1 minute read
Marcy Friedland appointed new Director of FRD
By Jeffrey Feld, Jewish Federation of Greater Naples President & CEO
Iam pleased to announce that Marcy Friedland has been promoted to the position of Director of FRD. FRD stands for Financial Resource Development. Friedland will now be responsible for all aspects of various campaigns for our Federation. This will certainly include the Annual Community Campaign, Capital Campaign, emergency campaigns and planned giving campaigns.
At the time this position was announced, a national search was conducted. It was later determined that Friedland is the best person to help Federation move its fi nancial resource development agenda forward.
Friedland was first hired in 2018 as Federation’s Capital Campaign and Planned Giving Director. While in that position, she has helped us raise $13.1 million for the building of the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center.
In her new position, Friedland is looking forward to leading the efforts to meet short- and long-term development objectives for Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. She believes that cultivation, solicitation and stewardship are key components to all successful campaigns.
Friedland looks forward to working with our leadership and staff to achieve all our development goals.
Congratulations Marcy Friedland!