Federation Star - September 2021

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Federation Star


September 2021

My teen self would be proud of my adult work to strengthen Israel By Joshua Mellits, Jewish National Fund-USA Director, Western Florida

T Wishing You a Sweet & Happy New Year “As we dip our apples in honey, we pray for an additional measure of sweetness. May we continue to grow in our commitment to our faith, our people and community. May all Jews experience blessings in the year ahead, and may the world become a better place for all your children.” – Rabbis Bennet Miller & Erik Lankin Please come visit our

Garden of Remembrance

Hodges Funeral Home at Naples Memorial Gardens

525 11th Avenue North | Naples, FL 34108 239-597-3101 | www.HodgesNaplesMG.com

WOMEN’S CULTURAL ALLIANCE is excited to announce the

WCA Younger Division

hroughout my life, I people, or looking over valleys have recorded meanand vegetation below me in ingful moments the light of dawn at Masada. through writing, and I tend Before, I dutifully read the to hold onto those pieces. biblical text; now, I was using I kept my diary from third the Tanach [Hebrew Bible] as grade, letters from summy road map.” mer camp and clippings Other detailed scenes from school newspapers — include muddy knees in including a poignant article caves used during the Bar processing my own and my Kochva revolt against the middle-school classmates’ Romans in the 2nd century Josh Mellits trauma as eyewitnesses to CE; stargazing on a solo trek the September 11 terror attacks while in the dunes of the Negev; dancing in on a field trip. Having these first-person an ultra-Orthodox synagogue in a sea of accounts is a treasured window into past men’s black hats on the holiday of Simexperiences as they happened. chat Torah; windows rattling from notAmong these invaluable reflections are so-distant explosions during a homestay some from the most impactful trip I’ve near the Gaza border; and countless more. ever taken: my junior year semester at the That is why working for Jewish Alexander Muss High School in Israel, National Fund-USA feels like I have come now powered by Jewish National Fundfull circle, dedicating my professional USA (AMHSI-JNF). I had been to Israel many times, vacationing and visiting family outside Tel Aviv, but this was my first time exploring the country — not as a tourist, but as a resident and student. Years later, I think fondly back on the memories of studying abroad with my friends from my suburban Philadelphia Jewish day school (Barrack Hebrew Academy) and lescareer to the Jewish community and to sons learned on living independently as strengthening the land and people of preparation for college. Israel. I would like to think my past self Yet being able to peek into the realwould be proud, and he said it best, “My time thoughts of my teenage mind is a perspective has been entirely altered … special gift. In one passage, I describe I know I had taken for granted … my “the sense of accomplishment I felt trekfrequent visits to the Holy Land, and king on land where my ancient ancestors most importantly, my knowledge about died fighting for the survival of the Jewish our people. I was educated with a head for Judaism, but only now have I fully developed a heart and soul for it.” For more information about Jewish National Fund-USA’s High School in Israel, contact Joshua Mellits, Director, Western Florida, jmellits@jnf.org or visit amhsi.org.

Featuring evening and Sunday programming for women younger than 60. A new group for like-minded women to engage in social and cultural activities relevant to you, especially if you work or have children at home and are unable to participate in daytime activities. Join in activities and events designed to meet your interests and schedule. To learn more about the WCA Younger Division, contact Shelly Bell at sbell987@aol.com or call 313-550-3313. To learn more about WCA, visit wcanaples.org

PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS THEY HELP MAKE THE FEDERATION STAR POSSIBLE To advertise, contact Joy Walker at 941-284-0520 or walkerjoy62@yahoo.com.

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Articles inside

Celebrating new additions to Temple Shalom Preschool

page 42

Ultimate early childhood experiences

page 41

Developing leaders

page 40

Join us in celebrating Rosh Hashanah

page 39

High Holidays

page 38

Are we there yet?

page 37

A different High Holidays in 2021 — again

page 37

Welcome members, old and new

page 36

Eyes on the stars

page 35

Embrace the season of hope

page 34

Balancing core principles of the Jewish religion

page 33

How many Jews does it take to change

page 32

It’s time to remember

page 31

Remembering veterans

page 28

The heart of Hadassah

page 27

New year, new developments

page 26

President Biden nominates Professor Lipstadt to monitor and combat antisemitism

page 25

Conversations on Zionism: reclaiming the narrative

page 25

My teen self would be proud of my adult work to strengthen Israel

page 24

Iranian Muslim dissidents and activists meet IDF soldiers on Lebanon’s border

page 22

Handing out cash to the grandkids – Is there a better way?

page 19

Traditional Honey Cake goes modern

page 18

Emmys, new series and a movie, a little catch-up

page 17

Tfillah and Shirah — two legs of the spiritual throne

page 16

Temple Shalom events open to the community

page 15

Naples Senior Center reopens and looks to future

page 14

Building respect through empathy

page 13

Are you ready for the new season? WCA is!

page 12

Debunking the myths of retirement communities

page 11

We are back

page 10

L’Shanah Tovah from MCA

page 10

Inside Israeli innovations

page 8

Israel Advocacy Committee plans upcoming season

page 8

Kristallnacht 2021 Commemoration

page 8

Volunteers are needed to join the Jewish Community Relations Council

page 6

A new year and Here for Good

page 6

Get ready for the 7th Jewish Book Festival!

page 5

Coming now … and next month

page 4

Programs for everyone

page 4

And the seasons go round and round

page 3

Participating in the community to better humanity

page 3

Your support makes our new cultural center possible

page 2

Capital Campaign challenge matching grant

page 1
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