Federation Star - October 2020

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October 2020

Federation Star


www.bethtikvahnaples.org / 239.434.1818


Beth Tikvah update


s October arrives and we begin to prepare for another season, we all hoped that the COVID-19 viral pandemic would be over. Unfortunately, that is not to be. The future continues to be unknown and we are living in a “new normal.” We still are very cautious and, when we go out, most of us wear masks. Many of us have experienced only limited social gatherings, always 6 feet apart. Virtual Zoom meetings have replaced social lunches and we all long for the hugs and kisses of the past. Despite the many changes in the “now normal,” we have been able to create some routines that make our days complete. Thanks to Rabbi Chorny, you can join a regular Zoom minyan on Thursday and Sunday mornings as well as streamed services Friday night and Saturday morning. Tuesday classes continue to be held at 12:15 p.m. weekly, by Zoom, on topical issues of the day. It is our hope to be able to congregate once again for these events when we are able to gather safely. Our programs for the year ahead are scheduled, including our lecture series, educational programs, Scholar in Residence

Beth Tikvah Co-Presidents Shelley Goodman and Sue Hammerman

and Naples Jewish Film Festival. Everything that we do now in Beth Tikvah is remote and virtual, until such time as we are able to reopen our sanctuary and resume normal activity. Information regarding all programs and Zoom and streaming links are available on the Beth Tikvah website at www.bethtikvah naples.org. You may also check the portal to “All T hi n gs Be th Ti kvah” at http://BethTikvahNaples.org. Everyone is invited to join Rabbi and Aviva Chorny for a special Shabbat Sukkot dinner celebration Friday, Oct. 2, immediately after services at

6:15 p.m. Services will be streamed and the celebration will be by Zoom. Prepare your dinner and join us virtually in the Sukkah. Sunday, Oct. 4 at 4:30 p.m., Neil Adelman will be doing a Zoom lecture about the Book of Ecclesiastes, which is associated with Sukkot. Neil will talk about religious and philosophical aspects as well as literature and art. Our ladies Rosh Chodesh group will meet on Sunday, Oct. 18, when Terri Kline will be discussing the book “Copperhead” by Alexi Zentner. All are welcome to join by Zoom at 11 a.m. There will be a streamed service for Shemini Atseret/Simchat Torah on October 10 at 9 a.m., followed by Yiskor service at 10:45 a.m. Though none of us would like to think this time of virtual and remote connection is permanent, for now, as we work together, we are managing to find the best in every day. Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to keep us moving forward.

Beth Tikvah happenings October • Friday, Oct. 2 - Erev Sukkot Eat

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and Learn at 6:15 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25 Morning minyan at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27 Study with the Rabbi at 12:15 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 3 - Sukkot services at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 4 - Neil Adelman lecture at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 8 - Chol Hamoed Minyan at 9 a.m. Friday, Oct. 9 - Hoshana Raba Erev Yom Tov at 6:15 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 10 - Shemini Atseret/ Simchat Torah Yiskor at 9 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 18 - Rosh Chodesh Ladies Group at 11 a.m.

Religious services schedule • • • • •

Friday services begin at 6:15 p.m. Saturday services begin at 9:30 a.m. Sunday minyan begins at 9 a.m. Thursday minyan begins at 9 a.m. We convene Yahrzeit minyanim upon request, with a two-week notice.

You may reach Rabbi Chorny directly at 239-537-5257.

www.naplestemple.org / 239.455.3030


Temple Shalom events open to the community


emple Shalom offers many virtual opportunities to stay connected during this time of social distancing. In addition to the events listed below, please visit our YouTube channel, Temple Shalom Naples, for beautiful music from Cantor Donna Azu and previously recorded programs from Rabbi Adam Miller and Rabbi Ariel Boxman,

including interviews with guests doing their part to make the world more whole and holy, and book discussions with guest authors. Follow us on Facebook, TempleShalom NaplesFL, for informational links and live content. For Zoom links to our other programs and events, please send a request to info@naplestemple.org.

For information on our High Holy Days services, please see our ad in this issue or visit our website at www.naplestemple.org. Shabbat services, via our livestream, can be found on our website, under the media tab, and Facebook Live on the Temple Shalom Facebook page: • Friday evening at 7:30 p.m.


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Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Havdalah service - Saturday evening at 8 p.m. live on our Facebook page; interactive on Zoom. Please email info@naplestemple.org for the link. Saturday Morning Torah Study Saturdays at 9 a.m. via Zoom. Please email info@naplestemple.org for the link.

www.marcojcmi.com / 239.642.0800

Look how far we’ve come By Sue Baum, President


he history of the Jewish Congregation of Marco Island begins in 1982, when Elena Rosner and Marjorie Seltzer invited a few people to a meeting for the purpose of discussing the possible formation of a Jewish house of worship. From there, we moved to the Marco Island Art League, where we met for worship while our building was

finally underway. For these many years, we have opened our doors to all who wish to worship with us in our small, but beautiful, sanctuary. This season, we have moved again— right into your home! While this is new territory for all of us, we strive to continue our worship in a safe and meaningful way for all. We, like our ancestors, are

resourceful. We will use live streaming, not just for the interim, but going forward as well. In the near future, this technology will allow those unable to join us physically to be part of our worship at a distance. Maybe your ride to temple fell through or you are away on vacation— our worship services will still be available to you.

This October, we look forward to the Festival of Sukkot and celebrating Simchat Torah. The Lulav and Etrog are en route. It is exciting to worship together with our new technology. Members and nonmembers are welcome. For further information, contact our office staff at 239-642-0800.

In view of ongoing pandemic precautions, worship at JCMI is being live streamed by Zoom. Friends and well-wishers in the community interested in “distance-davvening” to honor

Danny Benarroch can obtain login protocols by contacting the Jewish Congregation of Marco Island office at 239642-0800 or at the synagogue website marcojcmi.com.

Mazal Tov, Danny Benarroch


ar-Mitzvah candidate Danny Benarroch will have two scoops of celebration on the first day of Sukkot, Saturday, Oct. 3, as he conducts both Shabbat and Festival morning worship at

Jewish Congregation of Marco Island. Danny is the son of long-time JCMI members Al and Yvette Benarroch, and a student at the Marco Island Charter Middle School.

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Articles inside

Temple Shalom Preschool

page 34

Preschool of the Arts welcomes children back to school

page 33

Naples BBYO is back

page 32

Voting during the crucible of COVID-19

page 32

Mazal Tov, Danny Benarroch

page 31

Look how far we’ve come

page 31

Temple Shalom events open to the community

page 31

Beth Tikvah update

page 31

Zooming through Southwest Florida Jewish History

page 30

Who we are

page 29

Save the date for Hadassah programs

page 29

Honoring our past

page 28

A matter of timing

page 27

Jewish National Fund-USA goes virtual for 2020 National Conference

page 26

FIDF announces appointment of new CEO

page 26

Sukkot sweet treat

page 24

France Introduces its Own “Nuremberg Laws”

page 23

Local guy in good flick

pages 21-22

Naples Senior Center continues to serve

page 21

Experts discuss human rights issues after ‘Movies That Matter’

page 16

Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center update

page 15

“We Are All Jews”

page 14

Important programs for discussion and action set virtually

page 14

Make your voice heard

page 13

Commemorating the 82nd Anniversary of Kristallnacht

page 9

“The Mask Crusaders”

page 9

Israel Advocacy Committee Explores Fall Programming

page 8

Explore religious traditions of the world in a three-part series

page 8

Get your program here!

page 7

2021 Annual Community Campaign news

page 7

Meet the editor

page 6

Reneé’s community program & events corner

page 6

Why you should become a Patron of the Jewish Book Festival!

page 5

Fill your calendar with these Zoom-tastic Events!

page 4

Lori Gottlieb to kick off the 2020-21 Jewish Book Festival

page 4

Building our new home

pages 1-2

Zoom along with us!

page 3

Jewish Interest

pages 21-26

How we choose to live our lives

pages 28-30

The greatest legacy one can leave

page 27

To Zoom or not to Zoom?

page 12

Men’s Cultural Alliance offers full fall lineup

pages 10-11
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