YourFiveFavoriteTowns Family NewspaperDistributed weekly in the Five Towns, Long Island, Queens & BrooklynSeptember 1, 2022 See page 7 Always Fresh. Always Gourmet. Around Communitythe 36-37FRANKEL’S YOSS Concert on the Lawn Hundreds Join in Gourmet Glatt’s Jewish Night in Cedarhurst 38 Chai Lifeline’s End of Summer Retreat5055

20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 2

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 3

The Easiest Way to Study or Review Shaar HaBitachon
As a work of one of the early Rishonim, Chovos HaLevavos quotes and alludes to the full range of Tanach and the Talmud. A reader can easily lose track of the author’s complex thought, and miss his point. In this work, Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Klugman, a Rav and maggid shiur, who has taught Shaar HaBitachon to scholars and layman, selects the guidance and principles of Shaar HaBitachon, using the author’s own words.
20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 4 New from In these stories, you will truly see how people — children and adults, famous men and women and people “just like us” — honor their parents in the most amazing ways!
he guidance and principles of Shaar HaBitachon (Reliance on Hashem) of Chovos HaLevavos, written nearly a thousand years ago, continue to resonate today.
The Concise Shaar HaBitachon addresses the countless perplexing challenges that confront every Jew in the contemporary world. For any Jew who wants to come closer to Hashem, The Concise Shaar HaBitachon is required reading.
Based on the bestselling Honor Them, Revere Them by Rabbi RabbiFinkelmanShimonandZechariahWallersteinz”l
SHABBOS SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY MishnahMaaserSheniPerek32-3 MishnahMaaserSheniPerek34-5 MishnahMaaserSheniPerek36-7 MishnahMaaserSheniPerek38-9 MishnahMaaserSheniPerek310-11 MishnahMaaserSheniPerek312-13 FRIDAY MishnahMaaserSheniPerek41-2SEPTEMBER 3RDSEPTEMBER 9TH THIS MISHNAHWEEK’SYOMISCHEDULE: Also includes a comprehensive topic and source index
My Parents and Me also includes a fascinating chapter on the halachos of Kibbud Av Va’Eim — explained and with true

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 5 INSPIRING JEWS ... ONE BOOK AT A TIME NEW! AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL HEBREW BOOKSELLER >> WWW.ARTSCROLL.COM | 1-800-MESORAH (637-6724) The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation has created a unique 40-day program to jumpstart our shemiras halashon and make positive speech a wonderful new habit! 40 Days of Caring includes: · The “Daily Dilemma”: A short, relatable shemiras halashon scenario emerging from an everyday situation. · “Growing One Day Greater”: A few brief paragraphs providing an insight into speech and its impact on our relationships. · “Go for It”: A daily practical step for us to implement. A 40-Day Mission … Countless Blessings! A special section of 120 true stories that bring the power of shemiras halashon and ahavas Yisrael to life. A Project of chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Designed to fit in with Jewish women’s busy lifestyles, The Yamim Noraim Treasury by Rabbi Dov Weller features brief and powerful insights and stories on Chodesh Elul and the power of teshuvah, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur, as well as commentary on selected prayers and Torah readings.
and Stories on Elul, Rosh
Also from this bestselling author
Insights Hashanah,
The Yamim Noraim Treasury is for women who want to enrich and enhance the upcoming Yamim Tovim (and take a few well-earned minutes from holiday prep!). It’s for women staying home with their children on Yom Tov and for women enjoying a few quiet minutes in shul. Indeed, it is for every Jewish woman as she looks forward to a healthy, happy, and prosperous year.

“Concerning” is not the right word. Frightening is more like Wishingit. you a wonderful start to the school year. May all our children see much success in the coming year and may they be protected from any outside influ ences that threaten their innocence and purity.
20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 6 The Jewish Home is an independent weekly magazine. Opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly. Yitzy Halpern, PUBLISHER Yosef Feinerman, MANAGING EDITOR Shoshana Soroka, EDITOR Nate Davis Editorial Assistant Nechama Wein Copy Editor Rachel Bergida Aliza Nugiel Lani White Design & Production Gabe Solomon Distribution & Logistics P.O. BOX 266 Lawrence, NY 11559 Phone | 516-734-0858 Fax | 516-734-0857 Classified Deadline: Monday 5:00PM classifieds@fivetownsjewishhome.comtext443-929-4003 PAYMENT VIA CREDIT CARD MUST BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH CLASSIFIED ADS Dear Readers, Shabbos Zemanim Friday, September 2 Parshas Shoftim Candle Lighting: 7:07 pm Shabbos Ends: 8:06 pm Rabbeinu Tam: 8:36 pm Weekly Weather | September 2 – September 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6976°° 80°71° 83°70° 6878°° 6979°° 80°67° 6882°° PMStormsThunder AM Showers CloudyPartly After camp and an extended summer vacation that seems to never end, kids are anxious to get back to the classrooms. They’re excited to see their friends and are looking forward to meeting their new teachers and rebbeim. A structured day, even if it means homework and note-taking, is sometimes the best elixir for the boredom of the endless days that we seem to have this time of year. Our community is blessed with outstanding schools. The plethora of schools allow for a variety that caters to (almost) everyone. And the teachers and reb beim at these schools are dedicated and loving. They give over their lessons imbued with a love of Yiddish keit and Jewish values.
MostlySunny SunnyCloudyMostly ThunderScatteredStorms
A few weeks ago, I took my two-year-old on an out ing. We went to the pet store and then did some shop ping. But she didn’t want to go home yet, so we stopped at the library to spend some time together there. I sat down on the low chairs in the children’s section, and my daughter ran to bring me books to read. She knows where to find the books for her (although she’d read anything with pictures) and brought me a few board books meant for her age. I’m used to reading “Good Night Moon” and “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” to children of her age. But I was not prepared for one of the books she brought over: “The Antiracist Baby.” Yes, that is a book found in the Peninsula Public Library on Central Avenue in Lawrence in the toddler section. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. And then I opened the book. “Babies are taught to be racist or antiracist – there’s no neutrality. Take these nine steps to make equity a reality,” the book begins. It maintains that someone is either racist or antiracist. There is no other choice. What else does the author think is important for a two-year-old to know? Step number three declares, “Some people get more while others get less, because policies don’t always grant equal access.” Step number seven is to “confess to being racist.” I left the library feeling very uncomfortable. Is this what is being taught to youngsters nowadays? Is this on the agenda in schools and playgroups? According to the author of the book, Ibram X. Ken di, who is an antiracism scholar, in an interview with the Harvard Gazette, “It’s important for teachers to disrupt that norm and literally teach their students antiracist ideas.” When should they begin this indoc trination? Kendi says, “In kindergarten, in preschool. We know that by 2 years old, children are already con suming racist ideas. They’re already discerning whom to play with based on kids’ skin color, and so if we wait till they’re 10 or 15, they may be a lost cause, like some of us(Foradults.”therecord, my daughter is very smart, but we are having trouble with her nailing down her colors. Just this week she told me our neighbor’s car was pink.)
In two weeks, the NYS Board of Regents will be voting on regulations that will allow the government to have oversight over private schools’ secular studies curriculum. Our schools have always been oasis from the depravity that surrounds our community. We know that when we send our children to yeshiva, we are sending them to an environment imbued with a love of Yiddishkeit and in line with our values. To have a secu lar, liberal, and very woke government decide what we can and cannot teach our children is very concerning.

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8 Continued on page 10 Contents
If you had to listen to music for the next four hours, would you prefer to listen to Carlebach or to Shwekey?
Although I have been corresponding with Urszala for a number of years, this was the first time that I had the privi lege to meet her and her family in per son. This was also my opportunity to get together with other descendants who traveled to Mszana. These were all very emotional encounters.
Dear Editor, Vav Elul is the yahrtzeit of my grand parents Leibe Feige and Natan Stern, z”l. I have just returned from a trip to Poland. The purpose of my trip was to attend the ceremonies and events that were held in Mszana Dolna commemorating the 80th anniversary of the mass murder of the Jews in that town. My grandparents were among those murdered there on 8/19/42. These ceremonies were well attended by many descendants of the murdered as well as by Polish citizens of Mszana and surrounding towns. They were held over a period of two days taking place both at the loca tion of the massacre where a beautiful ly maintained matzeiva was erected in 1946 and in the now restored 18th century Jewish cemetery of the town where a new matzeiva was installed honoring those Jews known to have been mur dered during the occupation and had been buried there without markers. The woman who organized the commemora tive events and the lavish collation with a Klezmer band following the ceremonies is Urszula Antosz-Rekucka. She and her family are dedicated to honoring the Jews who lived in Mszana Dolna and keeping their memories alive.
Leba Sonneberg Dear Editor, Where lies the emphasis of controls in our country under the Biden Admin istration?●The Southern Border is left wide open and millions of people from all over the world are streaming into our country while American citizens and legal resi dents will be heavily scrutinized in their tax ●returns.Tocontrol millions of illegal im migrants trespassing into our land, we have only 20,000 border control agents; whereas, to check on 724 billionaires in the U.S., we presently have 74,500 IRS agents and will add 87,000, reaching a total of 161,500 IRS agents. This is based upon the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, approved by Congress a few days ago.No question, small businesses and or dinary taxpayers will be audited and are the true target! The revolving door – spending tril lions of dollars for climate, health care,
Today we are seeing a major increase in anti-Semitism throughout the world. This is a very frightening trend. Yet in the small town of Mszana Dol na, Poland, as well as in other locations that I visited, there are modern day Righ teous Gentiles working to keep the mem ory of the Jews alive. They do not seek any praise or recognition for their efforts. I believe that these unsung heroes deserve our appreciation. In my opinion, we need to establish a system to locate, name and acknowledge the works of these spe cial individuals who demonstrate Tikun Olam with their outstanding deeds.
67% 33% Shwekey Carlebach LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 8 COMMUNITY Readers’ Poll 8 Community Happenings 38 Hate Does Not Belong in Hempstead by Town Councilman Anthony D’Esposito 54 NEWS Global 12 National 26 That’s Odd 32 ISRAEL Israel News 21 World Builder 66 JEWISH THOUGHT Rabbi Wein on the Parsha 60 The Time Is Now by Rav Moshe Weinberger 62 Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow 64 PEOPLE The Wandering Jew 68 The Story of Ukraine’s Camp Shuva 72 Two Heroes by Avi Heiligman 102 HEALTH & FITNESS Macronutrients by Aliza Beer, MS RD 82 Beautiful Beginnings by Dr. Hylton I Lightman 84 FOOD & LEISURE The Aussie Gourmet: Beer Glazed Wings 90 LIFESTYLES Dating Dialogue, Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW 78 School of Thought 86 Parenting Pearls 88 Mind Your Business 92 Your Money 110 Seize the Day by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS 111 HUMOR Centerfold 58 POLITICAL CROSSFIRE Notable Quotes 94 The U.S. Military’s Overdue Reckoning by David Ignatius 98 What Fauci Got Wrong by Marc A. Thiessen 100 Biden’s Loan Forgiveness is an Act of Stolen Valor by Marc A. Thiessen 101 CLASSIFIEDS 104 8486

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 9 לארשי ׳גלוק ורוט CONTACT: Israel: 02.651.0090 USA: tci.touro.edu1.800.950.4824• Do More In Israel with Touro College! Apply now for Fall ‘22 Are you studying or living in Israel this year? Get a jumpstart on your career and take classes either in-person at our Touro College Israel campus or combine in-person classes with online courses to earn your degree through our Jerusalem Track program with Touro’s Lander Colleges. You’ll experience robust academics, small classes, and personalized attention along with the flexibility to complete your coursework on your own schedule. Separate classes for men and women. Our faculty and academic advisors offer one-on-one guidance, classes are small and our fully equipped science lab is perfect for those planning a career in health sciences. Federal and New York State TAP grants available for those who qualify. Academic courses taught by Touro College in Israel are part of the curriculum of Touro New York and are limited in Israel to students who are not Israeli citizens or permanent residents. Additional courses must be taken with one of our New York campuses.

Peter Katz Dear Editor, There are some who may think that the following letter is unnecessarily judgmental, but I’d like to posit that the opposite is Sometimes,true. when we hear about a cause, an organization, a family in need, we whip out our checkbook (or type in our credit card numbers), make a dona
In this addendum to Musaf for Rosh Hashanah, Rabbi Wein explores the text and highlights the relevance and glory that the prayers and the sounds of the Shofar bring to our lives year round. This 112 page, soft-cover book of insights will make a wonderful companion to one's Rosh Hashana prayers.
Esther SuccessProjectMillerDirectorSpacefor Women, JCCRP Dear Editor, I want to thank you for putting in Reuven Guttman’s letter last week about the overdevelopment that is about to take place near the Inwood and Lawrence train stations. This is a real problem for our community. We are about to be sur rounded by hundreds of apartments. Lawrence and Far Rockaway will be un recognizable.Peopleneed to organize and let the politicians know that we will vote them out of office if they pass this thing. People should demand that County Executive Bruce Blakeman come to the community and defend his position. There is supposedly a meeting about these project that will be taking place in Hempstead City Hall a week before Rosh Hashana. We need to make sure that our community shows up— not 100 people, not 1,000 people, but 3,000-4,000 peo ple! We need to overwhelm them with the opposition. If they see that we are unified in our opposition, maybe it will slow them down a bit. But, if we don’t show up to the meeting (even though it is at a busy time of the year), we should not complain when in three years our neighborhood is just another suburb in the shadows of af fordable housing projects.
Join Rabbi Berel Wein as he expounds on the most “majestic, magical and emotional prayer service of the year.”
Be part of TJH’s weekly poll. Email the editor to be included in the weekly poll at
20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 10 Continued from page 8
tion and feel like we’ve done a great deed.
Heinz GardenMayerCity, NY
Dear Editor, I agree with Reuven Guttman’s letter in last week’s edition. The alleged “af fordable housing” is just another method of ruining our fine community and oth er suburbs throughout America, which started under the first two Obama ad ministrations and just like every of their policies, picked up steam under the cur rent third Obama administration, known as Biden-Harris.Mr.Guttman rightfully asked: where were the frum Jews at this meeting pro testing what would lead to the destruc tion of the Orthodox community in the Five Towns? While this meeting was oc curring, they were either on the bench in shul learning, listening to a speech given by their rebbi, sitting in a food joint on Central Avenue eating, relaxing at their weekend home, spending their summer in an Airbnb in Israel, on a kosher cruise to Alaska or watching a baseball game or whatever they found more important than driving five minutes to this meeting. With the Democrats in complete con trol of all of New York State politics, a step in the right direction is start voting Republican in mass to save our commu nity.
Make your voice heard!
Discounts for bulk orders (over 30 books) Bookstores, schools and shuls, contact Destiny at 800-499-9346 Available at: or call 800-499-9346 from Rabbi Berel Wein $14.99
Without minimizing the need and appreciation for funds, I’d like to ask the check writers (and credit card numbers typists) to take an hour or more of their time and spend it with the people they’re helping. See their faces. Understand that their dignity comes before everything else. Understand that sometimes people who were once in the position to write checks are now on the receiving end. There’s nothing like giving of your self. The best way to do that is to give of your time and your efforts. Our time, which is finite and limited by so many de mands in our daily life; give some to an other. You won’t believe how good you’ll feel. I guarantee it!
energy, etc. on one side and increasing taxes on the majority of Americans on the other side – does not make any sense! It is just a redistribution of money that will penalize the average American! Do we want to imitate countries like China, Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela? Something needs to give and some thing must reverse the course, fast!

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 11 HoRav Moshe Faskowitz Rosh HaYeshiva HoRav Avraham Yitzchok Menahel NOW IdealBeautifulforVariety&forAPPLICATIONSACCEPTINGPostEretzYisroelCollegeBochurimofShiurimandSchedulesAllLevelsofLearningDormitoryscheduleforthoseattending Queens College, Just 5 minutes away B E IS M E DR AS H P R O G R A M Join our Kollel of Outstanding Yungeleit $10,000/YEAR FOR 10FirstMONTHSSeder 5 Days/Week K O R O R I F A MI L Y K O L L E L

According to Pakistan’s climate min ister, one-third of the country has been submerged by historic flooding. Dev astating flash floods have washed away roads, homes and crops – leaving a trail of deadly havoc across Pakistan.
Imam Expelled for Hate Speech
generations. Other Services Matzeivah Purchase + Installation • Maintenance + Preservation • Repair + Restore Yartzeit Services + Candle Lighting • Livestreaming Levayas VIP services Preserving the bond of eternal life btzrorhachaim.cominfo@btzrorhachaim.com718.750.7550
Give Your Loved Ones Buried in Eretz Yisrael Respect & Dignity Would you believe this is the same Matzeivah?
12 The Week In News
Officials estimate that more than 33 million Pakistanis – one in seven people – have been affected by the historic flood ing.Heavy waters in the country’s north ern Swat Valley have swept away bridges and roads, cutting off entire villages. Thousands of people living in the mountainous area have been ordered to evacuate – but even with the help of heli copters, authorities are still struggling to reach those who are trapped. “Village after village has been wiped out. Millions of houses have been de stroyed,” Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said on Sunday after flying over the area in aThosehelicopter.who managed to escape have been crowded into one of many makeshift camps across the country. Provinces like Sindh and Balochistan are the worst affected but mountainous regions in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have also been badly hit. This year’s record monsoon is com parable to the devastating floods of 2010 – the deadliest in Pakistan’s history –which left more than 2,000 people dead. Although the waters have yet to re cede, the cost of rebuilding is on the gov ernment’s mind. Government officials have appealed for help from aid agencies and other countries.
Historic Flooding in Pakistan
“A very early, preliminary estimate is that it is big, it is higher than $10 billion,” Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal told Reu ters.Almost half of the country’s cotton crop has been washed away, and vegeta ble, fruit, and rice fields have sustained significant damage, he added.
France’s top administrative court has given the green light for the expulsion to Morocco of an imam accused of “hate speech,” according to Interior Minister GeraldHassanDarmanin.Iquioussen “will be ex pelled from the national territory” in “a great victory for the republic,” Darm anin wrote on Twitter, citing Tuesday’s ruling by the Council of State. The case landed before the high est court after Paris judges blocked the imam’s deportation, which the interior ministry ordered in late July over “espe cially virulent anti-Semitic speech” and sermons calling for women’s “submis sion” to Iquioussen,men. 58, reaches tens of thou sands of subscribers via YouTube and Facebook accounts from his home in northern France. He was born in France but holds Moroccan citizenship. An interior ministry lawyer last week told the Council of State that Iquious sen “has for years spread insidious ideas
faded letters. We
letters, preserving
The scorching Israel sun, combined with excessive desert sand, results in many discolored stones with return the Matzeivah to its original pristine condition, using special chemicals to restore the stone to its initial color and repainting the the legacy for future
At least 1,136 people have died since the monsoon season began in June, ac cording to officials. The summer rain is the heaviest re corded in a “Literally, of Pakistan is under water right now, which has exceed ed every boundary, every norm we’ve seen in the past,” Rehman reiterated to AFP. “We’ve never seen anything like this.”
At least 75 people died in a 24-hour period this week from the flooding. The death toll, of course, is steadily rising.
“It’s all one big ocean – there’s no dry land to pump the water out,” Sherry Reh man said, calling it a “crisis of unimag inable proportions.”
Speaking to the BBC, Pakistan’s For eign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari said one-third of those killed are believed to be“We’rechildren.still coming to grips with the extent of the damage,” he added.

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 13

“Yes,statements.Mr.Iquioussen is a conservative. He has made retrograde statements on women’s place in society,” Lucie Simon said. “But that does not constitute a seri ous threat to public order.”
China’s current heat wave has lasted over 70 days and is the worst since the country began keeping records over 60 years ago.
China is the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide, responsible for around 27% of global emissions.
Fishman warned, “Capacity doesn’t equal generation. The capacity being there creates a lot of optionality and flex ibility for all these other (renewable en ergy sources) they’re building. For now, I see the coal capacity additions, as for the most part, targeted at being able to sup port wind and solar.”
Among the drivers of the electricity shortage is the fact that 80% of Sichuan’s electricity is produced by hydropower stations – but the heat wave and drought are taking their toll on the reservoirs.
Heat Wave in China Affects Power China’s Sichuan province has been experiencing a power crunch for several weeks now, due to an ongoing heat wave andThedrought.power shortage has caused black outs and killed thousands of fish and poultry at impacted farms. The effects have reached across China – from Shang hai to the megacity of Chongqing.
Li Shuo, climate adviser with Green peace in Beijing, noted, “These so-called extreme weather events will have more impact on our lives and electricity supply. And perhaps we all need to reconsider whether these extreme events will be come the new normal.”
It’s been more than a decade since Japan’s worst nuclear disaster. On Tuesday, the Fukushima Daiichi nu clear power plant finally lifted its evac uation order over the town of Futaba, allowing all former residents to come home.Futaba, previously deemed off-lim its, is the last of 11 districts to lift its evacuation order.
14 that are nothing less than incitement to hatred, to discrimination and to vio lence.”But the preacher’s lawyer responded that some of the remarks including an ti-Semitic or misogynistic speech dated back more than 20 years, pointing out that he had never been prosecuted for his public
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The state grid shows that in one month, Sichuan’s hydroelectricity capacity has dropped 50%. At the same time, however,
the heat wave has created an increased demand for electricity. During the rainy season, Sichuan usually exports around a third of its hydroelectricity to eastern China, Da vid Fishman, an analyst on Chinese en ergy at consultancy The Lantau Group, said.Meanwhile, Sichuan is attempting to solve the shortage by using its coal pow er plants, raising concerns of greenhouse gas emissions. The province is also min ing more coal and last week opened its first national coal reserve.
On March 11, 2011, a 9.0-magni tude earthquake struck off Japan’s east coast, triggering a tsunami that caused a nuclear meltdown at the power plant and a major release of radioactive ma terial. It was the world’s worst nuclear
The interior ministry representative said that the imam’s words “create fertile ground for separatism and even terror ism,” insisting that the imam “remains an anti-Semite.”
Town Welcomes Back SurvivorsFukushima
He added that the energy industry in China is moving “in the right direction.” But without a reform for the grid sys tem, “This would be an event that could happen every five or 10 years, and it would be crippling every five or 10 years – or maybe even more frequently.”

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If other Japanese towns affected by the 2011 nuclear disaster are any indication, Futaba has a long road ahead. Even places that lifted evacuation orders several years ago have continued to face challenges.
rules and ordered the buildings to be razed to the ground. More than 8,100 pounds of explosives were used to demolish the buildings, known as Apex and Ceyane, which are lo cated on the edge of a busy highway that links India’s most populous state of Uttar Pradesh to the capital. The towers were covered with white plastic sheets as police gathered around the area and sealed off arterial roads in preparation for the operation.
For instance, Katsurao village, which lies about 40 kilometers from the plant, reopened to residents in 2016, but some households are still waiting for their sections of the village to be de contaminated.
2 IndiaDemolishedHigh-Risesin
Two forty-story skyscrapers in India were demolished this week after it was ruled that the builders had violated sev eral construction rules. Prior to the demolitions, Indi an authorities evacuated thousands of people from their homes in a residential area on the outskirts of New Delhi. The twin 103-meter-tall apartment blocks were imploded on Sunday in an operation lasting between 12 and 15 sec onds – becoming the largest structures ever demolished in the country, accord ing to local authorities.
More than 300,000 people living near the nuclear plant were forced to evacuate temporarily; thousands more did so voluntarily. Once-bustling communities were turned into ghost towns.Inthe years since, large-scale clean up and decontamination operations have allowed some residents who once lived in the former exclusion zone to return.Futaba is home to the Tokyo Electric Power Company complex (TEPCO) and a railway station. Public facilities, such as the newly reopened municipal town office, are scheduled to restart opera tions next Monday. Before the nuclear disaster, Futa ba had a population of about 7,100. As of late July, more than 5,500 people remain registered as resi dents, according to the municipal of fice spokesman. Still, the town now sits mainly abandoned, with empty streets and homes and cars covered in grime and dust. Residents have been allowed to en ter the northeastern area of Futaba –but not live there – since March 2020, when experts said radiation levels did not exceed 20 millisieverts per year.
Luxurious Mansion Perfect For Getaways & Simchos! Call Kia today to book your getaway! Marlborough, 860.455.6057/engagedct@gmail.comCTVrbo#2248396 Sleeps 30+ Comfortably Kosher Catering Available Sefer Torah, Siddurim, & Chumashim (available upon request) Shabbos Lamps in Every Room Eiruv On Property Seasonal Pool & Hot Tub 5 Acres
That level is equivalent to two fullbody CT scans, and international safety watchdogs recommend it should be the limit of an individual’s annual exposure to radiation.Authorities began preparing for the town’s reopening this year; in January, they launched a program allowing former residents to return temporarily, but only 85 people from 52 households took part, the Futaba official said. It remains unclear, however, how many people will return – and how long the town will take to recover. More than 80% of the municipality is designated as a “difficult-to-return” zone still ex periencing high levels of radiation.
Residents who lived near the dem olition were only able to return to their homes five hours after the demolition. Despite rampant illegal building in In dia’s cities, demolitions of large buildings are rare. Locals living close to the site said they feared damage to their properties from the force of the explosions and air pollution from the dust.
16 disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.
WHO Leader Put on Leave Dr. Takeshi Kasai, the World Health Organization’s top director in the West ern Pacific, has been removed from his post after being accused of racist and un ethical behavior.
India’s Supreme Court ruled last year that the builders of the two towers had violated a series of critical construction

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system before moving to WHO, where he has worked for more than 15 years. Kasai’s removal stands in stark con trast to WHO’s past reluctance to dis cipline perpetrators of unethical and sometimes illegal behavior. Scores of responders under WHO direction had abused women in the Congo during the Ebola outbreak in 2018-2020; none of them have been disciplined. If it is found that Kasai violated his contract by engaging in the racist and abusive conduct alleged, his contract could be terminated.
Specifically, Saturday’s clashes were centered in the city’s center and involved heavyOnartillery.Sunday, government-allied mili tias roamed the streets of Tripoli, while rival militias were stationed in the city’s outskirts, local media said. According to the government, the fighting began when a member of a rival militia fired at a patrol of another militia in theLibyacity.has been in chaos since the up rising in 2011 that ousted long-serving ruler Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. De spite this, the country had enjoyed a rela tively calm period over the past two years.
WHO Director-General Tedros Ad hanom Ghebreyesus told staff in the Western Pacific in an email on Friday that Kasai was “on leave” without elabo rating further. Deputy Director-General Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakab would be ensuring “business continuity” in Kasai’s place. For now, it is unknown how long Ka sai will be put on leave. The U.N. health agency said the investigation into him was continuing and that it was believed to be the first time a regional director had been relieved of their duties. Kasai has denied any charges.
In January, the AP reported that more than 30 unidentified staffers sent a confidential complaint to senior WHO leadership and members of the organization’s Executive Board, alleging that Kasai had created a “toxic atmosphere” in WHO’s offices across the Western Pacific. Documents and recordings showed Kasai made racist remarks to his staff and blamed the rise of Covid-19 in some Pacific countries on their “lack of capacity due to their inferi or culture, race and socioeconomics lev el.” Several WHO staffers working under Kasai said he improperly shared sensitive coronavirus vaccine information to help Japan, his home country, score political points with its donations. Days after the AP report, WHO chief Tedros announced that an internal probe into Kasai had begun. Several months later, however, WHO staffers alleged that Kasai was manipulating the investigation.
Clashes in the streets of Tripoli, Libya, over the weekend ended a months-long period of calm.
A Cure for Aging?
Germany has begun operating the world’s first-ever hydrogen-powered trains.The fourteen trains are fueled by fuel cell propulsion and exclusively run on the route in Bremervörde, Lower Saxony. Five of them debuted last Wednesday, and all 14 will be running by the year’s end.The new trains are low-noise and emissions-free, and only steam and con densed water issue from the exhaust. They can also run for an entire day on just one tank of hydrogen; a hydrogen filling station has already been established on trains are also faster, with a maximum speed of 87 miles per hour, although regular speeds on the line are lower.
The clashes, which took place on Sat urday, saw over 30 people killed, local authorities said. According to the Health Ministry, at least 32 people were killed and 159 injured.
In a letter sent to the U.N. agency’s top governing body in April, the Executive Board, the staffers wrote that Kasai had ordered senior managers to destroy any incriminating documents and instructed IT staff “to monitor emails of all the staff members.”Kasaiis a Japanese doctor who began his career in his country’s public health
Libya: Over 30 Killed in Clashes
The fighting broke out early on Satur day and saw militias loyal to the govern ment fight other armed groups allied with a rivalTheadministration.fightingisaresult of the govern ment’s failure to hold elections in Decem ber and of Libya’s Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah’s refusal to step down.
Researchers in Germany caution
20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 18 Kasai’s removal comes months after an AP investigation revealed that dozens of staffers accused him of racist, abusive, and unethical behavior that undermined the U.N. agency’s efforts to stop the coro navirus pandemic in Asia.
Rapamycin, a drug that patients nor mally take during cancer therapy, may have the power to increase the human lifespan, a new study reveals.
Alstom’s CEO Henri Poupart-Lafarge said, “Emission-free mobility is one of the most important goals for ensuring a sus tainableLowerfuture.”Saxony’s President Stephan Weil said that the new trains are a “mod el for the rest of the world” and mark “a milestone on the road to climate neutrali ty in the transport sector.”
World’s TrainsPoweredHydrogen-FirstPassenger

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“We were horrified to hear of the mur der of a son of our city of Djerba, Eyal [Haddad], the son of Michael, who was murdered by a monster in France,” said Tunisia’s chief rabbi, Chaim Bitan. “We ask that the French government bring the murderer to justice, perform a transpar ent investigation, and press full charges against this low murderer to prevent sim ilarHaddad,incidents.”34, was murdered in Long perrier, just northeast of Paris, on August 20 by his neighbor, a Muslim man iden tified as Mohamed Dridi, who confessed to killing him with an axe and attempting to burn and bury the body, according to a statement by the National Bureau of Vigi lance against Antisemitism (BNVCA).
JusticeDemandingfora Jew’s Murder
The chief rabbi of Tunisia is demand ing that French authorities press full charges against a Muslim man who al legedly murdered a member of the Tuni sian Jewish community in an antisemitic attack outside of Paris.
Manel Msalmi, international affairs adviser to the European Parliament, tweeted, “It is not the 1st time that a Jew is murdered by his neighbor. We con demn this barbaric and criminal act, and we call for justice for Eyal.”
Two Jews were killed in France earlier this year, allegedly in antisemitic attacks. In May, 89-year-old René Hadjaj was pushed out of his 17th-story window by a neighbor and was killed, possibly because he was Jewish. On May 17, his 51-year-old neighbor was arrested, but investigators did not initially charge him with a racist crime.InFebruary, Jeremy Cohen, a 31-yearold French Jew, died after being hit by a tram in the town of Bobigny, near Paris. His relatives say his death came from an antisemitic attack. In a video of the in cident, Cohen is seen being attacked by several members of a large group before
Though Haddad was originally from Djerba, his family now lives in Beersheba, Israel. Haddad also had Israeli citizen ship.Despite Dridi’s confession to killing Haddad because he was Jewish, investi gators were reportedly also looking into the possibility that the attack was not fundamentally antisemitic in nature but the result of an argument between the two men, who apparently knew each oth er well. Despite outcries from the Jewish com munity over the brutality of the murder and the apparent antisemitic motivation, French authorities have been silent about the Frenchcase. authorities have come under significant scrutiny and criticism in re cent years for failing to recognize the an tisemitic nature of crimes against Jews in the country and properly prosecute them.
20 against taking the drug long-term. But, they say, taking it short-term can have a dramatic impact on longevity while cut ting down on side effects. Rapamycin is a cell growth inhibi tor and immunosuppressant that people normally take while undergoing cancer treatment or after receiving an organ transplant. Studies performed by a team from the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing involving animals have found that low doses of rapamycin can extend life by preventing age-related changes in the “Atintestines.thedoses used clinically, rapamy cin can have undesirable side effects, but for the use of the drug in the prevention of age-related decline, these need to be absent or minimal. Therefore, we wanted to find out when and how long we need to give rapamycin in order to achieve the same effects as lifelong treatment,” ex plained study lead investigator Dr. Paula Juricic in a university release. In both experiments done on mice and on fruit flies, the team found that rapamy cin had a beneficial effect on the health of each animal’s intestines during middle age.“These brief drug treatments in early adulthood produced just as strong pro tection as continuous treatment started at the same time. We also found that the rapamycin treatment had the strongest and best effects when given in early life as compared to middle age. When the flies were treated with rapamycin in late life, on the other hand, it had no effects at all. So, the rapamycin memory is activated primarily in early adulthood,” noted Dr. Thomas Leech, co-author of the paper.
The BNVCA said the suspect turned himself in to the police and told officers that Haddad, who lived next door to him, owed him 100 euros and had not returned them. He later also confessed that he had killed Haddad because he was Jewish.

France has grappled with a sharp rise in violence targeting its roughly 500,000 Jews, the largest community in Europe, in addition to jihadist attacks in recent years.
21running away from the crowd and being hit by an oncoming tram.
Ukraine’s largest nuclear power plant was temporarily disconnected from the country’s electric grid, The Washington Post reported last week. The disconnect caused a mass power outage in the adjacent area.
The disconnect, he added, under scores the “urgent need for an IAEA ex pert mission to travel to the facility.”
IAEA Director General Rafael Maria no Grossi said the plant twice lost power during the day but that it was back on.
He added, “Almost every day there is a new incident at or near the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. We can’t afford to lose any more time. I’m determined to personally lead an IAEA mission to the plant in the next few days to help stabilize the nuclear safety and security situation there.”
In addition to Netanyahu, former public security minister Amir Ohana, Israel Police Chief Kobi Shabtai, and for mer Northern District Police chief Shi mon Lavi also received warnings. The April 2021 tragedy occurred as thousands of people celebrating the Lag B’Omer festival at the gravesite of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai streamed through a narrow walkway. Some people fell on the walkway and down a flight of stairs at its end, toppling onto those below and pre cipitating a fatal domino effect. The en suing stampede killed 45 and injured at leastAccording150. to the document, the warn ings were issued so that “officials that are liable to be negatively impacted by the inquiry’s work or findings…will have a chance to hear the claims against them and offer a reply, so that the panel’s in vestigation can reach the truth.”
Last Thursday, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said, “Today, for the first time in history, the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant stopped. The emer gency protection of the power units worked, after the last working line of the plant’s power return to the Ukrainian power system was damaged by Russian shelling.”Zelenskyy added, “Diesel generators were immediately activated to provide energy to the plant itself, to support it after the shutdown. The world must un derstand what a threat this is: if the diesel generators hadn’t turned on, if the auto mation and our staff of the plant had not reacted after the blackout, then we would already be forced to overcome the conse quences of the radiation accident. Russia has put Ukraine and all Europeans in a situation one step away from a radiation disaster.”TheUkrainian leader continued, “In ternational pressure is needed. The IAEA and other international organizations must act much faster than they’re acting now. Because every minute the Russian troops stay at the nuclear power plant is a risk of a global radiation disaster.”
Who’s to Blame for Meron Tragedy?
The panel investigating the deadly 2021 Meron disaster released a letter of warning on Tuesday, alerting a number of former and current senior officials, in cluding former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to their potential responsibil ity for Israel’s worst-ever civil disaster.
Problems PlantUkrainianatPower
The Examiner added that the incident raised fears of a disaster at the power plant, which is the largest atomic energy plant in Europe and is located in an area occupied by Russian forces.

20221,SEPTEMBER| 22
Send resume: jobs@fcc
Testifying before the committee last month, Netanyahu denied responsibility for any of the safety measures in place at Meron and claimed he had only become involved in safety-related discussions from the perspective of reducing the spread of Covid-19, not crowding issues. Asked by the commission’s Shlomo Yanai whether, as prime minister at the time and for years before, he took “public or moral responsibility for this disaster,” Netanyahu replied: “First of all, I take re sponsibility for what was in front of me, and that was the epidemiological disas ter, and that I prevented… In hindsight, there was a catastrophe… I can’t take responsibility for what I didn’t know… I didn’t know that there was a critical safe ty problem.”Tuesday’s warning also criticized Ohana for “not acting as expected” and permitting the event to take place without any limit on crowd numbers. “Ohana did not give appropriate con ger, he didn’t ask enough questions and he didn’t request to reassess the original decision to proceed without crowd lim its,” despite being warned of the potential for dangerous overcrowding, the panel said.Similarly, Shabtai, the police chief, re ceived a warning for approving the plan presented to him by the Northern Dis trict Police, despite knowing that the site couldn’t cope with the crowd numbers expected at the event and “ignoring the dangers” of overcrowding.
Two hundred medical students last week submitted their letters of resigna tion, following an ongoing dispute with Israel’s Health Ministry over long shift hours.According to the Mirsham organiza tion, which represents medical residents in Israel, the submission of the resigna tion letters is the first stage, with more to follow if the crisis is not solved.
Mirsham chief Dr. Rey Biton said, “Every week on Thursday at 2 p.m. fur ther resignation letters will be filed in similar numbers. We very, very much hope that before those letters take effect in some two weeks, you will wake up. “The resignation letters being submit ted right now with an aching heart and trembling hand are an indictment.” She added, “We are not afraid. We have noth ing to lose.” e d t o p r o v i d e i t s e m p l o y e e s w i t h t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o s h a r e i n F u t u r e C a r e ’ s s u c c e s s b y g i v i n g t h e m s t o c k i n t h e c o m p a n y v e r y d a y y o u w o r k h e r e b e c o m e s a n i n v e s t m e n t i n y o u r l o n g t e r m f i n a n c i a l f u t u r e , w i t h m o r e m o n e y e a r n e d t h e l o n g e r y o u w o r k
sideration to the seriousness of the dan
“Netanyahu did not act as expected of a prime minister to fix anything, even though the issue had been raised in seri ous reports by the State Comptroller,” the letter said, adding that the prime minis ter “did not ensure effective monitoring of the government’s handling of the mat ter,” and chose not to implement the rec ommendations of previous governments.
The warning said that as former prime minister, Netanyahu “knew or should have known” that the Meron pilgrimage site was heavily neglected and a danger to the massive crowds that visit it annually.
200 ResidentsMedicalResign
The panel said that concerns over the coronavirus provided Shabtai an oppor tunity to limit the size of the gathering. But he refused, arguing that blocking people from entry to the site would cre ate an even more dangerous scenario. At the time, coronavirus restrictions limited outdoor gatherings to 100 people, but the Meron pilgrimage received permission to host 100,000 Respondingpeople.tothe letter, Netanyahu’s Likud party suggested that the timing of the document’s release was geared to have political consequences in the leadup to the elections on November 1.
We're Coming to the FIVE TOWNS... . . . a n d w e ' r e h i r i n g ! W E ’ R E N O W E M P L O Y E E O W N E D & O P E R A T E D . C o n s i d e r i n g a m o v e i n t h e f u t u r e ? T a k e y o u r j o b w i t h y o u . . . W e h a v e o f f i c e s i n B r o o k l y n , L a k e w o o d , M o n s e y , S c r a n t o n , H o u s t o n , S o u t h F l o r i d a & I s r a e l . A t t h e e n d o f 2 0 2 1 , F u t u r e C a r e s o l d 1 0 0 % o f t h e c o m p a n y ’ s s h a r e s t o t h e M y F u t u r e E S O P , s o e m p l o y e e s n o w o w n t h e e n t i r e c o m p a n y T h e M y F u t u r e E S O P i s d e s i g n

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 23

Three-hundred more residents are threatening to hand in letters of resigna tion if the shifts are not shortened. None of the letters take effect until 14 days after they have been handed in. Medical residents currently work 26hour shifts and are lobbying for their shifts to be reduced to 16-18 hours.
recently discussed regional issues with Ziyad Nakhaleh, chief of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror group.
It added that the meeting also focused on “the possible outcome of the situation in the region, in light of [recent] develop ments.”Nasrallah
Is Bibi Back?
Al-Arouri, responsible for Hamas’s terror attacks in the West Bank, played a major role in the reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah. He also leads the pro-Iranian faction inside Hamas.
On Sunday, it was reported that the director of the Rambam Medical Center told 25 residents that he would fire them if they don’t take back their letters within two days. At least eleven of them retract ed their letters, while hundreds of others stood outside the hospital in support of the residents who work there.
The right-wing Religious Zionism and Otzma Yehudit parties last week an nounced that they will run together in the November elections for Israel’s 25th Knes set.Former Israeli Prime Minister Benja min Netanyahu had been working to bro ker an agreement between the two parties, after it seemed that they were planning to run separately in the upcoming elections. Polls showed that both parties may pass, but were not certain to pass, the elector al threshold, and that Religious Zionism risked failing to garner enough votes to make it into the Knesset. If that were to happen, Netanyahu’s bloc would be unable to form a govern ment.In a joint statement, the parties said that they had agreed on a “joint run for the 25th Knesset” and emphasized that the decision would help ensure a victory for the Netanyahu-led bloc.
24 Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz
(Meretz) said, “The Health Ministry sup ports the shortening of shifts,” and insist ed that “the budget is in place.” According to him, the Finance Ministry “went back on its obligations” and “thwarted the im plementation of the process.”
Terror Leaders Unite
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Sunday met with a delegation of senior Hamas officials, Lebanon’s Al Akhbar Youm reported, according to the Times of Israel According to the report, the meeting took place in Beirut and included top decision-makers from Hamas, including Sheikh Saleh al-Arouri of Hamas’ politi cal wing, as well as Khalil al-Hayya and Osama Hamdan. In a statement following the meeting, Hezbollah said that Nasrallah and the Hamas officials reviewed “the latest polit ical and field developments in Palestine, Lebanon and the region, especially the re cent confrontations in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Jerusalem.”
Al Mayadeen reported that the Hez bollah-PIJ meeting included potential future cooperation between PIJ and Hez bollah, with the two sides discussing “the expected roles of the various parties in the axis of resistance in the next stage.”
Praising the decision, Bibi said, “Uni ty is presently needed to ensure the victo ry of the national camp and the formation of a stable, national government for the next four Religiousyears.”Zionism chief MK Beza lel Smotrich promised, “We’ll continue to act for additional link-ups. Together, we’llOtzmasucceed.”Yehudit’s chief, MK Itamar Ben-Gvir, praised the “equal list,” saying “we’ll get at least five Ben-Gvirs into the Knesset.”Under the new agreement, Religious Zionism would receive the first, third, fourth, sixth, and eighth spots on the list,
The government had originally agreed to shorten shifts by April 2022, but in July said the change would only go into effect in September.

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The bodybuilder is a suspect in the 2016 murder of Krystal Mitchell, 30,
Marshals’ Most Wanted Arrested
26 while Otzma Yehudit would receive spots
In April of last year, the Marshals put McLeod on their “Most Wanted” list of the top 15 fugitives. They issued an of fer of $50,000 for information prompting his arrest, twice the usual amount.
sis and start building a Green New York
The man with the highest bounty ever put in place by the U.S. Marshals Ser vice has been captured by police in El Sal vador six years after he went on the run.
“Imagine I proposed a Housing for All Bill in Congress. Then imagine you, me, and a million of our friends took action and occupied empty houses nationwide. They couldn’t ignore us,” Parson said in a May ad.
Raymond “RJ” McLeod, 36, was found living in Sonsonate, a city of around 71,000 people, about 12 miles from the Pacific Ocean. The former ma rine was teaching English there.
In her primary, Gonzalez defeated Democrat challenger Elizabeth Crowley. According to Gonzalez’s campaign website, “We need to tax the rich to finally invest in public housing, and build hun dreds of thousands of new, affordable, and green homes to solve the housing cri for is running on a far-left, so cialist platform promising she will “can cel student debt,” give “free healthcare,” promote “aggressive action on climate” to “build a Green New York,” implement “Good Cause rent protections” that make it harder for landlords to evict tenants, and “make sure our neighborhoods stay working-class and diverse.” Gonzalez is 27 years old. She is not the only socialist in the Democrat Party to have sailed to victory. In May, former Austin city councilman Greg Casar defeated Texas state Rep. Eddie Rodriguez for the 35th District’s Democratic nomination in one of sever al heavily watched blue primaries in the Lone Star State. Casar says that he is a Democratic socialist. He is likely to win the general election and head to Wash ington.Meanwhile, in the state of Washing ton, Democratic House candidate Re becca Parson said that if elected, she will propose a “Housing for All Bill” and have a million people break into empty homes nationwide to push the legislation.
2, 5, 7, 9, and 10. The smaller Noam party will receive the 11th spot on the list, He brew media reported. In the first five spots will be Smotrich, Ben-Gvir, MK Ofir Sofer, MK Orit Strock, and Otzma Yehudit’s Director-General Yitzhak Wasserlauf. Spot six is expected to go to MK Simcha Rothman of Reli gious Zionism, while spot seven will go to Otzma Yehudit’s Almog Cohen. Eighth place will be filled by Religious Zionism’s MK Michal Waldiger, while ninth will be filled by Otzma Yehudit’s Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu, son of Tzfat Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu. The tenth spot belongs to Otzma Yehudit, but it is not yet clear which of the party’s candidates will fill it. The joint list is expected to receive be tween 11 and 12 Knesset seats.
Kristen Gonzalez, a Democratic New York Senate candidate backed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, celebrated her victory in the primaries by declaring that “socialismGonzalez,wins.”atech worker and a former staffer for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, was also backed by the Dem ocratic Socialists of America. Following her victory, she said, “I know we’re saving the speeches for a little later, but today we really proved that socialism wins!” She added, “We are not going any where, and we will not stop until we see a socialist slate across this city!”

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Disney’s Rising Prices – and Profits Although less people have been visit ing Disney’s theme parks, the profits at the company haven’t been hurting. do have
White House officials could not provide an estimate for how much the plan would cost in total, since, according to them, there are too many unknowns.JasonFurman, chairman of former President Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, noted, “Pouring roughly half trillion dollars of gasoline on the inflationary fire that is already burn ing is reckless. Doing it while going well beyond one campaign promise ($10K of student loan relief) and breaking another (all proposals paid for) is even worse.”
No Gas Cars in CA by 2035 By the year 2035, gasoline cars will not be sold in the Golden State. That new regulation was voted on last week by air regulators in the state. Additionally, tar gets have been set to phase gasoline cars out in ThisCalifornia.measure is one of the first bans of its kind worldwide. Even more than that, the ban has severe repercussions for the car market as California is a large state and other states are expected to follow its lead.“This is monumental,” California Air Resources Board member Daniel Sper ling told CNN. “This is the most import ant thing that CARB has done in the last 30 years. It’s important not just for Cali fornia, but it’s important for the country and the world.”
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McCo nnell slammed the move, saying that the plan is “yet another way to make inflation even worse,” while at the same time offer ing to “reward far-left activists.”
Did you know? Jellyfish
U.S. President Joe Biden last week an nounced a major student loan forgiveness plan.Under the new program, millions of borrowers will have up to $20,000 for given, and the payment freeze will be ex tended until the end of 2022. Included in the plan are those who earn less than $125,000 per year and who hold loans with the Department of Education: For those who received Pell Grants, up to $20,000 may be forgiven; those who did not receive Pell Grants may have up to $10,000 in loans forgiven.
Loan Forgiveness
The plan has come under fire from both sides of the political aisle, with some on the left insisting that more loan forgiveness should have been provided, while those on the right insist that the plan effectively punishes those Ameri cans who worked hard to avoid going into debt.Meanwhile,
Mitchell’s mother, former detective Josephine Wentzel, put her retirement on pause to find her daughter’s alleged killer.
In addition, loan balances would be forgiven after 10 years of repayments in stead of 20, the Department said. In a White House speech, Biden un derlined that “education is a ticket to a better life…but over time that ticket has become too expensive for too many Americans. All this means that an entire generation is now saddled with unsus tainable debt in exchange for an attempt, at least, at a college degree.
He added, “President Biden’s student loan socialism is a slap in the face to every family who sacrificed to save for college, every graduate who paid their debt, and every American who chose a certain ca reer path or volunteered to serve in our Armed Forces in order to avoid taking on debt. This policy is astonishingly unfair.”
“The burden is so heavy that even if you graduate you may not have access to the middle-class life that the college de gree once provided.” Biden praised his administration. “Targeted actions are for families that need it the most: working and middle class people hit especially hard during the pandemic making under $125,000 a year.”He added, “About 90% of the eligi ble beneficiaries make under $75,000,” Biden added. “I believe my plan is re sponsible and fair. It focuses the benefit of middle-class and working families, it helps both current and future borrowers, and it’ll fix a badly broken system.”
The board’s new rules would also set interim quotas for zero-emission ve hicles, focusing on new models. Start ing with 2026 models, 35% of new cars, SUVs and small pickups sold in California would be required to be zero-emission vehicles. That quota would increase each year and is expected to reach 51% of all new car sales in 2028, 68% in 2030 and 100% in 2035. The quotas also would al low 20% of zero-emission cars sold to be plug-in hybrids. The new rules will go into effect in 2026. They officially won’t impact used vehicles.Many other states are expected to follow California’s lead in implementing similar rules. New York, Oregon, Wash ington and Rhode Island, along with New Jersey and Maryland, are intending to adopt their own version of these pro grams.“This is a critical milestone in our cli mate fight, which is why Washington is poised to institute these same require ments by the end of the year,” Wash ington Gov. Jay Inslee said. “We look forward to partnering with other states and the Biden Administration to rapidly reduce the country’s primary source of greenhouse gas emissions.”
28 whom he was dating at the time. The killing allegedly took place in the San Di ego apartment they were staying in while visiting friends in the city. After the murder, McLeod had fled California through Mexico and Central America. He was spotted in Guatemala in 2017 and in Belize in 2018. Calling him “armed and dangerous,” the U.S. Marshals service described Mc Leod as “an avid bodybuilder and a heavy drinker” with a “history of domestic vio lence.”U.S. Marshal Steve Stafford of the Southern District of California said in a statement last year that “the passage of time will never deter the Marshals’ fugitive investigation for McLeod.” “If anything, it fuels our determina tion. We will leave no stone unturned un til he is brought to justice,” he added.

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Lumumba said that people should leave the city “as soon as possible,” saying he was worried about a repeat of the dam aging February 2020 flooding.
If you think the country is on the brink, you’re not alone. More than two-fifths of Americans be lieve civil war is at least somewhat likely in the next 10 years, according to a new survey by the Economist and YouGov–a figure that increases to more than half among self-identified “strong Republi cans.”According to the findings, two-thirds of Americans (66%) believe that politi cal divisions in this country have gotten worse since the beginning of 2021, com pared to only 8% who say the country has grown less divided. Few see things im proving in the coming years: 62% expect an increase in political divisions. More than 60% of those polled say that political divisions have worsened and that political violence has increased since the start of 2021. Three in five Americans (60%) anticipate an increase in political violence in the next few years; only 9% expect political violence to decline.
Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves de clared a state of emergency on Saturday due to the rising river waters and urged residents to remain calm. The state has already begun assessing water levels along the river using drones and deployed more than 100,000 sandbags, according to the declaration. By Monday, it was discovered that there was trouble at the water-treatment plants in Jackson. Those problems caused low pressure in much of the city, creating issues for those who wish to shower, use the toilet, or for firefighters who need the water to douse Additionally,fires.the governor told resi dents that the National Guard will be on hand to distribute bottled water to resi dents who do not have access to water.
On Sunday night, the South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham predicted “riots in the streets” if Trump is indicted over his retention of classified documents after leaving the White House, materials recovered by the FBI at Trump’s home thisManymonth.criticized Graham for his rhet oric, saying that it is “irresponsible” for an elected official to predict something of that nature. Still, Graham is merely echo ing many people’s disgust with politics and the state of the nation nowadays. Despite Americans’ concerns over where the nation is going, experts be lieve a full-scale armed conflict, like the American Civil War of 1861-65, remains unlikely.Rachel Kleinfeld, a specialist in civil conflict at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, told the Guardian:
Flooding Mississippiin Torrential flooding in Mississippi has led to a dearth of potable drinking water for Onresidents.Sunday, Mayor Chokwe Antar Lu mumba of Jackson, Mississippi, urged his residents to evacuate after reports of po tential“Weflooding.wantthem to get out and be prayerful that the worst does not come,” Mayor Lumumba said. “We don’t want to risk the potential that it could happen, and they be present within their homes.”
A Civil War?
Jackson has longstanding problems with its water system. A cold snap in 2021 left a significant number of people with out running water after pipes froze. Sim ilar problems happened again early this year, on a smaller scale. Even before the flooding on Monday caused low-water pressure problems, city residents since July were already being advised to boil the water coming out of their pipes be fore using it to wash dishes or to do other household chores. Tests found a cloudy quality to the water that could lead to health problems.
One of the most profitable changes is the implementation of a $15-a-day Genie+ pass, which was previously free. It serves as an app on guests’ phones and lets them skip some lines on rides. Still, guests are required to pay extra to get access to some of the park’s most popular attractions.
“Unfortunately, because we have seen these events as recently as 2020, we have a reference point, and we know the dam age that can occur,” he said. “If we risk the life of one individual, that’s one individual too many,” Lumum ba said. “Our residents have been inun dated with persistent rain over the last fewAuthoritiesdays.”
30 Since reopening in April last year af ter the brunt of the pandemic waned, the company has implemented a host of changes to the pricing at the parks in Florida and California, nixing free perks and raising prices. Interestingly, the numbers of visitors at the park decreased by 17 percent; at the same time, the profit Disney makes off each guest increased 17 percent.Disney made a whopping $7.4 billion from its parks for the most recent quarter of the 2022 financial year – up 70 percent from a year earlier, when it was recovering from COVID shutdowns.
Profits also surged to an impressive $2.2 billion for that quarter – a huge leap from the $356 million recorded for the same quarter 12 months previously, the Wall Street Journal reported.
earlier predicted Missis sippi’s Pearl River to reach 36 feet and crest by Tuesday due to the rain, but the river crested at 35.4 feet on Monday.
“I get it. I live in the city. It’s not news that I want to hear,” Reeves said. “But we are going to be there for you.”
Seventy percent of Disney visitors said they used the Additionally,app. parking and Magic Wristbands, which serve as room keys and park passes, are now $35 – they used to be free. Parking now costs $30. There are no more free shuttles to the parks for Disney hotelSpeakingguests. of hotels, the price of Disney hotels has soared, along with the prices on food and merchandise. Tickets pric es at the parks have increased at roughly double the rate of inflation; annual passes have shot up 14 percent. Despite the profits Disney is seeing, the firm’s share price has plunged by more than a third in the last 12 months, due in large part to controversies over Disney opposing a recent bill in Florida and woke movies such as Lightyear that have turned off viewers.

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 31

“When I was 15, I got my license and was the youngest in the world at that point. And then when my sister flew around the world, I thought, well, there’s something I can actually try to strive for and achieve,” he told CNN. On one of the legs of his journey, Rutherford ended up in a remote island in the North Pacific after strong head winds forced him to land during a flight from Japan to the United States.
Alex Honnold and Hazel Findlay are known for being world-class climb ers. The climb that they just completed, though, was a bit different than what they’ve done before – it was the first ever summited by human beings. The pair took on a massive sea cliff located in eastern Greenland’s Nor dvestfjord — one of the tallest rock faces on the planet. The climb was the firstknown ascent of the 3,750-foot rock for mation called Ingmikortilaq, translated to “the separate one” in Greenlandic. Ingmikortilaq is composed of granite and gneiss and juts upward from a re
Flying Solo
Mack Rutherford had a very lonely year. But don’t feel bad for the 17-yearold. It was a year that ended up being pretty rewarding, as Rutherford is now the youngest person to fly solo around the world in a small aircraft.
Rutherford began his journey on March 23 when he was 16; he complet ed it after landing in Sofia, Bulgaria, last Wednesday.Rutherford’s route spanned 52 coun tries across five continents on a specially prepared ultralight Shark aircraft with cruising speed reaching 300 km/h, ac cording to his website.
Rutherford’s record hits close to home. He smashed two world records, previously held by his older sister Zara Rutherford, as the youngest person to fly around the world solo and also the youngest person to do so in a microlight aircraft.Inspired to fly by his family, the teen ager was just 15 years old when he re ceived his first pilot’s license, becoming the youngest pilot in the world.
“I had a few Oreos for supper and then went to bed in a small shed – but that was definitely an amazing experi ence,” he recalled. experience with flying colors.
Keyless Hands-Freeand
Always losing your car keys? Well, not if you’re Brandon Dalaly. He never has to worry about his keys.
“So I thought, how cool would it be if I could leave my house with no car key and no house key?” he said.
A few weeks ago, Dalaly got his sec ond chip implant, this time in his right hand. The implant is the key to his Tes la. Tapping on his driver’s door gets him inside the car; inside, he can unlock and start his vehicle. “It’s a perfect back up,” he enthuses. “You can never forget it, it never breaks, something that won’t fail you.”
Lest you think that you need to cash in all your chips to finance these handsfree, keyless implants, Dalaly says they won’t break the bank.
A Freezing Hot Dog Here’s one popsicle we’re really glad is notRecently,kosher. the non-kosher hot dog company Oscar Mayer came out with its first “Cold Dog,” a frozen pop that tastes like the brand’s frankfurter that allegedly boasts “both refreshing and smokey, umami notes” of a hot dog and topped with a mustard swirl. The idea stems from an Instagram post on Oscar Mayer’s account a few months ago, in which its followers originally deemed the idea “genius” in a poll.
“So after that was inserted and the swelling went down, I’m able to open up the front and back door of my house,” Dalaly said. “I can walk up to people and have them tap their phone to my hand and instantly transfer my contact infor mation in my portfolio, my Covid vaccine card.”But why stop there? Dalaly has two hands – and the second was perfect for his car keys.
“After the overwhelming fan excite ment for our beloved Cold Dog, it was a no-brainer to make this hot dog-inspired frozen pop a reality,” said Anne Field, an Oscar Mayer spokesperson. For now, the “Cold Dog” is only being sold at select locations. This is not the first time that Oscar Meyer made consumers say “hot dog!” to their products. Earlier this year, it sold a bologna face mask that, believe it or not, quickly sold out on Amazon. You know what they say: one man’s meat is another man’s poison.
Sounds like he breezed through this
A while ago, Dalaly, a tech enthusiast, implanted the technology for a digital key for his home into his left hand. Now, with the flick of a wrist, Dalaly can get into his home.
It’s been a hard few months for Lucas. You see, he had developed an infection in his foot, and his friends began to shun him. That’s not easy for anybody – espe cially if you’re a four-year-old penguin. Zookeepers at San Diego Zoo Safa ri Park noticed that Lucas had begun to walk funny after developing bumblefoot, an infection in some animals that causes their feet to become swollen and develop painful lesions. As a result, the other pen guins at zoo didn’t want to hang out with him, leaving Lucas feeling left out. But thankfully Lucas has some good friends – the kinds that also walk on two feet. Thera-Paw, a New Jersey-based company that specializes in boots and other protective footwear for animals, came to Lucas’ rescue. After Lucas walked across sand to create an impression of his foot, the com pany created molds of his penguin feet and produced a special pair of orthopedic boots for Lucas, made of Neoprene and rubber with extra padding on the bot toms. The black shade looks as close to his natural foot color as possible so as not to stand out too much.
“I want to use the opportunity to meet young people on my route who do incred ible things, making a difference to their communities or even to the world,” he wrote before jetting off.
Lucas tried out his special boots –and they’ve been a success. Now, Lucas is back playing with his waddling friends. You know what they say: birds of a feather flock together.
“The chips themselves are around $200 to $300 and the install is only about $100 because you can go to a lo cal piercing shop who will agree to do the installation,” he said. “All the program ming and coding putting the apps on the chips – that’s all done by me.” Next on the horizon? Another chip to get instant reads on his body. Sounds like a chip off the old block.
Climbing the Walls
Happy Feet
32 “Countries with democracies and gov ernments as strong as America’s do not fall into civil war. But if our institutions weaken, the story could be different.” In the poll by the Economist and You Gov, participants were asked: “Looking ahead to the next 10 years, how likely do you think it is that there will be a civil war in thisAmongcountry?”allU.S. citizens, 43% said civil war was at least somewhat likely. Among strong Democrats and independents that figure was 40%. Speaking to those who identified as strong Republicans, 54% said civil war was at least somewhat likely.

trek aimed to break the Guinness World Record for longest journey by pumpkin boat, which was set at 25.5 miles by North Dakota man Rick Swenson in “Congratulations2016.Duane for smash ing the world record,” the City of Bellev ue’s Facebook post said. “We are proud that you started this record breaking 38-mile journey in Bellevue.”
paddling the 38 miles to Nebraska City.
According to the post, Hansen is de scribed as a “longtime Nebraska resident who enjoys growing large pumpkins, gourds and other vegetables as a hobby” and was inspired to vanquish the previ ous record after seeing another paddler attempt“Seemsit. like a unique if not slightly crazy way to celebrate his 60th birthday, which was yesterday,” the post read. We butternut try this at home.
Pumpkin Paddler Duane Hansen celebrated his 60 th birthday in a squash. Yup, the Nebras kan spent his special day paddling 38 miles in a makeshift boat made from a giant, hollowed-out pumpkin.
“It is definitely one of the biggest first ascents I’ve ever done — and one of the most stressful due to how dangerous the climbing was,” Honnold said via satellite phone.They’re over the hill.
his journey, Hansen bat tled heavy rains and rocks, but he sol dieredHansen’son.
Hansen, who turned 60 on Fri day, climbed into the 846-pound pumpkin he dubbed “Berta” on the banks of the Missouri River in Bellevue on Saturday and spent the next 11 hours
“I went 38 miles down the river with out standing up in that pumpkin and my knees still hurt,” Hansen said in a vid eo. “I probably won’t try this again,” he added. “If somebody breaks this record, I will bow down to them because they are tough.”Throughout
33moteHonnoldpeninsula.and Findlay traveled to the base of the cliff via dinghy on August 11, 2022, where they began their initial ascent. The pair navigated an expert route up the steepest portion of the rock face reaching its nearly 4,000-foot peak — three times the height of the Empire StateHonnoldBuilding.described the formation as a “horrendous, death-defying wall.” It seems like the terrain proved to be more dangerous than anticipated for the pro fessional climbers. Over the five-day expedition, the pair encountered treacherous, icy weather conditions, sudden storms, and loose rock. The climbers were able to camp out throughout the trip on what is known as a “shiver bivvy” by safely clipping them selves into their sleeping bags overnight. Once the climbers reached the last 150 feet of the climb, they found it was safe enough to walk up the summit and finish the trek without ropes. They finally reached the summit on August 16.

Under communism, thousands of Jews were persecuted for their religion, many killed or sent to forced labor camps for their birthright. And although Gor bachev has been praised by some be cause he eventually let these Jews leave Soviet Russia, it is hard to give him full credit for their freedom.
20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 34 Gorbachev and the Jews
Natan Sharansky was the first Soviet political prisoner to have been freed by Gorbachev after the Russian leader took over in 1985; Sharansky had spent nine years in a forced labor camp. Eventually, Sharansky made his way to Israel – he was a self-declared “prisoner of Zion” who longed to live in the Holy Land – and is now the chairman of the Jewish Agency.
In remarks after the passing of Gor bachev, Sharansky noted, “On his [Gor bachev’s] first trip to the West, before he was leader, he was asked constantly about the situation of the Jews, about Sharansky, and [prominent Soviet dissi dent Andrei] Sakharov, and he replied he didn’t know who these people were and didn’t understand why the Soviet Union was paying such a heavy price for them.”
NEW SEFER from Rabbi Yehoshua Kurland on HashavuaParshas Mikhail Gorbachev, former lead er of the Soviet Union who watched the crumbling empire slowly grind to a halt under his direction, died this week at the age of 91. Under Gorbachev’s leadership, the Soviet Union gradually opened up to Western ideals; the dissolution of the Soviet Union led to the end of the Cold War.
Gal Beckerman, author of When They Come for Us, We’ll Be Gone: The Epic Struggle to Save Soviet Jewry, agrees with Sharansky’s sentiment. He recount ed in his book, “Every time Gorbachev would walk into a meeting with Reagan by the mid-’80s, the first thing Reagan would do – and we see this in memoirs and oral histories – is Reagan would pull out a piece of paper with names of Soviet Jews who had been refused visas or had been somehow sent to prison for their activism and he said, ‘Well if you want to talk, first we have to discuss these names….’”VicePresident George H.W. Bush echoed the administration’s stance when, prior to Freedom Sunday in 1987, he told Gorbachev, “Let’s not see five or six or ten or twenty refuseniks released at one time, but thousands, tens of thousands. Mr. Gorbachev, let these people go. Let themStill,go.”even after easing certain emi gration restrictions, Gorbachev hesitated and pulled back, surprised at the flood of people who wanted to leave the USSR. He eventually relented, and trickles of Jews began to leave the Soviet Union. In 1985, Gorbachev reestablished dip lomatic ties with Israel. In 1989, 71,000 Soviet Jews were given visas to leave the Soviet Union. (At the time, the Jewish population of the entire Soviet Union was over 1.7 million.) By 1991, after the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, over 330,000 Jews had been granted permis sion to emigrate. In stark contrast to previous Soviet leaders, Gorbachev reached out to world leaders, starting in 1985, including U.S. President Ronald Reagan and George H.W.TakingBush.a step back, Gorbachev slow ly allowed for small movements towards opening up society. His policies of glas nost, permitting open discussions and freer dissemination of political and social issues, and perestroika, literally mean ing “reconstruction,” were Gorbachev’s attempts at opening up the Soviet Union to end the Era of Stagnation that had been crippling the empire. But perestroika – in which certain market-like reforms were instituted to make socialism work more efficiently –eventually led to tensions and to the rise of nationalist parties in Soviet republics. Gorbachev survived an attempted coup in August 1991. Over his last few months in office, republic after republic declared their independence. Finally, on December 25, 1991, Gorbachev stepped down. A day later, the Soviet Union offi ciallySpeakingdissolved.with the AP after he left of fice, Gorbachev said, “I see myself as a man who started the reforms that were necessary for the country and for Europe and the world.” He added, “I am often asked, would I have started it all again if I had to re peat it? Yes, indeed. And with more per sistence and determination.” In 1990, Gorbachev won the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in ending the Cold War. Interestingly, although he was a darling of the West, Gorbachev was de spised by his countrymen. When he ran for president in 1996, he received less than 1% of the vote. Russians saw him as a traitor and blamed him for the bread lines and hyper-inflation that became crushing for Russia’s 290 million people.
“Was this new policy good for So viet Jewry? Yes, it was. But without the pressure and the struggle by the Jewish world for Soviet Jews, supported by [late U.S. President Ronald] Reagan and other world leaders, Gorbachev would proba bly never have done it.”
Gorbachev seemed incredulous about the sanctions and trade restrictions squeezing the USSR by the United States and Western nations due to communism and due to the plight of the Jews in the Soviet Union. He had believed in the power and ideals of communism but saw that the Soviet Union was suffering from the Sharanskysystem. noted that Gorbachev only began to really ease emigration restric tions after visiting Washington in 1987 and seeing the Freedom Sunday demonstration organized by U.S. Jewish organizations.
“He wasn’t antisemitic,” Sharansky noted, “He didn’t have the prejudice of the Stalin or Brezhnev regimes, but I don’t remember any particular expres sion of sympathy by him toward Jews.

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 35

20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 36 1913 Cornaga Avenue • Far Rockaway • T. 718-327-4700 F. 718-327-4701 E. Sun: Fri:Thur:Wed:Tue:Mon:7-87-87-87-97-117-3Hours:Store Order www.RockawayKosher.comororders@Rockawaykosher.comOnline:byEmail:specialsmyweeklyfavorite takeoutmeat depGlatt Kosher Top Quality Meat & Poultry produce 3ONLYDAYS Bear with us as we transition TURN PAGE • Atlantic Beach • Long Beach • The Rockaways • Belle harbor We now offer deliveries to the followingareas: ה״ב לארשי בלח LondonSeasonedBroil **Coffee Garlic **Brown Sugar Bourbon **Smokehouse Maple Specials Are Running From Wednesday Aug/31/22 Thru Tuesday Sep/6/22. Produce Sale Effective Aug/31/22 Thru Friday Sep/2/22 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities, While Supplies Last. Not Responsible For Typographical Or Photographic Errors. No Rain Checks. Aug 31, - Sep 6, FOLLOW US INSTAGRAMON PRODUCE SPECIALS WEDNESDAY THRU FRIDAY Wednesday, Aug/31/22 thru Friday Sep/2/22 Check Out Our ReadyPLATTERSBEAUTIFULToServe • Homemade Salami • Facon Pastrami • Corned Beef • Pickled Tongue • Combo Platter $6.99GRILLOVERGOURMETSIGNATURE&READYLb *Grain Finished* Chuck Eye Roast $7.49 Lb *Grain Finished* RoastDelmonico $7.49 Lb *Grain Finished* MeatShabbosPremium $7.49 Lb *Grain Finished* ChuckTenderStew $7.99 Lb *Black Abgus* 1st BrisketCut $5.99 Lb Juicy Patties *4 Oz - *6 Oz $6.99 SlidersPastramiLb (Made With Real Pastrami) $6.99 BeefJalapenoLbSliders $4.49 Lb Mix Grind (Beef + Chicken Blend) $8.99 Lb CutletsChickenBreadedCrispy $5.99 Lb $7.99 Lb Pickled 1st Cut BeefCorned $8.99 Lb Dry Rubbed 1st BrisketCut *Easy Instructions*Simple $9.99 PastramiChulentLb $8.99 Lb 1st PastramiCut $7.99 Lb RoastMiracleBeef $4.29 Krunchy PicklesSour 32 Oz $3.99 Holy Hummus HummusAssorted 16 Oz $5.79 Old Williamsburg SalmonNovaSmoked 4 Oz $4.49 Tirat Zvi BreastTurkeySmoked 6.5ThinniesOz $2.99 Lb Sweet GrapesRed $1.29 Lb CarrotsLoose $.99 KirbiesLb MushroomsWhite$2.49 $.89 OnionsSpanishLb $.99 Lb TomatoesPlum $.79 PotatoesSweetLb $1.99 Lb ApplesSmithGranny Medium$4.50 Gelati

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 37 1913 Cornaga Avenue • Far Rockaway • T. 718-327-4700 F. 718-327-4701 E. Sun: Fri:Thur:Wed:Tue:Mon:7-87-87-87-97-117-3 Hours: Order www.RockawayKosher.comororders@RockawayKosher.comOnline:byEmail:specialsmyweeklyfavorite grocerycandy/nosh dairy - frozen TURN PAGE bakery ה״ב major deals לארשי בלח Welcome Back to Unbeatable Specials www.RockawayKosher.comSameLogininfoasFrankelsKosher ORDER ONLINE FREE DELIVERY Orders over $150 This week only Aug 31, - SepSpecials6, Are Running From Wednesday Aug/31/22 Thru Tuesday Sep/6/22. Produce Sale Effective Aug/31/22 Thru Friday Sep/2/22 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities, While Supplies Last. Not Responsible For Typographical Or Photographic Errors. No Rain Checks. 4/$1 Kitov PopsCorn Reg & Lite .5 Oz $16.99 Gefen SoupNoodleCups (Chicken Flavor) By The Case Limit 4 Limit 2$5.99 Haddar Honey 32 Oz $9.99 Lb Side SalmonBabyof $11.99 Wesson Canola Oil 128 Oz $2.29 Gefen Solid White Tuna WaterIn 6 Oz $1.99 Gefen InCucumbersBrine7-9 19 Oz $2.69 Lieber’s SprinklesRainbow 11 Oz $7.99 Chosen Foods Avocado Oil 16.9 Oz $1.19 Wacky Mac Mac Cheese& 5.5 Oz $3.29 General Mills Cheerios & Honey CheeriosNut 8.9 Oz & 10.8 Oz $3.29 Krasdale SugarGranulated 4 Lb $3.19 Glicks FlourGlutenHigh 5 Lb $6.49 Shams GherkinsMini 46.3 Oz 3/$1 Perfection PansDeep9x13 $2.99 Lieber’s HeartsWhole Of Palm 14 Oz $0.99 Unger’s PeasChick 15 Oz $1.49 Lieber’s PretzelsMini 12 Oz 2/$4 Paskesz Alpha ChocolateVanillaBites& 10 Oz $1.99 Paskesz Abc ChocolateMini 3.17 Oz $2.99 Paskesz Noshkes 10 Pack $1.29 Bisno CrackersCrunch 10 Oz $0.89 Haddar Rice Cakes 3.5 Oz $2.99 Haddar Fruit A Toot 4 Oz 3/$2 Lieber’s Burst 15 Gr $4.99 Rebbes Choice KichelFlatbread Regular & Spicy 6 Oz $9.99 Beigel’s CupcakesSprinkleMini 21 Oz $5.99 Stern’s CookiesHoney 11 Oz $5.49 Reisman’s Brownie Bars & Black & White Cookies Value Pack $7.49 Fresh & Healthy CheeseString 18.5 Oz $0.99 Mehadrin LebenChocolate 6 Oz $1.19 Chobani Flip Yogurt 4.5 Oz $3.99 Tropicana JuiceOrange Original Only 52 Oz $1.19 J&J YogurtDeluxe 6 Oz $3.49 Haolam CheeseMozzarellaShredded 8 Oz $4.49 Kineret CookiesChipChocolate 24 Oz $4.49 Wednesday Parmesan Butter Pretzel Nuggets 16 Oz $4.49 Wednesday EggplantBreaded 16 Oz $8.99 Tov Meod NuggetsChicken 32 Oz $16.99 Spring Valley Beef Franks 40 Ct $4.29 Dr. Pragers Spinach Or LittlesBroccoli 10 Oz

20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 38 Around Communitythe Hundreds of people – young and old – came out for last week’s Night of Jewish Music at Andrew J. Parise Park in Cedarhurst Sponsored by Gourmet Glatt. The concert featured 8th Day, with a pre-show of Showtime Steve: The Human Variety Show.

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The building is a large facility but Rambam is still cultivating the smallschool, big idea mindset, creating spac es that allow each student to get to know one another in a meaningful way.
fter 30 years of success educat ing the leaders of tomorrow at 15 Frost Lane in Lawrence, Ram bam Mesivta is proud to announce that it will be bringing its commitment to To rah, Midos, and Excellence to its brand new 12-million-dollar facility at Mott Avenue. The new home, built from start to finish in under one year’s time thanks to Chris Stefan and the herculean efforts of Ben Diamond, Frank, Artie, Alla and Daniel of the One Seventy Group and especially Rosh Mesivta Rabbi Zev Meir Friedman and Assistant Rosh Mesivta Rabbi Avi Herschman, is double the size of the former Rambam building and was crafted in mind to meet the needs and challenges of 21st century education. Funding for the building was primarily provided by community members, Ram bam alumni, and many others who wish to remain anonymous. At the heart of the new building, fit tingly so, is a magnificent bais medrash /shul that can seat hundreds of people.
The new Rambam gym is a state-ofthe-art, next generation arena that features balcony seating, flatscreen scoreboards, modern home and guest locker rooms, and a streaming booth. The gym is large enough so that even during gym classes a variety of sports can be played at once and there will be something for everyone. Other highlights of the new building are a cutting-edge Bio/Chem Lab and a STEM Maker-Space designed by Ram bam students. The lunchroom is also a key feature of the building with an open floor plan that allows for cross-pollina tion of the grades.
Rambam is proud to be able to open the new building and to continue to take the core values of its mission to the world to the next level, at a new location. New building. Same Rambam Man. Home for the Rambam Man
Additionally, the Bais Medrash will, iy”H, serve as a true makom Torah where alumni, community members, and Ram bam family members will be able to learn after school hours. The new building will also feature a Holocaust memorial center to remind all of our students, family and visitors of the central role that the mitz vah of Zachor should play in our lives.
40 Around the Community A
A New

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 41

20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 42 Around the Community As Summer Winds Down in Nikolsburg Call for a free estimate: MICHAEL GUBERMAN (917) 681-1213 SERVICING THE GREATER 5 TOWNS COMMUNITY FOR OVER 15 YEARS SERVICE CALLS: RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Installations • Maintenance • Repairs SHOMER SHABBOS EXPERIENCED RELIABLE

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 43

Did you know? Jellyfish are 98% water.
U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-Queens), New York’s senior appropriator on the House Appropriations Committee, announced last week that nearly $2 million in federal funding for security improvements has been awarded to 13 Jewish facilities throughout Queens. The money is allocated through the U.S. Department of Homeland Securi ty’s Nonprofit Security Grant Program, the initiative providing houses of wor ship and nonprofit entities with federal grants to enhance the safety and security of their properties so that they can guard against threats and attacks. These grants, the funding for which Meng has helped to increase, are ad ministered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The mon ey covers target-hardening and other physical security enhancements such as barriers, gates, safety gear, surveillance equipment and other safety measures.
And in May, the Congresswoman en couraged local houses of worship and nonprofit organizations to prepare their applications and seek funding when the period to apply was about to begin.
Rep. Meng Announces Nearly $2 Million For Jewish Facilities in Queens to Improve Security
FY 2021 $3.5 million for twenty non profitsFY 2020 $1.3 million for fourteen nonprofitsFY2019 $1.7 million for seventeen nonprofitsFY2018 $1.2 million for eight non profitsFY 2017 $450,000 for six nonprofits FY 2016 $575,000 for eight nonprof its
In April, she announced that she helped secure an unprecedented $250 million for the initiative, a $70 million increase over the record breaking $180 million that she helped obtain last year. It followed her success in helping to se cure funding increases for the program in prior years as well.
“As I have said many times, we can never take a backseat to safety,” said Meng. “It must be the top priority, espe cially as we continue to fight against the rise in anti-Semitism, hate crimes and violent attacks. The Nonprofit Security Grant Program is a crucial resource to help protect our facilities here in Queens, and help them upgrade their security. I am proud to have championed the fund ing for it. From taking part in religious services to attending school, everybody deserves to feel safe, and be kept out of harm’sMostway.”ofthe Queens entities receiving funds, which consist of local synagogues, educational institutions and community centers, obtained the maximum grant amount of $150,000. They include the following:BnosMalka Academy in Forest Hills: $150,000; Bukharian Jewish Commu nity Center in Forest Hills: $150,000; Chabad Lubavitch Community Center of Northeast Queens in Bayside: $150,000; Congregation Ahavas Yisroel of Kew Gar dens Hills: $150,000; Congregation Etz Chaim of Kew Gardens Hills: $150,000; Flushing-Fresh Meadows Jewish Center in Fresh Meadows: $150,000; Jewish In stitute of Queens in Elmhurst: $150,000; Rabbinical Seminary of America in Kew Gardens Hills: $150,000; Utopia Jewish Center in Fresh Meadows: $150,000; Yeshiva of Central Queens in Kew Gar dens Hills: $140,000; Young Israel of Forest Hills: $150,000; Young Israel of Hillcrest: $150,000; Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills: $150,000. The grants come after Rep. Meng, in February, held a virtual workshop for Queens houses of worship and nonprofits to learn more about the Nonprofit Secu rity Grant Program, and how they can successfully apply for funding
“This past year has seen a frighten ing increase in antisemitic attacks and violence directed at Jews, particularly in the New York area,” said Rep. Kathleen Rice. “I am pleased that we were able to increase the funding allocated to the Nonprofit Security Grant Program for FY 2022, and proud to secure these grants for institutions on Long Island to help enhance the physical security and emer gency response capabilities of our at-risk nonprofits.”“Weare deeply appreciative to Rep. Rice for recognizing the full magnitude of the threat of antisemitism and domes tic terrorism that currently faces Jewish institutions like synagogues,” said Zvi Gutman, President of the Young Israel of North Woodmere. In total, 16 synagogues, yeshivas, and Jewish organizations in NY-04 received 21 grants of $150,000 each through the FY22 NSGP. This is the seventh consecutive year in which Rice helped secure funding for nonprofit organizations in New York’s Fourth Congressional District. Alloca tions for prior years can be found below:
“I look forward to helping secure even more money in the years ahead,” Meng added.
Last week, U.S. Representative Kath leen Rice (NY-04) announced that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has awarded $3.15 mil lion for security enhancements to 16 Jew ish nonprofit organizations in New York’s Fourth Congressional District. The fund ing was awarded through DHS’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP), which supports target hardening and physical security enhance ments for nonprofit organizations that are at a higher risk of a terrorist attack.
Around the Community
in Security
Rice $3.15 Million Grant Funding for Local Jewish Nonprofits

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 45 Support and resources for new and veteran Mechanchim H arav Shaya Cohen, a talmid of Harav Henoch Liebowitz, zt”l, has been trailblazing in the world of chinuch for close to 50 years. He founded Teach to Reach which has worked in conjunction with Torah Umesorah and other organizations, and is under the guidance of Harav Reuven Feinstein, Harav Sholom Kaminetsky, and Harav Aaron Lopiansky, shlit”a. · · 516.295.5700 “What can I do to maximize the impact of my lessons discussionsand Even Rebbeim & Moros have questions. Teach to Reach has answers. Nurturing Happiness in our StudentsView these resources, and many more at: Our comprehensive Resource Library of video, audio, and print resources was created for Rebbeim and Moros like you, who are looking to create a significant and lasting impact on the lives of your students – in a time-saving manner. (RESOURCE CATEGORY 1/9) The key to impacting your students is to become a source of their happiness. Topics Covered In This Category: Finding Happiness and Meaning in a World Focused on Pleasure Finding Happiness Through Appreciation of Mitzvos Happiness, Validation, Purpose, and G-dliness Happiness for Teenagers G ET T O T H E H E A TR

The current Jewish community mem bers living in Morocco, such as Rabbi Sebbag and Rabbi Banon, inspired us with their religiosity, spirit, and opti mism, and their beautiful prayer service. They do not take lightly their role as gatekeepers to the 2,000-year-old Jew ish traditional life in Morocco, formerly home to over 350,000 Jews, including some of the most revered rabbis and tzaddikim.
Dr. Karen Sutton is a professor at Tou ro’s Lander College for Women.
Connecting with the Past: Making Memories in Morocco with Touro Did you know? Each box jellyfish reportedly carries enough venom to kill more than 60 humans.
Tamar Levine, a graduating senior who is majoring in psychology at Tou ro’s Lander College for Women, echoed Professor Boylan’s remarks, “It was fas cinating to experience a unique culture and society that I would not otherwise have had the opportunity to explore. It was uplifting to learn about the history of the Moroccan Jewish community. It was also a great opportunity to spend quality time with other Touro students and fac ulty. This trip was truly an experience of a lifetime.”Aswereturn to the classroom in the weeks ahead, we will all surely apply the hands-on learning experience we had in Morocco to our studies as teachers, students, lifelong learners and doers. The relationships forged outside the classroom will no doubt connect us and enhance our learning. As one student stated, “We began the trip as a Touro University group and ended it more like a Touro family.”
By Dr. Karen Sutton This month, I had the privilege of joining 35 Touro students from across all our campuses for a fas cinating journey through Morocco. We explored ancient and modern Jewish history and learned about mass aliyah as well as Morocco’s stance during the Ho locaust.Education and adventure went handin-hand on this exciting Touro summer trip led by Professor Simcha Fishbane. Students earned three college credits while visiting nine cities and numerous villages. We experienced varied cultures in each locale, from a tour of Rabat to a panoramic tour of Casablanca and the historic sights of Fez, including the home of the Rambam and numerous kevarim and shuls. I was joined by my esteemed colleagues Touro President Dr. Alan Kadish and faculty and lecturers Dr. Is rael Singer, Michael Newman and Dr. Stanley and Professor Esther Boylan. In addition to lectures and tours, the group bonded over camel, ATV and boat rides, and BBQs in the desert.
46 Around the Community
Judaism in Morocco Today Upon arrival in Rabat, we were wel comed by Andre Azoulay, a leader of the Jewish community and senior financial advisor to King Mohammed VI. Azoulay briefed us on the status of the local Jew ish community, which now consists of 1,800 Jews whose average age is 70, and approximately 40 school-age children who are mainly offspring of the rabbis who live in Morocco. We later learned that Morocco is the only financially vi able country in North Africa, largely because of this Jewish finance minister who is also a regular shul-goer.
Visiting the Past
While much of the Moroccan Jewish community relocated to Israel after the 1967 war, our excursion took us back in time to the first Jewish settlements over 2,000 years ago. Interestingly, Jews came to Morocco even before the Muslims, whose origins date much lat er, in the seventh and eighth centuries. We felt as though we were walking in the footsteps of our holy ancestors. Fac ulty and students, young and old, were deeply impacted upon viewing the aban doned shuls, cities and schools that once brimmed over with Jews at prayer or go ing about their daily routine. As we traveled from one city to the next over long rural stretches of dry, stony dusty regions occasionally pep pered with withered bushes, I shared Morocco’s Holocaust history. When faced with having to turn over Jews by order of the French Vichy government, the 30-year-old Moroccan sultan, Moham med V, refused, stating, “There are no Jews in Morocco, there are just Moroc can citizens.” The sultan had to comply with some of the anti-Jewish laws, but Jews were not forced to wear a yellow star nor were they eliminated from pro fessions or forced to give up their prop erty. Not a single Jew was deported. In short, like King Christian X of Denmark, Mohammed V protected the Jews of his country.Another vital component of our trip was connecting to the great rabbis of Morocco. Through lectures given by Dr. Stanley Boylan, including “The Rambam and the Rif living in Fez,” we were able to gain context and feel deeply rooted to our Jewish past. When we prayed at the grave sites of our most revered leaders, we understood their world views and the lives they Throughoutled. the tour, our Moroccan guide and author of “Jews under Moroc can Skies,” Raphael Elmaleh, was able to make Moroccan history come alive. Stu dents asked about the lasting legacy of Maimonides as well as the contributions of everyday Jewish laborers, merchants, artisans, and craftsmen to Moroccan so ciety and about the mass emigration of Moroccan Jewry. Answers were not giv en from textbooks but rather by visiting, seeing and experiencing.
A Modern Monarchy Dr. Singer shared his analysis of the diversity of Morocco’s political and re ligious make-up throughout the ages. He explained that as a constitutional monarch, King Mohammed VI extends a strong arm in the governance and pol icymaking of Morocco. Because he has dedicated resources to improve the lot of the poor and promote women’s rights, he appears to be well loved by the mass es. King Mohammed VI also established funds for the restoration of Jewish sites and has mandated Holocaust education. Like his grandfather Mohammed V, Mo hammed VI is popular with the small Jewish population who view themselves as protected by his royal authority. Dr. Singer explained that his favorable atti tude toward Jews is based on a multitude of factors including economics, especial ly industry and tourism, given the thou sands of Jews who sojourn to Morocco each“Kingyear. Mohammed VI regards Jews as cultured and educated and looks upon Israel as a successful country with thou sands of startups and a booming tech sector. He sees Jews as critical to the re lationships he wants to forge and main tain with Israel,” said Singer.
An Experience of a Lifetime Esther Boylan, professor of Jewish Studies at Touro, summed up the trip as “one of contrasts, striking differences and close associations. From the impov erished Amazigh villages to the opulent edifices in the imperial cities, from the stench of the tannery to the scent of the spices and gardens… from the minarets to the winding allies of medinas, from the majestic mountains to the dry desert, from the holy places to hotels and palac es, Morocco taught us how the ancient and modern coalesce.”

performing any mitzvah. It also brilliantly
Finally, we can bring the author’s passion, fervor and holiness into our own lives, and into our own mitzvos and tefillos, profoundly deepening our connection to prayer and to our Creator.
the kavanos, the intentions we should have
P over 250 years ago by Rav Alexander Ziskind of Horodna, Sefer Yesod VeShoresh outlines before describes includes a feature has been carefully designed to guide the reader into understanding the sefer’s many vital teachings and make the sefer accessible to all.
Discover a Classic Work — And Watch Your Own Tefillos Soar! VOLUMENEW! 1 NEW!
– The Vilna Gaon
phrase-by-phrase translation, elucidation, detailed explanatory notes and a summary at the end of each chapter. Each
Of course, we daven. Of course, we say the words.
“His words will enter the hearts of those who hear them, and they will desire to listen to them.”
the intensity and kavanos we should have in our prayers, and the deeper meaning of specific tefillos. This volume
– Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Berditchov great as his sefer, and his sefer is as great as he.”
But have you ever wanted to bring authentic passion and fire to your tefillos? Have you ever wanted to truly feel connected to Hashem through your mitzvos?

20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 48 Around the Community 1Rabbi Binyomin Kamenetzky built this Yeshiva for us to learn and grow, and we will all continue to learn and grow. 2. Demolition is a little sad, but so cool to watch. 3. A building (and a Yeshiva) need a strong foundation to build on. 4. Excavators, dump trucks, bulldoz ers, and front loaders are all big and loud. 5. The man who designed the building drew a lot of pictures first. 6. Buildings take a long time to build. 7. When you stand on a construction site, you should walk carefully. 8. If your class is on one side of the building, you have a better view. 9. If you stand on the top of the dump truck in our playground, you can see over the gate to the construction site. 10. Thinking, planning, and problem solving can lead to great accomplish ments. 10 Things We Learned While We Watched the Demolition and Construction at YOSS HotlineConfidential Call our Confidential Hotline to discuss any issues about relationships or domestic abuse. We provide a listening ear to all. Our referrals help our callers gain access to helpful resources, including legal assistance, counseling, and safe shelters. For more information and to speak with a trained advocate, please visit No oNe Deserves To Be ABuseD S H al O m Ta S k F O r C e ALNoAreYouToNe888.883.2323 Call. Text. Whatsapp

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 49

n July 10, a group of Jewish edu cational leaders from around the country arrived at The Harvard Graduate School of Education, excited to begin LEV - Leadership: An Evolving Vi sion, a one-week intensive leadership pro gram. The Day School Principal’s Program was developed and funded by a well-re spected national foundation. The admin istrators who were chosen for sponsorship are lifelong learners, committed to their roles as day school leaders and striving to improve their practice to enhance the school experience for every child and fam ily. Working with Harvard professors and experts in the field, this cohort was part of the 140 educational leaders from around the world who came to Harvard to explore their craft. The courseload touched on all aspects of school life, including school cul ture, family engagement, leadership, stra tegic planning, collaboration, equity, and the various roles of a school leader. The administrators participated in days filled with presentations, workshops, seminars, small group collaboration and self-re flection. The participants discovered that across the world, all educational leaders have similar challenges and yet the great est commonality was that each and every participant truly cared about his/her stu dents, staff and school communities. As part of the cohort’s participation in the program, each school leader is tasked with implementing an initiative at his/her school throughout the year. Their work will be supported with guidance from the program’s co-directors, Jonathan Cannon and Alanna Kotler of Educannon Consult ing. These projects will be based on the content and ideas introduced at Harvard. Throughout the week, the cohort leaders from schools of different sizes, varied di visions and religious affiliations came to gether to learn from each other and grow from the collaborative and introspective learning at Harvard. The depth of knowl edge that was acquired while on the pro gram provided each participant with new insight and ideas about leadership, and collectively they have formed important bonds and relationships that will enable them to continue as a powerful collabora tiveTheteam.cohort, including leaders from Akiva Academy (OH), Barkai Yeshivah (NY), Ben Porat Yosef (NJ), Caskey To rah Academy of Greater Philadelphia (PA), Davis Renov Stahler Yeshiva High School for Boys / HALB (NY), The Adel son School (NV), Joseph Kushner He brew Academy (NJ), Hillel Torah North Suburban Day School (IL), Magen David Yeshivah (NY), Northwest Yeshiva High School (WA), The Leffell School (NY), The Ramaz School (NY), Torah Acade my of Boca Raton (FL), Yavneh Academy (NJ), Yeshiva Darche Eres (NY), Yeshiva University High School for Boys (NY), Yeshiva University High School for Girls (NY) and Yeshivat Noam (NJ), are so grateful for the opportunity to have been part of this program and look forward to the work that lies ahead.
Families living with pediatric ill ness enjoyed a special end-of-sum mer retreat at Camp Simcha’s Glen Spey, New York, campus, August 28-29. More than 250 Chai Lifeline children and parents took part in the two-day family retreat, where they were able to relax, rejuvenate, and enjoy some quality timeFromtogether.themoment they arrived, par ticipants enjoyed an exciting schedule of events and activities, including swim ming, ropes courses, rock climbing, min iature golf, boat rides, barbecues, bon fires, and more.
50 Around the Community
“The weekend was amazing for our family,” said Avrahom, a Chai Lifeline father. “Our son, who is a Camp Simcha camper, loved showing us all the activi ties he takes part in during the summer. The food was prepared with both kids and adults in mind. Every detail was ap preciated. This was just what we needed after a very difficult year.”
Leah, a Chai Lifeline mother, said, “The retreat was exactly what we need ed. It allowed me, my husband, and our children to connect in such a warm and relaxing environment. It’s so easy to get caught up in the challenges of everyday life, and this retreat was a much-needed opportunity to hit pause and be present with the people I love the most.”
A detailed Proclamation declaring June 15 as “Dr. Paul Brody Megillah Readers Day,” in “fitting recognition and heartfelt appreciation for the dedicated service of Dr. Paul Brody to the residents of Nassau County,” was issued by Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman pre viously.
Dr. Paul MegillahBrodyReaders Day
“At Chai Lifeline, we understand that illness impacts the entire family. Events like this help families reconnect, recharge and rebuild relationships,” said Rabbi Simcha Scholar, CEO of Chai Lifeline. The retreat was generously sponsored by Daniel and Rachael Lifschutz and family of Lawrence, NY. “We are proud to support Chai Lifeline and help give happiness, joy and support to those who need it most during their difficult times,” said Daniel Lifschutz. Chai Lifeline is an international chil dren’s health support network providing social, emotional, and financial assis tance to children with life-threatening or lifelong illnesses and their families. To learn more, visit
NYS Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli presented a proclamation to Dr. Paul Brody, upon the Megillah Readers Program he initiated 20 years ago
New York State Comptroller, Thomas P. DiNapoli, presented a NYS Proclamation on Friday, August 19, to Dr. Paul Brody for initiating the Megillah Readers Program at Great Neck’s North Shore Hebrew Academy in 2002, with fewer than 10 students, ultimately teaching 400 middle school students – both Ashkenazi and Sephar di – how to chant Megillas Esther. The leadership of the NSHA named the pro gram the “Dr. Paul Brody Megillah Read ers Program” at its Middle School Gradu ation on June 15. The proclamation states that the NYS Comptroller “does hereby congratulate an applaud Dr. Paul Brody for his outstanding service and Comp troller DiNapoli does join with the people of New York in thanking Dr. Paul Brody, and wishing his continued success.”

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 51

Ambucar Dedicated in Memory of Tobias “Tuvia” Levkovich Around the Community KING GarageDAVIDDoors • Garage Door Repair & • GarageInstallationDoor Openers & Broken Springs Repair • Free Estimate 10% OFF • Shomer Shabbat • 718-300-2179 | Guy
52 H ow can one honor a true giant of chessed such as Tobias “Tu via” Levkovich? His life was dedicated to selfless acts of kindness for others, and therefore Tuvia’s un timely passing has been deeply felt by so many. He was an icon on Wall Street, as Citigroup’s chief U.S. equity strate gist, appearing regularly on CNBC and Bloomberg. His friends knew him as an unassuming person who despite his fame was friendly to everyone. He was kind, humble and fiercely loyal to his friends, family and community. He was generous with his time to assist others and people sought out his advice. He had the keen sense to recognize where help was needed, and he quietly gave to those causes in any way that he could help. He was deeply committed to help ing those in need. A group of his close friends spear headed a campaign to raise funds to donate an Ambucar and two e-bikes to United Hatzalah of Israel in his memo ry. This project combined his love to help others and his love for the land of Isra el. This past week, a dedication was held at the headquarters of United Hatzalah in Jerusalem, where friends and fam ily gathered as Tuvia’s father Jose and brother Ziggy inaugurated an Ambucar which has been deployed to Sderot and an e-bike which will be used in Jerusa lem. The Ambucar has already been used to save lives in Sderot during Operation Breaking Dawn. The campaign continues at israelres as we hope to be able to dedicate a second e-bike before Tuvia’s upcoming first yahrzheit(25th day of Tishrei/ October 20, 2022). May these live-saving rescues bring merit to the ne shama of Tuvia Moshe ben Yosef. Yehi zichro baruch.

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 53 TOSignPARTICIPATEupforFREE at You will receive a daily lesson from ArtScroll's “The Power of Teshuvah’’ via email, or whatsapp toLawsChizukStrategies,andstraightyourinbox during the days of Elul-Yom Kippur Beginning: Tuesday, Sept. 6\Elul 10 V’Ani Tefillah Foundation,1616 E. 29th St., Brooklyn, NY 11229, 718.710.3034, ד"סב IN JUST 5 MINUTES A DAY! FREE - STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX

54 Recently, hate-filled propagan dists once again targeted local Jewish neighborhoods with an ti-Semitic flyers spreading Jew-hatred and untrue conspiracies. In addition to the distribution of these despicable flyers, the grounds of Hempstead Town Hall were vandalized with a disgusting message attacking the Jewish people. The perpetrators responsible for spreading these leaflets promoting prejudiced, fringe media platforms and scrawling hateful messages on public buildings do not want local families to feel safe in their own communities and, in doing so, seek to tear apart the fabric of this country. In their own words, they have “distributed thousands and thou sands” of leaflets that contend there is a “Jewish mafia that has hijacked our coun try.” We have seen this type of language before, and we know what it can lead to. This will not be tolerated in the Town of Hempstead.Thedistribution of these flyers by vile anti-Semites is the latest chapter in an unsettling series of attacks on the Jew ish community across the United States. While law enforcement professionals must continue doing everything in their power to investigate and prosecute those behind this campaign of hate, the govern ment at all levels has a responsibility to do everything possible to ensure those propagating these grotesque, anti-Se mitic lies are met with a unified voice of opposition. We will not allow this evil ideology to take root here in our home town. Indeed, it appears the anti-Semites recognize the Town of Hempstead’s oppo sition to their diabolical plans; they came to the seat of our government to deliver a message of hatred for the Jewish people via graffiti on Town Hall property – the property of the people. The United States’ response to this rising trend in anti-Semitic hatred must be a multifaceted one, including all ele ments of our society and extending to our nation’s policy decisions. Our collective fight against anti-Sem itism should begin in the classroom, where students can be taught the past results of organized hatred through a historical lens. Schools must ensure our children fully understand the atrocities inflicted through mass acts of hatred and societal silence, such as the Holocaust.
Knowing one’s history is key to recogniz ing the danger of anti-Semitic speech and actions.Wemust also combat the present-day insidious tactics targeting our friends in Israel, which has long been America’s most trusted ally. Since Israel’s modern founding, bad actors on the world stage have sought the total annihilation of the Middle East’s lone democracy – an obses sion powered by institutional anti-Semi tism. The United States must continue to stand with our allies in Israel and remind our adversaries in places such as Iran and Syria that the arsenal of democracy will not stand idly by while the Jewish state is singled out for persecution. Sadly, this institutional anti-Semi tism found in the capitals of our nation’s enemies has been seen creeping into the halls of power here in America as well, advanced via tactics supported by radicals hellbent on seeing Jews suffer. Chief amongst the tactics utilized by the organized anti-Israel lobby is the Boy cott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which is a coordinated effort designed to isolate Israel and cripple its economy. We see this agenda propagated daily by radical politicians like Alexan dria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and the rest of the Socialist Squad who want BDS to be our national policy. This madness must be stopped. I have in the past stood up to this putrid display of hate and will continue to do so as long as I breathe. As a Town Councilman, I was proud to work with now-County Executive Bruce Blakeman to make Hempstead one of the first local governments in America to adopt a strong anti-BDS law. America’s largest township vowed to sever ties with companies and organizations engaged in anti-Semitic BDS policies that are noth ing more than thinly veiled anti-Jewish hatred. In utilizing the law, my colleagues on the Town Board and I successful ly pressured Unilever to stop its Ben & Jerry’s ice cream brand from embracing the BDS movement and discriminating against the Israeli people. In Congress, I will finish what my friend Congressman Lee Zeldin started and enact the Israel Anti-Boycott Act into federal law and invest in Israel’s security by fully funding the Iron Dome Missile Defense System. On the domestic front, I pledge to work with parents and educa tors to incorporate important historical lessons detailing the rise of anti-Semi tism into school curriculum, and partner with federal and local law enforcement officials to step up investigations into conspiracists who spread their putrid, anti-Semitic propaganda in communities both here on Long Island and across the country.With anti-Semitic incidents like the distribution of hateful, conspiracy-laden flyers on the upswing across this country and the rise to national prominence of ex pressly anti-Israel politicians among the Radical Left, this year’s election will shape our collective response to this threat. We must send those who seek to harm the Jewish people – and their enablers – a clear, unambiguous message that they do not share our American values.
Hate Does Not Belong in Hempstead
By Town Councilman Anthony D’Esposito N tes
Town Councilman Anthony D’Esposito rep resents the 4th District in the Town of Hemp stead. A former NYPD detective and former Chief of the Island Park Fire Department, Anthony is running for Congress to repre sent New York’s 4th Congressional District in November.

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 55

20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 56 845.606.9222CHARIDY.COM/REFUAH אובת ךאווטימ ןוא גאטסניד SEPTEMBERANOTHER REFUAH HELPLINE RESULT!

Using their knowledge, experience and unparalleled relationships, they were able get to the right medical who identified what was truly wrong, and saved the day — and his life. The gabbai is finally back where he belongs, and the entire kehilla rejoices with him
|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 57 a 845.606.9222 גאטסניד 13-14 Every day, dozens of experienced case workers dedicate themselves to Cholei Yisroel — with lifesaving results THE AMAZING RESULTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES — ALL MADE POSSIBLE AS A RESULT OF KLAL YISROEL’S GENEROUS SUPPORT
His presence was sorely missed. Today, For months, the once-energetic shul gabbai was notably absent. A mysterious and agonizing disease was slowly consuming him and none of the doctors he saw could properly identify it, let alone treat it. He shlepped from city to city and hospital to hospital, to no avail. But then Refuah Helpline got involved.

20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 58 1. * Getting Ready for School Exercise Read this sentence once—at regular speed—and determine how many times the letter F appears: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RESULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS Answer: Most people pick three (because they don’t process the F in “of”), but there are really six. Read it again slowly and you will see. TJH CenterfoldYouGottaBeKiddingMe!
My wife came home from work yesterday and was raging about her boss. She said to me, “I’m never going to work for that man Iagain!”.asked her, “Why, what did he say to fired.”“You’reSheyou?”said, Me This
A man and his boss have the same parents but are not siblings. How is this possible? Answer: He’s self-employed

Creative sighing for effect – Sigh loudly when there are many people around, giving the impression that you are under extreme pressure.
Never walk without a document – People with documents look like hardworking employees headed to important meetings. People with nothing in their hands look like they’re headed for the cafeteria. Above all, make sure you carry loads of stuff home with you at night, thus generating the false impression that you work longer hours than you really do.
Stacking strategy – It is not enough to pile lots of documents on the table. Put lots of books on the floor, etc. (thick computer manuals are the best).
Leave the office late – Always leave the office late, especially when the boss is still around. You could read magazines and storybooks that you always wanted to read. Make sure you walk past the boss’s room on your way out. Send important e-mails at unearthly hours (i.e., 11:35 PM, 6:05 AM, etc.) and during legal holidays.
Use computers to look busy – Any time you use a computer, it looks like “work” to the casual observer. You can send and receive personal e-mail, chat and have a blast without doing anything remotely related to work. When you get caught by your boss – and you will get caught – your best defense is to claim you’re teaching yourself to use new software, thus saving valuable training dollars.
Look impatient and annoyed – One should also always try to look impatient and annoyed to give off the impression that they’re always busy.
Messy desk – Only top management can get away with a clean desk. For the rest of us, it looks like we’re not working hard enough. Build huge piles of documents around your workspace. To the observer, last year’s work looks the same as today’s work; it’s volume that counts. Pile them high and wide.
Schmooze before leaving – After you shut down your office, talk to your colleagues about nothing for a few minutes before leaving. This way they will think that you actually like them and have a true interest in talking to them. After all, you are all ready to go home after a long day, but you still are standing around schmoozing with them! But of course build this into work time—so if you plan on leaving at 7:00 PM, shut it down at 6:50 PM and then find that office-hanger who loves to sit around until midnight and schmooze with him for a few minutes. Also, end the conversation very casually like “alright, maybe I’ll get going…Okay, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” Only once you are out of his sight should you start running for the train.
|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 59
If you know somebody is coming to your cubicle, bury the document you’ll need halfway down in an existing stack and rummage for it when he/she arrives.
Now that summer’s over and you are ready to start focusing on work again, take the Centerfold Commissioner’s advice and your job will always be secure.
Voice mail – Never answer your phone if you have voice mail. People don’t call you just because they want to give you something for nothing –they call because they want YOU to do work for THEM. That’s no way to live. Screen all your calls through voice mail. If somebody leaves a message for you and it sounds like impending work, respond during lunch hour when you know they’re not there – it looks like you’re hardworking and conscientious.

By Rabbi Berel Wein Parshas Shoftim
60 Following the decisions of the court and judges of one’s time – even if one personally disagrees with those judicial conclusions – is the subject of this week’s parsha. This leads to a later con cept in halacha of a zakein mamreh – a leading scholar, a member of the Sanhe drin itself, who refuses to accept or abide by the majority position and opinion of his colleagues.Thereis a normative stance in Jew ish life and Judaism that demands and restricts individual freedom and every one doing their own thing. Every scholar is convinced that his opinion is correct, perhaps even perfectly and exclusively correct. But one must be willing to accept the fact that if most of the scholars dis agree, then the law must remain that way even if history later proves them wrong or mistaken.Themajority, like any individual as well, is not infallible. But human soci ety must function according to certain standards and norms, and the Torah demands this type of discipline from all responsible leaders and judges. The zakein mamreh has the right to his own opinion, but he has no right to preach it publicly in a way that will split the Jewish society and come to the di sastrous situation of there being “two Torahs” present in Jewish society. There must be a great deal of frustra tion in the heart of the zakein mamreh for he is undoubtedly convinced of the cor rectness of his position. But the Torah does not allow for the correctness of an individual opinion of law to endanger the entire delicate balance of judicial decision and halachic parameters. Again, the for est always trumps the trees in the Jewish view of law and halachic life.
Winston Churchill was the lonely voice of warning in the 1930’s when Germany rearmed.Herein Israel, there have been many instances, especially over the past decade, when the majority has been wrong in its decisions and policies. The rabbis were a minority opinion in the times of the great rebellion against Rome and correctly foresaw the defeat and the destruction of the Temple. The prophet Yirmiyahu was a strident voice of dissension against the majority military and diplomatic policies of the kings of Judah. It is apparent that there is a significant difference between halachic and judicial decisions and national political and secu rity issues. Eventually, even in these is sues, the will of the majority will prevail in a democracy. But the dissenters have an innate right to be heard – and their opinion to be judiciously considered. The tyranny of the majority is a real danger in national matters. It is much harder in these types of is sues to define what is the forest and what are the trees. It is clear, though, that the concept of zakein mamreh is limited to those specific halachic issues and proce dures that are detailed for us in the Talmu dic tractate of Sanhedrin. In other matters, the majority should always force itself to truly listen to the opinion of the minority, and the minority has the duty to express those opinions lucidly and publicly. Shabbat shalom.
The question now remains: is this true of the majority opinion regarding political and societal issues as well? Many times in human history has the majority been wrong on crucial life and death issues.
Torah Thought
The forest always trumps the trees in the Jewish view of law and halachic life.

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The Gemara later (Id. at 48a) offers a beraisa (proof text from the time peri od of the codification of the Mishna) for Abaye’s position that designation does indeed give an object the same status it will have once its designated purpose is carried out; “If one digs a grave for his father and then goes and buries him in a different grave, [the first grave] may never be used by anyone.” The Gema ra, however, dismisses this proof by responding, “There [the grave is for bidden forever] because of the honor of his father” and not because designation by itself creates a special status. Many commentaries on the Gemara ask about an obvious difficulty with this answer. A son’s obligation to honor his father can explain why the son cannot use the first grave for anyone else. But it does not explain why the grave is forbidden for everyone else as well!
Abaye originally derived the rule that designation for a purpose gives an object its final status from the halacha of the Eglah Arufah, the procedure involv ing the breaking of the neck of the calf, from which it is forbidden to derive any benefit once the calf is brought down to Nachal Eisan. Rav Shimon Schwab, however, explains that Rava, who per mits the first grave dug by the son, holds that the halacha of the calf’s descent into Nachal Eisan does not demonstrate that designation alone gives an object any special status. According to Rav Schwab, one may not derive any bene fit from the calf as soon as it is brought into Nachal Eisan because the process of its mitzvah had already begun, and not because the calf had been merely designated for the mitzvah. Bringing the calf into the Nachal Eisan was not mere ly a designation for a mitzvah. Rather, it was the beginning of the mitzvah itself. That is why it was forbidden. According
By Rav Moshe
Weinberger Adapted for publication by Binyomin Wolf Parshas Shoftim The Time is Now
O ne of the most difficult hala chos to learn and understand in the parsha is the halacha of the Eglah Arufah, the procedure when one finds the body of a murdered Jew between two cities. The pasuk (Devarim 31:4) says, “And the elders of that city bring the calf down into Nachal Eisan, which has not been worked or seeded, and break its neck in the valley.” Ac cording to the Gemara (Krisus 25a), this calf becomes sanctified such that no one may derive any personal benefit from it as soon as it is brought into the desolate valley called Nachal Eisan. In the words of the Gemara, “its descent into Nachal Eisan causes it to become forbidden.” Indeed, the Rambam (Hilchos Rotzeach 10:6) rules according to that Gemara. This halacha is ostensibly relat ed to one of the major disputes found throughout the Talmud; whether desig nating something for a certain purpose gives it the status it would have if the purpose for which it had been desig nated had already been carried out. For example, the Gemara (Sanhedrin 47b) recounts a dispute between Abaye and Rava: if one weaves a garment (a burial shroud) for a body, Abaye, based on the halacha that the calf becomes forbidden once it is brought into the valley, says that one may not derive any benefit from the garment because its designation as a burial shroud gives it the same status it would have if it had already been actu ally used as a burial shroud. Rava, how ever, says that it is permitted because its designation for a purpose does not give it the status it would have as if the purpose for which it was designated had already been carried out.
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Rav Schwab’s explanation of the dispute between Abaye and Rava has tremendous implications for our out look on life and this world. According to the Mishna in Pirkei Avos (4:21), “Rabi Yaakov says, ‘This world is compared to an antechamber before entering the World to Come. Prepare yourself in the antechamber in order that you may enter into the banquet hall.” With the principle established by Rav Schwab, antechamber, it does not simply mean that one should prepare himself now for something that will happen later. Rather, it means that we should begin living a next-worldly life right now, in understand why the Gema ra in many places says that if one does certain good things, he is considered a ben Olam Haba, a person of the World to Come; not that he will inherit the World to Come in the future, but that he is already a person of the World to Come in this world. For example, in various places, Chazal say that one who delights in Shabbos, who conquers his evil in clination, who does good for others, or the World to Come. The World to Come is the world of Truth. Therefore, when a person begins preparing himself for the next world by living according to the truth in this world, he is already counted among the bnei heichila d’laei la , members of the chamber above, a person of the World to Come. The pasuk in Tehillim 116:9 says, “I will walk before Hashem in the land of the living.” What does “the land of the living” refer to? While it may sound as if this refers to the World to Come, which is the “land” of eternal life, according to the Gemara (Yuma 71a), it refers to the marketplaces of this world! When a person conquers his evil inclination, Haba , one how lives in the World to Come while conducting business in the marketplace of Olam Hazeh. As we stand now in the month of Elul, we now understand that Elul is not merely a time to prepare for the upcom ing Yomim Noraim, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Now is the time to live in the the land of living as if it is already Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur right now. The secret to truly living is seeing every day not as a mere precursor to something else, but as the destination where Hashem wants us to live in the world of truth in the here and now. In the merit of our living according to the truth of the World to Come right now, may Hashem bring the day when the world of truth will be revealed for all to see in this world with the com ing of Moshiach, may it be soon in our days. Rav Moshe Weinberger, shlita, is the found ing Morah d’Asrah of Congregation Aish Ko
63 to Rava, therefore, the halacha of the calf does not support the position that designation alone (without beginning the actual process of a mitzva) confers any special status on an object. Similarly, Rav Schwab explains that because a son has a mitzvah to bury his father, the process of digging the grave is not merely a designation of a grave for a mitzvah to be performed later. Rather, once he began digging, the mitzvah of burial had already begun, such that the grave had the status of a grave like any other, and one may not derive personal benefit from it.
D e s i g n B u i l d M a i n t a i n P a t i o s , D r i v e w a y s & W a l k w a y s O u t d o o r K i t c h e n s , F i r e p l a c e s & F i r e P i t s P l a y i n g C o u r t s & P u t t i n g G r e e n s L a n d s c a p e D e s i g n & W a t e r F e a t u r e s A r t i f i c i a l T u r f & I n s t a l l S p e c i a l i s t s G r e e n : S p a c e s , R o o f s & A r c h i t e c t u r e * * S P E C I A L O F F E R * * M e n t i o n t h i s a d a n d r e c e i v e a $ 3 0 0 d i s c o u n t o n y o u r p r o j e c t o v e r $ 5 0 0 0 ! Landscaping & Hardscaping C O M M E R C I A L A N D R E S I D E N T I A L
We should begin living a next-worldly life right now, in this world.

Late in the afternoon, the lord again sent him the message demanding payment of the water or the money. Nakdimon again replied, “I still have time left today.” The lord then sneeringly said, “The whole year has passed and rain has not fallen; now [in the short time remaining] rain will fall?”
The latter replied, “I know that the Holy One, blessed be He, disturbed the world only for your sake, yet my claim against you for the money still holds, for the sun had already set – the rain that fell is mine [and your debt is still due].” Nakdimon then reentered the Beis HaMikdash, wrapped himself, and stood in prayer: “Master of the Universe! Make it known that You have beloved ones in Your world.” The clouds then immediately dis persed, and the sun broke through. (Ta’anis (19b–20a)Thesimple understanding of this Ge mara is that the sun had not yet set. It was temporarily obscured by the clouds. This is indeed how the Ra’avad understood it. The Gevuras Ari, however, explains that the sun had, in fact, set, but Hashem performed a miracle and brought the sun back out. His explanation can aid in the understanding of a very cryptic Maharsha. Once, Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai was riding on a donkey, leaving the city of Jerusalem, and his students were walk ing behind him. (Kesubos 66b) He saw a young woman who was gathering barley corns from the dung-droppings left by the animals of Arabs. When this impoverished young woman saw the great sage, she re spectfully covered her face with her hair and approached him with a plea, “O Rabbi, please sustain me!” Rabban Yochanan asked her, “My daughter, who are you?” She replied, “I am the daughter of Nakdimon ben Gurion.”
The Talmud concludes: How can any one say that Nakdimon ben Gurion did not give charity? Have we not learned: “They would say about Nakdimon ben Gurion that when he walked from his residence to the
Thereupon he repaired in a happy mood to the baths. (The Maharsha explains that his intent was possibly to ridicule Nakdimon and the Jewish people, as if to say, “You don’t even have enough water to drink, and I have plenty – enough even to bathe in.”) Meanwhile, while the lord had gone gleefully to the baths, Nakdimon entered the Beis HaMikdash sadly. He wrapped himself and stood prayer: “Master of the Universe! It is revealed and known before You that I have not done this for my honor nor for the honor of my father’s house, but for Your honor have I done this, in order that water be available for those who were oleh regel Immediately,.” the sky became overcast with clouds and there was a downpour of rain until the 12 wells were filled with water to a level higher than they were the year before. As the lord came out of the baths, Nakdimon ben Gurion came out from the Beis HaMikdash. The two met, and Nakdimon said to the lord, “Give me the money for the additional water of mine that you have.”
One time, when all of Bnei Yisrael came up on pilgrimage (oleh regel ) to Jerusalem, there was no water available for drinking. Nakdimon ben Gu rion approached a certain lord and said to him: “Loan me 12 wells of water for the pilgrims, and I will repay you 12 wells of water; and if I do not, I will give you instead 12 talents of silver.” The lord agreed, and they set a date for (re)payment.
intoDelvingtheDaf Charity with Uncharitable Intentions
The rabbi continued to inquire, “My daugh ter, the wealth of your father – where has it gone?” She responded, “Rabbi, do they not say this proverb in Jerusalem: ‘The only way to salt [i.e., preserve] money is to give it away? The only way to guarantee that you will keep your money is by giving your money to charity!’” [But Nakdimon ben Gu rion did not disburse charity properly and therefore he lost all of his money.]
When the time came for repayment and no rain had yet fallen, the lord sent a message to Nakdimon in the morning: “Send me either the water or the money of mine that you have.” Nakdimon replied, “I still have time; all day, in its entirety, is mine.” At midday, the lord again sent him a message: “Send me either the water or the money of mine that you have.” Nakdimon replied, “I still have time left today.”
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By Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow

Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow is a rebbe at Yeshiva Ateres Shimon in Far Rockaway. In addition, Rabbi Sebrow leads a daf yomi chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hempstead, NY. He can be contacted at ASebrow@gmail. com.
Ulterior motives for mitzvos are acceptable, unless the motives are themselves disgraceful.
The Gemara offers two answers. One is that he gave tzedakah, but his primary motivation was for his own honor. The second answer is that although he gave an enormous amount of tzedakah, a man of his means was expected to give even more. The commentators question the first an swer. Isn’t charity given for ulterior motives also a mitzvah? The Gemara says in Rosh Hashana, “Whoever says ‘this coin should be for charity for the sake of my son’s cure’ is considered completely righteous.” From that Gemara it is evident that even charity given for ulterior motives is considered a compete mitzvah. The Maharsha answers that charity given for the sake of honor is considered a negative intention. This is similar to Tosfos in Pesachim who writes that even learning Torah for ulterior mo tives is praiseworthy. However, someone who only learns Torah to instigate fights or to feed his arrogance, upon him it is said, “It is better if he wasn’t create.” Ulterior motives for mitzvos are acceptable, unless the motives are themselves disgraceful. The Hafloah disagrees. Someone who gives charity for the sake of his son’s cure or for the sake of honor is completely righ teous. Both intentions are the same. Yet charity given to further a personal agen da does not afford the protection of one’s wealth; only the merit of charity given for the proper reasons has the special fringe benefit of safeguarding one’s assets from loss. The fact that Nakdimon Ben Gurion gave charity for ulterior motives was not in and of itself a reason that he should lose his wealth. However, it didn’t safeguard it, either. People’s fortunes rise and fall all the time. Charity given for the right reasons can cause a person to merit to keep his for tune from falling. The Maharsha’s commentary on this episode is somewhat enigmatic. He writes, “From here we learn a lesson regarding those people who become wealthy with money that is not justly acquired. These people use their ill-gotten gains to pledge large sums of money during a ‘Mi She Beirach’ for their honor and glory. They will not be saved from the punishment of thiev ery.”
The Chasam Sofer suggests that per haps the Maharsha’s source is the Gemara quoted earlier from Ta’anis. When the sun miraculously reappeared, Nakdimon ben Gurion did not give the lord the 12 talents of silver. Perhaps he should have. True, Hashem miraculously brought the sun back out, but the day was already over, and the money was already past due. Perhaps, according to the strict letter of the law, Na kdimon was allowed to keep the money. (Maybe actual nightfall, not sunset, should be the determinant—Iyun Yaakov.) Some one of his stature, though, is expected to act according to highest levels of honesty andTheintegrity.Chasam Sofer explains that the val ue of the 12 talents of silver was presumably distributed to charity. (As a general rule, righteous people prefer not to have any benefit from miracles.) Since the charity was given for his honor, he was punished by the loss of his wealth. According to this explanation, the Maharsha holds it was the combination of both factors that brought about the demise of Nakdimon’s fortune: he should not have kept the 12 talents of silver, and he distributed these very same funds to tzedakah for his own honor.
Someone who achieves success using less-than-honest methods may momentar ily seem to benefit. However, the Maharsha provides a powerful lesson to us regarding what the end results might be.
The Chasam Sofer wonders where the Maharsha sees this lesson in the aforemen tioned Gemara. True, the Gemara discuss es the giving of charity for the purpose of receiving accolades, but nowhere does it discuss the means by which one attained his affluence.
Hashem should inscribe us all for a year of an honest parnassah tovah.
65 house of study they would roll out an exqui site silk runner before him and he would allow the poor to walk behind and pick up the expensive material for themselves”?

“There is something chilling about reading your own address as the scene of an emergency. It took me a few seconds to process what was happening,” she re counted.Tamar grabbed her emergency medi cal kit and ran down two flights of stairs to an apartment below hers where she found her neighbor, a man in his 70s, who was suffering from an obstructed airway and had already begun to turn blue. She immediately initiated the Heim lich maneuver and after several attempts succeeded in dislodging a piece of water melon that had been stuck in the man’s throat. “It was just like in the movies,” she recalled.Aday later, Tamar received a cake from the wife of the man that she had saved with a note attached to it.
Last week, Tamar Grunebaum Ben Ari, a United Hatzalah volunteer in Kfar Saba, was at her home when she received a call about a suffocation vic tim. What would normally be a routine event for a woman who has been an EMT for the past five years turned out to be something a bit out of the ordinary. When Tamar looked at her communi cations device after receiving the alert, she was astounded to see just how close to home the incident truly was.
Ofer Lewin, head of the chapter, add ed: “Tamar Grunebaum Ben Ari has been a volunteer EMT with United Hatzalah for over five years and despite her busy life responds to medical emergencies at any hour of the day or night and no mat ter the circumstances. This time the life she saved belonged to one of her neigh bors in her own building. The story could have ended differently if she hadn’t been there.”
66 World Builders
Like a
“My noble neighbor, thank you for saving my husband,” read the note. “I want to wish you that your family only goodEranhealth.”Ego, the regional paramedic and deputy head of United Hatzalah’s Kfar Saba chapter, praised Tamar’s actions: “When I heard about this story, I wasn’t surprised that it was Tamar. She truly embodies the values of United Hatzalah – of giving to others without asking for anything in return and dedicating one’s time to help those in their hour of need. Tamar arrived as soon as possible at the scene and identified the right course of action in order to save the patient’s life.”
By Raphael Poch
United Hatzalah Volunteer Saves Her Neighbor’s Life

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By Hershel Lieber
68 The Wandering Jew Scandinavian Journeys
O ne of the first countries that Pesi and I traveled to together was Denmark. That was the first leg of our 1979 journey to Czechoslova kia, Hungary, and the Soviet Union. Al though we only stayed there for about six hours, we still have fond memories of thatDenmark’sday. wartime history fascinat ed me, and I felt that visiting this country was a form of recognition and gratitude. The Danes’ rescue of its Jewish citizens was unique. During a period when most nations either acquiesced to the Nazi demands to deport its Jewish residents or at times even collaborated in that effort, the Danes helped save its Jews. The heroic and spectacular feat of help ing transport by small fishermen boats almost all of Denmark’s 8,000 Jews in the course of one night to neutral Swe den was nothing short of a miracle. Over ninety percent of Danish Jews escaped the Nazi nightmare and lived through the War, whereas over ninety-percent of Jews of some other nations were mur dered during the Holocaust. This histor ical anomaly was definitely a factor in us wanting to visit Denmark. We arrived in Copenhagen very ear ly in the morning on Monday, April 30. I had not davened on the plane as it was still too dark outside. After exiting the airport, we took a taxi directly to the Great Synagogue where the Chief Rab bi Marcus Melchior officiated. I came in rather late but quickly caught up and was honored with taking out the Torah. There was barely a minyan of mispall elim, but I was glad to daven b’tzibbur and meet the famous rabbi who was in strumental in facilitating the rescue of Denmark’s Jewry. Pesi went up to the women’s gallery to daven and was able to see all the proceedings. It was a coldish day and somewhat windy. We went to buy a hot drink and sat ourselves in the lobby of a hotel on the Radhuspladsen, the main city square, where we ate the sandwiches we had brought along. We then strolled along Stroget, looking into the show win dows of shops, many of which were still closed. The weather was not that pleas ant so we decided to take a two-hour bus tour which would provide us with a re laxing way to get to know the city. This idea was actually great. There were so few tourists that we a had a forty-seat bus for ourselves. The driver narrated a two-hour excursion that covered all the famous sights in the city. We passed the Palace Square and watched the changing of the guards at Amalienborg Palace, the winter residence of Queen Margrethe II, the reigning monarch of Denmark. We were shown the Rosenberg Palace and the Round Tower. We saw the col orful houses lining Nyhavn Port and the “Little Mermaid” statue in the harbor. We passed by the world-famous Tivo li Gardens, which is the second oldest amusement park in the world. It had not yet opened for the season. In short, we saw most of the major sights in complete comfort of a warm bus. Upon returning to the Radhuspladsen, we headed back to the airport after promising ourselves to return one day when we are able to stay longer. And return we did – almost twen ty-five years later, in August of 2003. After spending eleven days at the Laud er Summer Retreat in Poland teaching and lecturing on Yiddishkeit to Polish Jews, we returned for a three-day stay in “Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen.” After arriving Monday at noon and checking into a hotel facing the Radhus pladsen, we ate the sandwiches that we brought along from the Lauder Summer Retreat. In fact, there were no kosher restaurants in all of Denmark. There was one store that sold some kosher products from Israel. Over ninety-percent of the items were in the categories of cookies, Copenhagen Round Tower Pesi at a canal in Copenhagen Planning an itinerary for Malmo
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|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 69 crackers, condiments, chocolates and other nosh. Very few food items were suitable for lunches or suppers. We were aware of this issue, so we took along bread, cheese, tuna and salami from Po land and bought fruits and vegetables to supplement our meals. After strolling for about two hours on the Stroget and eating supper in our room, we took a bus to one of the city’s many parks to see a Vietnamese puppet show. The show was a bit juvenile, but the scenery and puppetry were playful, colorful and a treat for our eyes. We were sitting on a park bench and enjoy ing the production, all the while keeping our eyes on the overcast skies. Suddenly, we felt some droplets of rain, but with in seconds a torrential rainfall fell on us which soaked us to the bone. There was nowhere to run or to hide. The old man next to Pesi extended his umbrel la over her, which helped a bit, but I was completely drenched! At that point, we decided to continue watching the show since we could not any wetter than we were. We did leave before it was over and laughed about this experience all the way back to our room. Our main activity the next day was a walking tour that covered the main historical attractions of Copenhagen. Our guide met us by the statue of Hans Christian Andersen. Andersen was a noted and prolific Danish author who is most famous for his children’s fairy tales such as “The Ugly Duckling” and “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” He wrote over 160 fairy tales between 1835 and 1848 which were translated into 120 languag es. He is still beloved and treated as a na tional treasure. Our guide was elegantly There was nowhere to run or to hide. On the tour bus in Copenhagen in 1979 Copenhagen street sceneThe interior of Copenhagen’s Synagogue

Tivoli Gardens Amalienborg Palace, 1979At Tivoli Gardens
70 dressed as Andersen would have been in his times and conducted the tour in the guise of the famous writer. He was humorous and well versed in the histo ry and culture of Denmark. I specifically remember the tour of the Rosenberg Pal ace and the Round Tower. The tower was unusual in that horse-drawn carriages could enter on the lower level and drive up a curved incline to the roof of the tower. We also went to the top, where we had a panoramic view of a good portion of the city. The remainder of the day was spent looking into shops and relaxing in day in Copenhagen was ac tually spent in Malmo, Sweden. There is a train crossing a bridge over the Strait of Oresund, and it only takes thirty-five minutes to reach the center of Malmo. It is Sweden’s third largest city and offers many attractions for tourists. There is a large Muslim population in that city which makes up almost fifteen percent of its inhabitants. We basically walked around the city blocks and traversed two major parks. The most enjoyable part was our canal boat excursion which passed under many bridges and along buildings, both old and new, with archi tecture both of the traditional and mod ernWhengenre. we returned to Copenhagen, we knew that we had one more sight to see and experience, Tivoli Gardens. This amusement park, which opened in 1843, was much more than a venue for rides. Many, like its wooden roller coaster, are over one hundred years old. There are multiple pleasure gardens and attractive eating establishments spread over its fifteen acres. Entertainment in the form of both music and theater are daily fea tures. An aquarium, gaming arcades and pantomime productions combined with periodic festivals and parades make this an excellent place to visit. We stayed a long time and were fortunate to catch the illuminations and music of a light and sound show by the fountains followed by spectacular fireworks. We were at many amusement parks over the years, espe cially with our children, but Tivoli Gar dens was truly someplace special. We returned back to our hotel room tired but exhilarated and began packing for our return flight back home.
Hershel Lieber has been involved in kiruv activities for over 30 years. As a founding member of the Vaad L’Hatzolas Nidchei Yis roel he has traveled with his wife, Pesi, to the Soviet Union during the harsh years of the Communist regimes to advance Yiddishkeit. He has spearheaded a yeshiva in the city of Kishinev that had 12 successful years with many students making Torah their way of life. In Poland, he lectured in the summers at the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation camp for nearly 30 years. He still travels to Warsaw every year – since 1979 – to be the chazzan for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur for the Jews there. Together with Pesi, he organized and led trips to Europe on behalf of Gateways and Aish Hatorah for college students finding their paths to Jewish identity. His passion for travel has taken them to many interesting places and afforded them unique experiences. Their open home gave them opportunities to meet and develop relationships with a vari ety of people. Hershel’s column will appear in The Jewish Home on a bi-weekly basis.Radhuspladsen, 1979With our tour guide representing Hans Christian Andersen in front of the famed author’s statue

got fleishigs? theServingCatskillsandthesurroundingareas KosherGlatt

I t was a bittersweet occasion. The beautiful and stately building which had once housed the world-renowned Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin, built by the blood, sweat, and tears of its founder Harav Meir Shapiro, zt”l, was coming to life again, after sitting forlornly for over three quarters of a century. Its hallowed halls, quietly attesting to a glory that was lost, were to be filled once more with the sweet sounds of Torah and love of Yid dishkeit, albeit on a temporary basis. Its soon-to-be inhabitants, however, were far from the place they called home. The sweet, innocent faces of Camp Shuva campers betrayed genuine fear. Just a few months ago, the children lived happy “normal” lives. They enjoyed sports and games, dreaded doing home work, worried about their report cards, fought with their sisters, and looked forward to summer camp. In the past few months, though, the lives they knew have been destroyed, and cold fear has taken up residence in the pits of their stomachs. Many of the children arrived at camp without their fathers, who are not allowed to leave Ukraine. Countless fathers have already been drafted and sent to the brutal front lines. The children didn’t know if they would ever see them again. The staff, led by 24-year-old Avraham (Avromy) Ble ich, had a formidable task in front of them.
By Pinchos Friedlander
The old men were fascinated by the group of chassidim, not believing such Jews still existed. They began phys ically touching them, feeling them, to make sure they were real and not a figment of the imagination.
How It All Began The year was 1987. At the time, the Communist government still ruled the USSR with an iron fist. A small group of men from the Stoliner community of Borough Park were on a trip to visit Kiev. Among them was a recently married young man by the name of Yaakov Bleich. Yiddishkeit in Ukraine, like in the rest of USSR, was nearly extinct. There was a grand total of one shul in all of Kiev, known as the Podol syna gogue, or the Rosenberg synagogue. On Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Simchas Torah, the shul would house 33,000 people, who would come to shul for the High Holidays. The streets nearby were blocked off for the occasion. However, there was nary a young person to be seen. Due to fear of the government and their agents, the shul was attended by elderly people almost exclusively. They knew if the young generation attend ed shul, the Communists would close the shul entirely.
The Story of Ukraine’s Camp Shuva
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Yaakov was inspired by the trip and returned again a month later. Not long after, he returned yet a third time. During this third trip, one of the locals pulled at the sleeve of the young Yaakov Bleich and enjoined him to join the community and become their rabbi. They were desperate for young fresh blood, a dynamic leader who could breathe new life into the dried bones of a community withered by the ravages of communism. Yaakov politely declined their offer. Moving from the free United States to communist Ukraine was incon ceivable. But as the trip continued, the theme repeated itself. Amazingly, seemingly at random, another man and yet another approached him, singling him out from the others, and begged him to join and lead their com munity. Yaakov couldn’t ignore the phenomenon and took it as a sign from Heaven. But still, becoming a rabbi under communism was out of the question. But then, in 1991, Communism fell, and Ukraine became an independent country. Rabbi Bleich real ized the time had come. On the advice of the Stoliner Rebbe, he returned once more to Kiev, along with his wife, for three months. Those three months have now turned into 30 years. Rabbi Bleich took on the mam moth task of rebuilding Yiddishkeit in Ukraine, a young man alone. He received government recognition and was appointed chief rabbi.
In the early years, the Bleich family lived in Kiev throughout the year, with many of their children be ing raised and educated there. Eventually, the family moved back to the U.S., and now Rabbi Bleich and his children shuttle back and forth between the two coun tries.
In the ensuing years, Rabbi Bleich facilitated the complete rebuilding of the community and a net work of support. In the early years, he received fi nancial help from Moshe Reichmann, who did a tre mendous amount for Russian and Ukrainian kiruv at that time, and that got Rabbi Bleich off the ground. Recruiting volunteers, they built schools, kosher in frastructure, yeshivos, an orphanage, and shuls. As the community matured, its members assisted in the efforts. Rabbi Bleich’s network of volunteers and sup porters grew as well. And a spiritual wasteland began to bloom once more. The religious community of Rabbi Bleich grew to a few hundred families who were complete members, beside thousands more throughout Ukraine who were impacted. In addition, he raised many protégés who eventually moved out of the country, settling in big ger Jewish centers and raising frum families. Many of his students went on to become rabbis and roshei yeshivos and other prominent members of the Jew ish community. At the time that the recent war in Ukraine broke out, there were ten shuls, three differ ent boys schools, a Bais Yaakov, a yeshiva and a kol lel and an orphanage for boys and for girls, kosher grocery stores and restaurants, an old-age home, and different community programs for the Jews in Ukraine. Besides for the core community, many more are in the process of joining and coming closer. Over the years, other communities were established throughout Ukraine, including Chabad and Olami/Ner

Rabbi Bleich’s son, Avromy, runs the boys division of Camp Shuva. Avromy tells of a boy who came to camp year after year, who was very proud of his Jewish roots but consistently had zero interest in Torah and mitz vos. Avromy enjoined him to come to the Bleichs for Shabbos, but the boy kept pushing him off. Avromy was persistent, inviting him again and again. Finally, the boy agreed, just to get Avromy off his back. He came that Shabbos to the Bleich home and loved it. It blew him away. It was the first time in his life he had experi enced a real Shabbos. He came back, again and again. This boy used to visit local pubs in Kiev and rap, mak ing some money and building a network of “buddies.” But he began to embrace Judaism and that turned his buddies away. They were not interested in some reli gious “fanatic.” The boy committed himself fully to Yid dishkeit, becoming, in Avromy’s words, not just frum but “very frum.”
Avromy recalls the boy who was fascinated by com puters, but his family was too poor to buy one. Real izing that the boy had a hard time with settling down with learning and davening, Rabbi Bleich offered him as an incentive a computer of his own. In return, the boy had to learn, daven, and put on tefillin for a month.
Avromy recently asked the boy if he misses his old life. The boy confided to Avromy that while he used to rap in the bars and pubs, he really felt empty and depressed inside; behind the gaiety and fun, he really felt he had nothing to look forward to. Only since he began keeping Shabbos and kosher does he feel true inner happiness.
Sparks of Yiddishkeit Rabbi Bleich has had some notable stories involv ing his “products” over the years. One child who had attended the camp in Ukraine eventually moved to the U.S. in a hick-town far from Jewish life. The boy’s family had little interest in religion, and it seemed all Rabbi Bleich’s efforts with the boy had been for naught. However, the family had one frum neighbor, who hap pened to invite the boy for a Shabbos meal. That frum family had a custom to bench together with the wellknown “benching song.” To their astonishment, they heard the boy, whom they assumed knew nothing about Yiddishkeit, sing along with the entire song, which he had learned in Camp Shuva! After a bit of probing, the family got the “backstory,” and they soon put the boy back in touch with Rabbi Bleich, who helped him switch over to a Jewish school.
The Bleich children are very much involved, too. They grew up understanding they were part of a vi tal mission, and from a very young age, they each took part. Rabbi Bleich’s son Avromy recalls learning with men old enough to be his grandfather, when he was still a young boy. He would involve neighborhood children in various programs, too. Camp Shuva Perhaps the crown jewel of Rabbi Bleich’s kiruv empire is his summer camp, Camp Shuva, which includes a boys’ camp, a girls’ camp and then a family camp. Each program runs for three weeks. When the camp first started, Rabbi Bleich led Camp Shuva himself, assisted by volunteers he recruit ed from the United States. As the Bleich children grew older, they filled in with running the camp. Currently, his son Avromy runs the boys’ camp, and his daughter Hindy runs the girls’ division. Up until the recent war, the camps were situated in sce nic Piskivka, outside Kiev, on large, beautiful grounds, surrounded by a forest, with numerous playing fields and amenities. There, lives are transformed. So many children who have previously known little to nothing about Yiddishkeit, never heard of a yarmulka or tzitzis, are exposed to Judaism’s full beauty. Many of them are convinced to switch to religious schools, with the en couragement of the staff. For those who cannot make the switch, the camp staff keeps up with them as best as they can throughout the year. They have a Sunday program, they invite them for Shabbosim and yomim tovim, and send them emails and newsletters to keep the flame of Yiddishkeit alive in their hearts. Many of them eventually do enroll in religious schools full-time.
|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 73 L’elef. All these communities and organization work to gether for the good of the Jews in Ukraine.
Excited beyond words, the boy kept his end of the deal faithfully. When Rabbi Bleich hand ed him his computer as per their deal, the boy’s hands were literally shaking with emotion. Eventually, the boy went on to be one of the founders of PayPal. Sadly, he moved to California and did not remain committed to Torah. He does still fast on Yom Only since he began keeping Shabbos and kosher does he feel true inner happiness.

74 Kippur, though, and keeps up his connection with Rab bi Bleich.Another boy had been in camp for a few years but was never turned on to anything spiritual. Two years ago, on the last Shabbos of camp, Avromy noticed the boy alone in the camp shul, putting on tefillin. Mys tified, Avromy approached the boy and gently asked him what he was up to. Breaking down in tears, the boy explained that his parents are against religion. Be fore going to camp each year, his parents would exhort him to have a good time but forget all “the religious stuff” which to them was crazy and backwards. Up un til now, he was influenced by their pressure but after being surrounded by the intense beauty of Yiddishkeit, he felt he couldn’t anymore. His neshama was calling. Unaware that Shabbos is not a day for tefillin, he sim ply felt he needed to connect somehow to his Creator. After the summer, Avromy explained to him that al though we don’t put on tefillin on Shabbos, Hashem had tremendous pleasure from his tefillin. The boy began to come to shul on Shabbos and yom tov and became active in the community.
In the Shadow of War With the outbreak of war in Ukraine, the communi ty, and their lives, have been turned upside down. You might think of Ukraine as a backwards country, but, in fact, many areas are pretty Westernized. Ukraine is divided into regions similar to states, known as oblasts, and those oblasts with big cities like Kiev or Odessa are rich and developed. Families that lived there were settled comfortably, earning a respectable living and leading stable lives – not dreaming of the nightmare about to befall their nation. Once the war broke out, they lost everything. Many ran away from the country with a few suitcases and the shirts on their backs. Nothing else. Still, a large portion of Ukrainian men are not allowed to leave the country and rejoin their families; many are fighting on the frontlines. The communities scattered, their members fleeing in all directions. Families simply drove to the border and crossed it, ending up in remote towns in Germany with no home, no friends, and no support.
Rabbi Bleich quickly swung into action, mobilizing practically the entire community, along with the net work of support he had built up over the years. It was all hands on deck. Bus after bus was arranged to trans port families to safety. Through this, many families who were previously unaffiliated with Jewish life were now drawn into the community and began developing a connection to Yiddishkeit. The Jewish community formed into three branch es, all overseen by Rabbi Bleich simultaneously. One branch remained in Kiev, diminished but still func tioning. Another relocated to the Carpathian Moun tains, in Ukraine, but far from the war zone. And the third branch settled in Budapest, Hungary. Many more Ukrainian Jews are still all over the world, though, in Germany, Switzerland, Poland, America, Portugal, Israel, and Australia. Rabbi Bleich’s first priority was housing. Families were living in dysfunctional situations. Some were in hotel rooms, some simply sleeping in office buildings on mattresses, in random towns in Germany and else where. Rabbi Bleich rented apartments in Budapest for all “his” families, at enormous cost. A shul was set up for the Ukrainian Jews, and the community tried to piece itself together once more. This effort is ongoing; many families are still scat tered, literally around the globe. Their support system took a hit, as they had been relying to an extent on the affluent members of their own community, who now are quite preoccupied saving their own skins and can’t afford what they could in the past. At the same time, costs increased exponentially. An entire community has lost their possessions and their self-sufficiency and need material and financial support, added to the fact that their multiple locations require three sets of infrastructure. Rabbi Bleich also runs constant events, speeches, trips, and the like to keep the people, especially the chil dren, inspired and preoccupied and to take their minds off their troubles as much as possible. Among other trips, the Bleichs took the children of the community on a tour of Vienna; others were given a trip to Israel. More recently, as the heat of the battle waned some what, and shifted away from the Kiev area, some people began moving back. After all, they don’t have much else to fall back on. Avromy spoke to an individ ual who returned to Kiev from Israel. He explained that in Kiev he had a business, owned an apartment, and had a beautiful life. In Israel, he had no job and no money, he was running from apartment to apart He was crying because he was trying hard to memorize kriyas Shema, but it wasn’t working.

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 75 ment, and could not get his children into school. An effort was made to restart school in Kiev, but the Ukrainian government (understandably) will not allow a school to reopen without it having an adequate bomb shelter. Finding a building in Kiev which meets the requirement is so far out of reach. But in Dnipro, they are reopening Jewish schools and possibly in Odes sa, too. And the yeshiva in Kiev is functioning to a degree, as well. At this time, Avromy estimates that there are three shuls that are currently functioning to some degree, out of the original ten. But people are trying to have hope. They would like to think the war will soon wind down, though, of course, there is no way to really know.
Unfortunately, many of the families who scattered due to the war’s tremors are now in cities and towns with no Jewish schools and are in dan ger of ending up in local public schools. The Bleichs are working hard to bring them back and arrange for them to join the community school’s new location in Budapest. At the same time, there is an influx of new people in the community who were inspired by the war to stick together with other Jews and return to their roots.
Avromy recounts an episode of a boy who was far from Yiddishkeit. His father is not Jewish, and though he’s been coming to camp for some time, he has made little progress spiritually. This year, just after the scores of color war were announced, Avro my noticed the boy crying profusely. After the com motion of color war died down, he approached the boy, inquiring whether he was crying because his team had lost color war. The boy explained that it had nothing to do with color war. He was crying because he was trying hard to memorize kriyas Shema, but it wasn’t working. He couldn’t remember the words.
Camp Amidst Chaos As the summer neared, the Bleichs scrambled to find a new venue to replace the campgrounds back in Ukraine. This year, camp was needed more than ever, to give the children some much needed relief and a spiritual boost to lift them somewhat from their sor ry state. Due to the precarious situation, they didn’t know for sure where they will be until about two weeks before camp began. Finally, with few available options, they found the building of the former Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin for the boys’ division, and a location in Dinev, Poland, for the girls. The building of Chachmei Lublin officially belongs to the Jewish community of Poland but is administered by a non-Jewish company, which runs a hotel there. The Bleichs reached out to the chief rabbi of Poland, who gave them permission and arranged for them to use the historic and nostalgic building for the camp. Lublin, while not quite New York City, is still a rel atively modern city, and the urban atmosphere doesn’t naturally lend itself to a campy kind of feel. Avromy had to quickly put up a soccer field and basketball court behind the building and improvise as much as possible to give the children the best camp experience the circumstances would allow. And so…the three week summer program was kicked off. On staff, there was a team of thera pists, to help the children deal with their anxiet ies and fears. The counselors realized they needed to exercise extra sensitivity with the children and do their best to uplift them. The children spoke with their fathers via video call and try to keep up hope they will yet meet in person soon. Many boys would cry at night to return to their homes. Since the grounds were not ideal for a camp, this year Avromy arranged for more field trips than usual, as well as simply walking around the area so the campers didn’t feel confined by the small grounds. The campers enjoyed laser tag, paintball, and an amusement park. This year more than every year, due to all the up heaval, many children who previously had no connec tion to the Jewish community came to Camp Shuva. The staff hoped to maximize the opportunity to draw them close. The Bleichs worked arduously, and with Hashem’s help, they were able to breathe life into the children’s traumatized souls. Many children will be signing up to join a Jewish school for the first time in their lives.
Avromy tell of a woman who had been a camper at Camp Shuva and steady guest at Rabbi Bleich’s table about 20 years ago. At one point, she stopped coming, and the Bleichs lost contact with her. Once the war broke out, she suddenly reconnected with the Bleich family. Her husband was stuck in Ukraine, and she was alone in Budapest, desperate for support. She called the Bleichs crying and yet feeling terrible that it had to come to this for her to return. Rabbi Bleich invited her over to his apartment in Budapest. They made a bar mitzvah for her son, and he too attended the camp this summer. The boy is now due to begin this September in the Jewish school in Budapest.TheBleichs are also reestablishing an infrastructure in Budapest, including a yeshiva, a kollel, and all the rest, which will probably become permanent. All of this requires a bank to run. Rabbi Bleich re ceives support from the Ronald Lauder Foundation, Lazer Scheiner, Ralph Herzka, and other frum donors, as well as the World Jewish Congress and the European Conference of Jewish Rabbis. Still, much more is need ed, and the opportunity is open for more people to help inspire the sparks of the neshamos of our fellow brothers and sisters and bring them back to Yiddishkeit.


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WouldWhat You Do If…
Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.
Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW of The Navidaters
Hey, thanks for your awesome column. Me and my roommates read it every Shabbos and find the questions quite entertaining. I figured I’d send in my own. I was dating a girl for a while, and things were going well. At approximately month two of dating, I noticed that she was super verbal online on political forums. I only saw this after googling her name...I have my own political opinions and actually agree with her stances. But her need to constantly show her opinions online and fight with people on “the other side” bothered me. I also saw that she goes on back and forth for a while with these people to try and enlighten them. After stumbling upon that, I just could not find myself respecting her and broke it off. My roommates think I should have talked to her about it first. What do you guys think?
Dating Dialogue

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Let’s be honest here. Why be judg mental if you haven’t shared about her motivation for trying to enlighten other people? It sounds like she is investing time and energy, but she is not being shrill and argumentative. You get that she is trying to enlighten them. Civil conversation in the public arena is a civic virtue. At a time when people are shrill and there are serious culture wars as well a lot of antisemitism online, it could very well be that she is being appropriate, Maybe she sees it a community service and as part of responsible citizenship. On the other hand, you call it fighting with people on the other side. Tone is hard to judge and it’s easy to misconstrue when people are writing briefly on fiery top ics today. That’s another reason to have a discussion. Your comfort level could change with conversation, even though this is not your personal style. I understand your concern because political forums online tend to be nas ty environments, and the heat ratchets up exponentially when people disagree. Talking about it would have been helpful for both of you as well as your relation ship. It would also help you understand yourself. The Shadchan Michelle Mond T hank you for your compliments about our column. Let’s simplify your question. You were dating a girl seriously and then learned of her vocal online presence. After two months of building a relationship, you broke up because of this. From what you describe, you did not talk about it nor explain your reasoning for ending the shidduch. Frankly, I am more concerned about how you abruptly broke up. There is a woman out there now who just experi enced a two-month relationship with someone she trusted who will now, be cause of your lack of communication, have to work through the trauma of abandonment. Do you know how to dis cuss real issues when they arise? Too many singles play the shidduch system like some sort of video game; an alter nate reality where emotions on the oth er side don’t exist. This is a communal problem which needs to be changed from the inside. Mentors, teachers, and reebeim need to teach students the basics of proper communication, middos, and building a relationship. You risked the possibility of losing someone that could yourcommunicatebecausebeenpotentiallyhaveyourwifeyoudidn’tfeelings?
20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 80 The Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S. F irst of all, I commend you for hear ing your roommates’ positions and reconsidering previous action. Dating is a growth process in which you learn to communicate and understand yourself as well as the other person. It’s important to hear from another person why they are doing something you find objectionable or don’t under stand. This is especially true if you have invested in spending some time in get ting to know the other person. It is re spectful to have a conversation about the motivation for this kind of online com munication.
The Panel

Pulling It All Together
Your roommates are right; you should have spoken to her first.
The Single Tzipora Grodko I’m so confused. You risked the possi bility of losing someone that could have potentially been your wife because you didn’t communicate your feelings? You as sumed that you understood her intention, thoughts, ambitions, and values based on limited deductions and assumptions? How unfortunate. Especially since com munication is the foundation of a rela tionship. If you reject or turn away when something upsets you, without humbling yourself to gain insight and fight to make something work, then developing a rela tionship will be tough. You mention that you had a hard time respecting her while observing her “polit ical stance.” Quite frankly, I have a hard time respecting someone that can’t sus pend judgement for the benefit of under standing another person’s perspective, be fore choosing to believe they are “better” than them.
My father, a”h, always advised never getting into a debate about politics or re ligion, because you will never succeed in changing someone’s mind. In your case, on those subjects, you and your ex-girlfriend seemed to have similar views; however, it would just be a matter of time when other disagreements would arise. And live with someone who would turn every minor disagreement into an ongoing, back-and-forth, no-room-for-compromise, never-ending battle? You dodged a bullet, my friend.
81 Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and certified trauma healing life coach, as well as a dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in pri vate practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 718-908-0512. Visit www. for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.
At first, I thought that perhaps you should have discussed the issue with her before dump ing her. But then, I realized that: First, even if she agreed to change her ways, folks with that type of opinionated and ar gumentative personality never really change. Second, she probably would have re sponded by arguing that her online habits were just fine and none of your business. That discussion would not have ended well. And, subsequently, she could have decided to use her online skills to besmirch you, personally.Ifyouwould ever marry someone like her, you would need to have the last words in any disagreement. And those last words would have to be, “Yes, dear, you’re right.” In
The first is that you really did not care for her very much. If you were serious about her, crazy about her, and saw her as your po tential wife, you would have spoken with her and told her what was on your mind; what was concerning you. If there was true chemistry and goodness of fit, I think you would have had a hard time walking away and making such a clean break because of this issue.
The Zaidy Dr. Jeffrey Galler It’s good that you followed your instincts and broke off thatImaginerelationship.going through life with a part ner who, rather than agree to politely dis agree on some issues, will constantly try to badger and harass you into submission.
The Navidaters Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists Thank you for writ ing into the panel! Everyone is entitled to walk away from a relationship that isn’t fulfilling. Respect is a fundamental ingre dient to making a marriage work. When partners don’t respect each other, it tends to turn out poorly. Respecting who your partner is, her values and beliefs, how she spends her time and energy, is vital. It seems to be like you just couldn’t respect her need to communicate on these politi cal platforms. Or maybe it was the great lengths she took her politics to; unable to let it go and engaging in the back and forth with people ad nauseum. While some guys may have been turned on by her “passion,” you were turned off by her “intensity.” And that’s OK. To each his own. A friend of mine said the greatest line to me recently. “The first six months of a relationship are research.” This ob viously doesn’t apply in more religious circles and every circle has a differ ent “norm.” But what we can learn from my friend’s idea is that dating is about getting to know the person, and there are no guar antees it is ending in marriage. Most of the people we date will not be the one. So what I am saying is that it is OK to date someone, like a lot of things about her, and ultimately learn that she isn’t the one for you. With all that being said, here goes nothin’...... The fact that you left this woman with out so much as having had a conversation lends itself to one of two possibilities (and if there are more, please email me and correct me…).
The other possibility is that you have a hard time with endings, as many of us do, and instead of addressing things properly and having a respectful ending, you run away because being direct with another person is hard for you. And if this is the case, you are not alone. Many people are actually taught not to get into specifics with someone during a breakup. I actually be lieve that in most circumstances, with a few exceptions, it is kind to tell someone why the relationship isn’t working out. It may hurt to hear it initially, but the won dering and wondering and wondering and head-banging and soul searching I have seen from people who have been left with out a reason is so painful. So many of us don’t want to cause the other person pain, and by not communicating and being hon est, we end up causing more pain. Let me be clear... dating is painful! Rejection re ally hurts! But it is part of dating. And it is an opportunity for us to work on ourselves and to learn how to be direct and honest with dignity and class. I hope I have answered your question. I didn’t think you were asking if you should get back together. It seemed like you were asking whether it was OK to have left with out a reason. Dating is not a science. Some may disagree with me. Ultimately, we all need to do what feels right and allows us to rest our heads on our pillows with ease, knowing we’re always trying to do the right thing. We’re not always going to get it right and that’s what makes us human. We’re not here to get it right. We’re here to grow.
While fats are the highest in calo ries, this doesn’t mean that they should be avoided. The type and amount of fat being consumed is what is important when choosing a food that contains fat. When choosing foods that are “low-fat,” you should also pay attention to the added sugar and caloric intake from the carbs. For example, a low-fat muffin can be very high in carbs and sugar.
By Aliza Beer MS, RD, CDN
Health & F tness
There are three main types of fat: un saturated fat, trans fat, and saturated fat. First, unsaturated fat is the one we want to consume. These are known as being healthy because they decrease your risk for heart disease. These healthy fats come from plant sources such as avoca dos, nuts and nut butters, seeds, olives, and oils (olive, canola, safflower). They can also be found in animal sources such as fatty fish including salmon, sardines, andSecond,tuna. most trans-fat comes from hydrogenating or adding hydrogen mol ecules to unsaturated fat which produces a hydrogenated oil. This helps to increase the shelf life of the product. Consuming trans-fats increases your LDL, which is the bad, plaque-forming cholesterol, lead ing to higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and diabetes. Trans-fats can be found in margarine, shortening, baked goods, doughs, and fried foods. Third is saturated fat, which is also one of the less healthy fats. In large amounts, it is known to increase choles terol levels and your risk for heart dis ease. Decreasing the amount of saturated fat in your diet can be beneficial. Saturat ed fat is found mostly in animal sources with high fat contents such as fatty beef, lamb, poultry with skin, cream, butter, full fat cheese, and dairy. If you are interested in eating healthy and living a longer, disease-free life, then it would be advisable to avoid foods that contain trans-fats and saturated fats.
Carbohydrates Nowadays, carbs are thought of as “bad” and “not allowed” in many diets. It’s important to learn the truth behind them. When we eat carbs, they are broken down into glucose, which is the body’s main source of energy. There are also carbs that help make specific amino ac ids and allow for consistent bowel move ments. Fiber is a type of carb that can’t be broken down into sugar molecules so it doesn’t give you energy but it does rid your body of waste. It’s mainly found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and le gumes. It also helps to control blood sug ar (it doesn’t spike blood sugar like other carbs), protect your heart, maintain your digestive health, and keep you full. In or der to add fiber into your diet, try to in corporate it into breakfast, choose whole grains rather than white, and snack on fruits and veggies. There are two types of carbs: simple and complex. Fruits, along with honey, yogurt, and milk, are considered simple carbs because your body breaks them down easily for energy. Fruit contains a natural sugar called fructose, although they also have vitamins and minerals, phytochemicals, and fiber. When we eat simple carbs, our bodies break them down into glucose (a type of sugar). The sugar enters the bloodstream, which causes your blood sugar levels to rise. The pancreas will then release more insulin, which allows your cells to absorb sugar from the blood. It’s important to keep our blood glucose and insulin levels in line! Complex carbs are long strands of sugar molecules that take longer for the body to break down. The body converts these sugar molecules into glucose and uses it for energy. Complex carbs are found in grains such as rice, pasta and bread and starches such as potatoes, peas and corn. Non-starchy vegetables
Macronutrients: Building Blocks of Our Diets
82 When discussing nutrition, it is crucial to understand the role that carbohydrates, fats, and protein play in our diets. Our bodies need these macronutrients in large amounts in order to function every day. While they are all needed, they function differently in their unique roles in our bodies. Car bohydrates and protein contain 4 kilocal ories per gram, while fats contain 9 kilo calories per gram. We can see that fat is higher in calories than carbs and protein, but it does not mean that we should avoid fats. Thus, it is important to understand the roles that carbs, fats, and protein play in greater detail.

Now What? In order to maintain a healthy diet, it’s important to consume all three mac ronutrients because they provide energy and are the building blocks of your body’s structure and functions. Each one has a specific function in our body. We also need our micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) which don’t contain calories but are necessary for extracting energy from food and aiding most bodily processes.
According to the United States Depart ment of Agriculture (USDA) Dietary Guidelines, carbs should be 45-65% of your daily calories, protein should be 1035% of your daily calories, and fat should be 20-35% of your daily calories. These guidelines are very general and must be modified for each person. It’s important to keep in mind that every individual has a different lifestyle and needs. Different medications will also affect those needs. Diseases or disorders are another as pect to consider. Someone who is insu lin resistant should be eating less carbs because that would reduce the amount of insulin circulating the body. A person with heart disease should consume more unsaturated fats and less trans/saturat ed fat and cholesterol. Unsaturated fats decrease the amount of bad cholesterol in your blood and raises the good cho lesterol.Those who are athletes or highly active may often need more carbs and protein than those who are less active. They should aim for the higher end of the recommended ranges. Extra protein supports muscle building after exercise, while carbs provide calories to replenish energy stores. If you are trying to lose weight, you should consume more calo ries from protein and less from carbs. A high protein and low carb diet preserves muscle mass, improves blood sugar con trol, and lowers the risk for heart dis ease. Also, you will feel satiated quicker from protein rather than carbs. However, make sure to be mindful portion control because excess protein is usually stored as fat.Carbohydrates, fats, and protein act as three basic building blocks of food and our diets. By understanding the role that they each play, the health ben efits or risks associated with them, and our own dieting goals, we can make intelligent and healthy eating choices that provide our bodies with the proper amounts of these macronutrients.
It’s important to consume all three macronutrients because they provide energy and are the building blocks of your body’s structure and functions.
Aliza Beer is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition. She has a private practice in Cedarhurst, NY. Patients’ success has been featured on the Dr. Oz show. Aliza can be reached at, and you can follow her on Instagram at @ alizabeer.
83 like beans also have carbs, although less. Complex carbs usually have fiber unless the grain was stripped from the bran to make foods such as white pasta, bread, and rice. These carbs don’t contain much fiber, making them easier for your body to digest. Protein Protein allows your body to grow, build and repair tissues, and protect lean body mass or muscle mass. Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins. There are two types: non-essential and essen tial. Non-essential amino acids are not required to be consumed through the diet because our bodies make them on their own. Essential amino acids, however, need to be consumed via your diet so it’s important to eat foods that contain all nine of them. Protein rich foods that con tain all amino acids include meat, poul try, fish, eggs, milk, and cheese. You can also get your amino acids from plant pro tein sources such as beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, and soy as well as lower amounts in grains, vegetables, and fruits.

By Hylton I Lightman, MD DCH (SA) FAAP I t’s that time of year again. Camp is l-o-n-g over and now is “bein ha’shmashos.” The lack of structure is not an easy time for most families. How much time can Daddy and Mommy take off from work? Thankfully, it’s not open ended. School begins imminently. And there’s much to be done. Each school has its own protocol for nit-check, forms and uniform pick up as each teacher will inform parents and students about notebooks, folders and binders, and other school supplies. That’s not our focus here. Rather, I am offering my viewpoint, as a pediatri cian, what families can do to structure the beginning of the school year for a “win-win” for all. We learned from the Covid-19 pan demic that children are more likely to learn, thrive and develop appropriately when attending school in-person along side their peers. Let’s begin with the basics. These basics include ensuring that students get nutritious meals, suf ficient sleep (a topic to be covered in more depth in the future), and physical activity. These are key building blocks to academic and social success.
Further, is your child, from the youngest age through the college years, up-to-date with their well visit? Some call it the routine check-up. Your pe diatrician wants you to be healthy. In addition to making sure all systems are working normally, patients might get blood tests. Adolescents should have depression and substance abuse screen ings. It’s amazing how kids will open up. For the most part, they all want to have and celebrate success. And then there are the vaccinations. They should be up-to-date. There is no reason not to. The recent case of po lio in Rockland County, combined with the polio virus in the wastewater, is con cerning. Enough said. A word about mental health. It’s no secret that today’s world presents our children with challenges in this area. Many children and teens have experi enced mental health struggles over the past few years. Be on the lookout for any concerning changes in behavior or signs of anxiety or distress. Talk to your pediatrician. If your child has taken a vacation this summer from their ADD/ ADHD, anxiety, depression or whatev er kind of medications, now – meaning this week – is the time to resume them. Kids need time to adapt to them. What if your child has not had a medication check-up in a while? Trust me, this happens. Ideally, there should be regularly scheduled medication ap pointments because kids grow and cir cumstances change. You want to make sure that the medications are efficacious so your child can have that “win-win” mentioned above. Presently, there’s an avalanche of re quests for medication appointments. At this 11th hour, despite the importance of these medications, your physician can not just fit you in for “but-it’s-only-a-5minute-conversation” type of visit. Do ing these visits thoroughly and correctly will pay dividends. Promise. And if this means missing some school and work to make these appointments happen, then so be it. I’m happy to discuss this with any rosh yeshiva, head of school, or principal.Nodiscussion about children and adolescents and mental health can omit the topic of Bullyingbullying.orcyberbullying is when one child picks on another child repeat edly. Bullying can be physical, verbal or social, and it can happen in school, on the playground, on the school bus or anywhere, including shul, the neighbor hood, over the internet or over phones. Bullying is never to be tolerated. NY
20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 84 Health & F tness BeginningsBeautiful
Preparing for Back to School
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Stay Cool All Summer with Delicious Treats at Dolce Confections! Earn 5% on all purchases when you join our loyalty program Delivery or Curbside Pickup Available We Welcome Corporate Accounts! Proudly Serving Miele Gelato (made with Cholov Yisroel Milk) Candy & Chocolate Toppings Smoothies & Milk Shakes Frozen Yogurt Desserts Iced Coffees & Frozen Drinks 1319 Broadway, Hewlett,

Dr. Hylton I. Lightman is a pediatrician and Medical Director of Total Family Care of the 5 Towns and Rockaway PC. He can be reached at, on Insta gram at Dr.Lightman_ or visit him on Facebook These basics include ensuring that students get nutritious meals, sufficient sleep, and physical activity.
85 If your child is bullied, alert school officials to the problems and work with them on solutions. Teach your child to be comfortable with when and how to ask a trusted adult for help. Ask them to identify who they can ask for help. Further, recognize the serious nature of bullying and acknowledge your child’s feelings about being bullied. Teach your child to look the bully in the eye, to stand tall and stay calm in a difficult situation, and to walk away. Also, teach your child to say in a firm voice, “I don’t like what you’re doing. Please do not talk to me like that.” En courage your child to make friends with other children. Support outside activi ties that interest your child and validate his feelings. Also, make sure that an adult who knows about bullying can watch out for your child’s safety and well-being when you cannot be there. And monitor your child’s social media or texting interac tions so you can identify problems be fore they get out of hand. What if your child is the bully? Make sure that your children know that bullying is never okay. Set firm and consistent limits with your child’s aggressive behavior. Use non-physical discipline, such as loss of privileges. Role model how children can get what they want without teasing, threatening, or hurting someone. If the behavior persists, consult a mental health pro fessional. By now, most parents and kids have received bus cards and have set up car pools. Some kids also bicycle to school or use electric scooters. Please assure that your child has a properly fitting helmet on at all times when using these modes of transportation. A traumatic brain injury should be avoided at all costs.Electric scooters are not just a so phisticated bicycle. Just like a motorcy clist has to have a license to ride, which means that he knows the rules of the road, so, too, do our children need to know the rules of electric scooters and bicycles. It is not an innocuous vehicle. Used incorrectly, it can bring harm to self and to others. Further, make sure that the tzitzis strings are tucked inside the pants and that the long skirts are somehow secured so they do not get caught in the spokes.
Helmets. Please. And please make sure that your chil dren do NOT have on headphones or ear pods while using these modes of trans portation. It distracts them from their surroundings to which they should be paying the highest level of attention for safety reasons. They can catch up on the daf or parsha later. Invest the time to practice the bike route to school before the first day of school to make sure that your child can manage it. Know the Rules of the Road. Emphasize to your child to “Ride on the Right,” in the same direction as the cars. Use bike lanes if they are present as well as appropriate hand signals. And please respect traffic lights and stop signs. The rules are there for us all. A commercial for handwashing with soap and then drying them. This is ex cellent, basic hygiene that promotes good health and can prevent the spread of viruses. This holds true for washing hands in school, in shul, and when com ing home from wherever. Sometimes, it may be beneficial for your younger children to change their clothes when coming home from school – especially if you have small babies or toddlers in your home. For some people, beginnings are hard. But proper preparation with a good mindset can bring us and our chil dren far. As always, daven.

(Have a dumping place for school stuff. This way, if a child is missing a folder, you all know where to look. If a booklet is there for a while, you know you can prob ably toss it; just ask your child first.)
There is a theme here, and it is Being Proactive. It might sound overwhelming, but the truth is, once you get the hang of it, it makes life so much easier. Set the timer, even if it is the oven tim er. Have it ring ten minutes before every body needs to out to the school bus. Have a meeting before school with your older children and have them make a list of what they need to get done in the morning. Pretty paper and laminating will make the list feel even more important! Here is a great system to help your ear ly childhood child (through 2nd grade) own the morning routine (and if it works, make a night one, too!).
There is a theme here, and it is Being Proactive.
Children will feel less frazzled and hectic mornings will be a thing of the past.And the teachers will thank you for the calmer child you will send to school. Enjoy the rest of the summer, and hap py planning!
Using a non-pocket folder, make a flip book with your child that allows your child to see what needs to be done, and then flip the folder closed after complet ing that item. You can find images online or draw them and have your child color them in. You can use magnetic tape or VelcroOnedots.ofmy daughters used the concept in her special ed classroom, and another used the idea in her home with her chil dren.Her is a great sample fea tured on https://mamapapabubba. com/2019/07/25/morning-routine-flipchart/The more involved your children are with planning, the more they will own the issue and take responsibility where they can.
86 Dear Etti, I am a little nervous about school. It’s been pretty relaxed in my home, and everyone is in va cation mode. How to I make sure we begin school on the right foot? I cringe as I remember last year and the hectic mornings we faced day after day. I asked the bus driver to wait a little too often, and then I had to drive kids to school on some days. I would appreciate your help and-Anxiousguidance.Mom DearYouMom,arenot alone! It is a big transition to move from the summer no-schedule to the school schedule. Here are some tips that might help: Have breakfast/lunch/snack planned the night before, as much as you can. The decision factor is a time waster for most children. Does your fam ily do yogurt? Cereal and milk? Eggs? Put out the bowls and cereal on the table the night before. Put the frying pan and spat ula on the counter, ready to be used. Have children enter the kitchen with breakfast ready to eat. The most important part, all teachers will tell you, is that your child eats break fast, even if it is breakfast-to-go (bag of cereal and a yogurt with a straw to eat on the way). Teachers cannot expect to teach hungry students, and hungry students are like cars without fuel. Do you pack lunches? Prepare snacks? Think of how you can streamline the process. Snacks can be chosen the night before. Many lunches can be made the night before, or on Sunday for the week! But please, pack what your child will eat. Teachers know how vital food is to your child’s healthy development, but they do not want to be busy trying to convince your son/daughter to eat when they must supervise the rest of the class as well. Have clothing laid out the night before. Your children can do this them selves. Even children who struggle with organization can follow a list (or drawing) of what should be laid out in the desig nated place. Put shoes on the floor near the clothing and precious minutes will be saved in the early morning rush. Have a designated homework spot (even if it is the dining room table). This will allow your child, and you, to no tice if something was not put back in the knapsack to bring back to school.
School of Thought Hectic Mornings
By Etti Siegel New ColumN!
EttiMrs. Etti Siegel holds a MS in Teaching and Learning/Educational Leadership and brings sound teaching advice to her audiences culled from her over 35 years of teaching and ad ministrative experience. Etti was an Adjunct Professor at Aspen University and at Concor dia College of NY and is now an Adjunct at the College of Mount Saint Vincent/Sara Shenir er. She is a coach and educational consultant for Catapult Learning and HigherSchools/ FACTS Education Solutions, is a sought-after mentor and workshop presenter around the country, and a popular presenter for Sayan (a teacher-mentoring program), Yachad/OU, Hidden Sparks, and the Consortium of Jewish Day Schools. She is a frequent contributor to Hamechanech Magazine and The Journal of Jewish School Leadership. She will be writing weekly for The Jewish Home. Mrs. Siegel can be reached at

|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 87

By Sara Rayvych, MSEd W e’re in that awkward tran sition between summer and camp. It’s still warm and in viting outside yet the kids are already comparing their starting days. Over the next two to three weeks, our communi ty’s children will slowly begin the next schoolThisyear.isa bittersweet time that each family marks in their own way. Some families take advantage of each moment and enjoy trips and family time. Other families keep a relaxed atmosphere in the home, allowing the children to have some last minute time to themselves. Then there are other families, like in one local community, where the moth ers on the block had a long-standing custom to spend the first day of school sharing a relaxing coffee together – ev ery parent misses their child differently. The summer is naturally more relax ing and leisurely. We take advantage of the beautiful weather to enjoy sports, swimming, and outdoor recreation. Even our schedules are more laid back during those summer months – bedtime gets looser and meals get off-schedule. Between camp and summer trips, late-night get-togethers, and evening swims, the time before school is often spent getting kids back on track before the rigorous school schedule starts. For many families, this is an unpleasant chore that gets postponed till the last minute. Who can blame them? Children need to be dragged in – practically kick ing and screaming – from the sunshine and lush grass. Enjoy The Weather
Getting Back On Track
I will start this section by clarifying the difference (in my humble opinion) between schedule and routine. I feel the distinction is important because while children need both, some need more of one than the other. Routine is consistently doing some thing in a particular order or way; it is not necessarily time dependent. An ex ample of this is a bedtime routine for a toddler. It may consist of dinner, bath time, brushing teeth and a story in bed. The toddler has no concept of the time on the clock but knows from the routine that bedtime is coming. Schedule is more strictly time de pendent and less focused on the order of events. An example of an adult’s schedule may involve consistently hav ing lunch at or around 12:45 but may then be followed by any of a number of things, including grocery shopping, laundry or exercise. Teenagers, in par ticular, may look more at the clock and less at their toothbrush to know when lights go out. Some may need reminders to begin their bedtime tasks at a certain time to help them get into bed punctu ally, but they’re still using the clock to guideMostthemselves.human bodies can be pro grammed to work within a certain con sistent pattern. Our bodies can learn to
Let’s take some time to enjoy the weather before we get back into winter gear. It’s necessary to get the children prepared for the new year but we can’t forget that outdoor time is important, too. Everyone – especially growing bod ies – needs fresh air, exercise and sun light. We still have time before school starts and the kids should take full ad vantage of those final swimming laps and last-minute baseball games. Even once school begins there are still more daylight hours for children to play outdoors. Usually there is less homework and tests earlier in the year and that extra time is the perfect op portunity for after-school outdoor play. Making a point to prioritize the warmer weather and longer daylight hours is a great way to start the school year in a healthy and fun way. We quick ly get so caught up in the new school year that we can forget to enjoy the rest of the summer.
20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 88 Parenting Pearls Getting Back on Track

Having a relatively consistent time that our children are expected to be in bed, wake up, and do other tasks is the main way we can help reprogram those little bodies to be ready in time for the school bus or carpool
I want to wish all the families in our community a wonderful school year full of bracha, success, and all around growth. Sara Rayvych, MSEd, has her master’s in general and special education. She has been homeschooling for over 10 years in Far Rockaway. She can be contacted at Rayvy
89 go to sleep and wake up at similar times each day. Our bodies can also learn to anticipate mealtimes and other expect ed events throughout the day, for exam ple, becoming hungry at mealtimes. We can readily see the advantages of being able to sleep, wake up, and eat at the ap propriate times of day. Children thrive on routine. It gives stability and an awareness of what’s to come. This is particularly important for the younger ones who have less time awareness than their older siblings. The body of a child with a somewhat struc tured bedtime routine will instinctive ly begin to relax and settle down as the routineHavingprogresses.arelatively consistent time that our children are expected to be in bed, wake up, and do other tasks is the main way we can help reprogram those little bodies to be ready in time for the school bus or carpool. Now is the time to begin that program of calmly setting bedtimes, mealtimes, and all the other myriad of activities our children will need to get their day flowing smoothly. If we only begin the day before school begins, their bodies will still be out-ofsync with our hoped-for schedule. Many of those tasks don’t need to be at an exact time. If dinner happens between 6 and 7, that is often close enough. A 7:05 meal will not make the world explode. Life happens and we need to work with what Hashem gives us each day. Learning to be flexible is another life skill that we can emulate for our children. Meeting Unique Needs Each child has their own internal clock, and we should respect that when scheduling their needs. Some kids will naturally require more sleep than oth ers or need an extra snack thrown into the day. Your child’s pediatrician can help guide you on how much sleep, food, or anything else each of your children should have; age and other factors can affect those needs. Removing devices and distractions from their room may be necessary for some, while other children may benefit from having reading material, gentle music, or a noise machine available. Kids are very unique and what will re lax one child will just irritate another. Hopefully, those two children aren’t roommates.Wealsoshould remember that some children benefit more from a strong rou tine, while others need a more strictly clock based day. While the younger they are the more they need routine, that for mula isn’t an exact one. Personalizing it to the child can most effectively pro gram each child’s body. Some children may have trouble with regulating themselves, including falling asleep, being hungry or satiat ed, or meeting any other of their basic needs at the appropriate times. If this happens consistently, then a call to their physician can be helpful. There are a number of reasons this can happen, and a professional can help guide you.
A new school year is an exciting time for children and parents alike. While some children may be nervous, it is combined with the promise of a fresh year and new beginnings.

Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.
Preheat grill to high.
As Labor Day approaches, families will be firing up their grills for one of the last barbecues of the season.
3. Place wings in a single layer on the hot grill, turning once halfway through the cooking, until browned and crispy.
2. In a large bowl, toss together wings, salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder.
A barbecue at our place must always have wings on the menu, and this is one of my family’s favorites. Dijon mustard tablespoons tomato paste
◦ 4
5. Toss baked wings in glaze to fully coat.
Ingredients Baked Wings ◦ 4 lbs. chicken wings ◦ 2 teaspoons kosher salt ◦ 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper ◦ ¼ tsp cayenne pepper ◦ 2 teaspoons garlic powder Beer Glaze ◦ 2 cloves garlic ◦ ¼ inch ginger, grated, or 2 frozen ginger cubes ◦ ½ teaspoon pepper flakes ◦ 1 cup stout beer ◦ ½ cup honey ◦ 1 tablespoon
4. Meanwhile, prepare the beer glaze: Combine all glaze ingredients in a small pot. Bring to a boil; lower heat and simmer for about 5 minutes, until slightly thickened.
20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 90 Beer Glazed Wings Meat / Yields 10 servings By Naomi Nachman In The K tchen

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Throughout these past two years, SBA has been very popular with PPP and EIDL, but nobody knows that SBA has been around since the 1950s. The 7(a) was created to help small businesses obtain financing, because, historically, banks do not like to lend money to small busi nesses. So, they created the 7(a) program, which I would say is the most flexible and versatile loan program out there. It can be used to refinance debt, purchase invento ry, buy a business, buy out a partner, buy real estate for your business and get 100% financing. It’s almost like the Swiss Army knife of loan products, there’s many dif ferent uses for it. Typically, when some one calls us up, that’s the number one go-to loan that they would need because of its versatility. So, now let’s turn to the 504. What is the 504 loan? The 504 is more specific. It is the most comparable to conventional fi nancing. However, it is specifically for fixed assets. So, if somebody wanted to buy a piece of property for their busi ness, they could use the 504 program. If somebody wants to buy heavy machin ery for their company, they could use the 504 program. And in that program, you ultimately end up with two separate loans, and part of the loan is a fixed rate. Typically, or at least in today’s day, it’s a bit cheaper than the conventional fi nancing. The appeal of the 504 program is you could put down 10%. Anybody who is familiar with real estate investing, or wants to get a loan against real estate, knows that 90% financing is a lot. And that is the main difference. The 504 pro gram can get you 90% financing but spe cifically for fixed assets.
20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 92 Yankie Markowitz: “We Live and Breathe SBA Loans” Mind Y ur Business O n a recent 710 WOR “Mind Your Business” broadcast, Yitzchok Saftlas (YS) spoke with Yankie Markowitz (YM), CEO of SBA Loan Group. * * * YS: What are the typical industries that SBA Loan Group services?
YM: SBA has more industries that are eligible for SBA financing than there are those that are not. We deal, historical ly, with a lot of e-commerce businesses. When we got into the business, we real ized e-commerce is a very hard business to finance. Banks do not like e-com merce. Typically, when somebody gets a line of credit, it’s going to be based off their accounts receivables, not so much their inventory. But the SBA allows for e-commerce companies. So, we focus on trying to find banks that would do loans for e-commerce companies. We deal with manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and believe it or not, we do a lot of busi ness with attorneys, accounting firms, marketing firms, the list goes on and on. SBA does not allow you to lend to companies that lend money. You cannot borrow money to lend to somebody else or for passive income investments like real estate. I get a lot of calls for real estate. If I could do it, I’d be very wealthy, but it’s only for your business. But there’s more businesses that are eligible than busi nesses that are not. SBA is a cash flow lender. So, it’s not necessarily about your receivables or your inventory. SBA looks at: can you afford to pay us back? Perhaps we could spend some time talking about the 7(a) loan.
T his column features business insights from a recent “Mind Your Business with Yitzchok Saftlas” radio show. The weekly “Mind Your Business” show –broadcasting since 2015 – features interviews with Fortune 500 executives, business leaders and marketing gurus. Prominent guests include John Sculley, former CEO of Apple and Pepsi; Dick Schulze, founder and Chairman Emeritus of Best Buy; and Beth Comstock, former Vice Chair of GE; among over 400+ senior-level executives and business celebrities. Yitzchok Saftlas, president of Bottom Line Marketing Group, hosts the weekly “Mind Your Business” show, which airs at 10pm every Sunday night on 710 WOR and throughout America on the iHeartRadio Network.

“It’s almost like the Swiss Army knife of loan products, there’s many different uses for it.”
|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 93 So, you could wind up getting a much larger loan through the 504 over 7(a). Correct. The 504 will be typically used above $5 million. The 7(a) caps out of $5 million. So, the 7(a), as I said before, is the Swiss army knife of loans. It is a fantastic product. Anything you want, if you have working capital, you’re going to use the 7(a). The 504 is specifi cally for real estate. In the 504 program, we’re going to get 90% financing to buy a piece of property. In the 7(a) program, we can get 100% financing to buy a property plus working capital or inventory financ ing. You cannot use the 504 program for anything other than a fixed asset, such as real estate or heavy machinery. So, the main differences I would say are the versatility of the 7(a) versus the 504 and the fixed rate on the 504 versus the nonfixed rate on the 7(a). Let’s say a business is an owner-oc cupied type of business, it has the real estate, which one would you say that they should apply for? That would depend on what the busi ness is trying to accomplish. Every busi ness has its own challenges. The business owners have their own risk tolerance. So, most people who are in an inventory type of business, not a service business, have to buy a product and sell it. Money is valuable to them. So, if they’re going to buy a building for $4 million and for the 504 program they have to put down $400,000, it’s a simple calculation. How much money can I make having that $400,000 in my pocket, reinvesting it in my business, and growing my business further, than just parking it into real estate. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea to park money into real estate, however, that $400,000 typically brings them X amount of dollars a year. So, it’s much smarter for that individual to use the 7(a) program.Ifhe’s somebody who’s a service pro vider, he may not need capital, unless he’s going on a marketing campaign. If he’s expanding and hiring new employ ees or maybe wants to open up an office in California, in that scenario, he may use the 504. I want to split my question into two. Number one is, when do you rec ommend that someone starts think ing about reaching out to a firm like yours? Number two is, from experi ence, what is the normal timeframe it takes from when they go ahead and process a loan until they see the money? Truth be told, every good business owner should at least sit down by him self, or with his accountant, and actual ly look at their company, look at them selves, and figure out where they are going. What are they trying to accom plish this year? And if somebody wants to do that, wondering how they grow their business and think about that prop erly, then give us a call. We can tell you what is available based on your cash flow. Each individual business is unique. I could deal with two businesses that are in the same industry and they’re worlds apart. We can see that in our children, right? They come from the same exact place. I myself am a twin and I’ll tell you what, we’re very much alike, but we’re also very different. So, everybody’s unique. It’s almost like creating a cus tom-made suit. You’ve got to take the measurements. One person may be topheavy, one person may be bottom-heavy. But it does take time, a typical loan in our firm takes about two months to pro cess. So, from start to finish, it’s typi cally two months, sometimes three. But the industry standard is probably eight to thirteen months for SBA loans. Can you tell us a little bit about the Community Development Corpora tion (CDC)? The CDC is, I would say, the liaison. In Jewish terms, it’s the mashgiach, and SBA is the hechsher. The CDC is respon sible for overlooking each individual loan before it gets to SBA in the 504 program. As anybody with a business who’s tried to apply for PPP or EIDL and got stuck knows, SBA doesn’t have the manpower to process every single application. So you go through the CDC, first. They are trained and understand SBA. SBA is all theyTheydo. have to see, number one, if you have a bank that’s willing to give you their portion of the loan. Two, you meet all of SBA criteria. Three, there are no hidden sequences, secrets in the back ground, background checks, etc. And once you meet all of the criteria from SBA, and that’s the SOP (standard oper ating procedure) which is updated every year, then and only then do you go to the SBA for its approval. Once the SBA approves it, they come back to the CDC. Nobody gets to speak to the SBA besides the CDC – not the bank, not the client, just the CDC. Direct communication When you’re dealing with different CDCs, a lot of them get lost in transla tion. You need a man on the ground. I myself, actually, I’m on the board of a CDC called RBAC. We are the largest CDC in New Jersey, second largest in New York, and I’m also on the loan com mittee. So, I get to see all the loans that come through New Jersey, whether it’s mine or not, before it’s approved, and I actually have to vote on them to see if it’s eligible or not. So, how has the industry changed over the years? I imagine certainly the last two years have upended the norms. Well, the industry is constantly changing, just like any industry con stantly changes, right? E-commerce af ter the pandemic changed. Thankfully, a lot of our clients were in e-commerce, so that grew well. The SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) that I mentioned earlier is the Bible, if you will, of SBA. The Ten Commandments but with 500 pages. Throughout the year, they con stantly send out updates. And every year they give out a formal update. During the pandemic as an example, the SBA cre ated a whole new questionnaire. What happened during the pandemic? What will happen in the future? A lot of banks today, not all of them, but many still look at that guideline. One of their questions is, “If there’s another pandemic, how is your business going to be able to move forward?” Some businesses can’t, they just simply have to shut down. We have a lot of people in the food industry, that was a very good business to be in. You had a lot of people in e-commerce, a very good business to be in. Manufacturers, even though the supply chain has been bottlenecked, they did, thank G-d, very well. For a business owner looking to scale, what’s the advantage of going to SBA Loan Group over trying to do it yourself? A traditional SBA loan is done through a bank. As I said before, the CDC communicates with SBA, you never do. A bank is the one who lends you the money. The SBA gives the bank a guar antee, that if you default, they’re going to pay back X percentage of the loan. The reason why it’s important to go to a broker, particularly SBA Loan Group, is that we only deal with SBA financing. That’s all we do. You want to come to me about refinancing your house, that’s not me. We specifically live and breathe this every single day. This question has been brought up to me many times, and a good example of how to explain it is when somebody has to defend themselves in court, wheth er it’s a traffic violation, or, G-d forbid, something worse. The law allows you to represent yourself, yet people take attor neys. Why? Because you may say some thing that you shouldn’t, you may high light something that you really shouldn’t when pointing somewhere else would be a lot better for you. It’s the same as with a broker. When I go to buy a property, I always use a real estate broker. I have connections with 50-60 banks out there, personal connections. I could call up the CEO. I don’t do that. I go to somebody who specializes in that field. And in this case, it’s us.

There’s only so much Netflix and “Tiger King” people could watch. So, you know, they were getting back into hobbies, and clearly sports collecting was a part of that.
- Chris Ivy, the director of sports auctions at Heritage Auctions, which just ran the bidding on a Mickey Mantle card that sold for $12.5 million – the most ever paid for a card
It’s very unfair to have a truck driver have to pay back a loan for somebody that got like a PhD in gender studies. That’s not fair. That’s not right.
- Author and podcast host Ryan James Girdusky, in response
Ironically, if all 3.27 million Trump voters in NY voted for @leezeldin in November, it would be enough votes to beat Kathy Hochul.
- Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-N.Y.) at a campaign event calling for all Republicans to leave New York
We’re here to say that the era of Trump and Zeldin and Molinaro – just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong. Get out of town. You don’t represent our values.
Notable Quotes “Say What?!”
- Gov. Ron DeSantis criticizing President Biden’s loan forgiveness program If they’re producing people that went deep into debt, and their degree is not worth anything, and they’re not able to make enough money to pay it back, well, then, that’s on them. – Ibid.

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- Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.
What a dope I am.
- Veteran Joey Jones, who lost his legs in Afghanistan, tweeting about President Biden’s plan to cancel student loan debt
Pouring roughly half trillion dollars of gasoline on the inflationary fire that is already burning is reckless. Doing it while going well beyond one campaign promise ($10K of student loan relief) and breaking another (all proposals paid for) is even worse.
I cannot believe I gave two legs for my tuition.
- Ibid., responding to criticism from President Biden that he is encouraging violence
Doesn’t that encourage violence?
- Democrat Kristen Gonzalez after winning her primary for the New York state senate
For that amount of money, you could fund free Pre-K for every 3- and 4-year-old for 10 years. You’d do a lot more good for poor people, communities of color and the underprivileged by doing Pre-K. You could forgive all medical debt, which unlike student debt is not freely entered into. So Democrats, I’m a progressive, I want to help folks. But I think this is terrible policy.
I’ll say this, if there is a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information after the Clinton debacle, there will be riots in the street.
I reject violence. But, Mr. President, you need to talk to the vice president of the United States, your vice president, about bailing out rioters.
- Longtime Democratic strategist Paul Begala on CNN, trashing President Joe Biden forgiving student debt
Today we really proved that socialism wins! We are not going anywhere, and we will not stop until we see a socialist slate across this city!
- Tweet by Jason Furman, who served as chairman of the president’s Council of Economic Advisers during the Obama administration.

The FBI, I think basically came to us – some folks on our team – and was like, “Hey, um, just so you know, like, you should be on high alert. There was the — we thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election. We have it on notice that basically there’s about to be some kind of dump of — that’s similar to that. So just be vigilant.”
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– Tennis player Bianca Andreescu to the umpire at the U.S. Open, asking for a break so she could change out of an uncomfortable Nike outfit
The Republicans don’t just threaten our
Can this not count as one of my changeovers because, I mean, it’s not my fault, it’s Nike’s fault. This dress is so bad.
- Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg telling Joe Rogan that his company buried the Hunter Biden laptop story because the FBI warned him that it was Russian disinformation, even though it turns out that the story was true

By David Ignatius
Clarke then talked about the moral cost, not simply for the victims, but for the Americans who pulled the triggers.
Political Crossfire
(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group
America’s wars in the Middle East took a terrible toll. It’s good that one result is a new code that says, in the words of Aus tin’s directive last week: “The protection of civilians is a strategic priority as well as a moral imperative.” War changes coun tries, usually for the worse. But here’s one change that’s for the better.
“I believe that over 99% of the time, our Special Operations Forces did the right thing,” Clarke told me. “They made tough calls, and they dealt with the re sults afterwards. But mistakes inside our community are made sometimes. Humans are fallible.” The stresses were aggravated, he said, “because SOF’s ca pabilities were highly valued. We were spread pretty thin, constantly deployed throughout combat zones.”
“Time is of the essence, and you’re looking at targets through a soda straw to determine whether they are valid targets.”
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For officers such as Clarke, who com manded the warriors at the sharpest point of America’s military spear, this rethinking of civilian casualties goes to the heart of their profession as soldiers. He told me in an interview on Friday that he had come to recognize that avoiding civilian harm is both an operational and moral imperative. The United States cannot fight the way Russia is doing in Ukraine, oblivious to the civilian cost, and succeed.
W hen Gen. Richard Clarke retires this month as head of U.S. Special Operations Command, he will depart with a chest of hard-earned combat medals – but also with the recognition, now widely shared by his colleagues, that too many civilians died unnecessarily in America’s two de cades of war in the Middle East. This reckoning with the cost of war is overdue. For too long, the Pentagon re jected reports of civilian deaths in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria as false claims or enemy propaganda. But it’s an admirable quality of the U.S. military that leaders such as Clarke have now acknowledged that something went badly wrong in ca sualty assessments and are trying to fix it. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin last week announced a new plan for “civilian harm mitigation” to avoid disasters such as the August 2021 strike in Kabul that was meant to kill an Islamic State terror ist but instead struck a van carrying an innocent nongovernmental organization worker and seven children. That was just one notorious incident. Senior Pentagon officials know there were dozens, maybe hundreds more.
The Special Operations Forces that Clarke has led, known as “SOF” in Pen tagonese, have carried the heaviest load in America’s Middle East wars. They did the toughest work of fighting and killing in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Some times, as in the case of Navy SEAL Ed die Gallagher, the cycle of combat had a corrosive effect. Gallagher was convicted by a military court for posing in a trophy picture with the corpse of a dead Islamic State prisoner in Iraq. But he was hard ly the only SOF warrior who crossed the lines in those 20 years.
The U.S. Military’s Overdue Reckoning with Civilian Casualties
“We cannot create another generation of terrorists because we have been lax in our procedures and have unnecessarily harmed civilian bystanders.”
“You injure the individuals who are call ing in those airstrikes,” he explained. “They have to live with themselves the rest of their lives. Living with that can sometimes have long-term effects re sulting in behavioral and psychological issues that I don’t want our soldiers, sail ors, airmen and Marines to have to go through.”Clarke recalled the commander’s di lemma from his days as a two-star Army general when he oversaw U.S. and Iraqi troops pushing Islamic State fighters from the Euphrates Valley. He wanted to trust that Iraqi partners were accurate when they requested fire support against the enemy. “Time is of the essence, and you’re looking at targets through a soda straw to determine whether they are valid targets,” he recalled. Those assess ments weren’t always right.
After the Gallagher case made head lines in 2019, Clarke ordered a compre hensive review of SOCOM – SEALs, Army Rangers, Marine Raiders, and oth er Special Forces. I described in a column last December how that review – and an intensive internal effort by SEALs com mander Rear Adm. H. Wyman Howard III – helped restore standards within that elite Navy force.
Clarke began our conversation by ex plaining the combat logic of avoiding ci vilian deaths. “If we work in and amongst the population in places like Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, our people on the ground, usually with partner forces, have to be trusted to do the right thing,” he said.

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Political Crossfire What Fauci Got Wrong
By Marc A. Thiessen is Still Costing
America’s Children
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I f you want proof that Anthony Fau ci has no idea of the damage done by the pandemic lockdown policies he advocated, here it is: Asked by Fox News’s Neil Cavuto last week if he re grets the school closures that kept kids out of the classroom and “forever dam aged them,” Fauci replied, “I don’t think it’s forever irreparably damaged anyone.” His ignorance and lack of remorse are stunning.“Children fell far behind in school during the first year of the pandemic and have not caught up,” writes David Leonhardt of the New York Times. One study by Harvard’s Center for Education Policy Research found that students who stayed home for most of 2020-2021 lost the equivalent of about 50% of a typical school year’s math learning. Black and Hispanic students, as well as students in schools with high poverty rates, were disproportionately damaged. A 2021 McKinsey & Company study found that schools with majority Black popula tions were six months behind in math and reading. A March Brookings study found that test-score gaps between stu dents in low-poverty and high-poverty elementary schools grew approximately 20% in math and 15% in reading during the 2020-2021 school year. Curriculum Associates found that schools serving majority Black and Latino students re ported “almost double the amount of un finished learning” in third-grade reading and math than did schools where the ma jority of students were White. This damage is irreparable: If kids don’t learn to read and do basic math, they can’t perform expected work in sub sequent grades and will fall further and further behind. The cumulative learning losses, McKinsey noted, could reduce students’ lifetime earnings by $49,000 to $61,000. And a study by professors from Yale, Northwestern, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Amsterdam projects that “one year of school closures will cost ninth graders in the poorest communities a 25% de crease in their post-educational earning potential.”Noserious person disputes the ir reparable damage from school closures – except Fauci. Lockdowns produced the “largest increase in educational in equity in a generation,” Thomas Kane, an author of the Harvard study, told the Times. “We haven’t seen this kind of aca demic achievement crisis in living mem ory,” says Michael Petrilli, president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute. The American Academy of Pediatrics last October declared a pandemic-induced national state of emergency for children’s mental health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the number of emergency room visits for suspected suicide attempts by girls ages 12 to 17 rose 51% from early 2019 to the same period of 2021.
Fauci told Fox News he was “one of the people that said we have to do ev erything we can to get the children back in school.” But in 2020 he argued for na tionwide school closures and criticized Republican governors such as Florida’s Ron DeSantis who resisted them, warn ing that if “you don’t have a real good control over an outbreak and you allow children together, they will likely get in fected.” That summer, as students were supposed to be returning for the 20202021 school year, he urged that while the “default position” should be to open schools, this should apply to students in areas where transmission was low, while those in higher-risk zones should still be in hybrid or virtual learning. Yet accord ing to Brown University economist Emily Oster, we had known for some time that schools were not super-spreaders, even in high-risk areas. Fauci’s caveats gave an excuse for teachers unions to resist a return to in-person learning and ulti mately kept millions of kids out of the classroom.Moreover, school closures were root ed in the failure of the public health es tablishment – which Fauci helped lead – to recognize that kids were the least vulnerable to Covid. Schools were shut down because children are usually the most vulnerable to a contagion. But we now know that Covid is generally no more dangerous for kids than a typical flu. Indeed, Leonhardt says that “flu can be deadlier for children than Covid has been, even though most children receive a flu vaccine.” A 2021 German study found zero deaths from Covid among healthy 5- to 17-year-olds from March 2020 to May 2021. Zero. Far from being vectors of transmission, schools were among the safest places to be in some areas – because the Covid case rate for students and staff in schools was lower than in the community. School closures were just one element of Fauci’s disastrous pandemic lead ership. From January to March 2020, Fauci incorrectly assured us the virus was not spreading in the United States when, in fact, it was spreading like wild fire. Then he told us not to wear masks because “people keep fiddling with the mask and touching their face,” which could make them sick. A few months lat er, he admitted that he said this because “masks were in very short supply” – and he wanted to save them for health-care workers. His tenure encompassed cata strophic failures of detection, testing and masking, and he championed lockdown policies that had little to no effect on Covid-19 mortality but imposed enor mous economic and social costs we are still paying to this day. Never has anyone who got so much wrong for so long been so lionized as An thony Fauci.
(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group

Political Crossfire
Biden’s Loan Forgiveness is an Act of Stolen Valor
Now Biden is using a law designed for active-duty service men and women as a pretext to provide loan forgiveness for those who never wore the uniform.
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(c) Washington Post Writers Group
Third, it is unfair. Millions of parents sacrificed and took on extra work to make sure their kids didn’t start their adult lives in debt. Countless students who did take out loans made sacrifices to repay them –or chose to attend community college or less expensive state schools so as not to load themselves up with debt they could not afford. Now Biden is telling these re sponsible Americans that they must pay off the loans of those who made irresponsible decisions?
By Marc A. Thiessen
First, it is inflationary. As former Obama economic adviser Jason Furman put it, “Pouring roughly half [a] trillion dollars of gasoline on the inflationary fire that is already burning is reckless.” At a time when Americans say that one of their top concerns is lifting the crushing weight of the worst inflation in four decades, why would Biden do something to make infla tionSecond,worse? it’s regressive. It provides up to $40,000 to a married couple making $249,000 a year and pays for the graduate loans of law, medical and business school students. Biden wants blue-collar workers who did not attend college to subsidize the higher education of white-collar profes sionals. Under his plan, hospital cafeteria workers will pay for the loans of doctors and nurses; elementary school janitors will pay for the loans of well-to-do parents; auto mechanics will cover the loans of cus tomers whose luxury cars they fix. It is a reverse-Robin Hood plan that steals from the poor to give to the rich. If you wanted proof that Democrats are no longer the party of the working class but a party of the elites, look no further than this.
Fourth, it’s unaffordable. According to the nonpartisan Penn Wharton Bud get Model, Biden’s plan will cost at least $605 billion and “could exceed $1 trillion.” Biden just got through boasting how his so-called Inflation Reduction Act would reduce the deficit. Then a few days later, he announces up to $1 trillion in unpaid-for spending, which nullifies all the alleged deficit reduction he claimed credit for just a few days ago? Fifth, it’s unconstitutional. Biden’s plan is a direct assault on Congress’s power of the purse. As House Speaker Nancy Pelo si, D-Calif., explained in July 2021: “Peo ple think that the president of the United States has the power for debt forgiveness. He does not. He can postpone, he can de lay, but he does not have that power. That has to be an act of Congress.” Now Pelo si has flip-flopped and is backing Biden’s power grab. She was right the first time. How can the president of the United States unilaterally spend up to a trillion dollars of the taxpayers’ money? But here is the worst part of all: Biden’s plan is an act of stolen valor. He is claim ing authority for student-loan forgiveness by invoking the 2003 Heroes Act – a law passed after the 9/11 attacks to support the men and women mobilized to fight terror ists and to make sure that they did not de fault because of their military service. The law explicitly states that it is designed to help the “hundreds of thousands of Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guard reservists and members of the Na tional Guard [who] have been called to active duty or active service” and asked to “put their lives on hold, leave their fami lies, jobs, and postsecondary education in order to serve their country.” It authorizes the secretary of education to modify or for give their postsecondary loans on a caseby-case basis “in connection with a war or other military operation or national emer gency, regardless of the location at which such active duty service is performed.” In 2007, when Congress made the Heroes Act permanent, it explicitly reiterated that it was acting to address “the unique situa tions that active duty military personnel and other affected individuals may face” (emphasis added). Now Biden is using a law designed for active-duty service men and women as a pretext to provide loan forgiveness for those who never wore the uniform. Indeed, he is giving students who did not serve broader benefits than those who did. In so doing, he is effectively turning an entire generation of Americans into military im postors – receiving the benefits of military service they did not render. Imagine if he found a loophole in the GI Bill to allow stu dents who did not serve to obtain the same military scholarships as veterans. There would be widespread outrage. This is no different. The bill is called the Heroes Act for a reason. Americans who take out loans they can’t afford to repay are not heroes –and should not be treated as if they were. So yes, Biden’s plan is inflationary, regressive, unfair, unaffordable, and unconstitutional. But worst of all, it is un-American – because it is an affront to all the servicemembers who risked their lives on the field of battle to keep the rest of us safe.
There are many good reasons to op pose President Joe Biden’s plan to forgive student debt.

Avi Heiligman is a weekly contribu tor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for fu ture columns and can be reached at
Abd changed his name to the more Israeli name of Amos Yarkoni and soon made contacts within the Haganah. In the years leading up to the Israeli War of In dependence, Yarkoni kept up with Moshe Dayan and in late 1947 decided to join the Jewish fighting forces. After spending time in other units, Yarkoni was assigned to the Minorities Unit in late 1948. Known for his tracking and patrolling skills, he was sent to the border where he used to capture infiltrators from the neighboring Arab countries. Twice wounded, Yarkoni lost his left hand and injured his leg in separate incidents. In 1953, he passed the officers course and became the commanding officer of the Minorities Unit. Two years later, the IDF was looking for an officer to create a force to combat the attacks on communities that were be ing attacked from the Gaze Strip and the lower part of the West Bank. Yarkoni was recommended by the senior commander of the Southern Command, and he set up the Shaked Unit. He was able to take a rel atively small unit and with good tactical skill was able to patrol a large amount of border land. It was during a 1959 opera tion when he lost his hand while pursuing a band of terrorists nears Ashkelon. He stayed with the unit for several years and began recruiting members for the count er-terrorism unit from the paratroopers. They were tasked with capturing spies, terrorists, saboteurs, guerillas, and any others who tried crossing the border with nefarious intentions. Many soldiers did not know that Yar koni wasn’t Jewish. In 1969, he was pro moted to lieutenant colonel and retired soon afterwards. For his invaluable ser vice to the IDF, he was awarded the Medal of Distinguished Service. The only woman to be awarded the medal was paramedic Esther Arditi. Born in Bulgaria in 1937, she spent World War II in Italy and immigrated to Israel in 1951. She first went to a kibbutz with a group of immigrants but soon the group broke up and she decided to enter the IDF. In 1954, Arditi completed the Israeli Air Force medic course and was sent to Hazor Air ABase.week into her assignment she was on night duty during a dark and rainy night. The runway lights were turned off due to the bad weather damaging base’s electri cal system. This spelled disaster for the Mosquito squadron stationed at the base that had taken off on a night training mis sion. Pilot Yaakov Salomon and navigator Shlomo Hertzman had no other choice but to attempt a landing without seeing the runway. The plane lost control as it missed the runway and veered into a field. It burst into fire, and the base’s emergen cy teams sprung into actions. Arditi was driving an ambulance but abandoned it when it got stuck in the mud. Instead, she ran towards the burning plane despite the danger of exploding fuel and ammunition. She first located Hertzman who, despite his wounds, was conscious and pulled him to the safety of a nearby canal. Arditi then ran back to the plane to rescue the uncon scious pilot. She found him in his seat and pulled him to the safety of the canal. Her actions saved the pilot’s life, as a few sec onds later the fuel tanks exploded. The two airmen were taken to a hospital, but the navigator succumbed to his wounds. For her heroic actions that night, Arditi was awarded a medal which later was converted into the Medal of Distin guished Service by Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan. During the Six Day War in 1967, she accompanied the paratrooper bri gade as a medic on their mission to re capture the Kosel. Six years later, she again volunteered as a medic in a field hospital. She was given the nickname the Angel in White for her achievements while in the IDF. These are just two of the stories of the heroism shown by the servicemen and women serving in the IDF. Their actions under pressure saved many lives, and their bravery in harsh conditions make them forgotten heroes.
20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 102 Forgotten Her es Two Stories of Bravery By Avi Heiligman Citations for military medals can be quite informative, and the stories they tell are quite compel ling. Looking at these citations, however, doesn’t always tell the full picture as they are just the tip of the iceberg of the full narrative of the acts of these servicemen and women. The Medal of Distinguished Service is Israel’s third most important medal given out by the Israeli military and is awarded for courageous actions and exemplary service. Over 600 medals have been given out to date. Here are a few of the incredible stories behind some of theSganrecipients.Aluf(Lieutenant Colonel) Amos Yarkoni had a very unique background and helped many non-Jews pave a path to success in the IDF. Yarkoni was actually born as Abd el-Majid Hidr from the Bed ouin village of Na’ura in 1920. His fami ly was part of the Muslim Bedouin tribe of the Mazarib tribe, and he had joined a band of youths that had sabotaged the Trans-Arabian Pipeline. At the age of 16, he was working as a shepherd and be came friendly with Jews from the nearby moshav of Nahalal. He heard about the hostilities that the Arabs had brought upon the local Jewish population and had disagreements with his own tribesmen. He had been captured by other Arabs and sentenced to death for helping the Jew ish population. After managing to escape with two other friends, Abd decided to leave his community.
Esther Arditi, the Angel in White Amos Yarkoni, a Bedouin who risked his life for the Jewish state

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20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 104 PEACEFUL PRESENCE STUDIO Men’s private yoga, Licensed Massage & Holistic Health Guidance 436 Central Ave, Cedarhurst Info. & free video www.peacefulpresence.comtraining516-371-3715GERBERMOVINGFULLSERVICEMOVINGPackingMovingSuppliesLocalLongDistanceLicensedInsured1000’SOfHappyCustomersCallShalom347-276-7422HANDYMANAVAILABLE For big or small jobs, Sheetrock, carpentry, painting, electrical, plumbing, install & repair appliances Call Ephraim at 347-593-4691 VACUUM SALES AND REPAIR All areas call Max 718-444-4904Flam SERVICES SERVICES KING DAVID GARAGE DOORS We repair broken springs & cables, supply and install new doors .free estimates $100 off. Shomer Shabbat 718-300-2179 Guy Management staff will assist you with: * Obtaining Medicaid and Pooled Income Trust * In-home Assessments, Individual and Family Counseling * Securing reliable home care assistance * Case and Care Management services Dr. S. Sasson, DSW, LCSW (718) 544- 0870 or (646) 284-6242 SHALOM HANDYMAN Plumbing, heating, boiler, installation, sewer, locks, dryer vent cleaning and more… CALL 917-217-3676 HAIR COURSE: Learn how to wash & style hair & wigs. Hair and wig cutting, wedding styling Private lessons or in a group Call Chaya 718-715-9009 HOUSES FOR SALE WOODMERE Move right into 4 bedroom, 2 full bath home in School District #15 in the heart of Woodmere. Renovated Kitch en with Granite Countertops & 2 sinks, Hardwood floors, and Circular Drive way. Close to the railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. $799k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516.298.8457SALEmlipner@bhhslaffey.comBYOWNER S Lawrence, NY. Large Gracious Ranch, 6br, 5ba, Living-Room, Dining, Den, Fireplace, 2car Grg. 3800 sq.ft, full bsmt, Wellwater Sprinklers, Circular Driveway, Wheelchair Accessible. $2M 516-641-0682 WOODMERE Great Home on a Cul-De-Sac, SD #15, Features 4 Bedrooms, 3 New Full Bathrooms, Gas Heat, Central Air Conditioning, Renovated Gourmet EIK w/2 Sinks, Granite Countertops, New Stainless Steel Appliances Leading out to a New Deck, Elegant Formal Dining Room, New Flooring, Moldings, and New Wood Bannister Leading to the Bedrooms, Spacious Master Bedroom Suite w/Jacuzzi Tub, Sep Stall Shower, and a Large Walk-In Closet. Generously Sized Den Leading Out to a Magnificent Backyard With a New Pergola, Great Home for Entertaining, High Hats Throughout, New Front Walkway Leading to a Nice Front Porch, New Front Windows Close to RR, Shopping, Houses of Worship. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457International Classifieds • text 443-929-4003 SERVICES HOUSES FOR SALE

BEAUTIFUL TUDOR Long Beach, NY 3 Bedroom, 2 full & 2 half bath well maintained 2600 square foot
Six bedroom home in highly desirable Hewlett Bay Park on 3/4 of an acre with an inground gunite pool and tennis court, en-Suite bathrooms and bedrooms on both floors, 1st floor Master Suite with steam shower and Jacuzzi tub, Eat-in Kitchen, with SS appliances, 2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, double oven, formal living room, formal dining room, den with fireplace. Close to railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. SD#14. Great house for entertaining. Park-like Property. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International FOR SALE
|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 105Classifieds • text 443-929-4003 DON’T GET STUCK WITH A TWO STORY HOUSE YA KNOW, IT’S ONE STORY BEFORE YOU BUY IT BUT A SECOND STORY AFTER YOU OWN IT! Call Dov Herman For An Accurate Unbiased Home Inspection Infrared - Termite Inspection Full Report All Included NYC 718-INSPECT Long Island andlayoutExceptionalwww.nyinspect.com516-INSPECTLAWRENCEturnkeyMediterraneanColonialstylehomeandbeautifulmanicuredcornerproperty.Thishomefeaturesexquisitearchitecturaldetailswithsixmeticulouslydesignedspaciousbedroomsandfourfullbaths,openthatallowscomfortablelivingentertainment.Largediningroomandlivingroomwithgasfireplace.BeautifulupdatedkitchenwithstainlesssteelappliancesattachedtoButler’spantry,hugeclosetspaceandstoragethroughout.Parklikebackyard,hardwoodherringbonefloorsthroughout.Waterfiltrationsystemandgroundwellforsprinklers.Amustsee!P.O.R.MarkLipnerAssociateBrokerBerkshireHathawayLaffeyInternational516-298-8457mlipner@bhhslaffey.comWOODMERE!MOVERIGHTIN!Breath-takingWoodmerehomeover7100sqftoflivingspace.Majesticentryfoyer,chef’skitchenwithisland,2sinks,2dishwashers,and2ovens.Radiantheat,formaldiningroom,formallivingroomwithfireplace,den,library,andoffice/bedroom.Thesecondfloorhasamastersuitewithhis/herswalk-inclosets,6additionalbedrooms,and2.5baths.Customclosetsandradiantheat.Yardwithin-groundpool,hottub,brickpavers,andwaterfallpond.2cargarage,alarm,in-groundsprinklers,waterfiltration,andCAC.LotSize0.3168*acres.Onacul-de-sac,thishomehasitall!
Luxurious Exquisite 6 bedrooms, 6.5 bath home situated on approximate 1.8 acre property in prestigious Hewlett Bay Park. Formal Living room and dining room, library, chefs Eat-in Kitchen, extraordinary great room leads out to veranda. large Gunite built-in pool + pool house with full bath, large slate patio, impressive sprawling property, school district #14 Hewlett-Woodmere. Close to all. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey InternationalHEWLETTbhhslaffey.com516-298-8457 mlipner@BAYPARK
home in Westholme area. Easily walkable to shuls, beach & train. Giant master bedroom with walk-in closet & ensuite. Finished basement. Lots of original details. Asking $1.2 Call 516-318-0838 WOODMERE NEW TO THE MARKET Well maintained 4 bedroom home on a cul-de-sac in Old Woodmere SD#14. Features central air conditioning, gas heat, eat -in -kitchen with stainless steel appliances, very spacious den, 2 car garage, hardwood floors, high hats, magnificent yard with an in-ground saltwater pool, close to the railroad, shopping and houses of worship. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY September 4 1:30-3:30pm 1045 WALES PL Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457 WOODMERE 4 bedroom 3 bath detached house for rent. Includes garage and parking! Ready immediately. Please contact MJ at Weissman Realty Group for more Pleasenear13(631)839-3748MJ@weissmanrealty.cominformation.Follow@mjrealtor365FARROCKAWAY/BAYSWATERbedroom3rd-floorapartmentnearSeasonsExpressreadyOctober2nd.bedroom2nd-floorapartmentwithparkingincludedonNeilsonstreet.Readyimmediately.1bedroomgroundfloorapartmentReadsLane.Readyimmediately.3bedroom2bathapartmentwithawaterfrontviewinBayswater! APTS./CO-OP FOR RENT ReachClassifiedsYour Target Market
alarm,windowwithgasFeaturesBrightmlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457NORTHWOODMERENEWTOTHEMARKETandsunny3bedrooms,3bathroomssplitlevelhome.centralairconditioning,heat,solarpanels,eatinkitchenstainlesssteelappliances,formaldiningroomandlivingroom,den,finishedbsmtwithplayroomand2additionalrooms,masterbedroom–fbathand2walkinclosets,customtreatments,newgaragedoor,IGS,hardwoodfloors,200AMPservice,gaslineBBQ,newinsulation,closetoschools,shoppingandsomuchmore.$929KOPENHOUSESUNDAY, HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES

20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 106 HEWLETT BAY PARK Prestigious Center-Hall Colonial in Hewlett Bay Park, Set Back on Private Property. This Stately Home Features a Grand Entry Foyer, Formal Living Room, Formal Dining Room, Chef’s Kitchen, Large Den, Master Bedroom suite with Sitting Room + 2 Baths (His & Hers) and Loft and Additional 3 Bedrooms + Bonus Rooms. Exquisitely Manicured Park-like property. Award Winning School District #14. Too Many Features To List. Will Not Last! P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516.298.8457AssociateFeaturesfurnishedMagnificentmlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457CEDARHURSTBright&Sunny6Bedroom,5BathHomePrimelocationinCedarhurstDreamKitchenWithGraniteCountertops,TwoSinks,TwoOvens,TwoMicrowaves,FormalDiningRoomWithWashingStation,FormalLivingRoom.SmartHome,RadiantHeat,SpeakerSystem,Timers,CamerasInside+Outside,MasterBedroomSuiteWithJacuzziTub+Shower.TwoLargeWalk-inClosets,CentralAirConditioning,GasHeat,TwoCarGarage,GreatCornerProperty,LargeSide+Backyard,FinishedBasement,CloseToAll.AMustSee.CloseToShoppingAndHousesOfWorship.MarkLipnerBrokerBerkshireHathawayLaffeyInternational516-298-8457mlipner@bhhslaffey.comWOODMERESpectacular5bedroom,5bathrenovatedhomeinSD#14within-groundpool&poolhouse,lotsize111x107.Formallivingroom&diningroom,magnificentkitchenwithSSappliances,tremendousdenwithfireplaceand4skylights,vaultedceiling,LEDlighting,mastersuite,newCAC,newroof.OutsidetotallyredonewithStoneandStucco.Backyardwithnewpavers,park-likeproperty,sandbox,greathomeforentertaining.Closetoall.$1,549, BeautifullyWOODMEREmaintained Split Level home in the heart of Woodmere. This home boasts 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Eat-in Kitchen, Formal Dining Room, Living Room, a Finished Basement, and an office. Beautiful and spacious Backyard. Great location, SD#14. Close to all. Price Reduced $899k. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 12:00-2PM 918 EILEEN TERRACE Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457 WOODMERE JUST LISTED Spacious 5 bedroom 4 bathroom split level in Saddle Ridge Estates Well maintained home , renovated eat –in-kitchen , formal living room and dining room, den, central air conditioning, hardwood floors, high hats, master bedroom with a custom bathroom and Jacuzzi tub, close to all $995k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International Move5Beautiful,BeautifullyLAWRENCE:mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457NEWTOMARKETmaintainedC/Hcol5bdrms3.5bathskosherkitchen,library,oversizedden,fivestarlocation,onkidfriendlyblock.Walktoall.2.2milCallleavemessage917-364-3222WOODMEREbrick,colonialboastingbdr3.5Bthinpristinecondition.Excellentlocation,nearall!rightin!RCUSA516-512-9626 WOODMERE House rental Move right into this 4 bedroom colonial in the heart of Woodmere, with spacious rooms, hardwood floors, a finished basement, and a spacious yard. Close to railroad, shopping & houses of worship $4,500 monthly Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International OnHouseWOODMERE/HEWLETTmlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457NECKRentalMagnificent6BedroomHome.FormalDiningRoom,NewGourmetKitchenW/HighEndAppliances&Cabinets,LargeLivingRm&Den,3CarAttachedGarage,HardwoodFloors,Sd#14.5BedroomsOneLevel,FabulousMBRSuiteW/NewBathroom.gasheat.centralairconditioning,longdriveway,park-laikeproperty,& APT./COOP/CONDO SALE CEDARHURST 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, totally renovated private entrance , central air conditioning, hardwood floors, washer/dryer, garage parking, dishwasher, recessed lighting, private playground, close to railroad, park, shopping and houses of worship. Call for more details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International shoppingbuildingco-opbeautifullyWoodmeremlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457 Newtothemarketmaintainedbrightandsunny2bedroom1.5bathroomonthetopfloorinanelevatorwithaprivatestorageroom.Renovatedeat-in-kitchenwithgranitecountertops,lotsofcabinets,2renovatedbathrooms.2spaciousbedroomswithceilingfansandairconditioners.hardwoodfloors,highceilings,closetotherailroad,andhousesofworship.Callforaprivateshowing.$ Classifieds • text 443-929-4003 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALEHOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT CAN’T AFFORD YOUR PROPERTYMORTGAGE?TAXES? Must sell for any reason? Call for FREE Consultation. Call now 212-470-3856 Cash buyers available!

WOODMERE Totally renovated bright and sunny 1 bedroom corner unit apartment with a washer/dryer. Features quartz countertops, ss appliances, recessed lighting, bathroom with chrome fixtures, close to the railroads, shopping and houses of worship. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International
HEWLETT Bright and sunny 2 bedroom 2 bathroom co-op, elevator, doorman building, in ground pool storage, card room, indoor and outdoor parking, washer/dryer in the apartment, renovated kitchen with granite countertops, ss appliances, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, formal living room and dining room, close to all $479k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International
HEWLETT Hewlett 3 bedroom 2 bath co-op with central air conditioning, terrace, wash-er/dryer, hardwood floors,
recessed lighting, magnificent kitchens, ss appliances, l/r, d/r, close to the railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. $300k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457WOODMERE Move right in!! 2 Bedroom Apartment, Elevator Bldg in SD #14, Pre War Bldg, Pet Friendly, Laundry Room in Basement, Wood Floors, New Windows, Corner Apartment, Beautiful Renovated Kitchen w/SS Appliances, 3 A/C Units, Close to RR, Shopping & Houses of Worship. A must-see! 3BR/2BTH,MagnificentWOODSBURGH$199k2Ksq.Ft.Co-Op.EIK,LR,DR,W/DinUnit,GAR,2STORUNITS,ELEV,NEARALL$775K516-846-1032NOBROKERS Classifieds • text 443-929-4003 APT./COOP/CONDO SALE APT./COOP/CONDO SALE APT./COOP/CONDO SALE APT./COOP/CONDO SALE CEDARHURST 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment, elevator building, eat-in kitchen, spacious rooms throughout, laundry room on-premises, garage parking, close to all Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE ATLANTIC BEACH 3 luxury boutique office workspaces for immediate lease at Prime Park Street location! Affordable at only $800 $900 and $1500 per month! Please contact MJ at Weissman Realty Group for more MJ@weissmanrealty.cominformation. (631) 839-3748 Follow @mjrealtor365
|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 107

20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 108 HELP WANTED HELP WANTEDHELP WANTED HELP WANTED DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT A multi-tasker needed for general office work. The ideal candidate is someone who is detail-oriented, responsible, and can take ownership. Looking for someone who is eager to learn, and expand his/her skill set while possessing the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Experience with Excel required. Five Towns location. In-office position only, not remote. Please send resume to ExcellentSEEKING5tpart.timecareer@gmail.com5TOWNSBOYSYESHIVAELEMGENEDTEACHERSworkingenvironmentandpay.Onlylic/expneedapply.Emailresumetoyeshivalooking@gmail.comGROWINGBACKOFFICEAccountingfirmlookingforexperiencedaccountantsandbookkeep-ers.Pleaseemailusatjobs@riveredgeadvisors.comorcall516-548-1622 LOOKING FOR AN ASSISTANT IN A Warm loving heimisha playgroup in Lawrence. For children ages 2 1/2 and 3 years old for the upcoming school year. Mon-Thursday 9:00-3:00. Friday 9:00-12:00 Please contact Reb. Chansie Horowitz 516 426-1993 OFFICE ASSISTANT Shomer Shabbos Office in Cedarhurst seeking individual with ability to multi-task. Computer/phone skills a must. No experience needed, will train. Email ClassifiedsAlgebra,teachersSeeksFTSadresponse@gmail.comResume:SHEVACHHIGHSCHOOLmotivatedandexperiencedforEnglishLiteratureandWriting,History,FoundationsofPublicSpeaking, • text 443-929-4003 SHEVACH HIGH SCHOOL Seeks full time Administrative Assistant who has excellent organizational and computer skills to work directly with the Principal. Please email resume to office@ LOOKINGshevachhs.orgFORFULLTIME PRESchool Assistant! 8:45-3:15 GreatInfo@BY5T.orgAtmosphere MDS REGIONAL NURSE: 5 Towns area Nursing Home management office seeking a Regional/Corporate level MDS Nurse to work in our office. Must be an RN. Regional experience preferred. 2-3 years MDS experience with good computer skills required. Position is Full Time but Part Time can be considered. Great Shomer Shabbos environment with some remote options as well. Email: BUSY WEALTH MANAGEMENT Office in Cedarhurst looking for an in-office executive assistant for 20 to 25 hours a week. Ideal candidate will be detail oriented, positive, and a team player. Tech savvy a plus. No stock market experience necessary. This is not an internship. Email résumé to weeks)forSubstitutewmassistantjob@gmail.comCAHALISSEEKINGALimudaiKodeshteacherthreemiddleschoolgirlsinaFarRockawayBaisYaakov,tocoverformaternityleave(approximatelysixstartinginSeptember.Call516-295-3666forinformationCAHALISSEEKINGANASSISTANTTeacher,P/TorF/TforaKindergartenboysclassinWestHempsteadandanAssistantTeacherP/,call516-295-3666 TJH Classifieds Post your Real Estate, Help Wanted, Services, Miscellaneous Ads here. Weekly Classifieds Up to 5 lines and/or 25 words 1 week ................$20 2 weeks .............. $35 4 weeks .............. $60 6 weeks .............. $90 Email ads Includeclassifieds@fivetownsjewishhome.comto:Thereisa25wordlimit.validcreditcardinfoandzipcode Deadline Monday 5:00pm

|20221,SEPTEMBER 109 TargetReachClassifiedsYourMarket HELP WANTEDHELP WANTED Classifieds • text 443-929-4003 BUSINESS LOOKING FOR SOMEONE That has a large van or sprinter that can work a full day on Wednesdays on a weekly basis throughout the year in Brooklyn . Please do not call if you do not have a large van or a sprinter YESHIVA347.992.7411NEARBKLYN & Far Rockaway looking for Math & History Teacher afternoon hours for the upcoming school year 2022-23. Email resume newprincipal63@gmail.comtoAYESHIVAINQUEENS is looking for an experienced part/ full time secretary, 2-year-old morah, kindergarten morah, kindergarten morah assistant and Pre-1A English teacher for the 2022-2023 school year. Nice and timely pay. Please email resumecall/textto or718-971-9799. ExcellentBOOKKEEPERgrowthpotentialFrumenvironmentExcellentsalary& MISC GEMACH ZICHRON YEHUDA In memory of R’ Yehuda Aryeh Leib ben R’ Yisroel Dov. We have a library of books on the subjects of loss, aveilus, grief, & kaddish. We have sets of ArtScroll Mishnayos to assist with finishing Shisha Sidrei Mishna for Shloshim or yahrtzeit. Locations in Brooklyn, Far Rockaway, & Lakewood. Email: PLEASE CONTACT US TO SCHEDULE A PRIVATE MEETING. TUESDAY, SEPT. 13TH - 8:15 PM The White Shul 728 Empire Avenue, Far Rockaway MONDAY, SEPT. 12 Young Israel of North Woodmere 634 Hungry Harbor Road, North Woodmere Gedaliah Borvick Ruthie Yudin My Israel Home Meir Dombey Avi Nefoussi Yigal Realty IsraTransfer Currency exchange expert Josh Portman Real Estate Attorney ISRAEL REAL ESTATE IN 2022: HOW TO BUY SMART MAGNIFICENT NEW PROJECTS JERUSALEM, NETANYA, RAMAT BEIT SHEMESH RSVP +972-54-623-0099gborvick@gmail.comwww.myisraelhome.comOptional lighting,PricesVariousRENT-A-SUKKAHsizesavailable.include:delivery,assemblydisassembly,extensioncord All you have to do is decorate! 516.644.3348 •

Washington has just passed an “Inflation Reduction Act” that includes billions in new spend ing to cut carbon emissions and extend Obamacare subsidies. The act pays for it with a new 15% corporate alternative minimum tax, a 1% excise tax on stock buybacks, new Medicare drug pricing rules, and enhanced tax enforcement. In fact, the bill should actually cut $300 bil lion off the deficit over the next ten years. Sounds great, right? But there’s one provision that’s grab bing headlines and sucking all the oxy gen out of the room: $80 billion in new spending for the chronically underfund ed IRS. One Senator from a state that rhymes with “Shmennessee” says it “in cludes $80 billion to double the number of IRS agents – practically giving every American a personalized tax auditor.”
Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at
Your Money 617 Words About Those 87,000 IRS Agents
When politicians and cable news hosts work that hard to scare you, it’s best to check the battery on your lie detector.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says audits won’t rise relative to recent years for those earning under $400,000. That’s common sense – squeezing a few hundred dollars out of a middle-income family isn’t a smart use of an auditor’s time. A group of former IRS commissioners from both Democratic and Republican admin istrations echoes her point, saying the new spending will actually protect most Americans by helping the IRS do a better job picking which returns to examine. Finally, there’s no guarantee the IRS will even get the money. Today’s bill authorizes it. But it’s up to future Congresses to actually appropriate it – usually with one of those omnibus “continuing resolutions” that extends current spending levels in a desperate eleventh-hour bid to avoid a government shutdown. We can be sure that future congresses and presidents will want their own say on IRS spending. So here’s the truth behind the accu sations. Most taxpayers have nothing to fear from higher IRS spending. And if you run your own business, you invest in rental real estate, or you manage a taxable investment portfolio, you’re more likely to over pay your taxes because of poor planning than you are to find yourself on the wrong end of an audit notice. Fortu nately, we can help with that problem no matter what Washington throws down the pike!
By Allan Rolnick, CPA
An other senator, this one from the only state that used to be an independent republic, warns of “a shadow army of 87,000 new IRS agents to hunt you down and take your money!” Across the Capitol in the House, one leader asserted a “new army of 87,000 IRS agents will be coming for you – with 710,000 new audits for Amer icans who earn less than $75K.” That sure sounds scary. But how much is real, and how much is hype? You al ready know that when politicians and cable news hosts work that hard to scare you, it’s best to check the battery on your lie detector.First:where does that 87,000 number come from? Last May, the Treasury es timated that an extra $80 billion would help the Service hire 86,582 new full-time equivalents by the end of 2031. If those hires were going on top of the 80,411 al ready working for the Service at the end of 2021, that would be something! But 50,000 of those current employees are expected to retire in the next five years. So most of the new spending will go to wards keeping staffing stable. Not all of that new spending will fi nance the auditors, collection officers, and criminal investigators that so many Americans love to hate. Right now, the IRS has just 23,000 of them to police over 200 million returns. (Seriously, think about that for a moment.) Most IRS employees are customer service reps, IT staff, and run-of-the-mill bureaucrats struggling to keep the lights on. This tax season, the IRS answered only 10% of phone calls from taxpayers, and that problem needs fixing, too.

T he sun comes up. The moon recedes. It’s another day. Do you embrace it or dread it? It all depends. Are the kids asleep – or alternative ly, did they get up, get dressed, make themselves lunch, and get on the bus, all by themselves. Or better yet, did your husband help them with all of it?! And even promise to come home and do homework with them tonight! Or Is the market having a turnaround? Is everything poised to really go up to day?! And did you just have the feeling that would happen – yesterday! Or Are you off today and going to a spa for the entire day. Massage, facial, the works! Or are you heading to the beach for a day in the sun with a good book to read?Things can really be good. And that can make the day fantastic. But, guess what? Things can be iffy. As they sometimes are. Yet, we can embrace it anyway. It’sHow?all in the attitude. Maybe the day will go better than youMaybethink. your husband will surprise you and come home to do homework with the kids. And maybe a masseuse will walk up to you and say you look tense, stressed. And guess what? She needs to practice her newest skills, no charge, on some one – are you in? Or maybe this day is the day things will turn around – in a good way. The one thing I know for a fact is that I cannot truly guarantee the outcome. I can only plan and try. Wait – I can control something: my attitude!SoifI want sunshine to grace each one of my days, I know it’s my job to bring it in and radiate it out. It’s my job to bring out the best in what each day offers. We think hard work, brains, proper planning, right time, right place – all that is what it takes. And it can help. But the best real guarantee for a great day and a great outcome is our perspective.Whether the sun is visible or not that day, the sun shines through if you help it. And if you can do that, then why not embrace each day?!
|20221,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 111 Life C ach theSeizeDay
Rivki Rosenwald is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist working with both couples and individuals and is a certified relation ship counselor. Rivki is a co-founder and creator of an effective Parent Management of Adolescent Years Program. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or at rivkiros I can only plan and try.
By Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS

20221,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 112