2012 Jewish Federation Annual Report

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Together do


Extraordinary Things

Annual Report September 2012 Elul 5772 / Tishri 5773

The Strength of a People. The Power of Community.

Officers and Chairs

Message from Martin Ted Mayden and Mark S. Freedman

Jewish Federation Board of Directors (2011-12)

Change is good. This old adage neatly summarizes events at the Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee over the past year. Because the Federation is blessed with creative and thoughtful volunteer and professional leadership the positive change we speak of was not left to chance. It resulted from a high level of communal engagement that has driven new ways of doing business at Federation. The impetus for change was the Best Jewish Nashville project, a broad-based communitywide assessment process undertaken in 2010. Now, as we enter into the third year of the Best Jewish Nashville experience, we are energized by sharpened focus on how and what we ask of our generous donors in requesting their essential support of the Federation's Annual Campaign. Over the past two years, we established new funding priorities and encouraged our local beneficiary agencies to engage in collaborative efforts with other local Jewish institutions. And when grants are awarded to our beneficiary agencies, each a valued partner, we are better able to assess and track the impact of funded programs on our primary clients–Jews in need. Our annual report is designed to give you a clear picture of the profound impact of Best Jewish Nashville on Federation and, more importantly, on our community here, nationwide and around the world. Many highly committed and thoughtful individuals, supported by clearly articulated priorities and a transparent and consultative process, are involved in making the critical decisions about spending precious Federation resources which are, we never fail to recognize, the gifts and support of our donors. We are serving more clients in more settings and we are touching more Jewish lives. All of this is the direct result of the Nashville Jewish community entrusting its faith and investing its confidence in the Federation. For that we are both humbled and very grateful to all of you. We hope that this annual report provides you with an opportunity to see beyond the big picture of the Jewish Federation. We hope you see how our communal "canvas" is created; how change looks as it is layered on canvas with the love, devotion and caring that is worthy of the Jewish people. We invite you to join us in the Federation enterprise, ever-changing yet eternally committed to core Jewish values, which celebrates our proud heritage and our lasting love of family, friends and community in Nashville, in Israel and in all other places where Jewish life exists.

Martin Ted Mayden President

Andrew May

Adam Landa

Jan Liff Secretary

Vice President Treasurer and Chair, Budget and Finance Committee

Mark S. Freedman Executive Director, Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee

Sandra Averbuch Chair, Jewish Foundation Development Committee and Chair, 2011-12 Annual Campaign

Frank Boehm Chair, The Jewish Observer Editorial Board

Robert Gordon Chair, Investment Committee

Faith Haber Galbraith Co-Chair, Grants Committee

Carol Hyatt Co-Chair, Grants Committee

Mary Jones Chair, Jewish Foundation Advisory Committee on Distributions

Rachel Koch Chair, Partnership 2Gether (Nashville and Hadera-Eiron)

Ellen Levitt Chair, Local/Global Initiatives Committee

Cynthia Morin Chair, Jewish Federation Council of Past Presidents and Chair, Nominating Committee

A. Michael Rosen Co-Chair, NowGen Committee (2011-12)

David Schwartz Co-Chair, NowGen Committee (2011-12)

Irwin Venick On the Front and Back Cover: Nashville hosted the Partnership2Gether Mifgash (Hebrew for “encounter”) gathering this past August. More than 50 Israeli and American teens and their counselors who participated in exchange programs between the Hadera-Eiron region of Israel and partnership cities Nashville, Charlotte, Jacksonville and Knoxville joined together in Nashville for two days of leadership programs, social activities and touring. The Mifgash participants are seen here at the welcome dinner held at the GJCC pool. They were joined by members of the Jewish Federation’s 2013 Annual Campaign Cabinet. (Photo by Rick Malkin) We have made every effort in this annual report to provide accurate information especially in listing the names of our many valued community volunteers. If you note any errors or omissions, please contact the Jewish Federation so that corrections may be noted in upcoming Federation publications.

Chair, Community Relations Committee

Fred Zimmerman President’s Appointee to Federation Officers Group


Our Family Tree • Our Community • Our Volunteers The Keys to Our Success

Challenge Campaign 2012 Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, the 2012 Annual Campaign featured a special challenge fund and resulted in more than $100,000 in increased gifts to the 2012 Campaign. Participants in the challenge included members of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation, the 2012 Campaign Cabinet and donors in the Federation’s Major Gifts Division. We want to express our sincere appreciation to all of the individuals listed below who responded to this challenge by increasing their gifts above the amount they gave in 2011. A listing of all donors to the 2011 and 2012 Annual Campaigns can be found by visiting the Federation’s website at www.jewishnashville.org. We want to thank everyone who participated in these campaigns and helped our Federation in fulfilling its core mission to meet urgent and ongoing Jewish needs in Nashville, in Israel and throughout the Jewish world. Todah Rabah! Larry Averbuch, Sandy Averbuch, Judy/Joe Barker, Sharon Bell, Dianne Berry, Daniel/Tara Biller, Dan/Jill Eisenstein, Annette Eskind, Jane Eskind, Donna Eskind, Jeff Eskind, Richard Eskind, William Eskind, James Fishel, Lori Fishel, Royce Fishel, Mark Freedman, Selma Goldstein, Julie Gordon, Robert Gordon, Faith/Ron Galbraith, David/Liz Hanchrow, John Hassenfeld, Heidi Hassenfeld, Sandra Hecklin, Steve Hecklin, Steve Hirsch, Mindy Hirt, Carol/Larry Hyatt, Shaul Kelner, Leslie Klein, Heloise Kuhn, Adam Landa, Adam/Vanessa Leibowitz, Ellen Levitt, Michael Levitt, Susan Limor, Andy May and Nancy Brown, Frank May, Diane May, Jack May, Barbara Mayden, Ted Mayden, Cynthia/Richard Morin, Steven Remer, David/Amanda Schwartz, Joan Shayne, Michael/Lisa Shmerling, Barbara Speller, Larry Speller, Alyse Sprintz, Gloria Sternberg, Paul Sternberg, Leon Tonelson, Irwin Venick, Afshin Yazdian, Fred Zimmerman 3

Thanks to our generous donors...

Best Jewish Nashville has Accomplished and Achieved Here are some of the ways we have strengthened OUR Jewish Community in the last 2 years based on YOUR feedback. Involve new leaders and volunteers 15 adults of all ages have served on the Grants Funding Committee reviewing grant requests according to YOUR priorities. OVER 200 volunteer leaders serve on Federation’s committees and board. Is YOUR name listed in our family tree found on the previous page? Call us, we’d love to involve YOU.

Plan for future and unmet community needs The New Initiatives Fund has granted funds to our community organizations to create 19 new programs and services serving needs that YOU targeted: young adults, senior adults, and increased Israel education and advocacy training.

David Rosenblatt (left), Tara Lerner, Meg Littman, Craig Zimberg and Michael Hershey take a break from activities in this year’s National Young Leadership Summer Trip to Israel. They participated with support of the Jewish Federation of Nashville.

Engage a younger generation in our community to ensure a strong future Our New Initiatives Fund supported four new programs targeting adults in their 20s through 40s including: Joel Abramson, our Community Engagement Associate, has connected and gathered over 350 young Jews - Nashville natives and newcomers - to all kinds of events. Check out nowgennashville.org to see an impressive array of activities for our Jewish young adults. PJ Library has sent Jewish themed books to families with children ages newborn to 6. With the support of our three preschools, our PJ Library currently sends 242 subscriptions and has added dozens of new families to our community. Can we add you to the list? Our Jewish community is expanding geographically, and thanks to the Satellite Suburb Shabbat Dinner program, The Temple and GJCC served a total of 200 Shabbat dinners in emerging areas of population growth and added dozens of new families to our community. Vanderbilt Hillel targeted its Senior Class for increased involvement in areas of engagement, philanthropy, and leadership development with the long-term goal of creating a bridge to our Nashville Jewish community for these emerging adults. Thirty to 50 students each year have participated in this initiative.

Participants young and old seen at this year’s Social Action Seder, a special interfaith program sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Nashville Community Relations Committee.

Increase programs for senior adults from baby boomers through frail elderly Our New Initiatives Fund supported eight new programs for seniors including: The Thank Goodness It’s Thursday midday program at the GJCC has served between 40 and 70 hot kosher lunches to seniors each week as a result of new Federation funding. NCJW’s Buz-A-Bus has expanded to offer night and weekend service to Jewish organizations that would like to provide transportation for seniors to attend Jewish events and services. Jewish Family Service (JFS) compiled and distributed 900 of the Directory of Services for Seniors, a free comprehensive large-print directory of all services, programs, and activities available to the Jewish Senior community.

Israeli artists attend the Windows of Identity exhibition in Hadera. The exhibit (bottom left) included a variety of works – all in 16- by 16-inch frames – from Israeli and American artists. At bottom right is Nashville-area artist Sydney Reichman’s exploration of the theme of Jewish identity.


Boomer/Senior FYI, offered by JFS, was a oneday array of experts and speakers offering advice and insight for all aspects of retirement and beyond. Congregation Micah, through the new Serving our Seniors program, offers weekly live web-streaming of Shabbat services to 25 community homebound seniors. Newly purchased book lights, reading glasses, large-print siddurim, and sound amplifiers are available to worshipers. Monthly speaker programs draw 15-20 seniors. Hosted by West End Synagogue in cooperation with all the community clergy, Shabbat Calling currently offers a live weekly conference call to 20 seniors at home featuring Shabbat prayers, music, stories, and conversation. Over 160 individual Shabbat Calling calls have been received. Musical Helping Hands at JFS matches trained Jewish musicians with senior adults living with Alzheimer’s or dementia for monthly sessions to stimulate memory and to experience the healing powers of music. Currently eight families are served by this program. Learn and Lunch, offered by West End Synagogue and Congregation Sherith Israel, has served 340 kosher lunches to the 20-50 seniors who attend twice-monthly Jewish educational programs and meals.

Nashville community members share dinner in Hadera, Israel to mark the 10th anniversary of the Jewish Agency’s Partnership2Gether program. Through the program, Jews from Nashville and other Southeastern cities have built friendships and learned about life in Israel’s Hadera-Eiron region.

Offer programs targeting Israel education and advocacy training Our New Initiatives Fund supported seven new programs to increase Israel education including: Increase Your Israel IQ, coordinated by the Community Relations Committee, offered a series of expert speakers on current Israel-themed topics. Over 200 community members of varying viewpoints participated in the Community Conversations on Israel, which yielded five agreed-upon goals for conduct when discussing Israel. Fourteen middle school students at Sherith Israel were connected by virtual classroom to a master teacher in Jerusalem by J-Connect, which offered an Israel-rich curriculum. The Nashville Jewish Educators Network hired an Israel Educator to improve the quality and frequency of our communitywide Israel education. Over 150 families from Congregation Micah and Akiva School built the Old City of Jerusalem, Masada, and the Warsaw Ghetto out of Lego Building Blocks for an unforgettable weekend of learning. JAFI and JDC educated 300 Nashvillians about worldwide Jewry’s strengths and challenges. Thirteen promising young leaders were sent on leadership development programs in Israel and Beltsy, Moldova, and have returned to educate and reinvigorate Nashville about the needs of Jews worldwide. Inbar Shaked, our community shlicha (educator and ambassador), offered dozens of programs to hundreds of participants, thereby deepening our knowledge of and love for Israel.

Students from Vanderbilt Hillel (seated) join past and future Get Connected teen trip to Israel participants (standing) and Community Shlicha Inbar Shaked (back row, fifth from left) to telephone Jewish community members on Tzedakah Tzunday 2012.

Young professionals get together to share a meal at NowGen Nashville’s Birthright NEXT Shabbat event.

Target campaign funds to critical Jewish needs locally, nationally, and worldwide Our newly designed priority-based program funding allows Federation to target donor dollars to areas that YOU identified as most critical. All funded programs must demonstrate that goals and outcomes are met. We continue to support our partner agencies to offer the best services to educate our children, care for our at-risk individuals, provide for our seniors, enrich our community, engage new volunteers and leaders, and build a strong Jewish future in Nashville, Israel, and worldwide.

Vlada Melekhin (left), Annual Campaign Chair Sandy Averbuch, actor Jon Adam Ross, Metro Councilman Fabian Bedne, Helen Yazdian, World’s Fair co-chairs Karen Yazdian and Brad Fishel, and Amanda and David Schwartz share a moment at the Federation’s World’s Fair. This program was a special event hosted by the Federation’s 2012 Annual Campaign.


Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee: Income and Expense Statement (September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2012)

The World’s Fair Annual Campaign event highlights Jewish life, culture and foods around the globe, including in Ethiopia.

Income Sources 2011 Annual Campaign Contributions (Net) ........................................................................................ Jewish Foundation Endowment Income............................................................................................... Other Income................................................................................................................................................... Total Income

$ 2,029,248 $ 268,855 $ 16,211 $ 2,314,314

Jewish Federation Operational Budget Fundraising and Development Budget.................................................................................................. Administrative Budget ................................................................................................................................. Program Budget (CRC, Archives, Observer) ....................................................................................... Total Federation Allocation

$ 388,984 $ 226,787 $ 104,963 $ 720,734

International and National Distributions Allocation to Israel and Overseas Partners and Agencies ............................................................. $ Allocation to National and Regional Agencies .................................................................................. $ Total International and National Grants $

Dianne Berry, Lynn Fleischer and Karen Yazdian join forces on Tzedakah Tzunday.

Local Distributions Contribution to Jewish Community Campus ...................................................................................... Next Generation Involvement and Leadership New Initiatives ................................................... Senior Adult Services New Initiatives .................................................................................................. Israel Education and Advocacy New Initiatives ................................................................................

$ 204,925 $ 44,750 $ 45,065 $ 81,400

Priority 1: Critically important programs that serve critical populations and are necessary to the well-being of the community &/or worldwide Jewry................................. Akiva School Scholarships for Jewish Day School Education..... NCJW-Buz A Bus Senior Services................................................................... B'nai Brith Youth Organization Programming for Jewish Teens.................................... Gordon Jewish Community Center Jewish Enrichment for Camp Davis ........................... Scholarships for Camp Davis ........................................ Scholarships for Early Childhood Education .......... Community Wide Jewish Programming................... Senior and Adult Programs ........................................... Programming for Jewish Teens.................................... Jewish Family Service Counseling ........................................................................... Senior Services................................................................... Financial Assistance Services ....................................... Information and Referral ................................................ Kosher Food Boxes........................................................... Get Connected! Teen Trip To Israel Programming for Jewish Teens....................................

$ 388,700 $ 120,000 $ 46,000 $ 10,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 6,000 $ 10,000 $ 60,000 $ 10,000 $ 25,000 $ 15,000 $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 13,700 $ 28,000

Priority 2: Important programs that serve identified strategically important populations and contribute meaningfully to the well-being of the community &/or worldwide Jewry Gordon Jewish Community Center Kids Connection................................................................. Jewish Family Service Family Life Education ...................................................... Jewish Federation: Jewish Educational Services Congregational Grants .................................................... Vanderbilt Hillel University Student Services ..........................................

Middle East scholar Barak Barfi, left, engages with listeners after speaking at an Israel advocacy event on the Arab Spring after one year. His talk was sponsored by the Jewish Federation Community Relations Committee.

Priority 3: Useful programs that we would like to fund, but not at the expense of critically important programs.................................................................................................. Jewish Federation Community Relations Committee............................... Jewish Family Service Adoption Services............................................................. Gordon Jewish Community Center Aquatics ................................................................................ Sports, Fitness and Wellness ........................................

Akiva School Gordon Jewish Community Center Vanderbilt Hillel Community Relations Committee New Initiatives Grants Congregational Grants Jewish Educational Services Get Connected! Buz-A-Bus B'nai Brith Youth Organization

$ $ $

80,000 12,000 5,000

$ $

28,000 35,000

$ $ $ $ $

33,500 12,500 5,000 8,000 8,000

Total Local Distributions $ 878,340 Total Grants $ 2,314,314

Total Funds Granted in Fiscal Year 2011-12: $2,314,314 Grants to Local Beneficiary Agencies, $878,340; 38%

689,741 25,500 715,241

Total Local Grants per Beneficiary Agency/Program for Fiscal Year 2011-12: $878,340 Vanderbilt University Hillel, $47,688, 6%

Federation Budget, $720,734; 31%

The Temple, $12,521, 1%

Jewish Federation Jewish Foundation The Observer

West End Synagogue, $10,611, 1% Akiva School, $120,000, 14% B'nai Brith Youth Organization, $10,000, 1%

Jewish Family Service, $104,400, 12%

Buz-A-Bus, $49,700, 6% Community Relations Committee, $24,500, 3%

Jewish Educational Services, $28,000, 3%

Congregation Micah, $3,887, 0%

Grants to Overseas Partners & Agencies, $689,741; 30%

Grants to National & Regional Agencies, $25,500; 1%

Gordon Jewish Community Center, $345,558, 40%

Jewish Agency for Israel American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Partnership2Gether Hadera-Eiron Ethiopian National Project Jewish Federations of North America

Get Connected!, $28,000, 3%


Federation Administered New Initiative Grants, $82,775, 10% Community Engagement Associate Community Shlicha Subsidies for Young Leadership Overseas Missions

2011-2012 Honor Roll Annual Report September 2012 Elul 5772 / Tishri 5773 We want to take this opportunity to thank all of our generous supporters. The Jewish Federation Annual Campaign Honor Roll reflects the names of contributors to the 2011 and 2012 Annual Campaigns. We have made every effort to list correctly the name of each Annual Campaign donor. If, for any reason, we have made a typographical error or omitted a listing please accept, in advance, our sincere apologies. We will be happy to list corrections and updates on the Federation website. We also want to thank those donors who expressed a desire that their gifts remain anonymous. Each and every gift to our Annual Campaign meets critical Jewish needs and the thoughtfulness and generosity of our donors is reflected in the vitality and in the kindness of the Nashville Jewish community. This Honor Roll includes the names of individuals, couples and families who have contributed or pledged to the 2011 and 2012 Annual Campaigns through August 17, 2012. Please submit any comments and/or corrections you might have to Susan Pankowsky at susan@jewishnashville.org. 2012 Campaign Leadership Match Drs. Oran Aaronson and Shannon Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Richard Abelson Joel Abramson Rebecca Ackerman-Lieberman Candace Adelson and Jerry Rossman Rose Adinah Rich Adler Amy and Bobby Aflatooni Akiva School Students Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Alexandroni Ms. Denise Alper Phyllis Alper Ms. Caryll Alpert David Altschul Mr. Leonard Amdur Mr. and Mrs. Jay Amsel Kenneth and Felicia Anchor Stephen and Wendie Angus Anonymous Mark Anshel Mrs. Sharon Archie Mr. Daniel Arena and Ms. Sara Light Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Aronin Alan Aront

Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Asher Dr. Jordan Asher Mr. and Mrs. Oren Asnis Mr. Mike Aurbach Jonathan M. Averbuch Fund for Federation Campaign Gerald Averbuch Family Philanthropic Fund Advisors: Blossom Averbuch Gerald Averbuch Mark Averbuch Shelley Averbuch Lawrence Fuldauer Susan Michael Dr. Lawrence Averbuch Mrs. Sandy Averbuch Juliet and Oswald Baasch Dr. and Mrs. Brett Babat Ms. Barbara Baer Mr. and Mrs. Leonid Barabash Barbecue Evangelists Enterprises, Inc., Mr. Michael Attias Mrs. Judy Liff Barker and Mr. Joseph Barker Mr. Jeff Frumkin and Dr. Shari Barkin 7

Roberta Spinner Barnet Dr. Beth Barnett Dr. and Mrs. Dan Barocas Carla Baron Dr. and Mrs. Michael Baron Dr. Helen Barrett Mrs. Deborah Bart Ur Barzel and Rachel Goodrich Mr. Robert Baum and Ms. Allison Thompson Bea and Percy Cohen Memorial Endowment Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bean Ms. Elysse Beasley Mr. and Mrs. Scott Becker Fabian Bedne Mr. and Mrs. David Bednowitz Ms. Sharon Bell & Mr. Fred Zimmerman Janet and Robert Belser, Jr. Mrs. Janet Bender Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bender Mr. and Mrs. Howard Benjamin Bill Bentley David and Susan Berck Dr. and Mrs. Brian Berger Mr. and Mrs. Michael Berger Mark and Roberta Bergman Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Berk Ms. Minnie Berlin Jobe and Ann Bernard Family Philanthropic Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bernard Ms. Alma Berne Ms. Barri Bernstein Maury Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bernstein Mr. Brian Berry Mrs. Dianne Berry Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Berry James and Catherine Berry Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bespalko Mr. and Mrs. Boris Beylin Dr. Brian Biesman Mrs. Didi Biesman Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Biller Ms. Lisa Paige Binder David and Denise Birnbaum Deborah Blacksher Mr. and Mrs. Ian Bleadingheiser Elizabeth Kraft Bleecker Frank and Melissa Bloch Mr. David Bloom and Ms. Drucilla Markle-Bloom Mr. Mark J. Bloom Ilana Blumenfeld-Gantz James F. Blumstein and Andree S. Blumstein Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Bobrow Mr. David Bockian Mrs. Natalie Bockian

Dr. Stanley Bodner Julie and Frank H. Boehm Family Philanthropic Fund Steven and Margaret Bogach Mr. Naum Bogakovskiy and Ms. Meri Karmazina Mr. Randal Bolar and Mrs. Sharon Bolar Jared and Judy Book Merle Born Philanthropic Fund Brand and Alana Bowden Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brackett Rachel Braddy Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bramen Bruce Brand Marsha Brand Don and Suzanne Brandes Dr. Becky Shattuck-Brandt and Dr. Stephen Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brody Ms. Jamie Hirsch Brook Jeremy Brook Mr. Louis Brooks, Jr. James and Bernita Brown Fran Brumlik Mrs. Alice Buc Carole Burson Mrs. Kathryn Calhoon Ms. Alie Michael Campbell Jeffrey and Donna Caplan Ms. Judy Caplan Mrs. Marion Caplan Myron Caplin Ms. Jere Carman and Mr. Richard Stooksbury Mr. Bryan Carson and Ms. Gayle Novick Mr. and Mrs. C. Mark Carver Mrs. Anabel Cassell Cavalier Family Philanthropic Fund Mrs. Margie Cavalier Mrs. Carolyn Cavalier Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cerny Dr. and Mrs. Richard Chalal Dr. and Mrs. Eric M. Chazen, The Barbara and Eric Chazen Family Advised Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Mrs. Ella Chiripko Mrs. Rachel Chojnacki James and Jennifer Cleveland Ms. Marjean Coddon and Mr. Henry Johs Mrs. Barbara Cohen Mr. David Cohen David Cohen Dr. Jonathan Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Murray Cohen Dr. Renee Cohen Mrs. Rhoda Cohen 8

Ms. Sandy Cohen Ms. Shelley Cohen Ms. Susan Cohen Victoria Cohen-Crumpton Ms. Shary I. Cohen-Essig Alex Cohn Ms. Delilah Cohn Diane Cohn Gerald Cohn Esther and Roger Cohn Mrs. Louise Cole Jason Coleman Micah and Erin Coleman Mrs. Lanie Cook David Cooper Suree Cooper Corenswet Philanthropic Fund Mr. Daniel CornďŹ eld and Ms. Hedy Weinberg CR Bard Foundation Helen and Jason Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cypress Mr. and Mrs. John Dab Ellen and Steve Dansky Mr. Marty Davidson Dr. and Mrs. Michael Davidson Sherrie Davidson Betsy Davis Blair Davis Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Davis Mrs. Fannye G. Davis Mrs. Faye Davis Marilyn Davis Morris and Sylvia B. Davis Family Designated Fund for the Jewish Federation Mr. and Mrs. Norman Davis Dr. Stacy Davis Mr. and Mrs. Steve Davis Mr. Don Denbo Mr. Robert Dendy and Ms. Lisa Silver Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Diamond Natalie Dickson and Aaron Raney Joseph Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dobrin Ben and Tish Doochin Julie Doochin Mr. Robert Doochin Mrs. Sonia Doochin Bobbi Dorfman Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dorman Ms. Karen Dotter Babette Doyne Lion of Judah Endowment Fund Mr. Michael Doyne Mr. and Mrs. Michael Drongowski Ari Dubin and Abigail Wolf Keren Duran & Joel Bellis

Mr. Paul Edelman and Ms. Suzanna Sherry Eden Foundation Mr. Morris Werthan II Mrs. Libby Werthan Mr. Jeremy Werthan Mr. Michael Werthan Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eden Mr. and Mrs. Joe Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Dan Einstein Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Eisen Dan and Jill Eisenstein Dr. and Mrs. James Elliott Rose Ann Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elman Mr. and Mrs. Steve Elsky Dr. and Mrs. Ron Emeson Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Emoff Ms. Kaaren Engel William Engel and Family Dr. and Mrs. Michael Epelbaum Laura and Mark Ervin Ms. Amy S. Eskind Annette and Irwin Eskind Family Philanthropic Fund Donna and Jeffrey Eskind Advised Fund Julie Eskind Mrs. Laurie Eskind The Richard and Jane Eskind and Family Foundation Advisors: Jane and Richard Eskind Ellen Lehman Billy Eskind Dr. Steven Eskind Mr. William H. Eskind, William H. Eskind Advised Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Mr. Rod A. Essig Mr. David Ettinger Anita Etzman Sharon Etzman Lawrence and Anne Evans Todd and Christina Evans Mr. Alan Fagen Rabbi and Mrs. Randall Falk Adam Faragalli Ms. Robin Farber and Mr. Kurt Eger Mr. and Mrs. D. Alex Fardon Mrs. Joyce Faye Mr. and Mrs. Aleksandr Fayermark Rita and Ned Feldman Annual Campaign Endowment Fund Rita and Ned Feldman Family Fund Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Fenichel Fensterwald Foundation Mr. Robert Eisenstein Mr. Dan Eisenstein Mrs. Jill Eisenstein Ms. Nan Speller 9

Jennifer Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ferguson Bonnie Fertig Anneliese Fiala Robin S. Fields Sheila Fischer Vivian Fischer and Scott Shillington Brad Fishel Lori Fishel Royce and James Fishel Dr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher Dr. Arthur Fleischer Mr. and Mrs. Braden Fleischer Daniella Fleischer Jack Fleischer and Doris Fleischer Jared Fleischer Jan and Tony Fleming Ms. Nancy Flexer Ty and Terri Fobare Mr. Bill Foley Mr. Jeffrey Foster Mrs. Lizabeth Foster Mr. and Mrs. David Fox Mr. and Mrs. Gil Fox Mr. and Mrs. Gil Fox III Mr. Mitchell Fox Henry and Marilyn Foyer Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fradkin Richard and Kristin Frank Daniel Fredman Leslie Freedman Mark S. Freedman Dara and Craig Freiberg Harvey ‫ ז״ל‬and Joan Fremer Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Freudenthal Ms. Judy Freudenthal Mr. Semyon Fridman and Mrs. Galina Golovina Missi Friedenberg Mr. Todd Friedenberg Nili and Eitan Friedman Drs. Daniel and Kay Friedman David and Amy Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Donald Friedman Mr. Ray Friedman and Ms. Jen-Jen Lin Dr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Friedman Dr. Douglas and Dr. Lynn Fuchs Faith and Ron Galbraith Forrest Galloway Drs. Josh and Stephanie Gamse Mr. Boris and Dr. Maria Garber Louise Garfinkel Scott Garfinkel Sam and Eva Garfinkle Family Philanthropic Fund Advisors: Mr. Joel S. Garfinkle Mr. Robert Garfinkle and Mrs. Pat Snyder

Dana Garrard Alla Gauptman Mrs. Sally Gecel Dr. Jay Geller and Prof. A. J. Levine Jacob Geltzer Noah Geltzer Renee and Scott Geltzer Prof. Gary Gerstle and Prof. Elizabeth Lunbeck Mr. and Mrs. William Geshwiler Alven and Jean Ghertner Family Philanthropic Fund Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ghertner Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ghertner Abigail Gilbert Danielle and Harris N. Gilbert, Jr. Harris Gilbert Letty-Lou & Joe Gilbert, Jr. Annual Campaign Endowment Designated Fund Mr. and Mrs. Norman Giller Elizabeth Diane Ginsberg Family Philanthropic Fund Advisors: Beth Tannenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Assi Ginzburg Sam and Judith Girgus Gil and Judy Given Sarah Glassner Dr. Mark Glazer and Ms. Cynthia Stone Mrs. Maurine Glazer Dr. A. Joel Gluck Mrs. Linda Gluck Elizabeth Goff Peter Goff Cindee and Michael Gold Ilissa Gold Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gold Mrs. Shirley Gold Benjamin Goldberg Max Goldberg Dr. Mark Goldfarb Andrea Goldman Martha and Fred Goldner Dr. Ellen and Dr. Shmuel Goldring Mr. and Mrs. Steve Goldsmith Edward and Dorothy Goldstein Special Purpose Designated Fund Eric and Anne Goldstein Katie Goldstein Lew and Sandy Goldstein Mrs. Lisa Goldstein Randall and Gretchen Goldstein Family Philanthropic Fund Mrs. Selma Goldstein Lenn and Roberta Goodman Dr. Stacy Goodman and Dr. Richard Berkman Wayne Goodman 10

Mr. Frank Gordon Mrs. Gwen Lukner Gordon Joel and Bernice Gordon Family Philanthropic Fund: Advisors: Joel C. Gordon Bernice W. Gordon Sherrie L. Gordon Robert A. Gordon Frank E. Gordon Gail E. Gordon Julie and Bob Gordon Gordon Jewish Community Center Early Childhood Learning Center Mrs. Sandi Gordon Mrs. Harry Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gorodetzky Professor Jerry Gotlieb Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Gould Dr. and Mrs. Alan Graber Mrs. Sara Graber Dr. Stanley Graber Mrs. Elizabeth Grady Mr. James Grady Mrs. Lorna Graff Mr. William Graff ‫ז״ל‬ Mrs. Betty Green David Green and Elizabeth Older Mr. and Mrs. Don Green Dr. Brad Greenbaum Mrs. Lisa Greenbaum Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Greenbaum Mrs. Alizah Greenberg Clay and Julie Greenberg Mr. Elliot Greenberg Mrs. Jo Ann Greenberg Mrs. Shirley Greenberg Ms. Katie Greenebaum Laura Greenspan Mrs. Stacey Griggs Mr. Bill Grindeland Ms. Rusty Groffman and Mrs. Bertha Moise Mrs. Charles Gross Mrs. Illene B. Gross Barbara and Milton Grossman Family Philanthropic Fund Advisor: Barbara Grossman Levy Lee and Michael Gryll Family Philanthropic Fund Mr. Michael Gryll Mr. Arthur Gunzberg Michelle Gutman Dr. Danny Haber Mr. Murray J. Haber Dr. and Mrs. George Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Alan Halbert Pat and Wayne Halper

Mrs. Hanna Hamburger Dr. and Mrs. Norman Hamburger Magan Hamilton Ramin and Sara Hanai Mr. and Mrs. David Hanchrow Mr. Jim Handler Ms. Allison Harnell Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Harrell Leah Harris Nina Harris Mr. Richard Harris Sanford and Sandra Harris Jackie and Walter Harrison Suzanne Harrison and Family Philanthropic Fund Mrs. Joan Harshman Mrs. Heidi Hassenfeld Mr. John Hassenfeld Rita Dee Hassenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hausman Robin Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Ron Heady Ms. Elena Hearn Mrs. Sandra Hecklin Dr. Steven Hecklin Ms. Mary Louise Heiman Sigmund and Lois Held Family Philanthropic Fund Advisors: Sigmund and Lois Held Mr. Randall Held Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dew Mr. Ira Helderman Mr. and Mrs. David Heller Eugene and Reva Heller Family Philanthropic Fund Advisors: Eugene and Reva Heller Jim Henson Mr. and Mrs. John Herbst Mr. and Mrs. Michael Herman Gregory Hersh Mr. Michael Hershey Mrs. Suzana Hershey Mr. Drew Herzog Ms. Risa Klein Herzog Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hill Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hiller Dr. M. Bruce Hirsch Mrs. Rae Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hirsch Gerri Hirschberg Dr. and Mrs. Charles Hirshberg Mr. Samuel Hirshberg Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hirt Douglas and Melanie Hirt Kenneth and Mindy Hirt Amy Hodes Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Hodes 11

Daniel Hoffman Laura Hoffman Seth and Betsy Hoffman Mindy Holder Dr. and Mrs. Allen Honig Erin Hopkins Ms. Jan C. Huettner Mr. Burton Hummell Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hyams Larry and Carol Hyatt Seth Hyatt Ms. Sylvia Hyman Dr. Jeffrey Hymes and Dr. Valentina Kon Ms. Judy Inman Katie and Scott Isaacs MaryAnn Jackman Mrs. Kelly Jacob David and Sheri Jacobs Ellen and Kenneth Jacobs Family Philanthropic Fund Erica and Bill Jacobs Mrs. Gail Gordon Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jacobs Mr. Jeff M. Jacobs Jim Jacobs Ms. Judy Jacobs and Mr. David Harris Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jacobs Sheila Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Jacobs, The Jacobs Partners Advised Fund of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jacobson Marsha Jaffa Karl Jahrling and Deborah Shultz Otto Jahrling Mr. Larry R. Jensen and Ms. Wylann Solomon Mrs. Norma Jodrey Ms. Carole Johanson Mrs. Elana Johnson Mr. Trey and Mrs. Rachel Kraft Johnson Dr. Elizabeth Jones Mrs. Mary Jones Ms. Linda Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joyner Dr. Ramon Jrade and Dr. Cathy L. Jrade Dr. Charles Kahane Mrs. Claire Kahane Richard Kahn and Maria Chalk Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kaminsky Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kammer Mrs. Frances Kaminitz Mr. Julian Kanter ‫ז״ל‬ Ms. Brendi Kaplan Dr. Herman Kaplan Mrs. Irma Kaplan Drs. Mark and Hillary Kaplan

Mr. and Mrs. Michel Kaplan Ms. Sally Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Steve Karmiller Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Karp Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Karr Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Karr Renee Kasman and Nina Pacent Dr. and Mrs. A.G. Kasselberg Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Katseff Mrs. Marion Katz Mr. Peter Katz ‫ז״ל‬ Mr. and Mrs. Sol Katz Mrs. Louise Katzman Ms. Donice Kaufman Robert Kavitt Preston Stein and Susan Kay Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kaye Pam Kelner Saul Kelner Ms. Irene Kenigson Dr. Gil Kentof Mr. and Mrs. Naum Kharats Mr. Jay Kholos and Mrs. Paula Kholos Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kiev James Kilby Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd G. King Mrs. Betty Kirshner Dr. and Mrs. Howard S. Kirshner Leslie and Howard Kirshner Commissioner and Mrs. Matthew Kisber Lieutenant Colonel Alan Klein Dr. Jerome S. Klein and Mrs. Mimi Klein Leslie Klein Mr. Rick Kleiner and Dr. Ann Gordon Ms. Francine Kline-Clark Dr. Lawrence Klinsky Dr. and Mrs. Jack Koch Marvin and Evelyn Koch Mrs. Wilma Koenig Mrs. Maya Kogan Mrs. Dorothy Kohnstamm Mrs. Jeanne Komisar-Watler Mrs. Rachel Kornman David and Teresa Kosson Joe and Elsie Kraft Family Philanthropic Fund Advisors: Lee and Glenda Kraft Joe and Elsie Kraft Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Mr. Kenneth Kraft Meryl and Keith Kraft Mr. Morris Kraft Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Krantz Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Krebs Eric Krichbaum Mr. and Mrs. Ted Krick Ilsa and Charles Krivcher 12

Mrs. Bernard G. Krohn Dr. Marvin Kronenberg Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kroser Mr. and Mrs. Gus D. Kuhn III Mrs. Heloise Werthan Kuhn Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Kuhn Amy Kurland and Kelly Collom Mr. Stanley A. Kweller Mr. and Mrs. Adam Landa Jeremy Landa Mrs. Frida Landau David Landman Cheryl Lane Cantor Marcia Lane Itay and Sharon Laor-Sirak Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lapidus Mrs. Terry Lapidus Mr. and Mrs. David Lapp Mr. Ken Lass and Ms. Mary Magestro Sean Lass Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Laurence Mr. C. Lewis Lavine Mrs. Marcia Lavine Margot and Patrick Layland Mrs. Matilda Lazarov Lynne Lazarski Mr. and Mrs. C. Anthony Leath Lisa Lebovitz Dr. Jordan Lee Jack Leebron Ms. Kathryn Leeman Mr. Arnold Lefkovitz Mrs. Judy Lefkovitz Mr. Larry Lefkovitz and Ms. Karen Allen Dr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Lefkowitz Dr. and Mrs. Harry Legan Ms. Ellen E. Lehman, Lehman Family Advised Fund of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Ms. Miriam Leibowitz Sondra Lemberg Steve Lemberg Fran Lenter Robert Lenter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lerner Tara Lerner Carol and Bob Levine Carolyn and Lawrence Levine Dr. and Mrs. Jon Levine Sherrie and Michael Levine Dr. Mark Levitch Rabbi and Mrs. Daniel Levitt Mrs. Ellen Levitt Dr. Michael Levitt Mrs. Ruth Levitt Mr. Irv Levy Mr. Martin Levy Mrs. Natalie Levy Mr. Ralph Levy, Jr.

Mrs. Randi Levy Mr. Robert H. Levy Mrs. Rowena Levy Keren Levy-Rotem Mr. and Mrs. David F. Lewis Dr. Julie Breyer Lewis Karen and Jimmy Lichtenstein Cantor George Lieberman Rabbi Phillip Lieberman Mr. Adam J. Liff, The Adam J. Liff Advised Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Ms. Jan Liff Ms. Suzy N. Liff Mr. Zachary Liff Mrs. Bobbie Limor Mr. and Mrs. Menachem Limor Miri Limor Mrs. Susan Limor Stephen and Debra Linn Marty Lipke Larry and Betty Lipman Larry and Sandra Lipman Mr. Robert Lipman Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lipman Mr. and Mrs. ‫ ז״ל‬Louis Lipschutz Mr. Sam Lipshie Margaret Littman Laura and Yuri Livshitz Ms. Lauren Lodl Mrs. Esther Loeb ‫ז״ל‬ Mrs. Inge Loewenstein Mrs. Frieda Lorch Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lorsch Kelly Love Mr. Thomas H. Loventhal Pete and Debbie Lowen Mr. and Mrs. Jay Lowenthal Mr. and Mrs. Felix Lubarsky Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lurey Mark Lutkowitz and Patricia Tepper Mrs. Diana Lutz Mr. Sheldon Lutz Mrs. Arlene Lyons Mr. Kenneth Lyons Captain James E. Mackler and Rabbi Shana Mackler Anne and Steven Maer Mr. Nathan Magid Dr. Alecia Malin Fair and Mr. Michael Fair Mr. Rick Malkin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mamlin Mrs. Sylvia Manas Mr. and Mrs. Zvi Manas Allan and Judith Mandell Gerald and Alicia Mandel Mr. and Mrs. David Marcus Ms. Rhonda Marko Dr. and Mrs. David J. Maron 13

Mrs. Jeanette Martin Mrs. Linda Mathis Bunny Bercholtz Mattes ‫ז״ל‬ Ms. Jody Mattison Mr. Andrew May and Dr. Nancy Brown Dan May Mrs. Diane C. May Mr. Frank C. May Isaac May Mr. Jack May Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. May Mr. Joshua May Mr. Leon May Mrs. Mimsye May Mrs. Esther Mayden Ted and Barbara Mendel Mayden Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mayhan Dr. Jackiel and Ms. Sonje Mayo Mrs. Anthea Mazer Dr. Murray J. Mazer Barry Mazor Joel Mazor Mr. Alvin Mazur Mrs. Peggy Mazur Jim and Barbara McCanless Philanthropic Fund Mr. and Mrs. William McCormick Mrs. Amy McCoy Mr. Gregory McCoy Stephen McDonald Dr. and Mrs. John McPherson James Meckley Vlada Melekhin Jill Melody Barbara Meltzer Dr. and Mrs. Steven Meranze Meridian Mississippi Jewish Welfare Fund Dr. and Mrs. Adam Meyer Dr. and Mrs. Alvin Meyer Alan Miller Mr. and Mrs. Hal Miller Mr. Jack and Dorothy Ghertner Miller Dr. Michael Miller and Ms. Cynthia Safdie Mr. Motya Miller and Mrs. Yevgeniya Yampolskaya Sheila Miller Ms. Carrie Mills Terry Minnen Dr. Pat Minors Tomer Minuskin Patricia Mitchell Adam and Tara Mittelberg Ms. Judy Montague Mr. Joel P. Morris Ms. Vickie G. Morris Horace Moskovitz Endowment Fund for Federation Annual Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Scott Moskovitz

Lisa Munkeboe Schwartz Barbara Nadler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nadler Ms. Susan Nadler Lorraine Naftilan Dr. Leonard Nathanson Corye Nelson Jake Nemer Mr. and Mrs. John D. Nemoy Jeffrey Newman and Sylva Sheret Ms. Leslie Newman Mr. and Mrs. Steven Newman Edward Newsom Dr. Tom Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Larry Okuneff Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Olsher Ayla O'Neal Mr. and Mrs. Scott O'Neal Mr. Sam Oolie Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Oppenheim Dr. Jonathan Oppenheimer Ms. Kathe Oppenheimer Daniel Oyvetsky Mr. and Mrs. Louis Palet Mrs. Phyllis Paller Eugene and Madeline Pargh Family Gift Eugene Pargh Madeline Pargh Andrew Pargh Bernard A. Pargh Maria Pargh Michael Mossman Linda Mossman Franklin Pargh Lana Sorin Pargh Dr. Frank Parker and Mrs. Elaine Parker Shana Levy Passman David Patterson Mr. Mark Pavlotsky Moises Paz Mrs. Sharon Paz Mr. and Mrs. Ross Peiser Andrea Penn Dr. and Mrs. David Penson Mr. Arthur H. Perlen Mrs. Lisa Perlen Mrs. Margaret Perlen ‫ז״ל‬ Mr. and Mrs. Jody Perling Mollie Shmerling Perry Mark Pestronk Jonathan Petty and Marjorie George Sharece Phelps Mrs. Kim Phillips Pamela Phillips Howard Pink Mr. Elliot Pinsly and Ms. Jessica Pinsly Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pinsly Charles Polatsek Mrs. Hedy Pollack 14

Mr. and Mrs. David Popkin Mr. and Mrs. Avi Poster Mrs. Ellen Vinocur Potash Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Potash Mr. Stephen Potash Lisa Pote Ms. Michele Powell Deena and Jonathan Prichard Donovan Pritchard Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pursell Dr. Eric L. Raefsky and Ms. Victoria Heil, The Victoria Heil & Eric Raefsky Advised Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee David Ragosin Mrs. Edria Ragosin Noah Ramage Mr. and Mrs. Boaz Ramon Abe and Virginia Rapoport Family Philanthropic Fund Sylvia Lynne Rapoport Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Raskin, The Rebecca K. and Edwin B. Raskin Family Advised Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee – 2010 Mrs. Annette Ratkin ‫ז״ל‬ Mrs. Hilda Ratner Benjamin Raybin Mr. and Mrs. David Raybin Mrs. Inge Raybin Mr. and Mrs. Art Rebrovick Ms. Sydney Reichman Mr. and Mrs. Neal Reizer Evan Remer Mr. and Mrs. Steven Remer Rabbi Flip Rice Rabbi Laurie Rice Michael and Nancy Richardson Evelyn R. and Samuel B. Richmond Family Philanthropic Fund Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Richter Erinne Richter Mrs. Bernice Ritt Dr. and Mrs. Ted Ritzer Jan and Stephen Riven Jan B. and Stephen S. Riven Annual Campaign Endowment Fund Dr. and Mrs. Ivan Robbins David and Nicole Roberts William and Sara Robin Family Philanthropic Fund Advisors: Mrs. Sara Robin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robin Mr. Henry Robin Mr. Mark and Dr. Deborah Robin Adrienne and Steven Robins Mr. Bruce C. Robins

Van Robins Dr. Alice Roemer-Taormina Adam and Stephanie Romary Rabbi Kliel Rose Dr. Hal Roseman Mr. Philip and Dr. Jean Roseman Dr. and Mrs. Marc Rosen Ms. Marcia Rosen Dr. Michael Rosen and Dr. Jamie Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rosen Mr. and Mrs. William Rosen Mrs. Beth Rosenberg Mr. Scott Rosenberg Dr. and Mrs. Trent Rosenbloom Bernie and Terry Rosenblum Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Rosenblum Mr. Brad Rosenblum Cary and Jennifer Rosenblum Mrs. Eileen S. Rosenblum Dr. Howard Rosenblum and Cathy Rosenblum Lynne and Rodney Rosenblum Ms. Marci Rosenblum Dr. Louis Rosenfeld Annual Campaign Endowment Fund Julie Rosenthal Mr. Mark Rosenthal Aron Rosing Mrs. Beth Stern Rossen Stephen Rossen Ms. Ann Roth Mr. and Mrs. Eli Roth Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Rothberg Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Rothschild III Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Rothstein Drs. Jon and Iris Rotker Jeff Rottman and Elizabeth Yang Ms. Buzya Roytershtein Ms. Elise Rozenberg Judge Leon Ruben ‫ז״ל‬ Ms. Abby Rubenfeld and Ms. Helia Rethmann Mr. and Mrs. Abba Rubin Mr. Larry Rubin Ms. Marilyn Rubin Dr. and Mrs. Richard Rubinowicz Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Ruchman Tim and Marla Ruff Manuel Russ and Marissa Moses Russ Margot Ryan Mrs. Estelle Sack Bo and Diane Sacks Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Sacks Mr. and Mrs. Don Safer Mr. and Mrs. Howard Safer Mr. Edward Saff Mrs. Loretta Saff Ms. Libby Salberg Susan and Jack Salberg 15

Mr. and Mrs. Yuri Samoylenko Joan Sanders Joel Sanders Dr. Martin and Dr. Glynis Sandler Mrs. Inna Sanovich & Mr. Victor Koplevich Elinor and Rudy Saperstein Family Philanthropic Fund Adrienne Sartorius Professor Jack and Dr. Diane Sasson Mr. and Mrs. Martin Satinsky Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Saul Noah Scacciaferro Michael Schatel Ms. Sandy Schatten Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Scheflin Mr. Stanley Scherr Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scherzer Pauline Schiffman Edith Schiftan Mrs. Harriet Schiftan Rabbi Mark Schiftan Mr. Peter Schine and Ms. Andrea Barach Mrs. Lillian Schklar Mr. Stan Schklar and Mr. Marco Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Schoenblum Mrs. Sheila Schott Ms. Janet Schreibman Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schultz Andy and Barbara Schwarcz Mrs. Barbara Schwartz Dr. David and Mrs. Elizabeth Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. David Schwartz Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schwartz Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Schwartz Mr. Richard Schwartz and Mrs. Patricia Schwartz Dennis and Lori Scott Dr. Larry Seeman Martha and Alan Segal Ms. Amy Seibold Leon Seidner Mrs. Charlotte Seloff Herb and Diane Boverman Seloff Mr. Leonard Seloff ‫ז״ל‬ Dr. and Mrs. Max Shaff Dr. David Shaffer and Dr. Susan Kroop Dr. and Mrs. Brett Shapiro Mr. Michael Shapiro Nancy and Steve Shapiro Mrs. Nyusia Shapiro Rabbi and Mrs. Rami Shapiro Mr. John Sharlet Mr. Floyd Shechter Jay and Linda Shecter Alfred and Minnette Shepard Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Minette Shepard

Polly Shepard Rhonda Sherry Mark Shinkarev Mr. and Mrs. Revold Shinkarev Dr. Ira Shivitz Katie Shmerling Michael and Lisa Shmerling Phillip Shmerling Mr. Uzi Shmueli-Cohen and Ms. Debra Atnip Judge Andrew Shookoff and Ms. Eva Sochorova Mr. Nyuma Shor Dani Shulman Mrs. Marie Shulman Dr. Amy Sibulkin Bruce C. Siegel Dr. and Mrs. Marc Siegel Ms. Deborah Sigal Peter Silberblatt Dr. Burton Silbert Mrs. Estelle Silbert Dr. Karen Silien Mr. Michael Silver and Ms. Eleonora Astafyeva Mrs. Miriam Silver Mrs. Lynette Silverman Mr. Martin Silverman Michael R. Simon Donor Advised Fund Advisors: Michael R. Simon Dr. and Mrs. Manuel Sir Miss Helen Sissel Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Sisselman Lisa and Dan Sivley Jamie and Robert Skinner Mrs. Anya Slonim Doug and Bonnie Small Mrs. Eleanor Small Irvin and Beverly Small Mr. Ryan Small Mr. and Mrs. Ilya Smilansky Mrs. Peggy Smirnow Ms. Amy R. Smith Dr. Robert Smith Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith Dr. Ruth A. Smith Dr. William P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Brian Smokler Sandy Smolen Susan and Bill Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Todd Solan Ms. Tanja Solnik and Mr. Richard Rosing Jessica Solomon Mr. and Mrs. Saul Solomon Dr. and Mrs. Peter Sonkin Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Sorin Mr. Jeffrey Spark Abigail and Jason Sparks 16

Mrs. Barbara Speller, Mr. Larry Speller Ms. Nan Speller Mr. and Mrs. John Spellings Mr. Bob Spencer Mrs. Cathy Sperling Mr. Harvey Sperling Dr. and Mrs. Bennett Spetalnick Mr. ‫ & ל״ז‬Mrs. Lester Speyer, The Speyer Charitable Advised Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee The Speyer/Tennsco Donor Advised Fund of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Mr. and Mrs. Martin Spiegelman Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Spigel Richard and Patricia Spiller Alyse and Charles Sprintz Mr. Bruce Sprintz Mrs. Karen Sprintz ‫ז״ל‬ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Srebnik Barbara Ann Stanfill Mr. Glenn Stein Ms. Sarah Stein and Mr. Charles Sagle David Steine Patti and David Steine, Jr. Mr. Ronald Steine Bernie and Alyse Steiner Family Philanthropic Fund: Advisors: Mrs. B. B. Steiner ‫ז״ל‬ Mrs. Lisa Small Mr. Stephen Small Jessie Stellini Elizabeth and Walter Stern Mr. and Mrs. Irving Stern Sol Stern and Rose Stern Charitable Trust Mrs. Gloria Sternberg Dr. Paul Sternberg Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stiefel Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stillman Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stonehill Jodi and Kevin Stout Professor and Mrs. Alvin Strauss Mrs. Charlotte Strauss Mr. Leon Strauss Matthew Strauss Randy Streng Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stringer Rabbi Saul Strosberg and Ms. Daniella Pressner Ms. Dana Strupp Mrs. Lottie Strupp Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Suchet Ms. Bonnie Sugarman Mr. Dan Surface and Mrs. Aileen Katcher Richard Tackett Caryn and Ben Tamber-Rosenau Mrs. Katherine Tange-Dupre

Steve Taterka Ms. Elaine Taubin and Ms. Mary Cornelius Mr. and Mrs. Aleksandr Temkin Mrs. Barbara Tempkins Mr. Peter Tempkins Jackie and Howard Tepper Ms. Sharon Terry John TeSelle and Maria May Abraham Thaler Mrs. Andrea Thaler Dr. and Mrs. Steven D. Tishler Mr. Daniel Tonelson Mr. Leon Tonelson Mr. Alex Torban Mr. Mark Torban Mrs. Sema Torban Mrs. Eleonora Troyanovskaya Dr. Arleen Tuchman and Mr. David Zolensky Mr. Richard Tucker Dr. Jon Jay Tumen and Ms. Sue Berkeley Mrs. Barbara S. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tutt Dr. Jay Ura Dr. and Mrs. Richard Urbano Mr. and Mrs. James Veale Mr. Irwin Venick and Dr. Jeanne Ballinger Mr. and Mrs. Phillip VerMeulen Cassondra Vick Jessica and Daniel Viner Ms. Joyce A. Vise Janet Wagner Eric J. Walk Mrs. Lisa Wall Ms. Penelope Waller Dr. Kenneth Wallston and Dr. Jonathan Gibaud Dr. Benjamin Walter and Mrs. Carol Walter Dr. Rochelle Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wasserman David Wasserstein Leslie and Bob Waterman Mr. Stephen Waterman Mr. and Mrs. Talmage Watts Wade Webb Mrs. Sylvia Weinberger Michele Weinger Chip Weinstein Mr. Ivan Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. Rami Weismark Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weiss Dr. Sharon Weiss and Mr. Nathanael J. Smith Ms. Karen Weissman Dr. Lawrence J. Weitz and Dr. Margaret Smith Mr. and Mrs. Leon Weitzman Mrs. Rhoda Weitzman 17

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wernick Bernard and Betty Werthan Foundation for Tony and Cathy Werthan Betty and Bernard Werthan Ms. Joni Werthan Leah Rose and Bernard Werthan Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Susan Widmer Mr. Herbert Wiesmeyer Mrs. Sonia Wiesmeyer Barry Wilker Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wilker Mr. David Wind Mrs. Patsy Wind Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wise Ronnie and Michelle Wise Mr. Gary Witkin Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wittenberg Mr. and Mrs. William Wizner Dr. Bruce Wolf Mrs. Frances Wolf Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wolf Mrs. Mary Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wolf Dr. Lawrence Wolfe Mrs. Sally Wolfe Meryl Wolff Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wolfson Mrs. Sally Wolkoff Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wolskij Melissa Worthington Dr. Roman Yanovskiy Mrs. Regina Yanovsky

Mr. Semyon Yanovsky Mr. and Mrs. Abe Yazdian Afshin Yazdian Laura Yazdian Mrs. Mohtaram Yazdian Mr. Seth Yazdian Mr. and Mrs. Uzi Yemin Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Yudkin Janet and Alan Yuspeh Mr. Alvin M. Zager Mr. Jeffrey Zager Mrs. Susan Zager Mr. and Mrs. Greg Zagnoev Sara Zamost Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Zander Mr. and Mrs. Julian Zander, Jr. Mrs. Beth M. Zeitlin Mr. Bruce Zeitlin Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Zeitlin Mrs. Shirley Zeitlin Bernard Zelenka Ms. Rochelle Zelenka-Diatikar Mr. and Mrs. Gary Zelizer Mr. Joseph Zendlovitz Ms. Zhanna Zeppelin Mr. Alexander Zhislin Mr. Igor Zhislin Yury and Geralda Zhislin Mr. Michael Zibart Ms. Alice Zimmerman Mrs. Etta Zimmerman Ms. Sharon Bell and Mr. Fred Zimmerman Mr. Raymond Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zolkower

801 Percy Warner Blvd., Suite 102 Nashville, TN 37205 Phone: 615-356-3242 Fax: 615-352-0056 www.jewishnashville.org Read the Jewish Observer at www.jewishobservernashville.org 18

Jewish Foundation For the past 32 years, the Jewish Foundation of Nashville, the endowment arm of the Jewish Federation, has helped community members support the causes they care about most. Along with our local Jewish agencies and congregations, we are building a strong and vibrant Jewish community, now and into the future. With assets approaching $25 million, we are well positioned for growth, and we have much to celebrate. The Jewish Foundation is a vital and significant source for the important programs and services the Federation funds. In the past year, the Foundation’s Unrestricted Fund has provided approximately 13 percent of all grants distributed through the Federation. Additionally, the Annual Campaign receives about 25 percent of its gifts through Donor Advised Funds housed with the Foundation. The B’nai Tzedek program – Foundation’s teen philanthropy program funded through the generosity of the Feldman, Hassenfeld and Rapoport families – is designed to educate and encourage the next generation of Jewish philanthropists. The program had a banner year, seeing the number of B’nai Tzedek funds grow to 280 as teens directed monies to a variety of Jewish and non-Jewish charities important to them. The annual B’nai Tzedek event examined teen life in Israel and the United States, as Federation Israel emissary Inbar Shaked shared with the teens what it was like for her as a young soldier in the Israeli Defense Force. To ensure the financial future of our Jewish community, the newly formed Jewish Foundation Development Committee recently met. Members are listed on page 3. With their help and yours, we will secure the future so that those who follow will benefit from a strong and vibrant Jewish community. The Jewish Foundation is honored to be the community’s trusted resource for philanthropy for generations into the future. What is important to you in the Jewish community? How do you wish to be remembered? The security of our beloved community lies in your answer to these questions. As the Foundation moves forward, we hope you will consider a planned gift or bequest that will achieve your legacy. Please contact Risa Klein Herzog, director of Foundation development, at 354-1651 or email risa@jewishnashville.org to discuss your own philanthropic goals.

Michelle Biesman (left in top photo), Tali Sedek and Vivian Herzog show how they and other B’nai Tzedeks created a poster (shown below top photo) for soldiers in Shlicha Inbar Shaked’s IDF company.

Jewish Foundation-Distribution of Assets Total Assets as of June 30, 2012 = $24,685,640 Unrestricted = $8,533,828 Designated = $4,290,658 Donor Advised = $11,861,154 Real Estate $1,103,751 4% Alternative Investment Funds $3,945,173 16%

Fixed Income $9,658,987 39%

Cash & Equivalents $182,093 1% US Equity $6,862,752 28%

International Equity $2,932,884 12%

Volunteers from Vanderbilt Hillel help make the World’s Fair enjoyable for all by providing activities for youngsters.

Book of Life of the Jewish Foundation


The Jewish Federation of Nashville is the central voluntary communal organization of the Jewish community. Through its fund-raising, planning and community relations efforts, either independently or in partnership with other Jewish organizations, the Federation works to promote the general welfare, viability and cohesiveness of the Jewish community of Nashville and Middle Tennessee and to ensure the continuity of the Jewish people locally, in Israel and around the world.

Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation Staff Mark S. Freedman, Executive Director Joel Abramson, Community Engagement Associate Carolyn Benick-Brown, Administrative Assistant Toni Caldwell, Accounting Associate/ Akiva Business Manager Kathy Carlson, Observer Editor and Staff Writer (as of 9/1/12) Allen Cummings, Information Technology Director Lynn Fleischer, Archives Coordinator Risa Klein Herzog, Director of Foundation Development Heath Hinson, Accounting Associate/ HR Specialist Vanessa Leibowitz, Chief Financial Officer Hadar Moskovitz, Community Shlicha (as of 8/21/12) Susan Pankowsky, Campaign Assistant Judith A. Saks, Community Relations Director/Observer Editor (through 8/31/12)

Harriet Schiftan, Planning and Partnership2Gether Director Barbara Schwarcz, Events and Newcomers Coordinator Naomi Limor Sedek, Campaign Director Inbar Shaked, Community Shlicha (through 8/20/12) Special Thanks to SEI for its generous corporate support

801 Percy Warner Blvd., Suite 102 Nashville, TN 37205 Phone: 615-356-3242 Fax: 615-352-0056 www.jewishnashville.org Read the Jewish Observer at www.jewishobservernashville.org

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