The Observer Vol. 87 No. 10 – October 2022

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Vol. 87 No. 10 • October 2022

6 Tishrei - 6 Cheshvan 5783

Report From Federation’s Second Mission to Poland By BARBARA DAB


n late August, The Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee sent a second group of delegates to Poland. The goal of this mission was, again, to both bear witness to the stories of the refugees fleeing Ukraine following the Russian invasion, and to provide volunteer humanitarian aid. Although the flood of people fleeing Ukraine has slowed since the initial invasion, thousands of mostly women and children remain in Poland anxiously waiting and hoping to be reunited with their family members who must stay behind to fight in the war. The first stop for the group was Warsaw, where a local hotel has dedicated 150 rooms to house Jewish Ukrainians who wish to emigrate (make Aliyah) to Israel. The Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) is on site to process the applica-

To See is to Believe By NED JACOBSON


o read about the Ukrainian refugees in the newspaper or to see them on cable news is one thing, but to experience Ukrainian refugees face to face on Polish soil is gut wrenching. These Ukrainian refugees had sane and stable lives until a war, not of their own choosing, uprooted their existence. Many are now living in Poland, depending on the kindness of strangers which include the Polish Government, various national and international aid organizations, and individual volunteers from around the world. Seven volunteers, including myself, from the Nashville Jewish community travelled to Warsaw and Krakow Poland on a Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee mission trip. We brought clothing, shoes, toys and more important, money to buy badly needed goods on the ground. The majority of our time was spent in Krakow, Poland. Continued on page 12 A Publication of the


Delegates to Poland pictured l. to r. Observer editor Barbara Dab, Congregation Micah Rabbi Flip Rice, Federation Board Member Hayley Levy Kupin, Ned Jacobson, Denise Alper, Federation Past President Carol Hyatt, Larry Hyatt

Reflections on Mission to Poland By DENISE ALPER


oland has never been on my list of places that I’ve wanted to visit. My reductionist take on Poland was how anti-Semitic the country was before, during and after WWII. The black and white images of the Holocaust have been far too embedded in my psyche to necessitate a desire to see more. But now Poland has shown the world a remarkable display of compassion and humanity for the millions of people who have flooded their country as a result of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. What I had not known, and was fortunate to witness, is the central role the JCC in Krakow is playing in this humanitarian rescue. The JCC opened in 2008 with financing from then ‘Prince’ Charles to help rebirth and rebuild Jewish life in the city. However, in February when the war began, Continued on page 12

tions and conduct interviews to confirm Jewish heritage. To date, approximately 12,000 people have emigrated to Israel during the war, up from a pre-war count of about 1,000. Ron Shecter is the head of the Consular Department of the Law of Return under the Israeli Prime Minister. He emigrated to Israel from the former Soviet Union when he was just 20 years old. “I am an only child, and I came to Israel all alone,” he says, “I still can’t believe in 2022 we are witnessing again the fleeing of the Jewish people.” Shecter says his primary goal is to research the heritage of those wishing to emigrate. “My goal is to be as inclusive as possible, not to keep people out of the country,” he says. Shecter is assisted in his efforts by people who are themselves refugees. Ksenia Reznichenko was on vacation when the invasion began, leaving her stranded and unable to return home. Continued on page 12

Leaving it all Behind

The World Rabbi Flip Moves on, Reflections But The War that Continues are called the beneficiaOnestandsof outthemostmemories for us from They ries. We quickly understood By CAROL AND LARRY HYATT

our trip to Poland is the little girl, about the same age as our granddaughter, who was so grateful for the little stuffed animal we gave her that she insisted someone translate for her. She told us, “You made my dreams come true, since I had to leave all my toys behind.” And we couldn’t help but contrast her situation with that of our granddaughter who has a playroom full of toys at her house as well as at ours. We were told that many of those who left Ukraine by train had agonized over what to take with them, not knowing what they would find if they are ever able to return. Then, once they arrived at the station, they had to leave even that behind so that more people could fit on the train. Imagine making those difficult choices, leaving your home and possessions, and setting out on a dangerous journey to face Continued on page 13

Jewish Community Marks Six Months Welcoming Afghan Allies, and the Work Continues, page 2

Health and Wellness Corner, page 30




y first time in Poland was in 2013 for March of the Living, an educational program that brings students from around the world to Poland to walk in the history of the Holocaust. For me, it was a deeply personal trip as my ancestors on both sides are from Poland. My maternal grandfather, William Evers, who was one of the only members of his family to survive the Holocaust, was born and grew up in Poland. While March of the Living was about my roots, my most recent trip to Poland was as part of a 5-day mission delegation with the Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee. The goal of this trip was to volunteer with Ukrainian refugees and see firsthand how the war’s refugee crisis was being handled in Poland. When asked if I was Continued on page 13

why. It is a more dignified term than refugee. It’s an appropriate name because by definition they receive assistance…property that originally belonged to someone else: donated clothes, peanuts, coffee and tea, toys, rice… These were some of the basic supplies that the Nashville Team of 7 prepared for giveaway at the JCC in Krakow, Poland. The beneficiaries are, for the most part, not Jewish. Yet they stand in line in the Jewish quarter of a city anxious to receive the free supplies, in a country that saw its Jewish population decimated by the Nazis. The beneficiaries are, for the most part, largely traumatized by having to leave their homes, and many of them their husbands…and their first world lives in the Ukraine. These are not the type of immigrants we often see here in the states. Most are or were quite wealthy: who Continued on page 13 Entertainment & Dining Out page 25

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