2 minute read
IAC speaker Avi Melamed analyzes the current Middle East
By Harvey Cohen and Jeff Margolis
Drinking from a firehose was never more real than at the Israel Advocacy Committee’s March 15 lecture by Avi Melamed of Jerusalem. Melamed, a former Israel intelligence official and senior official on Arab affairs, held IAC’s first in-person program since COVID-19 at Beth Tikvah, with a large livestreaming audience joining. The dynamics of the Middle East are entering a new era, observed Melamed.
He highlighted the recent Abraham Accords as well as what he believes is the end of Western hegemony in the region and the new role China is playing. Melamed also spelled out the ongoing ideological struggle of the Sunni and the Shi’ites in the region as they try to establish who should rule the Muslim world.
Melamed’s observations noted that, in a newly aligned Middle East, Israel is not the enemy. He noted the new relationship between Israel and Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Saudi Arabia as well as with Egypt and Jordan — two nations that had previous peace agreements with Israel. He questioned the future roles of both Iran and Turkey in the new paradigm.

Josh E. Fidler (President-elect of The Associated Jewish Charities, Inc.), Avi Melamed (speaker), Jane Schiff (Board Chair of JFGN), Maia Hoffman (Avi’s wife and co-author of book) and Jeffrey Feld (President/CEO of JFGN)
Melamed’s lecture stimulated a robust question and answer period from the audience. In the United States for his book tour, Melamed previewed and paraphrased material from his work, “Inside the Middle East, Entering A New Era.”
This program was brought to you by the IAC of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. Thank you to Beth Tikvah for hosting and providing refreshments.
The Israel Advocacy Committee of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples is in the process of planning programs and events for next season. If you have a suggestion for a program, please contact Harvey Cohen, IAC chair at hwcohen@gmail.com.