the Jewish
bserver Vol. 86 No. 10 • October 2021
25 Tishrei - 25 Cheshvan 5782
Actor, Author, Activist: Noa Tishby’s Guide to Understanding Israel Breaks It All Down By BARBARA DAB
here is a story Noa Tishby tells about the moment she knew she had to write a book about Israel. A well-known Hollywood actress, upon learning Noa is Israeli, approached her to ask if her parents were upset she no longer wears a hijab. In fact, the incident was the culmination of many similar situations in which she found herself being asked to voice her opinions and explain about Israel. “Every time I was confronted or questioned about Israel, I was asked if there was a book that explains what the country is, how it came to be, in simple terms,” she says, “That book didn’t exist, so I decided to write it myself.” The result is Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth.
She describes it as a “step one,” a jumping off point to begin to understand the complexities of the country and the challenges it faces. Tishby is a self-described “secular sabra,” born and raised in Israel by parents and grandparents who were instrumental in the creation of the country. In fact, the book is laced with personal stories about her family and their ties to Israel and Israeli politics. The focus on her family is not what she planned to include. “I didn’t think of inserting my family’s story into the book. But my agent and publisher kept pushing and encouraging me. The result is the story of my family is woven into the establishment of the country.” She also includes her own personal story beginning with her childhood dream of becoming an actress. She ultimately rose
Israeli actor, author and activist Noa Tishby will speak about her book Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth in Nashville on October 5th
to fame as the star of the prime-time Israeli soap opera, “Ramat Aviv Gimmel,” and found success on stage as Anita in a production of West Side Story. As she describes, she eventually made her way to Los Angeles, the heart of the television and film industries, where she continues to be a working actor. Perhaps her biggest American success, though, is behind the camera. She became co-producer of the Israeli show “B’Tipul,” which was adapted by HBO into the popular show “In Treatment,” a move that paved the way for other Israeli programming in the U.S. Perhaps Tishby’s greatest passion, however, is her activism. After being disillusioned by media coverage of Israel, she took to social media to push back. In 2011 she founded Act for Israel, an Continued on page 12
FBI Encouraging the Community to Report Hate Crimes By BARBARA DAB
he FBI is launching a nationwide effort to enlist the help of local communities in its efforts to educate and combat hate crimes. Hate crimes are part of the Civil Rights Division of the FBI and are its highest priority. Rich Bauer is the Supervisory Special Agent for the Nashville area. He says it is important to identify and report these crimes because they are so damaging to communities. “People look to the FBI to lead these investigations because they deal with threats of violence,” he says, “A hate crime is anything that physically threatens someone and must be motivated by bias against protected classes.” The FBI defines a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.” Currently, Bauer says they are seeing an uptick in hate crimes against faithbased groups, Asian-Pacific Islanders and the Black community. The current campaign is also focused on raising awareness of hate crimes that appear in social media. Sarabeth Myers is the Assistant U.S. A Publication of the
Attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee’s Civil Rights Division. She works closely with Bauer and his agents to prosecute hate crimes. “This state has a huge volume of hate crimes, and the challenge is how are we going to prove that extra layer of bias.” She says social media provides both the setting for hate crimes and evidence about them. Both Bauer and Myers say they rely on help from the partnerships with local community agencies to root out these crimes. Eric Stillman, CEO of The Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee says,
“The Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee works with the FBI and the Justice Department, and we encourage members of our Jewish community to report hate crimes. It is essential that we have these partnerships for a safe and secure Jewish community in Nashville and Middle Tennessee.” Myers says she is pleased with how the local community comes together when incidents happen. Discussing last year’s defacement of the Tennessee Holocaust Memorial, she says, “These cases need to be publicized and people need to know what happens so we can
help repair the community.” Both Bauer and Myers say the COVID19 pandemic has served to ignite hate crimes. Myers says, “During this time, several social movements have sprung up and people had time to organize in a way we haven’t seen before. These movements can be very productive, but they can also be destructive.” Bauer says the best mechanism for reporting emergencies is still calling 9-1-1, but for those who want to report what they believe is a hate crime, the numbers to call are 800-CALL-FBI, or online at These reports can be done anonymously. •
Jewish Federation Joins National Support for New Orleans Hurricane Victims T he Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee recently made an emergency distribution of $5,000 from the disaster relief fund through the Jewish Federations of North America to assist with the Hurricane Ida relief efforts. Arnie Fielkow, Chief Executive Officer of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans, says he is grateful Introducing… Moishe House page 8
to JFNA for both the initial $50K allocation to fund the emergency grant program, and the opening of the national mailbox, which will be needed for the long-term plans. He reports that as people return to town, community leadership discussions will begin regarding longer-term strategy and assessment of needs. Eric Stillman, CEO of The Jewish Federation and Jewish 5782; Shofar So Good, page 11
Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee says, “Here in the Nashville and Middle Tennessee Jewish community, we know how important it is to help people in need following a severe weather event. Coming from New Orleans, I personally understand the extent of this situation after having led that Federation through Hurricane Katrina.” •
Back To School
Entertaining and Dining Out Section, page 21