IGCDP Booklet 2014 of AIESEC in UNIMET

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Contact: Rafael Labrador rafael.labrador@aiesec.net

Jesus Navarro jesus.navarropayares@aiesec.net

Venezuela is a beautiful country blessed with all kinds of natural wonders. We’ve got beautiful beaches in the coastline, paradisiacal archipelago islands such as Margarita and Los Roques, deserts in the west like Coro, rainforests in the Amazonas, the countryside with its own local traditions and, of course, the metropolitan Caracas vibrant life. You’ll always have somewhere new to explore in Venezuela, be it a small coffee shop to relax, or somewhere to practice some extreme-sport!

Venezuelan people have been said to be the happiest people on earth. We are energetic, always-joking and collaborative by nature, that’s what makes the Venezuelans always capable of finding something good in every situation, even the hardest. Venezuela has always been characterized by opening our arms wide to foreigners: it is part of our culture to make people feel like home and to treat others like we’d like to be treated.

If you were thinking you wouldn’t be able to travel much or go out that often you’ll be glad to know that Venezuela is pretty cheap for foreigners due monetary exchange! Just so you have an idea, a Big Mac meal is around 8 dollars, a 250ml Coke is around 80cents, a metro ticket is close to 20centsand with 1 dollar you can buy around 80 liters of gasoline for your car. You can get much more here by investing the same you’d invest somewhere else!

Before coming to Venezuela, I had absolutely no idea what AIESEC was! On arrival I was in for an incredible surprise. My exchange experience was in a political movement working towards a governmental change in the heated electoral year. For a young person with a great deal of interest in such topics this was the stuff of dreams. The people I met in the course of my work have been some of the most open and friendly that I have had the good fortune of meeting anywhere on my travels globally. I have experienced Venezuela from a perspective more than just a tourist: Joining AIESEC has afforded me an opportunity to do something I had never thought possible to do at such a young age, let alone in another country! I owe the organization and its members so much, as both personally and professionally this has been an experience I will never forget!

20 years old, from Sheffield, England

“For a young person this was the stuff of dreams.�

“Every day is a new day and each one comes with new rich experience.”

22 years old, from Algiers, Algeria I had an interview in English and 10 days later I was 8000 Kms away from my home and family in what is for me "The Dream”: Latin America! I arrived in Caracas scared, knowing no word of Spanish, knowing anyone, but then I found myself in an incredible world, with extraordinary people, who wanted only my well being and to learn more about me and my culture. At first it was difficult: walking alone in the street, taking the bus, talking to the people and even to buy things were challenges for me because of the language, but fortunately I was always well accompanied by people that I don’t know how to thank. I made friends of different nationality (11 exactly), I had the opportunity to spend time with them and share unforgettable moments that will be in my memory forever. I am Algerian, and also Muslim, and since July 20, we are in a religious month called Ramadan. It's a month where you can't drink or eat since the sunrise until the sunset. Do it in Algeria is easy because the whole environment is favorable, but not in here! Alone, no family meals, no specific foods, people don't understand how you can stay all day without eating anything, but it's a good test for myself, trying to surpass myself, learn to respect my own traditions far from home and share them with others. I went to the beach, to parties, climbed mountains and to the Angel Falls, the highest waterfall of the world. I eat Venezuelan, I drank Venezuelan and all with the biggest smile because every day is a new day and each one comes with new rich experience. I’ve been here since one month, and I still have another month for more adventure, more joy, more discoveries and more sharing! The first thing I'll do upon returning to Algeria? Apply to become an AIESEC member and immerse myself in this world so rich in knowledge and experience!

Our Social Development Projects What is it about? “Emprendiendo para el Futuro” or EPF is a Social Development project in partnership with Microsoft. It aims to develop the country’s youth with social business skills in order for them to build their own projects and then implement them in their communities. It has impacted more than 2500 lives in one year and a half and we want you to be part of it! Issues: Social Business, Entrepreneurship, Soft Skills. Example of a TN: www.bit.ly/TN_Example Job Description: Your job is to deliver the program’s contents to the participant through classes, workshop, tutoring, activities, webinars and any other learning methods. Duration: 6~7 Weeks. Required: Basic Spanish and Facilitation Skills. More Info here: www.bit.ly/Booklet_EPF

What is it about? “Understand Me” or UM is a Cultural Development project that aims to broaden the Global Mindset of the participants through the interaction and learning with a foreign language and culture. We seek to develop individuals with the needed competencies to turn into global professionals and citizens who feel part of the world and engaged with its building. Issues: Language Education, Cultural Understanding & Diversity. Example of a TN: TN-In-Ve-UM-2014-1284 Job Description: Your job is to deliver the program’s contents to the participant through classes, workshop, tutoring, activities, webinars and any other learning methods. Duration: 6~7 Weeks. | Required: Excellent English and Facilitation Skills.


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