Five Towns Jewish Home - 4-7-22

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022

26 gether. Among the accusations against Moher were that he used “psychological and emotional abuse” and threatened his wife,” who hailed the ruling. “To those who have emotionally coerced and controlled, physically hurt, and dehumanized their spouses — the law will not allow you to get away with your crimes,” she said. “To those victims out there, you are not alone, and justice and humanity are on your side,” she added. “I urge you not to stay silent but to fight for your freedom.”

U.S. Envoy: Israel Will Handle Iran U.S. Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides on Thursday said that Israel will not face U.S. restrictions if it wishes to act

against Iran, regardless of whether a new nuclear deal is signed.

When asked in an interview with Israel’s Channel 12 News if Israel will be expected to “sit quietly and not do anything” if a nuclear deal is signed, Nides said, “Absolutely not. We’ve been very clear about this. If we have a deal, the Israelis’ hands are not tied. If we don’t have a deal, the Israelis’ hands are certainly not tied. “Israel can do and take whatever actions they need to take to protect the state of Israel.” Nides added that U.S. President Joe Biden “will do whatever he can do to make sure that Iran does not have a nuclear weapon… It’s clear we’d like to do it through a diplomatic channel.” According to him, “The Israelis know very clearly exactly what is going on. I’m not suggesting they necessarily like it al-

IMPORTANT REMINDER! Don’t forget to cancel your gardener/ landscaper for the week of Pesach With the hustle and bustle of Yom Tov preparations, we often forget that one’s gardener should not be doing work on his property on Chol Hamoed. So take a moment to contact your gardener to cancel service for the week of Pesach.

Wishing you a Chag Sameach!

Plan ahead … email for a handy list of upcoming Yomim Tovim to give your gardener so he can schedule appropriately.

ways, but there are no secrets here.” When asked about Israel’s efforts to stop the current wave of terror attacks, Nides told Channel 12, “We’re not going to tell the government what to do.” He also said that payments to terrorists, which he called “martyr payments,” “must stop.” At the same time, the U.S. does not want to “lose the vision” of a twostate solution, though he admitted that “we can’t impose anything on anyone.” The United States is also “very comfortable with what the Israelis are doing vis-à-vis Ukraine,” Nides added. “When we have issues, we express them, as Israel expresses them to us.”

The Beautiful Kinneret

This week, the Kinneret neared its upper red line threshold, sitting only 13 inches below its maximum capacity — a level which it has not reached in 30 years. The water level is now 13 inches below the upper red line, or 686 feet below sea level. The water levels of the Kinneret have seen dramatic highs and perilous lows in recent years. Only six years ago, the situation was extremely bleak. On April 4, 2016, the lake level was 11 feet lower than today. The Kinneret is Israel’s largest freshwater lake, and while it is no longer used as the main source of drinking water, it is still seen as a significant gauge of seasonal rainfall. Even though the Kinneret is nearing its maximum capacity, there are failsafes to prevent flooding. If the water level exceeds the upper red line, the Israel Water Authority opens the Deganya dam, located at the southern end of the lake.

Arab Mayor Mourns Terrorists Umm al-Fahm Mayor Samir Sobhi Mahamed on Thursday briefly resigned his position following criticism for his condolence message mourning two

ISIS-inspired terrorists who murdered two Border Police officers in Hadera last week.

Two hours after his resignation announcement, however, Mahamed changed his mind, stating that he would remain in his position due to pressure not to step down. The message in question, posted on Facebook and signed by Mahamed, mourned the deaths of terrorists Ayman and Ibrahim Ighbariah, cousins from the northern Arab city, who were killed by police while carrying out their terror attack. The post was deleted after about an hour, and Mahamed apologized, saying it had been posted by an external contractor and claimed he had not seen it prior to its publication. In an interview with Kan that evening, Mahamed said he would take responsibility for the post but said that the condolences were routine. “It shouldn’t have been sent out,” he said then. “I understand everyone who is angry.” He added, “If I need to resign, I will resign. I came here to benefit the Arab community. If my resignation will benefit the community, that’s what I will do.” When asked whether he was actually resigning, Mahamed said, “You know what, this is my redemption. Yes, I announce my resignation. I’m leaving this position with a lot of pain because I came here to contribute.” According to Channel 12 News, several government ministers called Mahamed to urge him not to resign. Later, at around 10pm that same night, Mahamed told Israeli news outlets, “Thank you all for the support. I won’t resign.” Mahamed emphasized to Kan, “We’ve condemned, we still condemn, the crime committed in Hadera. It didn’t come from us, as far as we’re concerned murder is murder. “My agenda and vision have always been … tolerance, activism, and partnership, and I always tried to implement those values in collaborations with the Jewish community and that is what I will continue to do.”

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Articles inside

Don’t Pass This Over by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

pages 150-152


pages 142-147

Your Money

pages 148-149

Bravery in Battle by Avi Heiligman

pages 140-141

Has Putin’s Brutality Finally Hit a Wall in Ukraine? by David Ignatius

pages 138-139

Painful Choices Lie in the Path to Peace in Ukraine by David Ignatius

pages 136-137

DIY Therapy is Not Good Enough by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn

pages 124-125

Teen Talk

pages 118-119

The Aussie Gourmet: Spare Ribs

pages 130-131

A Perfect Pesach Plan by Aliza Beer, MS RD

pages 126-127

Notable Quotes

pages 132-135

A New Wave of Terror Hits the Holy Land

pages 114-117

Of Kiddush Hashem Large and Small

pages 110-113

Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow

pages 100-103

That’s Odd

pages 38-41

World Builders

pages 106-109

Rabbi Wein on the Parsha

pages 92-95

Community Happenings

pages 42-89

The Wandering Jew

pages 104-105


pages 12-25

Israel News

pages 26-32
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