ pieces tend to be the least exciting to buy.

Buy less, wear more. We can save our money and wait to buy the thing that stops us in our tracks and steals our heart.

Buying less and shopping purposefully it is something to strive for, to work towards and But think about this for a second. The excite- I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. Starting ment you get after purchasing the latest ‘must small, simply thinking about where your have’ you’ve had your eye on, the one that clothes came from and then taking some acmay or may not fall apart in the wash after a tive steps to build a wardrobe that places value couple of wears, the one that every other girl on quality over quantity, is an excellent place your age probably has, the one that will most to begin. likely be out of fashion by the end of month. We can invest in quality that will last beyond How long does that excitement actually last? next season. You’ll be so much more satisfied, and when you look back on it one, two, five Now think about the last boring white shirt years from now, chances are you’ll think: Yes. I you bought. Did you even think twice? still want to wear this. Could you wear it today if you wanted? I’m guessing the answer is probably yes.



Words: Kaya Mercer Photography:




Eating well doesn’t always mean that your plate has to look like a mini-forest, it’s all about getting your portions right. Every day we’re constantly learning which foods are good for you and which aren’t and how they can affect your body. We’ve come up with 5 keys tips to help you eat yourself healthy. PROTEIN, PROTEIN AND MORE PROTEIN It’s very easy to add protein into your diet. It’s present in most animal products such as fish, diary, and also poultry - so there is really no excuse to not eat it. Protein boosts your metabolism, by adding it to your diet it can help the growth of your body tissues: such as muscle mass, which includes your heart. On top of this it will also act as a source of energy. Even if you’re a vegetarian or vegan, you still need protein; an easy way to include it into your diet is with tofu, beans or soy protein products, so even without indulging in animal products, you can still obtain the benefits consuming protein has to offer. Although not many people are aware that meat substitutes can often contain a high level of salt, always make sure you read your products packaging for it’s salt content. WHEN I SAY F… YOU SAY FIBRE Fibre can help to reduce the risk of high cholesterol and heart disease, as well as making you feel fuller for longer. Soluble fibre can also help to slow down your digestive system, helping to release bursts of energy long after you’ve eaten, perfect for the gym-goers! Tip - An easy way to get plenty of fibre in your diet is by snacking on fruits such as pears and apples throughout the day. FRESH IS BEST By cooking all your meals and snacks from scratch you know exactly what you’re putting into your body. As convenient as ready-packaged foods are, they’re often packed with additives, preservatives and hidden sugars. By cooking from scratch you’re avoiding sodium nitrate, which is found in the majority of frozen meat. You may not realise it, but cooking your own food also teaches you a world of patience. Try it, have you ever tried to resist freshly made strawberry jam, or even better… homemade sticky banana bread? I think the answer to this is no.


SHOT IT I’m sorry, but this isn’t what you think it is! We’re talking healthy shots here, such as juice shots, like wheatgrass. Juice shots are a natural and easy way to give your body a quick boost of energy, nutrients and also vitamins. Particularly with the brisk weather just around the corner, these juice shots can help you stay healthy throughout the winter season. Not many people know that ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory. It can help you soothe any aches or pains you have in your body which is great if you’re struck down with an unfortunate winter cold. You may already know that lemon is full of vitamin C, but it’s also proven to help to boost your immune system. An old wives tale is that hot water, a teaspoon of honey and a slice of lemon can help to prevent or get rid of your cold or flu, and I believe them! Tip - If you mix both the lemon and ginger together and add a little cayenne pepper it will detoxify your body and help to boost your metabolism. YOU ARE WHAT YOU DRINK Not many people pay to much attention to what they drink, but trust me; it has the same effect as the food you’re eating. Did you know that there are more calories in a Starbucks Grande Toffee Mocha Frappe than in a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I rest my case! It’s so important to make sure you’re fuelling your body with the right liquids, and you can never go wrong with a glass of water. It’s the elixir of life after all! Things that contain artificial sweeteners can also have a negative impact on your body, giving a small burst of energy initially but eventually resulting in a crash later on. I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know that red wine actually has properties that can lower the risk of heart disease and may also prolong life, but of course, all in moderation. With the New Year fastly approaching, one of the most common resolutions is related to the way we treat our bodies, whether it’s giving up bad habits such as fast-food or smoking, losing weight, or just becoming a healthier version of ourselves. Our Top 5 Tips are easy to follow and provide small changes we can make to our lifestyles, and will ultimately result in a healthier, stronger and happier you.




Natural Beauty

Words: Emily Beaumont


he beauty industry is one of the most profitable industries on earth. According to a recent study, the average woman slathers and sprays 10 different products on their body and face each day. Considering our skin is like a sponge, we can absorb up to 130 chemicals per day. Although via government regulation these chemicals are considered to be safe, many can still be damaging in high quantities. Our bodies can absorb these products almost instantly, but it takes a fair amount of time to be rid of them. This can result in irritation, redness and break-outs and side effects we aren’t even aware of yet. Not only bad for your body, but mass-produced beauty products can also been unethical. The ma-

jority of cosmetic and toiletry manufacturers still test on animals, and use ingredients that are not environmentally sustainable. Last year it came to light how dangerous microbeads from exfoliating products are to the environment, hurting sea life and infecting our drinking water. With this in mind, it’s hardly surprising that we are now turning to natural beauty manufactures or creating home-remedies. The benefits of using said products as opposed to mass-branded finds are endless and completely unarguable. Our earth’s resources provide plenty of benefits for our skin, some you may not know about. We at Lucid have taken a look at the best natural ingredients that will benefit your skin, hair and mind.


OLIVE OIL Olive oil is centuries-old with its benefits to your skin and hair. In fact, it’s often used in many anti-aging products. With its antioxidants and rejuvenating qualities, olive oil hydrates and restores elasticity of the skin, making it a key ingredient for making skin look younger. In addition to its anti-aging qualities, olive oil also lends benefits to different skin types. For oily skin, due to its non-greasy nature, olive oil can provide well-needed hydration without the greasy residue. It also possesses fantastic healing properties, with antioxidants and good fats; it can assist in repairing the skin from irritation and sun damage.

GERANIUM Used by the Egyptians for gaining youthful and radiant skin, Geranium is more than just a pretty flower. It can be used to treat acne and skin conditions like psoriasis, and due to its non-toxic and non-irritant qualities, it can also be used as an antiseptic. In addition to its benefits to the skin, it’s also used as an element in aromatherapy, alieving symptoms of anxiety, fatigue and generally uplifting mood.

BASIL Using basil on the skin can be an excellent remedy for those prone to acne. Acting as an antiseptic, basil helps clear acne-causing bacteria. By boiling water and adding fresh basil leaves, you can create a handy homemade toner to prevent any breakouts.

ACTIVATED CHARCOAL Although initially you’ll be feeling a bit dirtier, charcoal is an excellent beauty remedy for the skin. Many natural beauty manufacturers are favouring the ingredient in cleansers, face masks, soaps and even toothpaste, acting like a magnet attracting dirt and oil. Due to the fact we absorb bacteria through our skin all day, normal face-washing techniques fail to rid our skin of these, resulting in a breakout. By using charcoal-based products, these can be eliminated more efficiently.

EGGS Typically, many of us unintentionally abuse our hair through colouring, excessive washing and applying intense heat. That can leave the hair dull, thinner and dryer. Eggs are an unlikely remedy for damaged hair due to being rich in protein, which makes the hair follicle stronger and less likely to break. In addition to improving the overall health, eggs give the hair a glossy shine as it assists in maintaining the hairs natural oils. By whisking together 2-3 eggs and applying all over to dry hair, eggs can be used as a handy hair mask to restore its healthy qualities.

SEA SALT Sea salt is an excellent natural ingredient to use on the skin or hair. Not only does your skin benefit from the natural mineral content, but it’s also handy as an antiseptic and has an astringent effect, giving your skin a healthy glow. By using sea salt in face scrubs as opposed to microbeads, your skin will improve from its natural benefits and reduces negative impact to the environment. Sea salt is also great for hair, leaving it textured and increasing its volume.

The Perfect Wardrobe T EN C OMMA ND MENT S Words & Photography: Jessica Walker

I. SELECTIVITY Reserve your wardrobe space for items you absolutely love 100%

II. DEFINITION Develop a strong personal style and perfect your signature look

III. Q UA L I T Y OV E R Q UA N T I T Y Build a wardrobe of high quality pieces that transcend more than one season

IV. AUTHENTICITY Forget conventional style typologies like ‘romantic’ or ‘bohemian’ and create your own unique look

V. FUNCTION Aim for form and function. You should be able to walk, run and dance in every outfit


VI. S T Y L E OV E R FA S H I ON Get excited about fashion trends that fit in with your style, forget all others

VII. INVESTMENTS Invest time and thought into developing your style and selecting the perfect garments

VIII. V E R S AT I L I T Y Select harmonising, adaptable items and build a strong foundation of key pieces

IX. COMFORT Comfort is non-negotiable. If an item scratches, itches, falls down or rides up - get rid

X. EVOLUTION Stay inspired and redefine your style often

W a s he d Ashore

Photography: Nicole Jopek Model: Holly Ardron Makeup: Bethany Nichols


“The first step in crafting the life you wantis to get rid of everything you don’t” Joshua Becker

“Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It’s your masterpiece after all” Nathan W. Morris

New Roots

Words: Emily Beaumont


fter the recession, many economic experts predicted radical changes in the food industry as consumers limited their spending. With smaller amounts of disposable income circulating in households, it was expected that frivolous spending on luxury food products would be limited, with people cutting back to the bare essentials. However, a more predominant movement has taken place; the rise of the conscious consumer. The conscious-consumer is not necessarily abstaining from spending their money on food, but becoming more informed and perceptive of where our food comes from. The millennium saw a huge rise in the number of supermarkets, resulting in the closure of many independent stores and the demise of services like milkmen. Overwhelmed by cheap prices and convenient shopping, consumers stopped feeling the need to shop locally. As demand for particular products went up, the supply had to expand drastically. We now import many food items, and the demand is so high the ability to produce ethically is limited. With the arrival of the internet age, consumers are becoming increasingly informed about the unethical production of the food we eat. It’s almost impossible to shop ‘cruelty-free’, with a high proportion of our food being created in a way that hurts animals or other human beings. Whether it’s the way a cow has been raised for slaughter or what a farmer has been paid to grow crops; many of us are contributing to the pain of someone for our own greed. Paralysed by the dilemma? Many are. The new conscious-consumer is now demanding a U-turn on their previous shopping habits. More and more local food shops are popping up around city centres and towns. Manufacturers have to work even harder to gain and sustain a customers loyalty. Not only are we demanding produce of excellent quality and value for money, but also the guarantee that it has been produced in an ethical fashion. One organisation that has responded to these demands is independent retailer New Roots. Situated in Sheffield, the organisation boasts as being cruelty-free. With a selection of vegan and vegetarian products from independent manufacturers, they promise a high quality selection of food that you will not find on supermarket shelves. The store is run entirely by volunteers, with proceeds going directly and entirely to local charities and social projects in Sheffield. Lucid spoke to Dan, founder of New Roots, to discuss the importance of ethical shopping, as well as the benefits of a meat-free diet on the mind and body…


First of all Dan, tell us about New Roots and how it We currently sell a lot of milk-substitute products. Veganall started. ism is increasingly popular and milk replacements can be New Roots is a non-profit health food and vegetarian shop, quite difficult to obtain at your local supermarket. We sell a selling produce you would not find in your local supermar- lot of soy, hemp, and coconut milk. At lunch time we have a ket. The shop actually started over thirty years ago by a fantastic selection of vegan pasties and cakes which always Christian community group, who were trying to find ways go down a treat! A lot of customers come in and are amazed to promote healthy eating in the area. Then they started by the amount of choice we have. campaigning for causes throughout the country and used the funds raised to go towards those. Then it expanded and people who weren’t involved in the Christian community What do you suspect will be the next big health food product? began going for their normal fruit and veg shop. Coconut water has been pretty big for the last few months. I reckon next it will be miso paste. We stock them here at I started a few years ago as a volunteer, at the time it was New Roots and have noticed more and more people purvery student-orientated and attracted a lot of young peo- chasing it. It’s certainly very up and coming and adds a kick ple. I got involved through friends who were volunteering to soups and stews. there and ended up meeting a lot of nice people. There were a lot of things going on; talks and film screenings, and I found it really interesting. Then I started working shifts You also host events in the evenings; tell us about these. and the rest is history. So what about you, how did you get involved?

What kind of customers do you get in your store?

At the moment we run film screenings from a projector powered entirely by cycling. It’s pretty amazing. We’re showing some films about cycling at the moment, and then we’ll move onto some refugee films, and then films about food justice. We had talks for a while but they’re fairly difficult to organise. What I’m looking at starting is some music nights. A lot of our volunteers are amazing talented musicians so it would be fantastic to organise some gigs and donate the proceeds to the local refugee charity.

The majority are students; as young people are becoming increasingly aware regarding where their food comes from. In fact, the majority of our volunteers are students. We also have a few asylum seekers as they aren’t allowed to work but are allowed to volunteer. We take any members of the community of any age who want to get involved, but at the moment it is mostly students. We have a selection of students who deliver our selection of veg boxes to customers In fact, all of your proceeds go to local charities. by bike. What causes are you supporting at the moment? Health foods and meat-free diets are becoming increasingly popular; why do you think this is? I think we’re becoming a much more conscious society. There’s a lot of documentaries that portray the brutality of the meat and dairy industry. I think there’s quite a few people who just want to lead a healthier life and vegan and vegetarian diets can contribute to this greatly. Which products sell particularly well in your store at the moment?


We currently support a lot of refugee charities. We’re based in Sheffield, and Sheffield is often seen as a sanctuary due to the amount of amazing support and charities we have. Although we’re now a separate entity to the Christian community, we still donate a portion of our proceeds to them and fund their free meals for the homeless. We also support conversation clubs which assist asylum seekers with learning English.


Our Fresh Ingredients. Your Passion.

Balancing Act

Words: Laura Hannah


hat if I told you something indescribable by science is capable of curing illnesses including depression, lower back pain and digestive disorders? Many will turn the page in disbelief however for those of you who obtain an open mind an optimistic treat is in order… The chakra system is built of 7 energy points through out the human body starting at the crown of the head right to the base of your spine. It is believed by thousands of people around the world that when your chakras are balanced a healthy flow of energy can surge through your body promoting calmness, positivity and all round health. When one of the 7 chakras becomes damaged and weak it can block the flow of energy within your body causing pain related to the focal points placed throughout your body. Ever wonder why you feel tired out or stressed out for no apparent reason? Do you suffer from asthma, headaches or eczema? If you are nodding in agreement then it sounds that you’re unbalanced lifestyle many have affected your chakra system. Lucid had conducted some hardcore research to find out how we can unblock our chakras and welcome back the positive free flowing energy we all deserve. The key to unblocking the chakras is understanding the role of each energy point and how they affect you, this way you can recognize what your aches and pains are really telling you. Listen to your body intently and find out which of your 7 chakras are weakened and disrupting the flow of energy…


THE ROOT CHAKRA Located at the base of the spine This is you if: you feel like your not moving forward in life Symptoms: anxiety, loneliness, sciatica, lower back pain When unblocked: you release energy to all chakras delivering a boost of self-confidence and a sense of security helping you to make progress

SACRAL/EMOTION CHAKRA Located below the navel This is you if: you have low energy levels, unmotivated Symptoms: kidney problems, infertility, eating disorders, low self-esteem When unblocked: you feel reenergized and able to take on exciting opportunities that you draw in with your new found positive energy

SOL AR PLEXUS CHAKRA Located at the diaphragm This is you if: you feel stressed, confused and unable to follow gut feelings Symptoms: food allergies, eczema, digestive disorders, insomnia, poor concentration and memory When unblocked: your mind body and spirit connected allowing you to feel comfortable with your self and relaxed when making decisions

HEART CHAKRA Located in the chest This is you if: you feel disconnected from people or the earth, you struggle with relationships Symptoms: breathing problems, unable to trust and forgive, upper body pain When unblocked: love for yourself, the earth and others is sparked and your relationships become peaceful

THROAT CHAKRA Located at your throat This is you if: your feelings are trapped within you as you find it hard to express yourself Symptoms: anxiety, thyroid problems, unhealthy teeth and gums When unblocked: you can be yourself without worrying what others think of you,relationships are improved as you communicate more effectively

THIRD EYE CHAKRA Located at the forehead This is you if: your mind is hectic and you feel you can’t organize your thoughts Symptoms: headaches, learning difficulties, eye problems, spinal problems When unblocked: we learn more about ourselves encouraging inspiration and guidance to follow our dreams

CROWN CHAKRA Located at the very top of the head This is you if: as a whole you feel lost, depressed or have no purpose in life Symptoms: the crown chakra affects our entire mental and physical health When unblocked: energy can flow easily through al 7 chakras creating a secure spiritual relationship with yourself improving your entire being

The next step in igniting your flow of positive energy is through meditation, an ancient practice used by thousands of people in the modern world to aid a peaceful and happy lifestyle. Once you know which of your chakras is damaged you can begin to reflect on the symptoms which relate to you and proceed to figure out which parts of your regime are blocking these energy points. From this you can begin to recognize what you need to change within you life to ensure your energy flows through your chakras, resulting in a healthy mind body and spirit. Meditation provides us with the opportunity to notice what our body is telling us giving our mind a chance to breathe in some peace and order. There are many ways in which to meditate however the best option is to find a place where you feel the most comfortable without any disturbances. • You may sit crossed legged or lie down then settle into relaxation by focusing on deep breathing and releasing any tension you feel in your body. • Once you feel completely relaxed and comfortable with a clear mind chose a chakra to focus on, imagine its colour glowing with energy in the area it is located within your body. • Think about your life and clearly reflect on the things which are causing you harm and understand how they are effecting you • Allow yourself to feel the pain and then imagine that pain leaving your body. Focus on soothing the area allowing the pain to heal. • Think about the ways you will improve positivity in your life, start small and set yourself little tasks to get you started. • When you feel you have organized your thoughts slowly bring yourself back to reality whilst maintaining the peace within you. With regular meditation you will build upon spiritual knowledge about yourself and both the good and bad within your life with become clear meaning you can make positive changes around you. Painful symptoms will ease in time giving you newfound vitality and inspiration to chase your dreams. When spirituality becomes part of your routine daily life will transform into the enlightening pleasure it was destined to be, what could possibly be better? Whether you consider yourself a spiritual person or not what have you got to lose? It is definitely worth a practice! Enjoy…



Tea Time

Words: Kaya Mercer Photography: Alina Pankova


1. You should have two empty teapots. In one the loose tea leaves and hot water and the other just hot water. The first teapot is used to brew the tea and once the tea has steeped to perfection, empty the water out of the second teapot, strain the tea into the warmed pot, leaving the leaves in the first pot. Several infusions can be added together. By leaving the leaves in water after its optimal infusion time is exactly like cooking a steak to perfection and leaving it in the frying pan. This is why we’ve always warmed the tea pot, as it’s not pot we brewed the tea in but the pot we served the tea from.

2. The warm cup method. Pour freshly boiled water into your teacup. You can then return the water to the teapot with the tea that is brewing. This way the water is measured precisely and none will be left in the pot once it has been brewed and poured.


It’s no secret that everyone loves a cup of tea but do you ever find yourself asking, “How do I make the perfect TOO HOT OR TOO COLD one?” If you do then here is the answer to your question. Arguably this is the most important part of the process, HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH the temperature of the tea. The water should ideally only be boiled once; this is because the water is best when it’s This is completely up to personal preference, but the been freshly filtered, if it’s boiled more that once it will rule of thumb is that one-teaspoon of tea leaves is more decrease the oxygen levels in the water. than enough for one person. Most tealeaves work best when the water is just below ONE, T WO OR THREE boiling, this is because the amino acids (which help to produce the tea’s flavour) will dissolve if the temperaNot many people know that you can re-use the same tea ture exceeds 100°c. The temperature can also affect the leaves up to three times, it’s said that in China it is be- sweetness of your tea, the higher the temperature the lieved that a cup of tea is at it’s finest after being brewed less sweet it can make the flavour. This will only work for a second or third time, this is only if the tea has been with loose tea, industrial tea bags are very delicate and strained completely between infusions, this will prevent have a subtle flavour which can make the water a dull the tea from having a bitter taste. grey


MILK AND SUGAR Both white and green teas are so delicate and naturally sweet that you may not need to add any sugar or milk. But with black tea anything goes. Saying this, it can be entirely up to your own taste, some like it sweeter than others.

tea you should use a porcelain cup, and of course he also suggested that it should be enjoyed besides a lily pond in the company of a desirable women and/or gentleman. You would not drink a glass of champagne from a teacup, as it would not live up to it’s full potential, this is the same for fine teas.

TEAWARE This again comes down to personal preference; we all have our favourite teacups, mugs or glasses. However, in the 8th century the celebrated poet Lu Yu suggested that in order for a person to really enjoy a cup of

It’s also not recommended to use a tea strainer in a teacup for any loose-leaf teas as the leaves and tips need room to expand to release its flavour. It’s much more effective to use a teapot and a strainer.


STEEPING THE DIFFERENT TEAS WHITE TEA White tea is the purest and quite possibly the most delicate of all teas. It needs a much longer brewing time than other teas. You should allow to the tea to steep for 1-3 minutes. GREEN TEA You should brew green teas for 1-2 minutes for the first brew. However, if you’re going to make an iced tea or if you like to sweeten your green tea with sugar then you may want to let the tea steep a little longer so that you bring out the robust tannic flavour. OOLONG In China the Oolong tea is drunk from tiny cups, savoring each sip. For the best cup of oolong tea you should use small amount of water with lots of oolong leafs with quick 30-second infusions. The number of infusions will depend on your own taste but oolong is known to be re-infused as often as six times, each time revealing a different subtleties of flavours. Once the tea is brewed the aroma can be savoured for a moment before the taste. BLACK TEA Possibly the most common of all of the tea’s, the black tea. Its steeping time is based on personal preference, however, if you tend to drink the tea on it’s own (without milk) then 45 seconds-1 minute is recommended. Whereas if you want a slightly stronger, tannic flavour then you may want to leave it to brew for longer, around 2-3 minutes.




CONTRIBUTORS ALINA PANKOVA photographer, BETHANY NICHOLS makeup artist, HANNAH REWSTON model , HOLLY ARTON model , KATY BRADBURY model , LAURA COPLEY makeup artist , NABILA BURJA photographer , NICOLE JOPEK photographer , SCOTT WILLIAMS designer

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