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Maybe you go home and kiss your grandmother and wind up killing your grandmother.
- Gov. Cuomo – who is responsible for the deaths of thousands in nursing homes – criticizing those who don’t get the vaccine
I actually feel quite young. On a good day, I feel like I’m 40; on a bad day, 50.
- 97-year-old British-Israeli Walter Bingham who earned the Guinness Record for world’s oldest journalist, in an interview with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
A lot of people think I’ve given up my childhood or somehow lost it, and I say to them that I’m having the time of my life.
- Mike Wimmer, 12, of North Carolina, who is graduating from high school and college this week, after taking online courses over the past year
Today marks the end of President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office…and to celebrate the occasion, last night Joe Biden delivered his first address to Congress. Yes, for hundreds of years, Joe Biden has sat and watched other presidents give speeches to Congress, but now it was his turn. Hear me clearly: America is not a racist country. It’s backwards to fight discrimination with different discrimination. And it’s wrong to try to use our painful past to dishonestly shut down debates in the present.
-Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) delivering a rebuttal to President Biden’s first joint address to Congress
Intolerance so often comes from the left with words like “Uncle Tim” … being used against me. And last night what was trending in social media was “Uncle Tim,” and they doubled down on this concept of liberal oppression. It is stunning in 2021 that those who speak about ending discrimination want to end it by more discrimination.
- Sen. Scott responding to some of the vile hatred spewed against him on Twitter and social media
The left has doubled down that they are going to – not attack my policies – but they’re literally attacking the color of my skin
.- Ibid
We do feel that our biggest contribution to reducing our carbon footprint is, of course, not having children.
- One of the climate activists that YahooLife spoke to for an article titled, “As climate anxiety builds, these women are choosing to not have children”
It’s uncomfortable. It’s a long journey. You might not come back alive. We won’t make anyone go. Volunteers only.
- Elon Musk in a recent interview about his plan to send people to Mars within 20 years
A third of people under 35 say they’re in favor of abolishing the police. Not defunding – but doing away with a police force altogether.… Thirty-six percent of millennials think it might be a good idea to try communism. But much of the world did try it. I know, millennials think that doesn’t count because they weren’t alive when it happened. Abolish the police? And the Border Patrol? And capitalism? And cancel Lincoln? No, I get it. The problem isn’t that I don’t get what you’re saying or that I’m old, the problem is your ideas are stupid. If you say, “Let’s eat in the bathroom and [relieve ourselves] in the kitchen,” yeah, that’s a new idea, but I wouldn’t call it interior design.
– Bill Maher, HBO
As you know, it’s very early. But I think people are going to be very, very happy when I make a certain announcement.
– Donald Trump, in an interview with Candace Owens, when asked if he plans on running in 2024
The Capitol took center stage tonight [for Pres. Biden’s address], and I got to be honest. It was nice to see someone behind the podium who wasn’t wearing deer antlers and a pelt.
— Jimmy Fallon
We welcome you back to planet Earth, and thanks for flying SpaceX. For those of you enrolled in our frequent flyer program, you’ve earned 68 million miles on this voyage.
- SpaceX’s Mission Control as four SpaceX astronauts splash-landed in the Gulf of Mexico on Sunday
We will take those miles. Are they transferrable?
- SpaceX commander Mike Hopkins in response Unfortunately, that is now the go-to attack for Democrats. They accuse anyone who disagrees with them on any issue of being a racist. And they use language that is just incendiary. It’s inflammatory, and they’re deliberately playing on racial divisions in our country. They do it on issue after issue after issue.… You know, people talk about playing the race card – it is the only card they have in their deck, and so that’s their standard attack. And D.C. statehood, their push here, is part of a broader effort. We have Democratic control of the White House and both houses of Congress, and their number one priority — it’s not COVID, it’s not vaccinations, it’s not reopening jobs, it’s not getting kids back in school, it’s not doing anything substantive — their number one priority is they want to stay in power forever.

- Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
The CDC is a thoroughly politicized agency. Most Americans disregard their advice on things like steaks and hamburgers and beers. Increasingly, they should disregard their advice when it comes to school reopenings.
– Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark)
[Masks are no longer required outdoors.] On the bright side, now we can stop weirdly opening our eyes to greet people on the street.
— Jimmy Fallon
This is a salary to terrorists paid for with our tax money.
- Dick Morris, Newsmax, talking about President Biden restoring $235 million in funding for Palestinians
He should resign. I’ve been saying this for months. He can’t continue to lead. Nursing home scandal…assault scandal, using his staff to write his book, I mean, it’s just – it doesn’t end. He just has to go.
- New York Mayor Bill de Blasio talking about Gov. Andrew Cuomo on MSNBC
Ask the people of New York what they think about the mayor of New York City, and I’ll second their opinion.
- Gov. Cuomo in response, during a press conference
The city is beginning to recover, but selfdescribed anarchists who engage in regular criminal destruction don’t want things to open up, to recover. They want to prevent us from doing the work of making a better Portland for everyone. They want to burn, they want to bash.
- Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, who for months supported ANTIFA rioters in Portland, changing his tune and asking for the riots to stop The first 100 days of the Biden administration have been great for the cartels, the gangs, human traffickers who had been exploiting the border.

– Texas Governor Greg Abott (R)

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