1 minute read
Full steam ahead
By Marcy Friedland, Financial Resource Development Director
We have raised $13.2 million through our Capital Campaign and construction of the building is humming along. All of the walls, windows, doors and elevators have been installed, and the painting is completed. Next, will be the installation of carpet, wallpaper and ceiling tiles. We are excited and can’t wait to share our beautiful new Nina Iser Cultural Center with all of you!
Naming opportunities remain, starting at $5,000, and engraved pavers are also available at commitments of $360, $720 and $1,800. The pavers are a wonderful way to memorialize or honor loved ones, friends and business associates and will be placed in the plaza area of our new building.
For more information or to contribute to the Capital Campaign, contact Marcy at 239-263-4205 or mfriedland@ jewishnaples.org.