2 minute read
Upcoming Annual Community Campaign events
Jewish Together Builds Our Future
Marcy Friedland, FRD Director
The following events are planned. Please consider joining us.
Wednesday, Feb. 8 –Major Gifts & Lions of Judah reception and dinner
Major donors and the Lions of Judah contribute $5,000+ per year to Federation’s annual community campaign. This annual event is our way of honoring and thanking them.
Thursday, Feb. 9 –TOP Lunch & Learn
TOP is JFGN’s community foundation partner, along with Goldman Sachs. This month, we will have a luncheon featuring a speaker who will discuss a timely topic in reference to planned giving.
Wednesday, Feb. 22 –Women’s Philanthropy Luncheon
All women are invited to our luncheon with guest speaker Dr. Jaclynn Faff er, president/CEO Baker Senior Center Naples, Inc. Dr. Faffer will discuss how our Hurricane Ian recovery funds were distributed and helped many people in our community.
Sunday, March 12 –Power of Community Celebration Brunch
Our annual event, which celebrates JFGN’s annual community campaign while highlighting several Collier County teachers and students with awards and scholarships
Wednesday, March 29 – Lions of Judah Tea –at Royal Poinciana
A warm and inviting tea with a guest speaker and time to socialize
Monday, April 10 –Annual Meeting
Election of officers and board members. All are welcome.
Come participate in one or all of JFGN’s events in our new building as we celebrate Jewish Together Builds Our Future.
For more information on these events, contact me at 239-263-4205 or mfriedland@jewishnaples.org.