Five Towns Jewish Home - 4-7-22

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April 7, 2022

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

‫אֵין עוֹשִׂין נְפָ ו ֹת לְצַ ִי ִים ִבְרֵיהֶם הֵן הֵן זִכְרוֹנ ָן‬ We do not make monuments for the righteous; their words are their memorial. (Yerushalmi Shekalim 2:5) Futersak Family Edition

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Inspire Your Children… In Gedolim In Our Time, our children will meet two of the greatest Torah leaders of our generation: The “Sar HaTorah” — Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l, and the “Rosh Yeshivah” — Rav Gershon Edelstein shlit”a. This gorgeous volume contains more than 100 short stories about Rav Chaim and Rav Gershon. As our children read about their devotion to Torah and their unsurpassed caring for Klal Yisrael, they will be amazed — and inspired. ALSO IN THIS SERIES:




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APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home


Don’t Just Continue Learning.














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The schedule of the Yeshiva will allow Talmidim to participate in remote classes and receive an undergraduate degree from Touro College New York. Touro offers flexible arrangements that will fit with our Yeshiva's schedule, and provides up to 48 credits for Yeshiva Israel study based upon each student’s Yeshiva transcript. Please note that Touro College has its own admission process, and acceptance to our Yeshiva does not imply acceptance to Touro College. Students who apply and enroll with Touro may take a full-time student schedule (12 -18 credits per semester).


The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


A Comprehensive Videocast will Premier on ‫ י”ח ניסן‬-‫י”ז‬

e v i el R e c n e i r e p x E THE

‫ י”ח ניסן‬- ‫י”ז‬

Chol Hamoed Pesach Mon-Tues, April 18-19 Watch live on To listen to an audio broadcast of the presentation dial: 347-772-1917

In addition, a separate 1½ hour video presentation on USB, of Dirshu’s Mission to Eastern Europe is available for $7.99 at: Eichler’s Boro Park • Judaica Plaza, Lakewood Merkaz Seforim & Judaica, Monsey • Eichler’s Flatbush Judaica Plus, Five Towns • Gift World, Queens • Shabsi’s Judaica, Baltimore


Chol Hamoed Pesach, Monday-Tuesday, April 18-19

APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Relive the worldwide celebrations as Klal Yisrael marked the completion of the 2nd machzor of Dirshu’s Daf HaYomi B’Halacha. The riveting videocast features drasha highlights from leading Gedolei Yisrael, select footage from the Dirshu mission to Vilna, Radin and Kovna as well as select Nigunei Shel Simcha in honor of this watershed moment.

An exclusive video of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l’s last public appearance, at the Dirshu World Siyum in Pais Arena, Yerushalayim on 9 Adar I / February 10, 2022.

Inspirational Niggunim Led By: Shlomo Cohen • Motti Vizel • Aherle Samet • Isaac Honig Naftali Kempeh • Motty Steinmetz • Zanvil Weinberger

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Dear Readers,


ou know it’s almost Pesach time when the streets of Central Avenue are filled with seminary girls schmoozing with friends they haven’t seen in days and with yeshiva guys being fitted for new suits. They throng the stores and bring with them an effervescent innocence that’s so refreshing. Their excitement for life and their enthusiasm for what they’ve been learning is admirable. I remember coming back from seminary – years ago. It felt like such a shock walking down the streets of Avenue M in Brooklyn. Being immersed in the Holy Land’s culture for a year has an impact on you – regardless of how much you think you did or didn’t change. My cousin Temi was perhaps even more shocked than I when I met her on Avenue M a few days after I came back from seminary. “How do people walk around here?” I asked her. “What do you mean?” she answered, looking around quizzically. I couldn’t get over the looseness that was prevalent on the streets. Is this what life was like back “home”? I was so used to the Israeli bus drivers greeting passengers with brachos and cab drivers dispensing life ad-

vice that I felt so surprised at being thrown into the coarseness of secular America. My poor cousin, though, managed to keep a straight face, but I saw the shock in her eyes. I am sure she was wondering what happened to the cousin she would schmooze with just a few months before. We all have those moments. Those times when we are used to a certain way of life and then are thrown into a tailspin when we are forced to deal with another reality. The challenge, of course, is not the shock of encountering the disparity; the shock is often the blessing that helps us to manage the contrast in what we’re confronting. Holding onto that jolt in a healthy way helps us to remember not to become too comfortable with the new reality that’s being presented. For now, though, when I see the seminary girls squealing in delight at seeing their roommate from sem at the coffee shop on Central Avenue after not seeing each other for two days, I smile. I remember those carefree days with fondness and am so happy to see how excited they can be to catch up on all that’s been going on since Sunday. Wishing you a wonderful week, Shoshana

Yitzy Halpern, PUBLISHER

Yosef Feinerman, MANAGING EDITOR

Shoshana Soroka, EDITOR

Nate Davis Editorial Assistant Nechama Wein Copy Editor Rachel Bergida Berish Edelman Mati Jacobovits Design & Production Gabe Solomon Distribution & Logistics P.O. BOX 266 Lawrence, NY 11559 Phone | 516-734-0858 Fax | 516-734-0857 Classified Deadline: Monday 5:00PM text 443-929-4003 PAYMENT VIA CREDIT CARD MUST BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH CLASSIFIED ADS The Jewish Home is an independent weekly magazine. Opinions expressed by writers are not neces­sarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly.

Shabbos Zemanim

Weekly Weather | April 8– April 14

Friday, April 8



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61° 50°

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Parshas Metzora Candle Lighting: 7:08 pm Shabbos Ends: 8:10 pm Rabbeinu Tam: 8:40 pm


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

CHOL HAMOED DINNER MENU MONDAY: Leftovers TUESDAY: Still leftovers WEDNESDAY: Definitely NOT leftovers




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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Contents Letters to the Editor


COMMUNITY Readers’ Poll


Community Happenings


Of Kiddush Hashem Large and Small


NEWS Global




That’s Odd




Israel News A New Wave of Terror Hits the Holy Land

World Builders

26 114 106

JEWISH THOUGHT Rabbi Wein on the Parsha


Lashon Hara’s Focus on the Other by Rav Moshe Weinberger


Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow


PEOPLE The Wandering Jew


Bravery in Battle by Avi Heiligman


HEALTH & FITNESS DIY Therapy is Not Good Enough by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn


A Perfect Pesach Plan by Aliza Beer, MS RD


FOOD & LEISURE The Aussie Gourmet: Spare Ribs




Dear Editor, I specifically remember one time going out to play golf with my brother. After stepping up to the tee and hitting a straight and low drive, my brother said, “Safe.” I wondered in life how someone knows they are safe. I believe if a wife sends her husband to the walls of the Beit Midrash to join in the song of Torah, a safety net is triggered. My late relative, Rav Avrohom Genechovsky, zt”l, fortified this idea by asking on the words we say in Eshet Chayil, “Gemalto tov velo ra – they are good and not bad.” If referring to Torah, there seems to be a redundancy; if the Torah is good, then by definition it’s not bad. He answered that not only is the Torah good, but it has no scintilla of bad to it; it’s pure perfection. Merging with a document of perfection can only produce calm and safety. Steven Genack Dear Editor, I’d like to introduce a new concept to the community, a concept so simple yet so revolutionary. I have named this project “The Micro Chesed Project.” We tend to think of chesed in terms of grand movements. We tend to think that there is less legitimacy in the small gestures. A small gesture/a micro chesed can mean that when we shop for Shabbos, we buy an extra piece of cake, an extra small pack of chicken, an extra dip and drop it off at a neighbor with a small note or just a moment of our time to say,

“Have a beautiful Shabbos.” It can mean that when we buy a pack of chocolates for dessert, we buy two and give one to the single mom down the street. Or if we’re buying candy for our kids’ Shabbos party, we buy an extra pack of sour sticks and bring it to the single mom in the carpool. We can extend the micro chesed concept of giving to the homebound, sick and elderly and the singles in our community, just showing someone that you thought of her, that she was on your mind, that she is a full person who is worthy of love, attention and a small gift. This project and its execution will bring neither fame nor glory to the giver. You do a micro-chesed for yourself, for the recipient and mostly for G-d. Because before God, there is no micro-chesed. They’re all big, and you never know, you may actually change a life. Chag sameach. Esther Miller Project Director Success Space for Women Dear Editor, It really bothered me that there are two frum people running against each other in the campaign for Assembly. Personally, I was also bothered by the negative campaigning that I saw around time. And so, I thank you for being professional in your reporting and for giving Continued on page 10

Dating Dialogue, Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW 120


Parenting Pearls


Your Money


Don’t Pass This Over by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS 150

HUMOR Centerfold




Painful Choices Lie in the Path to Peace in Ukraine by David Ignatius


Has Putin’s Brutality Finally Hit a Wall in Ukraine? by David Ignatius



Are you planning on going to a baseball game this season?








APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home


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_____________________ (ADDRESS OF THIS LOCATION)

_____________________ (LOCAL HATZALAH PHONE NUMBER)

_____________________ (LOCATION OF CELL PHONE)

TIP 1:

Leave a cell phone on and charged in a public area which does not have a passcode so it is easily accesible and usable over Yom Tov!

TIP 2:

Please make sure to pre-program the number for Hatzolah into your phone before Yom Tov!


The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Continued from page 8

the community a neutral place to hear what the candidates represent and who they are. Tzvi W. Dear Editor, The article this week about having “derech eretz” while driving and walking in the street hit the mark. I have noticed recently that things have gotten out of hand while driving in the Five Towns. Firstly, because cellphones are so ubiquitous, many drivers are almost “asleep at the wheel” at red lights. They don’t realize that they should be driving when the light turns

green because they are so busy sending their WhatsApps and texts. And the honking! Please, unless it’s an emergency, or unless you want to give a slight tap on the horn for the person at the green light who is busy on their phone to remind them to start to drive, please leave the horn alone. Pretend it’s not there. A loud and long blast from your car horn is not helping to ease traffic. Instead, it’s actively showing us that you are new to the area and have no concept of derech eretz or menschlechkeit. The traffic will ease when the lights change color or when the cars ahead of you turn. Until then, honking your horn doesn’t help matters.

I think that this is definitely something that needs to be addressed during this time, when many people are running pre-yom tov errands and when there are more drivers (yeshiva/sem guys/girls) on the roads. Sincerely, Noam Fleischmann Dear Editor, You pointed out that people are fleeing NYC in droves. How ironic that the Big Apple continues with its abysmal attitudes, ignoring that its policies are what’s forcing people to leave. Just this week, NYC Mayor Eric Adams made sure to announce that NYC is

against a policy that was recently enacted in Florida. Florida is resolute in its quest to assert conservative policies and guidelines. And there is no doubt that the multitudes are heading to the Sunshine State. And yet, New York insists on leaning left, so far left that people are dropping off like flies. When will lawmakers in New York realize that the sounds of footsteps running from the state are really the sounds of people frustrated with their broken policies? It doesn’t take a genius to see that. But maybe New York politicians are just not that smart. Leora Samonowitz

Views expressed on the Letters to the Editor page do not necessarily reflect the views of The Jewish Home.

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APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

BROOKLYN: 1436 47th Street | LAKEWOOD: 359 Cedarbridge Ave | CEDARHURST: 457 Central Ave

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


The Week In News

Election Turmoil in Pakistan

Last week, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan called for early elections after he dissolved parliament. For now, the South Asian country is awaiting a key court ruling that will decide whether the early elections can proceed. Khan called the election in attempt to cling to power after the deputy speaker of parliament blocked a no-confidence motion against him last Sunday that had appeared almost certain to succeed.

The opposition, which had called for Khan’s removal for months, is accusing Khan of treason and asking the country’s highest court to rule on whether he had breached the constitution. The court battle is the latest escalation in a crisis that has been smoldering for weeks, with Khan already having lost the backing of key political allies and the country’s powerful military. Khan’s main hope now appears to be that his enduring popular appeal with voters – fueled by his stellar former cricket career, his unique brand of Islamic populism, and his claims of foreign interference in Pakistan’s affairs – can keep him in the driver’s seat. Pakistan, a nation of 220 million, is notoriously hard to govern. It has struggled with political instability since its formation in 1947 with multiple regime changes and military coups. No prime minister has ever completed a full fiveyear term. Khan’s problems date back to 2018, when he rose to power in an election mired in accusations of vote-rigging and foul play. More recently, he has been dogged by claims of economic mismanagement. The cost of basic necessities such as food and fuel are skyrocketing,

with inflation in the double digits, and the government’s foreign exchange reserves are fast depleting. Khan has lost the military’s support, primarily due to his anti-American rhetoric. He also recently refused to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, even meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow the day Russia began its war.

Jordan: Crown Prince Gives Up Title

Jordan’s Prince Hamzah, half-brother of the country’s King Abdullah II, relinquished his royal title earlier this week. Posting on Twitter, Prince Hamzah

wrote on Sunday that he was relinquishing his title due to the fact that his values “are not in line with the approaches, trends, and modern methods of our institutions.” Hamzah is King Abdullah II’s half-brother from their father, King Hussein. The Royal Court did not immediately comment on Hamzah’s announcement. Last year, Hazmah was placed under house arrest for what was claimed to be his involvement in a plot to destabilize Jordan. Hamzah, for his part, denied the allegations and claimed he was being punished for speaking out against corruption. Hamzah was named crown prince of Jordan in 1999 and was a favorite of King Hussein, who often described him in public as the “delight of my eye.” However, Hamzah was seen as too young and inexperienced to be named successor at the time of King Hussein’s death. Instead, his older half-brother, Abdullah, ascended the throne and stripped Hamzah of the title of crown prince in 2004. The move was seen as a blow to Queen Noor, who had hoped to see her eldest son become king.


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

Finland to Join NATO?

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Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin on Saturday said that the country will decide whether to apply for NATO membership by the end of this spring. According to Marin, Finland is applying for membership because “Russia is not the neighbor we thought it was,” adding that the country’s relations with Russia have undergone an “irreversible” change. Russia, meanwhile, warned of both political and military consequences if Finland and Sweden choose to join NATO. Speaking to Interfax, Sergei Belyaev, director of the Second European Department of Russia’s Foreign Ministry, said that Finland and Sweden not joining NATO is “an important factor in ensuring security and stability in northern Europe.” Meanwhile, Maria Zakharova, a spokeswoman for Russia’s Foreign Ministry, said at the end of February, “Clearly [the] accession of Finland and Sweden into NATO, which is first and foremost a military alliance, would have serious military-political repercussions that would demand a response from our country.” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg noted that the group has a “good dialogue” with both Finland and Sweden but that the decision would ultimately be up to them. “We respect the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Finland to decide their own future,” he said. “That’s exactly what Russia does not respect. They’re actually trying to intimidate and are saying that if Finland decides to join NATO, there will be consequences.”

A 4-Day Work Week Over 3,000 employees at 60 companies across Britain will soon take part in a trial for a four-day work week.

The employees work in a wide range of charities and businesses. The initial trial will run from June to December and is being run by academics at Oxford and Cambridge universities, along with Boston College in the U.S. and in partnership with the Autonomy thinktank, 4 Day Week Global, and the 4 Day Week UK Campaign. Mark Downs, chief executive of the Royal Society of Biology, which is taking part in the trial, told The Guardian, “It’s about trying to do more to be a good, innovative employer to attract and retain our current staff. These sorts of possibilities make a massive difference. It’s great for everybody.” Although the Society will remain open five days a week, employees will work Monday through Thursday or Tuesday through Friday. The pandemic has increased the desire on behalf of workers to work four days a week.

Last month, Belgian employees won the right to work full-time in four days instead of the usual five without loss of salary. The workers will be working the same amount of hours a week, condensing their work into four longer days. Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo hopes that the agreement will help to make Belgium’s notoriously rigid labor market more flexible and will make it easier for people to combine their family lives with their careers. “The goal is to give people and companies more freedom to arrange their work time,” he said. “If you compare our country with others, you’ll often see we’re far less dynamic.” Scotland and Wales are also considering a trial of a four-day work week in 2023. According to a survey by cloud-software vendor Qualtrics, a whopping 92 percent of U.S. workers are in favor of the shortened work week, even if it means working longer hours. Three out of four employees (74 percent) say they would be able to complete the same amount of work in four days, but most (72 percent) say they would have to work longer hours on workdays to do so.

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APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Measure the matzah. Make sure it’s a kzayis.

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


War Crimes in Bucha

A mass grave in Bucha, Ukraine, near Kyiv, has bodies piled on top of each other, most of them inside black bags but some with limbs sticking out. Only some of the bodies are buried. At least a dozen bodies have been found in the mass grave; the earth nearby shows signs of disturbance, indicating that additional corpses may be buried beneath it. According to local residents and Kyiv Regional Police, at least 150 people are buried in the mass grave. Meanwhile, according to Bucha’s mayor, the number may have reached 300. Residents did say, however, that the mass grave was being dug early in the war; satellite images from March 10 show the trench already being dug. One tree-lined road in Bucha is now littered with the remnants of a Russian convoy ambushed by Ukrainians; another street had at least 20 bodies lining it – some with their hands tied behind their backs. In a Sunday video address, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky said, “For these murders, for these tortures, for these arms torn off by explosions that lie on the streets. For shots in the back of the head of tied people. This is how the Russian state will now be perceived. This is your image.” He also claimed that Russia has committed “war crimes.” Both Western and Ukrainian officials have called on the International Criminal Court to investigate the alleged killing of civilians in Bucha. Russia, meanwhile, has insisted that it does not target civilians, that the Bucha images are fake, and that it was not involved in the matter. The Bucha scene is similar to that of other areas near Kyiv, including Irpin, Myla, Hostomel, and Bordyanka, where authorities say the true death toll is still impossible to measure and that there may be bodies buried under the rubble of destroyed buildings.

Zelensky Speaks to UN Security Council

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday. Earlier, he spoke about the need for “serious players who are ready to go all the way” when it comes to security guarantees. “We need serious players who are ready to go all the way. We need a circle of countries who would within 24 hours provide us with any weapons,” Zelensky said. He also cast doubt on the possibility of meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin after he accused Russia of genocide. Zelensky paid a visit to the Kyiv suburb of Bucha on Monday, an area where shocking images of civilian bodies strewn on the streets emerged over the weekend. During the visit, he said that it was “very difficult to negotiate” with Russia “when you see what they have done here.” Zelensky opened his remarks to the UN Security Council by addressing what he witnessed in Bucha, saying of the Russians who attacked the Kyiv suburb, “there is not a single crime they would not commit there.” Speaking through a translator, Zelensky said, “The Russian military surge and purposefully killed anyone who served our country. They shot and killed women outside their houses when they just tried to call someone who is alive. They killed entire families, adults and children, and they tried to burn the bodies. “I am addressing you on behalf of the people who honor the memory of the deceased every single day and the memory of the civilians who died, they were shot and killed in the back of their head after being tortured. Some of them were shot on the streets.” He added that the Russians killed civilians in Bucha “just for their pleasure.” He noted that their actions are no different than “other terrorists.”


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home



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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022



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APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


In Hungary and Serbia, Pro-Russia Leaders Win

Hungary has re-elected its Prime Minister Viktor Orban, and Serbia appears to have re-elected its own pro-Russia leader, President Aleksandar Vucic, this week. Orban, who has served in the position since 2010 and who won a fourth term, told supporters, “We won a victory so big that you can perhaps see it from the moon – and certainly from Brussels.” On Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Orban is “virtually the only one in Europe to openly support Mr. Putin.” When asked for his response to Zelensky’s comments, Orban said, “Mr. Zelensky is not voting today. Thank you. Are

there any other questions?” Hungary is a member of both the European Union and NATO. In Serbia, President Aleksandar Vucic has been in his post since 2012, and exit polls showed him keeping his seat, though with a reduced majority. Hungary agreed to an initial round of European sanctions against Russia but has resisted expanding them. Hungary has also not allowed weapons destined for Ukraine to pass through its territory. Serbia is almost entirely dependent on Russian gas, while its army maintains ties with Russia’s military. Although Serbia backed two United Nations resolutions condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it refused to impose sanctions against Moscow. The Kremlin also supports Belgrade’s opposition to the independence of Kosovo by blocking its membership to the United Nations.

Bolsonaro Gears up for Reelection Three top officials and ten members of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s

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cabinet have resigned their positions to help the president in upcoming elections. The officials are expected to both campaign for office and campaign for Bolsonaro.

Under Brazilian law, top officials must resign their current positions before running for other positions. Speaking at an event, Bolsonaro said, “One-third of my ministers leave today with their heads held high. It’s obvious that they will run for office. If not, they wouldn’t leave.” The upcoming elections are expected to pit Bolsonaro against former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Polls consistently show Bolsonaro trailing behind Lula in the head-to-head runoff expected to follow the election. On Sunday, the president addressed thousands of supporters in the capital, Brasilia, which many observers characterized as the unofficial launch of his campaign. The event introduced the slogan “Bolsonaro, the people’s captain,” and a video displayed archive images from the president’s life for cheering supporters dressed in the green and yellow colors of the Brazilian flag.

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Over 36 countries have promised to donate around $2.44 billion for humanitarian aid in Afghanistan, the Washington Examiner reported. The pledges, made during a United Nations (UN) donors conference last week, amount to over half of the $4.4 billion goal set by the UN. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, “Some 95 percent of people do not have enough to eat. Nine million

people are at risk of famine. UNICEF estimates that a million severely malnourished children are on the verge of death, without immediate action.” According to him, the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan has “deteriorated alarmingly” since the Taliban took over last summer, and the aid will offer a “fragile lifeline for millions of Afghans.” U.S. Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said, “This humanitarian aid, like all aid from the United States, will go directly to NGOs and the United Nations. The Taliban will not control our humanitarian funding.” The UK promised to donate $374 million, while Germany pledged $220 million and the U.S. $204 million.

Sri Lanka Gets New Cabinet

Sri Lanka President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is set to appoint a new cabinet, as security forces brace for additional violence and protests around the country. On Sunday night, the country’s 26 cabinet ministers – everyone but the President and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, submitted letters of resignation – clearing the path for a new cabinet. A top security official admitted, “Indications are that we can expect more demonstrations.” Sri Lanka is in the midst of its worst economic crisis since it gained independence from Britain in 1948. The country is currently experiencing shortages of fuel, food, and other essentials, with no end in sight. On Sunday evening, hundreds protested peacefully across the island, with those near the parliament shouting, “Go home Gota, go home Gota,” and those near the main international airport shouting, “Gota fail, fail, fail.” On Monday, the president’s media office said in a statement that four new ministers had been appointed “to ensure parliament and other tasks can be conducted in a lawful manner until a full Cabinet can be sworn in.” Former Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) official P. Nandalal Weerasinghe











APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home


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said on Monday that he had accepted an offer from Rajapaksa to become the central bank’s next governor. Justice Minister Ali Sabry was named finance minister, replacing Basil Rajapaksa, the president’s younger brother, who was due to visit Washington this month for talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on a loan program. Udaya Gammanpila, chief of one of the 11 political parties comprising the ruling coalition, called the new Cabinet “old wine in a new bottle.” “Our demand is for an all-party interim government to restore essential services and to hold a parliamentary election,” Gammanpila wrote on Twitter. “People should decide their next leaders, not anybody else.”

South Sudan Still Embattled The U.S. has found that South Sudan’s leadership is failing to implement portions of a 2018 peace deal, a report shows. The U.S. will continue imposing costs on those perpetuating the conflict. The report was sent from the U.S.

State Department to Congress. According to the report, “Ten years after independence, South Sudan remains a deeply fragile nation beset by weak governance, pervasive insecurity, fiscal mismanagement, and widespread corruption.”

South Sudan became independent in 2011, but in 2013 deteriorated into what turned into a civil war which killed 400,000. In 2018, the main sides signed a peace agreement which put an end to the worst violence but did not stop the clashes across the country. According to analysts, unresolved issues could send South Sudan spiraling back into widespread conflict. According to the State Department report, South Sudan’s government lacks the discipline and transparency necessary to manage public finances and the




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country’s budget, and government failures have become a key driver in national and subnational violence.

South Korea: No Tattoos A South Korean court has upheld a ban preventing artists from tattooing in the country. South Korea is the only developed nation to forbid tattoos by those who are not medical professionals. Last week, Seoul’s Constitutional Court voted to keep the ban, due to the risks inherent in tattooing. In its ruling, the court said, “The limited medical knowledge and skills involved in tattooing cannot ensure the levels of treatment that medical professionals can provide, treatment that may be needed before or after the procedure.” Anyone acting in violation of the ban is liable to serve up to two years in prison and pay up to $41,300. Speaking to the outlet, Kim Sho-yun, vice president of the Korea Tattoo Federation, questioned, “Why do they insist tattooing is a medical procedure even though doctors can’t and don’t do that?” According to the outlet, the ban affects nearly 50,000 tattoo artists.

cluding the Maldives. It can be tricky to pin down the owners of the yachts, but enough “public speculation” suggesting a Russian oligarch is the owner is typically “sufficient for a seizure,” according to Insider. Spain is reportedly holding four of these yachts, including the $8 million Lady Anastasia linked to Alexander Mikheev, the $95 million Valerie linked to Sergei Chemezov, the $95 million vessel Tango linked to Viktor Vekselberg, and the $468 million yacht Crescent linked to Igor Sechin. France holds three more vessels, including another yacht worth $125 million also linked to Sechin called the Amore Vero. The country is also holding two yachts linked to Alexey Kuzmichev — the $22 million Little Bear and the $77 million Big Bear. Italy is reportedly holding the $34 million Lady M, which is linked to Alexei Mordashov; the $575 million Sailing Yacht A, which is linked to Andrey Melnichenko; and the $38 million Lena, which is linked to Gennady Timchenko. Germany holds the largest ship, the Dilbar, which is linked to Alisher Usmanov and valued at $606 million. Gibraltar, a British territory, is holding the $68 million Axioma, which is linked to Dmitry Pumpyansky, while England has taken control of the $38 million Phi, linked to Vitaly Kochetkov.

$2B Yachts Seized

EU Wants to Ban Coal from Russia

Russian oligarchs, beware. At least $2 billion worth of mega yachts owned by Russian oligarchs have been seized in Europe since the start of the Ukraine invasion. At least 13 yachts valued between $8 million and $606 million have been seized or impounded in the EU and UK as officials continue to sanction Russia’s elite. The U.S., alongside the UK and EU, had imposed economic sanctions on Russian oligarchs. Many of these oligarchs moved their mega yachts to regions where they cannot be seized, in-

On Tuesday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced that the European Union was considering banning imports of coal from Russia as part of a new round of sanctions triggered by recent revelations of atrocities in Ukraine. The measure still needs approval from all 27 EU member states before being approved. “We all saw the gruesome pictures from Bucha and other areas from which Russian troops have recently left,” von der Leyen said. “These atrocities cannot and will not be left unanswered.


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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


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“We will impose an import ban on coal from Russia worth 4 billion euros [$4.4 billion] per year,” she added. If approved, the coal ban would be the first coordinated embargo by the European Union on the vast energy exports that power Russia’s economy and generate hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue each year. EU leaders have thus far been unable to agree on targeting Russian energy because of the risk it poses to the region’s economy at a time of soaring natural gas and fuel prices. This week, though, French President Emmanuel Macron said that he would support a total ban on Russian oil and coal imports, and Germany indicated that it could support a coal ban. “Russia is waging a cruel and ruthless war in Ukraine, not only against its brave troops but also against its civilian population,” von der Leyen said. “It is important to sustain utmost pressure on Putin and the Russian government at this point.” Russia was the world’s third largest exporter of coal in 2020, behind Australia and Indonesia, according to the International Energy Agency. It’s also the leading exporter of thermal coal to the European Union, ahead of China and South Korea.

ly clashes in September 2021, when 118 people were killed during fighting that involved automatic weapons and even grenades. More than 300 inmates were killed in prison violence in 2021, according to figures from Ecuador’s prison service SNAI. Ecuador is a key transit point on the route that brings cocaine from South America to the U.S. and Asia, which makes it fertile ground for gang clashes. Prisons have become contested battlegrounds. Prisons are also notoriously overcrowded. In July 2021, then-prison chief Eduardo Moncayo told local media that the Litoral Penitentiary in Guayaquil was the most overcrowded in the country, with more than 9,000 inmates in a facility planned for 5,000. In October, authorities said thousands of inmates, including elderly people, women and those with disabilities and terminal illnesses, would be pardoned to free up space.

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A prison riot in Ecuador on Sunday led to the deaths of at least 20 inmates. On Monday, authorities said that they were in “total control” of the Turi prison located in the south of the country. Violence started early on Sunday due to a leadership dispute among incarcerated members of a gang known as The Wolves, Gen. Carlos Cabrera, the commander of Ecuador’s national police force, noted. Cabrera said 19 of the victims were killed due to “acts of violence,” and one was killed after ingesting a chemical substance. At least 11 others were injured in the melee. Ecuador’s prison system has been under a state of emergency since dead-

In a first of its kind sentencing, an English court sentenced a Jewish businessman to 18 months in prison last week for refusing to grant his wife a get. The couple separated in 2016 after 20 years of marriage and were granted a civil divorce in 2019. However, the husband refused to grant his wife a get. In response, his wife brought what her lawyers have called a “landmark case” against him. Last week, the husband pleaded guilty at the Southwark Crown Court to controlling or coercive behavior over a five-year period beginning in 2016. It was the first time someone who refused to grant a get has been convicted of such a charge in an English court. “You sought to manipulate and control her all in the knowledge that it would substantially impact her mental health and in some respects also impact her physical health,” Judge Martin Beddoe told the man. The couple has three children to-


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

26 gether. Among the accusations against Moher were that he used “psychological and emotional abuse” and threatened his wife,” who hailed the ruling. “To those who have emotionally coerced and controlled, physically hurt, and dehumanized their spouses — the law will not allow you to get away with your crimes,” she said. “To those victims out there, you are not alone, and justice and humanity are on your side,” she added. “I urge you not to stay silent but to fight for your freedom.”

U.S. Envoy: Israel Will Handle Iran U.S. Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides on Thursday said that Israel will not face U.S. restrictions if it wishes to act

against Iran, regardless of whether a new nuclear deal is signed.

When asked in an interview with Israel’s Channel 12 News if Israel will be expected to “sit quietly and not do anything” if a nuclear deal is signed, Nides said, “Absolutely not. We’ve been very clear about this. If we have a deal, the Israelis’ hands are not tied. If we don’t have a deal, the Israelis’ hands are certainly not tied. “Israel can do and take whatever actions they need to take to protect the state of Israel.” Nides added that U.S. President Joe Biden “will do whatever he can do to make sure that Iran does not have a nuclear weapon… It’s clear we’d like to do it through a diplomatic channel.” According to him, “The Israelis know very clearly exactly what is going on. I’m not suggesting they necessarily like it al-

IMPORTANT REMINDER! Don’t forget to cancel your gardener/ landscaper for the week of Pesach With the hustle and bustle of Yom Tov preparations, we often forget that one’s gardener should not be doing work on his property on Chol Hamoed. So take a moment to contact your gardener to cancel service for the week of Pesach.

Wishing you a Chag Sameach!

Plan ahead … email for a handy list of upcoming Yomim Tovim to give your gardener so he can schedule appropriately.

ways, but there are no secrets here.” When asked about Israel’s efforts to stop the current wave of terror attacks, Nides told Channel 12, “We’re not going to tell the government what to do.” He also said that payments to terrorists, which he called “martyr payments,” “must stop.” At the same time, the U.S. does not want to “lose the vision” of a twostate solution, though he admitted that “we can’t impose anything on anyone.” The United States is also “very comfortable with what the Israelis are doing vis-à-vis Ukraine,” Nides added. “When we have issues, we express them, as Israel expresses them to us.”

The Beautiful Kinneret

This week, the Kinneret neared its upper red line threshold, sitting only 13 inches below its maximum capacity — a level which it has not reached in 30 years. The water level is now 13 inches below the upper red line, or 686 feet below sea level. The water levels of the Kinneret have seen dramatic highs and perilous lows in recent years. Only six years ago, the situation was extremely bleak. On April 4, 2016, the lake level was 11 feet lower than today. The Kinneret is Israel’s largest freshwater lake, and while it is no longer used as the main source of drinking water, it is still seen as a significant gauge of seasonal rainfall. Even though the Kinneret is nearing its maximum capacity, there are failsafes to prevent flooding. If the water level exceeds the upper red line, the Israel Water Authority opens the Deganya dam, located at the southern end of the lake.

Arab Mayor Mourns Terrorists Umm al-Fahm Mayor Samir Sobhi Mahamed on Thursday briefly resigned his position following criticism for his condolence message mourning two

ISIS-inspired terrorists who murdered two Border Police officers in Hadera last week.

Two hours after his resignation announcement, however, Mahamed changed his mind, stating that he would remain in his position due to pressure not to step down. The message in question, posted on Facebook and signed by Mahamed, mourned the deaths of terrorists Ayman and Ibrahim Ighbariah, cousins from the northern Arab city, who were killed by police while carrying out their terror attack. The post was deleted after about an hour, and Mahamed apologized, saying it had been posted by an external contractor and claimed he had not seen it prior to its publication. In an interview with Kan that evening, Mahamed said he would take responsibility for the post but said that the condolences were routine. “It shouldn’t have been sent out,” he said then. “I understand everyone who is angry.” He added, “If I need to resign, I will resign. I came here to benefit the Arab community. If my resignation will benefit the community, that’s what I will do.” When asked whether he was actually resigning, Mahamed said, “You know what, this is my redemption. Yes, I announce my resignation. I’m leaving this position with a lot of pain because I came here to contribute.” According to Channel 12 News, several government ministers called Mahamed to urge him not to resign. Later, at around 10pm that same night, Mahamed told Israeli news outlets, “Thank you all for the support. I won’t resign.” Mahamed emphasized to Kan, “We’ve condemned, we still condemn, the crime committed in Hadera. It didn’t come from us, as far as we’re concerned murder is murder. “My agenda and vision have always been … tolerance, activism, and partnership, and I always tried to implement those values in collaborations with the Jewish community and that is what I will continue to do.”

Take me to the Rides! Have your pretzels crisp and crunchy, the way they’re meant to be. These irresistible oven-baked pretzels will thrill kids and adults as a perfect Chol Hamoed snack.

APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home



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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Bennett: Carry Your Guns

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is urging Israelis licensed to bear arms to carry their weapons when going about their business during the day. In a video statement, Bennett said, “Citizens of Israel, we are currently experiencing a wave of murderous terrorism. “What is expected of you, citizens of Israel? Alertness and responsibility. Open your eyes. Whoever has a license to carry a weapon, this is the time to carry it.” Bennett’s call follows a string of terror attacks in Be’er Sheva, Hadera, and Bnei Brak. The prime minister added, “The IDF, Shabak (Israel Security Agency), and the Israel Police have significantly increased

their intelligence operations in order to reach, in a timely manner, those who are planning to carry out attacks. We have also reinforced the presence throughout the country of those in uniform and those carrying weapons. “As of now, our forces have carried out more than 200 investigation or arrest operations,” Bennett stressed. “There is no limit on resources” for battling terrorism. Concluding his statement, Bennett said, “Citizens of Israel, we are currently experiencing a wave of murderous terrorism and, just like in all the previous waves, we will prevail, together. “This is neither our first nor our second wave of terrorism. We have experience with struggle. Israeli society, when it is tested, knows how to show composure, remain resilient, and rise to the occasion. We cannot be broken.”

Life Sentence for Esther Horgan’s Killer Terrorist Muhammad Mruh Kabha, who murdered Esther Horgan in cold

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blood in December 2020, was sentenced to life imprisonment on Sunday by the Samaria Military Court. Horgan, an Israeli from Tal Menashe, was a married mother of six. In its decision, the court called Horgan’s murder a “case that shocks the soul,” describing Kabha’s actions as “inconceivable evil.”

Horgan, then 52, was jogging on December 20, 2020 in the forest near her home, when Kabha, who had been waiting in the area for a victim, chased her and knocked her to the ground. Though Horgan tried to fight the terrorist, he pinned her down and hit her on the head with large rocks, causing her to bleed and breaking bones in her chest and arms until she went still. Horgan’s widower, Benjamin Horgan, said, “Hearing once again the detailed

description of this horrific crime brings us back to very difficult moments and underscores the importance of the court really using all the power given to it by the legislature to take part in the war on terror.” Kabha was convicted in October 2021 of intentionally causing death and conspiracy to shoot at a person. He has been sentenced to life plus three years in prison and ordered to pay compensation of about $1 million. Benjamin Horgan pointed out, “During the life of this vile killer in prison, he will earn over NIS 4 million from the Palestinian Authority. He will enjoy it, his family will enjoy these funds, the Palestinian Authority will rebuild his destroyed house. And the Israeli government is doing nothing. The court has gone a long way this morning, even with the compensation ruling, but it is not enough.”

Terror Attack Thwarted Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Saturday praised troops who thwarted


Israel is Major Weapons Exporter

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute has ranked Israel the tenth-largest international weapons exporter in the past five years. The report, which measures weapons trade from 2017-2021, noted that arms trade to Europe has risen drastically and that the Gulf states are leading importers. According to the report, Israel accounted for 2.4% of international arms experts between 2017-2021, mostly providing weapons to India, Vietnam, and Azerbaijan.

Five countries dominated the trade, accounting for 77% of all exports. These were the United States (39%), Russia (19%), France, China, and Germany. Italy, the UK, Spain, and South Korea also made the “top ten” list. The study also noted a 19% increase in weapons transfers to Europe, even before the Ukraine invasion, and revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic had very little impact on the arms trade. The U.S. delivered arms to 103 nations over that period, with most of them consisting of aircraft, followed by missiles and armored vehicles. Most of the U.S. exports were to the Middle East, while Russia sent weapons mostly to Egypt, Algeria, China, and India. Israel was the 14th largest importer; 92% of its imports came from the U.S. The U.S. came in just ahead of Israel, as the world’s 13th largest importer. Its lead suppliers were France, the UK, and the Netherlands. Saudi Arabia and India were also among the leading importers.

Harsh Sentencing for Israeli in UAE

Fidaa Kiwan, an Israeli woman living in the United Arab Emirates, was sentenced to death this week after she was convicted of possessing half a kilogram of cocaine. Kiwan, 43, came to Dubai for work at the invitation of a Palestinian acquaintance a year ago. She was arrested a short while later, on March 17, 2021, after a search of her apartment turned up the drugs. She has claimed that the drugs were not hers. Israeli officials said that they are working on her case and that they expect the sentence to be reduced to a long prison term upon appeal. The United Arab Emirates is known for its strict anti-drug laws, with those convicted of drug trafficking facing a possible death sentence. However, the death sentences are not rigorously enforced in many cases and tend to be converted into heavy prison sentences. This was not the first time that the



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APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

a terror attack which the terrorists were on their way to carrying out. On Friday night, four Yamam officers were injured and three terrorists were killed in a shootout near Jenin. In a video statement alongside Shabak (Israel Security Agency) chief Ronen Bar and military secretary Avi Gil, Bennett said, “We are in the midst of a joint effort of all the security forces to stop the wave of recent attacks and restore security to Israeli citizens.” The terrorists who were eliminated, members of the Islamic Jihad terror organization, were a “ticking time bomb,” Bennett said. According to reports, the cell was planning to carry out a shooting attack in central Israel. Bennett added, “We certainly assume there will be many more attempts, and we are working right now to prevent them. Our people act with great bravery, around the clock, in a hostile and violent environment, and I want to send a speedy recovery to the wounded in the operation.” Of the four wounded officers, two were lightly wounded, one suffered moderate wounds to his lower limbs, and the fourth suffered serious injuries and required hospitalization. That officer, S., is “is one of the State of Israel’s best field commanders,” Bennett stressed. He noted, “Terror is not new. Once it’s Hamas, once it’s Islamic Jihad, this time there is some involvement of ISIS. We will get through this difficult period.”

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

32 UAE has made a notable drug bust of an Israeli. In October 2021, it was reported that Halil Dasuki, 31, from Lod, was arrested in Dubai on suspicion of involvement in a scheme to smuggle half a ton of cocaine into the UAE and from there to Israel. At the time, Emirati police said they foiled the smuggling attempt after receiving a tip about a cargo container carrying the contraband through a seaport. They noted that a suspect of “Middle Eastern origin” was arrested in the operation, and he was described as an intermediary for an international drug syndicate. Israel and the United Arab Emirates normalized ties in 2020 when they signed the U.S.-brokered Abraham Accords, along with Bahrain.

Lapid Visits Damascus Gate Foreign Minister Yair Lapid toured the Damascus Gate area with Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai and several other members of his Yesh Atid party on Sunday afternoon. The area is one of the main Palestinian gathering points in Jerusalem.

Clashes with police there had ensued on the first few nights of Ramadan this year. Some were not pleased with Lapid’s visit.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz took a swipe at the foreign minister on Monday, appearing to call his tour with police chiefs at Damascus Gate a “provocation,” in the latest incident of government infighting. During an interview with 103FM Radio, Gantz was asked about Lapid’s visit to Damascus Gate. Gantz said he understood the desire of ministers to show backing for Israeli security forces, adding that it is “legitimate” for Lapid to tour the area. “Without getting into this specific tour, I say that we should not do things that are provocative, let’s not do things that undermine stability, which is critical during this period,” the defense minister added.

Gantz, a former army chief and relative newcomer to politics, has regularly found himself sparring with Lapid and Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. Last week, Channel 12 reported that Bennett and Lapid worked together to thwart a visit Gantz had hoped to make to Ramallah to meet with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan’s King Abdullah. Palestinian leaders also lambasted Lapid’s Sunday tour of the Damascus Gate area. “The continuing actions of the occupation army, its police provocations, and the incursions of settlers [in the Temple Mount holy site] will lead the situation to explode,” Abbas’s spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeinah said, calling Lapid’s visit “irresponsible.” Hamas called the tour a “dangerous escalation and provocation.” Hours after Lapid’s visit, 10 Palestinians were arrested in clashes with security forces at Damascus Gate, with at least one police officer and 14 Palestinians wounded, according to reports. The previous night, four Palestinians were arrested at the site during rioting. Over the past two weeks, 11 people have been killed in terrorist attacks across

Israel in three separate incidents in Beer Sheva, Hadera, and Bnei Brak. With the onset of Ramadan and the approach of Passover, officials have warned that tensions could continue to escalate. On Sunday, Egypt’s Foreign Ministry condemned “the Israeli escalation in the Palestinian territories in recent days,” citing in particular recent visits by Jews to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City.

Oligarch Gets Israeli Citizenship

Mikhail Prokhorov, a Russian oligarch, obtained Israeli citizenship after arriving in the Holy Land on a private jet from Switzerland last week. Prokhorov has yet to be sanctioned by Western countries.

er and intense critic of the service, which is exactly what we need on Twitter, and in the boardroom, to make us stronger in the long-term.” Musk said he was “looking forward to make significant improvements to Twitter in coming months!” Sitting on the board came with strings attached: in exchange for his board seat, Musk cannot buy more than 14.9% of Twitter’s common stock for the duration of his tenure, plus 90 days after, according to an SEC filing this week. Late Monday, Musk used his new authority to broach the most controversial subject on Twitter, the addition of an edit button. As of 9 a.m. on Tuesday, the poll results had more than 2.9 million votes, with about 74% of respondents voting yes. Musk’s more-than-73 million shares were worth about $2.9 billion at the close of trading Friday and jumped to $3.5 billion on Monday after the announcement of his purchase. Last month, Musk mused about Twitter’s role in protecting free speech. “Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy. Do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle?” the 50-year-old entrepreneur tweeted alongside a poll on March 25. “The consequences of this poll will be important. Please vote carefully.” Of more than 2 million votes, 70.4% of respondents said “no.”

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Gas Robbers Elon Musk on Twitter Board

Just a day after buying up 9.2% of the social media site’s stock, billionaire Elon Musk has been named to Twitter’s board of directors. “Through conversations with Elon in recent weeks, it became clear to us that he would bring great value to our Board,” CEO Parag Agrawal tweeted Tuesday morning. “He’s both a passionate believ-

Police in Florida have arrested a gang of six men for stealing thousands of dollars of gasoline from gas stations. Hillsborough Sheriff Chad Chronister said “Operation Empty Tank” concluded last week when Luis Alcade-Hernandez, Albert Aleman-Gonzalez, Nestor Flores-Rodriguez, Javier Penate-Berbe, Jesus Andres Perez-Cueto and Danys Vazquez-Sosa were arrested. Their ringleader, Willian Penate-Arencibia, is still at large. “Operation Empty Tank” began in February when over the course of two days, two Circle K Gas Stations discovered they had $25,000 in fuel shortages.


Elisheva Betjackov 718-758-2999 EXT 38154 IVDU Schools are a program of Yachad (a division of the Orthodox Union), the international organization dedicated to enriching the lives of Jewish individuals with disabilities and their families.


1244 E 7th St, Brooklyn, NY 11230 •

APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Prokhorov, valued as the 193rd richest person in the world by Forbes Magazine at $11.5 billion, was considered eligible to receive citizenship under the Law of Return. Originally entering Israel with a visitor’s visa, Prokhorov received citizenship after passing eligibility tests conducted by Nativ, an independent administrative unit at the Prime Minister’s Office responsible for checking aliyah eligibility for Jews born in former Soviet countries. Following a criminal record check by the Population and Immigration Authority which turned out clean, Prokhorov was given a blue passport. A former owner of the NBA’s Brooklyn Nets, Prokhorov made his wealth through his mining and smelting company Norilsk Nickel, whose shares were once owned by Russian-Israeli oligarch Roman Abramovich. Prokhorov previously tried his hand at Russian politics, challenging president Vladimir Putin in the 2012 presidential elections as an independent. During his campaign, which he referred to as “the most important decision of his life,” according to Bloomberg, Prokhorov refused to bash Putin, instead focusing on “what he will do as president.” According to the BBC, Prokhorov’s ties to the Kremlin caused some Russian opposition figures to suggest the oligarch’s campaign was a ploy designed by Putin to draw attention away from protests at the time and provide liberal Russian voters with a candidate.

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Amazon’s First Union

organize and win an election – but it will still be difficult,” said Rebecca Givan, a labor law professor at Rutgers University. “The odds are always, always stacked against workers organizing in a situation like this, but this is proof that it can be done, and it will likely inspire workers elsewhere.” Amazon has previously said in statements that its “employees have always had the choice of whether or not to join a union,” while spending $4.3 million just last year on anti-union consultants. In a statement, the company indicated it will explore its options to challenge the results rather than accepting that workers had voted in favor of the effort. Both parties have until this Friday to file any objections. In an interview with CNN Business ahead of the election, Christian Smalls, a former Amazon employer who is behind the ALU, ticked off a list of demands the ALU intends to seek from Amazon, including higher wages, job security, better working conditions, longer breaks, making warehouse workers shareholders again, and securing funds to cover the cost of transportation to and from the facility. “I would never agree to anything that doesn’t benefit us, and I’m talking about us at the bottom, the entry level workers,” said Smalls. “We’re at least a year or more away from even thinking about dues. We have to fight for a contract first.”

35 A C H I E V E R S


B E L I E V E R S .

Moshe is determined to publish his own writing. His IVDU literacy coach is determined to help.

Oligarch’s Ship Seized On Friday, Amazon workers at a warehouse in Staten Island made history when they voted overwhelmingly in favor of unionizing with Amazon Labor Union, ALU. This is the first time a group of U.S. workers have successfully voted to form a union in Amazon’s 27-year history. The win is striking for a number of reasons, primarily that ALU is a scrappy effort unaligned with an established labor union. It scored a decisive victory while a drive done in tandem with an 85-year-old labor union in Alabama has stumbled. Now, the milestone vote may well have ripple effects throughout Amazon, where other union efforts are already underway. It has the potential to motivate workers at other warehouses to unionize, labor experts say, and perhaps to rethink more conventional tactics for doing so. “Amazon workers around the country will now have a belief that it’s possible to

A yacht that belongs to Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg has been seized in Marina Real in the Spanish port of Palma de Mallorca. The yacht was seized on Monday by Spanish authorities and KleptoCapture, the U.S. Justice Department task force charged with finding the assets of oligarchs trying to evade sanctions over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “We will now seek to have the vessel forfeited as the proceeds of a crime,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a video message released by the Justice Department.


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APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

“After reviewing surveillance cameras, each gas station observed the same strange behavior, where a group of seven trucks would continually cycle through a single gas pump for more than 12 hours at each station,” the sheriff’s office’s statement said. Detectives discovered that the suspects were breaking into gas pumps and installing homemade devices that disabled the mechanism that calculates the cost per gallon. “For pennies per gallon, or in some cases no money at all, seven suspects were able to dispense thousands of dollars in gasoline,” said the sheriff’s office. Investigators determined that the suspects were stealing gas from stations all over Tampa Bay. “While we have identified just over $60,000 in gas theft from seven documented events, we believe these men are responsible for far more money in theft due to their operation running nearly every day of the week,” Chronister said. “This was very clearly an organized crime ring, and these suspects were not new to the business.” The suspects were selling the gas for half the price to truck drivers.

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Vekselberg was designated an oligarch by U.S. authorities in 2018, when he was sanctioned by the United Sates following Russia’s invasion of Crimea. In addition to the seizure of Vekselberg’s yacht, U.S. authorities also obtained seizure warrants unsealed in Washington, D.C., that target roughly $625,000 associated with sanctioned parties that’s being held at nine U.S. financial institutions, the Justice Department said. The KleptoCapture task force is trying to find yachts, airplanes and other moveable property before it can be moved into jurisdictions where it might be more difficult for U.S. authorities to investigate. “The point of going after Putin’s cronies and Russian oligarchs who seek to violate our laws and shield their assets is to say that nobody is beyond the reach of our system of justice, beyond the reach of our work and cooperation with our allies,” Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said last month. “These cronies and oligarchs who seek to support and bolster the Russian regime shouldn’t be able to get away with that while people are dying.” KleptoCapture, a unit of the U.S. Department of Justice, was established in March 2022 to enforce sanctions on Russian oligarchs, also called kleptocrats.

CA Diversity Law Not Legal

A law signed by California Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2020 requires public companies in California to “diversify” their boards. Last week, a judge in Los Angeles ruled that the law violates the state’s constitution. On Friday, Judge Terry Green of Los Angeles County Superior Court sided with Judicial Watch, a conservative legal group that filed a lawsuit arguing the measure violates the equal protection clause of California’s constitution. The law, Assembly Bill 979, required companies headquartered in The Golden State to have at least one board member from an underrepresented community by the end of 2021 and at least two or three – depending on the board’s size – by the end of 2022. People from underrepresented com-

munities includes anyone who self-identifies as Black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander, Native American, Native Hawaiian or Alaska Native, among others. Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, applauded the judge’s ruling and said the state law is “one of the most blatant and significant attacks in the modern era on constitutional prohibitions against discrimination.” California State Rep. Chris Holden, who co-sponsored the legislation, said he was disappointed by the judge’s ruling because his intention was “to give people from diverse backgrounds a seat at the table in boardrooms where decision making occurs.” Meanwhile, another state law concerning diversity in the state is being reviewed by a court. In a separate lawsuit, Judicial Watch argued a California 2018 law requiring a minimum number of women directors is a “quota system for female representation” and is unconstitutional. A judge has not yet ruled on that lawsuit.

Yale Admin Stole $40M

A former Yale administrative employee on Monday pleaded guilty of defrauding the university to the tune of over $40.5 million. Jamie Petrone-Codrington, 42, resold electronics purchased with school funds over at least eight years, court documents show. Petrone-Codrington served as director of finance and lead administrator at the medical school’s department of emergency medicine. She used the funds “for various personal expenses, including expensive cars, real estate and travel,” a press release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Connecticut showed.” Prosecutors added that this includes three Connecticut properties that she either owns or co-owns. Between 2013-2016, PetroneCodrington also filed false tax returns claiming the costs of the stolen equipment as business expenses. She failed to

file any tax returns from 2017 to 2020, costing the U.S. Treasury $6 million. Petrone-Codrington was arrested in September 2021. She has been charged with wire fraud and filing a false tax return and faces up to 23 years in prison. She is expected to be sentenced in June. Her attorney, Frank Riccio, said that his client has “accepted responsibility for her actions and is remorseful” and “now looks forward towards sentencing and repairing some of the damage that has been caused.” Petrone-Codrington has also been ordered by the court to pay restitution in the amount of $40.5 million to Yale and more than $6 million to the Internal Revenue Service for failing to file and filing a false tax return. In a statement, Yale University Spokeswoman Karen Peart said, “The university thanks local law enforcement, the FBI, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for their handling of the case. “Since the incident, Yale has worked to identify and correct gaps in its internal financial controls.”

Cities Sue State of CA

Four cities in southern California have filed a legal challenge to the State’s Senate Bill 9, which permits single-family lots to be divided for the development of additional homes. The petition by the Los Angeles Superior Court was brought last week against Attorney General Rob Bonta by the cities of Redondo Beach, Torrance, Carson, and Whittier. According to the petition, “It is undisputed that planning and zoning laws are matters of municipal affairs. The constitutional right of municipalities to zone single-family residential districts and the sanctioning principle upon which that right is founded has been well settled law for almost 100 years.” The new bill, the petition says, “eviscerated a city’s local control over land use decisions and a community-tailored zoning process.” Supporters of the bill say it will ease the housing shortage, protect tenants


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


from displacement, and ensure access to affordable housing. The bill, signed by California Governor Gavin Newsom in September, would allow the development of up to four residential units on single-family lots statewide. A letter presented to Newsom prior to the bill’s signing said, “SB 9 does not guarantee the construction of affordable housing, nor will it spur additional housing development in a manner that supports local flexibility, decision-making and community input.”

Bird Flu Concerns

Bird flu has hit another two farms in Iowa, forcing 88,000 turkeys and 5.3 million hens to be killed. Across the United States, farmers have been forced to kill around 1.9 million turkeys, 1.9 million pullet and

other commercial chickens, 22 million egg-laying hens, and 1.8 million broiler chickens. Many of these cases are in Iowa, the U.S.’s leading egg producer, which raises around 11.7 million turkeys annually. Still, at least 22 states have seen cases of bird flu in their flocks. The latest cases occurred at an egg farm in Osceola County and a turkey farm in Cherokee County, both in northwest Iowa. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is looking into vaccines as an option to offer protection against bird flu. Supporters say vaccines could help keep poultry alive, prevent financial losses, and control food costs, although shots would be too late to stop the current outbreak that has wiped out more than 22 million chickens and turkeys in commercial flocks since February. In the past, the United States has eschewed vaccines, worried that importers will ban U.S. poultry shipments because they cannot distinguish between infected birds and vaccinated ones. The United States is the world’s second-largest poultry meat exporter and a major egg producer, with shipments reaching $4.2 billion in 2020. Bird flu, also known as avian influ-

enza, is a highly contagious and deadly virus that can prey on chickens, turkeys and wild birds, including ducks and geese. It spreads via nasal secretions, saliva and fecal droppings. Symptoms of the virus include a sudden increase in the mortality of a flock, a drop in egg production, and diminished consumption of feed and water. The prices of eggs and poultry have risen sharply because of the outbreak, similar to what took place during the bird flu outbreak in 2014-2015. The USDA reports that egg costs have increased 52% since February.

NY Redistricting: Back to the Drawing Board?

An upstate Republican judge has deemed New York’s recently-drawn state and congressional maps “unconstitutional.” Steuben County Supreme Court Judge Patrick McAllister ordered that the legislature resubmit the maps with “sufficient bipartisan support” by April 11. If this is not done, the court will “retain a neutral expert at State expense to prepare said maps.” The new lines would influence the state’s primary, scheduled for June 28. Meanwhile, legislative leaders promised to send the case to the Court of Appeals. Mike Murphy, a spokesman for Senate Democrats, said, “This is one step in the process. We always knew this case would be decided by the appellate courts. We are appealing this decision and expect this decision will be stayed as the appeal process proceeds.” Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt, R-Lockport, said, “Albany Democrats ignored the will of New Yorkers who demanded fair, independent redistricting. Instead, they adopted partisan maps to protect themselves. This is a victory for (all) New Yorkers.”

Vaxx Attack

A few days ago, a German man in his 60s was caught after months of getting himself vaccinated against COVID-19. Generally, authorities in Germany are encouraging vaccinations. This man, though, has gotten the shot dozens of times in the past few months. The man from the eastern Germany city of Magdeburg is said to have received up to 90 shots against COVID-19 at vaccination centers in the eastern state of Saxony for months until police caught up with him. He had been selling the proof of vaccinations. Many people in Germany want the coveted COVID-19 passports that make access to public life and venues such as restaurants, theaters, swimming pools or workplaces much easier without having to get the shot. The man was caught at a vaccination center when he showed up for a COVID-19 shot for the second day in a row. Police confiscated several blank vaccination cards from him and initiated criminal proceedings. It was not immediately clear what impact the approximately 90 shots of COVID-19 vaccines, which were from different brands, had on the man’s personal health. Talk about COVID crazy.

Muffins & Makeup

Wake up and smell the makeup. Recently, e.l.f Cosmetics launched a limited-edition makeup collection that


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‫קו‬ ‫העפת‬ ‫רי‬

APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The local charity organizations that sent lists of thousands of

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


is going to make your day smell a bit more delicious. The makeup company is teaming up with Dunkin’ to combine cookies with cosmetics. The e.l.f X Dunkin’ collaboration features item with names that riff off Dunkin’s menu: Dunkin’ Dozen scented eyeshadow palette, with its colors of shimmery pink, blue, yellow and chocolate brown; two “Glazed for Days” lip glosses; a coffee-scented lip scrub; makeup brushes shaped like straws. There’s even a makeup sponge that resembles a strawberry-frosted donut with confetti sprinkles and an e.l.f-Dunkin’-branded coffee cup. This is not the first time that e.l.f Cosmetics teamed up with a food company to entice their consumers with yummy items. Last year, it joined forces with Chipotle for a limited edition online-only sale of makeup inspired by ingredients on its menu. The collection sold out in 72 hours. The affordable beauty line — whose name stands for eyes, lip, face — launched 18 years ago with items priced at $1. Still, you may want to stay away from doughnut-flavored lipstick as Pesach rolls around.


This is simply moo-rvelous. A Minnesota woman who holds the Guinness World Record for the largest collection of cow-related items said her Cow Collector’s Mooseum has grown to 19,827 pieces. Ruth Klossner, whose home in Lafayette is now known as the Cow Collector’s Mooseum, was awarded the Guinness World Record in 2015, when her collection numbered 15,144 pieces. Love cows? Make sure to include Klossner’s homage to all things bovine on your list of things to do this chol hamoed. Her collection includes toys, statues, snow globes, pillows, clothing, a chess set and even a wine decanting set. Since the award years ago, Klossner’s collection has udder-ly grown to a generous 19,827 pieces. Tours at the Mooseum are by appoint-

ment only, although she holds an open house for cow-loving visitors each year in the summer. Talk about a cash cow.

Largest Insect Hotel

You know, it really bugged me that there are no hotels exclusively for insects. You see, when they vacation, they have to bunk with humans. But now, six-legged creatures are getting a home of their own. Recently, a Scottish conservation group earned a Guinness World Record by constructing an insect hotel measuring more than 7,000 cubic feet. Conservation group Highland Titles used felled sitka spruce, masonry bricks, bamboo canes, wood chips, forest bark, wildflower seeds, clay pipes and strawberry netting to build a 7,059.4-cubic-foot insect hotel on the Highland Titles Nature Reserve in Duror. This insect hotel is now officially the largest one in the world, surpassing the 3,157-cubic-foot insect hotel in Warsaw, Poland. “This record-breaking initiative is about the environmental message,” Highland Titles CEO Douglas Wilson said. “We bought this land in 2006 when it was a poorly performing commercial forestry plantation of non-native Sitka spruce.” Seven people worked like busy bees for six months to get the project completed. It’s hoped that the hotel will become home to millions of insects such as ants, ladybirds, beetles, bees and butterflies. In turn, this will help to feed lots of other animals on the nature reserve. Wilson said the area was “inappropriately planted in the late 1980s with no thought or consideration given to biodiversity.” “Using these same trees for something that puts nature first symbolizes that the world has changed, and we hope our efforts will inspire others. We’d be delighted if someone beat our record in the future,” Wilson said. Sounds like he has ants in his pants.


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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Around the

Community Incredible Volunteers Help the JCCRP Pack & Deliver Pesach Food to over 300 local Holocaust Survivors

Avi Satt and Sam Tanenbaum with their Allegria Senior Living Team

Central H.S.

Yachad volunteers

HALB Talmidim with Rabbi Renov and a grateful survivor

A Pa s s ov e r Tr a d i t i o n Since 1882


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

© 2020 Kraft Heinz


The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Around the Community

HALB Students Move Onto State History Day Competition

BBY Holocaust Memorial Exhibit


nos Bais Yaakov’s Holocaust Memorial Exhibit, always an impressive event, did not disappoint this year. This exhibit marks the culmination of months of age-appropriate study of the Holocaust by the sixth, seventh and eighth grades and includes impressive works by each. Upon entering the darkened Ateres Nechama Liba Simcha Hall, visitors observed six large candles atop six black pillars. Writings of our sixth graders in response to Behind the Bedroom Wall were presented in a lighted display case. Along one wall stood collage artwork created by our seventh graders. Each

of them researched a hero of the Holocaust, then created a one-foot square tile depicting his or her story. Eighth graders, meanwhile, after researching extensively, worked in groups to create detailed and comprehensive models depicting a story or feature of the Holocaust. With lights dimmed and music playing to reflect the somber mood, the exhibit also featured a video of survivors and children of survivors telling their stories. Parents and grandparents were invited for viewing hours on Monday and Tuesday. Said one grandparent, “My father was a survivor. He told me many

A Displaced Persons camp



stories. But he used to say, ‘Who will remember? Who will care once I am gone?’ This exhibit gave me such chizuk. It assures me that the details and messages of the Holocaust are being passed on to future generations.”



Gardening at IVDU LI


ith the assistance of Yaffa Lamm, CIJE STEM coach, Mrs. Leah Karr has begun a unit of gardening with the oldest students of IVDU LI. The students assisted Mr. Dovid Moshayev, physical therapist, in constructing the garden bed, physically building the structure and adding in the soil. Students used shovels, hoes, and rakes to prepare the ground and lay out the new soil in preparation to plant vegetables.

Through the guidance of Yaffa Lamm, Mrs. Karr has taught her students what vegetables could grow during each season. The students have prepped the onions and potatoes in cups to allow the roots and buds to come out, in anticipation of planting. The students are looking forward to planting the vegetables and continuing to watch them grow.


hroughout the month of March, the Hebrew Academy of Long Beach participated virtually in Long Island History Day as part of the larger National History Day Competition. The students created projects that examined events in history and how they relate to this year’s theme, Debate and Diplomacy: Successes, Failures and Consequences. For the past five months, under the guidance of their social studies teacher Ms. Kristen Waterman, the eighth grade students researched various events and people from time periods as far back as the American Industrial Revolution and as recent as the 1970s. Seven of the nine groups from HALB placed within the top six on Long Island, with four projects advancing to New York State History Day. New York State History Day will take place virtually throughout the month of April. The First Place Winners were: First Place Group Documentary: The Auschwitz Protocols: Creating a Debate and Sparking Diplomatic Action. By: Isaac Cohen, Dovid Feldhamer, Samuel Rosenblatt, Yehoshua Wiesel, Daniel Wohlgelernter Third Place Group Documentary: A Labor Debate at the House that Mouse Built. By: Rebecca Abayev, Sophia Friedman, Molly Ostreicher, Devorah Pak Third Place Group Website: Failure of Diplomacy at Evian By: Yehoshua Fogel, Michael Freund, Aaron Hackel, Joshua Lampert, Noam Lazar Fourth Place Group Website: Failing to Save the Children: The Wagner Rogers Bill By: Daniella Dagan, Lana Frenkel, Elyana Miller, Emma Neuberg Congratulations to all the HALB groups that participated and good luck to those moving on!


Yom Ha’atzmaut, May 5, 2022 Hosted by

Natan Sharansky

Amb. David Friedman

Nissim Black

Montana Tucker

Lior Suchard

Bari Weiss

Meir Adoni

Elon Gold

Noa Tishby

Danielle Robay

Lizzy Savetsky

May Piamenta

Gad Elbaz

Tamir Goodman

Emmanuelle Chriqui


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Tons of Prizes! Including an all-expense-paid trip to Israel!

Around the Community

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


At a special event with Coach Ryan Day of Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio

Shevach Production Regales Queens Community


he Queens community was treated on Sunday, March 27, to the annual Shevach High School production at Townsend Harris High School. The play, “Sarah with an ‘H,’” was complete with drama, interspersed with original dances, choir and ensembles. The girls sparkled in their production. The unique and striking costumes, and the eye-catching scenery and props, all portrayed the theme very well. The audience was regaled with an enjoyable

performance that not only entertained but simultaneously imparted important life lessons. The script was an adaptation of the humorous classic “Anne of Green Gables,” and the actresses did not disappoint. Attendees heard the message that no matter what life brings, everything is orchestrated by Hashem and it is up to us to reach inside ourselves and appreciate the many blessings. All left with the touching words of the theme song

reverberating in their minds: “There is a power inside you, a mind that provides you, with joy from within.” The production coordinator was Mrs. Yocheved Jurkowitz, overseen by Shevach Menaheles, Mrs. Shulamith Insel. The production heads were seniors Ayelet Aaronson, Perela Amsel, Tehila Davidov, Rivky Milgram, and Malka Adina Taub. They devoted themselves to their responsibility of making the production a unifying and uplifting ex-

perience for the students and audience alike. The production heads guided the students with encouragement and warmth as they reached ever higher in their efforts. The dedicated administration and staff, as well as the Queens community at large, has much reason to be proud of these young ladies. In the words of one of the guests: “The talent and positive energy displayed by the Shevach girls was unparalleled!”

HALB Hockey Championship Win

Shulamith Wins Torah Bowl



he Hebrew Academy of Long Beach won the YJHS Hockey League championship against the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County this week with a final score of 4-0. HALB had won their previous playoff game against HAFTR in a nail-biting game that went into triple overtime. Enthusiastic fans packed the Scott Satran Arena at HAFTR High School for the championship game

after a season that initially started with limited fans due to Covid protocols. Both the HALB Lions and the HANC Hurricanes came out with all their energy and excitement. HALB Lions goalie Dovid Feldhamer achieved an impressive shutout as the players made their way to a championship victory coached by Steven Mark and Matthew Mark.

azal tov to the Shulamith Torah Bowl Team on winning the Torah Bowl Championship! Congratulations to their Coach Morah Shoshana Fischman and Captains Kayla Etra and Sophia Dashiff. Rabbi Mair Wolofsky is the developer and coordinator of the Metropolitan Torah Bowl League since 1995. Over the

past 28 years, thousands of participating yeshiva students have studied Chumash and Rashi on all five seforim to a competitive level. Torah Bowl is open to junior high and high school yeshiva students with separate divisions for boys and girls in the New York - New Jersey metropolitan area.


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Around the Community

Taste Tests at YOSS

North Shore Hebrew Academy (NSHA) Unfurls New Megillah in Honor of Dr. Paul Brody


abbi Dr. Jeffrey Kobrin, Rosh HaYeshiva and Head of School of the North Shore Hebrew Academy (NSHA), announced at the beginning of the student-led Megillah reading on Purim Day that the Great Neck school had purchased a new Megillah to be named the “Dr. Paul Brody Megillah.” The new scroll will be used every Purim when the students chant the Megillah for the entire Middle School, their parents, grandparents, siblings and faculty members, in a program that Dr. Brody, whose daughters attended the Academy,

“L instituted in 2002. Dr. Brody, a dermatologist by profession and an activist for Israel by avocation, created the Megillah Readers Program two decades ago – with only 10 students – when he realized that none of the students knew how to chant Megillas Esther. He has instructed 400 Ashkenazic and Sephardic seventh and eighthgrade students in the reading, cantillation and fine nuances of each aspect of reading the Megillah. After successfully chanting the “Gantze Megillah,” the 35 student read-

’chaim!” said the YOSS kindergarten children as they taste-tested different grape juices, as they begin to learn all about the different parts of the Seder. While the peach grape juice got rave reviews, the sparkling grape juice had some boys’ faces looking confused. Hands down, the “regular” Kedem (purple) grape juice was the winner. The boys also tasted different choices of Karpas and noticed how the saltwater tasted like their tears. The boys are also learning about the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim, about the hard work that the Jewish people had to do, and have been building the cities of Pitom and Ramseis out of blocks.

ers unfurled the beautiful new Megillah named for Dr. Brody. Dr. Brody observed all of the Megillah Reading and celebration via FaceTime, since he was at home rehabbing from complex orthopedic surgery. He “shepped nachas” and was very proud of his students for whom he made recordings and had begun to teach before his mishap. One of his students, Aidan Mayer, utilized different voices for Queen Esther and King Achashveirosh, taught to him by Dr. Brody.

Makor Institute Hosts Webinar on Inclusion at the Seder


n March 28, 2022, over 200 people from around the country and Israel attended a webinar on the topic of, “The Four Sons: Including People of All Abilities at the Seder and Beyond.” The webinar was presented by Dr. Stephen Glicksman, Developmental Psychologist and Director of Clinical Innovation at Makor Care and Services Network, as part of its research and education wing, The Makor Institute. Glicksman is a licensed developmental psychologist and serves as Director of Clinical Innovation at Makor. The webinar was made possible and free to the public through a grant from New York

City Council. During the webinar, Glicksman focused on how to keep everyone at the Seder comfortable, engaged, and involved despite their various ages, educational backgrounds, specialized needs, and temperaments. “Inclusion is embedded into the very text, the very formulation, the very structure of the Pesach Seder,” Glicksman said. “Chazal understood the practical value of multisensory, experiential teaching and the moral value of teaching each child at his or her own level, and nowhere is this inclusive tradition more evident, and expressed more beautiful-

ly and explicitly, than during the Pesach Seder.” Touching not only on how to prepare the Seder evening for individuals with specialized needs such as Autism, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, sensory issues, impulse control challenges, and other developmental needs, Glicksman also discussed the unique challenges of simply having guests of different ages and stages, as well as populations not often mentioned during presentations on inclusion such as those suffering with addiction and those with more profound levels of intellectual disability. A plethora of ideas were suggest-

ed to help us reach our goal, as Glicksman put it, of having “…a Seder that is meaningful, and beautiful, and, when it’s over, a fond and positive memory for everyone.” The full webinar is now available for viewing on . The next webinar sponsored by the Makor Institute will be given on the topic of psychotropic drugs, given by Dr. Pinchas Lerner, Clinical Director Makor on May 17th. For more information about Makor and its wide array of award-winning services, visit www.makornetwork. org or call 718-853-0900.

bring your Pesach seder to Life!


V’hi She’amda


h / ‫ֶׁש ָע ְמ ָדה‬

‫וְ ִהיא‬

Cover the matzos. Everyone should raise his cup and recite the next paragraph with great joy.

t is that promis e to Avraham that protected our fathers and us, because more than one nation has tried to destroy us. In every genera tion they try to destroy us, but Hashem always saves us from them.

,‫בֹותינּו וְ ָֽלנּו‬ ֵֽ ‫ִהיא ֶׁש ָע ְ ֿמ ָדה ַל ֲא‬ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ּלֹא ֶא ָחד ִּבלְ ָבד ָעַמד‬ ‫ֶׁש‬ ‫ ֶאּלָ א ֶׁש ְ ּֿב ָכל ּדֹור‬.‫ּלֹותנּו‬ ֵֽ ‫ָעֵֽלינּו לְ ַכ‬ ,‫ּלֹותנּו‬ ֵֽ ‫עֹומ ִדים ָעֵֽלינּו לְ ַכ‬ ְֿ ‫וָ דֹור‬ .‫ילנּו ִמּיָ ָדם‬ ְ ‫דֹוׁש ָּב‬ ֵֽ ‫רּוך הּוא ַמ ִּצ‬ ‫וְ ַה ָּק‬ Put down the cup and uncover the matzos.


T ָ ‫ֲח ִמ ָיראַו ֲח ִמ‬ ִ ‫יעא ְּד ִא ָּכא ִב ְר‬ ‫ׁשּות‬ ‫ ְּד ָלא ֲח ִמ ֵּתּה ְּוד ָלא ִבַע ְר ֵּתּה‬,‫י‬ ְ‫ ִל ָּב ֵטל ו‬,‫ְּוד ָלא יַָֽד ְענָ א ֵלּה‬ .‫ֶל ֱהוֵ י ֶה ְפ ֵקר ְּכַע ְפ ָרא ְדַא ְר ָעא‬




if to own chametz, even we are not allowed understand he Torah says that this paragraph — and why we have to say re, it know about it. That’s is still chametz somewhe sure that even if there it! By saying it we make anymore. doesn’t belong to us



Bedikas Chametz

rom the beginnin g of the Seder, when someone (your or sister — or maybe little brother you?) asked the Four Questions, we’ve read the until now, Haggadah and discussed it. Now, action. Everyon suddenly, there e at the Seder table is is holding up a juice!). cup of wine (or grape Why now? Picking up our cup of wine is a way of showing his pasuk is still part of what celebration. In special joy and a farmer said when he brought the words V’hi She’amd bikkurim to ah, we will celebrat always protects the Kohen. It describes how Hashem, e how Hashem us from our enemies Who is all-mighty and all-powerful, who want to destroy Many times in took us out of Egypt. us. our history, our enemies planned sometimes it looked to destroy us, like they might and succeed. But Hashem sure we would survive and continue always made to be His great WE ARE STILL Torah nation. HERE! Isn’t that a reason to celebrate and happily raise our cups of wine?

All-Mighty, All-Powerful

Through an Angel? Through a Messenger?

In many homes, everyone at the Seder sings V’hi She’amda h together, in an outburst of pure joy.

What’s the Secr et?

he pasuk begins by talking about Makkas Bechoros (Plague of the Firstborn), the last of the Ten Makkos — the one that finally forced Pharaoh to free the o matter what, Jews. we Jews have survived . What’s the secret? because we are Was this makkah done by an It’s not more clever or angel? By a messenger of Hashem? have a stronger else! army than anyone No! So, what is the secret of our survival Hashem Himself passed through Mitzrayim. He Himself killed the ? The Haggadah firstborn Egyptians tells us in the and destroyed the Egyptian gods. words that came Metal idols rusted and wooden She’amdah. It’s right before V’hi idols rotted. because of Hashem

I did not see and in my possession, which not ny chametz that is shall be as if it does do not know about, remove, and which I of the earth. ownerless, like the dust exist and shall become we don’t





One Phrase at a Time


DAH he pasuk says that Hashem took us out with “a strong hand and an outstretched arm, with great awe, with signs and with miracles.” What part of the story is a “strong hand” and what part is “an outstretched arm”? Why “great awe”? What kinds of signs? Which miracles? Let’s explain the pasuk one phrase at a time. Ready? Here we go!



Bris Bein HaBesar

’s promise to Avraham Avinu at the s are the secret of our survival.

im. These promise

V’hi She’amdah



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APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home



The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Around the Community

Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Siddur Compiled by Rabbi Shai Graucher


magine davening with Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, at your side. If you ever merited to see Rav Chaim davening, you felt your own tefillos grow more fervent, more heart-filled, more real. We can no longer see his face shining with holiness – but we can still be inspired, both by his own insights into the words of the siddur and related stories about Rav Chaim and his illustrious family. ArtScroll’s new Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Siddur, which was prepared for print right before his passing, includes insights on the words and themes of the daily prayers shared directly by Rav Chaim and collected from his extensive writings, as well as dozens of stories about Rav Chaim, his beloved wife Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky, and his illustrious family. Compiled by Rabbi Shai Graucher, who was an almost-daily visitor to R’ Chaim’s home, this is a work that will bring your davening to a whole new level. The following are two fascinating excerpts from this book. Persistence Enlighten our eyes in Your Torah. A father came to Rav Chaim saying that his son had become very depressed with his lack of ability to excel in his Torah studies and was sitting at home in bed. Rav Chaim first asked questions to try to determine the specific cause for his

loss of interest and then advised that his father should study with him and explain the topics to him in great detail until he knows them thoroughly. Rav Chaim also suggested that his father begin looking for a shidduch for him. When the father protested that the boy had two older sisters who were not

yet married, Rav Chaim rejected that objection, saying that there is no reason for a boy to wait for his older sister or vice versa. Rav Chaim added the following story: The Chasam Sofer headed a prestigious yeshivah in the city of Pressburg. One day, a young man knocked at his door and said that he wanted to join the yeshivah. “What topics are you prepared to be tested on?” the Chasam Sofer asked him. The young man admitted that he was completely ignorant of Torah; in fact, he did not even know the Hebrew alphabet! The Chasam Sofer tried to explain to him that the Pressburg Yeshivah was an academy for advanced study, and his lack of even the most elementary knowledge made him ineligible

for acceptance therein. The young man, however, persisted, insisting that he had a strong desire to attain Torah knowledge, and the Pressburg Yeshivah was the place in which he believed he would achieve success in this pursuit. When the Chasam Sofer saw how stubbornly the young man clung to his dream of becoming a scholar, he agreed to make a one-time exception and accept him into the yeshivah, despite his lack of knowledge. The Chasam Sofer assigned some of the advanced students to take turns tutoring the young man in the aleph-beis and begin teaching him Chumash and other fundamental basics of Torah study. While the young man succeeded in absorbing these elementary studies, when the time came for him to begin learning


Around the Community since it invariably exposed his thorough lack of understanding of the material under discussion. Nevertheless, this bachur stubbornly persisted in his efforts, and eventually grew into a true Torah scholar. “That We Not Stumble” Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky related the following amazing story: A certain scholar once needed to study a rare sefer that was available only in the National Library in Givat Ram. It was not permitted to remove the sefer from the library, so he prepared himself to spend the entire day there, bringing along lunch. When he finished eating, he bentched aloud, reciting each word slowly and clearly, as was his custom. Afterward, the librarian, who was obviously non-observant, approached him and said, “Excuse me, but you added some words into bentching…” Seeing the confused look on his face, she hurried to explain: “I am not currently observant, but I was raised in a frum home, and always took an interest in the exact language of the tefillos we recited. I know that the correct wording in bentching is ‘that we not be shamed nor embarrassed,’ yet you added, ‘and that we may not stumble!’ I have never heard of a nusach that adds these words!” The scholar replied, “You are correct that these words do not appear in most siddurim, yet my family’s custom is to add them, and I am certain that this nusach can be found somewhere and is not just my family’s invention. With Hashem’s help, I will find the source for this nusach and send it to you.” The scholar checked the texts that were available in the library but could not find that nusach in any of them. After returning home, he continued his research, and finally located an old siddur that had the words and that we may not stumble added in bentching. He photocopied the page, circled the relevant words, and mailed it to the National Library, addressing it to “the librarian who was on duty on this date.” Some time passed, and the scholar forgot the entire incident. One day, he received a wedding invitation in the mail. He checked the names of both the chassan’s and kallah’s families, but they were unfamiliar to him. Nevertheless, the wedding was to be held in a hall near his home, so he decided to attend. When he entered the hall, someone approached him and asked for his name. When he had identified himself, the

man said, “Come, the kallah would like to speak with you.” Completely confused, the scholar allowed himself to be led to a side room and was soon joined by the kallah. “I can see that you don’t remember me,” she began. “I work as a librarian in the National Library, and I discussed the correct nusach of bentching with you… “I am ashamed to admit that, at that time, I was in a relationship with an Arab man. He was pressuring me to marry him, and I was inclined to agree, since I had abandoned all vestiges of observance. Still, something inside me made me hesitate before taking this step. The Arab was growing impatient, and he finally gave me an ultimatum: By Friday, he wanted an answer. Either I would consent to marry him, or our relationship was over. “I struggled with my decision, but, in the end, I decided that there was no reason for me to refrain from marrying a non-Jew. I woke up Friday morning, and texted him that I wanted to meet with him after work; I intended to tell him then that I would accept his proposal. “When I arrived at work that morn-

ing, however, there was an envelope waiting for me. Inside was your photocopied sheet with the words ‘and that we should not stumble forever’ circled in red, seeming to accuse me! ‘That we not stumble’ – how could I marry outside of my faith? That afternoon, I informed the Arab that I could not marry him, and, true to his word, he broke off all contact with me. “The spark that had been kindled within me continued to grow, and I slowly began to return to my roots. That journey led me to where I am today – marrying an observant young man, and hoping to raise a Torah-true family, with Hashem’s help, and praying ‘that we may not be shamed nor embarrassed, and that we may never stumble’! I had to express my gratitude to you for being Hashem’s messenger to precipitate my return.” The Rebbetzin concluded, “You see that one can never give up on a Jew returning to his roots! Hashem sees all of the efforts invested in trying to help them, and He will ensure that they receive the proper inspiration at the proper moment…”





APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Gemara, he found himself completely unequal to that formidable task. Try as he might, he simply could not wrap his mind around the complexities of the sugyos. The more experienced students, who were serving as his tutors, advised him to abandon his futile pursuit. “Be happy that you now have some basic Torah knowledge,” they told him. “Go find a job, get married, and raise your children to be Torah scholars.” The young man, however, remained adamant that he intended to learn Torah himself. The students, tiring of trying, unsuccessfully, to teach him, sent a delegation to the Chasam Sofer, asking him to try to influence the young man to come to terms with reality. The delegation was headed by the Chasam Sofer’s son and prize student, who would later achieve fame as the Ksav Sofer. “Does the young man still insist that he wants to become a talmid chacham?” the Chasam Sofer asked them. When they had to answer in the affirmative, the Chasam Sofer told them to keep trying to teach him. Years passed, and the young man continued to try with all his might — and even with efforts surpassing his natural capabilities — to understand the Gemara. With time, his prayed-for miracle materialized, and he finally began to be able to comprehend the difficult sugyos. He continued expending superhuman effort on his learning, and eventually married and moved away from Pressburg. Thirty years passed, and the Chasam Sofer, leader of the Jewish people, received a letter with a halachic inquiry from the rabbi of a distant town. He showed the letter to his son and successor, the Ksav Sofer, and asked him for his opinion of the writer’s capabilities. The Ksav Sofer carefully read the letter and told his father that the author displayed a knowledge of Torah that was both broad and deep and was certainly an accomplished talmid chacham. “Do you know who the writer of this letter is?” his father exclaimed. “It is the young man who learned in Pressburg Yeshivah so many years ago, whom you and your friends wanted to expel due to his lack of ability to learn! See, now, that nothing stands in the way of sincere desire to learn Torah!” Rav Chaim concluded that he, personally, knows of a similar story. A bachur who was with him in yeshivah was known to be very weak in his studies. Many of his peers would snicker privately whenever he ventured to ask a question,

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


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Around the Community

Local Teens Participate in Model Beis Din Competition Hosted by Touro’s Lander College For Men


hen is it OK to share a secret with which you were entrusted? The answer may seem obvious, but consider the stakes. What if breaking your promise saves a life, avoids embarrassment, or protects someone from financial malfeasance? Students from six yeshiva high schools across the country, including Davis Renov Stahler (DRS) in Woodmere, debated this question at the Model Beis Din Competition hosted by Touro’s Lander College for Men at the Lander campus in Queens this past Sunday. This one-of-a kind annual tournament offers high school students a chance to match wits on oft-debated halachic dilemmas. Teams of students spend hours working feverishly to out-argue each other. “The Model Beis Din guides students to fully understand the dynamic nature of halacha – how the Torah can inform and confront contemporary moral and legal challenges in the most sophisticated way,” said HaRav Yonason Sacks shlita, esteemed Rosh HaYeshiva of the Beis Medrash L’Talmud, who directs the program. “My goal is to validate the students’ learning and to inspire them to learn more.” The Model Beis Din program included close to three hours of actual

debating, an awards ceremony, and the opportunity for one on one time with HaRav Sacks who tested students on their knowledge of the topic. At the end of the day, Mesivta of Greater Philadelphia in Bala Cynwyd was declared this year’s winner, Torah Academy of Bergen County (TABC) took second place, and Fasman Yeshiva High School in Chicago came in third. DRS HS participated along with Ezra Academy in Queens and Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh. All participants received two volumes of Rav Sacks’ sefer on Pesach. The winning team received a set of Mishna Brura, second place team received a three-volume set of seforim from Rav Sacks on Talmud Torah, Middos and Mitzvos, and third place team received Sefer Ishei Yisroel. The model Beis Din program is the brainchild of Rabbi Dr. Moshe Sokol, the dean of Touro’s Lander College for Men, who sought to create an opportunity for young men to experience Torah study at a high level. “The Model Beis Din program inspires high school students to deepen their understanding of the chosen topic, while they challenge themselves by competing with other outstanding young men from across the country,” said Dr. Sokol.


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home


Around the Community

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Color Run for a Cause


he Camp Scholarship Fund, which is a campaign of the Matzliach Organization, launched two very successful fundraisers this past week. We had a Bowl-A-Thon with HAFTR at Woodmere Bowling this past Thursday. On Sunday, all the local girls schools were invited to participate in an all-girls 5K Color Run. Girls from our local schools as well as neighboring areas came, and B”H we had over 200 runners join us! A great time was had by all! Professional pictures were taken by Eli Weintraub and the mu-

sic was on point with DJ John Janashvilli. We would like to thank Gourmet Glatt for sponsoring the refreshments. TCSF was started in our local community for our local community seven years ago by two siblings Channa Shira Ryback and Shmaryahu Ryback. This organization has a dual purpose: the children learn the importance of doing chessed with fun activities, and children help their peers go to camp in the summer. Teaching children this twofold concept has been proven to be very successful.

Yeshiva Darchei Torah eighth graders baking matzos this past Sunday




APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home





EM •

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message for us.

4 volume slipcased set on the Moadim, in English




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English Edition 2 vol. slipcase set on the entire Chumash

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‫ג' כרכים‬ ‫על‬ ‫חמשה חומשי תורה‬

French Edition 2 vol. set on the entire Chumash

French Edition on the Moadim

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Around the Community

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


The children in HANC’s Early Childhood Center have been very busy preparing for Pesach

Four Cups And Beyond By Gabriel Geller Royal Wine/Kedem


s most of our readers know, drinking four cups of wine is a fundamental requirement at the Pesach Seder. Outside of Israel, we celebrate the Seder twice, so that is eight cups of wine! The holiday of Pesach is celebrated for eight days, and so beyond the Seder, there are many more meals at which we can enjoy some great wines. Therefore, I will recommend here not only four but six wines for the upcoming holiday. If you regularly read this column, perhaps you know that I usually drink rosé for the four cups at the Seder. Why? Because rosé wines are generally lighter in body, fruit-forward, and lighter in alcohol than red wines. Therefore, rosé is easier to drink quickly. Like many other Jews, I also have the minhag, the custom of using only red wine or the 4 cups and rosé is considered red from a “Jewish legal” perspective, at least according to most opinions. The Tura Mountain Vista Rosé 2021 is lovely, fun, and fruity. It is made from grapes grown in Tura Winery’s estate vineyards in the Shomron. It features a vast array of tropical and berry fruit flavors, all well balanced by mouthwatering acidity. While I use rosé for most cups at the Seder, I typically open a bottle of spe-

cial, properly aged wine from my collection to enjoy with the meal. Suppose you are lucky enough to own a bottle of Domaine du Castel Grand Vin 2013 vintage or older. In that case, I highly recommend you open and enjoy it with your loved ones at the Seder! If you do not own an aged wine or prefer younger wines, the Razi’el 2018 is already delicious now and should be considered. Razi’el is the trendiest, newly established winery by the same family who owns and operates Castel. It is in a way the playground of Castel’s founding winemaker and proprietor Eli Ben Zaken. So this wine is quite appropriate to fill the cup of Eliyahu Hanavi! Inspired by the great wines of France’s Rhône Valley and Languedoc regions, Razi’el is a blend of Syrah and Carignan. This rich, full-bodied wine features a silky texture, medium acidity, and firm tannins, with notes of black and red berry fruits, spicy notes of black pepper and roasted herbs, as well as savory undertones of dried mushrooms and cured meats on the plush and luxurious finish. For those among you who have the minhag to use white wine at the Seder, the Château Lacaussade 2019 is a wonderful and affordable option. It is dry, with excellent acidity, with aromas and flavors of honeysuckle, lime, pear, and hints of cantaloupe and green apple. Most people drink exclusively red wine at the Seder, as I explained above.

Here is a certified (CCOF) organic wine with reasonable alcohol content, it is easy to drink, medium in body, neither too oaky nor too fruity. Masterfully made by Herzog Wine Cellars’s associate winemaker Alicia Wilbur, perhaps the only orthodox female winemaker, the Herzog Variations Be-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon 2020 is a delightful, well-balanced, and reasonably priced California Cabernet. Terra di Seta makes year after year some of the best value kosher wines out of Europe in general and from Italy in particular. Their entry-level Terra di Seta Chianti Classico is always a winner, and the 2019 is no exception. Medium-bodied with red berry and

cherry fruit notes, savory with high acidity, this wine respects Italian tradition by being a great food wine. I could copy-paste what I wrote about Terra di Seta and switch the words “Terra di Seta,” “Italy,” and “Italian” with “Elvi,” “Spain,” and “Spanish,” respectively. That would undoubtedly work regarding the superstar value Elvi Herenza Crianza Rioja 2018, which has all the elements of quality Tempranillo: red fruit, smoke, spiciness, coffee, herbs, and toffee, balanced acidity, coupled with ripe tannins and a velvety texture. Now is the time to brainstorm ideas for kosher l’Pesach tapas and paella! L’chaim, chag Pesach kosher v’sameyach!


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Around the Community

Living History


eb Mordechai Engelman, a Munkacz native and survivor of Churban Europe who lives in Far Rockaway, spoke to Yeshiva Darchei

Torah’s eighth grade talmidim in Yiddish last week. He was introduced by Rabbi Betzalel Korn, rav of Knesseth Meir. The Rosh HaYeshiva translated

the guest’s words into English. After his remarks, the sefer Torah was brought out of the the aron kodesh so that Mr. Engelman could hold it while the boys

– like him, living symbols of the immortality of Klal Yisrael and the Torah – danced and sang.

Gedolim in Our Time: Stories About Rav Chaim Kanievsky & Rav Gershon Edelstein Adapted by Libby Lazewnik


he Jewish People are so lucky. Hashem always makes sure we have Torah leaders to guide us. To give us advice and blessings. And, of course, to teach us. Our gedolim teach us through their sefarim and their shiurim. But they also teach us through their actions. Through the way they behave to others. Through their amazing devotion to Torah, their chesed, and the way they speak and act. In Gedolim In Our Time, we will meet two of the greatest Torah leaders of our generation: The “Sar HaTorah” – Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l – and the “Rosh Yeshivah” – Rav Gershon Edelstein, shlit”a. Why did Rav Chaim stop working on his sefer to answer a young boy’s question on Torah? How did Rav Gershon stop two angry drivers from fighting? What unusual advice did Rav Chaim give to a man who was losing his hearing? What was the secret of Rav Gershon’s Shabbos visits?

This book contains more than 100 short stories – and more than 100 pictures! – about Rav Chaim and Rav Gershon. Some of the stories will surprise you. Some will amaze you. And they all will inspire you to be the best person you can be! The following are two stories from this inspiring book. He Has No Teacher! John was a young non-Jew who always felt as if he belonged to the Jewish people. He began to interest himself in Yiddishkeit. The more he learned, the more he wanted to become a Jew. When he was nearing the final stage, John made a decision. Before he took the big step, it would be a good idea if he saw how Jews learned. He decided to join a Gemara shiur. Every day, he sat beside the learners and listened. When some time had passed, John went over to the maggid shiur to tell him that he regretted his decision. He was not going to convert and become Jewish after all.

“What happened? Why did you change your mind?” the maggid shiur asked. “Look,” said John. “For a while now, I’ve been attending the Gemara shiur every day — and I don’t understand a thing! If you say that’s because I’m not smart enough, you can look at my report cards and see that I was an excellent student. I achieved a great deal in school, but when it comes to Gemara, I just don’t get it. People younger than me come here and learn. They ask questions and find answers. They’re on top of the material. While I…nothing!” The maggid shiur listened to John’s complaint. Then he said, “Let’s go to Rav Chaim Kanievsky. We’ll explain to him your problem and see what he says.” So the two men went to the Kanievsky home. The maggid shiur told Rav Chaim what John had shared with him. He said that John had planned to convert and become a Jew, but now he’d changed his mind. And then he explained John’s reason. Rav Chaim smiled. Turning to the maggid shiur, he said, “How do you expect him to learn? He has no teacher!” The maggid shiur was surprised. “But I teach him every day.” “True. You teach him,” said Rav Chaim. “But each day, in the Birchos HaTorah, we say, ‘He Who teaches Torah to His people, Yisrael.’ “Hakadosh Baruch Hu is the teacher

of the Jewish people…but He is not the teacher of those who are not Jewish. So it’s no wonder John doesn’t understand. The moment he becomes a Jew, he will have a teacher. Hakadosh Baruch Hu will be his teacher, and then he will understand.” John accepted Rav Chaim’s words. He became a Jew… and everything that Rav Chaim said came true. Once he had converted, he had a teacher. “He Who teaches Torah to His people, Yisrael” had opened up the gates of understanding. Students Who Are Sons All his life, Rav Gershon Edelstein has related to his students with warm personal attention, patience, and pleasure. His many talmidim will never forget his kind and friendly demeanor when they came to Ponovezh as young boys, about to join the yeshivah and feeling so lost among the crowd of students. One year, a boy who was a Kohen came to apply for acceptance to the yeshivah. The Rosh Yeshivah asked his name. When he heard what it was, he said, “Interesting. In the yeshivah we’ve never had a student with that last name who was a Kohen.” The boy was amazed. Thousands of students had passed through the yeshivah, but because Rav Gershon considered them all his children, he remembered even such a trivial piece of information about them.


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home


Imported by Royal Wine Corp., Bayonne, NJ. Enjoy Bartenura Rose responsibly.

Around the Community

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Matzah baking in Flatbush with the Hornesteipler Rebbe and Rav Moshe Weinberger

Shulamith is Still B’Simcha

By Mrs. Michelle Farbman Dean of Students


ou may be thinking, “Adar is over. Why did Shulamith have a concert now?!” I would like to share a nice idea about why we had this concert at the end of Adar. When Adar starts, we are all filled with simcha and do everything we can to fulfill Mishe’Nichas Adar, Marbim B’simcha. However, once Purim ends, that simcha level goes down, when, in fact, it should only get stronger! Nissan, according to the Torah, is the first month of the year, making Adar the last. When we say Mishe’Nichnas Adar

Marbim B’simcha we are actually supposed to fill the month with SO much simcha that it pours over and brings us through the rest of the year! That is why at the end of Adar, at Shulamith, we made one last push to be filled with simcha! The morahs and teachers had so much fun with their talmidot and danced with them. I’YH, the smcha that was created with them should pour over for all of K’lal Yisrael and it should be a year filled with simcha! We would like to thank the SWO for this concert, the carnival and everything they do!

Did you know? Potatoes were first grown in South America.

MTA Welcomes Makor Chaim Talmidim


TA recently welcomed Makor Chaim 11th Grade talmidim Yair Sussman, Binyamin Blank, Petachya Spolter, and Amichai Rhein (AKA the MC4) to its yeshiva! The MC4 have joined MTA’s shiurim and classes and are enhancing the yeshiva’s programming for the next few weeks, as part of MTA’s unique exchange program with Yeshivat Makor Chaim. Located in Kibbutz Kfar Etzion, Yeshivat Makor Chaim was founded by noted Jewish educators Rabbi Adin Steinzaltz and Rabbi Dov Singer. Each year, a select group of MTA sophomores (and sometimes juniors) have the opportunity to live in Israel and attend Yeshivat Makor Chaim and a group of YMC talmidim spend time at MTA, where they enhance the spiritual cul-

ture of the yeshiva. The MC4 were welcomed with a special breakfast for the entire junior grade as well as sophomores who just returned from their trip to Makor Chaim, featuring a d’var Torah from Yeshivat Makor Chaim Rosh Yeshiva, Rav David Rabinowitz. The MC4 have already led many exciting programs at MTA, including an Ivrit discussion in Morah Haibi’s Ulpan class, where they discussed their experience in the U.S. so far, “blitzim” in each shiur, which begin with an icebreaker activity followed by thought-provoking discussions encouraging talmidim to explore various spiritual areas, and Likrat Shabbat on Thursdays to get everyone ready and excited for Shabbos, which include a musical kumzits and dancing.


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Around the Community

SKA Finalists in the Chidon Hatanach

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


M Yeshiva Darchei Torah talmidim baking matzos

azal tov to the SKA sophomores who made it to the Chidon HaTanach National Finals – Aviva Dashiff, Miriam Schreier, Aliza

Tokayer and Ateret Tsaidi. Thanks go to coach Mrs. Beaty Menchel for her support and assistance.

Bais Alumni of the 5 Towns Welcome their Rosh Yeshiva Rav Doniel Lerfeild, shlita, delivered a PrePesach shiur at the home of R’ Dani Melmed. The Rosh Yeshiva, shlita, is our unique link to the last generation, being a talmid muvhak of the great gaon Rav Chaim Zimmerman, zt”l, who was a nephew and talmid of Rav Baruch Ber, zt”l

YSZ Helps the Needy for Pesach


SZ High School Girls volunteered at Tomchei Shabbos of Queens this week to help package food for those less fortunate before Pesach. Chessed is an essential Torah value. Some may believe that there are only givers and takers in life. These girls realized that giving to others feels so good, it almost felt like taking! Thank you to the chessed leaders, Naomi Mordukhaev and Bracha Osnat Khaimova, for coordinating the effort and to Mr. Shimi Pelman, President of Tomchei Shabbos of Queens, and Mr. David Mordukhaev of the Alliance of Bukharian Americans, for making it happen. Most of all, we would like to thank Tomchei Shabbos of Queens for hosting our high school girls and allowing us to contribute to this year’s Pesach distribution.


The only kosher “Buttery” Chardonnay Available at Liquor & Wine Warehouse 343 Rockaway Tpke, Lawrence

APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Around the Community

An A-maze-ing Hands-On Yetzias Mitzrayim

While exploring the Makos in a hands-on and not so scary way, the children at YOSS ECC traveled through a maze of “wild animals” and petted animals carefully and made animal sounds. After completing all the Makos activities, the boys travelled through Kriyas Yam Suf. They walked through as Jewish people and dramatized how Paroah would react, too.

HALB Bakes Shmurah Matzah


he children at HALB’s Lev Chana Early Childhood Center had an amazing time as they used all their senses this week to experience first-hand the mitzvah and hard work involved in making shmurah matzah. The children learned that “shmurah” means to watch and take care that the wheat remains dry throughout the growing and making process. Reb Michoel, of Tzivos Hashem, and his helpers instructed students how to separate the wheat seeds from the stalk, blow away the pieces of chaff, and ground the seeds into flour. Then, the special 18-minute clock was set. The students all shouted, “L’shem matzos mitzvah!” and watched as the kemach (flour) and

mayim (water) were poured into a bowl and mixed by Reb Michoel. A piece of dough was given to all the children who kneaded and then quickly flattened and “combed” the dough with spiky rollers to keep the dough from rising. With the clock ticking away, the children carried their dough on rolling pins to the special matzah oven. Seconds later, the delicious aroma of baking matzah filled the air, and it was ready. Everyone was excited to eat their delicious handmade matzah for lunch, and they even got to take home their very own shmurah matza kosher l’Pesach. A fantastic educational program was enjoyed by all. Chag Kosher V’sameach!

Matzah Baking at BBY


BY always invests in hands-on learning to make the lessons come alive. Now, with Pesach around the corner, the matzah bakery came to visit BBY Preschool, and kindergarten and Pre-1A classes got to experience the matzah baking process from start to finish! They started with stalks of wheat, separating the kernels from the chaff. Then they sifted the kernels and ground them into flour. Finally, they mixed flour with water very quickly to make matzah dough! Each girl received a piece of dough, rolled it out as flat as can be and pierced it with a docker. Then their matzos were draped over a stick and placed in the oven to bake. Every girl got to take a matzah home with her. Now we know just how the matzos we’ll eat at the Seder are made!


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Around the Community

MAY Alumni Yarchei Kallah 202


his past week, Mesivta Ateres Yaakov held their Annual Bein Haz’manim Yarchei Kallah on Inyanei Pesach, sponsored by Oppen Scrolls. Although primarily geared for alumni returning from Eretz Yisrael for bein haz’manim, the Yarchei Kallah also attracted alumni from the greater community. This year’s program drew dozens of graduated talmidim for shiurim, learning, schmoozing and “catching up.”

Each morning following Shacharis, alumni were treated to a lavish breakfast during which they caught up with friends, current talmidim and rabbeim. Seder began with shiurim on the Haggadah delivered by Mesivta rabbeim, providing insightful divrei Torah for talmidim to share at their own sedarim. Following the Haggadah shiurim, talmidim, together with the 12th grade, were provided ma’arei mekomos with which

to prepare for the day’s iyun shiur on different Pesach-related topics. Rabbi Yossi Bennett, S’gan Menahel, who organized the event, commented, “This event is one of our most highly anticipated events and a highlight of our year. It’s so gratifying to see our talmidim return from Eretz Yisroel or yeshivos or colleges in America. The enormous response from our talmidim returning to learn with their MAY Rab-

beim is a huge chizuk, both for rabbeim and current talmidim. It bears testimony to the strong connections and relationships that were forged while they were here at the Mesivta and shows that those relationships remain intact.” Recordings and source material for the various shiurim are available on the Yeshiva’s website at www.ateresyaakov. com.

Hempstead Town Celebrates the Rebbe’s 120th Birthday


he Town of Hempstead is home to a thriving Jewish community, many of whom benefit from the multitude of Chabad centers established throughout the Town. Hempstead Town Supervisor Don Clavin, Councilman Anthony D’Esposito and the Town Board understand that it is because of the invaluable expansion of the Chabad dynasty by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, ob”m, known admirably throughout the world as the Rebbe, that America’s largest township is able to enjoy the strength, education and support provided by the Chabad movement. This week, in front of the Chabad of Merrick and joined by local Chabad leaders from all over the township, Supervisor Clavin and the Town Board proclaimed the 120th Birthday of the Rebbe, this year falling on April 12, as Education and Sharing Day in Hempstead Town. “The impact that Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson has had on the Chabad movement is tremendous and he is directly responsible for the strong Hasidic roots here in America’s largest township,” said Supervisor Clavin. “We are fortunate to be home to a great

number of Chabad centers all with great leadership, and we are proud recognize the Rebbe’s lasting legacy in improving education for children around the world.” In addition to proclaiming April 12, 2022 as Education and Sharing Day in the Town of Hempstead, the Town Board has also presented each Chabad located

within the township with a commemorative sign recognizing this important date. Each year, the Rebbe’s birthday on the Jewish calendar, 11 Nissan, is celebrated throughout the country as Education and Sharing Day, this year falling on April 12. Officially designated in 1978 by then-President Jimmy Carter, the day pays tribute to the Rebbe’s efforts for a

better education for all American citizens. “Thank you to Supervisor Clavin, Councilman Anthony D’Esposito and the Town Board for recognizing the 120th Anniversary of the Rebbe’s birth,” said Rabbi Perl, senior rabbi of the Chabad of Mineola. “It’s a call for the residents of America’s largest township to reflect on the vital role of education in order to prepare our youth to be the leaders of tomorrow.” The Town of Hempstead is home to twelve Chabad centers located all throughout the township. These Chabad centers include the Five Towns, Hewlett, West Hempstead, Merrick, Oceanside, East Meadow, Valley Stream and Chabad Centers at Adelphi University and Hofstra University. The Chabad of the Beaches, Chabad of Mineola and the Chabad of Brush Hollow also serve Hempstead Town residents. “Once again I’d like to thank the Chabad centers of the Town of Hempstead for joining with us today to celebrate this monumental occasion regarding the life of an inspirational trailblazer,” concluded Supervisor Clavin.


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Large assortment of Israeli Wines for your Seder.



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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Tefillin Awareness Project at Netzach


n Sunday, April 3, Mesivta Netzach HaTorah hosted a Tefillin Awareness Project with expert

sofrim. The talmidim were joined by their fathers and had the opportunity to meet one on one with the rabbanim, learning and seeing up close the intricacies and specifics of hilchos tefillin. Following a brief overview from the sofrim, the talmidim and fathers brought their tefillin to the stations for checking. After the workshop, the rebbeim, talmidim and fathers joined together for a delicious breakfast sponsored in honor of the rebbeim and hanhallah.

Met Council Launches Emergency Pesach Appeal


et Council has launched an emergency fundraising appeal to ensure the organization can provide free food to the more

than 310,000 New Yorkers who rely on their free food distributions for Pesach. In a year where so many families are struggling, Met Council is gearing up to

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supply almost 3 million pounds of food to members of the Jewish community through its pantries and community partners across the five boroughs, Long Island, Westchester and New Jersey. In addition, Met Council will provide over $500,000 in emergency food cards for those without access to one of its food pantries. Due to inflation and the overall increased need, Met Council is aiming to raise $2.5 million in emergency funds to provide for those in need this Pesach. Last year, Met Council helped 307,993 New Yorkers celebrate Passover, a near doubling of those supported in previous years. They are expecting another year of record numbers in 2022 amid an inflationary crisis that sees no end in sight. Even as the New York area continues to slowly reopen after the COVID-19 pandemic, its effects continue to wreak havoc on the local economy, with unemployment still double the national rate, supply chains in shambles and other compounding factors. Many families and individuals are still suffering from job loss and reduced income after depleting their savings. “There are people who in 2019 were able to get by for Pesach that now are struggling to pay their monthly bills,” said David G. Greenfield, CEO of Met Council. “This year those families who lost their jobs during the pandemic and fell behind are struggling to get them and their family through Pesach be-

cause of unprecedented inflation. The need is greater than we’ve ever seen.” Even with Met Council leveraging its resources to purchase large wholesale quantities of food through its special pricing from manufacturers the prices are still astronomical. Core Pesach products like matzah, gefilte fish and cooking oil have risen in price by as much at 45 percent due to product shortages and inflated costs of raw materials, labor and transportation. “Not only is Met Council helping more families this year than ever before, we are doing it while seeing exorbitant increases in food prices,” Greenfield explained. “While many in the community are celebrating Pesach in resorts there are just as many rationing their trips to the supermarket in hopes of saving money on gas. We need the community to join us in helping our neighbors get through Pesach.” The free Pesach packages being distributed include fresh produce, kosher chicken, eggs, and Pesach-specific foods like matzah, gefilte fish, and over 25 additional items. Met Council needs the community’s participation more than ever this year to ensure that they can beat the rising inflation and guarantee that those in need experience a beautiful Pesach. For more information and to participate in the campaign, please visit:


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APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Around the Community

Shulamith Torah Bowl


hank G-d for another outstanding victory for the Shulamith Torah bowl team who have now advanced to the championship. They have studied so much Torah this year, and the final meet, on the parsha of Vzot Habracha, will take place, G-d willing, on April 6, against four

other schools from the tristate area. The Shulamith team is deeply grateful to Rabbi Mair Wolofsky who is the developer and coordinator of the Metropolitan Torah Bowl League since 1995. Over the past 28 years, thousands of participating yeshiva students have studied Chumash

Third-year talmidim of Yeshiva Darchei Torah’s Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid who are moving on to yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael took leave of the Rosh HaYeshiva, Rav Yaakov Bender

Gural JCC Isolation to Connection Initiative


he Gural JCC Isolation to Connection initiative, in partnership with UJA-Federation of New York, provides valuable resources and support to isolated seniors residing within the Five Towns and its surrounding areas in Nassau County. The Gural JCC is a place that encourages unity; where anyone, regardless of faith, age, social or economic background can take advantage of all of the

services we have to offer. The Gural JCC is here to connect isolated seniors to the myriad of services available to them within and outside of our JCC. If you, or a senior in need, would like more information please contact Andrew Kahn at 516-569-6733 ext. 231 or at andrew. Together we will create a more compassionate and caring community.

When Math and Art Meet

and Rashi on all five Seforim to a competitive level. Torah Bowl is open to junior high and high school yeshiva students with separate divisions for boys and girls in the New York-New Jersey metropolitan area, and it is a great experience participating in it.

Students in Morah Leah Ross’ CAHAL 1-2 grade class at Yeshiva Darchei Torah had a great time making fruit smoothies in the blender to celebrate learning all about blending consonants during phonics

Did you know? Potatoes are still alive after they’re harvested, which is why spuds can sprout if potatoes are left in warm, moist places.


s the spring season approaches, the fourth graders at YOSS are blooming with creativity! The boys were very excited to connect their math skills to art. After learning about numeric and non-numeric patterns, the fourth graders put their pattern skills on a blank canvas! Students were required to trace their hand and create 10-12 patterns inside their own drawing. They used abstract shapes and lines while others excitedly mixed shapes, lines, and even different country’s flags. This math “craftivity” reinforced the concept of deciphering and creating non-numeric patterns. Bridging math and art gives our students the educational and creative outlet they deserve.


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid & Kollel Tirtza Devorah




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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Around the Community

At the Shuvu Dinner on March 27, 2022 at Bell Works

Horav Shimon Galai speaking

Dinner Chairman, Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg, speaking

Horav Shimon Galai greeting Horav Shmuel Kamenetsky

Yosi Hoch, co-chairman, speaking

Special presentation to Hoch Family

Horav Elya Brudny speaking

Boruch Levine and Rivie Schwebel and the Shira Chior performing

A partial view of the attendees

Avrohom Biderman, co-chairman, speaking


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APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Around the Community ‫בית המדרש קהלת יעקב סוליצא‬ Congregation Kehilas Jacob ‫בנשיאות כ"ק אדמו"ר שליט"א‬ 612 Beach 9th street West Lawrence NY 11691

Emet Students Inspired by Warmth at Far Rockaway Shabbaton

718-337-2520 * FAX: 718-868-9162 * E-Mail:

‫הננו בזה להודיע‬ ‫ ג' ניסן הבעל"ט‬- ‫שהחל מיום שני פרשת מצורע‬ ‫עד ראש חודש אייר הבעל"ט‬ ‫משך כל ימי בין הזמנים‬ ‫יתקיים בכל יום‬ ‫מנין ג' לשחרית‬

9:00 ‫בשעה‬ ~



‫מניני שחרית בימי השבוע‬ '‫ו‬- '‫יום ב‬

'‫יום א‬

7:00 – '‫מנין א‬ 8:00 – '‫מנין ב‬ 9:00 -'‫מנין ג‬

7:00 – '‫מנין א‬ 8:30 – '‫מנין ב‬ 10:00 -'‫מנין ג‬

‫בית המדרש קהלת יעקב סוליצא‬ Congregation Kehilas Jacob ‫בנשיאות כ"ק אדמו"ר שליט"א‬ 612 Beach 9th street West Lawrence NY 11691

718-337-2520 * FAX: 718-868-9162 * E-Mail:

‫לזכר נשמת ר' צבי יהודה ב"ר‬ ‫אפרים ע"ה‬

‫ובהם נהגה יומם ולילה‬ ‫בשמחה רבה הננו מודיעים‬

~ ‫~ שההיכל התורה‬ ‫של בית מדרשינו הוא פתוח לרוחה לכל הציבור משך כל שעות היום ולילה‬

‫עם אוצר הספרים חדש של מאות ספרים על כל מקצועת התורה‬ ‫ובפרט לרבות ימי בין הזמנים הבעל"ט יהי' ההיכל התורה מוכן לכל‬ .‫הבחורים ואברכים החשובים למקום להגות בתורה‬ .‫ההיכל התורה יהי' פתוח משך כל ימי השבוע – וימי שבת ויום טוב למקום תורה‬ ~~~

~ ‫~ היכל התורה‬

‫היכל התורה‬ ‫היכל התורה‬

‫להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה‬

ever underestimate the impact of hosting Shabbos guests. “My hosts were so welcoming that I want to have a warm and inviting home like that one day” was a frequent comment by Emet Outreach students after an exceptional Shabbaton in Far Rockaway. The weekend marked the first Shabbaton for the spring semester of Emet’s Leaders Fellowship. Thirty students who are members of the Cross-Campus Forest Hills Fellowship and the St. John’s University Fellowship were greeted like family. They were joined by Emet staff members including Rabbi Nissim Musheyev, Rabbi Yakov Musheyev, Mrs. Hilla Kozuch, Rabbi Ari Hertz, and Ms. Chava Zaretsky. “We’re so grateful to the Far Rockaway community for opening their homes and treating our students with such incredible hospitality,” said Rabbi Nissim Musheyev, Community Development Director. “For over 14 years, Emet’s Fellowship program has provided thousands of unaffiliated, Jewish college students with an introduction to Judaism and their first Shabbos experience. Spending a Shabbos together like this gives students an opportunity to connect without technology and lets them feel what it is like to be an observant Jew.” On Erev Shabbos after settling in with their host families, participants met at the Menachimov home for candle lighting and Kabbalas Shabbos. This was followed by a wonderful dinner and words of inspiration by Rabbi Yakov Musheyev. The group also shared personal “life lessons” like the importance of gratitude and how Shabbos enriches their week. The evening concluded with an Oneg Shabbos and a lively Q&A session with the Emet rabbis. Shacharis on Shabbos day was held

at the Sefardi Minyan at the White Shul. Lunch was enjoyed at different families in the community. The group reunited in the afternoon at the Lebovic home for games and a shiur from Rabbi Nissim Musheyev on “Life on the Up Elevator!” Chava Zaretsky, Campus Mekareves who helped coordinate the Shabbaton, noted that “the students were moved by Rabbi Musheyev’s class on values and the importance of internal self-development. They reflected on how they can improve their middos and shift their focus from external success to internal, spiritual, and family-oriented success, as well.” For the Seudah Shlishis meal, the women gathered at the Musheyev home where renowned singer Mrs. Shaindel Antelis-Schorr led zemiros. The men were hosted by the Katlowitz family, and the Shabbos experience culminated with a musical Havdalah led by Rabbi Akiva Palmer at his home. Shabbos in Far Rockaway made a lasting impression on the students. “Attending the Shabbaton made me feel like I was part of a beautiful and welcoming community,” Jessica Kataev said. “We stayed off our phones and really took in the moment which allowed us to connect with our peers and our hosts. It’s an experience that made me feel closer to Hashem, and I’d love to host Shabbatons at my house with friends in the near future.” Nathan Borukhov added, “I have been on three Emet Shabbatons. Each experience has brought me closer to Judaism.” For further information about Emet programs visit, and to experience Emet’s comprehensive video library of Torah lectures visit


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home


ur rj nth vn n lb hf v ,s of c lk hvu ,t gv hbc o tah ?of, oh zv vn fhk hf t vh ejv vsuc rnt t ur ?,t ofhs vu vu u ,s gv k rj nth z vn kt ' rj m ra ?ofk gv vn n lb hf v rn s v ?of n lbc t o ,tz vn ofhbc c lkt hvu tk r um ra hf ,t lk hyp v v rnt of ah ?o jn t o ur ?, ofh tah anv sucg k r hkt hf f,t lbc l hyp rj nth tz v skt hf u oh v v jn urn ?,t ofh kta anv vn n lb hf v n r 's v vhv ejv n o lbc th h z vn skt h hf u oh ,s ofh c lk hvu ntk um r u ?o u ,sgfhbc lkta f vh rnt 's v vhv ejv u, g k um u v ofh h h vu ,t v bc tah ?of rjn at fk ?of rjn rat ?ofk sgv oh zv vn ofhk hf ,t lbc ohy ,tzv vn r kt u f lk ypa vsuc rnt t ur ?,t ofhs lkt pan vsu ntk rnth ?,tz ,t o lbc l ohy ,tz vn r kt ah vu o cgv rjn hf vn fhs kta pan v v ntk th z v 's tah nvu gv vk rjn nArtScroll n Mesorah Series h v rn vum hf ohe n lb hf v rn 's v f v hej vn lbc hvu rn kt h hf vu o sucgv rjn he WITHANS HAvGGADAH lWERS vh tk r ra vhvu jvu ofhbc c lkt hvu tk r um r hvu vu , ofh lkt ?oftk r 'sTHE ArtScroll Mesorah Series t atka ?vosfdsvgv bc ah ,t jnI vum hvu jvu vn o bc lk ?o ,s lktvu ? jn ‫הגדה‬ o a ?o jn jxp k o l‫של‬ o l rat ?of ,sg fhbc tah bc ohyp fk ,gv v fhkt h hf f,t llbbcc lkota v of hf ‫שלפסח‬o‫הגדה‬ fhk ah h f,t‫פסח‬ v l l hyh h,f t n hkt ?, fhs bc a n h o k vn t f of ktah nvu tzv v rnt urnt ?,tz ofhs ktah panv zv v rntk urn tz v kt ' lkta hyp ,tzv vn ofhkt f ? u suc rj th n s v h an vs rn rn ,t hsk hf S oh su k h h vn kt hf u v rn PASSOVER HAGGADAH / oh ucg tk r th h z vn t 's vhv ejv cgv rjn f v rn 's v vh ohej gv n l hf v rntk um r hf v vu o sucg tk vh ejv v vn jn l f vh rnt vum u ? u ,s vn lbc hvu tk r um vu ? vu vn bc lk hvu rj at hvu hej v vum vu ?o u ,s of bc lk vu ? k rj ratofk , gv ofhb lkta ?of, jn lrat ofk ,sgvofhbc tah ?of n lbc ohyp ?of vu tzv vn c o h hf t o bc l ohy ,tz vn of hf ,t lkt an k COMMENTATORS rj ra fk gv hbc ta of n lTHE CLASSIC v o v bc ohTO p y OVER r f h ? ? 200 QUESTIONS ?o n lb t o ,tz vn ofhk h hf ,t oRESPOND l pa vs nt hkt ,t fhs kta an v rn kt ,t fh ah u oh f,t c lk hyp v v rntk t u ?,t fhs kta nvu ucg k r urn z vn kt h hf vu o sucg tk urn z vn skt hf ?o ejv ofh ta anv sucg rj rnth z v kt ' h hf ohe v vn jn l th h rn 's v vh hej v v rjn th h rn 's rj fk , u ,s skt h hf u ohe v vn n lbc hf vn rnts vu vhv jvu ofh bc l f vh tk rj um ravu ? vu , n of lbc lf vhvtk v n u v m g o k b , ' h s n l t fk gv bc kt u vn lb tzv v s v hv jv of lk hv k r r ?o sg c o ta u ,s of c lk vs vn um u ?o u ,s hbc tah u ?o jn at fk v v fhk h hf ?of bc l ohy ,t vn ofh ah ,t gv hbc tah ucg rntk rat fk , gv v ofhk hf f,t lbc l ohyp ,tzv n rn t urn ? ,t o kta pan zv v rn kt lb zv vn ofhk hf v v rj ohy tzv n r t ur ?,t of kta an vs tk th ,tz fhs h hf vu o sucg tk of c lkt vsuc rntk t urn ?,tz n of n lbc pan vsu ntk nth z vn hskt h hf vu oh ucgv rjn hf vh vn kt 's vhv hejv v c v g l h h r h v e a b v b b g t vn c hv j vn c l vu ? rntk vum u ?of u h v rj n c lk u o v jn f v rn 's h k of kt of ArtScroll hf rn ofhk hf vn n lb hf v rnt ofhk tah hejv vn lbc hvu tk r vum u ?o vu ,s WEHL r Series r Mesorah k r t ArtScroll h t o jbyn at u , ofh lkt ?o jn ra fk gv hbc oah h ,Published hf vhv tk r t ur ?,tz ofhb c lk hvELIAS u l j u f Series 's vhv u ?o jn l nth vn c of tah ?of n lb rnth ?ofk sgv bc o ah h f,t lbc lt ohy,tzv vn fhktf ?, fhsk bc r f o f b v t u h c h r f k t v c l f nt kt hf ,t rn uAND ?,t ,t vhv k r ur ?, o lkt hf v ,tzv n rnhkt u ?,t fhsk tah panvvsuc ntk urnt z vn EXPANDED kt EDITION tk m raGREATLY o oAheNEW f g t ' hf u OF rTHE ACKNOWLEDGED a j n t tk rnt z vWEHL h ah hv u t o z v fhsCLASSIC o v rj h h vh jv jbyn RABBI kt h hf ?o n lb th h z vn skt hf u vsRABBI n ELIAS uc rYAAKOV hJOSEPH j h n s v vh he vn n l f rn vu ? u ,s lbc l ypa rnt 's vhv f,t c lk f v rn 's v vhv ?of, gv n l hf v rntk um r vu jvu ofh bc vs tk r ofk gv kta nvu k r vum u ?, ofh tah hvu tk r um u ?, t o vn bc lk hvu rj at ?ofk ,sg bc hf ucg jn ,tz vn h hf ohe jn l rat tz skt hf v ?of jn rat tz v fhs ofhb ta ?of n lbc ohy ,t v urn ?,tv vn lbc l v vs rntk vhv jvu , bc l ohyvn r 's v hvu ,t o lbc l ohy n rnkt 'sc of h hf ,t lkt panvzv lb th z v of kta ucg rj u ? sg kta pa ntk um r ?,t fhs kta pan tk v hkt ?,t ofh ah u of c lk hf v n r hbc o h hf v v n l ofk v v h hf nvu rjn at z vn kt h hf vu o rjn um r urn z vn skt hf ?, hsk tah hvu ntk fhk ?, n of bc l ,tz n rn vh ohe lbc ohy rn 's v vh hej lbc at th h rn 's ? , tz v t 's hf v ?of rjn t urn tz v hbc oktah v vs tk r vu ? jvu , lkt pan tk rjum ravu ? vu , lktaohypf vhvtk of sg h t z n r vum hvu ,t lbc th n r fh hf ucg jn of sg ah vu an u n t k o n k v h l nt v l k v h k r rat ?,t ofhs lktahf vh tk r t urn ?,t vn bc lk ,tz vn f vh hejv bc lk ohyp ,tz vn f vhvvu v v v n jn l ohy z vn kt 's h hf vu ?ojn lb th h z vn ofhbc tah v vs rntk u ?o u ,s tah anv vs rntk u f u u bc pa rn g h lkt nv tk vum vhv f,t c lkt vhv rnt ofhkhf ? ucgv rjn fk , v v f vh ohe cgv , k v j o u a u t l t n r u r n ah hf ohe rjn at ?,t fhsk h hf ?of rjn urn tz vnvn o bc l zv v rnt u ?of vu s k f k k t k vh jvu lbc ohy z v t ' vh ,t lbc th hf rn hbc ta ucg rj vu l o p n s v ?of,sgv kta anv rnt vum u ?, fhsk lkta vhvtk rj ofh h hf v vnn t u ‫הגדה ?של‬n kt ?,t r j k ,t vn h hf vu ohek rj rat z vn t 's h h‫פסח‬ l n zv rnt hv jv n l ohy rn vum f vh of,t bc lkurnt z h vu vs k u ?o u , bc tk t p o r a a a fh lofktservitude… Prepare for a journey… uc rj f s Out r h n Spend Seder Night with l b gv v n lb k ,t gvInto ah vu o jn l t oh ?,tz skt emunah… RAV SHIMON SCHWAB zt”l c n o c l zv Thisvisnthe night. hf he bc yp v T fhb ktaP vs rnt vhv jvu lktaanv n l k c of h hf ucgv k rj u ?o ,sgv h hf u t a hkt ? vn n l fk v , n h urn tz of bc l ,tz th vn hbc kt v h o a h f f vh rntk fhkt h vu ?of rjn v h ,t vu

For every age, interest, and background



Stories and insights on the Haggadah by Rabbi Binyomin Pruzansky


781422 618721



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ISBN-10 1-4226-2302-5 ISBN-13 978-1-4226-2302-2 90000

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ArtScroll® Series



by Rabbi Yechiel Spero


313 Regina Avenue • Rahway, NJ 07065 718/921-9000 •


The Lowinger Edition

by Rabbi Yaakov Bender

by Rabbi Dovid Cohen

ISBN-10 1-4226-0649-X ISBN-13 978-1-4226-0649-0 1 0 0 0 0

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THE REB AHARON LEIB HAGGADAH Compiled by Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Shteinman

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by Rav Asher Weiss

‫הגדה של פסח‬


The Exodus from Egypt. Feel the captivity. Experience the triumph. The Yetzias Mitzrayim Haggadah ISBN-10 1-4226-0970-7 ISBN-13 978-1-4226-0970-5 10000

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781422 609705



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781422 615652


4401 Second Avenue • Brooklyn, NY 11232 718/921-9000 •



by Rabbi Nosson Muller

by Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski M.D.

ArtScroll® Series


‫הגדה של פסח‬



he Gra. The very name elicits feelings of awe as it conjures an image of towering Torah stature. From a small room in Vilna he shed illumination on every area of Torah. From halachah to kabbalah, Shulchan Aruch to Tanach, the Jewish people have been enriched by the Gaon of Vilna. Rabbeinu Avraham, his son and a major conduit for his teachings, amplifies his father’s ideas and brings them within the realm of our understanding. Schooled in his father’s method, Rabbeinu Avraham brings together all the streams of Torah knowledge to brighten the “night of redemption” with his Haggadah commentary the “Geulas Avraham.” These adaptations clarify and crystallize the major and minor themes of the Haggadah all the while exposing the reader to the very special derech of the Vilna Gaon. Eternal ideas with timeless applications will open your eyes and heart as you learn and relearn The Vilna Gaon Haggadah.


ISBN-10 0-89906-448-5 ISBN-13 978-0-89906-448-2 10000


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THE YETZIAS MITZRAYIM HAGGADAH Compiled by Rabbi Dovid Grunbaum


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by Rabbi Yisrael Herczeg

‫הגדה זבח פסח‬



on Yitzchak Abarbanel was a man who made his mark on Jewish scholarship and history. As finance minister to Ferdinand and Isabella in the Spain of Columbus and the Inquisition, he worked mightily to protect Jewish lives and interests in that historically hostile country. When the Jewish community was expelled, he led them out of the county in 1492, despite pleas from the king and queen that he accept a privileged status and remain at his post without compromising his Jewishness. But his enduring role in Jewish history lay in his writings. One of the earliest acharonim, he was a prolific scholar and interpreter. Abarbanel wrote one of the greatest and most extensive of all commentaries on the entire Scriptures, as well as on such other works as Pirkei Avos. One of his famous, treasured commentaries was on the Haggadah. In this adaptation, the reader studies the Haggadah as Abarbanel understood it. Utilizing his unique method of asking stimulating questions on which he focuses his commentary, Abarbanel combines the classic teachings of the Sages with his own insights, and presents them in such a way that they provide a clearer understanding of the turbulent times in which he lived. And on our times, as well. For just as the Torah is timeless, so it sheds light on every era and all conditions. This is one of the essential commentaries that clarifies every passage of the Haggadah and lets its illumination filter out to other areas of Torah and to the lives of its readers, in every country and age. ISBN-10 0-89906-246-6 ISBN-13 978-0-89906-246-4 10000

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THE PESACH HAGGADAH: by Rabbi Berel Wein

ISBN-10 1-4226-1565-0 ISBN-13 978-1-4226-1565-2 90000

ArtScroll® Series


781422 606490

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313 Regina Avenue • Rahway, NJ 07065 718/921-9000 •

‫הגדה של פסח‬

he Haggadah tells us: “In every generation, it is one’s duty to regard himself as though he personally had gone out of Egypt.” As we sit around our sparkling Seder tables, thousands of miles and thousands of years separate us from our brethren suffering beneath the burning Egyptian sun; from our ancestors marching triumphantly out of slavery. How, then, can we fulfill the Haggadah’s words? How can we, like our ancestors, go out of Egypt? THE PASSOVER HAGGADAH The Yetzias Mitzrayim Haggadah brings the Exodus to life by WITH COMMENTARIES VILNA GAON drawing upon the wisdom andTHE words of the Sages. We AND see theHIS SON R’ AVRAHAM slavery, the ten plagues, and the final Exodus through the eyes and ears of Chazal and later commentators. The Yetzias Mitzrayim Haggadah is based on more than 150 sources, from Midrash to Malbim, from the Zohar to Rambam to Rav Moshe Feinstein, and every entry adds to our understanding of the actual Pesach story. Designed for maximum impact at the Seder, the entries are short, graphic, and unusually detailed. As we move through our Seder we can envision the rigors of slavery, Pharaoh’s diabolical schemes, the miraculous plagues, the glorious redemption, and the unforgettable moment as the Jewish People cross the Sea. Based on the highly-successful Haggadah V’Aggadata, The Yetzias Mitzrayim Haggadah is a unique, innovative Haggadah that will enable us to experience the Exodus at our own Seder, just as we are meant to do.


Cover design by Eli Kroen at ArtScroll Studios, Ltd. , Brooklyn, NY © 2010 Mesorah Publications, Ltd.

Cover design by Eli Kroen at ArtScroll Studios, Ltd., Rahway, NJ © 2020 Mesorah Publications, Ltd.


here are so many facets to Passover, the beloved holiday of liberation, and to the Seder which is central to it. It is a festival that engages our imagination and our yearning, both national and personal. Passover touches our hearts and our minds. Rav Asher Weiss’s commentary on the Haggadah is a brilliant tour de force by a phenomenal Torah scholar, a rosh yeshiva and world-renowned rav and orator. Rabbi Weiss is the author of Minchas Asher and is consulted by leading Torah authorities around the world. In this work he captures many of the qualities that make Passover unique. In a remarkable series of profound yet readable essays, Rabbi Weiss examines the ethical and philosophical underpinnings of liberation and miracles. We learn how to engrave the lessons of the exodus deep into our hearts. Rabbi Weiss possesses a vast encyclopedic knowledge of Jewish law and an unusual talent for clear explanation. A fascinating section on halachah outlines the holiday’s laws and customs, including their background, sources and definitive rulings. Finally, his commentary on the Haggadah text itself weaves together the wisdom of Torah scholars throughout the ages, melding their timeless understanding with a contemporary perspective on our lives. Rav Asher Weiss is a towering Torah giant with a worldwide reputation. Now we can avail ourselves of his encyclopedic knowledge, his eloquence and his insight, to enrich our own Seder table, our holiday, and our faith.

781422 625798





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with a commentary illuminating the liberation of the spirit



ArtScroll® Series

The Passover Haggadah


‫הגדה של פסח מנחת אשר‬

Cover design: by Eli Kroen at ArtScroll Studios, Ltd. , Brooklyn, NY © 2008 Mesorah Publications, Ltd.

ISBN-10 1-4226-2579-6 ISBN-13 978-1-4226-2579-8 90000

‫הגדה של פסח‬ ‫משעבוד לגאולה‬

he Pesach Seder. The one night a year that Jews throughout the world relive and experience the Exodus from Egypt. It is the time when we infuse in ourselves and our children lessons of emunah, faith, and an immense appreciation for the kindness and love bestowed upon us by Hashem. The link to our future generations has always been our children. They are the center of attention throughout the Seder. From the asking of the mah nishtanah to the “hidden” afikoman, we strive to keep the children engaged and excited throughout the evening, as we transmit our story from one generation to the next. In this unique Haggadah commentary, Rabbi Nosson Muller, Menahel of Yeshiva Toras Emes in Brooklyn, and renowned and experienced educator, offers us the tools to make the Seder an unforgettable event and an exciting learning experience. With insightful explanations coupled with dozens of inspiring and meaningful stories and parables, Rabbi Muller gives us timely and practical chinuch messages and lessons — for ourselves, and to convey to our children. This Haggadah is bound to keep the children — and their parents — engaged and interested throughout the long night. On Seder night every parent becomes a teacher. Here is a master educator to show us how to do it right. The Seder lasts for a few hours — The Generation to Generation Haggadah will help us and our children hear its vital message resound throughout the year.

781422 617106

ArtScroll Series®


by Rabbi Eli Mansour / Rabbi David Sutton

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313 Regina Avenue • Rahway, NJ 07065 718/921-9000 •


Compiled by Rabbi Shalom Meir Wallach



ISBN-10 1-4226-1710-6 ISBN-13 978-1-4226-1710-6 90000

ArtScroll® Series ®

The Aryeh Family Edition



Invite Reb Moshe Feinstein zt”l to your Seder table.


e were in awe of Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman ‫זצ״ל‬: his utter devotion to Torah, the unbelievable and beautiful simplicity of his life. Yes, we were awed by him — and we also loved him, for his humility and his devotion and caring for every single Jew. Now, with the Reb Aharon Leib Haggadah, we can spend an unforgettable Pesach with him! The author, Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Shteinman, is the grandson of both Rav Aharon Leib and ‫יבל״ח‬, Rav Chaim Kanievsky ‫שליט״א‬. In the Reb Aharon Leib Haggadah, he takes us into his grandfather’s small, simple Bnei Brak apartment. We are there as the family cleans and prepares for Pesach, as Rav Shteinman performs bedikas chametz, and as he prepares his Seder table. We will learn about some of his minhagim for the simanim of the Seder, and enjoy story after story — many of them never before publicized — about Rav Aharon Leib. And we are with him at the Seder itself, enjoying his insights into the Haggadah. As we invite guests to join us in “Ha Lachma Anya,” we will marvel at tales of Rav Aharon Leib’s hachnasas orchim. We will learn what Rav Aharon Leib considered to be the greatest of all of the miracles of Yetzias Mitzrayim. We will hear from him how to keep the inspiration of Pesach all year round. As we read through this Haggadah, we will see the Yom Tov of Pesach, Yetzias Mitzrayim, and, yes, the world around us, through the eyes of Rav Aharon Leib. We will hear his voice, saying his chiddushim, sharing his memories and insights. And we will experience the inspiration of a Seder spent with a truly phenomenal gadol b’Torah.

NEW! Also available in Spanish!

781422 601068

4401 Second Avenue • Brooklyn, NY 11232 718/921-9000 •

he Reb Moshe Haggadah beautifully captures the many facets of the gaon and posek hador: his brilliance in piskei halachah and Gemara; his insights and deep understanding of Torah hashkafah; his incredible diligence and his extraordinary compassion. Much of the commentary is taken from Reb Moshe’s prolific writings on halachah, Chumash, and Talmud. Stories about Reb Moshe from dozens of other sources paint an inspiring and breathtaking portrait of a caring and empathetic leader who had a profound understanding and endless love for the Jews he led for so many decades. When we read about the “Four Sons,” we will hear Reb Moshe share his teachings on chinuch, child-rearing, and Torah education. From a Shabbos HaGadol lecture given by Reb Moshe in 1922, we listen to him compare the merciless Communist regime where he lived, to Pharaoh’s Egypt. From the Ten Plagues, Reb Moshe offers us a new understanding of the power of free choice; from the Splitting of the Sea, he points out a vital lesson in strengthening our faith. We are taught that the voices of the great Torah scholars are not stilled even after their passing, and in these pages we can clearly hear the voice of the beloved Torah leader, HaGaon Reb Moshe Feinstein zt”l.

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From the shiurim and writings of Rabbi Shimon Schwab





he Rav Schwab Haggadah provides us with an in-depth view of the Haggadah Shel Pesach through the lens of one of the Gedolei HaRabbanim of our time. Rav Shimon Schwab was renowned for imparting generations of Jews with the foundational principles of emunah, bitachon, yiras Shamayim, emes, and ehrlichkeit, as well as for his brilliant and novel Torah thoughts. His teachings reflect a sincerity and love of Hashem and His Torah that is infectious. The Rav Schwab Haggadah offers a wealth of insights into the basics of emunah, conveyed with great passion and emotion. Rav Schwab’s style is clear, fresh, thought-provoking, and always inspiring. This volume is a compendium of commentaries and insights gleaned from the Rav’s teachings in Maayan Beis HaSho’eivah, Rav Schwab on Prayer, and from shiurim, writings, and speeches, as well as from many never-before published kesavim (notes). Rav Schwab was a Rav for over 65 years in Germany, Baltimore, and New York, as well as a Rosh Beis Din, posek, and mechanech par excellence. A product of Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch in Frankfurt, Germany, he also gained exposure to the great yeshivos of Eastern Europe and their style of limud haTorah and mussar. He was a talmid of such pre-war legendary greats as Rav Leizer Yudel Finkel, Rav Yeruchem Levovitz, Rav Chaim Telzer, and Rav Yosef Leib Bloch. The result was a magnificent synthesis of both glorious traditions. The Rav Schwab Haggadah will enrich our Seder, our Pesach, and our lives.


ISBN-10 1-4226-0106-4 ISBN-13 978-1-4226-0106-8 90000

ArtScroll® Mesorah Series Published by


4401 Second Avenue • Brooklyn, NY 11232 718/921-9000 •

by Rabbi Yechiel Spero

Cover design by Eli Kroen at ArtScroll Studios, Ltd. , Brooklyn, NY © 2016 Mesorah Publications, Ltd.

ISBN-10 1-4226-1872-2 ISBN-13 978-1-4226-1872-1 90000

ArtScroll® Series Published by


781422 615638



by Rabbi Chagai Vilosky

esach is called the holiday of emunah, of faith. As we sit at our Seder table speaking of the wonders and miracles of the Exodus, we ignite a flame of emunah that will burn brightly throughout the year. Rabbi Binyomin Pruzansky is a brilliant storyteller, and in this unusual Haggadah he uses that talent to bring the story of Yetziyas Mitzrayim into our stories — our lives, challenges, hopes, and accomplishments. And, especially, into our emunah. In addition to fascinating Torah insights, Rabbi Pruzansky offers story after story that highlights the emunah of the Jews, both famous personalities and simple people with rock-solid faith. He shares “kriyas Yam Suf” stories — when a person feels there is no way to go forward and Hashem miraculously brings him to where he wants to be. We will find emunah in a dangerous Arab village and on Brooklyn’s Ocean Parkway. In the Soviet army and in a luxury Pesach hotel. In traffic jams and basketball courts. We will explore the faith of our ancestors in Egypt, and the faith of people just like us. We will hear great stories — and we will find ourselves strengthened. Haggadah shel Pesach: Night of Emunah pulsates with the energy of faith and hope; perfect for the holiday of emunah — and just what we need to make our Seder table vibrant and meaningful on this night of renewed faith and trust.


313 Regina Avenue • Rahway, NJ 07065 718/921-9000 •


by Rabbi Yaakov Wehl





ISBN-10 1-4226-1563-4 ISBN-13 978-1-4226-1563-8 90000

ArtScroll® Series Published by

Cover: Silver cups courtesy Grand Sterling Silver, Brooklyn, NY; Zadok Silversmiths, Jerusalem; design: by Eli Kroen at ArtScroll Studios, Ltd. , Brooklyn, NY © 2015 Mesorah Publications, Ltd.


Cover: Silver Kiddush cup given to Rav Schwab as a child, depicting Seder scene, and etched with his name “Simon”; photography by Adina Markowitz. Design by Eli Kroen at ArtScroll Studios, Ltd., Brooklyn, NY © 2019 Mesorah Publications, Ltd.



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by Rabbi Joseph Elias

781422 614839






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by Rabbi Yisrael Herczeg


780899 062464


313 Regina Avenue • Rahway, NJ 07065 718/921-9000 •




PESACH HOLIDAY SERIES by Rabbi Nosson Scherman and Rabbi Shimon Finkelman

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by Rabbi Menachem Davis

by Rabbi Nosson Scherman / Rabbi Avie Gold


THE ILLUSTRATED HAGGADAH by Rabbis Nosson and Yitzchok Zev Scherman


by Chaim Greenbaum


by Rabbi Nosson Scherman / Rabbi Yitzchok Zev Scherman

illustrated by Hannah Stern

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THE FAMILY HAGGADAH by Rabbi Nosson Scherman / Rabbi Avie Gold

The Family Haggadah Enlarged Edition

The Family Haggadah Regular Edition

The Family Haggadah Spanish Edition

The Family Haggadah Slipcased Set

LAWS OF THE SEDER by Rabbi David Feinstein


By Helene Ribowsky and Rachel Zlotowitz



by Rabbi Asher Bergman


by Rabbi Yosef Stern


by Rabbi Moshe Eisemann

HAGGADAH ANTHOLOGY by Rabbi Moshe Lieber / Rabbi Nosson Scherman


by Rabbi Shalom Meir Wallach

‫הגדה של פסח‬

ArtScroll® Series



ne of ArtScroll/Mesorah’s favorite authors invites us to his Seder — and it’s sure to be an enjoyable, enlightening, and uplifting experience. Rabbi Yechiel Spero is the author of the very popular Touched by a Story series. He is a charismatic teacher and speaker — and this carries over to his writing. In addition, he has an extraordinary knack for choosing stories and ideas and presenting them with clarity and excitement. In this volume, Rabbi Spero teaches the Haggadah in his own inimitable manner. He presents classic ideas in addition to his own, and relates them to our own lives and era. And he flavors his commentary with beautiful stories, as only he can. The combination is a Seder plate piled high with Yom Tov treats for the mind and heart. The author comes to his task with outstanding qualifications. He is a conscientious classroom rebbi who actually teaches the Haggadah year after year, so he knows what works, motivates, and inspires. As an added plus, Touched by the Seder includes the classic ArtScroll translation and instructions, so that every participant understands what he or she is saying, what to do, and when to do it. Many very fine Haggadahs are available, but this one is unique. It will “touch” your Seder and every guest at your table. And you’ll want to read and enjoy it all through Pesach and even throughout the year.



by Rabbi Moshe Grylack

MUSSAR MASTERS by Rabbi Shalom Meir Wallach

HAGGADAH SHIRAS YEHUDAH by Rabbi Eliezer Ginsburg


by Rabbi Nosson Scherman


by Rabbi Asher Bergman


T Cover design by Shlomo Benzaquen at ArtScroll Studios, Ltd., Brooklyn, NY © Mesorah Publications, Ltd.




ISBN-10 1-4226-1483-2 ISBN-13 978-1-4226-1483-9 90000

780899 063843


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eder night commemorates the greatest true story of all time — the night when Hashem, in His splendor, came down Himself, personally, to liberate His People, the Jews. It is the night of our miracles and our liberation. It’s the night of our stories. Rabbi Yechiel Spero — acclaimed educator, erudite Torah scholar, and, of course, gifted storyteller — tells some of those stories in this engaging new Haggadah that is certain to enhance our Sedarim. In his many bestselling books, Rabbi Spero does a masterful job of bringing Torah insights to life through unusual stories. Touched by Our Story includes his wide-ranging, stimulating commentary on the Haggadah and, of course, Rabbi Spero’s trademark true stories. The Four Sons come to life, in tales like that of the Rosh Yeshivah who played “jacks” with a youngster or the gadol ha’dor who insisted a yeshivah change its language to accommodate two students who genuinely wanted to learn. We hear what the Klausenberger Rebbe had to say at a Seder not long after his liberation, and are amazed at the connection between the plague of Frogs and the remarkable survival of two victims of a ghastly terror attack. Enlightening, engaging, and eye-opening, this is a Haggadah that will ensure a lively, meaningful, and enjoyable Seder for us, our guests, and — most important of all — our children, the next generation to tell the stories.


e’ve got the wine, the matzah, the stunning table settings. Now, all that’s missing to make the perfect Seder is… questions! Lots of questions! Chazal, the Jewish Sages, instructed that the story of the Exodus be told in question-and-answer style, reflecting the wording of the Torah’s commandment to relate the story, And it shall be when your son will ask you (Shemos 13:14). When a person asks a question, it shows that he is interested in hearing an answer, and he becomes an engaged participant in the discussion. The Pesach Haggadah: The Answer Is… generously fulfills this dictate, with over 1,000 answers to more than 300 questions! The Pesach Haggadah: The Answer Is… takes us through every facet of the Seder and the Passover story — the 4 sons, the 10 plagues, the unbelievable miracles of liberation, even the fascinating poem Chad Gadya that ends the Seder — by asking questions and offering answers. We see the Exodus through the eyes of luminaries such as Rambam and the Vilna Gaon, Rav Moshe Feinstein and the Belzer Rebbe, and literally hundreds more. Take a thoughtful question, give an intelligent and articulate answer, and you’ve got an interactive, dynamic and spirited experience. Multiply that by hundreds of questions and answers — and you have a Seder you will never forget.

ISBN-10 0-89906-384-5 ISBN-13 978-0-89906-384-3 90000


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The Haggadah. It’s our story. Let’s make sure we tell it well.


ISBN-10 1-57819-465-2 ISBN-13 978-1-57819-465-0 90000


‫הגדה‬ ‫של פסח‬

Touched Story

Here’s a Haggadah that makes a Seder interactive… and unforgettable

Cover design: by Eli Kroen at ArtScroll Studios, Ltd. , Brooklyn, NY © 2006 Mesorah Publications, Ltd.


ArtScroll® Mesorah Series

ArtScroll® Series

n the familiar world of Haggadah literature, can there be something new under the sun? With every family’s Pesach shelf groaning under the weight of so many Haggadahs, can there be a new Haggadah that is materially different from the others? Or — in the parlance of Pesach — how is this Haggadah commentary different from every other Haggadah commentary? It is very different, very useful, and sure to be very popular and very widely consulted. Compiled by the noted Torah scholar, Rabbi Yaakov Wehl, this commentary is in question-and-answer form. It contains over two hundred questions on the Haggadah — the sort of questions that anyone might have asked, or wished he had asked. There is hardly a query on the Haggadah that is not included somewhere in this collection. The answers? They are drawn from the broad gamut of classic commentators, from their writings on the Torah, the Talmud, or the Haggadah. Virtually everything one could wish for is between the covers of this Haggadah. In its Hebrew version, Ki Yishal’cha Vin’cha, this commentary has had many printings and become a popular, standard text in America, Israel, and elsewhere. The English version is more than a mere translation. It takes the anthology of classic texts and explains them clearly and articulately. It sheds new light on many obscure parts of the Haggadah. This Haggadah will be a revelation even to accomplished scholars and veteran teachers. In it, Rabbi Wehl’s immense erudition and pedagogical skills are placed at the service of the broad Jewish public. It is a welcome service of great proportions.


ince it first appeared nearly 25 years ago, the ArtScroll Haggadah by Rabbi Joseph Elias has been the most popular Haggadah of its kind, anywhere! With its broad variety of sources and excellent combination of thoroughness, reliability, accuracy, and good taste, it remains a staple of tens of thousands of Seder tables — and deservedly so! Now Rabbi Elias has produced the long-awaited new and expanded edition — with much new commentary on the second half of the Haggadah. Rabbi Elias has been known and revered for half a century as one of the Jewish community’s outstanding thinkers and educators. Among his students he was especially revered for the way he taught the Haggadah, presenting it with all its beauty and meaning. In his hands, the Haggadah became a sefer that speaks to all Jews, wherever they are. Indeed, This Haggadah fulfills the injunction that in every generation all Jews must view themselves as if they had emerged from Egypt. In his ArtScroll Haggadah, Rabbi Elias opens the doors of his classroom to tens of thousands of new and appreciative students. For all these years, the original Elias Haggadah was THE Haggadah for the Jewish home, and especially for everyone who wanted to set aside time to study and know the Haggadah. There are many other excellent Haggadahs, of course, but none better blends a clear elucidation of the text with the comments of the classic commentators across the centuries. Now, the magnificent Elias touch is expanded and refined even further. as a great Haggadah becomes bigger and better. Don’t miss it!

Cover design: by Eli Kroen at ArtScroll Studios, Ltd., Brooklyn, NY © 2015 Mesorah Publications, Ltd.

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Cover design by Eli Kroen at ArtScroll Studios, Ltd., Brooklyn, NY © 2017 Mesorah Publications, Ltd.

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


he story of the Passover Haggadah is so familiar that nearly everyone who takes part in the Seder can recite it without a hitch. But, like all the Torah, the nuances of the Seder speak to different people in different ways. Passover is the story of freedom from the lash and chain and the exalted rise of a nation to the pinnacle of human achievement: the knowledge that the Divine Hand controls nature and the experience of Revelation at Sinai. However, not all pain is inflicted by the lash of a taskmaster and not all chains are clamped on by jailers. The Haggadah also addresses those who suffer from the slavery of an oppressive environment or, even more difficult, the sort of obsessive behavior that plagues many or most lives. The ultimate freedom is the ability to live constructively and happily; that is why the Sages of the Talmud teach that the truly free person is one who immerses himself in the Torah. In this volume, one of our generation’s most eminent interpreters of the Torah’s teachings regarding self-control and self-improvement uncovers the path to personal liberation in the timeless story of the Exodus. Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D., has an uncanny ability to know what troubles people and how to provide the balm for their hurt by combining the eternal wisdom of the Torah with the science of the mind. In this Haggadah, he takes each of us from the bondage of our personal “Egypts” to the promised land of self-fulfillment and joy in achieving our personal best. ISBN-10 0-89906-396-9 ISBN-13 978-0-89906-396-6 90000

9 780899 063966

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313 Regina Avenue Rahway, New Jersey 07065 718/921-9000 • The Judaica Imprint for Thoughtful People


Werdiger Family Edition


Bring the brilliance, warmth, and sheer holiness of the Gerrer dynasty to your Seder.

From the popular Maggid of Eretz Yisrael


by Rabbi Yisrael Meir Druck

abbi Yisrael Meir Druck, son of the famed “Maggid Meisharim” of Yerushalayim and a noted Torah scholar and popular speaker, gives us a whole new level of understanding of the words of the Haggadah. His insights, firmly based on dozens of classic Torah sources, are brief, readable, and very intriguing. Before, during, and, yes, even after the Seder, this is a haggadah to pore over, to learn from, to savor. An unforgettable Haggadah, for an unforgettable Seder.

The Children of Yaakov and Ilana Melohn Edition

Thoughts and ideas on the Haggadah, Yetzias Mitzrayim, and the halachos and minhagim of the Seder




by Yisroel Besser

his unique Haggadah commentary tells the story of the creation of our nation, viewed through the wise and humble eyes of the tzaddikim of the Gerrer dynasty, starting from Peshis’cha and Kotzk. Most of the Torah thoughts are concise, designed to be shared with everyone at the Seder. And, of course, there are many stories! Stories that strengthen our faith and renew our hopes for the future. This Haggadah speaks directly to our neshamos, our souls, whether or not we follow the path of Chassidus.

NEW allHebrew Pesach Machzor Nusach Sefard with English Instructions Also available: Nusach Ashkenaz

compiled by Rabbi Dovid Abramowitz

RECENT BEST-SELLING HAGGADAHS Available at your local Hebrew bookseller or at • 1-800-MESORAH (637-6724)


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

New Pesach Titles from

Around the Community

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Mrs. Salzberg’s first graders at YOSS used their very own pinwheels to observe wind in action


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Around the Community

APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Yeshiva Darchei Torah nursery students of Morah Shaina Braun got ready for Pesach by searching for chometz in their sensory bin

SKA Holds Science Olympiad


his year, SKA held its own Science Olympiad on Tuesday, March 22, with over 34 students participating. The competition reflected how SKA students consistently apply their learning in a hands-on way. Students were paired up and competed against each other by completing different assignments or activities that demonstrated their knowledge of the material. The Science Olympiad had seven important events, one for each Science discipline: • SKA students in Anatomy and Physiology with Mrs. La Zhong created models of muscles using clay and were asked to place them accurately on skeletons. Student participants were Dina Faye Bendel, Michal Greenblatt, Yakira Kret, Talya Lippman, Ruchy Reichman and Brianna Swedarsky. • In Chemistry Lab with Dr. Neera Kimmel, girls created a mixture of oil, water and plastic beads and utilized a filtration funnel and a separatory funnel to isolate the respective components. They were tasked with assessing the percent error of these items. Student participants were Alexandra Freundlich, Kayla Goldberg and Sari Gross. • The students in Mr. Andres Pabon’s Remote Sensing group wired up different types of sensors on a robot. Student participants were Elizabeth Naiman, Meira Norensberg and Tamar Rabinovitz. • Dr. Salvatore Parrino’s students in Cell Biology used pipettes in order to separate mixtures and isolate DNA. Student participants were Shira Ellenberg, Mimi Feinberg, Atara Ginsburg, Meghan Gottfried, Rachel Hirt, Batya Kimyagarov, Avigail Nassir, Lea Septimus and Aliza Tokayer. • Green Generation students of Ms.

‫ֵמ ַע ְבד ּות ְל ֵחר ּות‬ ‫ש ְמ ָחה‬ ׂ ִ ‫ִמיָ ּ גוֹ ן ְל‬ Will they enjoy Pesach without shame & heartache?

Rivka Hirsch used recyclable materials in order to design and build an insulated thermos. The students planned how to scientifically test their creations to see which would be a more effective heat insulator. Student participants were Farrah Crane, Elinor Malayev, Sari Roman and Rachel Yadgarov. • The students of Mrs. Elizabeth Rosenfeld’s Ornithology group studied the habitat, food preferences, mating behaviors and structure of each bird. They took an 18 question exam and then had to build a model of a particular bird out of Styrofoam, pipe cleaners and feathers. Student participants were Maya Hiller, Atara Teitelbaum and Leah Yadgarov, • Mrs. Aviva Lifshitz’s Dynamic Planet students specifically learned about the properties of water, in particular the concept of buoyancy. They had to apply their knowledge of why certain objects float or sink when placed in water. Student participants were Cloe Dershowitz, Julia Holchendler, Atara Razi and Avital Razi. • The SKA students enjoyed learning about their individual topic and racing against the clock to complete their respective event. Our thanks go to Dr. Salvatore Parrino for coordinating SKA’s Science Olympiad and to all the Science Department teachers for coaching the teams.

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022



Around the Community

HAFTR Bowl-a-thon

APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

STEM in Shulamith

‫ֵמ ֵא ֶבל‬ ‫ְליוֹ ם טוֹ ב‬ ‫ּו ֵמ ֲא ֵפ ָלה‬ ‫ְלאוֹ ר ָ ּגדוֹ ל‬ T

he Shulamith fifth grade did an aMAZEing project using civil engineering to create mazes that would allow a robotic bug to successfully enter and exit. They built on their teamwork skills and perseverance.

While many mothers are busy scrubbing their homes in preparation for Pesach, the Ganger Early Childhood Division of TAG had an opportunity to enjoy an interactive bubble show, which was lots of fun for all

By Emma Zelman


AFTR High School students helped children get one step closer to going to camp this summer. On Thursday, March 31, HAFTR students participated in a bowl-a-thon to help raise money for The Camp Scholarship Fund. The Camp Scholarship Fund, a campaign of the Matzliach Organization, is an organization that helps provide financial support to families in an effort to send their children to camp. The organization creates fundraisers of all kinds, including 5K Color Runs, Tehilim-a-thons, bake sales and, of course, bowl-a-thons. Participants enjoyed food, bowling, time with friends, and the understanding that they were helping kids go to camp. HAFTR students were joined by their amazing teachers, rebbeim, and many of the faculty’s children. The event was a fun and successful way to raise funds for deserving families. Thank you to everyone involved and especially our director of Student Life, Mrs. Schechter, who put this event together. The bowla-thon was not only an opportunity for students to help those in need but also a program that reflected the unity and friendships within our school.

They aren’t making it through the month. How will they cover Pesach expenses? Turn tension and tears into true tranquility

Rewrite the saga of 2,000 families in Eretz Yisrael this Pesach. Call 24 Hours



Around the Community Mazal tov to the talmidim of Yeshiva of Far Rockaway who made a chazara siyum on Meseches Bava Basra

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Guest speaker Rabbi Juraval

Shai Englander

Probate: What It Is & How to Avoid It—Part I By Monet Binder, Esq.


nless you’ve created a proper estate plan, when you’re gone, before any of your belongings are distributed, many of your assets must first pass through the court process known as probate. Like most court proceedings, probate can be time-consuming, costly, aggravating, and open to the public. Avoiding probate – and keeping your family out of court – should be a primary goal of most estate plans. Probate typically involves: Determining the validity of your will (if you have one). • Appointing an executor or administrator to manage the probate process and settle your estate. • Locating and valuing all of your assets. • Notifying & paying your creditors. • Filing & paying your taxes. • Distributing your assets to the appropriate beneficiaries. In most cases, going through all of these steps is very difficult for the people you love. It’s expensive, can take a long time, and be highly disruptive and inconvenient, and sometimes, can be messy. By implementing the right estate planning strategies, however, you can help your loved ones avoid probate all together—or at least make the process extremely simple for them. To spare your family from the time, cost, and stress inherent to probate, here in this two-part series, we’ll first explain how the probate process works and what it would entail for your loved ones, and then we’ll out•

line the different ways you can avoid probate with wise planning. When Probate is Required As mentioned previously, if you fail to put in place a proper estate plan, your assets must go through probate before they can be distributed to anyone. In general, this includes those individuals who have no estate plan at all, those whose estate plan consists of a Will alone, and those who have a Will the court wont’ accept. You can see that even if you have a Will in place, your loved ones will still be subjected to probate. If you want to keep your family out of court and out of conflict you cannot rely solely on a Will, and you’ll need to put in place additional estate planning tools. Without a Will, probate is still required to pay your debts and distribute your assets. However, regardless of your wishes, your assets will be distributed to New York’s statute of inheritance. If no living heirs can be found, then your assets go to the state. How Probate Works Whether you had a Will or not, the probate process is similar. 1. Authenticating the Validity of Your Will: With a Will, following your death, your executor is responsible for filing your Will with the court, to initiate the probate process. From there, the court must authenticate your Will to ensure it was properly created and executed in accordance with state law, and this may involve a court hearing. All beneficiaries named in your Will, and all those who inherit under state law,

in the absence of a Will, must get notice of the Will filing. This allows people to contest the Will’s validity which can prevent the Will from being probated, and then it’s as if there were no Will at all. 2. Appointing the Executor or Administrator: With a Will, the court formally approves and appoints the person you named in your Will as your executor before they can legally act on behalf of your estate. Without a Will, the court will appoint an administrator. In some cases, the court might require your executor to post a bond before they can serve. The bond functions as an insurance policy to reimburse the estate in the event the executor makes a serious error during probate that financially damages the estate. Not everyone can qualify for a bond. 3. Locating & Valuing Your Assets: Once probate begins, the executor must identify, locate, and take possession of all of your assets, and appraise them for a total value. This includes not only those assets listed in your Will and other estate planning documents, but also those you may have not included in your estate plan. This is why keeping a regularly updated inventory of your assets is so important. Any assets the executor is unable to locate will end up in our state’s Department of Unclaimed Property. Across the U.S., more than $58 billion of assets are stuck in state Departments of Unclaimed Property. As your Personal Family Lawyer, we will not only help you create a comprehensive asset inventory, we work to make sure this inventory stays updated throughout your lifetime.

4. Paying Creditors and Filing & Paying Your Taxes: In addition to paying all of your outstanding private debts and funeral expenses, the executor is also responsible for filing and paying any outstanding taxes you owe to the government at the time of death. This includes personal income and capital-gains taxes, as well as state and federal estate taxes, if your estate is valuable enough to qualify. 5. Distribution Of Your Remaining Assets: Once all assets have been distributed, the executor must file a petition with the court to close probate. If all creditors and taxes have been paid, your assets have been distributed, and there are no other outstanding issues to be addressed, the court will issue an order formally closing the estate and terminating the executor’s appointment. 6.Keep Your Family Out of Court & Out of Conflict. One of our primary goals when creating your estate plan is to keep your family out of court and out of conflict no matter what happens to you. Fortunately, it’s easy for you to spare your family the burden of probate with proactive planning. Next week, we’ll look at the ways you can do just that in the second part of this series. Until then, if you haven’t put an estate plan in place or have one that would force your family to go through probate, call today: 718.514.7575. We do not just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love.


Around the Community

‫ּו ִמ ׁ ּ ִש ְע ּב ּוד‬ ‫ִל ְ ּג ֻא ָ ּלה‬ O

n the heels of a fabulously successful, standing-room only production, Shulamith High School staff immediately switched gears and turned its creative prowess to its annual Book Day. Book Day is a fully immersive shared reading experience, where mind and body encounter the themes and messages of a specific book enjoyed schoolwide. This year’s choice, Other Words For Home, explores a preteen girl’s arrival in America after escaping war-torn Syria. She embarks on a journey to embrace American culture while clutching tightly to her Syrian roots, standing tall while standing out as a Muslim. Thematically, this story opened doors to discussions about Jewish immigration in times of persecution, pride in one’s heritage despite immersion in secular society, and the human need to feel connection to something greater. It generated discussions of the cultural isolation experienced by religious minorities and the fears and trials immigrants face when racial discrimination is directed unfairly toward them. Rabbi Levi Raices opened the program, sharing his refugee experience after escaping Ukraine just weeks ago. His account connected all too deeply with the life of the protagonist, Jude, and drove the relevance of her story home. Students then dove into the book’s lessons through one of nine teacher-led discussions. At the session of her choice, each one contributed to a conversation extrapolated from the book’s content.

Topics ranged from resilience, to sources for minhagim, to inadvertently limiting our perceptions due to labels. The link between culture and cuisine was highlighted at the Cultural Food Festival. Six ethnically diverse food stations were elegantly set, from which students partook in American, Italian, Mexican, Asian, Middle Eastern, and Eastern European delights. Mrs. Chanie Apfelbaum introduced the food festival with a cooking demo while elucidating the profound relationship between food and family. In recognition of the variety of Shulamith ancestry and the beautiful means by which recipes connect generations, the faculty and students published an SHS cookbook, preserving beloved family recipes and sharing their significance with an introductory explanation. At the “Spill the Tea” round table discussion, English teachers led a thought-provoking conversation about immigration, tznius, and recognizing our unique garb as a badge of honor. As our main character Jude emphasized, “I cover my head not because I am ashamed, forced, or hiding. But because I am proud and want to be seen as I am.” As religious Jews, our speech, clothing, and culture set us apart and define us amid secular society; it is our prerogative to recognize the embedded privilege therein. Students walked away with fresh pride in our unique heritage and recognition of our mission to perpetuate it with dignity.

They’re saddled with financial stress all year round. Before Pesach, it multiplies tenfold. Enable them to taste true freedom

Rewrite the saga of 2,000 families in Eretz Yisrael this Pesach. Call 24 Hours



APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

SHS Book Day

Around the Community

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Bakers extraordinaire at Shulamith ECC

Shulamith High School Production


n Sunday, April 3, over 100 Shulamith High School students put on “Hope,” an inspiring and captivating production in front of an overflowing auditorium. The show portrayed three different stories of hope: Annie hoping for her biological parents; Isaac, an Israeli soldier, hoping to prove that extraordinary growth and healing comes from giving to others; and Raizel, a young Jewish woman hoping to find a man to marry. Through outstanding acting, heartfelt song, and enthralling

dance, the students of SHS put on a performance for the ages. We would like to recognize the outstanding senior production heads: Chanie Hertz, Tamar Newman, Tehilla Polansky, Baylie Weinberger, Alina Zelcer as well as senior Shira Lax, for creating all the scenery. Of course, none of this would be possible without the one and only Esty Munk, who wrote and directed the entire production. Thank you to all those who came to see this magnificent show. We HOPE you left inspired!

Serving Up Fun in Jamaica Estates


t the Young Israel of Jamaica Estates, there is always something fun going on for families. Young and old enjoyed a sense of normalcy with festive and Megillah readings in both the Ashkenazi and Sefardi minyanim. Everyone was then invited to join the Purim fun and games at YIJE’s Purim Chagiga and Carnival with food, games, music, and prizes. In preparation for Pesach, at this month’s installment of the Family Mitz-

vah Morning Program, children and parents got into the holiday spirit. Pesach packages with kiddush cups and matzah plates were prepared and decorated to bring holiday cheer to the residents of the Margret Teitz Rehabilitation Center. As Purim fun and mitzvot blend into the mitzvot of Pesach, food, clothing, and tzedakah collections area also underway for those locally, in Israel and for Ukrainian refugees in need.








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n one enthralling story after another, Rabbi Yechiel Spero enlightens us, touching our hearts, opening our eyes, invigorating our neshamos. In these pages, you will meet amazing people and read about fascinating and unexpected events. And as you finish reading each tale, you’ll feel proud to be a Yid and wowed by the love of a Heavenly Father for His children.

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APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Around the Community

Coverage of Historic Turnout as a Projected 50,000 Bnei Torah Took Dirshu Bechinas at Testing Locations Worldwide

Partial view of the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha participants in London, England

By Chaim Gold


shreichem!” That was the enthusiastic way HaGaon HaRav Yisrael Neuman, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva, Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood, began his

brief address to a massive crowd of some one thousand talmidei chachomim at Dirshu’s testing site in Lakewood last week. Rav Neuman, known as one of the masmidim of the generation who only in cases of great need leaves the Yeshiva to give public addresses, felt compelled

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HaRav Yisrael Newman addressing the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha Bechina in Lakewood

to make an exception and come and address Dirshu’s talmidei chachomim. In his remarks, he commented about the fact that hearing about the thousands upon thousands of new Dirshu members brought him a measure of comfort during these days of mourning for the Sar HaTorah, Maran, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l. He said, “We have a kabbalah from the Alter of Slabodka that when there is a rabbim, a multitude of talmidei chachomim, it has the chashivus, the import of a gadol hador. When I look at this rabbim of talmidei chachomim taking a bechina, in some sense, I feel that we are trying to fill the void of the koach haTorah that has been lost with the passing of Rav Chaim.” 27,000 Tests in Eretz Yisroel Alone! In truth, there are no words to describe the colossal response to the beginning of the machzor sheini of Daf HaYomi B’Halacha. Even the hanhala of Dirshu, who have seen numerous massive growth spurts over the years, were amazed by the world-wide response as untold thousands gathered in testing centers from Yerushalayim to Tzefas to Be’er Sheva and all over Eretz Yisrael. The entire North America and Canada, Europe, England, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, France, Holland, even Gibraltar, as well as Argentina and Australia all had a massive uptick of new participants. According to Rabbi Shlomo Rozenstein, Dirshu’s Director of Public Relations, in Eretz Yisrael alone over 27,000 tests were taken!

Testing centers were packed wherever you went. Wherever one goes in Eretz Yisrael or in chutz la’aretz, one sees Yidden immersed in chelek aleph of Mishnah Berurah. A menahel of a prominent boys cheder in Lakewood related, “I have been to about five different shuls over the past week throughout Lakewood and wherever I go, I see people learning Daf HaYomi B’Halacha.” Every Age and Stage A small window into the massive influx of new learners and test takers can be gleaned from what took place in Boro Park this past Sunday night. Dirshu’s hanhala realized that its regular testing site at the large Spinka Shul would not be large enough. They rented out a floor of the new large building called Boro Park Square that comprises an entire square block in Boro Park. The building, located at 14th Avenue and 37 th street, saw streams of people coming throughout the night. Not only that, but Dirshu arranged shuttle busses along five avenue blocks to bring the test takers to the testing site. The busses were packed. Rabbi Ahron Gobioff, Dirshu American Director, related that nearly 2,000 people alone came to the Boro Park site in the course of the night. “Every table was full,” said Rabbi Gobioff. “There were even some taking tests on chairs without tables in front of them. “Another very heartwarming, emotional thing for me,” continued Rabbi Gobioff, “was seeing the wide-ranging ages of the test takers. At one table you


Around the Community

Rav Yisrael Simcha Schorr: “When You Learn Halacha You Become Partners with Hashem!” At the Bais Medrash of Yeshiva Beis Dovid in Monsey many hundreds filled almost every possible space. The event was graced by HaGaon HaRav Yisrael Simcha Schorr, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Ohr Someach. Rav Schorr, in his address to the crowd, related that he felt a tremendous zechus to be standing in a bais medrash that literally has representation of Yidden from all the wide-ranging array of communities of Yidden that comprise the frum community of Monsey. All are here “k’ish echad b’lev echad,” engaged in the preservation of limud haTorah. In other locales in Brooklyn there was also an exponential increase in Dirshu participants and test takers. At the Williamsburg site, many hundreds came and were addressed by HaGaon HaRav Meir Grunwald, shlita, Pupa Dayan and a son of the Pupa Rebbe, shlita. Thousands Join Dirshu All Over Europe Rabbi Chezky Shuvaks of Dirshu Europe was equally amazed at the remarkable increase in lomdei Torah learning in the Dirshu programs and taking the tests. In London, many hundreds gathered at testing sites in the large Belzer Bais Medrash in the Stamford Hill neighborhood and in the Golders Green, Edgeware, and Canvey Island neighborhoods. In Manchester as well, many hundreds came together at one central location, the Machzikei Hadas Hall, to take the test. In Antwerp, too, hundreds came to take the test, and Zurich, Vienna, and even Budapest and Gibraltar had major increases. A new testing site was even opened in Rome, Italy! Imagine the nekama on Titus Harasha who came from Rome to destroy the Bais Hamikdash and now Yidden are taking Dirshu

tests on Torah learned in Rome! The large bais medrash at the Orchos Chaim Cheder in Lakewood took on a different look this past Sunday night: tables upon tables upon tables, tightly packed, rows upon rows of chavrei Dirshu, brows furrowed, as all you could hear was the scratching of pens on paper. The truth is that even before one entered, one knew something was different and special about that evening. Driving into the parking lot one saw a veritable wall of cars. Finding a parking spot was a task. Well over 1,000 people were at the Lakewood testing site, a site that was permeated by a feeling of anticipation as the hundreds of new test takers held Dirshu bechinas in their hands for the first time. It was a historic evening in Lakewood and around the world. Rav Dovid Hofstedter: When Torah Is Learned B’shleimus, It Protects B’shleimus In his remarks at the Lakewood testing site, Rav Dovid Hofstedter expressed his tremendous feelings of gratification that in the wake of the siyum on machzor sheini of Daf HaYomi B’Halacha and the start of machzor shlishi there has been such a colossal increase of people learning halacha and taking tests on halachos in locales spanning the entire world. “The simcha of so many more people learning Torah is in essence a simcha of hashraas haShechina,” he said. Rav Hofstedter showed proposed an original thought based on a Gemara on how we can emerge intact both spiritually and physically, from the difficult galus in which we find ourselves. Rav Dovid said, “When Torah is learned b’shleimus, when it is halacha Berurah and Mishanh Berurah in one place, it protects b’shleimus. When we learn entire masechtos, all the sedarim and all the halachos in Shulchan Aruch, not just certain parts, we are striving to learn the Torah b’shleimus and this offers us more protection.” Rav Dovid then commented that Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s passing has left a great void, a “forgetting of the Torah.” When there is less Torah in the world, when there is shikchas haTorah in the world, it is a sakana. With great passion, Rav Hofstedter concluded, “It is our task to increase Torah learning in the world by undertaking to learn and chazer and learn Torah b’shleimus!”


APRIL 2022

Delayed! As you hear the details of my story, you’ll understand why I’ve been debating for a while whether or not to share it. I am still a bit uncomfortable telling it, but I feel that it is a must on my part – after all, it contains such a strong lesson on the amazing power of Tehillim. It all began about two years ago. My financial situation took a turn for the worse and I had difficulty making my mortgage payments. Understandably, I got into trouble with the bank. Things went from bad to worse… until that bleak day when I received a notice advising me what date my house would officially be put up for auction on foreclosure. I did all I could. And I turned to Hashem. In my pain, I begged Him for a yeshuah, knowing that He could really do anything. I also contacted Tehillim Kollel and asked for the minyan to have me in mind every day in their Tehillim. The date of the auction loomed. I decided to go watch the auction from up close, wondering what would happen. When I arrived, they announced that for an unforeseen reason, the auction was pushed off. Everyone would receive a notice in the mail within thirty days, advising when the auction would be rescheduled. What should I say? I am still waiting for the new date. The power of Tehillim is so clear and so strong. Thanks to the Tehillim, we are still living calmly and happily in our own home.



APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

could have children barely bar mitzvah age together with elderly Yidden with white beards, kollel yungeleit alongside baalei battim and bochurim. It was the most beautiful sight! Klal Yisrael in all its different ages and stages united by limud haTorah.” At the Boro Park site, HaGaon HaRav Benzion Strasser, shlita, Nitra Rav of Boro Park, and Rav Dovid Hofstedter, shlita, Nasi Dirshu, briefly addressed the crowd.

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Around the Community

Rep. Meng Secures Funding for Numerous Initiatives Crucial to Israel and the Jewish Community


.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY), New York’s senior appropriator on the House Appropriations Committee which funds the programs and projects of the federal government, announced last week that she helped secure funding for several initiatives crucial to Israel and the Jewish community. This funding is money that was included in the new government spending package, which was recently approved by Congress and signed into law by President Biden. They include: An unprecedented $250 million for the Department of Homeland Security’s Nonprofit Security Grant Program, an increase over the record breaking $180 million that Meng helped obtain last year. This $70 million boost in funding will ensure that more facilities are awarded money from this crucial initiative, which provides houses of worship and nonprofit organizations with federal grants to improve the safety and security of their properties. The money, which helps guard against threats and attacks, can be spent on target-hardening and other physical security enhancements such as barriers, gates, safety gear, surveillance equipment, and other safety measures. • $3.3 billion in security assistance to Israel, as expected under the Memorandum of Understanding

signed between the U.S. and Israel in 2016. • $500 million for U.S.-Israel missile defense programs. Under the funding, $200 million will be used for: Continued co-production and procurement of Iron Dome system components; Continued co-production and procurement of David’s Sling system components; and Continued co-production and procurement of Arrow-3 system components. $300 million will be used for: • Development of block upgrades for David’s Sling, which includes extending the system’s range, improving its seeker capabilities, and addressing cruise missile threats. • The Arrow System Improvement Program (ASIP) to support completion of upgrades and related enhancements to ensure system survivability, Arrow-2 and Arrow-3 launcher integration, and interoperability with U.S. systems. • An additional $1 billion in funding for Iron Dome, to replenish missile interceptors that were used to protect Israeli civilians from Hamas rockets during heavy fighting in May of last year.

• $6 million for the Holocaust Survivor Assistance Program, which provides care and services to Holocaust survivors in the United States. •$50 million for the Nita M. Lowey Middle East Partnership for Peace, which seeks to advance peaceful co-existence between Israelis and Palestinians to enable a sustainable two-state solution. • Enactment of the Israel Relations Normalization Act, of which Congresswoman Meng was a co-sponsor. This bill seeks to support and expand the normalization agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan. “From continuing to ensure the safety and security of Israel to protecting Jewish facilities amid the rise of anti-Semitism in the United States and around the world, I remain committed to fighting for issues and initiatives important to the Jewish community,” said Meng, Vice Chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations. “I am proud to lead on many of these critical priorities and will continue to do so. I thank all who supported these crucial programs and initiatives, and look forward to obtaining more funding in the years ahead.” All of the above funding is for fiscal year 2022.



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All halachic documents are under the supervision of the Bais HaVaad in Lakewood.


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home



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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


1. *

TJH Gas Trivia 1. American oil company ExxonMobil is valued at approximately $352 billion. The only larger oil company than that is Saudi Arabia’s Saudi Aramco, which is valued at approximately what amount? a. $700 billion b. $2 trillion c. $10 trillion d. $100 trillion 2. Approximately how many gallons of gasoline can be refined from a barrel of oil? a. 7 b. 12 c. 19 d. 30

OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


3. What is the leading gas station company in the U.S., with almost 4,000 gas stations? a. Speedway b. Exxon c. Wawa

d. Getty 4. What is the current average gas price in California? a. $3.89 b. $4.11 c. $4.79 d. $5.85 5. How many gas pumps are there at the Buc-ee’s gas station chain in New Braunfels, Texas (Hint: they have 83 toilets)? a. 40 b. 83 c. 120 d. 400 6. Approximately how many calories are there in a gallon of gas? a. 100 b. 700 c. 2,000 d. 31,000

Answers: 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. D Wisdom Key 5-6 correct: You know a lot about gas. You can get a job pumping gas in New Jersey (because, obviously, you need to have some extra knowledge to pump gas in Jersey…regular people are simply not qualified). 2-4 correct: Not bad. Try sniffing a little less gas and your brain cells will start firing a little better. 0-1 correct: You should really try the “no gasoline chugging” diet. If you are chugging two gallons of gasoline a day, that’s over 60,000 calories just on your liquids.

Riddle Me This What is a ten-letter word that starts with gas?


Answer: Automobile


There may not be a lot to laugh about at the gas pump nowadays, but here is a sampling of signs at a Seattle gas station that are determined to put a smile on people’s faces, despite the agita that they may get while filling up for gas.

Jimbo calls 911 from the gas station and screams, “There’s a robbery in progress at the gas station!” “Who is the robber?” asks the 911 dispatcher.

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

You Gotta Be Kidding Me!

APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Laughing Gas

Jimbo replies, “Pump number 3.” 14


The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

torah thought

Parshas Metzora by rabbi berel Wein


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


his week’s Torah portion remains one of the most mysterious and supernatural demonstrations of the laws of Judaism which appears anywhere else in the holy books. We are not aware of the specific nature of the disease that is described. Leprosy is certainly not the correct translation or identification of this disease called tzoraat in the Torah. The cause for the disease, however, is alluded to in Jewish tradition. It apparently stems from the violation of the prohibition against evil speech. This can be deduced from the fact that one of the miracles that our teacher Moshe was bidden to perform to validate his mission in front of Pharaoh and the Jewish people was to insert his hand into his breast clothing and remove it. That hand turned white with the same disease described in our parsha as tzoraat. When he reinserted his hand and then removed it, it returned to its normal strength in color. We also find that Miriam, when she was punished for speaking ill against Moshe, was stricken with this disease.

In these instances, the Torah makes clear to us that evil speech – Moshe speaking against the Jewish people and saying that they will not believe him and are unworthy of redemption, and Miriam speaking ill of her brother, criticizing his handling of his personal

was chosen as being the instrument of punishment and retribution for the sin of evil speech. We find in the book of Kings and in the works of some of the prophets that this disease struck some of the leaders and kings of Israel during later times

This disease, more than any other physical ailment, was meant to shake up the society and to instill within it proper respect for the word of G-d and the value system of the Torah.

domestic life – suffered the punishment of this disease striking them. As such, it became evident in Jewish scholarship that there was a connection between this disease and between speaking ill of others. Nevertheless, this does not explain the nature of this disease and why it

as well. The rabbis of the Talmud compared the appearance of tzoraat on the skin of King Uziyahu of Judah as being comparable to an earthquake. Apparently, this disease, more than any other physical ailment, was meant to shake up the society and to instill within

it proper respect for the word of G-d and the value system of the Torah. Since we are unable to identify the disease, it is not part of our daily or even spiritual view of events. The only lesson left to derive from these descriptions of the disease, then, is that Heaven is indeed conscious of our thoughts, actions, speech, and behavior. These have consequences both for the good and for the better. We also see from the Torah that the expert on this type of event was the Priest-Kohen, and not the medical doctor or even the wise scholar of the time. The Kohen was thought to be the prime connection between the judgment of heaven and the behavior of humans. It was, therefore, the High Priest alone who could bring atonement for the Jewish people on the day of Yom Kippur. Spiritual disease comes from spiritual failing, and, therefore, requires the healing effect of spiritual greatness which was bestowed upon the family of Aaron and the Jewish priesthood. Shabbat shalom.


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


BUILDING BLOCKS OF ETERNITY Yeshiva Darchei Torah’s new capital project will encompass a Mesivta Beis Medrash and its first-ever Residence Hall. BEIS MEDRASH + CLASSROOM BUILDING Will serve 500 talmidim in grades 8-11 34,200 Total square feet 4 Stories 5200 sq. feet Beis Hamedrash for Mesivta 15 Classrooms

RESIDENCE HALL Will serve 271 talmidim in Mesivta & Yeshiva Gedolah 43,000 Total square feet 4 Stories 68 Dormitory Rooms 271 Beds 4 Student Lounges


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home






‫ה ליב ע”ה‬-‫לע”נ שלום ראובן בן ארי‬




ANONYMOUS Residence Hall Cornerstone


‫לע”נ נחמן יהודה בן יעקב דוד ע”ה‬ ‫ואשתו לאה בת יהודה אשר ע”ה‬ ‫ולע”נ יעקב ליב בן שלמה ע”ה‬

Promenade Vestibule

Beis Medrash Vestibule Entrance


‫לע”נ הרה”ג ר‘ דוד בן הרב אברהם בנדר זצ”ל‬ ‫והרבנית בתיה חיה בת הרב יעקב הלוי ז”ל‬ ‫לע”נ זעליג בן מרדכי ע”ה‬ ‫לע”נ משה אלעזר בן נטע שלום ע”ה‬ ‫לע”נ דוד בן משה ע”ה‬ ‫הר‘ משה נתן בן יחזקאל ע”ה‬ ‫וישראל בן אברהם ע”ה‬ ‫ לע”נ‬The children, bochurim, and all 45 neshamos of the Miron tragedy, Lag Baomer 5781

Dedicated by Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov & Rivky Jacobovitch


‫לע”נ ישראל הלוי לעווין ע”ה‬ ‫ואלישבע בתיה קפלן ע”ה‬

Dedication of Rosh Kollel’s Office


‫לע”נ חוה בת דב ע”ה‬

Entranceway to Mesivta Beis Medrash Building

Camp Oraysa Sports Complex


‫לע”נ ר‘ ישראל‬ ‫בן ר‘ בנימין הכהן ע”ה‬


Sha’ar of New Beis Medrash

In Memory of Mrs. Marta Schron ‫ע” ה‬


MR. & MRS. MENASH & MIMI ORATZ Basketball Court in Elementary School Gym

Mr. & Mrs. Barry & Paula Bokow


Dedication Wall Mesivta Beis Medrash Building



Gymnasium Wing

Preschool Cornerstone


MR. & MRS. NACHMAN & ESTHER GOODMAN Entrance of Beis Medrash Building

Sha’ar of New Beis Medrash

MR. & MRS. SHIA & ELANA OSTREICHER Beis Medrash Building Vestibule

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel & Beverly Goldberger Mr. & Mrs. Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman Mr. & Mrs. Ari & Aliza Haas Mr. & Mrs. Berel & Sherry Daskal Mr. & Mrs. Shlomo & Kayla Horowitz Mr. & Mrs. Binyomin & Leah Einhorn Mr. & Mrs. Menachem & Elisheva Jacobowitz Mr. & Mrs. Naftoli & Chani Einhorn Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai & Shana Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Mimi Fragin Mr. & Mrs. Jeff & Tamar Landy Mr. & Mrs. Evan & Chaya Sara Genack Mr. & Mrs. Yosef & Vivi Moskowitz Rabbi & Rebbetzen Chaim Aryeh Zev & Avigail Ginzberg Mr. & Mrs. Yitzy & Rivky Orbach Mr. & Mrs. Simcha & Shani Applegrad



Lobby, Mesivta Beis Medrash Building

Cornerstone, Mesivta Beis Medrash Building

Ner Tamid














Plumbing Training Center Dedicated

‫לע”נ אברהם שלמה בן יחיאל מיכל הכהן ז”ל‬ ‫לע”נ הר‘ אברהם בן הר‘ חיים מנחם בן ציון זצ”ל‬ ALL BORO CONSTRUCTION

Mr. & Mrs. Ephram & Ilana Ostreicher Mr. & Mrs. Mutty & Bracha Ribowsky Mr. & Mrs. David & Sima Rosenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Dovid & Chani Roll Dr. & Mrs. Zvi & Dina Schreiber Mr. & Mrs. Andrew & Stephani Serotta Mr. & Mrs. Marvin & Judy Sigler Mr. & Mrs. Morris & Devora Smith Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda & Mindy Zachter

Get in on the ground floor of this monumental project. To choose from a wide selection of sponsorships at all levels, please contact: Rabbi Zev Bald 718.868.2300 ext. 232 Rabbi Baruch Rothman 718.868.2300 ext. 406

‫לע”נ מוהר”ר יחיאל מיכל‬ ‫בן ישראל יהודה ע”ה‬


The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

From the Fire Parshas Metzora

Lashon Hara’s Focus on the Other by rav Moshe Weinberger Adapted for publication by Binyomin Wolf


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


he pasuk at the beginning of the parsha (Vayikra 14:2) says, “This shall be the law of the metzora…” The Gemara (Erchin 15b-16a) has many frightening things to say about the various aveiros which cause tzara’as, particularly lashon hara. The Gemara says that the pasuk “‘the law of those who give others a bad reputation [reading metzora] as a contraction of the words motzei shem raa, bringing out a bad reputation]’ [hints that] anyone who says lashon hara, afflictions come upon him.” The Gemara continues on to say that “anyone who says lashon hara, it is if he denies G-d’s existence” and that “he and I cannot live in the world [together].” It further says,“It was taught by the house of Rabbi Yishmael that the sin of anyone who says lashon hara is as bad as the three cardinal sins, idol worship, murder, and immorality.” We understand

that lashon hara is a severe sin but why is it so bad? Why is it like heresy and all of the worst sins? It is almost Pesach. In order to approach the Redemption, we must first understand how we got into exile. Reb Yerucham Levovitz, of Mir, zt”l, has a beautiful explanation found in the sefer Shevivei Daas (p. 32-33), much of the substance of which is also found in the Maharal (Gur Areye on Shmos 2:14). He first explains that the essence of holiness is that a person must be internally focused and not externally focused. As the sefer Reishis Chochma (Shaar Hakedusha 1) says, “A person must make a fence within a fence so that he will not go outside to external [things].” The opposite of holiness, impurity, means focusing on outside, external things, and not internal matters. That is what exile means. Not being where one

is supposed to be – which is internally focused. Rashi (on Shmos 2:14) tells us that Moshe was wondering what sin the Jewish people had committed to be subject to backbreaking labor, living in exile, outside the place where they belong, unlike all of the other seventy nations. Why do the children of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov not live in their true home, Eretz Yisroel? We ask the same question even today. The question is even more pronounced because the Jewish nature is to keep our focus in the proper place – that which is internal. Why then do we suffer in exile, outside of our true home? When Moshe heard a Jew say (Shmos 2:14), “Are you going to kill me like you killed the Egyptian?” he began to see what went wrong with our people. They were

informers, speakers of lashon hara. When he had to kill an Egyptian to save a Jew, he did so in front of a number of Jewish people, and he had absolutely no concern that they would tell anyone. According to the Midrash (Shmos Raba 1:29), Moshe said to them, “You are compared to sand. Just as [with regard to] sand, a person takes it from one place and places it somewhere where else and it makes no sound [during the transfer], so, too, this matter will remain hidden among you, and it will not be heard.” Now Moshe understood: “Perhaps they are not worthy to be redeemed” (Rashi on Shmos 2:14). He said (Tanchuma Shmos 10), “There is lashon hara among them. How can they be worthy for redemption?” He previously thought the Jewish people were internally focused, concerned with their own relationship with Hashem. But


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when he saw that they were externally focused, gossiping about what others were doing, he saw that they were still immersed in impurity rather than holiness. Moshe could not understand how the holy nature of the Jewish people to remain internally focused had become perverted. But he knew that this was the secret of their exile. They revealed others’ secrets and spoke lashon hara. Many people are not familiar with this alternate version, but Chazal (Bamidbar Raba 25:22) say that the Jewish people merited the redemption from Egypt because of four things: “They did not change their names, they did not change their language, they did not reveal their secrets, and they did not commit immorality.” The secret of a Jew’s modesty is staying internally focused, keeping secrets, remaining where he belongs, in his place. A Jew who talks about and concerns himself with everyone else’s business is in exile and is no longer true to his inner nature. He is immersed in the impurity of exile if he has an opinion about what everyone is doing and shares it with his friends. He is living outside his world, in his own personal diaspora. On Pesach, the holiday of our redemp-

tion, we say in the Haggadah, “Blessed is the Omnipresent, blessed is He, blessed is he who gave the Torah to His nation, Israel.” The Torah is the antithesis of external wisdom, superficial writing, and an external focus. Its emphasis is on that which is internal, the redemption of what a Jew really is: one who is focused on the inner

(Shmos 12:22), “You shall not go out, any man, from the entrance of his house until morning.” One must remain inside. That is the secret of Redemption. Many people think modesty is only about skirt lengths and necklines – and of course observing those halachos is important – but so many Jews have no idea

A Jew who talks about and concerns himself with everyone else’s business is in exile and is no longer true to his inner nature.

world of his relationship with Hashem. That is why the sin of lashon hara is so devastating. It undermines the very essence of a Jew’s nature because it places the focus on the superficial and the external, what everyone else in the world is doing and not on the most important secret of all, a Jew’s inner relationship with Hashem. That is why, during the Redemption, the mitzvah of the hour was

that modesty means so much more than that! The majority of boys and men do not even realize that modesty has anything to do with them. In reality, it means focusing internally, not sharing everything with the world. It means focusing on one’s own relationship with Hashem and not on commenting on everything others are doing. It means keeping secrets. We do not have to share every detail of our lives on

Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, a blog, or anywhere else. That is why a metzora, one who spoke lashon hara, must go outside the camps of the Jewish people. His punishment is measure for measure. Just as he was too externally focused, he must now go outside the Jewish camp. His purification process is that he is (Vayikra 14:2) “brought to the kohein.” The kohein is the tzaddik, the one who is connected to the Holy of Holies, the most internal place, the place of connection with the Master of the World. He must go back to his true nature, which is a focus on his inner world, and not on what others are doing. At this point in his process, he returns home by reconnecting with his inner power to focus on modesty and that which is internal and holy. By doing so, he separates from the external world of impurity, tzara’as, and exile. May we also merit to reconnect to our inner world and leave externality behind. Rav Moshe Weinberger, shlita, is the founding Morah d’Asrah of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, NY, and serves as leader of the new mechina Emek HaMelech.

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022



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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

Delving into the Daf

Pesach Questions for Rav Chaim, zt”l by rabbi Avrohom Sebrow


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


he following questions were posed to Sar HaTorah Rav Chaim, zt”l. Rav Chaim wrote a letter regarding the publication of questions posed to him. He wrote that he answered off the cuff and does not accept halachic responsibility for the answers. Here, in particular, these questions were translated from Hebrew and may have lost some nuances in translation. They were originally published under the titles: Divrei Siach and Moedi HaGaon Rav Chaim. Therefore, the point of this article is to engender discussion. Some have the custom to refrain from eating matzah from Rosh Chodesh Nissan. May someone with that custom eat matzah that is not kosher l’Pesach? There are those that say it is permissible. May one eat kosher l’Pesach matzah meal cake on Erev Pesach? Yes.

If someone accidentally recited a blessing on matzah on Erev Pesach, may he take a bite? No. He should recite, “Baruch shem k’vod malchuso l’olam ved.” My son, who is not yet 13 years old, finished learning a mesechta. Does his siyum permit a bechor to eat on Erev Pesach? If he understands what he learned, it seems so. Does one have to learn a mesechta with Rashi to make a siyum? No, as long as he understands what he learned. A group of people finished learning a mesechta; each participant learned a different perek. Does that siyum help for Erev Pesach? Possibly. Does a siyum on Mesechta Tamid (a very short mesechta) count for Erev

Pesach? No. (Elsewhere, Rav Chaim said in time of need, it does.) Should one use a candle for bedikas chametz? Yes. In a time of need, it is possible to use a flashlight.

I eat machine matzah and gebrochts. My wife’s family does not. Does she have to follow my custom? There are some customs of her husband that a wife must adopt. These aren’t them.

Can the person himself who is performing the bedika place the ten pieces of bread? Yes.

A person has a limited quantity of mehudar matzah that is set aside for the night of the seder. Is that matzah muktzeh machmas chisaron kis on Shabbas HaGadol? It seems that one should be stringent.

Should one be careful not to burn milk and meat together? Some say that one should be careful.

Does hataras nedarim work for the custom not to eat gebrochts? Yes

The Rashash in Shabbos (66) says that one should use wood to burn chometz. Do we follow this? It is a mitzvah to do so.

There are two people eating at a table who only eat handmade matzah on Pesach. There is another person eating at the same table who only eats machine matzah on Pesach. Do they combine for a zimun for bentching? It seems that they do not combine. If it is a mere chumra not to eat the other type

Should one brush his teeth on Erev Pesach to clean them from chometz? Certainly.

101 of matzah, then they do combine.

Is one forbidden to say on the last day of Pesach “I will eat chometz tonight”? Possibly. Are Pesach utensils muktzeh on Shabbos during the year? Possibly. Is there any prohibition to degrade food that one plans on burning? It’s possible that there isn’t, and this requires further study. Is one permitted to read the captions under pictures in a Hagaddah on Yom Tov? For a mitzvah, our custom is to be lenient. May one use grape juice for the four cups of wine at the Seder? Yes.

The halacha states that one should not eat after the afikomen. Does that prohibition extend the whole night? Yes.

Should one recite “Seder Korban Pesach” on Erev Pesach if he would be learning otherwise? It is a good custom to do so.

Does an American father visiting his Israeli son in Israel have an obligation of teaching his son about the Exodus on the second day of yom tov? Yes.

If one can only fulfill some of the mitzvos of the Seder night, which ones take precedence? The ones that are d’Oraysah.

It is reported that the Chazon Ish sold the absorbed tastes in pots and pans. How can such a sale be binding – it is like selling air? The Chazon Ish did not sell his pots and pans at all. He just put them away.

Does a host have to specifically give his matzos to his guest so that he/she can acquire them before he/she fulfills the mitzvah with them? No. (The Sfas Emes suggested that one should.) If a child is not able to eat a kezayis of matzah or marror in the proper amount of time, should he still be instructed to recite the brachos of al achilas matzah and al achilas marror? Yes. May one use the lenient shiurim of Rabbi Avraham Chaim Naeh for children drinking the four cups? No.

If someone finds it difficult to recline while drinking the four cups and eating the matzah, can he ask his father who is present at the Seder not to give him permission to recline in his presence? (Although permission to recline is usually assumed, if the father clearly says he does not give permission, it would be forbidden.) It is not appropriate to do that. Is one permitted to say “v’sein beracha” 90 times on the first day of Pesach, to accustom himself to the textual change? Would that be considered forbidden preparation on yom tov? It is unclear.

APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Someone whose family only ate handmade matzah on Pesach: is he allowed to eat machine matzah? He should not change his custom.

May someone who can’t drink wine or grape juice use grapefruit juice for the four cups? Yes

According to the Gra, there is a mitzvah of eating Shmurah Matzah all Pesach. Does one need to have in mind when he eats that he intends to fulfill the mitzvah? (Yes) The same as other mitzvos. Have a chag kosher v’sameach!

Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow is a rebbe at Yeshiva Ateres Shimon in Far Rockaway. In addition, Rabbi Sebrow leads a daf yomi chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hempstead, NY. He can be contacted at ASebrow@

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APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home


104 The TheJewish JewishHome Home| APRIL | APRIL7,7,2022 2022

The Wandering


Pacific Northwest America Part II By Hershel Lieber

Near the summit of Mount Grouse


e picked up our luggage from the hotel storage room and drove to the Seward Park neighborhood of Seattle. We arrived two hours before Shabbos, so we relaxed for a while in a local park before going to our hosts, Rabbi and Mrs. Yakov Oppen. Our room with a private bath was very comfortable, and our hosts were extremely hospitable. We did not know the Oppens before, and our Shabbos arrangements were made by Rabbi Avrohom David who is the rosh yeshiva of the Seattle Kollel since the early nineties. Rav Avrohom’s father is the famed posek HaRav Hillel David, shlita, with whom I had a continuous relationship and learned together since the mid-seventies. This connection made it possible for us to spend a delightful Shabbos in May 1997 in the Orthodox community of Seward Park. First, a little bit of history. Seattle has a 70,000-strong Jewish community of which a fair portion are Orthodox. There are shuls, schools, mikvahs, kosher

restaurants and food stores. The makeup of the society is very diverse, ranging from Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Chabad with a fair amount of baalei teshuva. There are Jews from the Isle of Rhodes in Greece who have their own nusach and a shul named Ezra Bessaroth. We were privy to experience a sliver of this variety of Jewish life in the short time that we spent there. On Friday night, we davened at the Ashkenazi Shul Bikur Cholim Machzikay Hadath. The congregation is well over one hundred years in existence, although this building was less than thirty years old. This was followed by a beautiful inspiring seudah by our hosts which included other guests. The next morning, we returned to the same shul but our hosts for the Shabbos day seudah were Rav Avrohom and his wife, Rooksie. We had a great time there since we knew each other for many years and were interested in hearing about the kiruv work that the Davids were constantly involved with. Their chil-

dren were outgoing, and we felt very comfortable. The meal went on until way past noon, so we only had a short nap before we returned for shalosh seudos. Then we went to the Sephardic Bikur Cholim Synagogue for a sermon about “Miracles” by Professor Nathan Lopez Cardozo. His lecture and delivery were spellbinding but over the years he became very controversial and lost many Orthodox followers. The Shul itself has a fascinating history as it was founded by Jews from Turkey and other areas of the Ottoman Empire. We davened Mincha and ate a second shalosh seudos at the Ashkenazi Shul. After Maariv, we returned to the Davids to say goodbye. We then went back to the Oppens and spent some time talking over coffee and cake. Sunday morning after Shacharis and a quick stop at the International Biscuit Café for breakfast, we crossed the border into British Columbia. The drive was less than three hours, and by noon we settled

into our Vancouver hotel. The city is impressive, and our lovely room at the Blue Horizon was in the center of town on Robson Street. We still had a few hours before sundown, so we took a gondola up to the summit of Mount Grouse which overlooked the entire city. Although the weather was warm at the base of the mountain, there was ample snow on the ground near the peak. We took a short hike and took photos of the wood-carved sculptures of local wildlife. For dinner, we went to the Sabra Restaurant for a salmon meal which is a very popular dish in this “fish-loving country.” On Monday, I went to daven at the Schara Tzedeck Shul. I did not realize when I arrived that it was Yom Haatzmaut. After Shemoneh Esrei, the Chazan stepped up to say Hallel. I was in a dilemma, since in our circles Hallel is not recited on this day. I had to make a quick decision on what to do. I weighed the issue and felt that by not participating I could cause a chillul Hashem, some-



APRIL APRIL7,7,2022 2022| |The TheJewish JewishHome Home

With Rabbi Avrohom David and children

Pesi with the Oppens

thing that I would be loath to do. I also could not see the great problem in saying a few kapitlach of Tehillim together with the oilem. I skipped the brochos and joined the congregants in reciting Hallel. Afterwards I felt at ease and justified with my decision. After breakfast in our room, we left to spend a few hours in Stanley Park. This huge park, which is larger than New York’s Central Park, is distinctive in the preservation of its most valuable treasure, its densely forested sections with over a half million trees. There are walking trails, lakes, an aquarium, and a polar bear exhibit. Besides racoons, rabbits, beavers and over two hundred species of birds, there is thriving squirrel population which was so evident all around us. We took a delightful horse drawn trolley tour along the park’s pathways. Then we sat down on the grass lawn which turned into a one-hour nap. When we left the park, we went to see an Imax film about Alaska and then observed cruise ships leaving the harbor on their way to the Last Frontier. For dinner, we went to the Aviv Restaurant which served exclusively pareve dishes. We shopped a bit on Rob-

son Street and headed back to our hotel. We had a big day coming up, and it called for an early night. The next morning after shul we checked out of the hotel and took a ferry across Swartz Bay to Vancouver Island. Victoria, the capital of British Columbia, is located on the southern tip of that is-

ly could not get over the splendor of the “sunken gardens.” Flowers are in bloom year-round, but springtime takes the cake. This place was definitely a highlight of our trip. We wondered if this was the closest thing to Gan Eden. We then continued towards Victoria, which was less than an hour away.

We wondered if this was the closest thing to Gan Eden. land. The ninety-minute ferry ride was very pleasant as we were sitting in the sun and munching on the brunch that we took along. When we disembarked, we drove directly to the island’s greatest attraction, Butchart Gardens. The layout consists of several groups of floral display gardens. There are exhibitions of ornamental birds from all over the world, statues, fountains, and even an antique carousel. One can easily spend three to four hours in this gorgeous setting. We especial-

Vancouver’s Schara Tzedeck Shul

We stayed at a beautiful hotel and had a chance to swim in the empty pool. There were no kosher eateries there, so we went foraging for some kosher food at a supermarket. We did find some kosher prod-

Crossing Swartz Bay to Victoria

ucts and put together a decent supper. Our final day was spent walking around the inner harbor, visiting Chinatown, and shopping on Douglas, Johnson, and Government Streets. In the afternoon, we visited the Royal British Columbia Museum, which is world renowned for many of the collections in its three main galleries. I do not remember what we actually saw but recall being overwhelmed by the vast and varied exhibitions that we were able to enjoy. We were especially enthralled with the Underwater Experience. After eating in our room, we took a final stroll in the downtown area while reflecting about our experiences in Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, and Victoria. We were gratified that we saw so many sights and were pleased that we connected with other Jews, but most of all, we were thankful that we spent time together.

Hershel Lieber has been involved in kiruv activities for over 30 years. As a founding member of the Vaad L’Hatzolas Nidchei Yisroel he has traveled with his wife, Pesi, to the Soviet Union during the harsh years of the Communist regimes to advance Yiddishkeit. He has spearheaded a yeshiva in the city of Kishinev that had 12 successful years with many students making Torah their way of life. In Poland, he lectured in the summers at the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation camp for nearly 30 years. He still travels to Warsaw every year – since 1979 – to be the chazzan for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur for the Jews there. Together with Pesi, he organized and led trips to Europe on behalf of Gateways and Aish Hatorah for college students finding their paths to Jewish identity. His passion for travel has taken them to many interesting places and afforded them unique experiences. Their open home gave them opportunities to meet and develop relationships with a variety of people. Hershel’s column will appear in The Jewish Home on a bi-weekly basis.

In Victoria’s Chinatown

Butchart’s Sunken Gardens

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022




From the Diary of an Israeli EMT on the Ukrainian Border Vitali and Me by Dvir Adani

Dvir with Vitali and another Ukrainian refugee in a refugee center in Moldova

Dvir Speaks


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

Hi, my name is Dvir. I live in Israel in the center of the country and am a father of two children aged 10. My life is very busy, and I maneuver between life’s

chores while making time to volunteer at United Hatzalah. Lately, the countries Russia and Ukraine have made headlines more than once, but for me, they are so identical and similar, and I tried to un-

derstand who was fighting with whom and what about. “War in Europe.” This is how the headline appeared on the computer screen. The topic became the talk of the day, even taxi drivers began to discuss it. But for me, it felt different. “United Hatzalah delegation to Ukraine” was the title of the message I received on my cellphone a few weeks ago. I hurried to sign up without thinking twice. Obviously, we need to be there. We cannot just sit idly by while others need help. It took a few days for the organization to have a space for me as volunteers who were already in Moldova were cycling out for newer volunteers going from Israel to assist. At the airport, I met other volunteers who would be joining my contingent, and together we loaded medical equipment and humanitarian aid supplies onto the plane. We were on our way to Moldova, a country that shares a border with Ukraine to the west. It is a poor country without much infrastructure to help the refugees and without many other organizations on the ground assisting. As we set off from Israel to Moldova, I looked at my fellow volunteers and thought, “May we be privileged to do good and put a smile on the faces of as many people as possible who have fled the inferno.”

Vitali’s Story Hi, my name is Vitali. Just a few days ago, I celebrated my 10th birthday. In recent days, my mom and dad were frequently whispering in the kitchen, and

when they came back, they’d pretend that everything was fine. Dad always walked out with a smile, and we’d sit down to eat dinner. This continued to happen until, one day, my classmates told me that the Russian army had invaded a nearby town. A war had started. I did not understand what a war was. My mother said that we couldn’t go out to play because it’s too dangerous. We stopped going to school and heard the sounds of ambulance sirens sounding non-stop from the main street. Then, one morning, I woke up in a panic. Our whole building was shaking. I heard screams from my friend Sasha’s house, who lived opposite ours. We were all scared. The war began to approach our neighborhood; we were bombarded with shelling and trembled with fear. I remember Dad’s hug. He hugged, and hugged, and then hugged me again with all his might. He said that men are not allowed to leave the country and that Mmom will take care of me until it’s all over. I saw Dad and Mom wiping away tears from their eyes. Mom quickly packed me a bag with some clothes, and we fled. We drove non-stop on broken roads and unofficial paths and switched cars once. Night came and we continued our journey. The whole time, I was really cold. I remember my mom taking off her sweater and covering me with it. I missed Dad a little. A day passed, and another day, and we were still traveling. Every time I got hungry, my mom would buy me some food,


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

and we’d continue on our way. We reached the border.

Dvir here. One of the things that caught my attention as I landed in Moldova and was immediately thrown into working with the refugees was the children. I met Ukrainian children and their mothers everywhere I went – at the synagogue that was retrofitted to become our logistics and command headquarters for the entire operation which has been codenamed Operation Orange Wings; at the various refugee camps I visited with my fellow volunteers; and at the border crossings. These children left their toys, their school, and their friends in the bombed-out Ukraine, and now they help their parents here in Moldova, in a new country where they don’t even know anyone. The fact that they can still find joy even in their current situation brings hope to their distraught mothers and grandparents. I see these children as real heroes. Many of these children are the same age as Chaim and Itzik, my children, so it’s very special for me to be able to help them and their parents. I’m currently working on assisting many refugees who want to come to Israel

to process their paperwork and get them to sign up for one of the upcoming rescue flights that United Hatzalah is arranging.

Hi, this is Vitaly again. I just want to tell you that Mom and I crossed the border into Moldova, and I’m not cold anymore. We have been sleeping at night with many more Ukrainians who fled

In the meantime, volunteers are helping Mom so we can board the upcoming flight to Israel. We also want to say a huge thank you to United Hatzalah for this great project, which is on an international scale, for kibbutz galuyot (bringing the Jewish people from the Diaspora back to Israel), and for bringing hearts together. There is nothing like this in the world.

The fact that they can still find joy even in their current situation brings hope to their distraught mothers and grandparents.

the wa, too. Right now, after lunch, I think I will go out looking for friends to play with while Mom rests.

Hi, we’re together – Dvir and Vitaly – and we’re in Chisinau. We wanted to update you and tell you that it’s really fun here. There is plenty of candy, and we play together with a few other friends we met here.

Hi it’s Dvir once again. I wanted to share with you this photo of me and my new friends. In a moment, we will finish arranging what is needed, and they will be on a rescue flight to Israel tomorrow. In the short time I’ve been here, just a few days, I’ve made such a strong connection with Vitali and a few other children. I won’t soon forget this experience, and I am thankful to have been

a part of it. Our team helped Vitali and his mother cross the border, we helped them again in the refugee center, and I helped them arrange the details of their flight so that they can be on their way and begin their new lives in Israel. Before we said our goodbyes and Vitali headed for the airport, we hugged. Haveinu shalom aleichem. Dvir Adani is one of more than 150 emergency medical service personnel from United Hatzalah of Israel who have volunteered for a minimum of two weeks each assisting Ukrainian refugees in Moldova. As part of Operation Orange Wings, the group of EMS volunteers was the first international aid team on the ground in Moldova and has to-date assisted tens of thousands of refugees at the border crossings, inside the capital city of Chisinau, at refugee centers in the country, and has provided more than 80,000 hot meals to refugees. The organization has also flown more than 2,000 Ukrainian refugees to Israel on chartered planes while delivering medical equipment, medication, and supplies to refugees both inside Ukraine and the surrounding countries.





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APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Of Kiddush Hashem Large and Small By Denise RaBinowitz


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


his was the topic for a panel of women at the recent Agudath Israel of America convention held Thanksgiving weekend. There are multiple ways men and women of all occupations can create a lasting impression of integrity and values among the larger community, said the panelists who hailed from Monsey, Lakewood, Cleveland, and the Five Towns. The subject was of great interest to participants and viewers of the broadcast event in the light of the recent finger-pointing at Orthodox Jews during Covid, increased media smears in expanding Jewish communities, and the recent Hollywood series that perpetuated new and old negative stereotypes of Orthodox life. The public work of two of the convention panelists was recently highlighted by members of the New York State Legislature. In their annual Women of Distinction Awards held annually during March which is Women’s History Month, Rivkie Feiner of Monsey was honored by State Senator Elijah Reichlin-Melnick of Rockland County and Faigie Horowitz of Lawrence was honored by Assemblywoman Mathylde Frontus of Coney Island. Principal of Feiner Grant Strategies of Airmont, Rivkie Feiner runs a grant development business with offices in several states. She is a board member of the Jewish Federation of Rockland County and has been a tireless advocate for the frum community in the halls of local, state, and federal government. During the recent spate of antisemitic violence in Monsey and the baiting rhetoric of a Lower Hudson paper, she led missions and efforts to promote understanding. Her volunteer work includes Tomchei Shabbos of Rockland and Yeshiva Ohr Reuven. Known as Rebbetzin Faigie in the Five Towns community for her role at Beis Medrash Agudas Achim of Lawrence, Faigie Horowitz has been an executive at nonprofits serving the broader as well as Jewish communities in her roles at the Flatbush Haitian Center, the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council, Met Council on Jewish Poverty, and Chai Lifeline. Her volunteer roles span organizations serving people with special needs, co-founding Rachel’s Place Shelter, joining the board of the Ani Ledo-

Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz speaking at the Agudah event

di Helpline, and co-founding JWOW!, Jewish Women of Wisdom. Assemblywoman Frontus first met Rebbetzin Faigie at a community health initiative the former spearheaded for the JCC of Greater Coney Island and later when she was a newly elected Assemblywoman. To their surprise, they found they both had worked at the Flatbush Haitian Center where the Assemblywoman was a social worker, long before becoming a professor and politician. Their interests coincided. Faigie Horowitz was developing political support for fair pay for home care as part of her role as director of communications for Caring Professionals Home Care. Dr. Frontus became an early cosponsor of the bill and an advocate for the home care needs of seniors and people with disabilities who choose to live at home. Makor Disabilities Services, formerly known as Women’s League Community Residences, operates a group home for medically frail young women in Seagate which is in the Assemblywoman’s district. As a board member for decades for the organization which cared for her severely disabled sibling, Faigie Horowitz invited the Assemblywoman to come visit and an initiative for employing local residents at the award-winning agency was begun.


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022



ivkie Feiner and Faigie Horowitz have reason to be proud of their honor as Women of Distinction among a host of diverse women from other communities. “It’s also about the everyday menchlichkeit and good citizenship we practice daily that makes a statement about frum women and the frum community,” points out Rivkie Feiner. “We all have a role to play and can maximize Kiddush Hashem and break stereotypes in any work, recreational, or public environment.” “We may be the only frum person that the individual

showing us as less “other.” This often piques interest in a frum individual’s lifestyle and a healthy desire to get to know him or her better. Our visible wholesome family life, obvious respect for elders, and compliance with civic rules as simple as keeping one’s trash in the mandated space can keep negative stereotypes at bay. Led by moderator Chanie Jacobowitz of Lakewood, Vice President for Public and Government Affairs of Beth Medrash Govoha, the panelists, which included Alexandra Fleksher, Mishpacha columnist and activist, agreed that choosing an area of public activism is often personal and circumstantial. May feel compelled to get involved because of an issue that affects a family member or the community at large. Using one’s talents to impact the klal in a positive way can be the domain of every individual Jew. Standing up for our values when they conflict with those of the broader secular world also prompts a deeper understanding of who we are. Accomplishment despite Shabbos and yom tov deadlines, stepping away from raucous environments where language and mores are inappropriate, and keeping boundaries indicate choice of a refined lifestyle that reflects on the Am Hashem. Ordinary chesed is also a great equalizer. Hearing about large and small activism on behalf of people with special needs, the hungry, neighbors, and the elderly breaks

“We are all ambassadors for

the frum community at large.” encounters up close and personal. We are all ambassadors for the frum community at large,” observed Faigie Horowitz. The particular advantages women have in dispelling Jewish stereotypes was addressed at the convention session. Religious women are not as recognizable as Jewish men, and their accomplishments in the public and professional sectors debunk the myths of a tribal culture where women are restricted. Very often unveiling the normalcy of our community goes a long way towards

Rivki Feiner, fourth from left, was honored by Senator Elijah Reichlin-Melnick last month

down distrust and breeds respect and appreciation of our community. This the domain of every observant individual, whether they are active in the broader realms of business, the professions, or public service. Stay-at-home mothers or kollel members who largely live within Jewish enclaves can also impact the perception of Jews in his community. Nonetheless, there needs to be a balance between addressing an issue head-on and correcting a record when it comes to media misrepresentation. It’s a fine line that distinguishes between giving attention to screeds and setting the record straight.

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OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

A New Wave of Terror Hits the Holy Land And How the IDF is Battling ISIS in Israel By Tzvi Leff


n March 22, Mohammad Ghaleb Abu al-Qi’an woke up in the Bedouin town of Hura, a sandy hamlet situated in Israel’s Negev desert. First publishing a fiery screed on Facebook pledging allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS) terror group, Qi’an then climbed into his stolen blue Hyundai minivan and drove to nearby Be’er Sheva’s sprawling BIG shopping center. Al-Qian didn’t stop driving when he reached a teeming bus stop and hitchhiking post, plowing into the dozens returning home from work and instantly killing two women. The Bedouin Islamist then disembarked from the vehicle and drew the kitchen knife he had armed himself with, stabbing and killing another two people. Only when a nearby bus driver shot and killed the terrorist with his personal sidearm did the deadly rampage come to an end. The combined ramming and stabbing onslaught was Israel’s deadliest terror attack since two Palestinians opened fire at Tel Aviv’s tony Sarona Market in 2016. An elementary school teacher and father of five, AlQian had previously served two years in prison after being caught attempting to travel to Syria in order to join ISIS’s campaign against President Bashar Assad’s government. The indictment was damning; after special forces arrested him at Ben Gurion Airport in 2015, Al-Qian admitted to exploiting his position at a large Arab school to recruit his impressionable charges into a radical Salafist ideology.

115 fellow citizens. If terrorism had traditionally been motivated by nationalist terror groups, the attackers were now fervent devotees of ISIS’s goal of establishing a worldwide Islamic caliphate. Israel has never experienced anything like it.


had a bachelor’s degree, and over half enjoyed a middle class upbringing. Their unlikely background meant that intelligence agencies had a particularly difficult time keeping tabs on local ISIS cells. Compounding the problem was the fact that many jihadists returned home on their foreign passports after fighting in Syria and Iraq, slipping back into France, Germany, and England to set up local terror networks.

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO


Founded in 2011 as an offshoot of Al Qaeda, Islamic SHiN BeT FALLS ASLeep State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is infamous for its public beheadings of Western hostages and strings of terror attacks its followers have committed around the world. When ISIS began becoming increasingly popular, Claiming to practice the authentic brand of Islam datIsrael’s Shin Bet internal security agency cracked down. ing back to the days of Fearing that ISIS would recruit amongst Israeli Arabs Mohamed, the radical and Palestinians, the agency launched a comprehensive Sunni terror group seeks effort to stamp out the radical ideology when it was still The new wave of iSiS-inspired to establish a worldwide small. Caliphate administered Beginning in 2013, a special unit was organized, terrorism rocking the according to the dictates tasked with monitoring social media pages known to Jewish State has made of Sharia law. promulgate incitement. Intelligence officers kept tabs ISIS rose to global on what was being taught at Israeli Arab schools; those it clear that israel’s prominence after it exreturning from countries such as Turkey, Egypt, and intelligence community had ploited the chaos resulting Saudi Arabia were interrogated upon landing at Ben from the bloody Syrian Gurion Airport, and extremist mosques were put under fallen asleep at the wheel. civil war to conquer large surveillance. swaths of territory. At its The mammoth effort played a key role in ensuring height in 2015, the radical that ISIS never took hold within the Israeli Arab comgroup controlled a third of Syria and 40% of Iraq, includmunity. At a time when ISIS enjoyed widespread popuAboukrat at point blank range, the two cousins drew larity in Muslim communities throughout Europe, only their stolen IDF-issue M-4 assault rifles and embarked ing major cities such as Tikrit, Mosul and Anbar. At the same time, ISIS-affiliated jihadists pulled off 87 Israelis and Palestinians were convicted of belonging on a murderous shooting spree. Killing Yazan Falah, anto the extremist group. other Border Police officer, the terrorists were cut down dozens of the deadliest attacks Europe has ever seen. This includes a triple suicide bombing at a Brussels AirThat was then. by undercover commandos who happened to be eating port in 2015 and blowing up 130 people at France’s BatThe new wave of ISIS-inspired terrorism rocking the at a nearby restaurant. Jewish State has made it clear that Israel’s intelligence The elite operatives prevented a massacre. Ayman aclan theater a year later. From the outset, ISIS presented a unique challenge community had fallen asleep at the wheel. and Ibrahim had been armed with no less than two maWhile usually highly professional and viewed as one chine guns, four pistols, and over a thousand bullets. for global counterterrorism efforts. The Islamic State Both were wearing body armor and had clearly planned attracted tens of thousands of Westerners drawn to its of the world’s most advanced counterterror bodies, the vision of building a new world order run to murder as many Israelis as they could. Hadera’s deadly spree established a pattern. Like according to Muslim law. While traditional terror groups Al-Qian, Ayman and Ibrahim Ighbariah were Israeli such as al-Qaeda recruited primarily citizens, residents of the nearby Arab city of Umm AlFahm. Like Al-Qian, Ayman and Ighbariah were admir- amongst poor and disaffected immiers of ISIS and had published a video earlier in the day grant communities, ISIS saw tens of in which the masked jihadis declared their allegiance to thousands of educated and successful the terror group while standing in front of its infamous professionals flock to its ranks. Docblack flag. Like Al-Qian, the cousins had previously done tors, engineers and lawyers, people with advanced academic degrees who time in 2015 for attempting to fight with ISIS in the civil had previously lived an upstanding life war ripping Syria apart. The panic barreling through Israeli society hit a fe- as law abiding citizens, picked up and moved to Syria to battle the infidel Asver pitch when 27-year-old Palestinian Diaa Hamarshah sad government. opened fire at a busy Bnei Brak thoroughfare, killing A prominent example of this phethree passerby and Arab police officer Amir Khoury who had rushed to the scene. Like the previous attacks, nomenon is Mohammed Emwazi. Born Five people were killed in Bnei Brak Hamarshah was an ex-convict who did time for attempt- in London, the terrorist known colloquially around the world as “Jihadi ing to become a suicide bomber and wrote a Facebook John” was working as an IT expert and had graduated post filled with Islamist incitement prior to setting off to Shin Bet is now undergoing withering criticism for its from the University of Westminster. But in 2013, Emwazi fulfill his murderous fantast. failure to foresee and stop the recent murderous spree. By now, it was clear; Israel was experiencing a deadly flew to Syria and was next seen beheading hostages in a Every one of the recent string of attacks could have terror wave unseen since the Second Intifada. But while series of gruesome videos. been prevented. As opposed to “lone wolf” terrorists According to a study by the World Bank, 30,000 Israel has a long history battling terrorism, this wave which are difficult to prevent, as no one save for the jiwas different. If previous attacks were committed by fighters hailing from 85 countries had joined ISIS as of hadist himself knows what he is plotting, the attacks in Palestinians, Israeli Arabs were now turning on their 2015. Out of those, 80% had graduated high school, 45% Be’er Sheva, Hadera, and Bnei Brak were carried out by

APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Far from showing remorse, Al-Qian boasted about the clandestine terror cell he established in Israel that aimed to wage armed jihad against “the Zionist infidels and the enemies of Islam.” In closing arguments, the prosecutor urged the judge to impose the maximum possible sentence, telling the court that “criminals like the defendant are a ticking time bomb, and it’s impossible to know when the countdown will begin.” The grisly terror attack two weeks ago shocked Israel, coming from an Arab Israeli with full citizenship who collected a monthly salary from the Ministry of Education. Yet the panic really took hold four days later when Ayman and Ibrahim Ighbariah opened fire at a bus stop in the northern city of Hadera. First shooting and killing Border Police officer Shirel

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


organized terror cells. Coordinated attacks commonly generate what is known as a “high intelligence signature.” The attackers communicate beforehand, resulting in phone calls or emails that can be intercepted. Weapons must be purchased, and potential terrorists disappear from home or work at strange hours or stop attending school – all things that attract the attention of the thousands of Shin Bet informants. In addition, the perpetrators were all former convicts who previously did time for terror-related offenses. Prior to embarking on their murderous spree in Hadera, Ayman and Ibrahim Ighbariah had changed their Facebook profile pictures to ISIS propaganda, while Al-Qian in Be’er Sheva and Diaa Hamarsheh from Bnei Brak had


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

Four were killed in Beer Sheva

both posted jihadist screeds on the day of the attack. Why wasn’t the Shin Bet paying attention? In an off-the-record briefing with Israel’s Haaretz newspaper, a senior police general related that the Shin Bet had inexplicably failed to build any intelligence infrastructure targeting ISIS in Israeli Arab and Palestinian society. “We’re seeing a weakness at Shin Bet in terms of anything related to monitoring terrorist- or security-related activity against Israel,” he said. “Over the last three years, Shin Bet security agency staff have not issued warnings on Islamic State activists being real threats, nor have they alerted the police to such operations on the ground,” the officer added. “Even when we were holding discussions to assess the situation, the representative from Shin Bet would be a junior official who didn’t add anything of substance.”

OperATiON WAve BreAker The sudden spate of ISIS-inspired attacks has jolted Israel’s defense establishment into action. After the Bnei Brak attack, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett issued new directives enabling the Shin Bet to put Israeli Arabs in administrative detention, a holdover from the British Mandate allowing citizens to be imprisoned for six months without seeing a judge or a lawyer. Realizing that armed civilians can be a force multipli-

er in stopping terror attacks, Bennett relaxed regulations in order to allow more people to be eligible for a personal carry permit. “Open your eyes. Whoever has a license to carry a weapon, this is the time to carry it,” said the prime minister. This past Wednesday, the Shin Bet raided central Israeli Arab towns known to be hotbeds of ISIS support, arresting over 80 terror suspects in Umm Al Fahum alone. On Saturday morning, commandos from the elite YAMAM SWAT team raided Jenin, shooting and killing three Islamic Jihad members on their way to commit coordinated terror attacks inside Israel. YAMAM operatives struck again a day later, taking down a Palestinian cell on the central Route 6 highway. Meanwhile, 1,200 IDF combat soldiers were deployed to major Israeli cities, where they will patrol and support police operations for the next month. This move is unprecedented, as Israel has traditionally refrained from handing police duties over to the military. While recruits in basic training had assisted law enforcement in 2015 during a wave of stabbing attacks in Jerusalem, never had armed soldiers been sent en masse to cities such as Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, and Herzliya. All of the new measures are part of “Operation Wave Breaker,” a new coordinated campaign involving the IDF, Shin Bet, Israel Police, and Mossad to constrain the violence before it spirals out of control.

A riOTOuS rAmAdAN? The aggressive response stems from several factors. Most pressing is Ramadan, which began on April 2 and will continue until early May. The Muslim holy month traditionally sees an upsurge in terrorist attacks in Israel and around the world, as the holiday brings with it increased religious fervor while hordes young men are out of school and work. To illustrate, a recent study by the Dutch think tank Datagraver found that terrorism in Israel jumped 200% during Ramadan between 2005 and 2016. With hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Israeli Arabs flocking to the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount throughout Ramadan, the defense establishment fears that a scuffle between worshippers and police officers at the holy site could trigger widespread rioting that would rapidly spread to Judea and Samaria and Israeli Arab cities. On everyone’s mind is the unprecedented Arab violence that tore Israel apart last Ramadan. Beginning with tensions over viral TikTok videos documenting Arab attacks on Jews, matters spiraled out of control

when police faced off with rioters hurling bricks and firebombs at the Al Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem Day. Fueled by incitement on social media, the Hamas terror group launched rockets from Gaza “in order to protect Jerusalem from Zionist aggression,” leading Israel to launch the three week Operation Guardian of the Walls operation in response. Escalations between Israel and Palestinian militant groups were nothing new. But for the first time in the country’s history, its Arab citizens joined in the violence out of homage to their Palestinian brothers. For a week straight, tens of thousands of Israeli Arabs turned on their fellow citizens. In Lod and Ramle, only armed vigilante patrols prevented a massacre of the local Jewish community. In Akko, an inflamed Arab mob burned down Jewish hotels and businesses in the historic old city; hundreds of Bedouins blocked major thoroughfares in the south, pulled Jewish motorists out of their vehicles, and viciously beat them. The unprecedented violence overwhelmed Israeli law enforcement and only an emergency call up of Border Police along with a curfew ended the week-long rioting. But the unrest left deep scars and shattered relations between Israel’s Jewish and Arab sectors. “In little more than a week in May 2021, Arab rioters set ablaze 10 synagogues and 112 Jewish residences, looted 386 Jewish homes and damaged another 673, and set 849 Jewish cars on fire. There were also 5,018 recorded instances of Jews being stoned,” summarized a recent feature in Fathom Journal. “Three Jews were murdered and more than 600 were hurt. Over 300 police officers were injured in disturbances in over 90 locations across the country,” continued the article. “The intensity and scope of the Arab uprising was unprecedented in recent decades, if not since the founding of Israel in 1948. For many Israeli Jews, the fact that masses of Arab Israeli citizens expressed open support for, and actively aided, Israel’s enemies during wartime shattered an illusion of growing coexistence between Jews and Arabs.” In recent months, Israel’s defense establishment began preparing for the possibility that the aforementioned riots would repeat themselves. Shin Bet officers had summoned extremist imams and Arab principals for a “chat” and implored rabbis associated with Jewish Hilltop Youth in Judea and Samaria to calm tensions. Now, the fact that Israeli Arabs are leading the wave of ISIS-inspired terrorism is raising fears that the May 2021 riots will repeat themselves. Israel’s aggressive response to the Arab terror wave is designed to prevent just that. Indeed, Sunday evening saw clashes between Palestinian rioters and police at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City. At the same time, IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi warned that the military was preparing for a massive escalation that would result in “Operation Guardians of the Walls 2.0” and that the violence could lead ISIS to attack Jewish communities around the world. It may be “deja vu all over again” – all the pieces are in place for the boiling cauldron to explode. The next few weeks will tell if Ramadan passes peacefully or if the entire country will be rocked by violence, Hashem yishmor.


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APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


teen talk

by by rabbi rabbi Doniel Doniel Drandoff, Drandoff, LMFt LMFt

Dear Teen Talk, I hate to say this, but I dread this time of year. Every year since I can remember, the weeks between Purim and Pesach are beyond tense and stressful in my house. For the most part, my parents are easy-going and pleasant. But then comes the Pesach-prep season,

Teen Talk ,

a new colum n in TJH, is ge ared towards th e teens in our com munity. A nswered b rotating ro ya ster of tea chers, reb clinicians beim, , and peers (!), teens w hearing a ill be nswers to many que stions they had percolatin g in their minds and wishe d they ha d the answ ers for.

and it’s as though my parents turn into different people. I am an 18-year-old yeshiva bachur. I’ve learned many of the halachos of Pesach, and I still haven’t found a source for anxiously yelling at your kids or intensely scrubbing the wall behind the fridge that is otherwise never moved! There is just so much anxiety in my house this time of year, and it affects all of us. My younger siblings are frightened and walk around on eggshells. To be honest, I do, too. By the time we get to the seder, we are all so emotionally drained that it feels as though we are just going through the motions to be mekayem the mitzvos of the yom tov, with very little joy. I wish someone would explain the halachos to my parents so that they would realize that what they are doing is ruining the yom tov for everyone. What can I do to change things? Or at least to ensure that my yom tov isn’t ruined? -Yossi

OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


ossi, I have no doubt that many of your peers are reading your letter and nodding their heads vigorously in agreement with your sentiments. It is indeed an unfortunate reality that so many people seem to lose their better judgment when it comes to preparing for Pesach. It reminds me of a famous line said over b’shem the Kotzker Rebbe. There is a well-known minhag to not eat nuts on Rosh Hashana. One of the main reasons brought down is because egoz (nut in lashon hakodesh) is gematria chet (sin). So, the Kotzker used to say that people forget that chet is also gematria chet! Of course, it can’t be overstated how important it is to prepare your home for Pesach. We are expected to thoroughly clean our homes, “turn over” the kitchen, and ensure

that no chometz be found anywhere by the time we say Kol Chamira on Erev Pesach. It is quite the task! And yet, the true point of it all is to come with great simcha to the seder, prepared to fulfill the mitzvos of Sipur Yetzias Mitzrayim and V’higadita L’vincha. Yossi, it sounds like your family really struggles with keeping this perspective. I want to point out one very important detail from your question. You say that your parents are generally easy-going and pleasant. This is really good news because it means that all is not lost! And, by the way, this is true for so many who become “different people” when it comes time to prepare the house for Pesach. At its core, it comes from a good place. We all know how much ink has been spilled on the topic of chametz and the importance of ridding every morsel of it before Pesach starts.

But of course, like all things in life, it requires balance. When your parents get frustrated and lash out at you, or a sibling of yours, because of some Pesach-prep infraction, it hurts. But you know that beneath all of the Pesach anxiety is a rational person who can be reasoned with. Have you tried telling your parents, in a very respectful way, how appreciative you would be if they would be willing to discuss ways of relieving some of the stress from the pre-Pesach rush? You may find that they understand the need for a new approach. If you feel that this could be helpful, then you need to come to that conversation prepared. You have to come to the table with some creative ideas for cleaning without stressing. Here are some suggestions for you to think about: 1. Let your parents know that you recognize that you have a responsibility to partic-


Are you a teen with a question? If you have a question or problem you’d like our columnists to address, email your question or insight to, subject line: Teen Talk.

Anxiety that pervades the home and affects everyone in the family. How can you approach such a challenging situation in a healthy way? Step one is as difficult as it is simple: acceptance. At some point, you will have to accept that this is how your parents cope with the stress of preparing for Pesach and that it is on you to find ways of dealing with that reality. Unfortunately, in life we often are not in control of our environment and circumstances. And yet, we still have to find ways of making the best of it. And you can! But only if you are able to start from a position of acceptance. So long as you are stuck in the mindset of trying to find ways of changing those around you,

You have the power to control your mindset. you will ignore the real concrete steps that you can take today to improve the situation. If your parents cannot be reasoned with, then I say accept them! I think you will be surprised at how relieved you feel. Recognize that you are powerless to change them or their attitude and that if/when they lash out, it’s not your fault! They are not lashing out because of what you did, rather they are lashing out due to their own anxiety and stress. Try to keep that mindset and attitude as you go through these tough weeks. Through it all, keep in mind that you may start taking mental notes now for how you plan to do things when you have your own family, iy”H. You are 18, and with G-d’s help, you will be a husband and a father in the nottoo-distant future. While you have to endure this today, it won’t always be so. You will have the opportunity to create an environment of excitement and joy in your own home one day. This perspective can have a calming effect for you even now, as you are going through this

Rabbi Doniel Drandoff is a Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice in the Five Towns/Far Rockaway community, as well as Clinical Director of My Extended Family. He works with teens, young adults, families, and couples. You can reach Rabbi Drandoff at

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

your father or mother outright that they are doing something wrong. Rather, you could tell them that you learned something interesting that you’d like to share regarding Pesach cleaning. You could show them the source and tell them that you were shocked to find that not everyone holds that you have to… In the end, it is their house, and they are your parents, so understand going in that they very well may shoot you down. In that case, you would have to respectfully defer to them, even if you believe they are wrong. 3. Suggest that during the most stressful parts of the Pesach-prep there be upbeat Pesach music playing in the house. This may sound silly, but happy music can be a great way of keeping the stress level down. Now, the truth is that the above suggestions may work for some, but they may not work for you. So, how can you make the best of things if your parents seem determined to have a stressful few weeks? Obviously, it is not ideal. You describe a tension which is palpable.

stressful time. At the same time, recognize that your positive attitude can lift up those around you. I bet that if you keep a smile on your face, and approach the cleaning and preparing with lightness, you will find that those around you are impacted. You just may find that your parents take it down a notch when they see you whistle while you work. Happiness is appealing and contagious. Try to approach all of your tasks with serenity and joy, and I think that your parents will take the cue. If you find that your mother or father snaps at you, try to respond calmly. That can often have a calming effect on the upset person. Another recommendation is to really focus on your own personal spiritual preparation for the yom tov. My Rosh Yeshiva, Ha’Rav Naftali Jaeger, shlita, always says in the name of the Kuzmirer Rebba, “Everyone says to have a freilichen Purim and a kasherin Pesach…I say to have a kasherin Purim and a freilichen Pesach!” While everyone is so caught up in making sure that Pesach will be kasher, it is important to keep it freilich! By spending time preparing spiritually, through learning hilchos Pesach and the haggada with mefarshim, you can keep a happy attitude and approach the yom tov with simcha. You mentioned younger siblings…maybe spend some time devising fun seder activities to liven things up for them. You can experience a great deal of excitement and joy that way, too. In the end, you have to know that you have the power to control your mindset. Pesach is a yom tov full of simcha, and you can access that simcha by maintaining a great attitude. I wish you and all the readers a chag kasher v’sameach!

APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

ipate in the mitzvah of preparing for Pesach. Ask them if you could be included in the planning phase, at which time you can all map out the various things that need to get done weeks ahead of time. Create a schedule of the tasks – what will get done and when – and offer to help as much as you can. Having a clear plan, where everyone knows what is expected of them, can be really helpful. 2. If there are any specific tasks that are extremely stressful, that you know to be halachikally unnecessary (please be sure to first confirm with a reputable rav!), maybe you can gently offer up a source or two which clearly spells it out? You have to know your parents before trying this. If your father is a rav in his own right, it probably doesn’t make sense. But, if you think that your parents may legitimately appreciate knowing that something they are doing is really not necessary, then tell them! Be sure to be extremely careful to be respectful. It would not be appropriate to tell

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Dating Dialogue

What Would You Do If… Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LcSW of the Navidaters

Dear Navidaters,

After many years of dating, I finally am dating a really great guy. We connect on many levels, which is a big deal for me. For the sake of the letter, I’ll call him Eli. I have been set up with a lot of guys who are not driven and don’t have the intellectual capacity that I want or are professionally “figuring it out,”

which is such a turn-off to me. Eli is different. He is motivated, successful, and a hard worker. I feel so stupid saying this now since this is what I always wanted, but I feel like he enjoys his work more than spending time with me. We have been dating for four months, and it is coming to the point where I have to make a decision. We speak about this issue all the time; if I marry him, I have to understand he will travel for work, I OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

will have to accompany him to parties, and we definitely won’t spend as much time together as I would have wanted. I’m so torn. I like him, and I respect him, but do I want someone married to his job? I just don’t know. Any clarity would be helpful. Thanks, Melissa*

Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any


particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.

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APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


The Panel the rebbetzin Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S. elissa, you must understand that smart, ambitious people must invest in their professions/occupations to achieve their goals. He obviously has a good work ethic and is being very straightforward with you. He is saying that he wants you to be part of his professional world and not leave you out of it. He also does not wish to mislead you. Is that being married to the job? I don’t think so. But you apparently think he is making a choice between you and his work. That’s not very mature. Understand that his commitment to successful work and time commitments go together. Any woman who dates a doctor or corporate lawyer gets that she will not have access to her partner for many more hours beyond nine-to-five and will have to develop an independent life of her own. Do you want an escort, or do you


want a successful spouse who values honesty and your company? Maybe he gets that you are lacking companionship and find it difficult to be alone. Maybe he gets that your love language is spending time together, and he cannot give you that as much as he would like. Perhaps he understands you better than you understand yourself. Think about your other love languages and your ability to communicate them and then discuss them with him. You need to be ready to accept reality, yourself, and your ability to accept his needs before committing. You are not there yet.

the Shadchan Michelle Mond


hat a predicament! Melissa, if his working habits

bother you, he might not be the right one for you. As the famous adage says, when someone shows you who they truly are, believe them. Many hard-working men in top corporate positions are openly worka-holics. If these men are in successful marriages, their wives come along for the ride and enjoy the thrill of constant travel, work parties, conferences, and corporate life. The man you are dating is being completely open about the kind of lifestyle he would like to live, because he does not want to blindside you. I admire that he is communicating this with you rather than getting engaged and leaving you trapped on your own to figure it out. Melissa, there are hardworking men out there who still make lots of room for family time. There is a large gray area in between the guys you describe whom you have dated, those who have no financial plan, and no motivation to work, and this man you are dating who is married to his job. If you do not respect his choices now, you will be even more resentful when

Mutual respect is the most important ingredient needed for a successful relationship.

you are married. Realize, however, that men with a better work-life balance will choose time at home over being more successful or perhaps going to your daughter’s siddur play over spending more time in the office. There is always more one can achieve when it comes to earning. What matters the most is where his priorities align. Figure out which one you respect and that will help you steer yourself in the proper direction.

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You Are NoT ALoNe No oNe Deserves To Be ABuseD


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

the Single Tzipora Grodko utual respect is the most important ingredient needed for a successful relationship. Can you respect that Eli wants to be a source of financial security for his family, understanding that everything he is doing is ultimately for the benefit of his family (which would include you)? It is extremely important for a spouse to feel proud of his work and an extra bonus if he finds tremendous fulfilment and satisfaction. Finding purpose and meaning enables a spouse to feel their best self, furthermore, being the best husband, they can be. Clarify whether your feelings of being secondary to Eli’s responsibilities are true through communication. If they are not, recognize that there will be challenges with any potential soul mate. Things are not meant to be perfect. But


you choose to accept them as your form of perfect.

the Zaidy Dr. Jeffrey Galler


his is a very tough question. I am not that concerned that your boyfriend is hardworking and “married to his job,” because, after all, in today’s world that is often required of highly successful people. Think of dedicated surgeons spending countless hours at their hospitals or corporate officers and their lawyers working through numerous all-night sessions. Spouses who love each other reluctantly understand and accept those situations. However, what does worry me is his need to travel frequently. Here is how I would frame the di-

lemma: Observation #1: I know folks who are jewelers and folks who are salespeople who must travel almost weekly. The good news is that, after decades of marriage, they are wonderful, loving, and loyal husbands and fathers. Observation #2: Unfortunately, I also know of husbands who, perhaps because of too much business-related travelling, have seriously strayed from Yiddishkeit and from their morals. Observation #3: After dating unsuccessfully for many years, you may have finally found “Mr. Right.” It would be heartbreaking, maybe even foolish, to walk away from such a potentially promising relationship. So, what should you do? Here’s my suggestion: See if the two of you can agree that, every so often, you would accompany him on his business trips. Think of the cities and hotels that you could enjoyably explore while he is working. And, when he isn’t working, he would not have to be alone in a strange city,

You need to be ready to accept reality, yourself, and your ability to accept his needs before committing. but could, instead, share some enjoyable experiences with you. And, as an added bonus, perhaps you could assist him in his work. Of course, you, yourself, would need a job that would allow you to work remotely from time to time. And, when you are blessed with children, you would need dedicated caregivers (grandparents?) who could watch the children from time to time. Bear in mind that there are no guarantees in life, but this might be the basis of a mutually enjoyable and trusting marriage. Good luck!

Pulling It All Together The Navidaters Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists


ear Melissa, Thank you for your email. There is no such thing as a “stupid” feeling, especially when it comes to settling down with “The One.” I’m glad you’re paying attention to your feelings. G-d willing, Eli will always work and have business dinners, parties, and travel, and late nights will be a part of your life should you get married. No one else has to live your life, so no one can really advise you whether to move forward or to break up. I can only offer you some things to consider…

I have worked with women in your shoes, on the other side of the chuppah. They are married to doctors, attorneys and businessmen whose hours are long and not their own. Some women seem to be A-OK with the lifestyle, and some aren’t. Some adjusted, and some didn’t and report feeling lonely when apart. You have to be brutally honest with yourself about what you can and what you cannot

handle. If you truly don’t know, you may want to speak to a professional to figure this out. Not only is Eli’s schedule not going to change, but he is going to need your emotional support and understanding to help him keep going. If you’re a reader of the column, you may have read this question before… How do you walk away from healthy love? I ask you to consider what the quality of your relationship is and how you feel when you are together and how you feel in the relationship when you are not together. Can you imagine your life without Eli in it? Something else to consider is that in 2022, unless a person is independently wealthy or is supported by parents lock,

stock and barrel, he/she is most likely putting in long hours in some capacity. I noticed you wrote that you sometimes feel like Eli enjoys his work more than he enjoys spending time with you. It may be I’m reading into something that isn’t there, or it may be that this is worth your own personal exploration – the idea that you are somehow in competition with his work. Perhaps he is not making you feel special and cherished during your time together? If you feel it relevant, you guys may want to speak to a therapist together to iron out some of these concerns. Wishing you all the best and that your clarity arrives shortly! Sincerely, Jennifer

Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and certified trauma healing life coach, as well as a dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in private practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 718-908-0512. Visit www. for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.

APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home




The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

Dr. Deb

How DIY Therapy is Good but Not Good Enough by Deb Hirschhorn, Ph.D.


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


eal therapy is not skin deep. It’s a behavior change but that’s only what everyone sees on the surface. To get there requires reflection, awareness of feelings, and – most importantly – discovering the why of your feelings. The introspection that is required for plunging the depths of you requires two things that are kind of hard to come by sometimes: *Courage *Objectivity You need courage to look inside. It’s hard. It is. I may believe in you. I may believe that you are good through and through, solid. But you may not. And I can’t argue with you because it will not change how you feel about yourself. So how in the world will you have the courage to look inside when you already believe (and even think you “know”) that you’re not so pretty to look at inside? That’s the courage part. The objectivity part is that even when you have courage and you want to look, how

can you see past all your own blind spots? What kind of blind spot warning system have you got, there, anyway? I don’t think anybody has. And if they say they do, it really means they don’t have the courage to look. Because the people that do want to look, will. They work on themselves and marvel at what they realize, their “aha moments.” There’s a lot of good in that. A lot of it. The problem is that it isn’t enough. There will always be blind spots. That’s just human nature. In fact, the most courageous person will often get to a place where they don’t want to see any more. That’s also human nature. There’s another piece of this, too: People who want to fix things and make things right will nevertheless gravitate toward the behavioral methods of therapy because they don’t want to encounter their feelings. After all, it’s a whole lot easier to swallow, “Just change your behavior! Say ‘hello’ to me when you walk in the door, for Pete’s sake” than to go deep inside and wonder,

“Well, why don’t I feel like saying ‘hello’ to him/her when I walk in the door?” Those behavioral methods are so easy to cull from a book. Or a weekend. Just make changes. Forget the feelings, because once you’ve changed how you act, you’ll get responded to differently. And that will make you feel better. It’s a good theory. I bought into it for many years. It just doesn’t work. Don’t get me wrong. They teach great skills. But who follows up their New Year’s resolutions? How many people can and will change the habits of a lifetime because they learned it in a weekend or a book? For this article, I did a Google Scholar search to find research showing these programs work – or don’t. There was one article that sounded good. There was a follow up eleven years after a relationship education course. It showed that, indeed, the course brought down the divorce rate by half and increased the marital satisfaction rate.

However, only the abstract was given so we don’t know how long the program was, how much support was given, and what the content was. And what about the other half of people that it didn’t work for? So, as this title says, “Do It Yourself” can be good. But is it good enough? In college, my then-boyfriend was all into behavior modification, and I found it interesting so I went to a Master’s program in it in Des Moines. I found it soul-less; I knew there was something serious missing in it. The Cognitive Behavioral approach is more of the same: Develop better habits of thinking and the circumstances of your life will reinforce them. And let’s cram them down in a weekend. Here are the problems with these sorts of DIY programs and books: 1. Changing behavior is easy to grasp but hard to maintain. 2. Behavior training leaves out emotion – which is the key to how we are; therefore

Trauma, even little “t” trauma, such as parents’ divorce, or a depressed parent, or even frequent moves, can adversely affect a child. Often, but not always, when the child grows up, that wound remains and pops through all the protections we have put in place. This wound needs direct healing, outside of the therapy for, say, a marriage.

125 removed from it. As in the case of trauma, they require a therapy that is focused on emotions more than reasoning. • In denial The flip side of the coin is people who have had a trauma history – go back to the first bullet – but are in denial that they were affected. Those people will not make significant changes without getting the emotion-

In fact, the most courageous person will often get to a place where they don’t want to see any more.

Healing trauma wounds can’t happen with pure reason, logic, and “getting it.” You can get it, but your behavior won’t change, much as you wish it would, until the original trauma is healed. And that, itself, requires tools which directly address it. • Sensitivity People who are naturally sensitive will feel pain more and may not be able to handle it as well as those who are a bit more

al help that they need to uncover the sores that lie underneath their calm exterior. So, on the one hand, they appear to not have that over-sensitivity that is a risk factor, but yet, if the unemotional demeanor is hiding serious emotional childhood wounds, cognitive type therapies in the form of books and weekends will not work. Why would that be? The answer is that their cover-up of pain

not only assists them to not be in pain, but unfortunately, keeps them from “getting” other people. To understand others, you need to feel. How can someone have empathy for others when they’re kind of numb, themselves? So, if you’re a more rational person, and although kindly and sensitive, not extraordinarily so, without a trauma history, you may be in luck and can work out small-ish emotional problems on your own or in a quick weekend program. • There’s one more: luck Some people just got lucky and married someone with whom they get along in spite of all the baggage they carry. This is possible, too. Then no one will need to go to therapy or read a self-help book. Another source of good luck is to be brought up in a healthy and wholesome, loving family in which methods of handling adversity are taught from an early age. I do think I have met about ten such people in my lifetime. Rare, indeed.

APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

without focusing on emotion, and healing from emotional injuries, it is unlikely that behavior change will be sustained. 3. Behavior changes won’t sustain themselves without that feedback from the environment that it depends on – the positive reinforcement of new behaviors. However, in a marriage, that’s not likely because each person is looking to the other for that positive reinforcement. This creates a standoff. Each one is waiting for the other. 4. Without the support of a therapist with a well-trained eye and sensitive ear, the nuances will be missed. That is, if you want to make changes, it’s not enough to read a book that speaks about people “like” you; you need a spotlight on yourself. 5. Finally, patience is sorely lacking in our rushed society, yet when it comes to healing emotions caused within the marriage and before it, patience is exactly what is needed. So what are the traits that will make DIY work anyway? In spite of this, a person can learn a great deal from weekends and books – and even therapy that is not emotion-focused – if he or she has fewer risk factors. Here they are: • Trauma history.

Dr. Deb Hirschhorn is a Marriage and Family Therapist. If you want help with your marriage, begin by signing up to watch her Masterclass at

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

Health & F tness

A Perfect Pesach Plan by Aliza beer MS, rD, cDN


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


esach is a food-focused holiday that can come with stress for people who seek to maintain their weight. With eight days of constant eating, late mealtimes, and a lack of physical activity, it’s easy to lose sight of healthy eating goals. With the right guidance, you can take part in all the festivities and still feel you best – both during and after the holiday. Whether you are home this year or traveling, following these tips can help you conquer this challenge. 1. Matzah. Matzah is a Pesach staple. During the Sedarim, it is necessary to consume a specific amount of matzah. It is ideal to purchase whole-wheat or spelt matzah so you have a higher fiber and less refined alternative. Being that matzah is a requirement during these two meals, aim to keep the rest of the Seder meal low-carb. Outside of the two Sedarim, my advice is to wash, have a small piece of matzah, and continue with your meal. Over chol hamoed, ditch the matzah and give your digestive system a break. It is important to recognize that half of one round matzah is considered one serving of carbs. 2. Grape Juice and Wine. At the Sedarim, we need to drink four cups of wine or grape juice. Wine would be preferable because it has less sugar than grape juice. If you aren’t a wine drinker, choosing a light grape juice will save you calories and unnecessary sugar. At the rest of the meals, pass over the grape juice and wine and stick to water or seltzer. 3. Don’t come to the Sedarim very hungry. A great tip when the Sedarim are only to begin past 8 pm is to have a meal earlier. This could be a vegetable-filled chicken soup, a salad, or some protein and vegetables. This will ensure that by the time you eat, which can be extremely late, you aren’t very hungry. If you are starving when it’s time to eat, you are more likely to overeat or make poor choices. Once it’s time to eat, stick to some-

thing small. This tip applies to all latenight meals. If you are serving your children an early dinner, make sure there’s something for you to eat then as well. 4. Go in with a plan. Formulating a meal plan before the holiday will ensure you are well-prepared and make the proper choices. The first step would be preparing a menu; this will remind you to cook healthy options for yourself (and hopefully your entire family). Whether you are home or away, eating a nutritious breakfast with protein and a whole-grain carb, a lunch with lean protein and vegetables, a filling snack, and a light dinner will ensure you feel your best over the holidays and will make it easier after they’re over. Think of your meal plan as armor that properly prepares you for the most challenging of food circumstances. 5. Limiting dessert. The Pesach cakes and cookies have gotten increasingly better over the years and can leave you feeling very tempted. However, they are often filled with potato starch, cottonseed oil, and matzah meal – all of

which are extremely inflammatory and unhealthy for you. It is not realistic to avoid treating yourself for the whole yom tov. Therefore, consider making healthier portion-controlled cookies or muffins using almond flour or purchasing cleaner cookies to have on-hand. Although they may not be low-calorie, almond flour pastries are lower carb and overall a better alternative than the baked goods in the tea room that are calling your name. Otherwise, stick to compotes, fresh fruit, or chocolate-dipped berries if you want something sweet. When you write up a plan, schedule when you will be having dessert so you can look forward to it and not overindulge. The best time to indulge is in the morning so your body can digest it throughout the day. 6. Stay hydrated. Matzah is known to make people extremely constipated and can cause stomach discomfort. To avoid this, make sure to drink at least 8 cups of water daily and limit alcohol and caffeine, which can dehydrate you. If it’s

difficult for you to drink plain water, consider making fruity iced teas with lemon slices to keep you hydrated. Staying hydrated, along with increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables, will help keep you regular. 7. Have lighter meals. Instead of making a heavy meat appetizer, choose a soup or a salad. Typically, we serve multiple courses on yom tov. However, on a regular day, you don’t eat a threecourse meal. This can be a shock to the digestive system and may leave you feeling uncomfortable. Keep breakfast the same size as your regular breakfast, keep lunch as similar to your regular lunches as possible, and keep dinners light. This can mean eggs or unsweetened Greek yogurt with berries for breakfast and fish and salad for lunch. Chicken and grilled vegetables are a good way to keep dinner light. Limiting red meat can help lighten up meals and can help lower caloric intake. One rib steak is approximately 850 calories and is filled with saturated fat. Aim to choose one or two meals with red meat and keep the rest of them fish and poultry. 8. Eat portion-controlled meals. It can be tempting to pile up your plate with all the foods you want to try. Instead, keep protein portions the size of a fist and choose to fill up your plate with salad or non-starchy vegetables. Regulating portions can have a very large impact on your weight and progress throughout yom tov. Make each of your meals a oneplate meal. Going back for seconds or thirds can often leave us with no clue of how much we ate. 9. Snacking. Planned-out, mindful snacking can make dieting much more attainable for people. Especially over the holidays, it can be difficult to stay away from snacking in between meals. Stick to fresh fruits, compote, cut up vegetables, hard-boiled eggs, or a small number of unsweetened almonds or pistachios. You can also purchase kosher for Passover

127 12. Stay active. Exercising before the holiday will help motivate you to make smart choices and not derail your progress. On yom tov, try to go for walks after meals to help speed up your digestion. Pesach can come along with constipation from matzah and heavier meals than usual. Even a 10-20 minute brisk walk can do wonders for digestion.

eating schedule and choices. Just because breakfast features an omelet station, muffin station, ice cream station, cereal station, and pancake station doesn’t mean you need to try all of them. This is the same for lunch and dinner, which may offer appetizers, main courses, and desserts. Pesach programs tend to serve food

This is a great opportunity to ditch processed foods and focus on eating simple and clean foods.

13. Pesach programs. Pesach programs these days serve a tremendous amount of food. This can be both to our benefit and our detriment. On the one hand, more food means more options to make good choices from; on the other hand, more food means more food temptation. The way to navigate a Pesach program is to try and maintain your regular

all day. Don’t feel tempted to eat by midday barbeques and when they serve midnight snacks. If you are overwhelmed by the choices the program offers, try following your normal daily diet. There are almost always healthy options that you can choose from. The cleanest-looking foods typically have the least number of calories and sugar. It is best to avoid

saucy dishes and anything breaded and fried. Keep your meals clean and simple so you know exactly what you’re eating. Although maintaining your weight over Pesach can be a challenge, with the right planning, it is possible. Challenges always come with hard work, and in the end, can be very rewarding. Having a game plan, making sure there are healthy choices, staying active, and drinking a lot of water are a few ways to set yourself up for success. Eating light meals, snacking smartly, and watching your portions will help you feel great throughout the holiday. And if you end up gaining a few pounds, know that it is temporary, and you will get back on track. Wishing you all a chag kasher v’sameach!

APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

snacks like Matt’s Munchies, Weightless Cookies, Seaweed Snacks, and dark chocolate. If you are looking for a treat, have some cassava chips or a healthy pastry. 10. Pass over processed foods. Pesach is about going back to the basics and enjoying wholesome proteins and produce. This is a great opportunity to ditch processed foods and focus on eating simple and clean foods. Aside from the matzah we eat, the rest of the foods we consume shouldn’t come from a box. Pesach products are filled with additives and are highly processed. Choosing lean proteins, fresh fruits, and low-carb vegetables will help you achieve your goals. Zucchini noodles and cauliflower rice are good alternatives to packaged Passover noodles. 11. Oils. Because canola oil cannot be used on Pesach, many people tend to replace it with cottonseed oil. Cottonseed oil is high in saturated fat and high in omega-6 fatty acids, which make it a highly inflammatory oil. It is usually found in Passover-approved potato chips, cookies and crackers, and mayonnaise. Instead of using cottonseed oil, use extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil in your cooking.

Aliza Beer is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition. She has a private practice in Cedarhurst, NY. Patients’ success has been featured on the Dr. Oz show. Aliza can be reached at alizabeer@gmail. com, and you can follow her on Instagram at @alizabeer.

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

Parenting Pearls

Attaining Balance by Sara rayvych, MSed


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


here are some things you just can’t make up. Upon the suggestion of a family member, I started an article on balancing the various needs of Pesach, such as expenses and sanity. I was only a few paragraphs in when I read an article in a different newspaper (not TJH) describing in-depth the luxury of their Pesach getaway options. From barbeques to tearooms, they’ve got you covered. Do you need activities to entertain you? They have a jam-packed schedule. Underneath this article of opulence was a notice asking for donations to the food pantry. For a small donation, you can help provide a seder for a family in need. The article further pointed out that going away relieves you of “the burden” of Pesach. Yes, the word “burden” was used. Rather than suffer the “burden” of preparing for yom tov, you can get away from it all. I’m not here to speak out against Pesach programs nor going away for yom tov. Everything has a time and place, and there are many reasons why families may choose to go away, including to a hotel, for Pesach. Please do not take this article as a rant on Pesach programs or any particular method of relaxation. That is certainly not my intent. I couldn’t get past the disconnect between the two halves of the same page. The top of the page described the many types of meat you could enjoy, the convenience of having your food brought to you while you lounged about (no need to get up), and a Pesach seder costing thousands of dollars. The bottom of the same page asked for a small donation to provide the basics to help a family have a seder. For these families, just the basics of wine or grape juice and matzah can be out of their reach. I will admit I was upset with the choice of words. I can understand calling Pesach preparations “challenging,” “involved” or even (though not my favorite) “stressful.” What message are we giving

ers has only gotten harder and more painful. It’s a vicious cycle; the fancier we go, the more pressure others feel.

Pesach Expenses

over to our children when we refer to this gift from Hashem as a “burden”? It’s inconceivable that a mitzvah should be considered something we want to avoid and get away from. I’m not denying that a lot goes into making Pesach. I’ve done it myself many times, baruch Hashem. In fact, I’m writing this article in between my various Pesach responsibilities. Sadly, my house doesn’t prepare itself. It’s not easy, but it’s a very special time, made even more meaningful when we can more appropriately balance the many pressures of this season. Additionally, the better we balance the many aspects of the holiday, the less stress we should encounter. Each individual/family will find a different balance that works for them. Furthermore, the appropriate balance is completely unique to each individual and changes over time. What works for me won’t work for you; what works for me today may not work tomorrow. As we come up to the big Pesach stretch, we are suddenly thrown off-kilter and need to find a whole new rhythm.

Finances Pesach can get expensive. Life can get expensive. Your car’s gas tank is currently a money guzzler. There are some expenses we can’t, nor should, avoid, but there are some that we can. It’s hard to discuss money, because everyone has a different income, along with requisite expenses. By necessity, this section will be up to each family to determine the appropriate level of expenditures for themselves. To be honest, I wouldn’t even feel appropriate telling others how to spend their money. Our community has families that range from affluent to financially needy, many families barely make it from one paycheck to the next. This puts pressure on families to feel like they need to keep up and spend money they don’t have. I know of families that have lived off maxed-out credit cards or bank loans. Parents have confided in me of the stress they undergo each vacation period trying to provide their child with outings that will not shame them in front of their peers. The demands of keeping up with oth-

There are many expenses for this yom tov. I’ll briefly go through some of them. We need to purchase an entire, fresh kitchen’s worth of food (and sometimes small appliances or utensils). The food can, at times, cost more than the rest of the year. I bake challah – a 5 lb. bag of flour costs way less than a pound of matza. Pesach started when the Jews left Mitzrayim, and many continue that tradition today by leaving their homes in a mass exodus. Some go to the deserts of Pesach hotels, others to villas. Some families travel the distance to visit family and friends, while others enjoy day trips. There is a vast price difference between an all-inclusive trip to a luxury hotel and a day trip to the zoo, but both get the family out and about. Each member of the family enjoys feeling fresh in new clothes and shoes in honor of the big event. Suits, dresses, and crisp white shirts all add up in the budget. These many expenses can cause serious strain on the average salary. We want to look our best, enjoying this special time, but we need to think carefully before putting ourselves into debt to do so. Each family needs to evaluate for themselves what amount they can appropriately allocate towards each area. The very fancy, expensive Pesach cakes look nice but may not taste much different than the cheaper, less attractive ones. They rarely taste as good as homemade. Trips don’t need to be expensive to create priceless memories. A local park where everyone can interact with each other, and the kids can run, is often more meaningful than somewhere farther that costs much more. Clothing can feel and look great, even without a designer label on their tag. Proper balance is very personal. For

12. Stay active. Exercising before the holiday will help motivate you to make smart choices and not derail your progress. On yom tov, try to go for walks after meals to help speed up your digestion. Pesach can come along with constipation from matzah and heavier meals than usual. Even a 10-20 minute brisk walk can do wonders for digestion.

eating schedule and choices. Just because breakfast features an omelet station, muffin station, ice cream station, cereal station, and pancake station doesn’t mean you need to try all of them. This is the same for lunch and dinner, which may offer appetizers, main courses, and desserts. Pesach programs tend to serve food

This is a great opportunity to ditch processed foods and focus on eating simple and clean foods.

13. Pesach programs. Pesach programs these days serve a tremendous amount of food. This can be both to our benefit and our detriment. On the one hand, more food means more options to make good choices from; on the other hand, more food means more food temptation. The way to navigate a Pesach program is to try and maintain your regular

all day. Don’t feel tempted to eat by midday barbeques and when they serve midnight snacks. If you are overwhelmed by the choices the program offers, try following your normal daily diet. There are almost always healthy options that you can choose from. The cleanest-looking foods typically have the least number of calories and sugar. It is best to avoid

saucy dishes and anything breaded and fried. Keep your meals clean and simple so you know exactly what you’re eating. Although maintaining your weight over Pesach can be a challenge, with the right planning, it is possible. Challenges always come with hard work, and in the end, can be very rewarding. Having a game plan, making sure there are healthy choices, staying active, and drinking a lot of water are a few ways to set yourself up for success. Eating light meals, snacking smartly, and watching your portions will help you feel great throughout the holiday. And if you end up gaining a few pounds, know that it is temporary, and you will get back on track. Wishing you all a chag kasher v’sameach!


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

snacks like Matt’s Munchies, Weightless Cookies, Seaweed Snacks, and dark chocolate. If you are looking for a treat, have some cassava chips or a healthy pastry. 10. Pass over processed foods. Pesach is about going back to the basics and enjoying wholesome proteins and produce. This is a great opportunity to ditch processed foods and focus on eating simple and clean foods. Aside from the matzah we eat, the rest of the foods we consume shouldn’t come from a box. Pesach products are filled with additives and are highly processed. Choosing lean proteins, fresh fruits, and low-carb vegetables will help you achieve your goals. Zucchini noodles and cauliflower rice are good alternatives to packaged Passover noodles. 11. Oils. Because canola oil cannot be used on Pesach, many people tend to replace it with cottonseed oil. Cottonseed oil is high in saturated fat and high in omega-6 fatty acids, which make it a highly inflammatory oil. It is usually found in Passover-approved potato chips, cookies and crackers, and mayonnaise. Instead of using cottonseed oil, use extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil in your cooking.

Aliza Beer is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition. She has a private practice in Cedarhurst, NY. Patients’ success has been featured on the Dr. Oz show. Aliza can be reached at alizabeer@gmail. com, and you can follow her on Instagram at @alizabeer.

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Alert Level

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


InThe TheK K tchen tchen In

MeltAway AwaySpare SpareRibs Ribs Melt Freezer friendly Freezer friendly

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OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

Ingredients Ingredients ◦ 2 large onions, peeled and sliced ◦ 2 large onions, peeled and sliced ◦ 4 pounds short ribs ◦ 4 pounds short ribs ◦ ½ cup brown sugar ◦ ½ cup brown sugar ◦ 1 Tablespoon fish-free imitation ◦ 1 Tablespoon fish-free Worcestershire sauceimitation Worcestershire sauce ◦ 1 Tablespoon soy sauce ◦ 1 Tablespoon soy sauce ◦ 4 cloves garlic, minced ◦ 4 cloves garlic, minced ◦ 3 cups ketchup ◦ 3 cups ketchup ◦ ½ cup water ◦ ½ cup water

Pho To by MIr IaM PaSC al Coh en Pho To by MIr IaM PaSC al Coh en

by Naomi Nachman by Naomi Nachman

Preparation Preparation

1. Place onions into a large roasting pan; lay meat over onions. Set aside. 1. Place onions into a large roasting pan; lay meat over onions. Set aside. 2. In a medium mixing bowl, combine sugar, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, garlic, and ketchup. Pour sauce over meat; 2. In a medium mixing bowl, combine sugar, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, garlic, and ketchup. Pour sauce over meat; 3. Preheat oven to 350°F. Cover ribs; bake for 2 hours, until very tender. 3. Preheat oven to 350°F. Cover ribs; bake for 2 hours, until very tender. Recipe shared with permission by Artscroll from Perfect For Pesach by Naomi Nachman Recipe shared with permission by Artscroll from Perfect For Pesach by Naomi Nachman

Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669. Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.


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APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home



The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

Notable Quotes “Say What?!”

Thank You, Person Speaker. - Rep. Bob Goode (R-VA) on the House floor mocking Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson who said that she could not define what a woman is

For Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way its impact has been the pandemic. So to that end we are announcing today also that we will assist Jamaica in Covid recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential to I believe what is necessary to strengthen not only the issue of public health but also the economy. - Vice President Harris during a press conference with Jamaica’s prime minister

Even the Jews themselves, including Lieberman and Netanyahu, are now convinced that Palestine cannot be the state for the Jews. So they started saying that holy Jerusalem is in Ukraine and not in Palestine. Ukraine is now the candidate to become the future Jewish state. - Palestinian Islamic scholar Mraweh Nassar — who certainly gets an A for effort — on Turkish TV

They are now saying that the Temple and biblical Jerusalem are located in Ukraine and not in Palestine. If this does not work, tomorrow they might say that they are in the Netherlands.


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

- Ibid.

Thank you. Vice President Biden, Vice President Harris…that was a joke. – Former President Barack Obama, speaking at the White House

When have you started enjoying acting like Nazis? — Ukrainian Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya to the Russian ambassador at the UN Security Council

If Musk helps restore Twitter to its free speech roots and moves it away from its left-wing censorship regime, it will be perhaps the most heroic and public-serving action I have seen a billionaire take in my lifetime.… If our greatest living entrepreneur looks at the space and decides he couldn’t build his own better version, it tells you everything you need to know about Twitter’s competitive position. – Tweet by Claremont Institute senior fellow Jeremy Carl

There’s policy disputes and that’s fine, but when you’re trying to impose a woke ideology on our state, we view that as a significant threat. This wokeness will destroy this country we if we let it run unabated. So in Florida we take a very big stand against that. - Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis arguing that Disney Corporation should lose certain privileges because it strongly opposes a Florida law that recently passed that says that children in third grade and below should not be taught about certain extremely deviant behaviors since they are too young to process that information

The only thing we have in common is our bald heads. He smokes; I don’t. He drinks; I don’t. So, we never got in each other’s way. - Tampa Bay Buccaneers new head coach Todd Bowles at his press conference, talking about his predecessor Bruce Arians


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

134 The House committee investigating the events of January 6, 2021, reported a seven-hour gap in President Donald J. Trump’s phone records. Seven hours. I don’t know if anyone else is a fan of the show “Dateline,” but if your phone records are missing even 10 minutes, you’re guilty. - Jimmy Fallon

As a mother of seven, I am used to distractions — and sometimes even outbursts .- Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett when she was interrupted by a heckler during remarks at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

Ketanji Brown Jackson will likely be confirmed as the first Black Supreme Court justice by the end of this week. – Tweet by Politico, disregarding Justice Thomas and former Justice Thurgood Marshall

I don’t think he should have ever been appointed. - Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi talking about Justice Clarence Thomas

- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

Make no mistake: this performative outrage is not in earnest. This is a political hit, part of liberals’ years-long quest to delegitimize the Court all because our laws and Constitution occasionally inconvenience Democrats’ radical agenda.

- Tweet by Dr. Michelle Morse, the chief medical officer at the New York City Department of Health

WaPo always good for a laugh. - Tweet by Elon Musk with a picture of a Washington Post headline, “Elon Musk’s Twitter Investment Could Be Bad News For Free Speech”

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

In the last few days…the left’s quest to delegitimize the Supreme Court found its latest outlet. This time, it’s a coordinated effort to nullify the presence of Justice Clarence Thomas on the Court. The far left wants another crack at what they tried and failed to do in 1991. Washington Democrats are now trying to bully this exemplary judge of 30-plus years out of entire legal subjects, or off the Court entirely. Far-left House members are talking about dusting off their party’s impeachment addiction for a third consecutive year.

The urgency of this moment is clear. Mortality rates of birthing people are too high, and babies born to Black and Puerto Rican mothers in this city are three times more likely to die in their first year of life than babies born to non-Hispanic White birthing people.

- Ibid.


NO KITNIYOS APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

These statements have not been eval uated by the FDA. These products are not i ntended to di agnose, treat, prevent or cure any di sease.




The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

Political crossfire

Painful Choices Lie in the Path to Peace in Ukraine by David Ignatius


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


n the agonizing final years of the Vietnam War, a strategist named Fred Iklé wrote a treatise titled “Every War Must End.” His basic theme was that “wars are easier to start than to stop” – a message that applies powerfully now to the conflict in Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine had been meeting for preliminary peace talks in Turkey last week, which has raised hopes for a settlement. Both sides have described the same basic terms for resolving the conflict: In exchange for a halt in the fighting, Ukraine would agree to a neutral military status that wouldn’t threaten Russia. But this formula masks painful choices: Such a pact would grant Russian President Vladimir Putin at least partial victory. For many in Ukraine and the West, that is unacceptable. Putin launched an unprovoked, illegal invasion. His army committed atrocities against civilians. He shouldn’t be rewarded for such behavior. The Biden administration’s view is that it’s up to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to decide whether to settle for neutrality or keep fighting for a better deal. “The Ukrainians will have to decide when the situation on the ground is ripe for a settlement,” argues Stephen Hadley, a former national security adviser to President George W. Bush who keeps close contact with the Biden team. After fighting so valiantly, Ukrainians won’t want a settlement that leaves the country disarmed and vulnerable to a future attack. “This is viable to me in only one way – the kind of neutrality that Switzerland has – fully armed, with a citizen army,” Konstantin Gryshchenko, an influential former foreign minister of Ukraine, told me in an interview. The Russian military has performed poorly so far, and some Ukrainians think more fighting will bring victory. But U.S. officials specializing in Russia are skeptical. Russia is a large country with the

ability to resupply and reposition its forces; Ukraine is a relatively small one that’s short on the essentials for survival. The war is 40 days old; who can say what the battlefield situation might be in six months or a year?

of the side that relies on that strategy,” he wrote. Often, wars don’t end with a peace treaty but a cease-fire that leaves forces in place along a “line of control.” Some analysts think Russia may be moving toward

Harvard’s Graham Allison argues that such a division could allow the Western-allied part of Ukraine to prosper.

Iklé offered a useful caution: “It often happens in wars that the weaker party makes no attempt to seek peace while its military strength can still influence the enemy but fights until it has lost all its power to bargain.” He called this “self-destructive perseverance.” Iklé was similarly skeptical of punitive tactics such as Russia’s seeming determination to bomb its way to a desirable settlement. “Inflicting ‘punishment’ on the enemy nation is not only an ineffective strategy for ending a war, it may well have side effects that actually hasten the defeat

such an outcome by consolidating its forces in a swath of southeastern Ukraine that could eventually stretch from Odessa to the Donbas region. Such partition lines are messy but can be surprisingly durable. North and South Korea are still separated without a formal peace treaty. A disputed line of control separates India and Pakistan, and also India and China. Vietnam was similarly partitioned for decades. Harvard’s Graham Allison argues that such a division could allow the Western-allied part of Ukraine to prosper. Be-

fore the Russian invasion, he contends, Ukraine was a failing state – one of the rare post-Soviet republics whose real gross domestic product per capita actually declined after 1991. A future Western Ukraine might become a version of South Korea, Allison says. As Russia and Ukraine exchange peace proposals, the United States and its allies are subtly pressuring Russia through what has been their best tool – the release of declassified intelligence. The latest installment was a series of statements this week by U.S. and British officials arguing that Putin’s bloody invasion was marked by the Russian leader’s delusion and the incompetence of his advisers. “Putin’s advisers are afraid to tell him the truth,” but “the extent of these misjudgments must be crystal clear to the regime,” argued Jeremy Fleming, director of Britain’s code-breaking agency GCHQ, in a speech on Thursday. That zinger was aimed directly at the Kremlin, and it could have several interesting consequences: Putin may further blame his military and intelligence chiefs for failing to warn him of the disaster ahead; the generals and spies may further resent their remote president who has waged what Fleming described as his “personal war”; and the Russian people may mistrust both Putin and his security chiefs. The most hopeful development I saw in this week’s peace feelers was a statement by Russian negotiator Vladimir Medinsky that, although Moscow rejects Ukrainian membership of NATO, it “has no objection Ukraine’s aspirations to join the European Union.” Maybe that is a building block for a real settlement. For a European Ukraine would represent a profound defeat for Putin’s dream of hegemony over Kyiv. That’s an essential requirement for a peace deal, along with stopping the killing. (c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group


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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

Political crossfire

Has Putin’s Brutality Finally Hit a Wall in Ukraine? by David Ignatius


town’s name sounds like the English word for “butcher,” claimed talk show host Olesya Loseva. But the truth of these horrors is being confirmed, pixel by pixel. It’s a sweet bit of justice that Western social media, which Putin worked so hard to manipulate, are now dissecting Russia’s denials of responsibility for Bucha and other atrocities. A systematic rebuttal began Monday with a post from Eliot Higgins, founder of the British investigative website Bellingcat. He examined Russian claims that images from Bucha showed “signs of video fakes and other forgeries.” Higgins showed that a supposed “moving hand” of a corpse filmed from a car was probably a water droplet moving across the windshield. Similarly, he clarified why Russian claims about a moving corpse supposedly reflected in a car mirror are explained by the mirror’s distortion. And most devastating for Moscow: Commercial satellite imagery taken in

(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group


an investigation in early March; Poland has called for an international investigative commission; French prosecutors have opened three investigations of war crimes against French citizens; and the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office has mobilized about 50,000 investigators to gather evidence of atrocities. Some of these investigations will proceed however the war is settled. Russia’s response to the horrifying images has been in character for Putin’s regime: a shameless campaign of lies. The denials of brutal killing are so cavalier and reflexive that they convey a moral emptiness that should embarrass every honest Russian. “All those died in Bucha were some kind of road traffic offenders,” asserted Russian member of parliament Oleg Matveichev. Bucha was “a flagrantly brutal provocation by Ukrainian Nazis,” said Russian state TV’s Olga Skabeyeva. The West chose Bucha for their “egregious accusation against Russia” because the

mid-March by Maxar Technologies show dead bodies on the streets of Bucha while Russian troops occupied the town; they’re in precisely the same places that journalists found them when they arrived last weekend after Russian troops had left. That debunks Russian claims that the Bucha evidence might be fabricated because it wasn’t discovered until after Russian troops had departed. What has this war meant for the Russian soldiers who followed Putin’s orders to invade their neighbor? A haunting snapshot of one elite unit, the 331st Guards Parachute Regiment, was broadcast recently by the BBC’s Mark Urban. This unit – “the best of the best,” a general boasted in a video posted online last May – was sent toward Kyiv from its home base in Kostroma, northeast of Moscow, in February. The unit’s commander was killed during fighting in Ukraine on March 13. Many other officers and senior enlisted men died before the unit was withdrawn last week to Belarus. The BBC identified 39 dead, and residents of Kostroma told the British network that closer to 100 members of the elite unit were killed. The BBC reported that as many as one-third of the 1,500-member force may be dead, wounded, missing or taken prisoner. On a social media memorial wall for Sgt. Sergei Duganov, a Russian woman wrote: “The 331st regiment is disappearing. Almost every day, photos of our Kostroma boys get published. It sends shivers down my spine. What’s happening? When will this end? When will people stop dying?” When will Putin’s brutal carnage end? That demand is growing louder in Russia, Ukraine, and around the world.

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

ladimir Putin learned his brutal code of war in the “sandpit streets” of Leningrad when he was a poor boy of perhaps 7 and got into his first fight with a neighborhood gang. “I realized that in every situation – whether I was right or wrong – I had to be strong,” Putin told biographer Oleg Blotsky. “I just understood that if you want to win, then you have to fight to the finish in every fight, as if it was the last and decisive battle.” The Russian army left gruesome evidence in the streets of Bucha, Ukraine, of how Putin’s tough-guy code applies in combat. The professional soldier becomes a street thug, with the same fight-to-the-finish mentality that Putin learned as a boy. Putin’s whole life has converged on the catastrophic war in Ukraine. His delusional, messianic ideas of Russian history have fused with the disdain for the laws of war he displayed in the bloody campaign in Chechnya about two decades ago. The Russian leader fabricated the case for war in Ukraine and lied about his plans, and when he failed to achieve the easy victory he had expected, his army appears to have taken savage revenge on civilians. Has Putin finally hit a wall in Ukraine? Thanks to courageous Ukrainians and foreign reporters, we are seeing the butchery that his style of war produces – in Bucha, Mariupol, Kharkiv, Trostianets – places most of us had never heard of a few weeks ago but are now written in infamy, alongside Guernica and Srebrenica. “Unbearable” was how French President Emmanuel Macron described the latest images. “A punch to the gut,” said Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Putin “is a war criminal,” said President Joe Biden. The legal process for holding Putin and his army accountable has begun. The International Criminal Court launched


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

Forgotten Her es

Bravery in Battle by Avi Heiligman

Commander Gordon Schechter


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


he most talked about medal awarded to American servicemembers is the Medal of Honor. The stories of their acts of courage under difficult conditions warrant front page news, although their courageousness in battle is often forgotten. Other awards such as the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and Distinguished Service Cross are rarely brought up in news headlines, and their recipients are usually unknown to the public. Here are more stories of Jewish servicemembers who received medals for bravery during World War II. Commander Gordon Schechter was posthumously awarded the Silver Star for air-to-air combat in February 1945. The Navy pilot was the commanding officer of a carrier air group flying off the aircraft carrier USS San Jacinto (CVL-30). Schechter flew in a F6f-5 Hellcat. That day, his group was flying a mission north of Tokyo with the target being an important aircraft plant. The enemy installations were heavily damaged, and as they were getting set to return to the carrier, they were attacked by a large number of Japanese fighters. Air-to-air combat ensued, and the fighters and torpedo bombers in his air group accounted for twelve enemy planes shot down with no losses of their own. The Silver Star citation he received cited Schechter’s leadership for this aerial victory. Schechter achieved the status of aerial ace by shooting down five enemy aircraft, but his plane was shot down in March 1945. He was listed as missing in action; later, his plane was recovered and buried in California. Dr. Merrill Feldman was born in Massachusetts and was studying pre-med at

Dr. Merrill Feldman

the University of New Hampshire when he was called up to enter the army during his sophomore year in 1943. Feldman had been in ROTC up to that point and upon completion of basic training was assigned as a medic to Company F, 2nd Battalion, 377 th Infantry Regiment of the 95th Division. During the invasion of France, it was moved from the Ninth Army to General Patton’s Third Army. Allied troops had landing on five beaches on June 6, 1944, and the beaches were continuously used to land men throughout the invasion. In September, Feldman’s unit of the 95 th Division landed on Omaha Beach – the site of the bloodiest landing on D-Day just three months earlier. The Battle of Metz, France, had started in late September, and by early November the Americans launched a new attack on the forts. The 95th was an integral piece of the new attack and right away became bogged down in mud, minefields and torrential rains. By the second day of the attack, Feldman came to the realization that he was the only combat medic left standing with his company. Despite being wounded by artillery shells, he continued servicing the wounded and refused to be evacuated. Desperate to give critically wounded soldiers urgent care, Feldman setup a makeshift hospital but needed help to carry the wounded. Using his best high school German, he rounded up a dozen German prisoners and used them as litter bearers to bring the wounded to the battalion field hospital. Feldman was awarded a Bronze Star for his actions and a Purple Heart for his wounds.

Second Lt. Sidney Goldstein

He continued with the 95th Division through the Battle of the Bulge and their push into Germany. In April 1945, Feldman was shot in the hand by a sniper while running to save the life of a friend. Feldman arrived on the scene too late to help his buddy. After bandaging his own wound and refusing evacuation, he picked up a rifle of a fallen soldier and led a successful attack on a German-held farmhouse. For these actions, he was awarded the Silver Star and received a second Purple Heart. A week later, he was with the division when they liberated a concentration camp, and the shock of what he witnessed stayed with him for the rest of his life. After the war, Feldman finished medical school and became a pioneer in cancer research. In addition to the assault on German-held Europe through France, the Americans and their allies were fighting on a southern front in Italy. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill called Italy the “soft underbelly of the Axis,” but for the troops on the ground, the going wasn’t so “soft.” For Second Lieutenant Sidney “Shimmy” Goldstein of Glen Cove, New York, it was an uphill battle against heavy enemy emplacements near Santa Margherita, Italy. On September 21, 1944, the platoon leader from Company A, 133rd Infantry Regiment, 34th Division was tasked with taken a hill with just a small force of 24 soldiers. Goldstein led his men up the hill against a numerically superior German force. They took some casualties as they advanced and reorganized their small force. Goldstein then had eleven men under his command and managed to capture

four Germans in the process in a dugout on the slope. Then they reached a second enemy position and captured a German officer and two enlisted soldiers. The German officer, not wanting to continue the fight, then offered the surrender of the remaining Germans if only Goldstein would accompany them to the position. Even though he realized that it could be a trap, Goldstein accepted the offer and followed the German on full alert. Once they reached the enemy position, two more officers and around forty men surrendered to Goldstein and the Americans. From there, they captured another sixteen Germans that were fighting on the slope. In total, Goldstein captured over sixty Germans who were in position that now enabled the Allies to continue with their advance through the Gothic Line. Goldstein was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and received a combat promotion to first lieutenant for his bravery in battle. Individual stories of heroism on the battlefield are rarely told as the focus is usually on the main battle advances. Even Medal of Honor recipients’ stories aren’t often known, let alone servicemen and women who received other medals. As this author digs through more records, more information will surface and these heroes’ stories can be told.

Avi Heiligman is a weekly contributor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for future columns and can be reached at

















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For sale by owner 285 Caryl Drive Lawrence NY 11559. Selling as is condition. Call Rudy 516 239 7387

HEWLETT NEW TO THE MARKET Hewlett new to the market 5 bedroom 3 bathroom colonial, open floor plan, large eat-in kitchen, formal living room and dining room, main floor den and playroom, master bedroom suite w/full bath& sitting room/nursery close to the schools, railroad, shopping and houses of worship $899K Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY APRIL 10 2:30-4:00PM 1361 KEW AVENUE HEWLETT

FAR ROCKAWAY. Renovated 3bd, 1.5bath duplex in house in Neilson area. Many closets. Dishwasher + 2 sinks. Backyard access, driveway parking. W/D hookup. $2600 + utilities. Call/text 347 804 7367 Hewlett Bay Park Six bedroom home in highly desirable Hewlett Bay Park on 3/4 of an acre with an inground gunite pool and tennis court, en-Suite bathrooms and bedrooms on both floors, 1st floor Master Suite with steam shower and Jacuzzi tub, Eat-in Kitchen, with SS appliances, 2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, double oven, formal living room, formal dining room, den with fireplace. Close to railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. SD#14. Great house for entertaining. Park-like Property. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 Woodmere just listed Beautifully maintained Split Level home in the heart of Woodmere. This home boasts 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Eat-in Kitchen, Formal Dining Room, Living Room, a Finished Basement, and an office. Beautiful and spacious Backyard. Great location, SD#14. Close to all & houses of worship. $990k. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

WOODMERE Magnificent Home in the Heart of Woodmere constructed in 2020, 5 Bedrooms, 3 Full Bathrooms, detailed moldings throughout, maple wood floors, Anderson windows + doors, custom closets, dimmers & timers, 2 zone CAC, EIK w/2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, 2 microwaves, double oven, Island, close to all. Sound system, camera system, 4 car driveway. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 WOODMERE JUST LISTED Beautifully maintained Split Level home in the heart of Woodmere. This home boasts 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Eat-in Kitchen, Formal Dining Room, Living Room, Fin-ished Basement and office. Beautiful and spacious Backyard. Great location, SD#14. Close to all & houses of worship. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey Interna-tional 516-298-8457 WOODMERE Beautiful & Spacious 2 Bedroom Apartment Across From The Golf Course. Elevator Building, Updated Kitchen, Gas Cooking, Granite Countertops, Washer/Dryer In Unit, High Ceilings, Great Closet Space, Storage in Basement, Close To RR, Shopping & Houses Of Worship.$349K Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

HEWLETT NEW TO THE MARKET Luxurious Exquisite 6 bedrooms, 6.5 bath home situated on approximate 1.8 acre property in prestigious Hewlett Bay Park. Formal Living room and dining room, library, chefs, Eat-in Kitchen, extraordinary great room leads out to veranda. large Gunite built-in pool + pool house with full bath, large slate patio, impressive sprawling property, school district #14 Hewlett-Woodmere. Close to all. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home • text 443-929-4003

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Classifieds • text 443-929-4003





HEWLETT BRIGHT AND SUNNY 2 bedroom 2 bathroom co-op, elevator, doorman building, in ground pool storage, card room, indoor and outdoor parking, washer/dryer in the apartment, renovated kitchen with granite countertops, ss appliances, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, formal living room and dining room, close to all $479k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hatha-way Laffey International 516-298-8457

HEWLETT TWO 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH CO-OPS with central air conditioning, terrace, washer/dryer, hard-wood floors, recessed lighting, magnificent kitchens, ss appliances, l/r, d/r, close to the railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY APRIL 10 1201EAST BROADWAY H-23 11:30-1:30PM 1215 EAST BROADWAY 12 1:30-3:30PM

INDIVIDUAL OFFICE SPACES AVAILABLE IN GREAT LOCATION. Rental fee includes electricity, taxes, internet, cleaning and parking. Large corner office $950 mo. Smaller interior office $625 mo. Please respond to 516-902-8006.

SF MEDICAL OFFICE SPACE Available, Reception Area, Waiting Room, Kitchenette, 2 Consult, 4 Exam Rooms, 2 Bathrooms, 30 Car On-Site Parking, For Lease …Call Ian 516-295-3000

INVESTORS WELCOME GREAT DEAL IN WOODMERE, amazing location, double lot, low taxes ,SD 14 Asking $599, won’t last 25 CONKLIN AVE, WOODMERE Call Alexandra at Realty Connect 1-516-784-0856

EAST ROCKAWAY: Retail Stores on Busy Corner, 1000SF& Up Available, Great High Visibility Location, For Lease… Call for More Details Broker (516) 792-6698

WOODSBURGH Magnificent 2K sq. Ft. Co-Op. 3BR/2BTH, EIK, LR, DR, W/D in Unit, GAR, 2 STOR UNITS, ELEV, NEAR ALL$775K 516-846-1032 NO BROKERS

COMMERCIAL RE WOODSBURGH Magnificent 2K sq. Ft. Co-Op. 3br/2bth, eik, lr, dr, w/d in unit, gar, 2 stor units, elev, near all $775k 516-846-1032 no brokers

LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN! 500-7000 Square feet gorgeous office space with WATERVIEW in Inwood! Lots of options. Tons of parking. Will divide and customize space for your needs! Call 516-567-0100

APT FOR RENT FAR ROCKAWAY-CAFFREY AVE NEAR GRONER 2 bedroom basement apartment for rent, separate kitchen, heat controlled by tenant, washer/dryer hookup $1450/month917-822-1726







CEDARHURST 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment, elevator building, eat-in kitchen, spacious rooms throughout, laundry room on premises, garage parking, close to all Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

CEDARHURST 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment, elevator building, eat-in kitchen, spacious rooms throughout, laundry room on premises, garage parking, close to all Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

FAR ROCKAWAY Brand new construction! 2 floor spacious Apt. 2 Bedrooms, 1BA, Impressive Kitchen with island, many cabinets and stainless applicnaces, Hardwood Floors, Walk in Closets. Close to Houses of worship and Rockaway Beach. Asking $2600

CEDARHURST 1,2 and 3 bedroom apartments, totally renovated, private entrance , central air condi-tioning, hardwood floors, washer/dryer, garage parking, dishwasher, recessed lighting, private playground, close to railroad, park, shopping and houses of worship. Call for more details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

HEWLETT TOTALLY RENOVATED 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments with washer/dryer, kitchen with quartz countertops, stainless steel appliances. Recessed lighting, hardwood floors, storage in basement. Close to RR, shopping, and houses of worship. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hatha-way Laffey International 516-298-8457


WOODMERE totally renovated bright and sunny 1 bedroom corner unit apartment with a washer/dryer. Features quartz countertops, ss appliances, recessed lighting, bathroom with chrome fixtures, close to the railroads, shopping and houses of worship. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

FAR ROCKAWAY: House For Rent. On Beach 12th. 3 1/2 bedrooms. Just renovated, Central HVAC,LR/DR, Finished basement.. $3300/m Call Raphael 917-822-1726 Renovated 3bd, 1.5bath duplex in house in Neilson area. Many closets. Dishwasher + 2 sinks. Backyard access, driveway parking. W/D hookup. Gas, water included. Call/text 347 804 7367

2 bedroom 2 bathroom apt available for Pesach in the Alexander hotel in Miami Beach. Apartment is south facing with great views of ocean and bay. Please call 516-426-3201 for details

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OPEN HOUSE SUN 4/10 - 1:30PM-3:30PM

OPEN HOUSE SUN 4/10 - 11:30-1:30PM

OPEN HOUSE SUN 4/10 - 11:30AM-1:30PM




Move right in first floor, 3BR, 2Fbth, CAC, HW Floors, W/D, Kitchen with Granite Countertops, SS Appliances, Spectacular Moldings, Garage & Public Parking Close To All, $309,000

OPEN HOUSE SUN 4/10 - 2:30-4:00PM

1361 KEW AVENUE, HEWLETT 5BR, 3Bath Colonial, Open Floor Plan, Large EIK, F L/R & D/R, Den, MBR Suite w/Full Bath & Siting Room/Nursery, Close to all. $899,000

Totally renovated, 3BR, 2 Bath Co-op, Gorgeous Kitchen, 2 Sinks, SS Appliances, Quartz Countertops, CAC, New Floors, W/D, Terrace, Close to all $329,000



Moce Right In, Breathatking Woodmere home with over 7,100 SF of Living Space, Chef’s Kitchen w/Island, 2 Sinks, 2 Dishwashers, 2 Ovens & Radiant Heat, F D/R, F L/R w/ Fplc, Den, Library, IGP, $P.O.R.


6BR, 5BA in Desirable Hewlett Bay Park on 3/4 of an Acre with an Inground Pool & Tennis Court, En Suite Bedrooms on each floor, 1st Fl Master Suite has steam shower & jacuzzi tub. $P.O.R.

Cedarhurst Cedarhurst Hewlett Hewlett Hewlett Hewlett Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Woodmere Woodmere Woodmere

2BR • 2BA 1BR • 1BA 2BR • 2BA 2BR • 2BA 2BR • 2BA 2BR • 2BA 2BR • 1BA 1BR • 1BA 3BR • 3BA 2BR • 1BA 2BR • 1BA 3BR • 3BA

$364k $219k $199k $299k $299k $479k $299K $325K $P.O.R. $199k $349k $697k

And many more...Call for details!

5BR, 5BA with IGP on a lot size of 111x107, F L/R & D/R, Tremendous Den w/ Fplc, EIK w/SS Appliances, New outside with Stone and Stucco, New pavers, Roof & CAC, 10 Zone Heat.


Cedarhurst Far Rockaway Far Rockaway Hewlett Bay Park Hewlett Hewlett Inwood Woodmere Woodsburgh

3BR • 4BA 5BR • 2BA 6BR • 2BA 6BR • 7BA 3BR • 3BA 5BR • 4BA 4BR • 3BA 4BR • 3BA 4BR • 4BA

$P.O.R. $999k $1,099,000 $P.O.R. $799k $870k $599k $990k $P.O.R.


1BR • 1BA


Cedarhurst Cedarhurst Cedarhurst

1BR • 1BA 2BR • 2BA 3BR • 2BA

$2,025/monthly $2,995/monthly $3,695/monthly


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home • text 443-929-4003

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Classifieds • text 443-929-4003





OU Torah Initiatives is seeking a content manager for its AllTorah apps division. Primary responsibilities include managing content on the platforms which includes uploading, responding to inquiries, develop and manage unique presentations. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Computer literacy required. Strong Torah knowledge required. 3+ years related experience required. Please email resume to

SPECIAL CARE SEEKS COM/HAB WORKERS: Cedarhurst : 12-year-old girl with an intellectual and developmental disability, Evenings after school, Friday afternoons, shabbos and Sunday during the day. Cedarhurst: 26-year-old boy with a mild intellectual disability for a few hours on shabbos afternoons Please contact: Pessy Lefkowitz: 718-252-3365 Ext 113,

Gesher (located in Cedarhurst is looking for a part-time Rebbe beginning in January for First Grade boys. · Approximately a half-hour a day, Monday through Friday · Small group lessons · The goal of the Rebbe is to provide faster paced exposure to higher level kriah and chumash skills · Curriculum support provided · One-on-one private pay tutoring opportunities may also be available. Please email your resume to or contact (516) 730-7377 to set up an interview.

Experience in not-for-profit Jewish organizations is a plus. Excellent part-time opportunity with competitive hourly compensation. Candidate will work with the director in developing budget and fundraising initiatives and generating reports to present to our Board of Directors. Resumes to

Bais Yaakov Ateres Miriam Elementary school is seeking growth oriented, Preschool and Elementary teachers, for the coming school year. Located in Far Rockaway. Professional and warm environment. Please email resume to

SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS CAHAL is seeking full time or part time SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS and TEACHER ASSISTANTS. We have supportive teaching environments, small classes and competitive salaries. Email your resume to or call 516-295-3666.

5 TOWNS BOYS YESHIVA SEEKING ELEM GEN ED TEACHERS Excellent working environment and pay. Only lic/exp need apply. Email resume to Special Care seeks patient Male or female com/hab worker 5:30-7:30 P.M. for 7-year-old boy with autism in Bayswater, full or partial coverage. 718-252-3365 ext: 102 or TEACHERS AND ASSISTANTS FOR SEPT. 2022 CAHAL is seeking Full Time and Part Time SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHERS and TEACHER ASSISTANTS for the 2022-2023 School Year. CAHAL classes are located in Yeshivas and Bais Yaakov’s in the Five Towns, Far Rockaway, and West Hempstead. Please send your resume to For more information, call Shira Cohen or Naomi Nadata at 516-295-3666.

Leah Scheininger Realty Connect USA Licensed Real Estate Salesperson (516) 884-6530 @leahscheininger_realtor

Jordan Goldschmidt Guaranteed Rate Vice President of Mortgage Lending (516) 998-6201 @Jordanthemortgageguy

NMLS 2012660 Licensed by The Department of Financial Protection and Innovation under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act. 1400 Old Country Rd Suite 206N, Westbury, NY 11590, (212) 318-9432, Guaranteed Rate, Inc. NMLS 2611 3940 N. Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, IL 60613 (866) 934-7283 • Equal Housing Lender

A Yeshiva in Queens is looking for an experienced part/full time secretary, kindergarten morah, kindergarten morah assistant and 1st grade english teacher for the 2022-2023 school year. All positions are Mon-Fri . Nice and timely pay. Please email resume to or call/text 718-971-9799.

LIMUDEI KODESH CURRICULUM COORDINATOR Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island seeks a qualified candidate for our newly created Administrative position of Limudei Kodesh Curriculum Coordinator for grades 1-8. Must have at least 5-10 years of classroom experience (preferably in a 3rd-6th grade environment), and/or 2-3 years of administrative experience. Ideal candidate will have a solid working knowledge of Limudei Kodesh Curriculum, will have the ability to engage with the staff to implement and streamline the curriculum, will stress follow-up and accountability, and will interact seamlessly with our parent body. Good salary and benefits. Please email resume to TEACHERS AND ASSISTANTS FOR SEPT. 2022 CAHAL is seeking full time and part time Special Education TEACHERS and TEACHER ASSISTANTS for the 2022-2023 school year. We provide excellent support and have small classes and competitive salaries. Email your resume to or call 516-295-3666. DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT A multi-tasker needed for general office work. The ideal candidate is someone who is detail-oriented, responsible, and can take ownership. Looking for someone who is eager to learn, and expand his/her skill set while possessing the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Experience with Excel required. Five Towns location. In-office position only, not remote. Please send resume to





Yeshiva Darchei Torah Middle School is seeking to hire teachers in all secular subjects for grades 6-8; excellent working environment and salary; Monday-Thursday, 2:305:30 PM. Interviews are being held now. Candidates should have prior teaching experience. Please send resume to

JOIN OUR TEAM! NurNursing Home Management Company in Brooklyn Looking to fill the following positions: Administrative Assistant MS office suite proficiency required Administrative Assistant experience required WE ARE LOOKING FOR AN EXPERIENCED FULL TIME BOOKKEEPER Excellent growth potential Frum environment Excellent salary & benefits Email resume to: Please put position title and FTJH in subject line

Yeshiva Kol Torah is growing and seeking phenomenal teachers in all subject areas to join our amazing faculty. Warm, professional, supportive and growth-oriented environment. Excellent pay. Interested candidates should submit resumes to Bais Yaakov in Far Rockaway seeking Lemudei Kodesh assistant teacher for lower elementary grades. Please email resume to General administrative support needed for busy Five Towns office. Part Time, in-office position. Flexible hours. Looking for someone who is detail-oriented and dedicated. Proficiency in Excel/Word a must. Please send inquiry/resume to NEW YESHIVA IN QUEENS SEEKING SECRETARY Must be detail-oriented, have great organizational skills, able to multitask. Experience in school programs a plus. Send resume to: or call/text: 347-351-4573 MDS REGIONAL NURSE: 5 Towns area Nursing Home management office seeking a Regional/Corporate level MDS Nurse to work in our office. Must be an RN. Regional experience preferred. 2-3 years MDS experience with good computer skills required. Position is Full Time but Part Time can be considered. Great Shomer Shabbos environment with some remote options as well. Email:

SHULAMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD is looking to hire a full time teacher assistant for the current school year. Please email resume to Girls elementary school in the five towns is seeking warm, dynamic, experienced preschool teachers for the school year beginning September 2022. Competitive salaries and benefits. Please email resume to job.preschool. General Studies teaching positions for elementary grades available for ‘22-’23 school year, due to simchas/scheduling. Mon.-Thurs., afternoon hours. Far Rockaway/5T area. Competitive salary, warm supportive environment.

MISC Gemach Zichron Yehuda In memory of R’ Yehuda Aryeh Leib ben R’ Yisroel Dov We have a library of books on the subjects of loss, aveilus, grief, & kaddish. We have sets of ArtScroll Mishnayos to assist with finishing Shisha Sidrei Mishna for Shloshim or yahrtzeit. Locations in Brooklyn, Far Rockaway, & Lakewood. Email:



CAMP FOR SALE GLEN SPEY NY ½ FROM MONTICELLO. RIGHT NR CAMP SIMCHA. Beautiful turnkey operational Camp for sale or lease. On 160 Acres, Room for 750+ campers + bungalows for staff all in immaculate cond. 5000sf Olympic size pool with 2 slides & more. 2 bldgs for Beis Midrah. Lighted courts. Much much more. Must see to appreciate. Can be in for this summer. Please email for more info. Serious inquires only











Staff To fill any of these times: Monday-Thursday: 6-9 PM

Shabbos: Friday, 2 Hours before Shabbos until 1 Hour After Shabbos Motzei Shabbos: Overnight, 9 PM- 6 AM

Ideal for college and seminary students looking for experience in the mental health field.

call: 516-612-3922


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home • text 443-929-4003


The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Lights, Camera, Action! by Allan rolnick, cPA

OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home




ast weekend, Hollywood’s elite gathered to do what they do best: celebrate themselves at the Oscars. And while Will Smith smacking Chris Rock sucked most of the oxygen out of the room, Sunday night’s “main event” still managed to honor the big-name nominees for awards like Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor and Actress. Smaller satellite ceremonies recognized everyone else, down to the gaffers, best boy grips, and bullwhip coordinators. (“Rolly Guacamole” beat out the “Macho Taco” in a hotly-contested race for “Best Performance by a Burrito Truck.”) There’s one unsung group, though, that still isn’t getting the red carpet they deserve, and that’s the tax professionals who make the movie money machine go ‘round. Filmmakers have always been willing to leave Hollywood for the right location at the right price. Just ask Clint Eastwood, who made his bones shooting cheap spaghetti westerns in Italy and Spain. But now, states looking to capture a slice of Hollywood’s Action! aren’t sitting around waiting for producers to find them. They’re bidding on shoots with a whole slate of tax breaks, loading up Super Soakers full of cash to spray down producers. That’s where the tax pros come in.

Have you ever wondered why Marvel Studios chose Georgia to film their Black Panther sequel? It’s not because of the Peach State’s rich vibranium deposits. No, last year, Georgia handed out over $1.2 billion in film and TV credits. Why would John Wick 4 shoot in New York? The Empire State offers up to 480$ million per year in tax breaks.

paid on profits. But in a plot twist worthy of M. Night Shyamalan, they calculate those credits as a percentage of spending, not profits. (Any Hollywood accountant can tell you their Prime Directive is to make sure there’s never a profit.) Credits are typically refundable, meaning producers can pocket them even if they don’t owe tax. Some are even transfer-

They’re bidding on shoots with a whole slate of tax breaks, loading up Super Soakers full of cash to spray down producers.

(“Why does the world need another John Wick movie?” might be a better question.) Why does Universal shoot Jurassic Park flicks in Louisiana? The Pelican State’s incentive program pays up to %40 for qualified expenses, including actor salaries. Most states structure their incentives as tax credits. (Sure sounds more impressive than “bribes,” right?) That suggests they’re refunding producers for taxes

able, meaning producers can sell them to local businesses that can’t get away with Hollywood’s special brand of creative accounting. As Louisiana’s Chief Legislative Economist confessed, “It’s got nothing to do with tax. We’re just using the tax-filing process and the Department of Revenue as the paying agent for a spending program. That’s what we’re doing.” Naturally, the folks back home in Hollywood aren’t taking this lying down. In

2009, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (!) signed California’s first film incentive into law. Last year, the state doubled the annual credit to $660 million and extended it through 2025. Are the giveaways worth it? The California Film Commission reports that since 2015, they’ve spent $1.1 billion in incentives to generate $8.4 billion in direct spending and help employ 27,000 actors and 36,000 crew members. They’ve lured 28 productions from other states, including HBO’s Veep and Ballers. So, while producers may be making out like bandits, everyone else is paying like usual. As you settle down to catch up on this year’s Oscar winners, spare a thought for the unsung heroes pulling the strings behind the cameras. They know the Academy won’t ever award a statuette for Best Performance Lobbying a State Legislature or Special Achievement in Cooking the Books. But they know, just like we do, that the right tax planning can make any financial decision a winner!

Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


Life c ach

Don’t Pass This Over by rivki D. rosenwald esq., LMFt, cLc, SDS


know…one week to go! “Why can’t we just pass it over?” is what you’re probably thinking. But, think again, amazing family time – OK, maybe a little too much at times. Great food – though you


may be the one prepar ing it. A lot of good songs – though some may be thinking dayeinu, enough! Fun vacation spots – though your room may be too far from the dining room or the all too integral tea room.

Journey to your Ultimate Self Expand your spiritual and intellectual horizons with this accessible and inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish wisdom.

Great weather – unless you chose a cold place for some crazy reason you can’t recall. But, come on. Isn’t it really a special time? Your family is getting together. You’ll enjoy people you haven’t been with in a while. You’ll eat yummy food. You’ll sing and laugh and relish quality time together. These are life’s blessings!

As I said, there could be some strains and stressors. But it’s all about attitude! Got my kids, my wife, my life, etc. What’s so terrible about a little strife thrown in? When you do your searching this week, see if you can really find your attitude of gratitude! And get ready for the ups the downs and, of course, sideways ‘cause that’s how we sit on Passover.

When you do your searching this week, see if you can really find your attitude of gratitude.


He received semichah from Yeshiva University’s RIETS and is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. Haskamos and praise from Rabbi Asher Weiss, Rabbi Michael Rosensweig, Rabbi Zev Leff, and Rabbi Akiva Tatz.

To Order or Learn More, Go to FOLLOW US FOR DAILY UPDATES

Then embrace it with enthusiasm and fervor. And you’ll be off to a holiday where you don’t pass over the bright spots – and where you’ll see why this night is different from all others.

Rivki Rosenwald is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist working with both couples and individuals and is a certified relationship counselor. Rivki is a co-founder and creator of an effective Parent Management of Adolescent Years Program. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or at


Mosaica Press books are available for purchase online or at your local Jewish bookshop.

Can I guarantee there won’t be some tension? Just swallowing the pungent marror can do a number on you. And gobbling down 20 pieces of matzah stuffed with nuts, wine, apples and giant slabs of romaine lettuce is not such a breeze, either. Especially, with a time limit. Now, staying alert can also be challenging. After all, it’s late at night, which is not easy sober. And you’re doing this on four brimming cups of red wine. Then playing hide and seek somewhere near midnight. Really? Couldn’t this be a sitting-down game instead of running all over the house this late? And you’ve also got to pay out for the privilege.

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

is an author, educator, and speaker who has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership.


APRIL 7, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022



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99 96 oz

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$ 49

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8 Pack


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1 $ 49 2 5 LB

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$ 99 16 oz

Schmerling Chocolate Bars 3.5 oz

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5 LB Hyoola 4 Hour Tealights

50 Pack


$ 79 Unger’s Non-Dairy Topping


$ 99 7 oz


$ 99 16 oz Meal Mart Chik’n Turkey Shapes

Except Chickies




$ 59 12 oz

32 oz

Select Flounder Item No. 046676-040001 12 per case Net Wt. 12 oz.

1st Cut Brisket


$ 99 LB

Breast of Veal



10 lb Bag Onions

Del Monte Pineapples



$ 99 EA

$ 99 EA

Passover Chocolate Raisins


$ 49 14 oz


Nova Salmon



8 oz

Mehadrin Corned Beef Deckle

Chicken Wings



$ 69 LB

$ 49 LB

Case Lemons




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23 oz

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Hagadda Cookies Except Lace


$ 49 10 oz/12 oz

Keilim Mikveh on Premises | Pre-Shabbos Buffet Every Thursday & Friday! Savings Plaza | 11 Lawrence Lane, Lawrence, NY | (516) 371-6200 | | /kolsavemarket Hours: Sunday-Tuesday: 7am-8pm | Wednesday: 7am-10pm | Thursday: 7am-11pm | Friday: 7am-5pm We reserve the right to limit quan��es. No rain checks. Not responsible for typographical errors.

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Articles inside

Don’t Pass This Over by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

pages 150-152


pages 142-147

Your Money

pages 148-149

Bravery in Battle by Avi Heiligman

pages 140-141

Has Putin’s Brutality Finally Hit a Wall in Ukraine? by David Ignatius

pages 138-139

Painful Choices Lie in the Path to Peace in Ukraine by David Ignatius

pages 136-137

DIY Therapy is Not Good Enough by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn

pages 124-125

Teen Talk

pages 118-119

The Aussie Gourmet: Spare Ribs

pages 130-131

A Perfect Pesach Plan by Aliza Beer, MS RD

pages 126-127

Notable Quotes

pages 132-135

A New Wave of Terror Hits the Holy Land

pages 114-117

Of Kiddush Hashem Large and Small

pages 110-113

Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow

pages 100-103

That’s Odd

pages 38-41

World Builders

pages 106-109

Rabbi Wein on the Parsha

pages 92-95

Community Happenings

pages 42-89

The Wandering Jew

pages 104-105


pages 12-25

Israel News

pages 26-32
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