4 minute read
Planning ahead in 2023
It’s better to be five years too early than five minutes too late!
By Bruce B. Rosenblatt, Senior Housing Expert/Owner Senior Housing Solutions
As we start 2023, it’s time to reflect on the past, enjoy the present and plan for the future. What we learned from the past will help us plan for the future.
As an expert in senior housing, I have had the opportunity to help many people with the decision to move to a senior living community. I cannot tell you the number of times I have heard the phrase, “I’m not ready yet,” and, later, after someone moves to a senior community, I hear, “We wished we would have done it sooner… it was the best decision we’ve ever made.”
Planning for senior living is not easy. Thinking your physical and mental health will not be the same as you get older is a hard concept for some. Why should you disrupt your status quo and plan for something that may never happen? Do you ‘roll the dice’ and live in a state of denial and not have a plan at all? Doing nothing is actually doing something; however, the end result may not be what you expected.
Most people achieve success in their lives by developing and executing a plan of action. Researching senior housing is the same.
Being realistic about your changing health and the impact it will have on your spouse and family is an important consideration. Do you want to move in with your kids? Do you want your kids to decide where you live, or would you rather be proactive and decide where you want to live before something happens?
Life in a senior living community has many advantages. The main one being peace of mind for the future. It is important to know you have a plan in place if something does happen. Having access to dining services, social programs, life-long friendships, transportation and 24/7 medical services in a maintenance free environment will enhance your life, not limit it.
So, how do you begin the process? First, you should have ‘the talk’ with your spouse and family. It is important everyone is on the same page as you. Think about the geographic area where you want to live. Do you want to live up north near your children or would you rather live here in sunny Florida?
Since this is a very complicated decision, it would be highly advisable to speak with someone like myself who has industry knowledge and someone who can help educate you about the various options that exist in this market. It is advisable to avoid internet searching since there are unethical companies out there who will gather your personal information and sell it to third parties.
Trying to do this on your own could have major implications you would want to avoid. The last thing you would want to do is move somewhere and later find out the community is in financial or operational turmoil. As the “Matchmaker of Senior Housing,” we can help you find a community with like-minded people and a place where you can be happy and safe.
Taking your time and doing your due diligence is very important. Not all communities are the same. It might take multiple visits before you will be able to feel comfortable with your choice. Most good communities will require a medical assessment, so being five years too early will be an important consideration at this stage. Some communities will have a waiting list, which factors in this overall timing of your move.
John Beckley once said, “People don’t plan to fail, they fail to have a plan.” Maybe 2023 is the year for you to develop your plan!