2 minute read
What Time is It? by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS
Life C ach
What Time Is It Anyway?
Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS
Remember a thing called a clock? I like them. They help me know the time. And remain organized.
I’ve heard that if one is of German descent, this concept is not necessarily speaking to them. Somehow, a clock serves no purpose for them because time awareness is genetically wired into their being. I’m guessing clocks might actually even be set by their inner gauge.
My old friend, who said he was a Yekkie, said he had no need for a watch. In fact, he was naturally always a half hour early.
I, on the other hand, always keep my watch 10 minutes ahead, just to make sure I’m on time.
And my dad does something even more extreme: he keeps his watch an
hour and 10 minutes ahead. And then just about makes it to where he needs to be on time.
So how is it that people manage so well without clocks these days? Clocks seem to be less and less prevalent.
And watches are almost obsolete.
The new generation, it seems, resorts to their phones for everything – time included!
I’m lucky if I can even locate my phone half the time. I certainly wouldn’t want to let it be responsible for getting me places on time. My watch is integral to me knowing the time.
And when I’m home, I’m always checking the clocks.
I practically use the oven more for the time than for cooking!
The other day, the cable company upgraded my cable box. My new one has no clock on it. I just realized that I used to stare at it 20 times a day. I clearly used it more to inform me of the hour than for watching any show without even realizing it.
Tick-tock use to be identified with the sound of a timepiece. Today, it more likely brings to mind a popular video sharing social network.
And what exactly happens on Shabbos? If people aren’t using their cellphones on, how do they know what time it is? I mean, I know it’s the day of rest, but without knowing the time, does time actually stand still?
G-d exists above time, but we don’t. Therefore, we still need some way of knowing.
I guess our choices are:
Memorize the positions of the sun and the moon.
Hangout with a friend of German heritage.
Install some clocks around our houses.
Or, to make it easy, get yourself a watch.
For those who don’t know what that is – it’s a band on your arm that reports the time.
So WATCH out, things may be ever-changing, but sometimes there
are benefits to some of our tried and true devices.
Whoops! I gotta go now. I have a client arriving at 4:30. My dad says it’s 5:40.
Which I confirm on my watch as 4:40. Which I can verify on my phone, as soon as I find it. Oh yes, here it is. Yup! It’s 4:30.
TIME to go....
Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or rivki@rosenwalds.com.
Miriam Jacobovits