Five Towns Jewish Home - 12-23-21

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DECEMBER 23, 2021 | The Jewish Home


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

jewish women of wisdom

Infinity By Miriam Liebermann, MSW


recently read of a young man who, whilst experiencing a challenging time in his life, approached a prominent rav to ask his advice and get a bracha. He recounts the details of his challenge in great detail. The rav responds with a nod of his head and just one word. “And?” The young man believes that the rav did not get the gist of what he was sharing. He again imparts all the details. And the Rav responds as he had done so earlier. “And?” Now the young man understands. He was telling his story… but the story isn’t over yet. We’re all still in the thick of our stories. We’re seeking the happy ending, but it’s not time yet. We have a while to go. We must sit tight, watch the show unfold and bide our time. Of course, we can’t understand the whys and wherefores; we’re too deeply involved in our own stories. There’s so much more ahead of us. What we can do is live each day to the maximum. Savor each day. Fill each day with meaning, with joy to the best of our abilities. And of course, acknowledge and be grateful

for the many gifts and blessings G-d grants us. I think of this concept often these days. Allow me please to explain. I’ve always been a major walker. I was a regular in Riverside Park when we lived in Manhattan. I witnessed the changing of the seasons

concept of infinity that moves me so. I gaze out onto the horizon that goes on and on, absolutely forever. The waves keep charging the shore; no break for weary waves. Although the sun moves across the sky and throws its light at changing angles throughout the day, the heavens and the waters are in their place, exactly

I gaze out onto the horizon that goes on and on, absolutely forever.

from up close. I observed my favorite trees as they shed their leaves each fall. When the crocuses reared their heads in the early spring heralding the new season, I was enthralled. I was so connected. In our new hometown, Lawrence, heading out often to the boardwalk in Long Beach, during the early morning hours, I am now totally enamored by the ocean view. I believe it’s the

where they belong. And life goes on. As I stand along the shore, I sense this vast universe. I’m part of an entity so much larger than myself. Absolutely awesome. It strikes me anew each time I venture out. The ultimate lesson? The story goes on and on and on. May I point out, our story, my story – and your story, too! – actually begins with our Avos and Imahos.

That’s where our collective family has its roots. We are all connected. Their spiritual DNA is floating through our psyches. Their inspiration keeps us going on our long, sometimes convoluted journeys. We are part of an entity much greater than ourselves. That reality should give us strength and courage, grit and stamina. That also forces us to assume responsibility. What am I doing for my extended family? What role am I playing? How am I relevant? These past few weeks, as we read through Sefer Bereishis, studying the details of various major episodes in the lives of our Avos and Imahos, we took note of the relevant lessons. These lessons are certainly not just for our schoolchildren; they are even more essential for us, the adults. What’s the point? Infinity is still a long way off. What’s behind the horizon? Only G-d knows. And our story, your story, goes on and on. Join the conversation and email list of JWOW! by writing to hello

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The Legacy of MK Rabbi Avraham Ravitz by Pinchos Freidlander

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Israel News

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How to Overcome Fear by Rabbi Shmuel Reichman

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Let’s Talk by Rafi Sackville

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Rabbi Wein on the Parsha

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